The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, February 10, 1932, Image 6

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    _-__ "Tr "|" RAR Ch hal a se Li

or — 0 = A v — ha rivet... wh ney SR pi a i. ue A wm Wyre RR SES we rian ise oo . i hi St Sh a a comb TE » ba WP. ;
al 5 a 5 hay 1 ’ J I"
THATS BRINGING IT HOME » BULL RUNN——No Sir, Not On Ybur Life, BulkrDoesa't Fear His Wil Wile (When She's At a Distance!) -— GV CARL ED
OM, HUM, | J Sure Hao LF ) ) fuss You Got TH’ WRoNG DEA Just 16 Show Yoo T AINT a : -—
PRICES ARE LOVER. ed am) | | SEG | (prom (een
¢ Fe - CATCH WITH YO ovr. WI Tt
EVERYONE IS URGED ~ Sins RY TH aes sa sir) PLAY y ) TC
- 0S |
| i




will Be What We Makelt
: : : Howe. i
1932 is a blank tablet on whi we can in- cent of the cost if the true valuation | we said: “Who?” Manheim, i
scribe whatever we will. This§Bank will per teacher is between $50,000 and | The man repeated his name again, Grover S. Eichler, mason, Florin. i
work hand in hand with those wig wish to $100,000. If the valuation is below uy. proc. J. B. Minnich, carpenter, Maytown | i
make 1932 a year of purpose and c®

‘State Pays Part
Of Transportation
The average cost of transportation
to consolidated schools is 18 cents per
day. In some districts where condi-.
tions are more favorable, the cost is
as low as 9 cents per day. Better
roads and three year contracts have

lar time schedules and must be of!
good moral character. The contrac-
tor must satisfy the school board of
his financial responsibility. This In-
One of the little girls here asked
her mother why men shoot lions and
tigers and she told her, ‘because
they kill lambs and sheep.”
of the cost, not to exceed $3000 per
year if the true valuation per teach-
er exceeds $100,000. It pays 60 per
the post oftice here and asked Joe
Sheaffer if he had a letter for Mike
$50,000, the State reimburses to the | Then Joe said: “No, we don't have
extent of 75 per cent of the cost. The
et! or your or anybody else's
maximum paid by the State is $4000 5 ier jor y ¥ ¥
The other was properly horrified.
“Was he mad?’ she asked.

the mouth.”
POITY. 11,612 cently and when they reached there
14599 one of them remarked: “Gee whiz, I

Jurors Selected
For Next Courts
Those selected yesterday are as
Petit Jurors
Ira Newcomer, filling
Elmer Weidman, farmer, Manheim,
station, of

Oscar Deamer, farmer, Manheim R, |
D. 1.
J. Harry Grube, bookkeeper, Lan-|
C'raybill Hershey, farmer, Manheim
Quarter Sessions Court, March 14
Grand Jurors |
Jerome S. Yocum, ashestos worker, |
John Pickel,
B. Frank Danner, clerk, Manheim.

Anna Snyder, housewife, Mt. Joy.
Ralph Frey, clerk, Elizabethtown.
bethtown R. D 1,
S. Paul Kiefer, clerk, Elizabethtown
Benjamin H. Boltz, shoemaker, of

Everybody Enjoys Waffles

PRICES HAVE GONE 7 ’\ when made electrically
UP AND THAT HE~ | / (From page 1) (From page one)
WILL HAVETO = OT Nj / are coming to realize that transpor- Monday, March 7; Monday, April 25,
Rh tation is safer than walking, Rule and Monday, May 2. ’
’s Your Opportunity
to own a
made a marked improvement in the R.D, 2 ’
last three years in the type of con- Annie Cassel, housewife, Manheim ,
veyvances used and the cost has been R.D 1
reduced, Jva Greiner, housewife, Elizabeth- E 1 e C t Tr 1 QC W a f f I e i r 0 n
Vehicles must be safe, comfortable town R. D, 3.
and provide adequate seating capac- Martin E. Gross, farmer, Manheim, |
ity. The driver must observe regu- RDS ICED
During Our Special Sale

CASH PRICE | Time Payments

Bittner’s Latest Craze Cigar ..... .2 for 5¢
“ " . Joseph Risser, contractor, -Eliza-
Bo he mad?” repeated the first: or 100 for Two Bucks. Try them.
say he was mad. He foamed at
Anna L. Keller, housewife, Eliza- e Stock $1.75 50 Bittner Straight $1.85
d Cigars (Banatella or Staple) $1.75


All 15¢c and 16c Chewing
and Smoking Tobacco

cludes liability for injury to children Then the little girl replied: “Well
Payment Basis ‘then why don't they shoot butchers, R. D. 6. ce
The Commonwealth reimburses the , a William H. Sultzbach, electrician, bE eT. Se
districts for State approved transpor- Marietta, F
‘ : : ; ebruary 10th to Makch 2nd
tation to the amount of 50 per cent A man from the country came to Harry Zeager, farmer, E'tow R D.

Commercial Accounts Invited in the two preferential classes. The Walter H. Brubaker, laborer, Eliza-
| amounts received by the several I thought Calvin and Miss Emma bethtown.
| counties in the State for the last : Landis L. Charles, farmer, Mount |
F IRST NATIONAL BA school year, 1930-31, were: Tou BIN ely HS algun. GRD: Your Local Dealer is also featuring thi
il adams ............ saison: fos SAV” snd the entire aniseed thie oY. NM oR Le Court, Mar 14 : : Se
& TRUST COMPANY STEERS «rons eins 5.908 TU Re Yam same Waffle Iron at this Special Low Price
| aig gan The other day I passed the boro Raymond Blessing, farmer, Mariet- | i
MOUNT JOY, PA, Bedtord os aaa 34 62g dump and saw a certain married man ta R. D. 1. ° §
} Beaty ins tue 215d diggin’ and scratchin’ among the re- > heey I Sternman, farmer, East Pennsylvania Power & Light Comp A
he - - A BRIE cht ors ea 7.892 fuse. 1 asked him what he was doing jas = Breneman, farmer, Man-
Bradiord 84,173 “nde sald higWite threw Dis | fi 5b. D.3 P| -_—
Backs... ah san a 14,784 heart's picture into the waste basket, oid = C : Rissie farmer
ne Role... a 18.074 the contents were brought out there R D y par , y {
24 068 and he was trying to locate it among *“ 2 a
prea ay , all the other boro trash. Harry S. Foreman, produce ded > |
Cameron. 5.082 we Elizabethtown R D. 3.
| Sabon a Orne “of or . corsainly ov Sheaffer, laborer, Manheim |
| ae £1136 played a mean trick on a lady from Grace Risey. heusowite, Florin !
F( LESS THAN i.e iis 15,434 Dovezal Springs'ihe other day, This Sra pricklayer, Columbia
{ .. io. les 15.768 lady, a customer at this particular R oo Dia eY ee
Clinton... ois 11 246 store, bought a mince pie, took it Avil T. DeLon Bishi watlehingh
7 CE Columbia: vol. ia 12.969 Dome, placed it in the oven so as to Maul: a R > % & Ba 2
svn a) ik 49.516 Warm it up nicely before serving. ° Se R Keller Cri.
| YOU C Cumberland ....... v.00 00. 11,635 When the family Van ready for pie tows, | i he
| Dauphin... dea, i357 304 cub il, the dern ple Was apricot, Samuel Lockard, mason, Columbia
DRlaware. oie sinh tiie 20,315 TT ; ; D1.
| Bi on anna 19,671 A man not a million miles from Willian BR. Mardin, cigarmaker, of
BILE runs iv asin ns 23750 town wos atked how ‘hiy son is oon Mepheim ad a
! Nw bbe 9 1x7 ing along at college and he said: °° Res 5 |
| Be Ee “Prony ool Www living hide: Somos Sout Apri 35 |
| Franklin 25459 courses and I just paid $10 for Latin, ames E ih 41 chi Elizabeth- i
=... Lo ea 16,061 $10 for Greek and $100 for Scotch.” hig 38 = Muh, ors “2
reehe 4.49 ois : { go wo
PT yen I tw wen ewe wv RETA SR a
INAUBNRE co 21,495 Shopping. Said one: BR'D i) ld asa Ra
“I made an awful mistake this
morning, I gave my husband a dish “har les K. Campbell, Bt PECIAL FO THI
of lux by mistake for corn flakes.” Marietta. S R S WEEK

tN Lycoming sense 15,806 Th 3 oly dave u
MeKean ..................... 23,387 melanencly days 13ve come, i :
0 aa 15,099 The saddest of the year, nA iy 4. Buchanan, merchant, of Good Cigars at Reduced Prices
( ’ 3 . .
| Jas a A Sou LL skids on the slippery Common Pleas Court, May 2 A Fine of Dr. Plum Pipes at $1.50 Each i
ihe. : : Petit Jurors Also a Ful, Assortment of | Pipes |
32,924 And you light on your ear. D. H. Martin, merchant, Elizabeth: | 3 50¢ Pip |
hatin. nll 6,324 Stat tong All 10c Chewing an
Northampton ................. 2,356 Two men who are in partnership in “poo Mier, merchant, - Man- Smoking Tobacco pkgs. C 4
Northumberland .............. 9.183 this locality went to Lancaster re- | . y= : : 2

{ |
| Pia et yas vives vie dah vie A 10 lok ob Elizabethtown. | %
OOP esi ce J oH
shin 34,522 The other fellow said: “Well, why re x Svan Bain k 25
| uit and Sader ii 6,390 you ‘worry. Ain't We both G. Longenedker, banker, of PKS. C
i Doneg hn i tee oun Joy borough 5¢ 1b
| J try Susquehanna ......... cosa 45.639 That guy they call “Slim.” who _ Benjamin Singer, carpsutsr, of 5c E
: 46,800 lives at the Garden Spot Restaurant, = = "Ui Sow! iza- | 8 ! ats
A. M. WOLGEMU Proprietor Unis. ami 5.120 says at last he heard of a job he'd a Witmer, housewife, Eliza 3 Hess’ Peanut Penny and Five Cet Eggs 3
; Vensngo. iin 19300 like. Some one asked him what it a I § |
S @ WwW | EG N Warren’... 28,411 was and he said he'd like to be a ;
. . . : Washington 37,479 stable boy on a merry-go-round. v Sister wa ia or
From Blood Tested Heavy Laying Strain Freeh From Disease. Wayne o.oo 29.437 an hii ig Ln buil ne Air | . A. DARR NKA i
Our Flocks are culled by Experienced Poultrymen! ores 31243] A cortain chap from town went to Fllersville Plans underway for re H E I
iG LOW PRICE Wyoming co... oh 00.0 14,924 Philadelphia recently and although ~~ °° p ;
GET OUR AMAZING York ... ci. cu 4,398 he had only one dollar, he started in Newville—Harry M. Soha pur 3 Doors East of Post Office MOUNT JOY, \PA. !
Phone Eve, SIRS MOUNT IY ~———— business. He used that buck to wire Shaped Yiu = Es i Org,
Day Lous es $1,337,575 home for more money. Der Sign anc Lonier Sieg. = RT TT TO RR PT TS ST SAAS =
ay wa of her to play with them. The other

night things didn’t break right and it
to get her
Enola—Steel car shops of Pennsyl- | At a certain industry here in town
vania reopened recently. jone of the bosses told me he put on

took her over two hours

IO DOO, Hd os Oil City—15 men given work on pro- several new men and it seems they little boy's belt off.
wh ject now underway on North Main can’t learn anything, I asked her what she'll
y Street. I told him. not to give up because it cards run against her, inasmuch

she too, takes a hand. She said: |
“Guess I'd have to cheat a little.”
takes some circuses six
train a jackass.
years to

Per Ton
Sa 11.50
take chances
poultry feeds?
am us a prepared feed with
conjunction with the

amous Cough
I remarked to one of our girls:| An autoist was heard in court for
| “Some girls I know are bad but you running over a pedestrian when the
are an exception.” Judge asked the question: “What did
Why experiment when you can obtai

known values .. all carefully worked ou Sho Seid, “Ow. think 7 o
staff specialists of BARKER, MOORE & Today, make A docto¥s famous prescription called | a ae ank you. _ |you do wher you saw the muh? | 11 5 0
it a point to call, write or phone for full these Thoxine is Byaranteed to relieve coughs | ! sald: “I mean exceptionally bad. The defendant replied: “I put on .
within a fewWpninutes. It works on a Then I got a dirty look. i the brakes, blew the horn and then
9.25 :
per ton less |
‘ >
elieves throat irrita- cursed him.”
new principle
ect to the internal
tion and goes
Taken before reti
sw solutely prevents night
2 | gives the same speed.
& | throat, too. Safe for
superior aids for the poultry raiser.
B. S. Stauffer & Co.
Lawn & Bellaire, Penna.
3 Tons or More From Mines
If there is a modern mother any-
hg. Thoxine ab- | where, we have one right here in Mt. One of our young ladies who works '
coughing. It | Joy. She claims the children detest'at the Industrial Works told her
elief for sore |being stripped for bed so she conceiv- heau that a little bird told her that |
family | ed the idea of teaching them to play he was going to give her a diamond |


-gusramesd dope. Ch Ag if | strip poker. This they greatly enjoy bracelet for her birthday. i
Company and all other ghod ne and each evening, instead of being' He said: “That must have been a
READ THE MOUN T JOY BULLETIN stores. 2 coaxed to get ready for bed, they beg little cuckoo.” A WISE OWL,