The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, June 03, 1931, Image 6

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Hi Runn—
1 pli ¢
itt and \UnNN=—=The =-=!!
a RE eam mpm
anu ITT
rT ] sneha "TL dD ss te a : Qe .
No. 414—About an acre of ground ® ] S ron, where Abraham and his family | Poulle-Thumbed People Some folks stay poor on a big salary;
| with 6-room house with lights and i i g t were buried. Now they charge $1.25 in Old Spanish Village | rh 5 ro Lae ‘
| ety 9s) stelle In Joy n eres in ac which is half of what it was till wl A strange village, Palazuelos, has | others become well-to-do {rom a modest
| v 7 . rig] cchs r . tos 1 1 *
Ob Ye sell right or exchange lor sq cently, at least for Christians. I am| been discovered in the mountains of wage. Some get ahead even in hard times;
Tn ot a rood frame ou n 1a told that it was only a few years ago | Npitin, says Capper’s Weekly. : 9 : ;
on North St. all con me an eminent Jew got permission to The strangeness of this hamlet lies | others make no progress in prosperity.
nat Rr he vey 3 = : i the fac ¢ Nos 50 :
| veniences, 2-car garage, priced to sell (From page 1) enter but the keepers were kind [A the Do anf pos of > one
time sped only all too quickly and enough to point out to him that there ie ngered hands, [we thy 8 o
TRUCK FARMS confusedly, but January 5th found us Was no permission to come out again | To pas = ow of tne Pores ig h h WwW 11 Ye )U Do?
No. 183—2 acres and, rather hilly, jon board the noted ship, City of Ra- and he didn’t go. You recollect it | ore it 1C 1 .
| large double house, fine for poultry. [ville without the loss of one. We cut was a couple years ago they had that able to wheeled "So the iver !
| $650. loose from Bombay pier at 8 a. m. massacre of the Jews in Hebron. I| gnaw nothing about thom until re
_ No. 184—13 acres of sand and and not without feelings at parting have not heard any immediate copyly, Intermarelnee caused by ex- MAKE \ Ol TR ( HOI( E
THE TIME TO BUY ANYTHING | limestone i frame house, od from our beloved work, even though threats of violence, but Arabs feel treme isolation is believed by Some an-
CHEAP i YUEN SHEE IS | sooo Tuit, running water. Only temporarily, we trust. bitter against the Jews. It is prob- | thropologists to be the cause of the .
| No : 196-A 2-acve in There was with us also Miss Wood, ably largely a matter of jealousy. | double thumbs. Other scientists call and see us about it
TODAY, REAL ESTATE, LIKE Donousl near Maytown, 8~room house, | Of the Wesleyan Mission, next ad- The Jews had immigrated in large | attention to the fact that since most
MANY OTHER THINGS, IS NOT IN| able, chicken house, pig sty, house |joining ours, and she made a good numbers with money and modern | of the men work in stone quarries and
DEMAND AND AS A RESULT YOU | painted. companion. There was one other ideas. They bought land and put out have done so for generations their
CAN BUY BETTER VALUES THAN | No. 270—A fine truck farm of a few | passenger, a Miss Gray, of New York hice orchards and gardens and began labor has tended to broaden their
AT ANY TIME DURING MY CAR-| acres, near Yin Grove, good house, | ex-actress, suffragist, theosophist and developing the country in every way | Saris Jail finally Mother Nature .
po ar Q 5 v > 3 : : i : roduced an extra member.
EER AS A REALTOR. | barn, large shed, poultry houses, etc, | oriding in general, She was touring bossible. Naturally, it changed the | PFO
for only $1,500. : is. | The villagers do not regard their I'S a 10nha an
2 i ? arol > world. econ > status affairs.
If INTERPSTOD, CAlL AND 1 No. 275—14 acres, 2 miles from Mt. | : i &s worl : ot ohio 8 YY of Wins | double thumbs as a deformity but
WILL PROVE THIS ASSERTION. | Joy ‘gravel soil, frame house, barn This boing @ freight host, makes This with ihe rosh Words of soms consider them a mark of distinction
{LOY ave ) < 2 ’ | passengers side icsiie b 5 SW “hes 7i iat as Mle pr
HERE IS A PARTIAL LIST OF MY | cic. A dandy truck farm. Don't miss | P25 ners a side issue but we were few, hot herd Zionists, has excite 4d! while a comparatively simple opera- | rust Com an
OFFERINGS TODAY. | this. {much better placed thus ne to be be fear ne fated 5 Man tion would remove the extra thumb of |
ME ees | No. 352—A dandy truck, fruit and [On a Dpassenger boat. 1ere was Inedans. nly the Lord can foresee any child and give it a normal hand, |
DWELLINGS poultry farm near Sunnyside School, [room for the children and more free- how this thing will work out in| the villagers violently object to any | OF MOUNT JOY
No. 314—A very good rte dwell- in Rapho township. Here's a snap for {dom in every way. In time we ar- time. Some think the Lord will| such suggestion. !
ing on Siow Haven Sesh Me Jon some one. rived at Port Said, where my stop come within the next three or four
fie ights atl 21C.,y :orne { : i ;
Be ights, : MEDIUM SIZED FARMS + takes place till the next goes, 3 and set rything right. 1
: 2 rs think
aan Af : 0 Nap
No. 337—A new 3 near Mari-
West Donegal ; Jo} on- | aster ce, good cropper,
v ences and in bes gonth : lots it, exc t tobacco and
wip, 339—A
{use on Mai
nape, : £
F No. 343 y
brick dwelling in
of Mount Joy for
cost of erection.
No. 359—A fine frame
on Delta St, Mo
sold worth the money. All conveni-
ences and garage on each side.
No. 416—A brick house, corner Bet FADING
property at Florin, 8 rooms. All con- LARGE FARMS
veniences, will sell right. No. 381—A sre. form of Dest
No. 417—Good Corner Brick House, | limestone soil, excellent buildings,
Mount Joy, all conveniences, 3-car 22-acre meadow, water at house and
e, best small
Located on
wurch, shedding
es tobacco. A good 1-
an farm cheap.

seeded t exan-
Orleans, coming about
of antiquities.
rned to Alexa
mean among Christians. Othe
must look to our own ef
peace and
One thing
ist of several
5 of belief.
at number of mis-
urch holds services in
and has a reading room and
* Jews. One of the queerest
iences for me is to go in and |
hear Mr. Gabriel lecture in ancient

which !
ium re-
he exper
when struck
dread dise
the Black isle, 15:
wall, and sw
with devast
ed Inverness, Nairn,
Ross, and Ding-
through the country
ults, whole fam-
Rows of cot-
tages were put on fire and burned to
the ground. ion runs that the
was brought into the Cromarty
ilies being wiped out.
firth by a vessel, and that it flew slow-
in the shape of a
When it arrived
ly along the gro
little yellow cloud.

I have arranged whereby I truck coal from the
mines direct to
your home, thereby saving handling several times. I am going to
pass this saving on to you.
More can save considerable money on coal now,
This applies to all kinds of coal.
at Nigg one of the inhabitants with an |
Subscribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletin

Any person
Three Tons or
Weight Guaran-

garage, too large for present owner. | barn. Price $145 per acre and 34 of it a few davs and sailed B Hebrew language and we sing songs.' immense bag of linen approache e
No. 418—Fine Bungalow on Choco- | money can remain. Here's a dandy. ard ol a: wo York on I could almost fancy lt a ae of Jno hot he
late Ave, East Donegal, 8 rooms and No. 384—A 106-acre farm of gravel 27th, as per cabl Sar They went the days of David. "Yet, of course, | closing the whole of It in ths bag He
bath, open fre Placa. : Bod and limestone land in Mount Joy Is a a hs it jo | then wrapped it 1p carefully jan se ie i BAKER
0. 419—Beautiful modern rick | township, stone house, big bank barn, YR. mm Fish the de:iusion; 8 It UD careinly ang se ® ®
dwelling, all conveniences, along gla good water for only $120 per acre. Cairo atthe Y. M. C. A. and joined electric light we are sitting under. cured it with pin after pin, and buried :
highway in East Donegal. Don’t build, ' Nicely located. up with the School of Oriental Stud- Within the walls it is rather differ- it in the Nigz churchyard. The spot is MT. JOY
buy tis od ST ey house on. No. 412—A 100-acre farm along ies (of the American University), but ent. An old town in the style that Baer 1 rude Ci Stone,
ee - a and ike oe rand ne 5 br fran. o ACV TVIZ : ! ar which the grave digger never ven-
Marietta St, surroundings open, prop- Misia gin To pile, dares only aso special, with free S00) TOMMY fe He Ee aay
erty in good shape. A dandy place ea gna Dasture to the library which is a good one. builders of a by-gone day. Miserable ee maT 5
for retired rural man. It has 4 poul- | °° arm. Mr. Jefirey made cut a big bibliog- little rooms and narrow, crooked =~ = ]
Bry Douises, sighle, ot ise a BUSINESS STANDS | raphy, far more than I was able to many of which are arched Ce a
Florin BE Sle Ia rl No. 334A fine brick business stand 280 i i hme : had, but so es iis Pid Soy on in fae rend Saved by a Miracle li
Tan 2 2 a i 2 air 3 f Islam history and philos- Way. Much of this is what we ca As a New York-Chicago trai y al
er side lights and water, frame stable, ind dwelling on East Main Street, could o : licago train was t t
etc. In ne] shape and will sell Mount Joy. : slums, and a low order, too. Yet the speeding along the railway it encoun- Hear The wa €r en a 0 The New
cheap. | No. 376—A 20-car garage centrally| Meanwhile I spent part of the time Place grows upon one and they can tered a great storm of wind and rain. to
No. 349—An 80 foot front on | located in Mount Joy, will sell with seeing sights. This last process is forgive and forget the evil smells The stoker persuaded the driver to 3 N
Donegal Springs Road, Mount Joy. | or without a modern dwelling with all ;,5¢t complete yet, for I want to take a and sights, for it is not in that, that Stop the train, for he insisted he had 0 en oice ompact es
New 8 Joom balck house, oi Hogs hn 4 i 1a {trip to upper Egypt yet, but I deem- the ancient glory of Jerusalem con-| Sێn a woman in black dancing before Ca
ern Improv . o. -room house and store|.;j it well Palestine first. So I sists. i the engine. With lantern in hand, the 3 te
acre tract in rear. . | room, owner now doing a nice elec- | °° 3 bb io ee fi I can not very well catalogue ail 1| driver left the locomotive and walked Complete With Tubes «50 os
No. 353—Lot 40x200 at Florin | trical business. Will sell property, | here to Jerusalem on the 27 é ry well catalogue al Plone line ts Boe cel: vo os be
with new 5-room bungalow. Has | business, stock, etc. Good large stable and lodged with the American have been seeing, let alone describe, | he found that the brid had YY
light and heat. Dandy home for | Wonderful opportunity for young man. |Church (Missionary Alliance people). It is a short letter( if this letter is | been washed away by the bin oo | | | [ Ee
B00 a lot 50x200 feet just No. 403—Frame Building 30x60, 3 {It is comfortable, except for the cold short), but I'll promise to give you ' river. When he returacd oy B R O R t
fo Mt J 0 5 Boy Bon stories with wing 28x30 and another |but it is great to be in the Holy Land a lecture on it some time when I vis- prompted him fo examine the i : * ® ta
8 ocr cur a building 24x30. Wonderful business and see at first hand the hills and it you, if it be your ple : 2 mp 0 >
d see at first hand th y y pleasure. o
house never occupied, garage, goo! stand. Lot fronts 80 ft. on Donegal : the engine. He found imprisoned in be
well of water, a Half a money | qi “Mt Joy. Sei Wie on ie Salpved ae Fors ume it an insect, vainly trying to escape. MOUNT JOY, PENNA. th
cn Soman a Snes. No. 404—A very good brick building and Patriarchs and Apostles. Need- a : eisure, but have only two weeks The shadow of the insect magnified i a
1 Th mare an we property one story about 50x100 in Mt. Joy.|less to say, the land has been over for Palestine, so I have to behave by the glass and reflected in the rainy
pure aser Sie eres 2 wo Corner property. run and destroyed by armies several somewhat like the globe trotter; go air, had all the appearance of a
NN On, other property and No. 406—Frame Office Building, |times, so that few objects that can’t to Dead Sea, Jordan and Jericho in dancing figure!
lot adjoining, at trolley line, house Seow Boom, and a Deling be destroyed have remained. Many one-half day, and Bethlehem in an-
? usiness proposition 3 | . . :
hes oI Sonveniences, linge love, phe cheap. The entire lot of buildings aot fies oy do nl ave % Le i aitermoon. 1 too) Bille aunt Scarlet From Persia We Pride Ourselves in Having
= | for only $6,000. dug from e ground, but it doe s afternoon ook a little jaun ii dell THE MOST COMPLETE OPTICAL DEPARTMENT
tate. pan No. 423 Bungalow type house and|seem that every incident of the or ramble out to Bethel. After a AY on know ha we gre our 1 EIN LANC. CITY
Ne. Mya Troom Sow Sr t business stand, on Main street, Florin, [slighted interest mentioned in the couple days more I will go north to st a . y a £10 Dorin, F assortment of the Newest Styles While and Sun Ten
and modern home on Narietia €€L | corner, no better location for res- Scriptures is pointed out as having Schechem, Samaria, Nazareth. Tiber ASE Sie hoe Monchesier (Brg id i : :
Mt. Joy. Corner property, modern |. gas station, etc. Is priced to]. ! iP ’ 2 , - land) Guardian. “Scarlet is the Per- You can find no fault with our Prices or Service.
in every way, 2-car garage, very sell. ? occurred at a certain spot, but there ius and so forth, then hasten back to sian ‘saqalat,’ and is believed to have We would appreciate comparison.
reasonable in order to sell. are very few of these exact spots Egypt. It will have been a great been applied to have been applied first Come in and see how lenses are ground, we will be glad to
1 No. 5 —A nesly in Toute or BUILDING LOTS that can be trusted. Even the places privilege. | of all to cloth of that color imported demonstrate.
long trolley of ork 2) modem eo No. 306—Fine building lot fronting |0f the crucifixtion and burial are un-| We figure that on our next fur. into Europe from Persia. Easterners Office Hours Appel & Weber
sale p 45 ft. on the east side of Lumber St.,|certain. According to ancient tradi- lough our children will be old enough knew how to produce scarlet some 2- 8:30 A. M.
No. 372—A newly built 6-room Mount S07. 3500. tion, one place is indicated and the and enjoy such a trip, so the whole 000 years ago, obviously, or we should to OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS
brick house, brick garage, all mod- 10 A t. lot Of Waist 5 Church of the Holy Sepluchre stands |family will try to come. It would be ney have had the Biblical phrase 5 P. M. 40-42 N. Queen St. LANCASTER, PA.
ern conveniences, possession any time. nr oy. you want a cheap lot| ye. jt filled with all manner of fine if every one of you could come. your sins be as scarlet, they
Priced to sell. Residential section— No. EY 100 ft. front and 540 ft |trumpery, as is the custom of Catho- |Some of you probably will. shall be as white as snow.’
Donegal Spel Toad. ih dwelling deep on concrete highway between |lics and their brethren to build over| Now I must close. Praying the “In the East Christ once was re- — ee iad
on Fast Main Si; Mi. Joy, all con | Mt Joy and Florin. sacred places, and the people kin the [blessing of our God for each of you, Frail as the patron of dyers, even
veniences, will sell with or without a. No. Sosa choice building lot, | stores and the pictures. Meanwhile, 'I remain, owen 7 Mohammed, Better Break asts
20-car garage in rear. di 3 Yearisuz 2 Mt. |, police has to stand guard at some Your brother in Christ ym Tans tex col»
No. 382—A 2-story frame corner Jot. Cheap, P. LOMEr| laces to keep peace between Roman BM MOW. ne into bein inl de
peopersy oo, Horn, us Toof, cement oN, 50 ft. lots on the east|Catholic, Orthodox and Armenian, all mre | ‘Christ's To as late = ii Big
No. 385—A very modern corner Rn Bm Joy. h fe widen Me are not proud of. That Other “Cled” ! enteenth century.” I
property in Mount Joy at trolley, nas |. 0. = cae Some Sixty years ago or gre Two fellows were playing a ding-
all conveniences and in Al shape. fronting 3 on Columbia Ave, Mt. |apout, General Gordon hit upon an- dong golf match, into the Bini) { m
Also garage. ; : an Cie and other place for Calvary and tomb, | spirit of which even the caddies had | “Catch” Problem I
No. 386—A 2%2-story frame house | ™ ‘hich seemed to fit the Bible record ; The “banker’s problem,” tl h
No. u 0. 421—A double lot 80x200 on|Which seemed to fit the Bible entered. anker’s problem,” the one |
adjoining Jo. oy Prefer selling Marietta St.,, Mount Joy. better, but even that can hardly be Going to the last hole all square, | that leaves a dollar in the bank aft- y
No. 390—A dandy bungalow on regarded as conducive, altho many| one man sliced badly while the other er one has made several withdrawals
West Main Street, Mt. Joy, 6 rooms, JUST LAND Protestants write about it as if it| had an equally wild pull. The first | ang hag finally taken out the deposit, is w
all conveniences, lot 296 ft. deep| No. 387—A plot of about 2% acres|were. The place in front of the| man found himself in a jungle. His | Sina Ble this style: “A person 81
possession any time. Must be seen |of land along trolley at Florin, has a[tomb was used by the Crusaders as | first niblick shot raised a huge divot ; a $90, then makes a withdrawal w
to be 5 sags 3 fontage of one block. Price reason-|, stable for their horses. Later it| and moved the bull about six feet. He ! wilh ii of $30; a
0. po arge TiC. ouse, goo aple. Sa RIAN et took turf with his second effort Iso, | withdrawal of ¥15, eaving a balance
repair, large frame stable, acre of No. 388—A plot of ground containing was all covered op With debris 3 If b t 2 : ig i 4 ’ at | of $15; a withdrawal $9, leaving a bal-
ground, on concrete highway near Mt. about an acre at Florin. Priced to this is the true tomb, it seems diffi-| PU: EO ig hea ve AWAY. ance of $6, and finall 4 ithdraw
Joy. Price very interesting. sell. cult to explain how the tradition “By the way,” he sald, as he re- | $6 teasing bo y 2 > rows) B
No. 397—One of the former Mount perished. This uncertainty is per.| Placed the send divol, ‘wind ape | op pe, oto (0 ANE, hgh
Joy Development Co. houses on W. HUNTING CAMPS haps not an unmitigated evil, for it| Pened to the emer © more than was deposited ” The ar b
Donegal St. Mt. Joy. All conveni- et ag “Oh,” said the eaddie, with satig- 5 S e an- 1
No. 262—A tract of 125 acres of farm |is evident how certainty is conducive : ey : : | swer to this is that there is no reason al
ences. Price very low. d timb land. h : faction, “he’s playing six out of a
No. 399—An Acre of land with and timber land, house, barn, etc. |to idolatry. bunker.” | why the total of balances should equal H
9-room brick house, frame stable Tale 15 form land. Several bear Dens But the city is here and it is im- : the total deposits, but the final bal- i
2-car garage, etc. Wonderful “arm. (same Such as bear, deer, |, .tant not for surrounding agricul- ance plus the total of withdrawals
- » 2 pheasants, grey and black squirrel, : i >
tion. An unobstructed view of the|yj hunting camp. ture, nor waterways, nor for factor- Nature must equal the total deposits. co
Susquehanna re and land fronts on ies, nor as a military stronghold any How insipid a thing is the country- ar
Susquehanna ot frame dwelling on longer, but because it is the holy | side, and what poor company for mili- | “Cloth-Yard” Shaft
. i i St i . afts
Marietta street. An excellent buy for hill of Zion to Jews, Christians and | tant thinking! That calm, that silence, The COMDRDS SF. Sines: NCE upon a week-end, a bache- | even your husband—for husbands THE
. any person living in rent. Moslems. Here Abraham was about | that immobility, those great trees with N.C. save thet fo. oe lor who never got up for|have been getting up for break-
“ No. 405—A frame dwelling, corner to sacrifice his son and perhaps dealt | their leaves wilting in the heat, curl- yorrs ly acceded op any breakfast if he could help it, was | fast for years. . Sat
pro and will sell for only $3,000. with Melcnicateck. Later the Jehu. 198 Yack like webbed foot . . , fy | Toa nceaniod 08 moles ag helog the guest of married friends and =
No. 408—Lot 40x200 on concrete a > . i ; is all a delight for women and chil- 8 tong 0 the cloth-yard shaft. El- got up for breakfast because he Breakfast Menu Sund
a : sites were in possession with a mer’s “Archery’ rg ’
Fl fr house, all vers’ | rchery” says: “Arrows for couldn't help it. Satu
highway, at orin, frame house, i ct whith David and bi dren and lawyers’ clerks. But does . ;
modern conveniences, hot water heat, . strong fort, which David and his men not the thinking man feel ill at ease men are standardized, and have been Somewhat aggrieved, he reached Orange Pio Sund
oil burner, 6-car garage. A very cleverly captured. Then he made it Setore the enomy. 5% before the Work for time out of mind, at 28 inches. the breakfast room and his half- were of Satu:
good property at a reasonable price. MOUNT JOY, PA. his capitol, and the temple was built | a4" which will in time consume | TD2t IS the real length of the ‘cloth- Srened eyes beheld crimson 1 07" with Baked Sund
No. 403A dandy corner property All this largely at one spot. Later| pm maging manure and pasture of | Y2rd shaft’ of the old English ballads bE Sr oa Potatoes Satu
trolley, yoy Foden house, 21 WHY BUILD NOW? BUY AND |the Mohammedans built a nice struc-| pig philesopher's brain? In the stone because the Flemish weaves brought cute little pottery cups, steaming Toast Hot Beverage | away.
bought > the money. SAVE—Have a 7-Room ‘House, slate|ture over it and call it the Dome of | of cities you escape these ideas.—Gon- | Dies the cloth-yard of 21 coffee and heavenly honeyed | satu
A fine stucco bungalow on |[00f: Vapor heat, hot and cold water,|the Rock. For many years they | court's Journal, May, 1857. H a It was so ealleq to dis pastry. Creamed Codfish with Baked {two ¢g
Ave. all modern conveni- Frame Stable, Garage, Four Poultry |. uid allow no Jew or Christian to er cece tingais It from the standard yard ‘of “Why haven't I been told about | Potatoes: Add one-fourth cup top Sato
for two cars. A dandy Houses, lot is 80x200 ft. and can sell enter. bat in these. degenerate days Feed Good Cows 36 inches which survives today. With breakfast before?” he demanded. |milk or cream to one 9%-ounce
you two additional lots if desired. th i 8d 75 cents admis. It costs Te to food the inch-long pile added to it the cloth- “It is actually something to go |can of creamed codfish, add more Sund
Price only $6,700. Better investigate |they do, a g 0 more to feed a g00d! yarq shaft thus became a 28-inch.” to bed early for!” seasoning if necessary, and heat. Satu
this before you think of building. |sion. cow than a poor one. The difference el) Is yours? Try this better break- | Serve on baked potatoes. This
See J. E. Schroll, Mt. Joy. marl8-tf| The same sort is true out at Heb- comes in the returns. TT fast on your bachelor guest, or!serves three persons.*