The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, May 04, 1932, Image 8

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Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Werner and
children, Mildred and Miriam, visit-
ed Mr. Dervin Shumaker and family
on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morton, of
Maytown, and Mr. John Shenk, of
Mount Joy, were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Alvin Demmy on Sunday
A number of our folks attended
the funeral of Mr. Amos Charles at
Reich’s church on Friday.
Leon Leber is the guest of Mr.
Dervin Shumaker and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Christian Hiestand
entertained Mr. Titus Rutt and Miss
Witmer, and Miss Erb on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. James Reisinger
moved into the Raymond Sipling
Miss Laura Wolf, of Columbia,
called on Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Eb-
ersole on Sunday.
James and Jane Kersey, of Eliza-
bethtown, were guests of Mr. Ab-
ram Hoffman on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Grove, of
Lancaster, spent Thursday with
Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Keefer.
Cyrus Keefer and Oliver Sager
made a trip to Port Deposit for
Mr. Christian Horst called on
Mrs. Lloyd Kump on Sunday even-
nn. ep LG
On Sunday a birthday dinner was
tendered at the home of Mrs. Wm
Dillinger, in honor of Mr. Dilling-
er’s birthday. He was presented with
an anniversary cake, with candles
thereon, forming the numerals 50.
The event was enjoyed by all and
baked ham and all its “fixings”
were served to: Mr. and Mrs. Geo
Brown and sons, George and Bruce;
Miss Katie Dillinger, Mr. and Mrs,
Chas. Dillinger and daughter, Miss
Elsie; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Eshleman,
Mrs. Fannie Ranck, Mr. and Mrs
William Dillinger, John Dillinger
and Fanny Dillinger.
A Divorce Decree
A decree of divorce was handed
down by Judge Groff Tuesday after
noon to Mrs. E. White, of Lancaster
from her husband, Phares S. White,
who is now serving a term in the
Eastern Penitentiary. The divorce
was granted on the grounds of de-
sertion. They formerly lived here.
Classified Column
[FARMERS With milk

high In
best prices.
Marietta St., Mt. Joy, Pa. may-4-

—6-room house, all con-
venienves in is ly phone No.
$08R15 Mt. Joy. =i.

NOTICE—I do public typing at my
home. Apply 48 Old Market St., Mt
Miss Ida is safle ing with
the La Grippe.
Preaching at Centreville at 7:30 P.
Ni. Eastern Standard Time.
Mr, and Mrs, Rudolph Mohler of
Spring City, Pa., were the guests of
Mis. Frank McCune,
Miss Ruth Kauffman attended a
convention of the Young People’s
Council at Harrisburg over the week
Mrs. Cora Campbell will represent
the Woman's Missionary Society at the
First Penn Conference of the W. M.
A. at Harrisburg this week.
Mother's day will be observed at the
Ironville U. B. S. S. on Sunday with a
special program. The pastor Rev. J.
L. Smoker will preach a special ser-
mon for the occasion. C, E. at 7:00
P. M. Eastern Standard Time.
On Thursday evening, May 12th the
Glad Hand Bible Class of the 6th
street United Brethren Sunday school,
Harrisburg, will present their radio
program in the Ironville United Breth-
fren church, This class broadcasts ev-
ery Sunday afternoon at 2 P. M. over
Harrisburg station “WHP” the pro-
gram will consist of vocal and musical
David B. Kauffman celebrated his
A4'83rd birthday, last Tuesday. Mar.
Kauffman was unable to go to the polls
account of injuring his leg by falling
out of the chicken house. This is
the first election he has missed since
he started to vote. He has been a
staunch Republican all of his life, al-
ways voting it straight. For a number
of years he was the Township con-
stable, only retiring after being unable
to attend to the duties required of the
Mr. Harvey Greenawalt, on New
Haven St., is on the sick list.
Wesley Wittle, of Florin, has been
on the sick list for several days.
Mr. Charles Derr, who has been
quite ill the past month, is able to
be out again.
Mr. Sam Rye, on Hopewell St.
who has been quite sick at his home
is still very ill.
Mrs. John Beamesderfer, on East
Main street, is slowly improving af-
ter quite an, illness.
Mrs. Harry Kendig, wife of Dr.
Kendig, who was a patient at a
Lancaster hospital, returned home
Saturday. Mrs. Kendig greatly ap-
preciated the cards and flowers sent

9 during her illness.
Mr. Watson Schneider, who un-
derwent a successful operation at
the General hospital last week, re-
turned to the Rossmere Sanatorium
on Monday, he being a patient there
for sometime.
tl Annee
Religious News
In Our Churches
All the churen news in thi
column is published gratis and we
solicit the news of your church, Ask
your pastor or someone to mail or
bring this news to this office every
Tuesday afternoon,
Mt. Joy Mennonite Church
8:30 A. M. Sunday School.
700 P. M. Young People's
Kraybill’s Mennonite Church
9:00 A. M. Sunday School.
10:00 A. M. Preaching.
Donegal Presbyterian Church
Rev. C. B, Segelken, D. D., Pastor
Church School 9:00. D. C. Witmer,

Reformed Mennonite Church
Christian S. Nolt, pastor
There will be Communion services
in the Reformed Mennonite Church
in Landisville next Sunday morning
at ten o’clock, daylight saving time
Church of the Brethren
Sunday, May 8, 1932
8:30 A. M. Sunday School at
Florin, Rheems and West Green
10 A. M. Preaching at Florin.
7 P. M. Preaching at Rheems.
Trinity Lutheran Church
Rev. George A. Kercher, Pastor
Bible School 9:30 A. M.
Morning Service 10:45 A. M.
Vespers 7 P. M.
All services on Daylight Saving
St. Mary’s Chapel
Mount Joy
Starting Sunday evening, May 8,
at 7:30 D. 8S. T, and
daily for one week, Rev. Latchford
of the Paulist Order, will conduct a
Mission. You are most cordially in-
vited to attend. A question box will
be conducted.
Church of God .
Rev. Paul G. Martin, A. B., Minister
Sunday School 9:30.
Preaching 10:30. Theme
of Yesterday.”
C. E. 6:45.
Preaching 7:45. Theme, “The Moth-
ers of Tomorrow.”
St. Luke's Episcopal Church
Rev'd. William S. J. Dumvill, Rector
Holy communion and sermon the
first Sunday of each month at 10:30
Sunday School at 9:15.
Morning prayer and sermon 10:30
Vesper Service 6:30 P. M.
Choir rehearsal Wednesday even-

WEDNESDAY, MAY 4th, 1932

We Shall Be Pleased To Explain To You Its Re-
markable Features, Which Shall Again Revolu-
tionize the Manufacture of Fine Motor Cars
Arrange For A Demonstration --- You Will Not Be Obligated


Joy. apr.27-2t-p


BY DR. CHARLES HAFF | ing at 6:30.

RS AND OOMERS All who h hurch h
Tao AND SOONERS... Souter Tigh sre bined ne eo a ae 0 ©000000000000000000000000
Blanche Sheaffer, t., Mount | rapidly drawing to a close. The com- ere

mencement season is especially in
the foreground, preceeded by the
Joy. First Presbyterian Church
Rev. C. B. Segelken, D. D., Pastor



Be sure that you get the| operetta, which will


igh for your calves.
Reist R. Mumma one FEtown
171R11. Not later than n-
day morning. j -tf

Buy electric hatched chicks. Large
White Leghorns from hens
two years o older. Hatches taken
of Tuesday and day. Prices rea-
sonable. Place orde

Estate of Cyrus G. Frey late of East
field township, Lancaster Coun-
f administration on said es-
n granted to the under-
sons indebted thereto

the undersigned, residing
ville, Pa.
M. M. Harnish, Atty.
Estate of Christian S. Geib late of
Mount Joy Borough, Pa., deceased.
Letters testamentary on said estate
having been granted to the under-
signed, all persons indebted thereto
are requested to make immediate pay-
ment, and those having claims or de-
mands against the same, will present
them without delay for settlement to
the undersigned, residing at Mount
Joy, Pa.

take a great
part of the students’ time.
Dr. Charles Haff, of Northamp-
ton, owner of the Haff Hospital and
one of the outstanding medical men
of this part of the state, addressed
the entire High School at 11 o’clock
yesterday (Tuesday) morning.
His theme for his talk was on
“Character Education.” His discuss
sion was appreciated and greatly
benefited the assembly, inasmuch as
they are now at the age when they
must develop that one great necess-
ity, which is such a “lift” in life.
On Friday evening the local High
will play their initial baseball game
with the New Holland students. Our
team has been busy at practice and
we feel sure it will come through
mighty fine.
tO ee ees
The schedule of meeting places
and dates for the new fiscal year
has been announced by J. Harry
Grube, of Landisville, secretary of
the Lancaster County Firemen’s
Association. It is as follows:
Schoeneck, June 24; Elizabeth-
town, July 29; Kinzer, August 26:
Brownstown, September 30; Bow-
mansville, Oct. 28; Willow Street,
November 25; Mechanicsburg (Lea-
cock), December 30. 1933—Akron,
January 27; Millersville, February
24; Intercourse, March 31; Rohrers-
town, April 28, Maytown, May 26.
0) Ee.

Church School 9:30 A. M. H. S.
Newcomer, Superintendent.
Morning worship and sermen at
Evening worship and sermon at
Mother’s Day will be observed in
all the services and the messages
will emphasize the grace and glory
of our mothers. A special offering
will be received for the Presbyter-
ian Home at Newville, Pa.
Service Wednesday evening 7:30.
Daylight Saving Time.
Florin United Brethren Church in
Rev. J. C. Deitzler, Ph. D., Minister
Sunday announcements:
Bible School 9:30 A. M.
Morning Worship 16:30 A. M.
(Mother’s Day)
Junior Society 5:15 P. M.
Intermediate society 5:45 P. M.
Senior society at 6:30 P. M.
Evening worship at 7:15 P. M.
Weekly announcements:
Bible Study Monday 7:30 P. M.
Topic: “Babylon.”
Choir Rehearsal Tuesday 7:30 P. M.
Prayer Service Thursday 7:30 P. M.
Instructions Friday 7:30
All services are on
ing time.
You are cordially invited to all
services of the church.
daylight sav-

The Methodist Episcopal Church
“The Church on the Square”
9 Quality
ooth S Merchandise

Really Will Wash




Our Yield
of Acti\ities .
Is not onsale any boundaries of
creed, wealth or position. We offer our
services—our best §ervices—to all.

Regardless of circ
feel free to call upon
for, as we have said, serve all alike,
believing that all peopl are alike in
wishing superior mortuargservice.
stances, one may,
his organization,

Columbia Pat new Frey Funeral Service
N i A G A R A LINOLEUM The Expense is a Matter of Your Owl Desire
on the Marietta Ldycaster
38@ and 75¢




JOHN GEIB, Child Health Clinic Rev. W. Ridgway Petre, B. D., Pastor
The regular Child Health Clinic was Sunday, May 8, 1932
M. M. Harnish, Atty. apr.20-6t-p had in the American Legion Home 9:30 A ers Day x %
= _— with an attendance of 29 childr : - M. Sunday School. Dr. E. W. 8 3
Estat EE late mothers and 1 mothe. he 3 Garber, Superintendent. & NO
e 0 1 m 5 .
There was one n regi i 10:30 A. M. Merning Worship. x x
of Mount Joy, Pa., deceased. ew registration, >
Letters testamentary on said estate Donald Gee Herman, 4 weeks, son geen) Mother's Day Program % MAJE 4 ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR x
having been granted to the under-|© r. an rs. Elmer Herman. a ey 3 EOR EVER
eT A rr a Te 3 :
are requested to make 1 - | charge assiste Miss Eth er ople’s
ment, and those having claims or de- |B. N. ¥ Miss meine oo $ Oo 9S O = o. 5 Factory 3
mands against the same, will presen : : . ; 7: , espers. S
them without delay for settlement to Ihe Dishieria Toxin Anti Toxin Theme: Why Jesus Went Away. WINDOWS No matter what Size your family is or how 3
the undersigned, residing at 54 West given mothers wishing to Tuesday, Men’s Leac & Ek :
Main Street, Mt. Joy, Pa. have their children innoculated report Ys n eague, 8:00 P. 43¢ to $1 925 8 Tn You can a org py’ Litre is 2 oy
E. PEARL CHANDLER, to the clinic. . o x relrigerator you wi t—8% sq. ft. o ood 3
ELLA CHANDLER SMITH,| Hostesses were Mrs, E. W. Garber, Tuesday, Mite Society ot 7:30 P. each % ns es Rigen ak i :
Executrixs | Miss Esther Henry, Secretar ; . 5 ! Na com- x
: y. Wednesd. i % pressor standin 1 2
tM. Harnish, Ay. apr20-6t| Next clinic on Tuesday the 17th. Junior Legs sie x moving es o ot ry x
e greatest collection of extra spec- Hours from 21e 4. 7:30 Prayer service. "> 5 De Luxe All-Steel H ] ] : 2%
saving opportunities this LUMB Friday Choir Rehearsals. Junior 7:30 x ith ermetically ‘Qealed Majestics
gen a many An. ER & Jove WOOD | P. M. Senior at 8:00. x Dr Seay rong in Shel Arar 2
e New elvinator, ; Come and worship with us at the | “Youth’s Chance.” Mae Brandt; Mary, Clara Aston. % 0 q The Bpowest Price 2)
ohawk Relriger- aR L ER of all kinds sawed to | Methodist church. Wednesday, 8:00 Mid Week devo-| This playlet will be rendered in |& Hermetic Refrigerators Made. Built toylast a life-
00 down and $3.00 a STOVE we 3 i : tional service. connection with other special fea- 2d time. You cannot buy a finer quality réfrigerator SO
ou be willing to be | lengths consists hg mn 12 In. | St. Mark’s United Brethren in Christ Visitors are welcomed at our ser- | tures. The regular Christian En- at any price. 5 i
without the m modern conveni- | $400 per truck 1 oak and hickory. The Rev. C. E. Rettew, Minister vices, deavor Society meeting will be held |g 8
ences offered by tricity. The latest| jolivered oador $6.50 per cord [| All Services Daylight Saving Time.| Youth’s Chance is the mame of a |at 6:45, when a Mother’s Day pro- |§ 2 8
Washing tine, Eloetsie JACOB G. B Sunday Church School 9:30 A. M |short pageant which will be enacted | will be rendered in of 3 pe
Iron, Stoves, Sweepe e ns Ph Morning Worship 10:30 A. M. by four young people, Sunday night Mrs. Wilbur I. Beahm, after which | . i
i hg hn of latest im- | Phone 1R2 R. D. MA PA.| Mother's Day Service. at 7:30, at the Anniversary exercis- | the special Anniversary Day pro- |Q \, 8 J
provec oF SOTHE NEW Or call at the Mill on the Daw Miller | _ Christian Endeavor 6:45. Special |es of the Christian Endeavor Society | gram will be rendered in the Audi- | 80 ee TN |
Farm, 2 miles northeast of MouM\Joy. | Mother’s Day Program in charge of |at the St. Mark’s United Brethren | torium at 7:30. }
tf | Mrs. Wilbur Beahm. church. Following is the list of : 8 —_ J
61 E. Main St. 1 : Anniversary Exercises of Chris- | characters: Tom, Harry Bishop; | Modern girls may not get red when RE AD THE MOUNT JOY BULLET'N |
Subscribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletin | tian Endeavor 7:30 with pageant: | Will, Merle Hoffer; Jane, Vern |they kiss, but the men do. {