The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, May 11, 1932, Image 5

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WEDNESDAY, MAY 1th, 1832



Religious News
In Qur Churches

Kraybill's Mennonite Church
9:00 A. M. Sunday School.

Mt. Joy Mennonite Church
9:00 A. M. Sunday School.
7 P. M. Preaching.
St. John’s Lutheran Church Maytown
Rev. Kirby Yeingst, Pastor
Sunday School 9:30 A. M.
Morning Service and Sermon 10:30.

Reformed Church, Mtytown
Supply Pastor
Sunday School 9:30 A. M.
Evening Service and Sermon 7:00

Reformed Mennonite Church
Christian S. Nolt, pastor
There will be services in th: Re-
formed Mennonite church on West
Main Street next Sunday evening at
7:30 Daylight Saving time.
Donegal Presbyterian Church
Rev. C. B. Segelken, D. D., Pastor
Church School 9:30 o'cloik, D C.
Witmer, Superintendent.
Evening Worship and Sermon 7:30.
Presbyterian Church
Rev. C. B. Segelken, D. D., Pastor
Church School 9:30 o'clock H. S.
Newcomer, Superintendent.
Morning Worship and Sermon 10:30.
Service Wednesday evening at 7:30.
Church of God, Maytown
Rev. G. K. Broske, Pastor
Sunday School 9:30 A. M.
Morning Service and Sermon 10:30.
Evening Service 7 o'clock.
Prayer Meeting Wednesday evening
at Church.
Church of God
Rev. Paul G. Martin, A. B., Minister
Sunday School 9:30.
Morning preaching service 10:30.
C. E. 6:45.
preaching service 7:45.
Mid-week prayer service Wednes-
day 7.45.
Church of the Brethren
Sunday, May 15, 1932
8:30 A. M. Sunday School at
Florin, Rheems and West Green
10 A. M. Preaching at Green Tree
7:00 P. M. Revival services at
Rheems by Bro. M. A. Jacobs, of
York, Pa.
St. Luke’s Episcopal Church
Rev’d. William S. J. Dumvill, Rector
Holy communion and sermon the
first Sunday of each month at 10:30
Sunday School at 9:15.
Morning prayer and sermon 10:30
Vesper Service 6:30 P. M.
Choir rehearsal Wednesday even-
ing at 6:30.
All who have no church home are
invited to come and worship with us

St. Mark’s United Brethren in Christ
The Rev. C. E. Rettew, Minister
All Services Daylight Saving Time.
Sunday Church School 9:30 A. M
Morning Worship 10:30 A. M.
Theme: “Is Pentecost Real To-
6:45 Young People’s Society.
Subject: “World Good Will.”
7:30 P. M. Vespers.
Wednesday, 8:00 Mid Week devo-
tional service.
Visitors are welcomed at our ser-
Florin United Brethren Church in
Rev. J. C. Deitzler, Ph. D., Minister
Sunday Announcements:
Bible School 9:30 A. M.
Morning Worship 10:30 A. M.
Junior Society 5:15 P. M.
Intermediate Society 5:30 P. M.
Senior Society 6:30 P. M.
Evening Worship 7:15 P. M.
Weekly announcements:
Bible Study, Monday 7:30 P. M.
Choir Rehearsal, Tuesday 7:30 P. M.
Prayer Service, Thursday, 7:30 P. M.
Catechetical Instructions Friday 7:30
Special announcements:
Catechetical Graduation Exercises
Thursday Evening, May 19, 7:30 P. M.
You are cordially ‘invited to all these
The Methodist Episcopal Church
“The Church on the Square”
Rev. W. Ridgway Petre, B. D., Pastor
Sunday, May 15, 1932
9:30 A. M. Sunday School. Dr. E.
W. Garber, Superintendent.
10:30 A .M. Morning Worship. Chil-
dren’s Sermon and Sermon. Theme:
Pillars of the Gospel.
6:30 P. M. Epworth League. A real
worth while young people’s service.
7:30 P. M. Vespers. Theme: A Divid-
ed Heart.
Wednesday Junior League after
school. Prayer Meeting 7:30.
Friday Choir Rehearsals—Juniors
7:00 P. M. Seniors 8:00 P. M.
A cordial welcome awaits you at the
Methodist Church.
Get Up Nights?
Make this 25¢ Test
this easy bladder physic to drive
out i ities and excess acids which
n that results in leg pains,
and getting up nights.
BU-KETS, the b er physic, contain-
ing buchu, juniper oil%gtc., works on the
bladder pleasantly and tively, simi-

up nights go back and get your money.
You are bound to feel better after this
cleansing and you get your regular sleep.
By Maude Edwards

Mrs. Joseph Charles is visiting
her sister at Philadelphia.
Mr. Chares Gantz, of Lebanon Co.,
visited his uncle, David Greiner.
Rev. and Mrs. H. S. Kiefer, of
Avon, were in town on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Zink and fam-
ily were at Perry County on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Amos Bortzfield vis
ited relatives at Salunga on Sunday
Mr. Frank Haug, of Columbia,
spent the week end with his family.
Mrs. Samuel Ludwig and daugh-
etr visited at Lancaster on Sunday.
Miss Emma Ellis and Mr. Paul
Teleky visited at Harrisburg on Sun-
Mr. and Mrs, Christian Herr were
Wednesday evening visitors at Harris-
Clara Hoffman, of Grantham,
called on Minnie Kraybill on Sat-
Miss Minnie Kraybill returned
home from a four days’ visit at Co-
Mr. and Mrs. George Groff and
family were at Hummelstown on
Sunday. Y
Quinton Williams, of Milton
Grove, spent the week end here with
Mr. and Mrs. Maris Gainer and
family, of Lititz, were visitors here
on Monday.
Mr. Chas. L. Moyer, leading mer-
chant at Myerstown, was in town
pool, England, visited the Chandler
family on Tuesday and Wednesday
of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. John Newcomer and
) daughter, Mary, spent Sunday with
David Newcomer and family at
Mr. and Mrs. James Krall and
daughter spent Sunday at Salunga
with the latter's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Fackler,
Mrs. Chas. G. Webb returned
from Bainbridge where she spent
several weeks with Mrs, Charles
Shonk and family.
Mr. and Mrs, Samuel H. Miller
and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Garman
enjoyed a motor trip to West Vir-
ginia on Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs. Jay Mumma and
family, of Landisville, were Satur-
day visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Jacob Young, Sr.
Mrs. Spangler, Mrs. Menges and
Miss Vivian Stambaugh, of Abbotts
town, called at the Martin Gerber
home on Sunday.
Miss Evelyn Baker, of the Gener-
al hospital was a Sunday guest at
the home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Elvin Baker.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rodgers, Mrs
Ella Baker and Mr. and Mrs. Christ
Keller, of Salunga, spent Sunday at
North East, Md.
Mr. John Saylor and Mrs. Annie
Zerphey attended the Mennonite
Sunday School Convention at Man-
heim on Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Rettew, of
Ironville, are spending several days
with their daughter, Mrs. Ed. Hoff-
master and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Young, Jr.
ane family, of Milton Grove, spent
Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
Brill, at Elizabetl:town.
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Greiner,
son and daughter, of Lititz, spent
Sunday with David Greiner and
family, Mount Joy township.
Miss Ruth Hoppel, of Mechanics-

on Monday.
Mrs. H. N. Nissly and son Raymond, |
attended the May Day at Millersville |
on Saturday.
Mr. Jacob L.rodom, of Hershey |
celled on the Philip Greiner family |
cr Sunday. |
Mr. and Mrs, Oliver Reed and |
daughter Betty of Manheim, were in|
town on Sunday.
Mr. Henry Westmon, a student at
Viliersville, was a Sunday gest of |
. Richards.
Mr. John Greiner, of Philadelphia, !
is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Philip Greiner.
Miss Amma Brill, of
town, visited relatives here on Wed |
nesday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. John Miller and
daughter, Betty, were week end
guests at Carlisle.
Mrs. O. K Grae) walt is spend- |
ing the week at Chester, Pa., with
her son, Clarence.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Derr, on W.
Main Street, visited near Carlisle’
on Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. John Metzler mo- |
tored to Perry County on Sunday to |
visit the latter’s parents.
Mr. Abram Hiestand, of Sporting
Hill, called on Jacob Young, Sr.
and family, on Saturday.
Mr. Norman L. Greiner, of near |
Oberholtzer’s School, called on D.
Greiner, Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. James Garber and
children and Mrs. Christ Geib were |
at Silver Spring on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Asram Young and |
family, of near Rheems, visited the |
former’s parents, on Thursday. i
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Gerber were
Sunday guests of their son, James
and family, at Elizabethtown.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Derr visited |
on Sunday afternoon at the home
of Rev. H. S. Kiefer, at Avon. |
Mrs. C. S. Gingrich and Louise
Jaker spent Saturday with Mr. and |
Mrs. E. A. Meyre at Lancaster.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Webb
spent Sunday ot Elizabethtown at
the home of the latter’s parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Kauffman, of Milton |
Grove were Sunday visitors with
David Greiner, in Mount Joy twp.
Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Billow and
family spent Sunday with the form-
er’s parents, on West Fairview St.
Mr. Roy Schroll and family, of
Rohrerstown, spent Sunday at the
home of Daniel Brandt.and family.
Mr. Jas. Shoop, Mr. and Mrs. |
Charles Morton, Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Myers were at Lancaster on Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Grace and
family, of Washington, D. C., visited
the family of Frank Good, Sunday. |
Miss Elizabeth Greiner, of Lan-|
ister, spent Sunday with her par-
nts, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Greiner. |
Mr. and Mrs. John Landis and|
family, of Lititz, spent Sunday here
with Harry Beamenderfer and fam-
ily. i
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wagenbach |
were recent visitors with Harry |
Gebhard and family, at Hummels-
Mr. Harry Filler of Atlantic City |
N. J, was a Sunday evening
visitor with Albert Rodgers and
Mr. and Mrs. John McCurdy and
daughter Mrs. Henry Earhart of May-
town, called on relatives in town on
Mr. and Mrs, Fred Diffenderfer, of
Lancaster, spent Sunday with the for-
mer’s parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Dif-
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Conrad and
son, Billy; Mrs. Owen Smith and
son, Owen, Jr. motored to Sunbury
Mrs. N. Wolf, of Salunga, visited
srs. Weidman, who is visiting her
son, Arthur Myers, on Mount Joy
Dr. and Mrs. Harry XKendig and
sons, Jerry and Newton, visited the
former’s parents at Salunga, on
Mr. B. R. Bishop and son; Mr.
Carl Zeager and Mr. William Zink
enjoyed a fishing trip to North East
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Way and
daughter, of Lancaster, visited Mrs.
Way’s mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Good
on Sunday.

Sold by E. W. Garber, Druggist.

Miss Anna Sherwood, of Liver-
| of Mr.
{ied on his return trip by his family.
| Arthur Mullin, all of West Chester
| family.
{ day at the
burg, returned to her home after
spending some time at the home of her
grandfather, Jno. W. Conner.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ramsey, of
Paxtang, and Mr. Elmer Gingrich,
of Landisville, were Sunday guests
and Mrs. C. S. Gingrich.
Mys, Harry 1. Fmith, Me. and}
Mrs. Edwari Quinn and family, all
tof Lancaster, were Sunday visitors
th Mr. and tlarry Smith.
Mr. March, of the New Standard
Local Mortuary
Record for a Week
(From page 1)
and a brother, John Dourte, of Man-
Funeral services were held Monday
at Ruhl’'s United Brethren in Christ
church. Burial in the adjoining ceme-
Laura W., wife of John W, Irwin,
died at Washingtonboro., She was in
her 71st year.

Mrs. Harry Kuhn
Mrs. Annie Kuhn, fifty-one, wife of
Harry Kuhn, of 114 South Market
street, died suddenly Friday evening
8:30 o'clock at her home of a heart at-
She is survived by her husband and
the following children: Mrs. Mahlon
Foreman, Mrs. Elwood Garber, Mrs.
Christian Hershey and Mrs, Elwood
Martin, all of Mount Joy, and Walter
and Lester, at home, She is also sur-
vived by one sister, Mrs, Allen Zinn
and one brother, J. M. Trout, both of
Marietta, R. D. 1, and ten grandchil-
Services were Monday afternoon at
St. Mark’s United Brethren church.
Interment was made in the Eberle
Mrs. Elizabeth R. Snyder
Mrs, Elizabeth R. Snyder, seventy-
eight, died at the home of her brother
David Ruth, at Bainbridge, Monday
afternoon, of age infirmities. She is
survived by the following children:
William, Harrisburg; Eli, Ashland,
Mass.; Mrs. Alice McClure, New York
City; and Mrs. Emma Mayer, Phila-
delphia; also these brothers and sis-
ters: David Ruth, Bainbridge; Mrs.
Ella Anthony, Pittsburgh; Mrs, Laura
Snavely, Pittsburgh; Mrs. Catherine |
Rupp, Harrisburg.
Services will be held Friday after- |
noon at 2 o'clock at the home and at
2:30 o'clock, D. S. T., at the United |
Brethren church, Elizabethtown. In-
terment will be at Geyer's cemetery,
near Middletown,

{ Corporation, left on Friday for New
Hampshire. He will be accompan-
Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Zerphey and
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Zerphy and |
family visited Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Zerphey at Sharp’s Corner on Sun-
Mrs. Martha Souder, Mrs. Clinton |
Eby, Sr., Mrs. Abner Hershey and
Mr. Raymond Eby visited at the
| Oreville Mennonite Home on Thurs-
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Greiner ai
daughter, Elizabeth, called on the!
| former's brother, David Greiner and |
family, Mount Joy township, on
Sunday. ;
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Krall and
children, Beatrice and Dorothy Jane
of Lancaster, spent Sunday with Mr
Krall’s uncle, Alpheus Rye and
Mrs. Chas. Talbot, Miss Louie
Haines, Mrs. Herbert Mullin, Mr.
spent Sunday with the Chandler
Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Zerphey and
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Zerphy and |
family called on Mr. and Mrs. Al-
bert Haldeman at Lititz on Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur I. Beahm
were Sunday afternoon guests with
the former’s sister and family, Rev
and Mrs. J. S. Rittenhouse at Me-
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ober, of near
Milton Grove, and Mr. and Mrs. J.
Young, Sr., attended the funeral of
| Henry Baker, at Fairview Church,
on Saturday.
Miss Harriet Johnson and Mrs.
Amy Peoples were visitors on Sun-
home of the latter's
hter, Mrs. Ernest Cobaugh, at
Mr. and Mrs. John Mourer, Mr. |
and Mrs. Wagner and son; Mrs.
Wagner’s mother, of Lancaster,
were Saturday evening callers with
Mrs. MrGirl.
Miss Helen Snyder and two
friends of Hood College, Frederick,
Md., were week end guests, with
the former’s parents, Dr. and Mrs.
A. F. Snyder.
Mr. and Mrs. John

Weaver and |
! children, Josephine and Lois, o
Lancaster, spent Sunday at the |
home of Mrs. Weaver's father, John
Garber and family.
Mrs. Martha Souder, Mrs. Eliza-
beth Souder, Mrs. Clinton Eby, Sr.,
and Mr. Raymond Eby called at the
B. F. Gerber home, south of town,
on Thursday evening.
Mrs. Annie Youtz, Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Zercher and children, Ken-
neth, Eugene and Bernice, of Mount
ville were Sunday evening guests of
Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Walters.
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Hamaker and
Miss Linnie Greiner spent a very
pleasant day at Lemoyne on Tues-
day, visiting their former pastor
and family, Rev. I. A. MacDannald.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Young, Sr.,
of town, accompanied Mr. John
Hiestand, of Woodstock, Ill, to
-uton Grove, on Tuesday where
they visited their brother, David
Hiestand and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Conrad and
son, Billy; Miss Laura Kolp, Mrs.
Tillie Hinkle, Mrs. Frank Haug and
son, Ray, attended services at the
Convention Hall on Sunday.
Mr. Frank Young, who has been
a patient at the League Island hos-
pital for quite some time, is spend-
ing the week here with his family.
We are pleased to report he is im-
Mr. and Mrs. John Roth, daugh-
ter, Jeanne Anne, and son, John
Gordon, of Florin; Mr. and Mrs. C.
M. Webb and family, of town; Miss
Margie Coble and Mr. Walter Es-
penshade, of Middletown; Miss
Mary and Theresa Reichard, and Mr

I operation rendered by the commun-
Mrs. Annie R. Good, sixty-three,
died at her home at Swatara Hill,
Elizabethtown, R. D. 4, Monday af- |
ternoon of complications.
She is survived by her husband,
D. Elmer Good, Sr. and the follow- |
ing children: Harvey E. Good, Wal- |
ter E.,, D. Elmer Jr., Russel H.,
Christian E., all of Middletown, and
Mrs. Floyd Lokey, \ Elizabethtown.
Her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Good,
of Elizabethtown, also survives, to-
gether with the following brothers
and sisters: Joseph, of Florin;
Christian, Elizabethtown; Martin
and Clayton, both of Bainbridge,
and Mrs. Bert Naylor, of Detroit.
Eighteen grandchildren also survive.
Funeral services will be held on
Thursday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock
(D. S. T.), at her home and 2:30 o’-
clock (D. S. T.), at Good’s church,
near Elizabethtown. Burial will be
in the adjoining cemetery.
Sere tl) eens
Mrs. Annie Good |
The Spelling Bee given by the
Kings’ Daughters 3ible class of J
the local U. B. church was a splen-
did success. The program consisted
of: Piano Solo, Verna Brandt; Song,
by Girls; Selection, Hill Kid; 1st
Spelling Class, the prizes being won
by: 1st, Bates; Second, Smith; and
Third, Young; Solo, Kathryn War-
fel; Reading Carolive Schneider; the
second Spelling class, with prizes
won by 1st, Emma McDannel; Sec-
ond, Paul Frey; Third, Clayton
Shenk; Play, by the Girls; Selection
by the Hill Kid; General Informa-
tion class, and prizes won by Chas.
Weidman, first; Amos Hambright,
Second; E. R. McDannel, Third;
Song, Girls; Selection by the Hill
The class wish to extend their
most hearty thanks for the fine co-
ity in making this a success.
tO) Cerne
There is no better way to boost
your business than by local news
naney adverticine tf

and Mrs. Wm. Bleecher, of Lancas-
ter; Mr. and Mrs. John Shank and
daughter, Betty Jane, of York; Miss
{ Esther Shank and Mrs. Minerva
Shank, of Bainbridge, were Sunday
goests with Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Shank, at Bainbridge.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Young, Sr. of
town; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hiestand
and daughter, of Manheim; Mr. and
Mrs. Sell, of Penryn; Mr. John B.
Hiestand, of Woodstock, Ill, were
Sunday guests of Christ Heistand,
and family at Manheim.
Misses Mildred Cuddeback, Virginia
Greenawalt, Maude Schneider, Edna
Pennell, Ruth Derr and Eunice Herr
and Mrs. Norman Sprecher attended
the banquet of the Otterbein Guild in
the basement of the Otterbein Church
Harrisburg on Wednesday evening.
Mr. Fred Farmer, of Baltimore,
Md.; Mr. Joseph Charles, of town;
Mr. and Mrs. N. N. Baer, of Salun-
ga; Mr. and Mrs. Willis Baer, of
Landisville, were Sunday callers at
the Howard Longenecker home on
East Main street.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kuhn, of
Newport; Miss Margaret Kuhn, of
Loysville; Mrs. Florence Kuhn, of
New Bloomfield; Mr. and Mrs. Al-
bert Kuhn and family, of Waynes-
boro; Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Kuhn and
family, of Zullinger; Mr. and Mrs.
Willis Kuhn, of Harrisburg: Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Kuhn, and family, of
Harrisburg; Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Peters, of Sparrows Point, Md.; Mr.
and Mrs. John Trout, of Maytown;
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Zinn and family
of Maytown; Mr. and Mrs. Andrew
Trout, of Lancaster, attended the
funeral of Mrs. Harry Kuhn here on
Heartiest Congratulations
From The Bulletin
Ray Neweomer was 15 years old
on Thursday, May 5.
Rhoda Eby celebrated her birth-
day Friday, May 6th.
Donald Rettew was 9 years old on
Thursday, April 28th.
Evelyn Kuhns celebrated her
birthday Sunday, May 8
Mrs. Philip Greiner observed her
birthday on Thursday, May 5.
Mr. Cvrus Gainer celebrated his
birthday on Tuesday, May 10th,
Marie Mumma celebrated her
birthday on Tuesday, May 10th.
Mr. John Young, of Quarryville,
had a birthday on Monday, May 9.
Mrs. Tillie Hinkle will be 74
years old tomorrow, Thursday, May
Mr. Arthur Hershey, of Lancas-|
ter, formerly of town, celebrated his
birthday on Saturday, May 7.
Miss Lottie B. Snyder, of Lititz,
well known in this section, is cele- |
brating her birthday today, May 11 |
Industrial Notes
Middletown—The Weis Pure Food
Store, Whitman building, South Un-
ion street, opened for business.
Villanova — $500,000 gymnasium
building of Villanova College for-
mally opened.
Bellefonte — Plans being drawn
for proposed post office building es-
timated to cost about $125,000.
Starrucca—General contract for
constructing two-room annex to the
Starrucca school building awarded
Joseph Husvar for sum of $5,560.
Construction of new road to re
lieve traffic on Lincoln Highway be-
tween Philadelphia and Trenton will

| Harrisburg.
| opened People’s
| moved to new quarters at 64 Fay-
| way connecting Muncy with Dan-

be undertaken soon according to an
announcement made recently by the
State Department of Highways at
West Newton — Angelos Samios
Restaurant, Main
and Water streets.
Weatherly—Harold H. Kock and
Herbert S. Warner purchased the
Central Garage of L. G. Nuss.
Delta—Improvements made in the
Stubb’s Department Store.
Conshohocken—Darrar Boot Shop
ette Street.
Turbotville—Missing link in High
ville and other points in the upper
North Branch Valley, outside of the
{ Borough limits, to be paved.
lO Cee.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Latchford
and children; Mr. and Mrs. Dave
Snyder, and Mrs. Paul Garber and
two sons, Paul and Freddie, motored
to Middletown on Sunday to visit
Mrs. Garber’s sister-in-law, Mrs.
Newpher Garber.

Lery lind of Insurance except life anywhere in Pennsylvania,

Community Sale
Every, Wednes. Evening
During April and May
At their plage of business on the road
leading to the Mount Joy Cemetery, a
short distanceifrom Mount Joy
» »
Poultry, Baby Chicks
Apples, \ Fruit
Merchandise, Etc.
C. 3S. Frank & Bro.


Mt. Joy Theatre
A Thursday, May 12

HEN you are planning the | dainty sandwiches which will de-
food for your May Day |light the winsome little Queen of
Party outdoors, you want |the May.
it to be as novel and| Three Layer Sandwiches: Sim-
pleasing to the happy little| mer together one cup of crushed
girl who is Queen of the May, and | Hawaiian pineapple, one-fourth
to her guests, as the surprised lit- | cup sugar and two tablespoons
tle flowers which are peeping out {lemon juice until the mixture is
at the new spring. Why not try | thick. Cool. Cut whole wheat
a new sort of sandwich which is |or Ee bread in very thin
easy to make, nutritious and |slices, butter and spread with soft-
easily digested? Here is one: ened and seasoned cream cheese.
Pineapple and Nut Sandwiches: | Cover with another slice of bread
Mix well together two cream |and butter, and spread with the
cheeses, one-fourth cup drained [pineapple mixture. Again cover
crushed Hawaiian pineapple, one-| with buttered bread, and cut into
fourth cup chopped salted al-| narrow fingers.
monds, and spread between thinly The acids of pineapple turn al-
sliced and buttered graham bread. | kaline in the body, and its enzyme
Make in required quantities, and | bromelin content is an aid to di-
be sure to save the syrup from the | gestion, «a there will be no after-
pineapple to use in a fruit drink { math of indigestion to your May

L By going to a little more trou-| Day Party if you serve these
fic vou can make the following
sand wic he 8 ¥


EITHER adverse fo r-
tune, nor hard times,
nor old age holds any fears
pr the man or woman with
a trong Bank Account. You
can begin today to place
yourself in this enviable po-
sition, to permanently es-
tablish your financial inde-
Open Account
Open a Sa%ings Account
here. Make week-to-
week deposits gnd watch
your balance mourit. Before
long you, too, will épjoy Or
4 curity.
First National B
and Trust Co.
Mount Joy, Pa.


The Show Place of Lancaster County

Fifth Avenue shapes of a beautiful “gptical effect
Manufactured by Susquehanna Cut Glass Co%, Columbia, Pa.
Made by Columbia workmen starting Thursday gay 12th and
every Thursday thereafter Ng
Friday and Saturday, May 13-14 \
In a romantic Cemedy surprise of the year \

John Barrymore
A and
1 Lionel Barrymore
and $
A = 8
Part x 6 Detective Lloyd A
rday, May 14
\ with
Jean Harlow, Walter Huston
Big Star, Comedy
Phil. Atheletics in Baseball
Evenings only First Show 7:00



—pe . ssn
TWO EVENING, SHOWS 6:45 and 8:45

Thursday, May 12th
‘High Speed
Wigh Buck Jones
Wednesday, May 11th
Dancers in the Dark
with Miriam Hopkins


Monday, May 16th Tuesday, May 17th
“Ladies of the Jury’’ | ‘Twenty-Four Ho
with Edna May Oliver with Clive Brook