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Longefiecker, Henry Bren- neman, Christian Flory, Blaine Gut- shall, Samuel T. Becker, Ezra H. Engle, Willis K. Shoemaker, Arthur | G. Mathias, John K. Wolgemuth, Ed. Lehman, Elam S. Hess, Paul L. Muss- er, John Strickler, Roy Geib, Russel Ober, Arthur Koser, Amos Bricker, Ira S. Hess, Ezra E. Hess, Allen S. Brubaker, Clarence S. Barnhart, Jno. S. Miller, Harvey Fisher, Miller M. Hess, Norman S. Miller, David Shelly Aaron Musser, Wm. Weaver, Phares Brandt, John Heisey, Earl Martin, Si- mon Shearer, Ellsworth Neidig, Ray- mond Hostetter, John M. Forry, Jonas H. Whisler, Earl G. Brubaker, David Flory, John Dunk, Harry Hilt, Jacob Ober, Harry Zerphey, Wayne Peters, Paul Oberholtzer, Earl Longenecker, S. S. Shelley Archie Emenheiser, Ben Brubaker, Frank Emswiler, Ezra Ney, Levi W. Newcomer, Lloyd Nent- wig, Paris O. Brubaker, I. H. Neidigh Amos Mumma, Rudolph Forry, Ben Bradley, Samuel Brandt, Leroy Kopp James Dolby, Amos Heisey, Christian Shearer, Ben Hambright, Maurice Emenheiser, Harry Lines, Abram Ko- ser, Elmer Newcomer, Roy Hoffman, H. W. Gutshall, Harvey Hoffman, Samuel Kolp, Jacob Landvater, Hen- ry Shelly, John Smith, David Henry, Edgar Gish, Arthur Brubaker, Samu- el Nissley, Glenn Kaylor, Samuel Nornhold, Graybill Wolgemuth, John Snyder, Harry Shaffer, John Kulp, Harvey Sumpman, Ervin Bricker, Enos Weidman, Reuben Forry, Sam- uel Crowl, Lloyd Felker, Joseph Gish Harry Emenheiser, John Brandt, Harry Heisey. William Derr, Charles Watt, Wm, Weidman Emanuel Sump- man, Samuel Lindemuth, Landes Pir- engem, Daniel Brubaker, Abram Esh- elman, Daniel E. Wolgemuth, George Derr, Ervin Bishop. = een Ree Mennonite Meetings Bishop J. S. Shoemaker, of Free- port, Ill, will preach in the following Mennonite churches this week: this evening, Chestnut Hill; on Thursday |monwealth of lity. section of the township where the State wishes to place the new en- but these were the first |two to be taken up. books of most people, twelve million evening, Stumptown; Friday evening, Kinzer: Sunday morning, East Pet- ershurg, and Sunday evening, Mt. Joy | er, Set ee Local Doings In And Around Florin NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST AS | IT GCCURRED IN VILLAGE WEST OF HERE. The Men's Bible Class will meet to night at the church. Mr. and Mrs. John Easton autoed lided Sunday afternoon on the new hie ro “twee 2 ro . to Carlisle on Sunday. highway between Rowenna and Mr. A D. Garber and son, Gene, Bainbridge. Dr. G. A. Harter, of Maytown, treated the injured woman end at Perry county. sister spent the week Mrs. Jacob Kline visited her Mrs. Adelaide Kern, at Landisville, Card Party by Auxiliary on Saturday. The Ladies’ Auxiliary of the Wal- Miss Anna Garber, of Lebanon ter S. Ebersole Post will hold a card Valley College, spent the week end party on Monday, Nov. 23, at 1:45 o’- with her parents. clock in the Legion Home. Every Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Robinson, of one is most cordially invited to at- Middletown, were guests of Mr. and tend. Mrs. Howard Rehrer on Saturday. | YW Mr. and Mrs. John Rehrer, of Mid-| Fell Against a Stove dletown, spent Sunday with his John Heisey, aged two, of Bain- brother, Howard and family on Sun- bridge, was treated at the General day. | Hospital at Lancaster. He fell against Mr. and Mrs. Clarence” S Nissly | a stove and his left arm. and son and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey | Balmer autoed to Safe Harbor on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Kraybill visit- ed their son, Charles, who is a stu- dent at Lebanon Valley College, on Sunday. i Mr. and Mrs. John Keener enter- tained Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hoffman (Turn to page 5) re etl Gp Keller's Private Sale J. B. Keller and Bro. will have a | private sale commencing Thursday Ralph J. Boyd, former city con- noon, Nov. 19th, when they will sell troller at Lancaster, who embezzled a carload of Erie and Crawford Co. T. B. tested fresh cows and springers Cyrus Good Says the County Growers Defeated Embargo Cyrus H. Good, of Manheim, chair- man of the legislative committee of the Lancaster County Tobacco Growers’ Association, at a meeting of that body in Lancaster Monday, gave full credit to the association for defeating the move to ban the importation of Sum- atra wrapper tobacco. His report on the battle waged since 1927 to prevent the exclusion of Sum- atra wrappers used by manufacturers to blend with long Pennsylvania fillers, | guilty to charges of {the first charge. Prison sentence was | suspended on the THAT BUSY | {was cut { when automobiles |LOOKS AS THO STATE WILL QUIT MT. GRETNA CAMP A report from Lebanon says: “It was practically assured that the Com- Pennsylvania would change the site of the State Militia encampment from Mt. Gretna to E. {Hanover township, when two options were taken upon land in that vicin- “Deeds were filed, turning over to the state, for a total consideration of $8,800, the properties of Harry and Lester Kreiser. Options had been secured on properties in the el Christmas Fund of $1,319,250 in Co. THAT AMOUNT WILL BE DIS- TRIBUTED TO 12,892 MEMBERS NEXT MONTH FOR THEIR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING To fortify themselves against the Christmas season, which always proves a heavy drain on the pocket- persons in the United States have saved approximately six hundred million dollars, through the medium of Christmas savings funds, conduct- ed by over eight thousand banking institutions and other organizations in the nation. This estimate was submitted re- cently by Herbert F. Rawll, Presi- dent of the Christmas Club. Mr. Rawll’s report showed Pennsylvania second in the Middle Atlantic States with a total of sixty-six millions of dollars to be distributed this year. Lancaster County's share in this (Turn to page 4.) rr rr et re een SQUIRREL HUNTERS FIRE TREE NEAR TOWN Several squirrel hunters, while at- tempting to Dring down a squirrel from its perch on a tree on Thursday evening set fire to the tree while blazing away at the furry animal. Daniel Erb, of Mt. Joy R. D., fearing that the blazing tree would ignite the corn in his field, and thus en- danger his farm buildings, summoned the Rheems Fire company who ex- tinguished the fire. ee QR Jailed for One Month Zink, of Marietta, pleaded violating the and was sentenced jail, on Edward liquor and gambling laws, | fined $200 and costs, and |to one month in the county gambling violation homebrew County Three hundred bottles of were seized at his home by Detective Jacob Weller. Maytown Lady Hurt Mary Earhart, of Maytown, and bruised about the face driven by Henry Earhart, of Maytown, and William Arnold, West Donegal township, col- Mrs. we ser sata ~~ | Deeds ‘Recorded | Jour D. Easton and wife to Har- vey B. Johnson and wife, lot of land a dwelling in the village of Florin East Donegal township. rere et GI eer ee d Property Sold Milton H. Ruhl sold his property near Union Square to Noah S. Weng- ler, of near Lawn. The sale and the | terms were private. [$11,700 in city funds, has applied for 'a parole. declared that the battle would have been lost but for the infiuence and op- position of the county growers’ associ- ation. Since it was the growers who won the fight and the manufacturers and buyers will be the first to receive the benefits thereof, it was resolved at the meeting that the latter should show their appreciation by paying a just price for the 1931 crop, declared to be the best crop grown, here since 1917. Thanksgiving and Bible Meeting WILL HOLD AN ALL DAY SESSION AT THE PLEASANT VIEW CHURCH, THURSDAY, NOVEM- BER 26 The public is welcomed to a Thanks- giving and Bible meeting to be held at the Pleasant View Church, Thursday, Nov. 26. There will be a morning and afternoon session. Mr. Daniel Miller is moderator and Mr. John B. Brubaker is the chorister. The program as arranged is append- ed: Morning Session 9:30 Devotional 9:45 Purpose of This Christian Gibe. 10:00 World Conditions, and Reasons for Thanksgiving, Rev. Wesley Martin. 10:45 The Blessing of Living in a Land of Christian Privileges, Bishop John Brinser. 11:30 Dismissal. Afternoon Session 1:00 Song Service, 1:15 Influence and Blessing of Those Who Are True and Faithful in the Church, Rev. Adam Weingert. 2:00 Does Persecution Hinder the Progress of the Gospel? Rev. Isaac Kauffman. 2:45 The Church’s Share in the Re- sponsibility for the Depression—What Steps can the Church Take to Change the Situation? Bishop H. G. Light. 3:30 Dismissal. Attendants are asked to provide their own lunch. —— Cee: REV. AND MRS. MacDANNALD WERE GIVEN A RECEPTION Meeting, Rev. The following item appeared in a Harrisburg Daily: The Rev. and Mrs. I. A. MacDan- nald and their family were the honor guests at a reception given on Friday | evening at their home in Washington Heights by the members of the Green | street Church of God. The reception ! was given under the auspices of the | Christian Endeavor Society ~of the | church. The Rev. Mr. MacDannald was re- | cently retired after forty-six years in |! the ministry. His last charge was at | the Mt. Joy Church of God. A large number of guests present. were | et Were ree Shooting Match There will be a shooting match at the Susquehansa Inn on Saturday, | Nov, 21st for turkeys, ducks and geese. Match will start at 1:30 0 | clock. The Entertainers And Their Guests » THE VISITORS WHO WHO CALLED ON THEIR FRIENDS HERE AN NEARBY AND WERE PLEASANT- | LY ENTERTAINED. | With Raymond Kaylor’s Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Kaylor, east of Elizabethtown, entertained a number of guests at a dinner on Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kulp, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Kaylor, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Geyer and children Carson, Grace, Norman, Kenneth and Clifford; Mr, and Mrs. William Ging- rich and Henry Gingrich; Mr. and Mrs. Hoffer Kaylor and children, Vernice, Elva, Ralph, Harold, Mary, Marlin and Betty. { i With Harvey Spangler’s Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Spangler, of Back Run, entertained quite a number of folks at their heme on Sunday. | Chicken corn soup was and Mrs. Nelson Hoffman and child- ren, Carol Mae and Truman, of Steelton; Mr. and Mrs. Ed. ter, Dorothy Hoffmaster; and Robert Mrs. Wallace, Mrs. Maude Edwards, Dorothy and Pauline Edwards, all of Mount Joy; Mrs. Edith Joyer, of Middletown; . Mr. and Mrs. Amos Shelly and #..aily, of Rapho township Mr. and Mrs. Fox and son; Mr. Boy- er, of Lebanon; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. B. Snavely and Miss Anna Gebhart, of Elizabethtown: Bellerma Spangler James Spangler, Richard Boyer. Waives Hearing William Gantz, colored, of boro, charged with assault and bat- tery by Carrie Wilson, also colored, of Mount Joy, waived a hearing on Friday night before Justice of the Peace C. C. Hicks of Maytown. He gave bail for court. rm Rp Congratulations Pauline Edwards was 7 years old Sunday. Dorothy Stauffer birthday on Saturday. Miss Pearl Schroll celebrated her birthday anniversary on Thursday. celebrated her i. of Mount Joy, R. D. takes the part of | Miss Dyere and Mrs. Edward Stamen, CONSTABLES REPORT BAD i reported roads {road from Nissley corn field to Iron avenue, ' reported in | street was torn up by the i and not replaced, he said. The editor was the guest of Mr. Jno. W. Eshelman, Jr., of Lancaster, iat his lodge on the flats of the Ches apeak Bay, when the duck season opened in Maryland at noon on Monday. After a few hours shooting they succeeded in bagging some ice Baldpate, Red Head. and Can- hack ducks which were exception- served for | dinner and an oyster supper was en- joyed by all. A birthday was also celebrated, Pauline Edwards being 7 years old. A birthday cake with 7 green candles was a center piece for | the table. Those enjoying the day were: Mr. Hoffmas- | this U. B. PRIMARY DEPT. HOLDS ANNUAL PARTY The teachers of the Primary de- partment of the U. B. S. S. gave the annual party to the members of the department recently, at the home of Mr:. Edwards, on Nerth Barbara street. Some kiddies were masked. Games were highly enjoyed by all. Prizes were awarded to Miss Jean Schroll having the prettiest costume and Betty Bishop, as the most com- ical. Prizes were also won by these folks: Pinning tail on cat, Bellerma Spangler; Shoe contest, Jerry Ken- dig; Bean guessing contest, Cather- ine Weidman. The teachers, Mrs. H. Spangler and Mrs. M. Edwards, as-| sisted by Mrs. Wallace, served the kiddies with delicious refreshments. | About thirty folks enjoyed the after- | noon. 'Run Valley, died Thursday. Mrs. mee | Sarah Bechtold, of Salunga, is a sis- ter. Five Plays Will | Be Staged Here i ie ie TO BE PRODUCED IN THE HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM UNDER SUPERVISION OF AGRICULTUR- | AL EXTENSION SERVICE Under the supervision of Agricul- | tural Extension Association five one Act Plays are to be staged at Mount! Joy High School auditorium by Rural Groups of the county on Saturday, | November 21 starting at 5:30 P. M. with | intermission from 7:30 to 8:00 P. M. The Farm Women, Society No. 2 of of Washington street, Elizabethtown, |died in the Lancaster County hospital near Mount Joy are starting this con- test at 5:30 P. M. with the play ‘ Join | evening, She was a Owners in Spain.” This play is trying ! to settle a dispute between Miss Dyer Brethren and Mrs. Blair two co-inmates of one | Step-son, Jacob Mrs C.ibethtown, J. Musser of Mount Joy No. 1 takes | Survive, room in an Old Ladies Home. the part of Mrs. Mitchell, Mrs. Ira | Frantz of Mountville takes the part of i noon in Churchtown, ily plot in Mrs. Fullerton, Mrs. Raymond Garber of Columbia, R. D. takes Mrs. Blair. the part of Another play is put on by the Young |of West Front street, Bible Class of the Silver (Turn to page 4) EEE a Women’s ROADS TO THE COURTS The following township constables in bad condition, as follows: Willhlam H. Fogie, Bridge, and Union Square to Sporting Hill to Chickies Church. In Mount Joy borough, Detwiler east of Barbara street, was “very bad condition” by Zerphey, constable. The borough Elmer L. As witnesses to its condition Zer- phey named Hiram Nissley, Samuel mk and Charles Funk, residents of | the borough. mesma Gi Successful Duck Hunters lly fine. Farm Women No. 6 Elect Officers AT THEIR MEETING AT HOME OF MRS. CLARENCE GREINER—MRS. H. B. KELLER HEADS THE SO- | CIETY FOR COMING YEAR { — Mrs. H. B. Keller was elected presi- | dent of the Society of Farm Women ! No. 6 at the recent i ome of Mrs. Clarence Greiner. The other new mee officers | Vice president, Mrs. C. R. y; secretary, Mrs. C. B. Risser; cor- | responding secretary, Mrs. I. P. Eshle- treasurer, Mrs. H. H. Lehn. ym included: Scripture and Frey; music, Harn- Madeira; recitation, short address on man; The pr prayer, Mrs. John ley and Robert Rose Marie Heisey; “First Tage ” Mrs. Abram Greiner; “Thanksgiving Today,” Lela Coble; "lino solo, Robert Madeira; reading, June Halk; executive committee. Following the program refreshments (Turn to page 5) PW mr Gruber Property Sold brick dwelling and several greenhouses of the late Jacob M. Gruber, on North Jarbara street, were sold at private sale and on pri- vate terms to Mr. Warren Heisey, on North Market street. The purchaser will take possession in the very near future. the reports of the { The eee tl Ieee. Auto Wheel Stolen Ephraim Longenecker, HEilizabeth- town, reoprted to borough police the theft of a spare wheel and tire from the rear of his automobile which was parked in the garage at his home. teacher aged 31. | plication of diseases. | Frey, and one brother, | all of Marietta. on Thursday Church of the Brethren, Philadelphia, Rapho; | Pa. New York Cty this place. g in the| elected in- |. Local Mortuary Record for a Week MANY OF OUR BEST KNOWN PEOPLE HAVE PASSED TO THAT GREAT BEYOND WITLIN THE PAST WEEK. James H. Crowther, aged 87, died at Columbia. Harry Clayton Broome, aged 56, a P. R. R. engineman, died at Columbia Mrs. James E. Kunkle, a school at Columbia, died. She was Solomon H. Good, 70, a butcher of Mrs George Nein Mrs. Stella V. Nein twenty-seven, wife of George Nein of Marietta, died after an illness of two years of a com- Besides her husband she is survived by her daughters, Josephine, Geraldine and Dorothy; her mother, Mrs. Hattie Chester Frey, Services were private from the home of her mother, Mrs. Hattie Frey at Marietta. Interment in the Marietta cemetery. Mrs. Catherine Patton Mrs. Catherine Patton, eighty-two, of complications. member of the United church, Lancaster. One Williams, of Eliza- and fcur grandchildren were held Tuesday after- the Methodist church at with burial in the fam- the adjoining cemetery. Services Mrs. Anna Troutwine Annie Troutwine, seventy-five Marietta, died (Turn to Page 8) ne — Mrs, Kline—Eshleman Mr. John A. Kline, of Florin, and Miss Mary Eshleman, of Mount Joy, were united in marriage at 4 o'clock afternoon, at the First Rev. Ross D. Murphy, pastor of the church officiated. Their honey- moon was spent in Philadelphia and They now reside in Rabbit Breeders Review the the Exhibit |, - = LOCAL GARDEN SPOT ASSOCIA. TION REPORT RECENT SHOW | HELD HERE WAS THE BEST | ONE OF THEM ALL The Garden rs’ Association Spot Rabbit v Rr 1 Vie npreedae 31 a complete yroved to be how of | 8 NEW REGISTRATIONS AT OUR LOCAL CLINIC | 1 ection Appi itely 25 stock was |} on exhibition. i Several exhibitors made some nice Le {Turn to nage 5) | dn Si lJ ere eight new registrations Arthur Eugene Laskewitz, aged 4]. weeks, son of Mr. asd Mrs. David |, Laskewitz; George Paul Halbleib, | M and Mrs. John Schneider, age of Mr. and Mrs. [Lloyd Warfel Kline son of Mr. and Mrs Joyce Anne Herr, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Herr; Jean Louise Herr, aged 2 yrs., 3 months, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Norman Herr. Attendance for week of Nov. 3rd: There were 3 visitors, 18 mothers 1 grandmother, 27 babies, Attendance for week of Nov. 17th: There were 3 visitors, 1 grandmoth- | Lioyd aged 22 weeks, the Kline; er, 37 mothers, 24 babies. Dr. Wm. Workman was in profes- sional charge assisted by Miss Eth- el Kersey, R. N. The hostesses were Mrs. Longenecker, Mrs. E. W. Esther Henry, Secretary. The next clinic will be held on December 1 in the American Legion Home, hours from 2 to 4. sn oscil Oliver G. Garber and Will Open Season Tonite The Olivets will open their bas- ketball season tonight when they will play the West Lampeter Co. League team at the latter place. SHERIFF SELLS THE JOS. ROTH PROPERTY AT FLORIN General] News For The Busy Folks INTERESTING HAPPENINGS FROM ALL OVER THE COUNTRY FOR THE BENEFIT OF THOSE WHO HAVE LITTLE TIME TO READ. Lancaster sold At the Court House at on Saturday Sheriff Dattisman the following: Property in East Donegal township including a 1 1-2 story brick dwelling house and brick garage, along the public road leading from Florin to the Cross Roads church, seized and taken in execution as the property 23 of Joe Roth and Bertha G. Roth, sold to J. M. Brighthill, Inc., for $850.00, subject to mortgage of $3,500 and the interest from March, 1931. This property was erected by Mr. Roth when he was connected with the Peris Mfg Co. at Florin. East Donegal Man Acquitted 0 of Fraud MR. ABRAM L. HOFFMAN HAD AC- CUSED ABRAM H. MARTIN OF TAKING SIX TONS OF HAY AND STRAW auto drivers lost their licenses last week in this state. There were 26,227 votes polled in Lancaster Co. at the last election. There will be a ¢pelling bee at the Rheems school Saturday, Nov. 21. John Garver, of Cordelia, shot =a fine gray fox while hunting in York County. Roy Brandt, along the Colebrook road, caught a chicken hawk that | measured 4 feet, 3 inches. John Philip Sousa, the March King was 77 years old last Friday and is | still composing new marches. $151.00 was collected at the F. & M.-Dickinson foot ball game Satur- day for the Rockne Memorial. The home of the Lodge of Elks at | Columbia was broken into by thieves Sunday night and $150 in cash stolen A tree 5 ft. 7 inches in diameter and 75 feet high was. felled on an is- land in the Susquehanna river near Abram Martin, of East Donegal township, was acquitted by a jury yes- | terday of fraudulent conversion. The case was started before Judge Atlee °"" ° Monday afternoon and completed yes- |W ashingtonboro. terday morning The Reading Fair this year clean- The jury divided the costs between led up the mice profit of $13,347. Here Martin and the prosecutor, Abram L.|is something for other fair promoters Hoffman. {to ponder over. Martin was charged with fraudu-| It cost William H. Haldeman, of lently taking six tons of hay and two Bamford, $5 and costs for trespass- tons of straw from a farm in East !ing on William Hoffman's land while Donegal township, which he tenanted | hunting. in violation of a lease he had with the | Pickpockets stole about $350 in manager of the farm. cash from people while they were The charge was brought by Abram |leaving St. Luke's Evangelical Con- L. Hoffman, manager of the farm for gregational church at Shillington on his sister, Mrs. Emma H. Detwiler, the | Sunday. owner. Martin leased the farm in! a. January, 1930, and lived there about a you ARE URGED TO HELP year. THOSE WHO ARE IN NEED Martin, it is claimed moved the hay | and straw from the farm in March, | 1931, and hauled it to another farm | where he planned to move. Guy F. Hoffman, a nephew of the owner and the manager, testified he saw Martin | removing the hay and straw. Martin admitted taking the goods but | claimed he was given permission by | - Mrs. Detwiler, because he did not re- | 2to5and 7to9 PM ceive full credit from Hoffman for | Everybody is invited to come and raising a certain quantity of tobacco. |S€€ the results of this year's work. He said Mrs. Detwiler told him she did| The Needlework Guild of America not approve of Hoffman's actions. | is doing a most unique and valuable Neighbor Testifies | work in bringing comfort and hap- Benjamin H. Nissley, a neighbor of |iness to those in need. Our local Martin, testified he was present when | branch is doing their part in this permission was given by Mrs. Detwiler | great work for good. a or a i Martin A Thank Offering Meeting Planned —— OC Let no one forget the annual In- gathering and exhibition of garments collected by our local directors of the Needlework Guild of America, on { Thursday, November 19th in the American Legion Home. Garments will be on display from permission to move the hay and straw. — QO SEASON FOR QUAIL AND TURKEY CLOSED SATURDAY | At sundown Saturday the open | hur season on quail and wild | LUTHERAN WOMEN’ S MISSION- | cure: y “will close in Pennsylvania. ARY SOCIETY WILL HOLD AN- NUAL EVENT HERE THIS EVE NING—A PAGEANT OF BOXES orts to the State Board of Game Comniissioners indicated a fair kill of hoth species. | lissionary Society church will hold change in the open Woman's hunt- The sundown | of 0 comes with 1 grouse which could Offering this K Ted on e first three November 18, at the last two weeks now may Sunday School hot only on the last three days Play as well as the play will lantern slides. f Boxes, including a be used, having the part: Betty ly, Mary L. Smith Germer, Jane Jane Rice, Breneman, Jeulah Smith, Chris Detwiler, Anna and Ruth Wagner. > asked to kindly han Offering boxes forgetting that “God rful Giver.” very cordially today an- sound pie s lan ette Hipple, therine ing state in the nation. etl COUNTY'S 75 YEAR OLD TWINS CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARIES ae xr invit- I evening Service clock the I. O. O. F. Specials bow t ' Lancaster will oppose the Night Six on the Union Thanksgiving Garden leys. sal fein ioe Grant trice Stotz., of ed a Divorce Marietta, was Earl W. court on from Marietta in a divorce which also of Thanksgiving morning Petition Court For a Vote Recount In East Hempfield A petition asking the court to seize W. Scott Nissley, Low Tax Party boxes used in East | candidate for School Director in the Hempfield township at recent gen-|township, i8 the only candidate eral election on the ground that re-| whose name appears on the petition. turns announced by the board are in-' Nissley, S. S. Bard, of urday. and open ballot who ran with S. S. correct was presented to the court|East Petersburg, for the two school Friday by Charles W. Eaby, counsel {board positions, signed the petition for a group of taxpayers in the asking a recount in the Landisville { district. candidates on the Others who signed the same peti- Low Tax Party, which was preemp-|tion were John G. Weidler and Albert ted in the hope of electing several |Hiestand. Those who signed the pe- township officers, were defeated. Ac-|tition in the Rohrerstown district cording to those who signed the pe-|{were: J. L. Fisher, M. H. Grove and tition, these returns are not correct. {M. D. Young. township. In the returns, OI HO BARRA RET,