PAGE TWO MT. JOY BULLETIN MOUNT JOY, PA, J. E. SCHROLL, Editor & Propr, Subscription Price $1.50 Per Year 10 ( ‘m0 [om JANUARY 3 4 5 &6 71 8 9 0 4 12 33 14 15 {6 17 18 19 20 2) 22 2 Ly 25 26.27 28 29 30 | EDITORIAL SEAT ADVERTISING ilesn tells you that his f »s not spend money for advertising, but puts it into the ar- ticle, it isn't true If his firm doesn’t spend money for advertising doesn’t have the money to put into the artic- le. There isn't any way a firm can beat advertising. Non-advertised merchandise costs more in money or gives less in value than widely ad- vertised articles h'rlev and Bob; “You Try Some- TIME TO SPEND dy Else”—Elsa and Matt; “You- If people who are in a reasonably My Everything”—Shirley, Bob secure situation economically would | 1nd girls; Com- quit being scared and would use |Pany. { their money sensibly. and in accord- The Ladies Aid society met at! ance with their needs and resources |the home of Mrs. Harvey Nicholas, as they have in other years, they to order by ‘the presi- : ro : i M CC ek Aten the would be a big help to the country in Ars. H ck : 3 5 1 Hh ts effort to “snap out” of the dol- 1 R nts WA ¢ drums If y( e mone 3 3 Mrs. Jacob ol d si ( some Do xa yo 1 ( 1 1 0 : Mz Mpa Hal. go t € I 1 start m ( )¢ Terry, Mrs. g { 1 ul r I H Misses Emily and I 4] he hostess, ) ( a )E - | 2 i re- | — ere THE. HITCH HIKERS PR in t ind would flag Sunday train and ask the nductor to nhe l¢ Ww but thou women and expecting 1her of the f them iative of a rity of crim- giving one. ngerous the s for the car W to protect hin and his ly is to ignore the signals from se seeking a ride DON'T BE FOOLISH Don’t be foolish about your money! The only thing that causes banks that are perfectly solvent to their the concerted lot f panic-stricken people to draw mon- close rush of a doors is ey which would be infinitely safer left where it is. The banks will be all right, if you will only let them be. To ask that all f a sudden they shall pay off every full is makes the there's no earthly what lepositor in rea- trouble—and son for making any such demand. Worst of all its no favor to anybody, including your 3 e you mere- t a lot of useless fuss and force rovernment authorities to step in save you from your own madness. So keep 1 don't be npeded 0 wiring yourself. when there's not t} shadow of a ing it No bank to pay bank could 100.000 coffins < there ar 100.- 0 ome- MAYTOWN from the Besh'er; Ralph | M ¢ Lilliar | I 3 Indian gr Lil | I in In 1 1N¢ Ladies of j th nse len 1} € lith 1D Wi lor Mabe 0s : lary Trostle, lem f the Rich- | \ [ed 1 ne Clyde iN ¢ Norman Stoner, Darw.n in a N Scenes: Act I—Gar- { John Traynor's Y ate af ernoon; Act {II—B 1's place n the Moun : Pine Top, Arizona. \ rncon. I il numbers: Act I—Open- bovs and girls; » to Fall in and Wally; : “Fine and Dan- Jane, Pete: and grils; the Shy Little Violets yw”’—Boys and girls; “One Kiss n Good-night”—Elsa; Speciality, he John; “Faded Summer Love’ ’— Matt and Ensemble; “When the One You Love Loves You”—Bob nd Sh rley Act IT—“Bandit number’—girls; ‘Life is Jut a Bowl of Cherries”— hyll's and Wally; t “Indian Love” Ersemble; “Pale | Moon”’—Wan- “Roll on M ssissippi’’—Jane, Peter and girls; “It's the Girl”— 1 seal missing five years before } > 3 kes were given, vears of perfect making 1 tendance, T department of Sunday was The Beg'nner the Reformed school entertaned at the home of their eacher, Mrs. Sue Wolfe Games ve played and refreshments ser- ved to these children: Jane Fry- berger, Joyce Fryberger, Mary Shireman, Anna Wetzel, Paul Sload, Robert Huntzinger, Henry Haines, John Edward Haines. Mr. Stehman Kready and mother Millersville, v sited Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Haines, Mrs. Josie How- len and sister, Anna of Red Lion, ed Mrs. Annie L. Hicks on Kathryn MeCloud and sister rife. of Manheim, spent with Misses Helen and Ber- ha Hoffman. and Mrs. Wm. Mason, of a, spent Thursday afternoon Mr. and Itzman Ho- ket Trust Co Andreas — H. R. Miller & Co., Lancaster, gul ted low bd of 2 for truction of 4.48 nil macadam road continuing from end of paved highway here and connecting wth road at Sny- der’s Lizard Creek Valley. Gibsonton— C truction of new paved road at this place nearing completion, Harr sburg — E. of M-. Carmel su of $256,588 for to construct ward build'ng, bly building and cottage at v ew State Hospi-al Weatherly — Hallway in bu‘lding being repainted. Fayette City — Cement completed-and n use. Monessen— Pit sburgh and Lake Erie Railroad made repairs to Mo- nessen Highway at e t'mated cost of $15,000. R. Bastres Co. low contract assem- Fair- submitted general Boro br'dge | zabeth Shope, 1 Mrs. Isaac Carpen- er. Mrs. James Rudisill, 1 Cl ce Yates, of York, vi ] = W Ife on Thursday. Mrs Johnstin and daughter, hel Culp at Lan Mrs, Isaac Carpenter observed ier b rthday on Saturday. Mrs 1 Slead had a birth n M Saylor celebr: he 18th on Wednesday. Rebecca Saylor of Laneaster, | spent Wednesday with her parents, | Mr. and Mrs. Henry Flick, | The Sen.or Class of the May- own High School has staff for the publication of its year “The Maytownian.” Miss Do- book rothy Miller, an actve worker in he school has been chosen editor Nther members of the ff are: Fred Wetzel, business nager; Mss Grace ec reulation manager; M ss Dorothy and Miss Susanna Eater, rculating managers; Mur assistant Woodrow A advertising manager; Cly- le Brll, asssant advertising man- ger; Miss Helen Keser and Char 's Drace. art editors; Arthur Tros- | . | oC + | his hair | | | seal | selected the | A A i 4 wd 2 HE ACTUALLY ENJOYED VOLTS SHOT THROUGH HIS BODY l, Ore.—Sing dana Sing Portl cutions There's no doubt at Oregon Tech man appears to enjoy it as 200,000 volts hoot through his | body. He's holding so much current | stands up. Every { must take this jolt tically no amperage in the That makes it safe. not voltage, that kills LANDISVILLE Miss Ruth Hoffman en ertaine ( ments members: Mrs, John Greider, all of Salunga; Lancaster; Mrs. Frank Mrs. John Trayer, Mrs. Elias der, Mrs, Earl Stauffer, and W. F. Hoffman, of Land sville, Miss Mary Elizabe.h Horst Friday entertained the schocl class of the {of which she is Ellen Miss 1 | | | a member. charge of the meeting, The following program was ren- dered: Song by the class, “In the favorite Bible. verses; Garden,” | Sen ence pravers, | bers of the class, | M ss Mary Melissa Minnich. by various | Refreshments were served to the | following: Mrs. J. K. Trayer, teach- {er; Anna Mary Rohrer, Mary Sho- | walter, Elanore Snyder, Vivian Lawrence, Ruth Sherer, Elsie Sher- | er, ry Melissa Minnich, Mary El Baker, Lorraine Grube { and Mary Hc i eT Be | Industrial ‘ Notes tions gas gener 0 clear men in {roads at Pymatuni am, ing to Department of Fo Waste of Pennsylvan.a, Norman Houseal, Al-| Kittaning - Post office moved to ! and book. {new Federal 1 ng, corner Mc Helen Hollenbaugh. [Kean and Arch streets. vear: Mrs. Sue Wolfe whol tallation of new gas compres- ended Sunday school w thout sor st of $100,000 made at the Ro-!Oreland gas storage. Dubois — Downtown {Alleys taken over men by new {Boyle as directing head. Shiremanstown — Atlantic fining Co. completing new terminal on Route No. 214 one m le west of here. Muncy — Cornish for new school. El zabeth — Improved Crow National Bank. Manor — Local post stall new equipment. Youngwood — Work {new West Penn Power {tion at south end of office to started on Co. Pa. railroad | yards; work, including purchase of land, involves expenditure of ap- proximately $70,000, Scottdale Bob arz Cash Meat 1 | & Grocery Store opened in Oster- | wise building, corner Homestead { Ave. and Pittsburgh St. | Ambridge — Ambridge Chr s- | tian Church leased church and par- lish house formerly occupied by St. | p'scopal Church. Rock — Philp Hale, received $18,823 gen- { coniract for new swimming pool at college. : Dubois — New edifice of | of Our Saviour on Boulevard for lally opened. Mt. Joy — New common ba‘t | switchboard installed in local ex- change of Columba Telephone Co. Drummond— The Shawmut Clay Co., with mines and works here, umed operations. Harr sburg -- L. Oil City, submitted 498 for general struct re- 0. Bouquin Co. low bid of $5,- controct con- laboratory in nt of north wing of Hospital bulding at Polk State School. Elkland— Adelbert Smith estab- lished Chevro'et agen here. basem le, sports editor, and Miss Marv Engle, poetry editor. Class h story vl and prophecy snd other indivi 'ual write-ups will be handled by he follow ng: Kathryn Herr, EL- len Schradley, Elizabeth Simmons. Daniel Wentzel and Emma Sim- mons, Miss Ruth Nolt and A. M Baugher are to be the “faculty ad- visors. LeRoy Walters, EIl- continued 200,000 electric about the | | | { | chair uses about 1,840 volts in electro- | tout ! t. Yet Vernon Rosebraugh, fresh-~ freshman | But there's prac- current. It's the amperage, | { Th day evening the sewing club vf h she is a member. Refresh- were served to the fellowing D. B., Stehman, Mrs. Nissley, Miss Myrl Baker, Daugherty, Krei- Mrs last Sunday Church of God The | president, Mss M. M. Minnich, had mem- piano solo, by underway | 1 building | accord- ests and Bowling manage- and be ng operated with Gene Re- bulk about Construction Co. completed laying of sewer line Huntersville — Three-mile stre- tch of road improved between here and Allegheny Grange Hall. Su- per Service Station, Third and Cen- ter avenues, opened for busines: recently. Sykesville — New equipment in- stalled n banking house of First in- substa- FNRI HN IIH HIN Hilliard Craig's Crazy Creation EFS ; » * A By CORONA REMINGTON ee foe ¥ ( M LLIALD CRAIG, neither young H nor old. well to do, well dressed and ] ood looking, 8 ered from w t his « mies might have called a witty co xX cer. tainly he I not underestimate his virtues, but on the whole he was 80 likeable and so popular he was Justified in his self-esteem, Immediately upon his arrival in | Warrenton to take over the branch office of the D. IB, Securities he became the social lion of the and Country club set, Marriageable | widows, and matrons with marriage able daughters besieged him with in He saw and understood and | vitations, smiled to himself for Warrenton wom en were not the first who had looked at him and found him good, but Hil liard Craig had certain fixed standards of his own for women and especially for the woman whom he might choose to be his wife. And that lucky girl whom he should finally choose from would have to live up to his standards or there would be a scene in the house of Craig. Strange, when a man is fancy free where his fancy will light. Marjorie Hipps, airy and fairy as she could be, completely captivated Craig from the first day he met her, “Here is something altogether sweet and pliable,” thought Craig in a flash, “Too young to have opinions of her own and not too full of brains to grow ‘em later in life.” “Oh, I say,” he laughed in acknowl- edging the introduction, “you look like a wild flower just picked out of the woods. Can you be real or are you going to float away like a pipe dream? I'm afraid to take my eyes off you for fear you will disappear, so don’t mind if I stare, will you?” She laughed the gayest most unself- conscious little laugh, like rippling wa- ter, and glanced up at him with her cornflower eyes, “You're a dreadful flirt,” she teased. “No, I'm serious. when vou don’t mean it.” Craig became like a man possessed. He gave Marjorie the rush of her rather rushed young life. Ile made himself irresistible, but all the time he never lost track of his working spoke freely to Marjorie of a first marriage and death two years later of ful, beautiful wife, Edith. plans, [He subsequent his wonder- He brought | this Edith into his conversation fre- quently. “No, s so fair and Edith was alwa) just, she alwi tood; no quar- you could reling or na have known her” Marj was at first sorry for the man who had lost the woman he loved and so deeply, but after a { got on her nerves At e ist wished she didn't iard, but she did love him; si knew that right then she was as good as engaged to him and she knew that the was no one else rive her the hap- ence gave, If talking about the on earth who e only he'd won- Y derful Edith! stop “Now, Edith was always so sensi- ” ble . . . 1 remember » time. Craig began one ever | | | | | piness that his very pr | { { | | | | { | “Hilliard, darling, come with me a said, her face flushed, minute.” she | her eyes like stars. » 104] him out of the room, then sud- denly turned back and quickly closed the door on him, With a twist of the fingers she locked it, then jerked the key out and flung it on the floor, “Now, I've had enough,” she told him through the keyhole. “I don’t ever want to see you and your Edith again.” Her voice rose and broke in a sob, but she gulped it down and continued. “You're as much in love with her as you ever were and I'm not going to have her thrown up to me with every breath you draw. Edith was like this, Edith was like that. Everybody had to come up to Edith's standards. I guess not. I'll be myself or nobody. And you can gn hunt you some other fool girl who's willing to be a slave to a dead woman for I'm not and never will be.” Then Marjorie flung herself on the divan and burst into tears, “Darling, let me in,” begged Craig, rattling the doorknob, “I want to ex- after a moment she heard a key rattle in the lock. Craig entered and, throw- ing himself on his knees, buried his head on her shoulder, “Ob, Marjorie, thought, I never real hu my wife and vanted to my ideas beforehand. A never was married in my life, precious, TI never d that it wonld dards for let her know I—I—1 I swear t tain st -el, it was just my fool idea of a tactful wav of putting it.” “Honest, prove it. tion of mir me your stan honest,” he swore. “I can She was just a crazy 1d if vou'll or 1 3 marry lards shall he mine, 1 promise. I thought women were putty, but I've found out they're iron.” “You silly boy.” she lauched after a moment; me azain.” He didn’t. flower of a marveled how “but don't ever try that on He ma his little everybody d wrap her her little areat big husband around finger. lA Mrmr Use Economical Plows In stony land steel moulc for tractor plows are more econo- m cal than cast mouldboards be- cause the latter break :00 often. Cast plowshares are more economi- cal than steel if an efficient spring release h teh is used a Qe Monongahela— George Washing- ton Commercial College will open branch night school here bezinn ng Jan, 12, among the hundreds to share his name | Warrenton Golf | plain. You're breaking my heart. Do let me in.” 3ut Marjorie made no move and It's only flirting | THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUN1 JOY, LANCASTER CO., PA. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 20th, 1932 i / in ourfebruary Jale. DO YOU BELIEVE IN QUALITY. IF SO, REMEMBER THIS. THERE IS NOTHING MADE BUT WHAT SOME MANUFACTURER CAN IMITATE MAKE IT WORSE AND SELL IT FOR LESS. BUY YOUR FURNITURE WHERE YOU GET A GUARANTEE OF QUALITY WITH IT. Easiest Credit Terms In Our History | Big Reductions on Living Room Suites JACQUARD VELOUR THREE-PIECE SUITE NCW 2 $495.00 Formerly $89.50 . TU-TONE VELOUR THREE-PIECE SUITE NOW $55 00 eo Now $98.00 Formerly $95,00 TAPESTRY THREE-PIECE SUITE Formerly $145.00 MOHAIR THREE-PIECE SUITE NOW Formerly $195.00 $ 1 29.00 . . Every Suite Guaranteed. . | Tremendous Reductions Room Suites They Must be Seen to be Appreciated EIGHT-PIECE DINING ROOM SUITE ACW $75.00 Formerly $97.50 TEN-PIECE DINING ROOM SUITE NOW $95 00 "ov $129.00 Formerly $140.00 TEN-PIECE DINING ROOM SUITE Formerly $165.00 Bed Room Suites of Quality A Large Selection to Choose From in Latest Designs and Styles FOUR-PIECE SUITES IN WALNUT Formerly $95.00 5-Piece SUITES including BENCH IN WALNUT, MA- HOGANY OR MAPLE; Formerly $115.00; NOW 6-Piece SUITE including BENCH & CHAIR in WAL- NUT or MAPLE; Formerly $165.00; NOW Yow $68.00 $89.00 $129.00 | . . Every Suite Guaranteed. . | SOME OF THE HUNDREDS OF OTHER WONDERFUL BARGAINS TO BE HAD IN OUR FEBRUARY SALE Beautiful Mahogany Secretary. ............ 4.. $29.50 $39.50 Inner Spring Mattress. ..............%. $33.00 99 Coll Full Size Spring... .............. +: .3.3 9.50 Metal ‘Bed, Spring & Mattress. ............. 4 $15.95 Gulistan Domestic Oriental Rugs 8-3x10-6 Former- Ivy $128: Now 2.520 Ren .$64.00 x12, Formerly 3145: Now... $68.00 Hoosier Kitchen Cabinet. . ..................«: $19.95 Choice of Floor & Bridge Lamps. $ 2.85 All Cotton Maftiress .............. loans $ 5.85 Mahogany Student Desk. oc... $ 6.85 Beautiful Mahogany End Table. ............... $ .98 Governor Winthrop Desk... .............. .... $24.75 OPEN EVERY EVENING | The Lowest Priced Furniture of Quality in Lancaster County BECK BROS. WATCH THIS SPACE NEXT WEEK LITITZ & MANHEIM Winter Woolens Now On Display ——— calli Come In and Make Your Selection Refore the Choice Patt oICe I 2: rns Are All Picked Out Weiss Tailoring Co. MERCHANT TAILORS 106 E. Vine, LANCASTER, PA. a 2 SANITARY CLEANERS and DYERS HARRY F. BROOKS Phone Mt. Joy 174R13 FLORIN, PA. ? Npouting, Roofing and Tinning Hot Air BROWN'S TIN Phone 105R2 33 West Main St, MT. JOY, PA. HOW ARE YOUR SHOES? DON'T WAIT TOO LONG BRING THEM IN CITY SHOE REPAIRING CO. WE HAVE QUALITY MEATS Krall’s Meat Market West Main St. MOUNT JOY HOYOS FEEL Your Hair Mark Off Every 10th Day On Your Calendar For a HAIR / CUT Hershey's Barber Shop Phone 36R3 Agent For Manhattan Laundry SHOP Famous Chincteague Salt Oysters Ice Cream, Groceries and Confections BRANDT BROS. Mount Joy Street Mount Joy, Pa. n in ou Glaze fied Wilh LOCATE THE TINDER. Ug 1h2 WANT Io recover lost § >ticles ~The results will suprise you Use Cur wau | Subscribe for The Bulletin ‘e Symes 3 i Ve