The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, May 11, 1932, Image 8

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A ( ji
" 3 ; 8 5 4 J RCN \ |
N 3 ye 9 i] a hy
a 3 | | WEDNESDAY, MAY 1th 10m



FOR SALE—Sweet potato plants,
ready now, any amount. Also Geran-
fjums in bud and bloom, Order at
once at Ruhl’'s Green House, Phone


| Mr. Pennell group of
| young men practicing athletic
stunts on the High School grounds,
when he injured his leg, which may
was among a

There were drivers involv-
ed—14,7583 men and 1005 women.
Of that number 493 male operators
were in fatal accidents, 7964 in non

liquor laws following hearings be-
fore Alderman John F. Burkhart,
Monday night.
The men were Harry L. Greider,

in the past, caused by delays when
reports from sportsmen and field
| officers of the Fish Commission
were sent to Harrisburg, and from
ave- -2 . . . . . . .
1M. may-11-2t.pd require a plaster paris cast. fatal ones and 6296 in accidents in |of Columbia R. D., N. 1 and John {pat point relayed back to district
IGERATORS, AT --y- which only property damage was|Wade, of Mt. Joy, R. D. No. 2.|epgineers, and field employees of


Wade was committed to jail in de-
the Sanitary Water Board.

The Expense is a Matter of Your Own Desire






VERY REASON CES. ALSO| Subscribe for The Bulletin reported. Twenty-six women
ONE EXTRA SPECIAL ers were in fatal accidents, 602 in {fault of bail while Greider was re-| In many instances, by thef time
TROLUXE REFRIGERATOR. CHEAP! CHEAP—A tract of 2% | non-fatal and 377 in property dam-|leased on bail. tnat investigations as to the - en “
NEWCOMER & SON, MT. JOY. acres of Woodland on which is a con- | age only accidents. The men were arrested by State |tion of the water could be sthrted, i
may-11-tf | crete Block Building 12x15 under cel- Under 18 Police from Columbia and County [the pollution that had caused} the | —————— ®
lar, Drilled Well. Could very easily | Fight operators under 18 years | Detective Jacob Weller on May 3, death of a great many fish, %had EAGLE | EAGLE
VOTE OF TAVIS Ne pany be converted into a house. Priced | f age reported fatal accidents and [when they are alleged to have at- moved out of the reach of the \in- n or uni y
friends and relatives for thelr kind ex- | Cheap for a quick sale. Apply to Jno. 209 were in non-fatal accidents; op- | tempted to deliver a five gallon can vestigators. The arrangement -
pressions of sympathy and for any as-
sistance rendered during our sad be-


“Sig, reavement. Mr, Harry Kuhn and fam- NEW JS "HEAP— 2029 non-fatal; operators 25 to 54 | street, Columbia. imum loss of time between the dis
To, may-11-1t.pd| 4 SEAR] ewe years, 280 fatal, 381 non-fatal; op- TTY covery of dead fish and the investi- A SALE OF THE FAMOUS
| “lerin that I want to sell before | erators 55 years or more, 22 fatal, TEACHERS RETURNING gation of the engineers of the board
FOR R oom house on Fair-| ynri] 1st, Has all conveniences and | 502 non-fatal. PART OF THEIR SALARIES | To expedite this arrangement and
view St., Mount as all modern | vill sell for only $3,650 for a quick One operator with less than three aides make it most effective, field officers
conveniences, Also gar This is No. 371 in my list | months’ driving experience had a| School teachers in a number of | of the Board of Fish Commissioners
8, Frank, Phone 219R2 Mt. vl | "no. E. Schroll, Realtor, Mt. Joy fatal accident and 66 others were in| cities and towns of Pennsylvania | have been furnished with a list,
—— dh al NLY ,. | non-fatal accidents; three to six | have voluntarily come to the aid of | giving names and addresses of the
E BURIAL LOTS For | 1% xa A IR Tuats months, nine non-fatal; six to their respective school districts by | field engineers of the bureau, and, Manufactured in Elizabethtown
ill Cemetery, Flor nase nti Double Gay ane months, eight fatal, 186 non-fatal; offering to turn back a certain por-|in turn, the field engineers are un-
m. All 9x15 ft., for Io ials, Price |, 0 odors heat Baths Hight gas, | One year or more, 389 fatal, 7452 tion of their salaries. The State der binding instructions to make
$15 and $18. Apply to JNO. A. STOR i and is nicel Tocoted on. Delta non-fatal. Unlicensed operators were | law prescribes a certain minimum | immediate investigation of any
Secy. may-11-4t | St. Mt Joy on good investment. | in one fatal and eight non-fatal ac- | salary and the School Boards ean | condition reported to them by the S .
Bw 0. 1 i tf | cidents. Out-of-state operators re-| not reduce salaries below this level. | employes of the Fish Commission. t 14 t M 21 Incl
FOR RENT—Two Large Rooms on | Jno. Schill, Mt, Joy, jan?-it ported 28 fatal and 429 non-fatal ac| Announcement was made today Not only will samples of the a ° ay 9 0 ay 9 usive
Jecond apd shird Soors or storage) FOR SALE DIRT CHEAP—A Store | cidents. that every employee of the Tama- [suspected poisonous waters be ex-

E. Schroll, Mount Joy, Pa.

mar.23-tf |
erators 18 to 24 years, 152 fatal,

of liquor to a “place” on Walnut

in operation will result in the mi
i Bg gg Room and Dwelling in small town, no The driver was intoxicated in 208 | qua School District has promised to | amined at once in the chemical lab-
— ? | competition in the town. Frame Ware- | Twelve were fatal, 96 (turn back one month’s salary during | oratories of the bureau, but when i B il di M 3 St
RE ROOM FOR RENT— | house and Garage. Will be sold with | on fatal and 95 resulted in prop- | the 1932-33 fiscal year. This will | deemed advisable, large portions of e ® ain °
STO | or without store stock. Here’s a chance i id : ; $
The spacious Store Room, formerly | = ..; into business on small scale, | damage only. In 68 accidents, |save the district $12,000. Salaries |the water will be taken to a State
the Bernhart Store, on East Main Youll be surprised at the price. J E | the driver had some physical defect |have been “reduced” by similar | fish hatchery, for observation, by
street. Excellent location and Schroll, Mount Joy. jan.20-tf | Four were fatal, 31 non-fatal and | voluntary action on the part of the | placing living fish in it, and noting -
modern store. Immediate possess-|
fon. Long term lease. Apply to J.|

FOR SALE- -A Brick House with
en fatal and 683 non-fatal accidents

teachers in Lebanon, Altoona, Ches-
ter, Coatesville and other towns.

the results in various dilutions. It
prove most effective in determining
Priced to $ O O
Absolutely fast colors

E. Schroll, Phone 41R2. Mount| gj, Roof, 8 rooms, all convenien- | were due to the operator's view be- SA Ameen is believed this new method will
Joy. Jiy2s-tf | ces, Poultry House 12x12, along | ing obstructed, and 117 fatal and FLITTINGS the causes of fish killing in Pennsyl I perfect workmanship in
T ; | concrete highway, Florin. Apply to | 1609 non-fatal to operators becom- Mr. Howard Garber moved his |vania’s streams. sell at ; :
NY ED Yow: AND ino E. Schroll, Realtor, Mount Joy. | ing confused. | family to from Donegal all details,
SAVE—Have a T-Room House, slate!


hatching a specialty. Phone

fo property damage only. Fifty-sev-




quite an outing on Sunday at

parks carry

tL aistanc- |

No. 416. jan14-tf vith 16 seeidente Coat
roof, vapor heat, hot and cold water. | 2 | eed, wii 1036 Sel {Springs Road, ; BURNING OF BRUSH
{ | 1ted to 1t, toppe« he list of acci- OTe albleib wil ye his ATTRT'Q ITV
Frame Stable, Garage, Four Pou | CHEAP HOUSE AT FLORIN— | dents rr bo Roi Mr Ro b 0 Dove 18 CAUSES MAJORITY
Teno. atlantis Ios i on So | dave a Double House along Main | (nts directly attributed to every) family and household effects to Lan- OF FOREST FIRES
you two SA B ou I a St, 5 and 6 rooms, one side has Nt A er this : J =
Price only $6,700. Better investigate pony both have water and electric, | SPee ing caused 54 852 non- | March, of the New Standard] in bamine. brash v All ho pov Nover beter
Bis Fi i building ‘wo car garage. Rents show 10 fora) and 730 propert; ge only e Corporation, has moved | causes ten per cent. of all the forest ou will find the dresses a new alge. Never beiore
Sule erm Pie g Price Cid | an on the: whore side’ 42 tke] ly gi the Howard Govier | fires in the State, according to the | has such a grade of merchandise Bgen offered to the women
FFE 0 UY, . 4. Dearoll, ME, rq tag Wrong Sie ooo | Tesiience on Lonegal Springs Koad | yeeords of the Department of For- .
5 aay AM) oF | RD oe — road was second with 35 fatal, 600 Mr. Bard moved his nly from{.ctz and Waters 3 of Mount Joy at such a nominal cost
gelling, quickly as possible, the veviLeaman’s Meat Market Hote) od 636 proper) aamageitine Detwiler property on W. Done-| = spying is the time of the year | i)
desirable dwelling and store property | only acelde es Forced off roadway | gal St. to the Darrenkamp prop- when the trees and ubbery are These’ dresses, styled by master des¥ners are in the new-
of the late David F. Gable on North | oe i was credited with 31 fatal, 404 non |erty on Columbia Ave. pruned, gardens clea prepara-
Barbara St., Mt. Joy. I can make a very mr . | fatal and 300 property damage ac-| Mr. Somer moved his family and t Yentine, "ond house. eSt fashions. h
advantageous price for immediate pur- Rich Mild Cheese, Ib. ...17 € | cidents. Cutting-in resulted in 11|household effects from Shippens- oy Ot ii Ti il BL %
v, . le ! fata Q i s 00x 11 3 Se ok > Ve leaning are 1 order. SO 2 } . i dus a 3 3
chase. Jno. E. Schroll, Mt. Joye. 16.1; Delicidys Sharp Cheese and | fuel, 301 non-fatal and 335 Pog r- | burg to fe Barto property on West that at the very time this At thi: low price you will buy several of%hese lovely dress-
oh y damage. er who failed | Main St. Mr. Somer is the father of |; aa Veet ves , vn 2 :
th Mediym Sharp Cheese | to st p before en oa | Mir 3 oren Sor iets es desire for the : of | es which make very handsome and servideable frocks for
y Be sure that you get the Sweet Pickles PE | tome 3 er 2 ar rd - rubbish 1s most acute, conditions in Ln . i
highest ca i for your calves. : %doz....38¢ iy Street y rged with 9{ J .- the forest are most favorable for| the coming summer outings.
Reist R. Mummau™*Phene. Etown Brookfield RoM Butter, 1b 25¢ | Ti, Hu 10 Ja a 220 prop-{ THEY SPENT SUNDAY AT the start and spread of fire.
371R11. Not later than 6 o'clock Mon- ; 7 j ort age only accidents. | THEIR PERRY CO. CAMP No one can tell a. moment in ad- RE
day morning. jan.20-tf | —_— f : Fatal Speedways el Ree what the wind will do. or
BABY CHICKS We Do Our Cwn Shgghtering i, kin i r of Zaid] { Mr. and Mrs. Eli Ament and fam- what direction it blow. COME EARLY
4 | and to, | (ents occur ad on rN Stretcnes | ; and Mrs. Rov Ament anc ire cautioned to he ha £
hatched chicks. Large N fof rural vend 1 al n VE ! wit I-14 of a
J : ST , Ji mAs al, y udu | f town; Mr. Alvin day in + wh thev de H s 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Except Sat: rd
type S. C ite Leghorns from hens | x AA A: | such i Accidents rma : ls 3 a De wey gen ours . Vi, to I, a, LXCePDL daturda
two years old a der. Hatches taken E. Main St., MOUNT JOY md or oir NS | 1 Russell Nissly f 51 0 bu ng in the open. !
of Tuesday and Thu Prices rea- ee Not f. oa er rl Mr. and | The start even all fire |
It Ne Set rece facing the and tami. of ear Lacan” on ees the cums of nowt | [EAGLE] I. L. RISSER
| : !

ATT | Sever accidents wer t i : v 1
= IRVIN S. 2 9 | it rH q Re oo re reported {their camp, in Perry County, near |es, and a fire may be bevond
-— . 1 al ali Crossings 4 I curves Cam yeor flv. mT 1 RE
feb.17-3mo. Manheim R. 25 3% ! : ; 45 0n curves, | Camp George. most antly. The recommend- TT ,,,,,, = x
ferme emit 3 0] to on bridges and eight The Ament Brothers, five of them |ed manner is 'n brush in s
- = ) ; 1e Am rother: em | eq nt is to burn brush in small |
MINISTRATOR'S NOTICE | iio as | y , of the in small | 4 a
ADMI TF | at ru intersections. i have formed an orchestra of string |
Estate of Cyrus G. Frey late of East
Hempfield township, Lancaster Coun-
ty, Pa., deceased.
Letters of administration on said es-
tate having been granted to the under-
signed, all persons indebted thereto
are requested to make immediate pay- |
ment, and those having claims or de-
mands against the same, will present | Eleven of those killed were intox- | 3 Aa . :
them without delay for settlement to | ! icated as were 66 of those non-fat-|. Street, are being painted on| The following students of Prof. L. ’
the undersigned, residing at Landis- | ally injured. | exterior and repapered and paint- |, Barnet will appear in Recital Fri- -
ville, Pa.

Administrator . The house, occupied by Mr. Arth- ;
i h ar 1, piec y Mr. Arth ret Klugh i a
M. M. Harnish, Atty. may-4-6t | 3 rom behind parked automobiles. Lar Mumma and family, on South Soe nen, Jacob lug, 4rione Mi i 3 . k GV in-
Batter: Service A — Barbara St. owned by Mre. Scheme. | ligan, Jeanette Hipple, Barbara Anne Regardless of price, sizéy or make of car you in
'S i Jarbara St., owned by Mrs. Schrae- | yy Ie i age
EXECUTOR'S NOTICE | x Attended Convention | der, is being repapered. The work |p Beulah Smith, Jeanne Schock, tend to buy, you owe yoursél{ a ride in the New
Estate of Christian S. Geib late of
Mount Joy Borough, Pa., deceased. |
Letters testamentary on said estate|
having been granted to the under- |
signed, all persons indebted thereto
are requested to make immediate pay- |
ment, and those having claims or de-};
mands against the same, will present |
Phone 153R11

Auto \Repairing
Greasing, Gas, Oil, &c.

I Association at

ahead in 312 fatal crashes,
a left turn in 12
fatal accidents.
Since January 1,
have been killed and
and a right turn in
was blamed for 86
1218 pedestrians
1820 injured.
1 Jay walking cost 54
lives, eight were killed crossing
against the signal and 81 on coming
Mrs. E. J. Nissly, statistician of the
Lancaster conference and also a dele-
gate from the Lancaster conference
and Mrs. George A. Kercher, a mem-
ber of the Executive Committee of the
Synodical Society, are attending the
convention of the Women’s Missionary
The operator was driving straight |
| Instruments, which is appreciated
I by the members of the camp.
| ——— eee

The Detwiler Apartments on Man-
{ed on the interior. Mr. Harold Bull-
for is doing the work.
is done by Mr. Walter Derr.
Mr. Earl Eshleman, on South
Barbara St., has beautified his home
| by planting a variety of shrubbery
| in the front.

S. S. Class Meeting
piles, and the only safe time for
spring brush burning is on wet days
at night. Always burn down hill
and against the wind.
0 eee

day, May 13th at 7:45 P. M. in the
Church of God at Elizabethtown: Mar-
Louise Schock, Jane Gilbert, Mary
Edith Gilbert, Virginia Sausser, Helen
Baker, Josephine Bundel, Paul Baker.
P. L. Society Is 77
The seventy-seventh birthday of the
Page Literary Society of the Millers-
ville State Teachers’ College will be
Ford V-8 before you buy.


13 ssified Column ‘ABOUT THE SICK [Fewer Crashes Yet mir with Tak TEACHER, Plan | El BE =| oj
A, | | mm § Be
~ N .
4 . | A Sunday School class of girls of | | | TEN
WANTED FARTHER With milk AND AFl LICTED | Auto Tolls Climb the Lutheran church met at the | ests 0 ater i=]
high in butter fat test 4% or 0 Get | — home of their teacher, Miss Fannie |
best prices. Hallgren's Dairy, | Mr. Ambrose Wertman is on the | — Dillinger, on North Barbara St, on |
Marietta St, Mt. Joy, Pa. __may-4-t | sick list. SAFETY DRIVES BY VARIOUS "Wednesday night. | STATE DEPARTMENT WILL AP-
Mrs. Walter Warner, of Stauffer- | AUTO CLUBS FAIL. TO RE-| The class organized and elected | PRECIATE IMMEDIATE RE- |
“iy EPILEPSY CURABLE--Detroit lady | 1, “is on the sick list. | DUCE DEATHS AND INJUR- officers, results being: President, poRTS OF KILLING FISH IN |
Ran, gnds complete relief for husband. | "yl "punk" Schock, on Frank St.| IES ON OUR HIGHWAYS | Miriam Ellis; Vice President, Betty | <pATE STREAMS |
N n lists home and ad failed, \ has been iil the past two week 2 i Young; Secretary, Thelma Zink; ———
Mrs, Geo. Dempster, Apt Sd. £000 uperatin | The bureau of ighway patrol | Trea urer, Catl ne Breneman. The Sanitary Water Board has |
Lafayette Blvd, West, Detroit, Mich. Vali ¢ Salung nd safety of the Department , of A short program, I There completed co-operative arrange- |
may-11-1t | 1 t t ister | Revenue reports that while there Zink, as leader, included: | Fayer b ment with O. M. Deibler, Commis- | oi
EE — Gener I Monday. | were fewer motor vehicle accidents Hazel Garlin, followed my He "| joner of Fisheries, under which all Is to render ) Seley 5s an
R SALE CHEAP-—A Slide Trom- Mrs. John Beamesderfer, on East | jn the first three months of 1932 ' prayer Inging; scripiure reading |... field officers of the Board | a valuable. That might Qe dg
bone ase all in Al Mui re till confin to her | than in the period last year |by Betty Young; Bible questions and of Fish Commissioners, will report | ie 4 Bud bv all ral rectors, with
shape. will sell : cheap ~ i“ po bed of ic kne | there were n 1 ms killed and answers, oS oy immediately the killing of fish in | Tl axiom bv
further use. Harry Rinehart, a Mr. D ( Mount | injured. | Numerous games were played| =~ “00 i the State, directly to | = good results,
Main St., Mount Joy. may 11-t Joy township, is recovering from a Since January 1, 9542 accidents | after which dainty re freshments { S field enwineers of the bureag of i if 0 ho
: evere at f pneumonia. have been reported as against 9815 were served by the hostess io Bet- engineering of the State Depart- | wa We try always to mould I service ‘
WANTE Na) ive Qn sales of Miss 1 Craley, of Lancas- |in the first quarter of 1981, a de | ty Young, Thelma Zink, Hazel Gar- | ment of Health, it was announced | w ah to fit the exact needs, require nts and
Majestic Electric Refrigen and | 1... forme rly of town, who was a |cpease of 272. In the 1932 three 'lin, Catherine Breneman, Mirian today by C. L. Siebert, the Board's | a 3 0 i € exact n or WW <1 that
operation of Rilomobile Be f | patient at St. Joseph's hospital | months’ period, 457 persons were | Ellis, Jeannette Hipple and a guest, | =. engineer, | af desires of those we serve. e
jah. P: ranch S i | was discharged on Monday. killed and 899 in the 1931 period, | Eliza eth Heilig, i Instantly upon the receipt of such Iai in doing so, we are serving
H RENT—All improve-| , Mr Irvin Geistweit, on W. Main lan increase of 58. The _injuredy They will hold monthly meetings. |, by the field engineers ja cause we are giving the kind of sé
ments, good in Elizabethtown, | Street, 1s recovering from a fall, re- | number 3 nst 7456 in the | . IR [of the Health Department, they will Al ‘ es
very reasonable wi @ge. Apply | ceived as he was in his bed room. | 1931 first quarter, ain of 896. TRIO HELD FOR Cot RT | proceed with an investigation to de- i desired.
Mrs, John ae Main | The fall happened on Thursday nite. Seventy-nine chi sn lost their ON LIQUOR CHARGES | tormine the sources of the harmful | i fe
street, Mount Joy or Phone 4R, pt | Mr. James Pennell, son of Mr. | lives in the first three months of meee waste discharges, before the evi- | ;
Joy. may-11-3t | and Mrs. Darvin Pennell, on Mar- | the present year and 1325 were in-| Two county men were held Fo | donee is lost. This arrangement Frey Funeral Service
-_ | ietta Street, is confined to his home jured, court on charges of violating the | will overcome one of the difficulties

them without delay for settlement to | Norristown this week. | Mrs. George Myers’ Sunday
Te residing at Mount Te Saar will give a report at the | School class of the Evangelical Con- Jong of Sen Saag on. nd SALES SERVICE
? HARVEY GEIB, ! Ch ] R . | gregational church held their regu- 1 To 0. 2 in 1 ° Doge ap
JOHN GEIB, evrolet €paking ! | Ph Noi = {lar meeting at the home of Mrs. Tg features will be Bre:
xecutors. | ares, No aymond i David Mumper, on Thursday even- |S o e @mniversmy meeting mm WN
MM. Harish, Atty. Sua A Specialty | Last week’s Bulletin contained an |ing. Those rn were: Mrs. G.|Program. Dr. J. Freeman Guy, first Phone No. 7} 1 2A |
| item about an arrest here on a lig- | Myers, Mrs. Calvin Kramer, Ruth |2Ssociate superintendent of the public |
EXECUTRIX’'S NOTICE | or charge. We said Mr. Raymdhd | Gingrich, Mildred Way, Mrs. Alta |Schools of Pittsburg, will deliver the ge

Estate of William D. Chandler late | { Sweitzer and it was Phares Sweitz- | Baker, Mrs. Bates, Mrs. Paul Myers |honorary address and the York Y. M. | = - - - —
Price Very Reasonable

of Mount Joy, Pa. deceased. |
Letters testamentary on said estate| !
having been granted to the under-|
signed, all persons indebted thereto
are requested to make immediate pay-
ment, and those having claims or de-
mands against the same, will present
them without delay for settlement to
the undersigned, residing at 54 West
Main Street, Mt. Joy, Pa.
. M. Harnish, Atty. apr.20-6t

For Sale
OAK WUMBER of all kinds sawed to |
STOVE OD sawed in 12 in
oak and hickory.
$4.00 per truck I or $6.50 per cord

How One Woman Lost
20 Pounds of Fat
Lost Her Prominent Hips—
Double Chin—Sluggishness

A Shapely Figure.
If you're fat—first remove the causel
Take one half teaspoonful of Kruschen
Salts in a glass of hot water in the
morning—in 3 weeks get on the scales
and note how many pounds of fat have
Notice aiso that you have gained in
energy—your skin is clearer—you feel
younger in body—Kruschen will give
any fat person a Joyous surprise.
But be sure it's Kruschen—your
health comes first—and SAFETY first is
the Kruschen promise.
Get a bottle of Kruschen Salts from

Farm, 2 miles northeast of Mount
any leading druggist anywhere in
America (lasts 4 weeks) and the cost is
but little. If this first bottle doesn’t
convince you this is the easiest;
Gained Physical Vigor
| er,
A.| Irvin Kaylor and will be ‘given a {were served.
hearing before Squire Grimm at | Tee
Elizabethtown, Friday evening, Bought Marietta Hotel

SAFEST and surest way to lose fat—
your money gladly returned.
; 3,523 want it and 16,831 do not.
He was arrested by Constable | and Mrs. Mumper. efreshments

Mothers Remembered
On Sunday morning in the Church
of God Sunday School, the mothers,
Elmer Appley, Marietta, has pur-
{ chased from the J. E. Senft estate the
| Marietta Hotel and adjoning dwelling
| house on East Market street, Marietta
oldest and youngest, received a ro- opposite the Central Hall. The prop-
mew rance. Sed ; ; | perties front East Market street for 110
he oldest, Mrs. Frank Hershey, | feet. He will remodel and then oc-
and the youngest, Mrs. Owen Smith, cupy it.
each received a potted plant. i
—_—— Ee
Marriage Licenses
Jacob M. Klein, Florin, and
ES +BN”t
| An Opportunity
| A sale of the famous Eagle Wash
Doge M. M. Frocks will be held in the Bernhart
allas College, Mount Joy. { Bldg., beginning Saturday, May 14,
Samuel O. Brubaker, Mount Joy | and continuing until May 21, in-
township, and Miss Ruth M. Hersh- | clusive. These frocks are manufac-
ey, of Rheems. i tured in Elizabethtown. Read the
TTT. prices in the ad on another page of
Nearly Six to One this issue.
The straw vote on Prohibition in TTT Ta
Lancaster, taken by the Lancaster! You can get all the news of this
Newspapers, is very onesided to date. [locality for less than three cents a
week thru the Bulletin.
C. A. Chorus will sing,
Home From The West
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Breneman,
Miss Dora Stauffer and Mr. Norman
Gruber have returned from a two
weeks visit to the West, where they
visited the former’s brother. They
crossed the highest bridge in the
world, the Royal Gorge. They drove
4,339 miles with very little machine
trouble. The trip was very much en-
joyed, which was made in the latter's
Chevrolet Sedan.
A) cee.
Kiddies Were at Manheim
The kiddies of Miss Hilda Stoner’s
kindergarten, on East Main Street,
were taken to Manheim last Wed-
nesday morning by Miss Stoner.
The trip had been planned for sev-
eral weeks ago but was cancelled.
The little charges were taken by
autos and certainly enjoyed treat
to the kindergarten conducted at

“Excessive speeding immediately
after the application of bituminous
materials to our highways has caus-
ed considerable loss to the depart-
ment for years past,” S. S. Lewis,
Secretary of Highways, announced
today, “and I will immediately take
steps to overcome this loss.”
During 1931 a system of warning
users of the highways that oil
would be applied to certain high-
ways within a limited time was in-
augurated by Secretary Lewis. The
public, appreciating this innovation
of being warned in advance avoided
a great many sections immediately
after the oil had been placed. Many
careless motorists, however, contin-
ued to drive these sections at ex-
| cessive speeds with the result that

bituminous materials and chips
were thrown from the road and
many other cars were discolored
and dented by these
ing from the road.
Secretary Lewis
intends to erect barricades at the
beginning of operations and warn
motorists that they must slow down
materials fly-
stated that he
while traveling those sections of
the road which have been oiled.
If the Highway Department is
unsuccessful in eliminating this loss
and motorists continue to disregard
these instructions it may be neces-
sary to block off the road entirely,
causing lengthy detours in many
“I believe that a large percent-
age of the ‘motorists will be pleased
to accede to our requests that they
slow down while passing over the
sections which have been
diately oiled,” Lewis said.
Clearfield—Plans being consider-
ed for renovating, painting and re-
modeling third floor rooms of coun-
ty courthouse.
