Swe. FOR SALE, - PAGE EIGHT D. B. BRUBAKER MOUNT JOY, PA. Department Store, THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO., PA. @ ® \ Evaporated Peaches, Fancy, Lb. 10c Fancy Apricots, Pound 16¢ Large Prunes, Pound 10¢c | | Gem Butter Crackers | 2 lbs. for 25c¢ ! - Ze Cream Corn Starch, 1b. . 10¢ All Our 5¢ Candies—Milky Way, Honey Almond, Fat Emma, and others, 3 bars 10¢ Fresh California Fig Bars, 2 lbs. 25¢ Brubaker’s Special Coffee, Lb. 28¢ Part Wool Blankets, Each == $2.45 Plain Outing, Pink, White and Blue, 2 Yards Colored Outing, Heavy Nap, 2 Yards for ......... Girls’ Medium Weight Union Suits, Short Sleeve and Leg. 50¢ Boys’ Medium Weight Union Suits, Long Sleeve and Leg 25¢ 25¢ 50¢ Early June Peas, Re Can, 2 for Silver Run Corn, Can Pound Soup Beans, 2 Pounds . 8-0z. Bottle Catsup, 3 for STAUFFER’S CAKES Special School Day Ginger Snaps, 2 Lbs. 9¢ 23¢ gular 15¢ 25¢ 10¢ Te Lunch 15¢ Ia 25¢ 370) 0) 0 0-0 a Pound . .. Country Smoked Saus Dried Beef, 1/4 Lb. King Nut Oleomarga Swift’s Boiled Ham, v4 Lb. 10¢, 1 Cream Cheese (Best) Lb Best Money Can Buy, Lb Special Demonstration Saturday ah 35¢ age, Lb. 25c 24c 15¢ rine, The 22¢ Hunting Coats, Each Men’s Seamless Gro-cord Soles, Pair © Peter’s Shells, Box, Each Ball Brand Leather Top Boots $6.50 Work Shoes, Men’s Work Shirts, Each : \ .$4.50 85¢ 0. 83.795 85¢ OOOO ® Classified Column FOR SALE—Brendel Bull dogs, 8 weeks old, good watch dogs. Apply A. F. Wertman, Corner of Lumber and David Streets. Oct.21-1t-pd Community Exhibit WOOD FOR SALE—I have a lot of cord wood sawed stove length which I sell reasonable at all times. John W. Kreider, Telephone 142R12. Mt. Joy. Oct.21-4t-pd WANTED—High-class man with wide acquaintance in Mount Joy and vicinity. Good money for live man. See or write O. Hall, 136 East James Street, Lancaster. Oct.21-1t-pd Gents’ Top Coats LOST—One Tube, Tire and Rim 36x8 between Mt. Joy and Sporting Hill on the Manheim Road. Call 41R2, Mt. Joy. Oct.21-1t You Phone—We Call WANTED—I would like to rent a house in country near Mt. Joy or Flor- in to occupy in Spring. Apply to P. O. Box 211, Florin, Pa. Oct.14-4t-pd POTATOES FOR SALE — Grown from good seed, well sprayed. | J. K. WOLGEMUTH, Mt. Joy. octl14:2t-pd Pressing Company MOUNT JOY, PA. Specials Ladies’ Pe, Coat Suits $1.00 | daughter, Miss Betty Baker; selections Ladies’ Lightweight Coats $1.00 by the male chorus of the church. Gents’ 2 and Suits $1.00 $1.00 president of the Aid Society, Mrs. H. We Cleat Everything thanks for the bouquet. A social period Mount Joy Cleaning and | Wanted—A tenant house to rent, un= til Spring, located about 3 miles from Mt. Joy. Write P. O. Box 211, Florin, Pa. Oct.14-4t-pd. COMING Musicale --- Evangelist N®V. 5 to 15 FOR RENT—Furnished room with conveniences. Apply No. 30 South Market St, Mt. Joy, Pa. oct.7-tf Lo NOTICE—The insurance in the % vis sol Détregal and Conoy Fire Insurance Trinity Evangelical Company i$“mgw due and payable to the local agent, Mr. J. Harry Mill- er, East Donegal St., Mt, Joy. If un- er paid Oct. 15 your policy is New Haven and Donel Sts. Good Music and Preaching PLAN TO COME PARMS-—-Have a buyer for a high class farmywim, this section. Write Hauenstein, Lincoln, Lancaster Co, § | Miller, Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Meckley, Congregational Church | Anne and Dorothy; Mr. and Mrs. John Penna. oct7-4t “Good wholes some food for om Cider made ev- ery Monday to Sattirdes.noon. Elmer R. Snyder, Fairview growing boys and in. girls.” e and Used Radios . for sale. Repairs made on all types Ask your grocer for of Radios. Tubes tested free. T. F. Cope’s McElroy, Box 238, Florin, or phone Mt. Joy 214R6. aug26-tt STOVE WOOD— win 12 in. lengths consists of eak and hickory, $4.50 per truck load or $7.50 per cord ‘delivered. Jacob ‘G. Baker, Phone 1R2, Manheim _ R. D. oct8-tf spe Phone 44, 366 Donega Road, Mount Jey, Pa. FOR RELIABLE & Clock Repairing , | children, Anna Mary, Betty, Dorothy | Webster Hershey, Miss Ada Malehorn, Mrs. J. Urban Baker, Amos Herr, Cur- tis. McElhenny. Given a Reception On Reappointment (From page one) Miller the piano; piano solo by Esther Miller; reading by Miss Mary Peters. Vocal duet by Misses Betty Baker and Esther Miller, accompanied on the piano by Mrs. John Trayer; tenor solo | by Charles Baker, accompanied by his | A bouquet of flowers was presented to Rev. and Mrs. H. S. Hershey, by the appreciation of their the past year. Rev. Hershey extended their | Minnich, as an | Services during and Mrs. | followed and refreshments were served i to the following members and friends. Rev. and Mrs. H. S. Hershey, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Minnich, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Snavely, Mr. and Mrs. John | Stehman, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stauffer, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ginder, Mr. and { Mrs. John Baker, Mr. and Mrs. H. | Swarr, of Lancaster; Mr. and Mrs. | Wallace Miller and daughter, Evelyn; | Mr. and Mrs. Harry Miller and Esther Mr. and Mrs. Clay Miller and son, | Elwood; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Baker land daughter, Betty Baker and son { Jack; Mrs. Ida Danner, of Lancaster. Mrs. Wallace Minnich, Mr. and Mrs. { Elias Kreider and daughters, Mary { Greider and son, Donald; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grube and daughters, Loraine | Grube and Mary Louise, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Hess and daughter, Janet; Mr. and "Mrs. Harry Greiner and daughters, { Helen, Nancy and son, Henry; Miss | Bertha Sanders, Miss Edith Heiser- ‘man, Miss Anna Frey, Miss Ruth Heisey, Miss Fanny Kneisley, Misses Gwendolyn and Elanora Snyder, Mrs. Mabel Bickel and children, Ruth and Joseph; Mr. and Mrs. Enos Rohrer and and Russell; Miss Amelia Gross, of East Petersburg; Mrs. Amos Herr, Mrs. MARO KILLS MICE AND RATS Maro used in the home with safety. “WHas been proven by actual test that it kills rats and mice and dces Mot injure other animals, Kills more rats and mice per dollar. Net a poison. Price 50 cents. N Central’, Cut-Rate Store Mount Joy, Penna. MAYTOWN Mrs. Rhoda Terry of Middletown, spent several days with friends here. Mrs. Ion Terry spent Wednesday at Lancaster, with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Terry Miss Viola Johnstin returned home from Reading, where she visited Mr. and Mrs. Amos Cassel. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fitzkee, Miss | Sallie Fackler, Mrs. Lewis Hall spent | Saturday at Elizabethtown. { Mrs. Hallie ‘Green and daughter | Myrtle and Mr. David Jeffries of Lan- caster, visited Mrs. Annie Mackley. | Miss Lillian Sload returned home af- | ter spending several weeks with her | sister, Mrs. John Gary, at Washington, | DC | Mr. Charles Straley and Jack Frank | spent Friday and . Saturday at York- | town, Va., where they attended the! Yorktown susquecentennial. { Misses Anna and Ethel Culp, Kath- | ryn Eshleman, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Carpenter, Mr. Jack Frank, spent Sun- | day at Unionville, the guests of Mr. | and Mrs. Elwood B. Hayman and fam- | ily. The annual Sunday School conven- tion for district No. 5, Marietta Borough and East Donegal township, was held Sunday, October 18, in Mari- etta M.E. Church. The afternoon session was at 2:30 and opened with Praise and Song Meditation, Rev. Samuel Gaskell; Re- ports of District Superintendents Pro- jects: Leadership Training, Rev. Kirly Yiengy; Vacation Church School, Rev. Berghans; Boys’ Work, Boy Scouts, Rev. Holland; Interdenominational, Bi- ble School, Miss Emily Longenecker; Address, “Religion a Community Force,” Mr. H. H. Snavely, Willow | Street. The Evening Session 7:30 o'clock Devotions, Directed by Miss Shenk, Y. P. superintendent; Impressions and Experiences, Young People of the Dis- trict who spent a week or more in In- stitutes or Conferences; Duet, Miss Eleanor Barnhart, Paul Beshler; “Training our Youths,” Mr. es McFarland, Lancaster County Y. P. Superintendent; “Challenge from the | County,” Miss Mary E. Swope, Secre- | tary of County S. S. Association; An- | them, M. E. Church Choir; Address, “The Bible, The Word of God, for the Pupil in the School,” Rev. John Haines, | Bible Lecturer; Benediction. The Ladies’ Aid society and Sun-! shine Bible Class of the Reformed Church met at the home of Mrs. C. C. Hick, Thursday evening, October 15, ! at which time the profits from the din- | ner served by the two societies at the State Shoot, held by Mr. John Keener, were divided. A neat sum was made. ree el ee eee. | | Thomas A, Edison died at West Orange, N. J. He was 84 years old and one of the world’s greatest in- ventors. i 1872 G0 Years of Personal and onsiderate Service Three generations of the “Family of Frey” have ‘enjoyed the goodwill aud confidence of rircle of friends for GO years, @areful training in epery defail and an intimate understanding, of the ron- sideration due pueryone in their hour of need are traditional mith the “¥reys.” You do unt deal with a “rompany en a rold business basis when yon rome to us... hut you are treated as a friend by one of our family, not just a mewher of the firm. Simply telephone and we will take rare of euerything for you, with the same consideration we would give to one of pur own. Te Frey Funeral Service Marietta and Lancaster WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1931 No Dust No Odor No Soot Automatic Heating YOU WILL WANT TO SEE THE ECONOMICAL ST{IKOR Automatic Coal Burner Before Buying hy Quiet Safe Dependable Equipment Displayed at the Mount Joy Co mmunity Exhibit DISTRIBUTED BY CAMERON B. Manheim, WEITZEL Penna. Mrs. of East Petersburg, David Graybill, on or about Friday, died are not wormy, October 30. We handle all kind of apples and Frank Fruit at our Fruit Stand near Florin. before her death. She was a of Trinity Reformed church, Petersburg, and a daughter late William and Susan Getz Her husband and these survive: M., and David W., Jr., both Petersburg, and Mrs. J. Ira of Philadelphia; also We sell apples wholesale or retail and deliver in Mount Joy and Florin. Watch for our truck in Mount Joy every Friday, as we have a good selec- tion of apples and Fruit, and our prices are low. Bell Phone 219R2 C. S. FRANK & BRO. P. S. Don’t Forget Our Big Com- munity Sale, Saturday Afternoon, Or- tober 31st. John S. Hauenstein A heart attack proved fatal about 5:30 o'clock Wednesday Guy M, Jenkintown; one brother, | five grandchildren and two great William S. Martin, of Mountville. iE S. Hauenstein, seventy-five, who died | from Erisman’s shortly after he had finished a days’ | joining cemetery. JE) 1 hcl i) a FOR SALE : Sweet Cider & & = » Clean Apples & Sweet Cider & " et 5 We bought th entire crop of apples | VISIT OUR BOOTH IN ROHRER’S GARAGE n from the J. E. Longenecker estate con- a sisting of 6,000 bushels all leading |® DURING COMMUNITY SHOW u varieties which wé& are selling at 45c A to 75¢ a bushel. =a . ® \ d M These apples are on gravel land. The | F airvile W oO rc h ar S u right soil for apples with plenty color ELMER R. SNYDER a . g inet . = = and flavor and good Keeping quality. |Z po wy yoy 214m? FLORIN, PA. 2 Also sweet Cider at 10c a gallon by | = | the barrel. Simm WE 0 1 We will have a carload of Danish z ji TT Ti Cabbage and N. Y. State Quinces that Mrs. David Grayhill work in the cornfields at the home of seventy-two, his daughter, Mrs. Phares Y. Brandt, suddenly near Rheems. on Sunday morning from the effects of a stroke suffered just a short time family and had been a member of Mr. Hauenstein was the last of his member Erisman’s Mennonite church for the of East past fifty-five years. He was a black-~ of the smith by trade, having retired seven Martin. | years ago. children | In addition to the daughter with Reid whom he resided, Mr. Hauensi.in is of East survived by one son, H. G. Hauen- Stoner, | stein, of East Donegal township; also grandchildren. Services were held from the hom Phares Y. Brandt, near Rheems, to John | day afternoon with further se vi Mennonite evening | Rapho township. Burial in the &