The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, April 08, 1931, Image 9

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Special Edition
Section No. 2

e Mount Joy Si *

ecial Edition |
Section No. 2


ok ees was
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1 ter ity rt ity Firestone Service Store
|| Lancaste e of Upportun ; Stores, Inc.
Eg H eo ee 5
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i= {a . . .
AE LE Some Pertinent Facts Disclosed By Surveyists That Should Motorists’ Service Headquarters in Lancaster, Located at 111 W
i { .
i . . . Chestnut Street, Across from the New Postoffice, That Ren-
SE Prove Interesting to Every Resident of This Great Community| =~" >" That Ron
Ew iE SURVE ders Our Motorists a Complete and Efficient Service. They
: 1 | D Ad ED 3 Q 1 NC ~ YI " ~ ye ~~ s
i 3 |
zl] OF PROGRESS AND PROSPERITY EVER EXPERIENCED. ard Sizes and Do Tire Vulcanizing and Repairing. They Handle
£3) 3 : g. \ 1
Mm 13) 1 11 - vy roa de » a 1 » 1 . re i
H I .
aE THE MODEL COMMUNITY OF THIS GREAT SECTION Rentals in Stock for Any Make or Model of Car. They Are
[5 3 [3 > 1 ‘ P 700 + Oil Jo
aE IE ancaster Dealers for Pennzoil Motor Oils, the 100 Percent Pure
J P 1 ja Oil. Ti Do Brake Relini Testi 1
H | 3 Lass ; ; : — ennsylvania Oil. 1ey Do Brake Relining, Testing and Re-
HIE Situated in the heart of one of the most fertile and productive - J oe ; 2 v £ g:
= 31 : . 3 2 air 3 si pr 3 rarey rake ‘aster i "heir "ork The
il : of this Great Eastern Section, cater and commanity of this community with the great) great whole—the community. These pairing, Using the Cowdrey Brake Tester in Their Work. They
i | ; ee ; i i : write-ups are the observations of| Do Scientific Lubricating and Are an Official Headlight Test-
i gives promise of fast becoming the community of great oppor- Sey 208 I Yecens years ib mele men Re in ir ain but : i Ee lol > 1 1 yy
iE 1 : 3: 1 : ., | this a truly metropolitan place i 2 ing Station. They Use a Globe Hydraulic Hoist in Their Lubvi-
gl i i tunity. On the main line of the country’s greatest railroads, it which to ey ir D lif i a experienced in the study of commu- 2 gi? I rl : I gos : : :
# 3 : Sissi . v v ve and enjoy life. “i; 1: es . 7 at that Thee Can Comtortabiv Beach Every : | :
am offers unparalleled manufacturing facilities by virtue of its |; : nity life and the enterprises which go| cation Work so That They Can Gomfortably Reach Every Point Hh
EE] : aim of this Review to bring to thet k that lif . That Takes Greas 2
aE cessibility to th t arkots o make up that life. on Your Chassis That Takes Grease. They Do Auto Washing i
EE ility to the greatest markets of the world. Ranking second | realization of the people the high| Your attention is also called to the Sins :
aE HE § . . beop ; : and Polishing. Mr. Frank M. Abel, the President of This Firm :
gE to none in soil productiveness it offers agricultural genius full re- | standard of the business firms, banks, fae that with the exception of the Mal I es Be. T i
| : : at isher’s s Xpens Strives to Make “Iirestone” Service as G as Can Be. le- :
i turns and handsome profits for time and labor invested. It is|financial institutions, professional DR es oan o Sirivef ts Malte “ttre i Service 25 Goad 08 Cs Be fle i
. . : ; ; {kes 4 : 4 nx hone Him at Lancaster 934 for Advice and Particulars on Your 13
truly a community of industry. One that is assured of continued |2"d commercial enterprises in this| peing stood by subscription from the | 3 5 i Ge i : To 5 shh Tr: i RIE
: 4 5 ia : . tion. Y i S s isi i 4 eeds. isit the Shop on Your Trips to the City. ey Ar | 1:
prosperity because of its wide variation of industrial, commercial | ©. You ate’ requested in pleass enterprising yusitess finns ad pro-; 4 § shat ; : : : : iE)
3 ; bear in mind that not one of the | fessional men whose write-ups appear| (pen Evenings and Sundays Till Noon. 3
EE NE and agricultural enterprises. write-ups appearing in this Review | herein. These men merit your i | i
aE IE We feel safe in saying that nowhere from New York to San|has been written by the firms or| hearty support because they have > pp HIN RIE
BE iE ete a: rand : the men behind the firms—but have | manifested their confidence in you i a iL:
é 4 i Francisco or from Maine to Florida can be found a more contented, been prepared by skilled editorial | and in our community. These write- Have you ever noticed that full) | a Hore than any : li :
| : A . . PV y yo ass ¢ ) f e car—Dbecause i EE :
all EE more prosperous, more peace-loving, more home-loving and home- | writers who have made a life-time’s | ups demonstrate the progress and | out of Sven, 100 iy for foe Ol thuh Wot pute th ey li:
i& . . i . 4 x : Over : i itv have dented or bent fend depends nol ) 1e salety o it :
gE owning populace than that with which this community is blessed. | Stud” of the work. The primary aim the aggressiveness of the eommunity | 570 1% Be 50 aie and the | everyone riding in the pe il
: : : 5s and object has been to show how and the enviable reputations of ers? Baar” 2 destrians as well. i
Ell E i Men with education, refinement, intellect, ambition and enthus- | cach individual business or enter-|these merchants and professional | reason in the major portion of instane LW evo cite | ffi i
EE : ia ag are os. Brakes to the carefull arge les such as ours—offie E :
all EE iasm are attracted to our community. Thus growing men are|Prise contributes its part to that men. EY 516 Drain [ials have long since come to realize Al |
i tgs : cern me m— {the Drnortanes-: of Hi
E contented and happy to remain within the confines of this com- Jone IPO A A the i hy of EE
HOE : | properly adjusted, properly working ; 2
i munity to carry on the work of their fathers—to make for them- e brakes. They conduct brake tests to ff
al BE selves a name in the business and social world—to marry and rear a Pp e 1 SC 1 } 1¢ i | protect the lives of the people in the : i i
i . ae . . . ® oe community—and in many instances EE
g happy, healthy families and to enjoy life to its fullest amid sur- | impose a fine on a motorist if he fils dl HE
2 i i i : : not ne Tals IE
5 | i roundings that are ideal, that breed peace of mind and heart— Coal - Feeds to heed their advice and have his |g
| 3 happiness and contentment. brakes repaired should they need it. ls :
Ell The Firestone Service Stores, Inec., : if]
: i i Never before in the history of the people of LANCASTER deter- ike. Tha lis a firm in our community estab HL LE
5 I Bb this community has LANCASTER | mined that nothing shall retard them |A Dealer in Lancaster, With Yards, Office and Headquarters Located on the Manhe im Pike, That | lished to provide safety to our motor- Hl i
& i 2 offered such unparalleled opportuni-|in their onward march of progress| Serves His Patrons in a Most Efficient Manner. He Deals Extensively in Coal and Carries Large |ists and pedestrians. A firm composed Il EE
SH : : Dewi : ios : : specialists who understand all mak- AEE
EEN ties for both 3 and rosperity. Their enthusiasm : T te Tvade 3 a <q : :
E 3 H $0 bot Foun AIS File back : Wy > t determinati Stocks on Hand to Meet the Immediate and Permanent Needs of His Trade. He Also Handles [es and types of auto and truck brakes. iE
i iH Never before has manufacturing acked with an earnest determination : i san 3 : It makes no difference if vour : : 2
i= . ~ . . 1 € $+ 1 4 < ) I ence iI your car 1S 8
HER : nyc : ‘eo Cs og + Dairy Herds aranteeing the Quality of the Fe 3 | 9 2 iL 3
g | Noor. oc" a Semel. nore and which is the very blood of any com-| Feed for Live Stock and Poultry and for Dairy Herds Guar: oI I ; : rg] CDRS with mechanical or hydraul- : :
2 Bl surer basis. Never before has real| munity has united them into one| Fe Handles. He Is the Authorized Distributor in Lancaster City and County for the LOX i brakes—the men in this firm un- :
H 5 a Ape Rn : :
: a , each resol : : Rs Lo ofl erstand them from beginning to end : i
! | estate offered such unparalleled in- pr oe A eo al add his bit,| pyppMAN— the machine That Made Coal an Automatic Fuel. If You Have Been Thinking of SP sosedy od I oe :
4 3 o continue to make this community ) : . To Jy * i
1g ig De boii hi ue the hub of the most forward looking| Investing in a Burner of Any Kind, Telephone Mr. Sensenich at Lancaster 2982 and Get Par joe iri thon I'hey i
! [2 ave banks and other financial insti- : . is ake adjustments (if adjustments :
g i tations had wore money to vid community in the United States. ticulars and Prices on the Iron Fireman. We Recommend Mr. Sensenich and His Service to Ow | are all that is needed) while the mot i
Eh EE | jor car owner waits. They carrv : i
3 Hl 3 worthy enterprises. This healthy| It is the aim of this Community Readers. supply ey Tae) hi a :
3 i { J ] ¢ oll on hand at i
= 1 2 state of community affairs has made | Booster Review to acquaint people | all times to meet any emergency ; i H
| i vio : | Lf 8 y. |
! 3 The Iron Fireman automatic coal | Ashes are automatically carried out| In the stock rooms of this firm will i i
i 3 tf burner brings June warmth to your of th furnace and deposited in a be found a big stock of brake linings EH BERLE
: : Tl F 1 home all winter long. It feeds coal | dust-proof receptacle, ready to be 2 ig sizes and in the best pl
gal h 2 es rn Ms rades. They welcome the chance Sa
: ee ARGC. 4 a res e | taken away. The Iron Fireman ereates | . 1ance o : i EE
| E 1€ as 1011 into your furnace, and removes the }ta 8 Aa) eI ; 2 ron, { quoting you on relining your brake Hl Hl |
#1 | ashes automatically into a receptacle | firebox temperatures of 2500 to 3500 (without obligation. Hi 3
2 ° 9 ° ° : | 5 TI Ary . mT} Ve dl
- lin your furnace room. It starts and |degrees. Hand fir rarely creates The Firestone Servic
Ladies Apparel - Millinery stops by means of thermostatic con- | 3 firebox temperature of os 2000/ ear a large stock of Hl
| degrees. & 1 ubes Us 1reat f
Tr | trols, operates quietly, cuts fuel costs | | : 3 ? Risa I'iresto tH
: | The Iron Fireman is operated 40 Ure vuican: ERE
: : ~ : $y ie livers rez ul, de- 2 HI:
iE Popularly Regarded as Being Among the Leading and Most Exclusive Ladies’ Apparel Shops infant Yair er ba 9 automatic instruments. It starts and) {oe are Lancaster dealers for Pennz 1)
12) 7: enaGable heat. | 1 r oil the 100 percer i :
H Lancaster, Located at 13 East King Street. The Fashion Offers Distinctive and Stylish Wom- | stops itself automatically to hold A re as 2 oil he 100 percent pur ] i
f 8 is The Iron Fireman feeds coal to the | room or water temperature at |" na, ox. fi Hi
[2 n’s Apparel and Millinery at Reasonable Prices. The Fashion Is a Metropolitan Establishment| 0 ia Ro OE Dlr wren! a service i iH]
| { 0 : ain {fire from below—the scientific way. |€Ve! degree is required or to keep Another service they render our mo i i
3 In Every Detail That Brings the Finest Tastes and Exclusivéness of Fifth Avenue to This Com-| 70 the Iron Fireman hopper with steam pressure steady at a pre-deter- | torists free—and one which all should 20 1 He
3! i . . . . Ee tne 5 ay: se at fi Y nto a : HE
E H munity. The Fashion Is Now Showing the Spring’s Newest and Latest Creations Direct from|.,a1—small size, inexpensive coal that mined temporatire. re Se if i rvals is that of IE IE
HE i ici i i ee The Iron Fire is it ec ing. your car has not i
n : eous @ icient Service Is Rendered Here By Experienced Sales Lad-| costs far less per ton. From the ¢ ; : "| been braking as it s ; Pn :
i Fashion Centers. Courteous and Efficient S Is Rendered Here By Exj d Sales Lad far less f F Mn Iron Prom Fo Fire ms king a3 1 Woe
i | . ca 0 operate. he Iron ireman . bhi 1 your Iz
: i ies, who Are Eager to Serve You. The Owners and Managers of the Fashion Are Composed of | bottom of the hopper the feed worm |, ssidentink users, on the average, save | visit to the city—drive over to their i :
i | : . : I arries thi al 3 > Te z Be | garage and ask ‘the BRE vrs {8
7 People Who Have Spent Many Years in the Ladies’ Apparel Business. We Recommend Them | carries this coal into the retort and | from 15 to 50 percent of their former rats Thev No i your : iH
Eli] : » fire from below. At the same |coal costs. In e S | gladly make the HIRER IE
2H and Recommend the Fashion to Our Women and Young Women Readers. fo ihe pe fom ov . ogee] a EE HoT 1s Ix | test without delay and make any rec Il Hi
I fH time, the Iron Fireman centrifuga man 1s > 1des 1 fos jom A CY oy i) Se
zl i | bors : : A. | burner. It saves coal costs—burns | nmendations they find necessary. i i
| i fan is creating a forced draft. As cheaper Coal Toss of it. | Frequently a free test of this kind EHH E
El | i : J . aper coal and less of it, prevents], : han nt HH REE IH
§ To meet the demands of thejorder to make a success of their busi- | purchased. This knowledge gained |the coal approaches the fire and be- |. vo voc labor costs 2 3 wil, | will save you money. Possibly your 2 E i
: HE) women of any _eommunity with ap- | ness the stocks they carried must first from years of experience in this work | comes warm it gives up it’s gases. |matically maintains steady, even heat {ip aul 3 or kes 1 eed only pumping :
gill i parel that is distinctive and service: of all be complete. is at the disposal of every patron Who | ry co mix with the air supplied by |or boiler pressure at’a pre- dot termim Ls. yy do it in a mor nent’s time.
BH able is one thing—and to meet this| This policy has been followed eon- | enters this store. Regardless of whe- he fan under forced draft. They burn | ed temperature "| Possibly they are gris ‘and 3
1a H 13 3 i igti i . nae ( 1 n et .
{11 demand with quality and distinctive|gistently. The result has been that! ther you come prepared to make a Won So uh te oly ad just 7 Savi
Ad apparel that is reasonable in price, young and old alike have come to reec- purchase—or are just looking for | like any good gas. As the coal con- W. Rly! h nsenich is the author-| the ine. but p
: still another thing. The Fashion does|,onize in this aggressive establish- something that becomes you—you | tinues into the fire it continues to give ized distribute Ir | ing T]
| both. For this reasen this local popu- | pont a completeness of stock and a will find the same eager and earnest |, it’s gases steadily, evenly. By, man in Lancaster C and Lanc y lar i will
i i lar fashion shop is very popular with wide variety of styles and models desire to render you the most eour- | te tis’ CS coal reaches the frehe 3s yunty. He #1 @ 1
3 RS resse 7( 3 is ¢ - . . 1S Fie 1 sgible. | =n : sid | t f
i the best igh d None of Gi ‘oom from which to make a suitable selec- teous and efficient service possible. £ Tivo coils nothivie hist Ach | 5 .
munity. icy leel sure hey can tion found only in metropolitan estab-| On this point alone the Fashion de- | I etthont oh wm
find exactly what they want at prices||ichments. ions Jc Tasntion in this: sony} — 0 Ir ll
they can afford to pay. es quo menlioh Th Minton ! 1 I
hat the Tore Tons boon A very important reason ices. In the use of comparative
That the Fashion nas Doon Success the success accomplished by this another feature resp | prices hey are always careful not t
ful cannot be disputed. Thei firm is the courteous and efficient | for Su low nrices | to misrepresent or lead people tH
cess is due largely to the stock en am | : = 1 % : LE
e they ren their 1 us dige. than t} ru §:
i eon and the first place every sal work re. t a edless to aay that a =f
render thei 15-1 floor has spent years i better a public = ficient!
1 . :
| profession. She knows to thi
| be me ce i pes t 3 7 3 an D
1 | rics will render the serviee the | ¢ 1 ame a l 1
was started its owners d 1 | expects to get from the article being! wards { of the zeaszon, sla m
= sist I TS TI NP I MER A TTT YIU PTT i i Ab ER ET - = |
sme a RIT ad eS LE.




Copyright, 193
1, N.