1 | > 4, Sade O00008 WEDNESDAY, MAY 4th, 1932 Bods dried dodo dodo dodo ee WONDER HOw MUCH MILK THAT Cow WILL GIVE? 9 a HMM-M, WONDER HOW MUCH MILK CEE OW Xa Xa Xa Xe Xo) oe’ % J Xa) El WILL MAKE * 9. 0 W000 Po elidel 0 0, 9. 0 Pdr You can't fll by looking. You have to try them both to find o& out. But you do ow this—a good cow will make you more money and more profitfghan an average one. A good feed will make 9 you more milk d more profit than an average one. & y cost a few dollars more than the average it. The good feed may cost a few cents e average one, but its worth it. just like the good cow—it will make you The good cow cow but she’s worl more per bag than Purina cow chow is o bed COR) 00d O00 1 more milk and more ey. It is a good cow feed; its cow test- 0) ed. More than 1,000,008 cows have checked cow chow and they - 3 report it makes more than other feeds. & 9290 . i i 3 > 3 Come in and let us figu’§ with you on your dairy ration, Put 3 bf your cows on the Purina &airy ration and you'll increase your 2 oe profits. oe J 0%, av > po) = = td tri C O < 4s ad = oO S 0° 2 » QA * ASSOCIATE MAUDE E. ROBINSON, D. B. BRUBAKER Dept. Stor D. ROY MOOSE, Dept. Store 4, le] ~ & 23 $00 * J Mount Joy, Pa. Florin, Pa. 9, $0.09, é. O05 J oe J ESE seit usr ata Sol EA y Profitable feeds for livestock and poul- try. Ti lower your cost of production rm e you more profits, 0 COW) XEN * * = “@ 3 deeded dodo ’ rLorIN-] Tryon S Garage-rLormy J. B. TRYON, Mgr. REPAIR ALL MAKE CARS See us Before Deciding on any Repairs Compare—You be the Judge Special Overhaul of Motors Overhaul Motor, Install Rings, Clean Carbon, Grind Valves, Adjust Points, Clean Carburetor and Gas Lines, Tighten all Bear- ings, Tune up Motor, Including Rings, Gaskets and Labor Com- plete. 4 cyl 6 cyl ‘A $13.50 ol $18.50 CHEVROLET SPECIAL Clean Carbon, Grind Valves, 4 cyl 6 cyl i $3.00 fi $4. 00 Other Cars Also Low Priced POLISHING AND SIMONIZING CARS LOWEST PRICES CARS GREASED Cars Called for and Delivered Bulletin Read—The Arvid the Commer May 1 6c Martin’s Bologna 19¢c b MACARONI © Sc hb Sweet or Sour PICKLES 10c glass PRATT’S Chick Starter 100 Ibs. $3.25 D. B. Ea DEPT. STORE Mt. Joy, Pa. \ Swift’s Bacon SLICED O¢ pkg TWO FOR 17c¢ lossoms brshmallow Cream Cheese 17ch Cream Cottage Cheese A Home Town Production 1-4lbBox 1 S¢ SALMON THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO., PA, i Tue CARD BASKET BR By Maude Edwards - aa. and Mrs, Chas, Zeller were WEEK end guests ul narcisburg. Mrs. Frank stark spent several days at rnadelpnia wilh 1riends. reien Berrier visited her grand- mother, Mrs, Daniel dSunday Mrs. Mary Sheppard, of Deodate, called on friends in town on Tues- day. ; Mr. and Mrs. Israel Sensenig, of Martindale, were in town on Satur- day. Mr. Freeman Keim, of Royers- ford, was a Sunday visitor here with relatives. Wiss Violet Gibbons, of Realing, was a Sunday visitor here with her relatives. Mrs. Henry Danner, of Salunga visited Miss Anna Hinkle last Thursday. ii 3 F. Connor and Mrs. P. G Bickert of Steelton, visited here on Saturday. Miss Elizabeth Weaver, of Lan: caster, visited Mrs. Harry Brenner. on Sunday. Mrs. Abe Grove, called on Mrs. on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Daniels, of Lancas- ter, were Monday callers on the Brenner family. ; Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Clinger visited at the former’s home at Col- umbia on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob H. Zeller and Holwager, of Milton Anna McGirl Mrs. Marie Hoffer visited at Lan- caster on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Groff and visited at Perry daughter, Patty, county on Sunday. Mrs. Markley, of Lancaster, visit ed her son, James Markley ani family, on Sunday. Dr. Biever, of Columbia, was a Sunday guest at the home of daugh- ter, Mrs. D. C. Stoner. Mr. and Mrs. David Winfield Espenshade visitors at Harrisburg. Mr. Geo. Weber, of spent Sunday with his and Mrs. Joseph Weber. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob R. daughter visited Mr. Weaver, at Glen Moore. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Arntz and sons Gerald and Robert enjoyed a trip to New York City on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Chandler, of Lancaster, were visitors with Mrs. Harry Brenner on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hoffmaster and family visited Jos. Breneman and wife, at Hershey on Sunday. Mr. Elmer E. Miller, the Miller Single Trigger Manufacturer, was a visitor in town on Saturday. Mrs. Hattie Hoffman left Friday for the West, where she expects to make her home with her son. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Rye, daugi- ter, Mildred, and son, James, mo- tored to Middletown on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Edwards and family, of Ephrata, visited Harry Weidman and family on Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Chambers, of Lancaster, were Sunday guests at the Barnhart home, on Mt. Joy St. Mrs. Arthur Coolidge, of New York City, visited friends and rela- tives here on Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Weiderheim and son, of St. Davids, Pa., were the recent guests of Miss Pearl Chand ler. Mrs. Winfield guest several days and brothers at Snyder, Mr. were Sunday Lancaster, parents, Mr. Zeller and and Mrs. Espenshade was a last week with her sister Harris- burg. Mrs. Harry Hinkle and daughter, Anna, ave spending the day at Lan’ caster with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Har- nish. Mr. and Mrs. John Miller and laughter, Betty, and Mr. and Mrs. James Neal spent the week end at Carlisle. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rohrer and son, Kenneth Eugene, visited Mr and Mrs. Wm. Hamer, at Manheim, recently. Mr. and Mrs. Eli Hostetter and family and Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Esh- leman were Sunday visitors with their sister. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sheaffer, of Elizabethtown, called on the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Siller, on Monday. Rev. and Mrs. Paul Martin and daughter were Sunday callers at the Church of God parsonage at FEliza- bethtown. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Mummau and daughter, Anna, of Landisville, were Wednesday evening guests of Jacob Young, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. recent guests Chas. Zeller were with Mr. and Mrs Kenneth Witmer at Clark’s Valley Dauphin Co. Mr. Wm. H. Weston and Miss Nina Witmer, of Millersville, were Sunday guests at the Methodist parsonage. Mr. Alvin Pennell and son, of Lancaster, spent Monday here with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Darvin Pennell. Mrs. Benj. Groff and daughter Pa- tricia were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Sharpe at Annville on Satur- day and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Trimmer and Mrs. Morrow, of Lancaster, attend- ed the funeral of their cousin, Mrs Kautz, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hershey and Paul, of Lancaster, spent Sunday with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Abner Hershey. Mrs. Amanda Hartman, of Col- umbia, called on her son, Frank Haug and family, on West Main St. Saturday evening. " Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carpenter and family, of Lancaster, were cail- | ers on Sunday at the home of Mrs, Harry Wintermyer, Mr. Freeman Keim and mother, Mrs. C. C. Keim, of Royersford were recent guests with Mr. and Mrs. John Zeller. Mrs. I. K. Charles and son, Rich- ard, of Lancaster, called on the former's niece, Mrs. E, V. McClell- an and family, on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Latchford daughter, Winifred, and son, Rich- ard were Sunday guests of Mr. Claude Espenshade and family. Mrs. Annie Habecker and son, guests at the home of the former's Earl, of Lititz, were the Saturday daughter, Mrs. Clyde Eshleman. Mr. and Mrs. David Snyder, Mrs. Paul Garber and sons, Paul, Jr. and Frnddie, were recent grests of Mrs. Sewpher Garber at Middletow:.. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Givens, their daughter, Margaret, and Mr. Eddie Smith, of Reading, called on rela- tives and friends here on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Walters and children Harry and Barbara Ann spent Sunday with Mrs. Margie Mohn and and other relatives in Middletown. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Smith and daughter, Nancy Jane, attended the funeral of Mr. Smith’s uncle, Dan- iel Smith, at Deodate on Saturday. Dr. and Mrs. Sam R. M. Rannels of Baltimore, Md., were Sunday callers on Mrs. Rannels’ uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Schock. Mrs. Mary E. Barrick, who has been spending several weeks at Coatesville, returned to her daugh- ter, Mrs. Geo. Meminger on Sunday William and John Risser, of Bainbridge, spent Tuesday after- noon at the home of their grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Kray- bill. Dr. Samuel Kraybill, Jr. and son, Samuel, 8rd, of Manheim called on the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrsg S. S. Kraybill on Poplar St., recent- ly. Miss Geta Fay Dietz has returned to her studies at Maplewood, N. J.., after spending a week here at the: home of her mother, Mrs. Eli Eber- sole. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Ar.dt and daughter Josephine, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Leib motored to Read- ing on Sunday to visit Mr. Arndt's aunt. Mrs. Harry Wintermyer, Miss Lizzie Wintermyer, James Weidmar and Clarence Good motored to Washingtonboro, on Sunday to visit relatives. Mrs. Milroy Ellis, Mrs. Wm. Ellis and daughter, Mary Lou, visited at the home of their sister-in-law, Mrs Ralph Shirk, at Elizabethtown, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Waltz and son, Lawrence, of near Mount Gretna, were Sunday evening call- ers at the home of Mrs. Lizzie Win- termyer. Mr. and Mrs. Preston Kilgore and Mr. and Mis. Chas. McCaskey, of Lancaster, visited Mrs. Kilgore's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Siller on Sunday. Mrs. Lillie Reed, of Lemoyne; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wright and daughter, Beverly, of York; were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ir- vin Smith. Mrs. S. F. Eshleman, Mrs. N. S Hoffman and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Eshleman motored to Allentown on Sunday to attend the Evangelical conference. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rodgers and Mrs. Louise Heister, of Reading visited at the home of the former’s sister, Mrs. Walter Derr, on - West Donegal street. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Geib, daugh- ters, Anna and Emma, and Mrs. Wm. Wintermyer were guests of the Witman family near Manheim on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. David Newcomer and son, David, Jr., of Elizabeth- town, were Sunday guests of Mrs. Newcomer's parents, Mr. and Mrs Monroe ILindemuth. Mrs. Benj. Groff and daughter, Pat- ricia are visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Collins, of New Germantown. Mr. Groff’'s mother is ill for several days. Misses Mae Hawthorne, Rachael Hoffer, Hannah Shatto, Hazel Hoff- man and Martha Moyer, and Mrs. Sam Myers visited friends at Har rishurg on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gehman and children, Hulda and Daniel, of Har- risonburg, Virginia, visited Mrs. Gehman’s mother, Mrs. Harriet Nissly, on Poplar Street. Mrs. Annie Myers, daughter, Miss Dorothy Myers, and grandson, By- ron, spent Saturday at the home of the former’s son, J. Russell Myers end family at Lancaster. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Geistweit quiet- ly celebrated their wedding anniver- sary on Sunday, May 1st, On the same day their daughter Mrs, Harry Kay- lor celebrated her birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Sam daughters, Anna and Emma, and Mrs. Lizzie Wintermyer were the Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Steffy at Bainbridge. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Longenecker and daughter, Barbara Anne, were Sunday visitors near Brunnerville with Mrs. Longenecker’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Eitnier. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kaylor, Dorothy Kaylor, Bernice Geistweit, Mrs. Paul Myers and children Irvin, Bruce and Nancy spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Seaman at Columbia. Mr. and Mrs. Park Neiss and children, Park, Jr., Marian and Jean and Mr. Ross Barto spent Sunday with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Neiss, near Mountville. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Eby, Jr. and daughter, Vera; Mr. Ed. Barto, Mr and Mrs. Elma Brubaker, Mrs. An- nie Brubaker, Mrs. Wm. Creider enjoyed a motor trip to Pequea on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Boyer, Mr. and Mrs. Frymeyer, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bel- ser, of Elizabethtown; Dr. and Mrs. Kendig, of Salunga, visited Dr. and Mrs. Kendig, East Main Street on Sunday. 5 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Grove, Mr. Geib, two Reuben Kautz and Mr. Wm. Hea- Florin Water Co. Files New Schedule (rrom page 1) for domestic service is increased to $25.00 per Shum and a minimum charge of $12.50 per annum is es- tablished. The meter rate of 50 cents per 1, 000 gallons for the first 50,000 gal- lons is changed and increased to $1 per 1,000 gallons for the first 5,000 gallons and 50 cents per 1,000 gal- lons for the next 45,000 gallons. Decreases The metér rate of 20 cents per 1,000 gallons for all consumption in excess of 200,000 gallons per quar- ter is changed to apply on the next 800,000 gallons and a reduced rate of 12 1-2 cents per 1,000 gall- ons is added to apply on all con- sumption in excess of 500,000 gal- lons per quarter. Changes A rate of $20.00 per annum is established for banks including all inside conveniences and one or two outside screw nozzles. The following flat rates are also established: Siphon §7.00, Station- ary Laundry Tub $3.00, Automatic Water Power Washing Machine $5, Fish Pond (Small) $2.50, Fish Pond (Large) $5.00, Privilege of filling Heating System $1.00, School houses (Two rooms or less) $25.00, Churches (Same as Dwellings); Privilege of Lawn and Garden Sprinkling with Automat Sprinkler for Property not exceeding 100 ft. Frontage $2.50, Privilege of above service for Sprinkling Property with Frontage exceeding 100 ft. $5.00. A rule is established to cover li- ability of the Company for damages beyond its control. tll Cee EARL NEWCOMER, SALUNGA WAS AGREEABLY SURPRISED / C. Earl Newcomer of Salunga re- cently celebrated his birthday and on Friday was tendered a surprise party at his home. The affair was a “Kid Party” as all the guests came dressed as little boys and girls. Mr. Newcomer received many gifts. Games were played and toys won by Hazel Kaylor, Ruth Kaylor, Marie Fornoff, Chester Albright, Jacob Weidman, Robert Brandt and Earl Newcomer. Refresh- ments were served to the following: Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brandt, Jacob Weidman and Walter Brandt of Eliza- bethtown; Elmer Shenberger of Lan- disville; Marie Fornoff and Chester Albright, Ironville; Mr. and Mrs. J. Melvin Newcomer, Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Newcomer, Mrs. Alice Kline and C. Earl Newcomer of Salunga; Ruth and Hazel Kaylor, Mr. and Mrs. Cal- vin Kramer, Ruth Gingrich, Emerson Mateer, Ruth Breneman, Mr. and Mrs. John Way and Miss Mildred Way of this place. rere tl eer MANY LOCAL FOLKS ATTENDED THE BANQUET A large delegation of local folks attended the banquet at the Bruns- wick hotel, on Thursday night. This was given by the Lancaster Legion, inviting all Lancaster county posts. The State Commander was the guest of honor. Those from town Mr. and Mrs. Loren Somers, Mr. and Mrs. Roy B. Sheetz, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Keller, Mrs. Clarence Newcom- er, Mrs. Clyde Eshleman, Mrs. S. F. Eshleman, Miss Mae Zeller, Mrs; Jacob H. Zeller, Mrs. Mary Kramer Mrs. Matilda Newpher and Mr. Mark Mumma. attending were: i di Erecting a Garage Mr. Silas Stoner is erecting a frame double garage at the rear o his property. cock, all of Canton, Ohio, who have been spending several days at the home of Harry Weidman, returned home on Tuesday Mrs. Emma Ellis and daughter Miss Emma, accompanied by Mr. Paul Teleky, motored to Philadel- phia, on Sunday, where they visited the former’s brother Mr. Lawrence Kugler and family. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Young, Jr. and Mrs. Jacob Baker and two son and family, of Milton Grove; Mr John and Calvin, of Manheim, visit- ed Jacob Young, Sr, and family or Saturday evening. Mr. Walter Barto, of Philadelphia visited his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Barto, over the week end Mr. John Stoner, of Philadelphia, visited his parents, Dr. and Mrs. D C. Stoner, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kramer, two daughters, Fanny and Sarah; son Omer, and grandson, Robert, at- tended a birthday party last wo-k at Manheim, given in honor of Mrs Kramer’s father, Mr. Marks. Miss Phoebe Rupp was a day visitor at the home of her sis- ter, Mrs. Ralph Eshleman. She had Miss Helen Overly, of New Holland Satur- nurses at the Lancaster General hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Overdeer of Middletown; Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Givens and daughter, Margaret, and Mr. Eddie Smith, of Reading; Mr and Mrs. Benjamin Forry, of Lan- caster, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hinkle. Mrs. Sue Holwager, of Oyster Point; Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Mowrer and granddaughter, Mary Hickey of Columbia; Mr. Earl Eshleman, of Oyster Point; and Mrs. Anna Me- Girl, of town, motored to Bethlehem recently where they visited Mary Hickey’s father. Mr. and Mrs. John Newcomer and daughter, Mary; Mr. Weidman and children, Clarence Vera and John, of town; Mr. and Mrs. Ira Newcomer and children. Anna’ May, Anna Mary, and Verna Katherine, of Elizabethtown; Mr Ben Stauffer and Mrs. Lizzie Kreid- er, of Manheim; were the Sunday guests’ with Mr. and Mrs. John Snavely, near Manheim. as her guest. Both young ladies are |= and Mrs. Enos : ye da St he wi 62 Hi Su cel on Ge G( Sp Mi Gri on Saturday. May 8, Sunday. birthday on Sunday. niversary, April 26. birthday the past week. birthday Monday, May 2. Jacob Newcomer, of Salunga, was Mrs. Irvin Newcomer, of Salunga celebrated her anniversary, Apr. 27 27th. ‘Mrs. Earl Derr will have a birth- day on Mother's Day, May 8, this The following members of the Freshman class of the local high school week: Richard Beamenderfer on Wed- nesday, Louise Schock and Joe Brown Alvin Bigler, Miss Mildred back, Mrs. From The Bulletin Irvin Myers celebrated his birthday Sam Geib celebrates his birthday Mrs. D. C. Stoner celebrated her Donald Smith celebrated his ans Owen Conrad Smith, Jr., was one ar old on April 28. Harry Hendrix observed his birth y Sunday, May 1st. Herbert Mumma celebrated his Russell Bard, of Rheems, had a Wm. Dillinger, on North Barbara reet, was 50 years old Saturday. Mrs. Elmer Witman, of near Man im, was 41 years old Saturday. Lavina Nolt, of Silver Spring, Il celebrate her birthday Friday. years old on Saturday, April 23. Mrs. Elam Musser, of Chestnut Il, observed her birthday, on April nday. ebrated their birthdays during the | Saturday and John Barnhart and rald Arntz on Sunday. JOD CHEER CLASS MET ; WITH MRS. CARL SCHATZ The Good Cheer S. S. class of the United Brethren church met at the home of Mrs. Carl town, on Tuesday evening. A short, but interesting program, | was rendered, as follows: reading, Mrs. Prayer, Mrs. Noah Harmon; ing, Miss business session was also included. A social hour, followed ious refreshments, were enjoyed by | Mrs. Lloyd Myers, Mrs. Harry Bish | op, Mrs. Warren Bentzel, car Brenneman, Mrs. and son, Schatz, near | Scripture | Clinton Eby, Jr.; Read- | Mildred Cuddeback. A | by delic-! Mrs. Os- | Russell Shatz Jackie; Mrs. Norman recher, Mrs. Clinton Eby, Jr., Mrs! Cudde. Warren Greenawalt, | ss Maude Schneider, Miss Ida | eenawalt, Miss Hilda Stoner, Mrs | Noah Harmon, Mrs. Paul Alexander | and Mrs. Claude Reigle. % HEN RY CXCARPENTER INSURANCE ~ MOBAT JOY PA. lund of Insurance except life any, Rin, At ELECTRIC LIGHT Every Wednes. leading to the\Mount Joy Cemetery, a short distance thom Mount Joy Poultry, Baby Chicks mmunity Sale AT vi joy | During April and May their placy of business on the road Apples, Fruit Merchandise, \Etc. SALE AT 7 P. M. } C. S. Frank & Bro. | MEAT ‘MARKET __—¢ MEATS and CHEESE!” EaMain St, MOUNT JOY | oO : MOOSE THEATRE ELIZABETHTOWN, PA. TWO EVENING SHOWS 6:45 = 8:45 LEAMAN’S CHOIGE A PAGE rive Heartiest Congratulations PRIVATE SALE! BEGINNING Thursday Afternoon May 5-6-7 after 3 P. M. UNTIL SOLD 25 COWS AT OUR STOCK YARDS MOUNT JOY, PA. GUERNSEYS and HOLSTEINS T. B. Tested Union County Fresh Cows & Springers Test chart furnished with every cow A FEW STOCK BULLS Free Delivery Come in the evening if you cannot come in the day time. ‘J. B. Keller & Bro. Mt. Joy Theatre Thursday, May 5th ita Montenegro “THE GAY CABFALLERO” Part No. 5 Dclective Lloyd Saturday, May 7th Clark Gable, Davies in y “POLLY OF THE . id also Charlie Chase \ in THE NICKEL NURSE Evenings Only First Show 7: Free Photo of Marion Davies} 1 COMING “ARSENE LUPIN” “BEAST OF THE CITY” “CARELESS LADY” “SHOP WORN” ACI State Theatre The Show Place of Lancaster County toLumeia, PA. | Wednksday & Thursday May 4-5 % Maugice Chevalier In his late§¢ Paramount Picture “ONE HQUR % WITH You” Yith Jeanette MacDonald & Genevieve Tobin 3 Friday & Saturday May 687 Barbara Stahwyck in “Shopworn¥ FREE FOR THE LADIES The Famous Orchid Rose Dinnerw Set Starting Monday night, y 9th and every Monday therdafter 'THE BULLETIN MOUNT joy — J 1 2 Wednesday, May 4th Devil's Lottery with Elissa Landi Thursday, May 5th Fighting Fool with Tim McCoy Friday, May 6th Carnival Boat with Bill Boyd Saturday, May 7th Arsene Lupin with John and Lionel Barrymore ‘Monday, May Sth Careless Lady with Joah Bennett 1000 OT) Tuesday, May Husband's H with Clive Brook