WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13th, 1982 THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO., PA. Making New Frien Mild blends of Formosa Oolong to suit varying tastes. Stores is to remind the many new friends and also frequent users that from the world’s finest Tea gardens. The new tea crop has been blended to produce the zestful bouquet you ASCO Teas 1] 25¢ to 3be. Cc India Ceylon pkg 17 Two popular, skilfully blended Teas of rich, full-flavor leaves. Kileney Tea wh 10° 5 78° 100% India Orange Pe koe. Makes more cups per pound. Regular 23¢c ASCO Pure Raspberry Preserves 16-o0z jar 1 Oc Hom-de-Lite Finest Mayonnaise Farmdale Brand Evaporated Milk This Tea Week } as ASCO Quality «: LA enjoy. Plain Black %1b ° Cc or Mixed pkg 10 Orange Pekoe or Reg. jar 10¢ 4 tall cans 25¢ Finest California Large Dried Choice Crushed Delicious Tender Lima Beans 2 bs 15° Sweet Corn 4 cans 25¢ 1b pkg 14¢ 3 pkgs 25¢ 3 cans 20c 2 cans 25¢ jar 15¢ ASCO Pear] Tapioca Gold Medal Cake Flour big pkg 29¢ ASCO Breakfast Farina Campbell’s Pork and Beans Farmdale Cut String Beans ASCO Pure Honey Imported Pure Olive Oil 15-pt can 23¢ large Bread Supreme wired Victor Bread big pan loaf 5c Fancy California Muir Evaporated Peaches Finest Solid Pack bn 12% ASCO Tomatoes fo 3 med cans 25° ASCO Quick Made Tapioca Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour Verment Maid Blended Syrup ASCO Fancy Sweet Peas, Beech-Nut Tomato Juice Cocktail ASCO Ground Black Pepper Floor Mops, each 29¢c—Mop Handles each 15¢ 3 pkgs 20c pkg 1lc jug 23¢ 2 cans 29¢ bot 17¢ 1-4-1b can 10c med opr Guest | Ivory Soap i Cakes 25° : 6 Size TR Gal WEG EE DB wy $e The wide variety of foods in the ASCO Stores means you can always have a balanced menu. These Prices Effective in Qur MOUNT JOY STORE retarnm a READ THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN +41 ( e 47 ca {3 West Va.; 5 jLous; 4 St 2 Sa INI a 05 TRE TO TR TS SI TT TR TIM SYS A TR I TR IR TR TR SR HS TSR RA TD RRA RG TU RE RE RR Advertising and not competition is now the life of trade, according to the advertising experts who me? to attend the International Adver- tising Association ccnvention. The delegates at this meeting heard a number of interesting things. Among these was the statement ny Charles Stelzle, New York ex- pert, to the effect that if churches do not advertise their “ware”’— spiritual upbuilding and moral betterment for both the individual and humanity—they cannot hope to arouse interest among the mass- es and fulfill the obligations plac- ed upon them as parties to the spiritual movement. Another speaker declared that “advertising is greater than any single moral force we know of to- day. Advertising brings about changes for the betterment of life itself, changes which fuse inte the social and political life of the na- ion.” It is now generally admitted by economic forces everywhere that advertising is the most ‘important development of modern business. And it is also coming to be realiz- ed that newspaper advertising is the best kind of paid publicity. in the convention just mentioned the delegates who were advertising ex- perts, agreed that newspaper ad- vertising affords the best publicity medium for the churches and ali church activities. Advertising Is No Longer A Theory It Is A Science. ADVERTISING Good Medium Common Good Med um Good Choice rood Medium Common Choice Good Common & mediun j Low cutter & cutter BULLS | Good and choice (heef) 1.75-6.00 Cutter, common & medium 3.25-4.75 i (yearlings excluded) Good and choice Cull and common Good and choice 5.25-6.50 Common and medium 3.50-5.25 Good and choice 5 Common and medium | Lightweight | Ti chiw x A OQ | Soy Bean Meal 31.598 per ton { Hog i Coy De And kt Pays Produce & Live THE BULLETIN Federal-State News Service. Pen {to $1.00 per 100 pound sack. 15¢ to 2bc¢ per pound. $1.25 per 5 pound box. tinued dull with a limited demand. 75¢ to 90c per 100 pound sack. with a few fancy sales at $1.00. Maine potatoes showed a some- wha stronger tendency due partly to advances at shipping points. Maine Green Mountains sold at $1.05 to $1.10 per 100 pound sack while boat receipts brought 90¢ to 9b5e¢, Sweet potatoes were weak with very few sales reported. Yellow varieties sold at 30c to 50c¢ per 5-8 basket and reds at 40c to 50c with a few sales at 60c. Nearby celery was about gieady with most sales at 5¢ to 10¢c per bunch. A few fancy lots sold as high as 15¢ and poorer stock sold at 3c. Oyster plant brought 2¢ to 3c per bunch. parsley root at 11-2¢ to 2 1-2¢, and collards at 3c to 8c. The apple market was inactive and demand was slow. Nearby medium to large Stayman sold at 75c to $1.25, delicious at $1.00 to $1.50. Black twigs at 65¢ to $1.00. Golden delicious at The to $1.25 and York Imperials at 50c to 75¢ | per bushel, MARKET: Medium grade light and medium weight beef steers predom nated in week's receipts, few quotable above $7.50, one load 1040 pound yearlings $8.00. bulk $6.00-6.75, compared with week all grades about steady. Bull 1d cutters steady. Stock- ind feeders closing fully steal I'ght receipts; bulk $4.50- bulk fat he fers $5.25 6.00: | medium bulls $4.25-4.75: butcher | COWS $3.25-4.00; cutters $1. 5. Calves fully steady, top veal- lers $10.00. trong, te \n ) 1 { conta ning rucked in ) 61 calves, 77 Receipts for week vding Jan, 9, rs, 12 Va.; 6 Chicago; | Citv: 5 Q a9 Omaha; {Ohio; 2 Il.; 1 Tenn.; 1 Sioux City; | i 1164 head, 1061 head | { t rucked in, total cattle 2225 head. Stock Market CORRECT INFORMATION FUR. NISHED WEEKLY BY THE PA. BUREAU OF MARKETS FOR Prices of nearby carrots were lower today due chiefly to more liberal receipts, according to the nsylvania stock brought 40c¢ to 85¢ per 5-8 baske, and $1.00 to 1.30 per bushel. Other root crops were draggy with beets draggy bringing |20¢ to 3b6c per 5-8 basket. White turnips 16c to 25¢, Aberdeen tur- {nips 15¢ to 30¢ and parsnips at Ru‘abagas sold at Tbe The mushroom market was some- The white potato market con- Pennsylvania round whites sold at PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH Say This Week konvinsa, so doe gaets. selly benk room a venich retza date. Mer shtaerta op mitem Rube. Now den ken ich shundt feel yore tzrick. Wu aer en bu war, hut aer in Florin gwoent. Aer is uf gwoxa, hut nee ken difel-strache gadu, hut en jop in de bank grickt un hut en aerlicher mon gmocht. Necksht hen mer der Elam. Den hov ich net gakent ep aer in de benk gshoft hut. Doe is en chap es si marick mocht, now ferluss dich druf. Usht letsht wuch hen se ferdult naeksht en breticher ous em gmocht un mer sin oll gute tzufritta des aer es buch net grickt hut mit sime nawma drin. Ich denk der Joe kumt necksht. Now den kenich si laevas long. Aer is uf gwoxa doe im shtettle, except de tzite es aer im kollege war, is viter tzrick kuma un huts bowera braviert. Sel hut aer net arick gute gaglicha, de no is aer in de benk gonga un sel seemt de sot aravite des aer glicht. Der Joe is aw en shule direckter fer a pore yore tzrick. On de letsht eleckshun hen se ene avenich fershrucka, der Sheetz un a pore onera kals, ower es hue nix ga- bot uny der Josie is witer ney gshloopt. Denk ich mus eich a venich fertzaela vaich em Abie Shtauffer. Dot is en kal des mer oll glicha. Der Abe mindt imer si agena bisness, is oll tzu sich selver, un date net so feel es en mook shawda. Won arits en shay matel is des hirea will, sot se era kop setza fer der Abe. Now mer daerfa der Warren net fer- gessa. Doe is aw en kal des si aege ny bisness mindt, gate in de karich un is awk long is. so aerlich des der Ich h slicha sawga vaich |de tzway wei des on de benk | shoffa ower ich drow net recht. De Lissy un de Unis sin oll tz: guty shoflite ower grawt doe mus ich saw- | |i ifrom now until day dune im Kort—“further the saith not.” Ay ding kon ich sawga. Won de tzwa weipslite shelt {kenna ve de Betz, (in English sa i see, “ball em out,” l 3 | lite SHWII SALE REGISTER If you want a notice of ter weekly sale. ABSO- LUTELY FREE, send or phone us your sale date and when you are serted in this of 1025 calves, 3756 hogs. 341 sheep. |the cheapest advertising you can get last year, cattle 47 cars, 10 Chi- cago; 8 St. Louis; 6 Va.; 6 W. Va.:!} $ Penna; 3 St. Panl: 2 Tenn.; 2 Omaha; 2 Ken.; 1198 head, 1086 head trucked in. total cattle 2284 head, 988 calves, by Paul G, Miller, Aldinger, auct 3199 hogs, 399 sheep. . . ! tece pts fow corresponding week | i Ohio; containing Range of Prices STEERS oa HEIFERS COWS VEALERS FEEDERS AND STOCKERS 50-6.75 5-5.50 ight ht 0 Lancaster Grain and Feed Prices Selling Price of Feeds | Bran $24.50 per ton | { Shorts 24.00 per ton | eal 32.50 per ton | nseed 419% 27.50 per ton Feed *169- 27.00 per ton Feed *20% Feed 20% ~ are exhausted and service will be der seeds and plants. Prepare list of the garden flowers, shrubs, ind trees needed and send it to our nearest reliable seed store or ryman. Orders placed early receive promp: attention. re li i ens ancestors w ex t capacity than the cows in the herd. $.00-10.00 | Choose the sire with great care. Medium R.00-9.00 { Unless proved or from good pro- 6.25-8.00 | ducing ancestors. his daughters cannot develop into good cows. 3. .50 | Dairy Feed 24% HOGS Dairy Feed 25% $5.00-5.50 | Dairy Feed 32% .75 | Horse Feed 857% Alfa Eee ot 5590 Stop Getting Up Nights Thursday, Feb. 18—0n the pre- mises the former Jac. Gruber farm Y2 mile north of Mt. Joy, along the Back Run road, 1-2 mle from Sharps Corner, live stock, .mple- ments. potatoes, wheat and corn, ———— Get Seed Catalogs Write to your favorite seedsman for ther 1932 catalogs if you are not already on the mailing lists. Study these catalogs carefully and send your orders early. Delay un- til the rush season sometimes means that the var eties you want slow, et eee A Aree Crder Plants Early Do not wait until spring to or- Checose Good Sire The dairy sire ] ith g € a be from producing messes roommates Subscribe for The Bulletin 33.00 per ton 33.50 per ton 34.50 per ton 32.00 per ton Alfalf a (regular) fa (reground) Physic the Bladder With Juniper Oil Hominy 26.00 per ton ent desire. BU-KETS | Middlings 26.30 per ton containing juniper oil, | Linseed 4250 per ton , etc., works on bladder similar i Gluten 27.50 per ten astor oil on the bowels. Get a 23¢ { Ground Oats 29.25 per ton { test box from any drug store After four | days if not relieved of “getting up | nights” go back and get your money. If j You are bothered with backache or leg i pains caused from bladder disorders you are bound to feel better after this cleans- j ened fruit and produce store on 39.00 per ton |ing an { 32.80 per ton! sq your regular slesp. | Sigre. What Shwilkey Bumblesock Has To |! Der onner dawk wore ich druva in what weaker today under a slow |de Aersht Nashional Bank un der Joe | demand. Pennsylvania whites bro- ught 40c¢ to 65¢ per 3 pound basket [Tir a few fancy lots higher. But- |Ich hop eme tzawt des ich se selver tons sold at 30c¢ to 40c and spots 20c to 30c. Pennsylvania hot house tomatoes were dull and brought Michigan hot house rhubarb sold at 75¢ to Breneman hut mich gfrokt waer de Deitsha briefa shript fer de tzeitung. shript ower iver sellem hut aer so holver folsh glocht, usht es von aer mich net recht glawva date. Ich hop grawt gadenkt ich date besser den kal Ich denk net es es feel shawda date von ich de gons shootenmatch oom | . . .and NO holidays for NEW Want-Ads VEN the “extra” day this year provides no holiday for these busy workers. They're on the job continuously, scouring unseen markets, searching out the individual —the service —the merchandise — the * lost” and the owner of the “found”... They are ever ready, steady workers and because of this they find the answer to every WANT. THE BULLETIN WANT-AD | of approximately $40.000, dedica a | ed short ti 1 your saie | | | | | | ready, let us print your bills. 2 | Inc., Chevrolet dealers, will reopen DEPARTMENT Industrial Notes Almont—New consol. dated grade school building completed at | , ago. R mersbure New installed in Lincoln Theatre, 16 miles | ad more than [4 : 99 to operate bus service between Sw eet a 1d Lo vely this city and Latrobe. - Blairsville — Approximately 1,- 000 employes added to the payroll | Manuf division of Cord Corporation. Wilkinsburg —- Bauman Bros., | of Lycoming cturing Co.. | theiy business here. { H. B. Householder and Karl Ste- | ward granted permission to dredge coal from Swatara Creek.-—Hum- melstown Sun. | Media —-Plans being formulated | for formal dedication of new court- | house at this place January 9. | Allentown & Reading Transit Co. | operating bus service from Kutz- | pator. town to Topton, . Cronies = McCormick Bros: | ated appliances to assist you received 325,097 general contrac’ | . . . for remodel ng interior of As- | with your daily routine; and sembly building or Courthouse an- { » 3 nex. you'll be surprised at what Moncengahels - $6,000 pipe or- gan dedicated at Methodist Epis- | copal Church. Fhe Iron Bridge — Weaver Poultry chased. Farm added new equipment recent- ly. Clifton Heights — United Manu- facturing Co.. bicycle res. 14.000 s n new factory bu and Holly avenues, Ambridge — Rail . Sl | ee a — A EAT SORES A strong County provid- | - —— from Apollo to Kit- |p eee ! Yori tically completed. Chestnn Ridge Transportation Co. seek is the Modern Housewife who stays young by evading the burdensome duties of housework—shifting the responsibility to electrical appli- ances, woman’s greatest emanci- Your LOCAL DEALER is show- ing many new electrically oper- low cost they can be pur- Pennsylvania Power & Light Co. 1.1: x‘ended their collection deli- limits very service here to cororate of town. State Highway Department now employed 900 men on roads of Fayette County. Belle Vernon, Enterprise, California Fairchance Lumber Co. started construction on two wing additions to Herron Hall at Southwestern State Normal School. Rochester — Cornerstone of new post office laid. Allentown-—White Haven Manu facturing and Supnly (C¢ Ine. apitalized at $200,000. granted In Jour 5° ie; charter and plans to manufacture axnlosihy VES. yy 1: a A ny - ae Palmerton Construet ‘on Keallzlng ine grea fom derway on skating rink. i Imbortance ot ut Benth; — W..D. Davis pur hid Nowsbaber 1s (i Stere-to-dnor eorocervy bhusi 5 { ness from Pe : MaK a The WH. s from ee F. MeKom : a wits & Nantylo — P41 mes Comp U i & COPY New York : v es‘abligh i ex Yo OY Wo sth vated: auditor. In New Ea ium of Cent ry Methodist Epis- cal reopened. \ St. Mary’s -— J. O. Gordon oy Month ~ WiC REE TO Brusselles St. im storerooss recent ; ly vacated by Fox Bros. \ \ DispLay ADVERTISING