WEDNESDAY, MAY 13th, 1931 hr | i N | ms i al IN 0 i “Light Your Candle before Runs an ad Proverb By the same token it is wise to make financial provision for lif 'S evening long | before its needs are acutely i | Saving Spreads Cheerfil, Light | | Darkness Comes” If you haven't an account with \ start one now. \ First National Bank & Trust Co. OF MOUNT JOY \ ADVERTISING Advertising and not competition is now the life of trade, according to the advertising experts who me’ to attend the International Adver- tising Association convention. The delegates at this meeting heard a number of interesting things. Among these was the statement by Charles Stelzle, New York ex- pert, to the effect that if churches do not advertise their ‘‘ware”’— spiritual upbuilding and moral betterment for both the individual and humanity—they cannot hope to arouse interest among the mass- es and fulfill the obligations plac- ed upon them as parties to the general spiritual movement. Another speaker declared that “advertising is greater than any single moral force we know of to- day. Advertising brings about changes for the betterment of life itself, changes which fuse into the social and political life of the na- fon.” kL LJ LD) 2 LJ * Ly + * * * * LS LJ * Ly » 2 + Ls Ls * LJ * * LD) * LJ . It is now generally admitted by 3 economic forces everywhere that 3 advertising is the most important 3 development of modern business. x And it is also coming to be realiz- 2 ed that newspaper advertising is 2 the best kind of paid publicity. In the convention just mentioned the 8 delegates who were advertising ex- 3 perts, agreed that newspaper ad- x vertising affords the best publicity x medium for the churches and all church activities. x % % eS Ly * * Ld ON Advertising Is No Longer A Theory It Is A Science. And It Pays / / "Realizing the great Importance of CUT thi$ Mewsbaber is furnishing “he WNU. CUT$ COPY JERVICE In New Releases Fah Month ~ A Service TREE TO ALL ADVERTISE | BERET THE READ THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN eee ee etn, tate ! State, | the State,” THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CC., PA. STATE REWARD PLAN APPROVED BY SUPERVISORS (From page 1) local units which still have three fourths of the dirt roads to contend with continue as before under the township reward plan,” was the con- sensus of opinion. The purpose of the ‘special session, as explained by Samuel L. Sheaffer, president, and John F. Weaver, retary, was to learn the sentiment of the Association House bill 1351 now pending before the State Sen-. ate. Action on the measure was be- ing delayed until some indication of where the funds were coming from was known, it was said, and hence Lewis. Before pledging any township funds to aid the 20,000 mile program, the supervisors declared they want to how the money will be spent and what the construction costs will be per mile (thus far the depart- ment refuses to give an estimate) and also whether local labor and materials will be used. “There never was a time when this money should be spent in local districts as now, but when the State builds, the money too often in the past went to contractors and labors from out of President Sheaffer said. Another objection cited was that the taking over many highways built with township reward funds, would have local districts with the poorer roads and no funds to im- Sec~- on | prove them. Just how far townships are obligated after offering to aid is still a question, as “only a lawyer could understand the agreement,” it was declared. Secretary Weaver -said: “While I think it is all right for the State to | take over our main arteries of travel, 'I know that in the past supervisors | have built ordinary macadam roads | for less than three fourths of what "it cost the State and some of these roads, built 20 years Lampeter township are as good as ever. Whether we should coop- erate as suggested with the 20,000 mile program, is a matter for the individual township to decide. “The 20,000 miles of roads will not be finished for ten years and it is up to the supervisors in the mean- time to continue under the reward system to get the farmer out of the mud. We were just going good un- der this plan when the new program was foisted upon us,” he said. That the present township state reward law, with an adequate appro- priation to carry out has been of the “greatest help to the supervisors of the state, enabling them to build over 7,000 miles of im- proved roads during the past ten ago in West years,” was asserted in the resolution. Since the highway department, in taking over the proposed 20,000 miles of township roads, have in- cluded the greater part of these 7,000 miles, leaving the supervisors with over 50,000 miles of unimproved roads to take care of, the association resolved: “That we go on record as asking for and favoring an appropriation by this Legislature 4of at least an amount equal to that appropriated two years ago ($6,000,000). By so | | doing, the supervisors can work side | by side with the highway department | tees of the in “getting the farmer out of the mud.” Copies of the resolution were ord- ered sent to the Lancaster Newspap- ers, Governor Pinchot, Samuel S. Lewis, Secretary of the Highways, and chairman of the good roads commit- house and Senate, and local assemblymen at Harrisburg. eee et Ree eee HELPING HAND CLASS ORGANIZES (From page 1) Schneider, Chester Engle, Charles Peiffer, James Rye, Ellwood Mateer, Walter Schroll, Charles Shank, John Hawthorne, Raymond Harnish. class adopted “Helping Hand” as the name of the Class. Dorcas Society Dorcas Society will meet at the home of Miss Mildred Cuddeback 15 West Main Street, Thursday, May 14. Ushers League The Ushers’ League will meet at the home of Mr. Christ Herr, 23 Poplar Street, Thursday, May 14; Prof. Wil- bur I. Beahm will be the speaker, and the Male Quartette will furnish special music. Sisterhood Bible Class The Sisterhood Bible Class of the St. Mark’s United Brethren Sunday School will meet at the home of Mrs. Earl Myers, Mount Joy R. F. D. No. 2, Thursday, May 14; Machines will be in waiting at Mrs. Eli Ebersole’s and Mrs. P. R. Greiner’s, at 7:30 P. M. Day- light Saving Time. : Anniversary Day Anniversary Day will be observed in the St. Mark’s United Brethren Church Sunday, May 17 with special services at both the morning and the evening services. This will mark the eighth anniversary of the erection of the Church auditorium. At these services reports will be made of money paid in during the year on the Church debt, and the report of the pledges for the ensuing year. There will be no special offerings taken for church debt at the services Sunday. All pledges are requested to be in be- fore that date. The entire member- ship is requested to be present at these services morning and evening. i RM eins Fire Razes Church Fire, originating from the burning of rubbish nearby, destroyed the Church of God in Scheaffer’s Valley, Perry County, about two and a half miles west of Landisburg. Neighbors suc- ceeded in saving the Bible and the church pulpit but the rest of the frame building and furnishings were des- troyed. its provisions, The | ! ) | ( ‘died and you can have that rs ed wa J » - yi Fy J wal vr Ui 4 OWL eo (On With Lusghter. 3 | Just heard of a man who had kleptomania and I asked him what he was taking for it. He said: “Everything I can lay my ‘hands on.” Landisville has a man who, whenever there is a piano to be moved he always grabs the stool. A Dirty Dig A woman entered the movies in the hall here recently, and happen- ed to take a seat in front of a new- ly married couple. She was scarcely seated before they began making remarks about her. Her last year’s hat and cloak were criticized with more cor less g'ggling on the bride's part, and there is no telling what migh:. have come next if the wom- an had not put a stop to the con- vevsation by a bit of clever strat- egy. She turned her that the bride was older than the bridegroom, and in smooth tones said: “Madam, will you please ask your son to remove his feet from the back of my chair?” head, noticed considerably Here’s Another One on Mar‘etta street was en- knee. r.ding A kd joying a The man said: my knee?” The little chap but I rode a real donkey ride on its uncle’s “Do you like on “Yas, once.” replied: that some tells me him Charlie Dellinger a friend of Jewi h his He-brews it. gave beer, town went out a good time the other night spent 11 dollars—two Some fellow back at John Schroll, the Jun- what and he “Its a ukulele’s mother.” A fellow here in for and ones. school ask- of was ed one iors, a guitar said: was telling me that in the lower out his A foreigner recently a hotel man end of the county cleaned bar room with a wop. I corrected him by saying: “You mean mop.” He replied: “Mop nothin. It was me.” I mean wop. I went to a certain place in town the other day and remarked the proprietor: “What on earth rank; that's awful?” “My business is rotten.” 10 smells so He said: “Keidy” Dellinger tells me that a few years molding was on the bum and as he wanted work the worst kind he asked a travel- ing circus man at Lancaster for work. The man said: “My monkey job.” himself: “Well he accepted the cage. He when the floor went into the ago thought to beats loafin,” crawled Levi that and so into wasn’t more than in broke and he lion’s cage. There lay a lion and Levi a matter of a down big ferocious lookin’ thought it was only few seconds until Mr. Lion would tear him limb from limb. Just then the lion spoke up and said: “Don’t be afraid Levi, you're not the only molder out of a job.” York City thousands of Over in New on Wall men pay’ dollars for a seat on the curb-market. Here in Mount Joy a seat on the curb asking for it. street you can get without even on East Main benedict when a prairie, tells me that married, her and the whenever they go. the air. appearance leads that she spent a lot A married woman street who became a Florin was when husband agreed quarreled they'd Her healthy me to believe she out in of her time in the open. A little chap at Drytown went out to bring the kittens into the house. His mother heard them meowing and said: “Don’t hurt those kittens Willie.” The boy replied: “I'm not, moth- er. I'm carrying them by the stems.” A lady here said to her maid: “I don’t like to have to keep com- plaining, Mary, but I do wish you would realize that when mister leaves his shoes outside the bed- room door it means that he wants them cleaned.” Maid: “Oh, does it? And what does it mean when he leaves them outside the front door?” A WISE OWL ' week thru the Bulletin. AUTO CLUB MEETS ON FRIDAY EVENING, MAY 15, IN SOUTH- ERN END MEETS FRIDAY EV- A BIG SUCCESS | | AUTO CLUB | | ENING, MAY 15, IN SOUTHERN —— END. (From page 2) Otterbein guilds comprise the num- | Arrangements are being made to ac- |ber of local societies in this area, commodate a large gathering at the [with a membership of 6,238 mem- | + monthly meeting of the Lancaster Au- [hers in the W. M. A. and 2,535 mem- tomobile Club to be held in Wiley's|hers of the Otterbein Guild. 3,040 | Garage, Wakefield, Friday evening, [subscriptions to the Evangel were May 15. The meeting will start at|peported, and 74 Junior C. E. S. so- | 7:30 o'clock Standard time (8:30 0’-|cijeties with a total membership of i clock, Daylight saving time.) 2877. 2 Song ihe discussed will | phe Thank Offering secretary, Le 1€ tate's ughway construc- | npg. Joseph Daugherthy, of Hum- C rogra as affects an- 1 9s be wi Progr a io iffects ins melstown, reported 4,334 persons aster county. 'ts are > JUnty orts are €INg | sing Thank Offering boxes, and to- made to have a prominent official of | < { he Hick tal of $6,665, raised by thank offer- the Highway Department at the meet- i 3 ings. The treasurer, Miss Susan , ing to outline the plans and to ans- Balshbauzh. of ‘Cleon eported $28 ' : alshaugh, ~leona, 2 a8, wer questions regarding road con- a ig Vitor all 8, p ee : struction during 1931 and 1932. In ih Toised dora Durroses dunng addition there will be a musical pro- the year. Because of the depression there was a shortage of $1,900 over gram. Admission to the meeting is free, without card or ticket, and the public is cordially invited. Wiley’s Garage is on the Robert: Fulton Highway— Route 222—ten miles south of Quarry- ville. last year. The following persons made year- ly reports: Mrs. H. C. Mathias, sec- retary of Stewardship; Mrs. Schlic- ter on local membership; Mrs. Love, of Harrisburg, on field work; Miss Clara Price, of Otterbein Guild mem- bership; Mrs. Joseph i on thank offering. | The following nominating chmmit- [tee was appointed: Waltdr K. etl 0 I cot. E'TOWN AND MOUNT JOY TENNIS TEAMS EVEN, 3.3 The flashy Elizabethtown High Mrs. school netmen tied with their keen |Ebersole, Mrs. C. E. Rettew, Mr. D. rivals Mount Joy in a closely con- l« Shellenberger, Miss Marguégite tested match Saturday afternoon on [Eshelman and Mrs. George D. Strip the latter’s court as the score final- Dar h ly ended 3 to 3. | The following resolution commit} Only one single event went for tee was appointed: Mrs. L. H. Imber, three sets but individually the rac- Mrs. Sarah Kauffman, Mrs. Lee quetmen on both squads were well Goodman, Mrs. Leon Smith, Mrs. matched and paired in such a man. Marguerite Shope. ner that practically every set was Ihe worship hour was conducted tight throughout. by Mrs. M. C. Mumma. Singles — Angstadt, of Elizabeth- The evening service last Tuesday town, defeated Schroll, of Mt. Joy, opened with a service of worship by 6-2, 64; Shank, Elizabethtown, de. Mrs: M. W. Mumma, returned mis- feated Divet, Mt. Joy, 6-2, 46, and sionary from the Philippines. Spec- 9.7; Fellenbaum, Mt. Joy, defeated i@l music was rendered by the choir Schlosser, Elizabethtown, 6.2, 8¢: of the Mount Joy United Brethren Mumma, Mt. Joy, defeated Garber, of church and also by the male quar- Elizabethtown, 6-4, 6-1. tet. Miss Naomi Wilson, of Moyam- Doubles—Angstadt and Shank, of ba, Africa, gave the address of the Elizabethtown, defeated Divet and ©Vening in which she pictured the Mumma, Mt. Joy, 6-0, 6-1;° Schroll Progress of the missionary work in and Fellenbaum, Mt. Joy, defeated West Africa, and the untouched ter- Schlosser and Maderia, Elizabeth- ritories yet to be reached. town, 6-4 and 6-4. At the Wednesday morning ses- The schedule follows: sion Dr. S. C. Enck, conference sup- May 13, Middletown at Middletown e¢rintendent. brought greetings from May 15, Columbia at Columbia. the East Pennsylvania's conference May 16, New Holland at Mt. Joy, after which Mrs. O. R. Brooks, of (Pending). Manheim, spoke on the subject, May 21, Elizabethtown at Eliza- Strengthening Our Resources.” Mrs bethtown. Joseph C. Witmer sang a solo, “Still, May 23. Middletown at Mt. Jov. Still With Thee.” Mrs. H. K. Geyer May 28, New Holland at New Hol. of Middletown, spoke on “Watching land. Our Attitudes,” and Miss Susan J. May 30, Columbia at Mt. Joy. Jalshaugh, Cleona, spoke on “Chal- rrr — or lenged for Service.” MAYTOWN TENNIS TEAM | The convention was one of A DEFEATS PATTON TRADE largest ever held by the conference, {The ladies of the local church served dinners and suppers at the church. On Wednesday they served about 800 people which included two suppers, one served at 5 o'clock and the sec- ond at 6 o'clock, when 215 Otterbein Guild girls served. The total Inumber of meals served during the ‘convention was 1,100. The ladies thank all who have helped in any single’s matches, while Drace and Way to make the convention a suc- Trostle won the two hard fought cess. Also all who entertained single matches for Maytown, both of 8uests in their homes. thesesmatches going to three sets. At the business session Wednes- The score was tied until the doub-, day, Mrs. Oliver Fridy, of Mountville, les was played when Nissley and W3S re-elected to the presidency. Tressler won an eassy match tor | Other officers elected wero: First Maytown from Roof and Milgord, Vice president, Mrs. B. F. Daugher- putting Maytown in the lead. (ty, Lebanon; second vice president, Singles—Milford, of Patton, de- Mrs. J. K. Robinson, Harrisburg; feated Nissley, of Maytown, 6-4, 6-4; statistical secretary, Mrs. B.: BF Drace, of Maytown, defeated Brown, Schlichter, Lancaster; recording sec- of Patton, 6.4. 2-6, 6-4: Trostle, of retary, Mrs. J. R. Engle, Palmyra; Maytown, defeated Milham, of Pat. treasurer, Miss Susan Balsbaugh, of ton, 1.6, 6-3, 6.2; Weisman, of Paton, Cleona; secretary, of the Otterbein defeated Engle, of Maytown 8-6, 6-4. Guild, Miss Clara Preis, of Lebanon; Doubles—Nissley and Tressler, of secretary of literature, Mrs. A. C. Maytown, defeated Roof and Milford Spangler, Campbelltown; secretary of of Patton, 6-1, 6-3. Only one doubles , thank offering, Mrs. Joseph Daugh- was played. erty, of Hummelstown; field worker, ee —— Mrs. John O. Love, Harrisburg; LANDISVILLE YOUTH ] retary of Miss Sarah NOW MANAGES STORE The Maytown scored a victory High School team over Patton Trade school netmen at Elizabethtown on Saturday morning in the Patton Trade Schools first match of the sea- which resulted in of 3 were son, to 2. Milford and Weisman scored two points for the Patton, in a score the the secC- stewardship, Rettew, of Lancaster. At the Wednesday evening session After two and a half years of an address by Dr. Mabel 1. Silver, steady progress in the employ of the who is soon to leave for Africa as a W. T Grant company chain stores, medical missionary, was followed by Jav T. Dombach, son of Mr. and Mrs, an interesing address on the girls of who Wilson, Africa as Africa, Miss Naomi has spent thirteen years in Landisville, by to the man- City, Pa., 8 A feature of and Mar- | pageant, dramatizing Dombach the U. B. Women's the fifty-three years one of the Hoffman, given He was later | the Otterbein and Bethany U. B. church, Lebanon. Miss City | Clara Preis, of that church, presided “| A sextet from the Mt. Joy U. B. | church selections. The Miss Geta Deitz, Evelyn Warfel, Ruth Bishop, and Elsie Hoffer. ee ee eee B. Frank Dombach, of recently promoted the Mahanoy was spe agement of missionary. service was a the founding of Missionary ago by by the Guild of the store. this A graduate of shall college in ‘1928, with the Grant same year, starting Breoklyn, N. Y. sterred to Franklin Mr. company soci- Miss mem- ety Lizzie bers of began in stores. Buffalo, to Reading Mahanoy trans Homestead, going from Homestead. Mr. Dombach is not quite old. He is a graduate of East field High school, where he spent] three years, and Lancaster High |€T School. | —— a | BIDS FOR COUNTY RIVER ROAD ASSOCIATION ROADS ARE SOUGHT TO MEET AT BAINBRIDGE sing Baker Esth oqve "rs 25 years gave er Hemp- | Were Kathryn of Jaker The State Highway Department The May meeting of the Susque- Wednesday announced the proposed hanna River Road Association will | construction of nearly seven miles of highways and the building of con- be held in the Community Hall, at Bainbridge, this evening, May 13th, at 8:30 o'clock, Daylight Saving time. Conoy and East this summer crete bridges in Donegal townships early Prominent speakers will be pre-|as one of the first major roadway con- sent and entertainment will be structions in Lancaster County this furnished by a musical organiza- | Year: : 3 tion of five girls from Lancaster. The highways to be improved are It is urged that all members and |Routes 407 and 280. Both of these those interested in “Good Roads” highways will be constructed of ma- from * Middletown, Royalton and ead 15 fool wide. Tre works wid vicinity should attend as business include the laying of 36,085 linear feet. Reinforced concrete bridges will be constructed along the same highway routes. In announcing the plans, the De- partment of Highways fixed May 29 at 10 a. m. as the time for the open- ing of bids for the work. ee etl Ae. Advertise in The Bulletin of importance will be taken up. The River Road Association will be asked to go on record favoring the needed improvement of the Har- risburg-Lancaster Pike, between Mid- dletown and Highspire. re i You can get all the news of this locality for less than three cents a THE CONVENTION | by FA the GREATEST {, ACHIEVEMENT | \ in CHICK STARTER LARROG ro 3 Ask Us \ Wolgemuth Bros. Phone Mt. Joy 151R4 37R6 FLORIN, PA." ELECTRIC Community Sale Wed. Eve., May 20, 31 % ALSO THIS EVENING Sale Starts at M. 7:00 P. have We till Grass Pasture some good for rent. ture is worth Remeber \ lue Grass Pas- ore. Arrange for Nix cattle in “S27 Mummau Bros. Rheems, Pa Phone E-town 171R11 pasture now. Koon Cnjoyment forSmokers of Pipe and Cigarettes a sour blade ea in