The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, June 29, 1932, Image 7

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ed at State
irl Ne
The following record of industrial
actiyity lists items showing investment
of capital, employment of labor and
business activities and opportunities,
Information from which the para-
graphs are prepared is from local pa-
pers, usually of towns mentioned, and
may be considered generally correct.
Blairsville—William N. Dickie open-
ed new drug store here recently.
Charles Winters Construction Co. of
Butler, submitted low bid of $143,702
on 6.7 miles on Route No. 758 in Forest
and Clarion counties.—Qil City Bliz-
Ambridge — Wooden railing being
placed on Legionville bridge.
Oxford—E. A, List opened music,
studio here.
Aliquippa — Woodlawn Drug Co.
moved into large storeroom recently
occupied by Palace Credit.
Waynesburg — John Williams, Jr.,
leased Airplane service station in West
Dubois—Wachob & Mehrwein open-
ed repair department at their place of
Sharon—Sacred Heart Church, re-
cently remodeled at cost of $100,000,
‘formerly dedicated recently.
i Coatesville—Preparations underway
) starting construction work on new
st office.

ladies apparel
Street, opened for business.
Manheim—Square Cut Rate Store
Vanport—Construction started
new Montgomery Island Dam, to
jacket fire hose purchased by city.
Hilltown — Harry Huntsberger
farm, located near here,
new bridge situated at lower end
tract for erection of West
Highway School.
Spring Grove—First
and People’s National

Oil City—Work to get underway on
$mprovements to Seneca and Center
streets and portion of E. Second St.,
Monaca—St. John the Baptist Ro-
man Catholic Church dedicated re-
Lewistown—Birch Hill
opened for season.
More than 3,500,000 minnows placed
in Greene County streams during re-
cent week.—Waynesburg Democrat-
Hamburg—New service
Honesdale, Wayne County Citizen.
piscopal Church and
* Golf Club | completed.
pany, leased entire ground floor
Third streets.
widening of Newwville-Carlisle road.
station o-
New dairy building dedicat-
ege.—Elkland Journal.
Aliquippa—Dr, H. J. Statti, chiro-
practor, opened office at 314 Franklin
Frankfort Springs—Plans made for
construction of section No. 1 of State
Route No, 115, from Lincoln Highway
in Hanover Township to this place.
Ambridge—Jay’s Incorporated, new
store at 513 Merchant
North Main St., reopened for business.
constructed in Ohio River near here.
Montgomery—=500 feet of new double
West Newton—A Stankowich leased
room in Null building and opened
Norristown, purchased R. R. Ramsey
Osceole Mill—Work propressing on
Curtin Street over Moshannon Creek.
Scranton—William Steele & Sons Co.
of Philadelphia, received general con-
National Bank
Bank consoli-
York Engineering and Construction
Co. of York, offered low bid or $180,
886 for construction of 12.6 miles on
Route No, 173, in Wayne County.
White Haven—Improvements to E-
rectory being
Wellsboro—New Junior-Senior High
School, located on former L. C. Ben-
nett property on Nichols Street, now
Clearfield — Electric Supply Com-
building at Market and
Work underway on
Produce & Live

The market for
was generally weak
be ited demand according to the
eral-State Market News Service.
Asparagus sold slowly at
dozen bunches.
of Beans were about steady
stock and at 25¢ to
basket for round green
beans were selling at
for flat and round types.
Cabbage showed little
50c per
to 40c and barrels 75c¢ to 90c.
Raspberries sold
of the offerings.
berries sold mostly at 7
pint with a few of fine
high as 10c and poorer stock
to 6c. Some Maryland
showing poor condition sold as
as Tc per 30 pint crate.
Beets and carrots were
per bunch,
$1.50 to $2.00.
New Jersey huckleberries
Stock Market
nearby produce
due to moderate supplies and a lim-
ed prices and the New Jersey stock
ranged from 45¢ to $2.00 per dozen
bunch crate while the Pennsylvania
stock brought from 75c to $2.40 per
sold at 25c to 40c¢ for the flat green
to 65¢
change in
price with 5-8 baskets bringing 25
at lower prices
due to the poor condition of many
New Jersey rasp-
to 8c per
quality. as
weaker with carrots selling at 1 1-
to 2 1-2¢ and beets at 3-4 to 1 1-2¢
The cherry market was weak and
loose stock was cheaper at 2 1-2
to 4c a pound while 12 quart bas-
kets showed little change in the
price and sold mostly at 50 to 65c.
Cherries in 32 quart crates brought
generally of ordinary quality and
condition and sold at $4.00 to $4.75
pened on William Penn Highway No. Springfield—New Springfield Town- | f :
or 32-quart crates. Blackb s
22 at State and Church streets. : ship High School dedicated. were is of Do fi
Weatherly—Crystal Pool officially | Quarryville — Signal beacons on| and prices ranged from $1.25 to
opened for season. Market Street being painted.

$3.50 per 32-quart crate,
2 Youn anion -— Sense) National Littlestown —Alley beside ‘“Inde-| Nearby peppers brought $1.50 to
0: ts place reopened. .. pendent” office improved. $2.00 a 5-8 basket while nearby
Lewistown—S. T. Beshore fruit store ei Sh hI” tomatoes sold at 50c to $1.25 for
moved to 4a West Market Street. Evergreens Grow Slowly 12 quart baskets,
Wilmerding—Cooling system install-| planters of evergreen seedlings| New Jersey and Pennsylvania
ed at Christian Association building. on waste ground should not be dis-|lettuce continued to show a wide
About 50,000 rainbow and brook couraged with the growth of tne|variation in quality with the mar-
trout fingerlings planted in Mahoning! trees the first 3 or 4 years. These |ket weak. Iceberg lettuce prices
Valley streams.—Palmerton Press. trees will make up for their slow |ranged from 10 to 75c¢ a bushel. Big
Weatherly—Repairs and improve- | start, and over a period of years|Boston sold at 50 to 85c a crate
ments completed to four family block | will produce heavier crops of tim-| while Iceberg brought 25¢ to $1.00.
of David S. Kistler on Carbon Street. | per than many trees which start Beef steers and yearlings active,
Wilmerding — Construction work | more rapidly. strong to 25c higher, medium grade
started on new business building at light and medium weights predomina-
corner Westinghouse Avenue and Thin Frait if Needed ting, bulk $5.75-6.50, few quotable
Station Street. : Careful observation will deter-|2above $7.00. Bulls and she stock shar-
Lewistown—Penn-Lewis Hotel un-|, 0 fruit thinnine is | ing advance; cutters about steady; bulk
der management of E. E. McKeen &| ceded or not. If the fruit set on |fat heifers $5.25-5.75; medium bulls
i Co., formally opened. . the bearing brancnes or spurs aver- |$4.50-5.00; butcher cows $3.00-3.50;
: Willow Grove—Dr. Fink installed] ges closer than six inches orn the |cutters $1.50-2.00. Stockers and feed-
| new equipment in his office recently. thinning of apples is consider- | ers slow, steady, bulk light weight
Wrightsville—T. E. Brooks and Co. oq unnecessary.
For peaches, 4 to
stocker steers $4.50-5.25, Calves steady
cigar manufacturers of Red Lion, |g inches is considered adequate to |top vealers $8.00, best Southerns $7.00.
planning to open branch plant here. mature frat of the good size and| Sheep: About steady, choice lambs
Midway—Keefe’s Grocery, Lakeview quality. $7.75-8.00.
Avenue, opened for business. —_— Hogs: Active, strong to sharply high-
Apollo—Frank Evanochko opened Yield Good Honey er, closing 50c to 75c higher for week,
his Barber Shop at 511 Warren Ave- The farmer who plants locust |top 180-230 pound westerns $5.35,
California—California Bottling works
seedlings for fence posts can get
vield of high-grade honey from the
a [small lots to local killers $5.50.
Receipts: For today’s market, cattle
i moved to new location on Union| blossoms 3 or 4 years after the [4 cars, 2 Kansas City; 1 Sioux City; 1
i Street. trees are planted. These trees | St. Paul; containing 154 head, 80 head
Tremont—Union Paving Co. of Phil-| grow ranidly and flower profusely [trucked in from nearby, total cattle
adelphia, received $111,354 contract for | almost every vear. Some growers |234 head, 12 calves, 490 hogs, 141
surfacing road between here and Pine | are now making this double use of sheep.

their groves.


Your Eyes Are Priceless
Guard Them Carefully
If there is any doubt about the condition
of your Eye Sight, learn the facts.
Mel 4.2


For years we have been advertising Eye
Comfort to hundreds of Men, Women and
We should welcome an opportunity to
serve you.


Zp =A==4T0



Receipts for week
sas City; 3 St.
taining 980 head,
in, total cattle
2152 hogs, 1420
corresponding week last
67 cars 32 St. Paul; 13 St.
ed in from nearby,

45..All Star Performers--45
Champions Riding to New Laurels—Crack Rifle Shots—Trick
i Riders—Champion Bull Doggers—Champions of all Western
{ ; Sports will show their skill and daring at this thrill packed
1 spectacle of the great outdoors.

$5.00 reward offered for horse or mule our cow boys
cannot ride
Big street parade July 4th, 12 o’clock noon




Common & medium
Low cutter & cutter
Good and choice (beef)
Cutter, common & medium
(yearlings excluded)
Good and choice
Common & medium
Lancaster Grain and Feed Prices
Selling Price of Feeds use g’hot defore. De ecka wore
Bran $21.00 per ton full, de shelfer wora full un de soon
Shorts 21.00 per ton hut de shaena booshtwava uff da
Hominy 21.00 per ton boxa gablaiched g’hot bis mer se
Middlings 26.00 per ton shier nimmy saena hut kenna. De
Linseed 33.50 per ton city looder-grobba wora eme aw
Gluten 23.50 per ton noach. Se hen eme socha aw-gab-
Ground Oats 26.25 per ton lowdered g’hot os are gor net gab-
Soy Bean Meal 28.50 per ton reicht hut, bis endlich hut are olles
Hog Meal 29.50 per ton g’hot os far ken use wore except en
Cottonseed 41% 25.00 oF ton bank account, un der shrief hut en
*Dairy Feed 16% 24.75 p * ion notice uff si deer ga-tacked. Are is
*Dairy Feed 20% 27.00 Per i tsu da karl woo socha gakawfed
Dairy Feed 20% 29.25 pe: von hen uff gredit. Der Bill Heichel hut
Dairy Feed 24, as per Fw eme en check gevva far finf-un-
Dairy Feed 25% 29 Per ton | «twonsich dawler. Der oldt mon hut
aity lee % 31.00 per ton | eme dri dawlerwexel gevva, awver
Dairy Feed 32 Zo 32.00 per ton } we are on de bank comma is hen se
Horse Feed 85% 29.50 per ton | eme g’sawd os der Fore-shtaver
Alfalfa (Regular) 27.00 per ton | Heichel het ken account in selera
Alfalfa (Reground) 28.50 pér ton | bank un der oldt drop hut de gons
Steer Feed

; everyone is dissatisfied with this one.
ending June 25,
1932, cattle 25 cars, 8 St. Paul; 8 Kan-
Louis; 2 Chicago; 2
Sioux City; 1 West Va.; 1 Penna.; con-
2754 head trucked
3734 head, 569 calves,
sheep. Receipts for
year, cattle
Louis; 9
Chicago; 3 Kentucky; 3 Texas; 3 Sioux
City; 2 Penna.; 1 Va,; 1 Pittsburg;
containing 2305 head, 2090 head truck-
total cattle 4395
head, 905 calves, 1417 hogs, 1309 sheep.
Cha’ $5.75-6.50
Medium 5.75-6.75
Common 4.75-5.75
Choice $5.75-6.25
Good 5.00-5.75
Medium 4.50-5.00
Common 4.00-4.50
Choice 4.00-4.50
Good 3.25-4.00
Good and choice 7.25-8.00
Medium 6.50-7.25
Cull and common 4.75-6.50
Lightweight 4.75-5.25
Mediumweight 5.00-5.50
Heavyweight 4.75-5.25
Packing Sows 3.75-4.25
28.00 per ton | hisness farlora.
{ hen se auction g’hot om oldta Billy
The discovery of another minor | Sultzer sinera grocery.
| planet is important at a time when | hut de socha farkawfed by em shelf

What Shwilkey Bumblesock Has To
Say This Week

Ae helft fun der weldt wase net
we de onner helft laebt, un won
mers wist don daida dale leit fun
era hoacha box shteppa un onery
daida era blotz nemma.
De fact is, es sin tsu feel leit os
lava uff wos de onera fardeena, un
se bloaga sich mae far en dawler by
b’shisseri greega os se mista far
aner arlich fardeena. Des hut sich
g’wissa doh a pawr yohr tzurick we
der oldt Billy Sultzer en grocery g-
shtart hut in Schweffeltown. Der
oldt mon ols fart hardt g’shoft, un
hut in sime lava ken un-arlicher
dawler ga-agened. Are hut g’'man-
ed yader ebber ware arlich, un we
are mohl nimmy si boweri selver
shoffa hut kenna hut are se far-
kawfed uns is ins shtettle gatzoga
un en grocery g'shtart. Are hut g-
maned by sellem wake kent are si
oldte dawga tsu bringa—laeva uff
wos are maucht fun sime wennich
geld un breicht nimmy so hardt
shoffa. Are hut shelfer uff gadoo un
a pawr roya gakante tomats un
welshkarn un boona druff g’shtelt.
Derno hut are en box g’schmoked
herring uff g’macht, un uff der
counter g’shtelt, en barl tzooker
unich der counter, en lot g’'maulener
coffee rous g’setzed un en roy Frish
mut duwock un rhode-shtra-ficher
tzooker uffs shelf navich feel onery
glaena socha, un sich derno onna
g’hucked, si pife aw g’shtecked un
g’'wardt far customers. Are hut
net long g’sitzed bis en glaenner
boo ni cooma is mit finf cent far
tswae g’schmokede herring kawfa,
un der oldt mon hut es geld in de
box—es arsht os are si laeva far-
deened hut oony shoffa—en hoonert
per cent. brofit. Der naxt customer
wore de oldt Beckie Hetzel. Se hut
en pock Frishmute mit hame un
dart wore sivva cent brofit, un so is
es awgonga bisowet hut are dri
dawler un sivva cent cash im sock
g’hot. “Des beat booch-watetza
bowera uff der fireshtae rich,” hut
are tsu sinera oldta fraw g’sawd un
der naixt morga wore are widder in
sime shtore bissy om kara un es
soch in ordnung shtella. Der hond-
le is ri cooma longsome im awfong
ower awenich mae olla dawg uns
es wore shier oll cash. Der oldt
karl hut, by chucks, endlich en bank
aciount g’hot. Awer deno is ebbes
g’happened. De looder-grobba hen
en doter gowl ga-rucha, un aner
noach em onera is tsu beego cooma.
Se hen oll cash batzawled far pawr
dawg, un derno hen se g’frogt fer
gredit—ols ush a pawr cent im an-
fong, awver a pawr cent doh un
pawr cent dart hut gli si cash box
gooka maucha we dreisich cent we-
zel un si groceries sin gonga we der
schnae im Obril. Awer de accounts
wora oll goot. Dart wore der Bill
Heichel, fore-shtayer in der karrich
Dare wore shunt dreitzae dawler im
gride, awver en mon os olla Soon-
dawg morga noach der karrich gaed
mit der beevil unich ame awrem un
es hymn-booch unich em onera, un
con so gri-selhoftich bada set duch
arlich si, un der oldt mon hut si
mind uff g’'maucht os are ene net
insulta daid mit ene froga far uff-
casha won are de gons bisness far-
leera daid. Endlich hut are duch
eme en hint nows g’hova os are
geld hovva mist far si city creditors
satisfya, awver der Bill hut awfon-
ga karrich socha schwetza un hut
em oldte mon g’sawd os en gooter
mon we are set tsu der karrich kara
un won are era g’mae joina dad don
daid are saena os se ene bietzlich
foreshtayer maucha daid. Ar hut
seller dawg anyhow nix betzawled
fun sinera oldta account awer wid-
der dri dawler waerdt groceries ga-
kawfed un we are es batzawla hut
wella hut are g’funna os are usht
en dawler un dri cent n sime pock-
et-booch hut, un es onner is wid-
der uffs booch. De looder-grobba
hen era ronsa full g’hot un der oldt
growl is ols wennicher worra. Der
old mon wore shtultz mit sime
hondle. Are hut net gadenked g’hot
os are so feel friend het, un si bis-
ness is gawoxa bis are shier de on-
era groceries ous gadrivva hut.
Awver endlich is ebbes g’happen-
ed—we’s olsfart doot. En bill far
en hoonert un fartzich dawler is
cooma mit der mail fun Fildelfy.
Des wore far ollerlae socha—feel
defun os are net farkawfa hut ken-
na—even de looder-grobba hen ken

Dri dawg dernoach
Der shrief
un der oldt mon is rous









. . .and NO holidays |
for NEW Want-Ads
VEN the “extra” day this year provides no
holiday for these busy workers. They're on
the job continuously, scouring unseen markets,
searching out the individual —the service —the
merchandise — the “ lost” and the owner of the
“found”... They are ever ready, steady workers
and because of this they find the answer to every

In great part the success of the bass
restocking program rests with fisher- |
ermen. Many anglers are now fishing
for warm water species—catfish, perch, |
sunfish and fallfish. Live bait, par-'
ticularly angleworms, is used, and a
great many black bass are taken. And
this is most unfortunate. The bass |
season does not open until July 1.
Early June is spawning time in
Pennsylvania lakes and streams for the
bass, gamest fish of our inland waters. |
Jealously guarding the nest, a mound
of pebbles, the male does not hesitate
to strike at any object that may ap-
So strong is its paternal in- |
stinet that it will attack and drive |
away a carp four times its size, or |
batter a spoon that may drop near the |
nest. If the adult is taken from the |
nest, the eggs will smother from silt |
that may wash over them, or the |
young become the prey of other fishes.
When unintentionally caught, the
fish should be handled carefully, and |
always with wet hands. And be very |
gentle when you take out the hook. I|
break off ‘the barb myself before I start |
fishing, and then I seldom have to hurt |
the fish at all.
Unless they have swallowed the |
lure and are wounded severely, bass
recover quickly when returned to the
water. If portsmen release them im-
mediately after they are caught, hun-
dreds of thousand of young fish will
be saved. For better fishing, natural
restocking of the waters in Pennsyl-
vania is of vital importance,
Pennsylvania's Board of Fish Com-
missioners during recent years has
made intensive efforts to create better
fishing for black bass. In 1931, over
387,000 bass, ranging in length from 4
A Complete Line of

(within the law)
Fri., Sat. and Mon.
3 Doors East of Post Office MOUNT JOY, PA.


to 7 inches, were released in warmer .
waters of the Commonwealth. Placed with
in streams and lakes having suitable Savings
forage possibilities, the young bass dis-
i 1 >» expected to fur-
tributed last year are expe EVTHER * adverse for
nish excellent port this season. |
tune, nor hard times,
nor old age holds any fears
for the man or woman with
a strong Bank Account. You
can begin today to place
un hut si boweri drin g’lust. Der
naixt Soondawg morga is der Bill
Heichel nuch der karrich g’shtepp-
ed mit der beevil unich ame awrem
un es hymn-booch unich onera.
Un so gaed de weldt. De grossa
fish fressa de glaena. Es sin fiel yourself in this enviable po-
sorta leit—de woo era shuda bat- sition, to pe neutly
zawla wile se gleicha es tsu do; de
woo se batzawla wiles batzawled se
tsu batzawla; de woo batzawla wile
se missa, un de woo se gor net bat-
tablish your financial inde-
Open An Account
zawled. Un loss mich dere sawga,
won so karl we der Bill Heichel in 0 Savi a
der himmel gaena uff era glawva Pen a Savings ccoun
here. Make easy week-to-
week deposits and watch
your balance mount. Before
long you, too, will enjoy se-

don is es far kae use mae es fire-uff
holda om onera blotz. {
Es set vader ebber a pawr les- |
sons laerne fum oldta Billy Sultzer |
sinera experience, un doh sin se:
1 Luss nemond si bisness farlussa |
os are farshteaed un in bisness gae |
os are nix derfun wase. Es is hordt


en oldter hoond nia tricks laerna. | peg 2 oA Fi N ® al Bank
2 Es con nemond sawga wos in | : =H ARN a NN N irst ation
ma mon sime hartz is won’s tsu-ga- | NR AN
lecked is mit ma gooda glades. 3 TRY 5 Ch d T t C
3 Der recht-shoffa mon brouch | El eR an rus 0.
ken bell aw hovva—de leit kenna \ P
ene. anyhow. | Mount Joy, Pa.
4 An kortze account is mae


waerdt os en long gabade.