The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, July 13, 1932, Image 7

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EOPLE are saying nowa-
days that there is plenty of
everything, and that the
only trouble is that our
: economic life is not so ar-
ranged as to make everything
available to all. The canned foods
industry is a direct contradiction
of this contention. Take pine-
apple, for instance. Formerly
only great lords and kings were
able to grace their tables with that
royal Hawaiian fruit. In North-
ern countries it was raised only
under glass, and was not available,
even to kings, fully ripened under
the sun in its native habitat with
all of its delicious fruit sugar,
juices and nutritious qualities in-
A Rare Treat
Now, thanks to the canning in-
dustry, it is available in this form,
and the average man can feast
more sumptuously on pineapple
than the kings of old, and, thanks
again to the canning industry, he
can even consume such rare and
dainty Fishes as this one named
after that famous grand opera
star, Madame Melba. All the in-
gredients are now obtainable in
cans and within reach of the aver-
age purse. Here's the recipe:
Melba : Hollow out slight-
ly the centers of eight large
canned peach halves, chill well,
and then place in beds of crisp
lettuce. Drain one No. 2 can of
crushed Hawaiian pineapple, and
add eight marshmallows cut in
eighths and eight maraschino
cherries cut in quarters. Pile in the
peach cavities and sprinkle chop-
ped walnuts over. Pipe rosettes
of cream mayonnaise, tinted green,
into small lettuce hearts, and top
with a red cherry. Serves eight.*

“Spring in the world!
And all things are made new.
flavor. It didn’t take long to pro-
| pare either, and it was ready on
| the dot! Let's pass it along.
Sliced Oranges with Powdered Sugar
Oatmeal with Cream
Grilled Sardines on Toast with
Cream Sauce
Bran Muffins Coffee
AT a perfect spring
morning!” your husband
says, as he looks from
the table to the scene out of the
window. And perhaps he thinks
that the weather alone is respon-
sible for his exuberance.
But you know of some other
things that have put spring into
the picture. You know that you Grilled Sardines on Toast with
are wearing one of your new | Cream Sauce: Sauté the contents
spring ® morning-dresses, that | of two 8%-ounce cans of sardines
Nancy Lee has on her gay spring | gently in their own oil, and lay
frock, that the table is dressed | on squares of hot toast. Pour
in a lettuce-green tablecloth with |over each serving some hot, highly
May blossoms in your lovely pink | seasoned and rich cream sauce,
gystal bowl, and that last—but | made with evaporated milk. One
means least—you have just | and one-half cups of rich cream
breakfast with spring | sauce will serve six.*

On the new excise which went into effect
Tuesday, there is no tax 8g coal, but you can save
money if you
Sold from the yards or trucke®as you desire.
Prices as Low as the Lowest
Will accept orders now for Fall deliv
before you buy your coal.
Don’t fail to learn about my FREE FUR
y. See me
ee et on Pe et eet a eam mem mt?
em Tims
Harry Leedom 3


The MossuModern and Complete
Watch Repa hop In Town
Equipped With—Electric Watch Clegg Machine, Automatic
Crystal Cutting, Grinding and Fitting Machin® o Electric Weld-
ing and Soldering Machine for Jewelry Repair
i A.
Prices Reasonable

JL 110 OO



| Cia x Ken
Re IER Te hey RNS
Produce & Live
Stock Market

were firm at higher
prices on the Philadelphia wholesale
market this morning with 32-quart
crates selling at $1.75 to 2.75, accord-
ing to the Federal State Market News
Tomatoes showed a weaker tendency
and sold at a wide range of prices with
5% baskets bringing from 30c to $1.75
according to quality,
The potato market was about steady.
New Jersey % baskets sold mostly at
45 to 50c¢ for No. 1 Cobblers, Delaware
and Maryland 100-pound sacks of No.
1 Cobblers brought mostly $1.25 to
Red raspberries ranged from 5 to llc
per pint as to quality and condition
while huckleberries sold at $3.00 to
6.00 per 32-quart crate.
Apples showed little change in price
and Delaware and Maryland Yellow
Transparents brought from 25c¢ to $1.25
per bushel. New Jersey Starrs sold
mostly at 50 to 75¢ per 5; basket with
a few sales at higher prices and poor-
er stock as low as 15¢ a basket.
Beets were firmer with most sales
around lc a bunch although prices
ranged from % to 11-2¢ per bunch.
Carrots sold mostly at 1 to 2c per
bunch. Red radishes brought from 25
to 75¢ per bushel.
Green beans sold at 15c¢ to 40c per
5% basket with a few lots of fine qual-
ity bringing higher prices while wax
beans ranged from 20 to 75c per 5
Pennsylvania cabbage brought 50 to
75c per barrel while New Jersey stock
was selling at 15 to 25c per 5 basket.
A few baskets of red cabbage brought
Other lines of nearby produce met a
fairly good demand and prices gen-
erally showed little change.
Beef steers and yearlings closing
fully steady with week’s advance, com-
pared with week ago 25¢ to 50c high-
er, $8.00 paid for medium weight and
weighty steers, some held higher, bulk
of sales $6.50-7.25. Bulls steady; she
stock and cutters sharing steer ad-
vance, bulk fat heifers $5.75-6.25;
medium bulls $4.50-5.00; butcher cows
$3.50-4.00; cutters $1.50-2.00. Stockers
and feeders slow, steady, bulk light
stocker steers $4.25-5.00. Calves 25c¢-
50c higher, top vealers $8.00.
Sheep: Fully steady, choice lambs
Hog: Steady with week’s 25¢ ad-
vance, choice 180-240 pound westerns
Receipts: For today’s market, cattle
9 cars, 4 Virginia; 2 St, Paul; 2 Kansas
City; 1 Sioux City; containing 309
head, 439 head trucked in, total cat-
tle 748 head, 89 calves, 113 hogs, 169
Receipts for week ending July 9th,
1932, cattle 39 cars, 11 St. Paul; 8 St.
Louis; 5 Kansas City; 4 Virginia; 4
Texas; 4 Sioux City; 1 W, Va.; I Ken-
tucky; 1 Mich.; containing 1383 head,
2008 head trucked in, total cattle 3391
head, 498 calves, 1789 hogs, 696 sheep.

Es Dunnerdawg en woch hen mer
der oldt Mike Blotner fargrawva.
Ich sawg fargrowva-grawd wos ich
mane—es fee doot mer fargrawva
un der maneesch doot mer bagraw-
va. By seleem mane ich os are en
oldter gowl wore.
Der Mike wore der reichsht mon
uff wide un brade—are hut feel
geld un lond g’hot awver gons pawr
friend. Ich hob ene gakent fun
kind uff un are hut awfonga geitza
eb are recht lawfa kenna. Are
wore der geltzicht un un-fargoon-
shicht mensch os ich in mein dawg
and deslaevaes g’saena hob. I»
hu gt’seemed os olles os are g'essa
hut hut ene g’shpite, un we mere
in de shool gonga sin hut are ols si
glae kesselly in en eck g’numma
0s nemond ene g’'saena hut un ges-
sa so shtill os en mouse.
Es Blotners hen ols de shaenshta
ebbel g’hot in der gonsa nuchber-
shoft, un ich mind nuch os der
Mike ols poond ebbel so grose os en
blech en gonser dawg im hussa soch
noach ga-drawga hut un owets se
widder mit hame usht wile are se
net selver fressa hut kenna un wor
tus ugoonich se tsu uns boova zev-
va. Won mere bolla g’shpep-led
hen wore are uff der fense g’hucked
un uns tzoo ga-gooked. Are hut g-
sawd bolla shpeela ware usht for
shoe farrisa. We are boll dreisica
yohr oldt wore hut are de Mary
Mulbarger g’hired far era geld. Are
hut der porra batzawled mit dri
poond schnitz. Se hut tswae bow-
eria g’hot un are aney os are tzon:
ma ga-geitzed hut g’hot un derno is
sin se uff eb de hawna ga-grayed
es geitza recht awfonga. Morgets
hen un won mer ols ins feldt sin
hut are shunt en holb dutzent for-
richa um en sexocker feldt room
we asel, un middawgs se ug sid-
ga-blooked g’hot. Won se shoff
ashpeck g’feederd bis se boll ne-
leit hen g’hot hut are se ga-drivva
mond mae greege hen kenna far
is uff embudda farfowied wile se
shoffa, un en monich ocker waetza
kem arns-leit greega hen kenna
flaish un fet g’holda far en gons
far’s obmaucha. Tswae =i hen se in
yohr, un derno hen se de helft tzeit
de shonka farkawft. Era hudder
hen se farsolsa wile sols usht en
fardle cent es poond wore, bis de
shtore keeper refused hen ene tsu
nemma, un gaega em ledshta won
ols de oldt fraw in der shtore coom
is sin de glarick hinnich de counter
What Shwilkey Bumblesock Has Te
Say This Week


. ..and NO holidays
for NEW Want-Ads
VEN the “extra” day this year provides no
holiday for these busy workers. They're on
the job continuously, scouring unseen markets,
searching out the individual —the service —the
merchandise — the * lost” and the owner of the
“found”... They are ever ready, steady workers
and because of this they find the answer to every


New Body Moves
(From page one)
methods for analyzing the cause of ac-
cidents, It will study the relation of
accidents to recklessness, carelessness

To Reduce Toll

Sunshine Cigarettes "0 for 10¢ were 15¢ a pack
Wings Cigarettes, 10¢, were 15¢c a pack
White Roll Cigarégtes, 20 for 10¢



Lucky Strike, Camels, Chesterhelds,
Old Gold, Piedmonts, all 20s 2 pks. 25¢


3 rkesh, 28¢
2 pkgs. 25c¢c

Receipts for corresponding week last] shtore boxa g'shbreicna. Es is | or incapacity of operators; to defective |
year, cattle 48 cars, 17 St Paul; 7 Pitts- nemond gonga se looped so os se | mechanism and to the physical condi-
burgh; 5 St. Louis; 4 Ky.; 3 Ohio; 3| not uff se worda hen b’soocha, un |tion of the scene of the accident. It
Kansas City; 2 Omaha; 1 Va.; 1 Chic- der ansicht blotz 05 se ebber g’-| will make direct rcommendations to
ago; 1 Buffalo; 1 Ind.; 1 Md.; 1 Okla.;| hot hen os by ena g’sitzed hut far [local authorities for elimination of
1 Sioux City; containing 1578 head, | en shtoond wore in der karrich. | danger spots.
trucked in from nearby, total cattle| Sell wore der welfelsht blotz os se The committee on traffic control and
2446 head, 712 calves, 858 hogs, 594| hen hen kenna—era srishdadoom enforcement will study State and local
sheep. hut se net ivver finf cent es yohr | enforcement of traffic rules and exist-
STEERS ga-kusht. Der Mike hut g’mared ing municipal traffic ordinances, The |
Good $7.00-7.75| are ware en grosser singer awver | committee on comstruction and engin- |
Medium 6.00-7.00 | si moosick hut g’sound uff en ordt | cering will consider accidents from the .
Common 4.75-6.00 | 0s won en frush greisha will un hut | road point of view. High- | All 10c Chewing and
Choice 7.75-8.50 | es mowl holver unich em wosser. way construction, lighting and side- | Smoking Tobacco
HEIFERS Es hut usht so ga-cullered. We se | yalks for pedestrians will be among -
Choice 6.00-6.50 | pawr yohr g’hired wora is een | {he pb studied. All 15c and 16c Chewing
Good 5.25-6.00 | glaene duchtere cooma un se hen Publicity through the medium of | and Smoking Tobacco
Medium 4.50-5.25| se Molly g’haesa. Se hen olles far newspaper, radio, motion pictures, bill
Common 4.00-4.50 | des kind gadoo os nix gakusht hut | po 2nd community meetings, has
Cows —even se dawfa lussa—so 0s es aw | paar assigned to the committee on |
Choice 4.00-4.50 | in der himmel coomed wile sell aw | The committee on safety |
Good 3.50-4.00 | nix kushta sull. We de fraw dri-un legislation will study present safety
Common & medium 2.75-3.50 | sechtzich yohr oldt wore is se g’- legislation, consider some method of
Low cutter & cutter 1.50-2.75 | shtarva—dote g’shoft—un der Mike redress from irresponsible drivers and
Good and choice (beef)
(yearlings excluded)
Good and choice
i .00-7.
Vedum common S070 mit ga-scociate hut. Se is now
FEEDERS AND STOCKERS shtawga fense. We der oldt mon
Good and choice 5.25-6.50 | &’shpeered hut os es nuch em end
Common & medarn 3.50-5.25 | tsu gaed hut are era erlawbt far
HOGS ooompany holda. Are hut se even
Lightweight 5.50-6.00 | encouraged far hira wile are garn
Mediumweight 5.75-6.25 g’hot het os dare grose reichdom in
Heavyweight 5.50-6.00 der familia g’holdta daid wara. De
Packing Sows £2500) Ji soos, | Somehow,
. SE kenner hut holdt g’numma. e en
Lancaster Grin wy! Rood Prices farrell os oonich ma bluck rous
Bren lling Price of $2030 or ton coomed un greeked en hoy-shreck
Shorts 21.00 p os tsu long inera buddle wore, se
ort 00 per ton | 1 ols holdt ga-pocked, se awenich
Hominy 21.00 per ton g’shiddled un se weck g’shmissa.
Middlings 26.00 per ton Der Jecky Bixler, em Billy si boo,
Linseed 31.50 per ton |} iss ge ga-broveered. Are
Gluten 21.50 per ton | gar em oldta mon si geld g'-
Ground Oats 25.00 per ton |} 54 ayver are hut’s net greega nen
Soy Bean Meal 28.50 per ton |; oony de duchter mit nemma,
Hog Meal 29.00 per ton |; des hut are net wella. Are hut
Cottonseed 417% 24.50 per ton| mere g’sawd se het on ame end fun
*Dairy Feed 16% 24.25 per ton | jor shtoop g’hucked un are om
*Dariy Feed 20% 26.25 per ton| gnera; Olla mohl os are sich on
Dairy Feed 20% 28.50 per ton| se maucha hut wella is es eme ivver
Dairy Feed 24% 29.50 per ton! worra. Endlich hut se g’sawd:
Dairy Feed 25% 30.25 per ton| “On wos denksht du, Jeck?”
Dairy Feed 32% 31.25 per ton] “QOn’s same os du doosht, denk
Horse Feed 85% 29.00 per ton| jch?”
Alfalfa (Regular) 27.00 per ton “Yaw, wel,” hut se g’sawd, coom
Alfalfa (Reground) 28.50 per ton| mohl rivver un broveers aw un ich
Steer Feed 27.50 per ton| shlock der farflompt uff’s mow °’
hs Sell hut em Jecky der mawga
Change Pastures recht ga-draid un are is hame eb
Cutter, common & medium
Rotating stock on pastures in-
creases production, eliminates the
waste, and makes better sods. If
given the run of a large area, the
stock pasture some parts too closely
and allow others to grow up and
die untouched.
eet eer:
You can get all the
news of this
locality for less than three cents a

week thru the Bulletin.
hut declared are daid in sime laeva
nimme hira wile leichta tsu feel
kushta daida. De duchter hut der-
no house g’holdta far der oldt mon
un are hut ken boo neaixt cooma
lussa far se karreseera un se is uff
ga-woxa so doom os es fee woo se
tzaea uhr.
Well, we ich g’sawd hob, mer hen
der oldt Mike fargrowva. Tswae by
sex foos is oll es lond are now
brouch his are in der himmel coom-
ed—won are anyhow doot —un der |
no wet ich es arsht ding os happen-
ed doot are mit em oldta Pader
make recommendations for more com-
plete and intensive examination of
prospective operators. It will survey
all other committee reports and de-
velop remedial legislation from sug-
gestions contained in them.
Benjamin G. Eynon, Commissioner
of Motor Vehicles has been appointed
Director of the Campaign. He now is
in the field organizing local community
groups and interesting civic agencies
in the movement.
Of the 724 persons killed in the
motor vehicle accidents during the
first five months of the year, 126
or 17.4 per cent.,, were
years of age or less. This is a de-
crease of 6 per cent, contrasted
with the same period in 1931 when
134 children were killed, according
to the Bureau of Highway Patrol
and Safety.
children 14 |

The total killed, all ages, in May
was 141. Twenty-five, cr 17.7 per
cent., were children. This compares
a decrease of 32.4 per cent.
laerndt uns en goode lesson. Es
warndt uns gaega reich awrem war
ra. En mensch os nodderrlich aw
rem is enjoyed duch wos are essed.
Der reich awrem mon
sich olles os in si mohl gait.
disht don consht du en holb dutzent
mon rous picka os sin we der Mike,
un olle oneone hen g’sawd in eram

shtrida far so feel geld on de deera
Awver em oldta Mike
si laeva |

ansicht os noach ena frogt is
lawyer, der lawda un der grawh-
with 37 children killed in May, 1931 |
der |

fargoond |
Du sawgsht now “Ich wase exact |
ly ware der Gottlieb maned by |
em Mike Blotner.” Nossirree, du
dusht net. Won d awennich shtud- |
aeva os de weldt ware nix os druv- |
un kimmer, Se shtarva im yuch |
we der ux un gaena ins grawb
wee’s fee. Se wora ken goot tsu
der weldt odder sich selver, un der |

Bachman’s Peanut Bar, 1-0z. bar
for 1¢ or 164, Ib.
3 Doors East of Post Office

Por Ths Locality’s Complete News Service

OR more than eight h
Thames. This bank, too, has al
that give permanence, whether to
or to an institution. It, too,
and a longer future.
Tower of London has

has a