w= Ne YD rp SOR We iv VF SN ww he wb a] Rok we i tg 1 a vy sy "The General Tire Inc. Lancaster's Big Super Service Station, Located on West Orange Street at Marietta Avenue. They Are Official and Authorized Dealers in This Section for the Famous General Tires, the Tire That Goes a Long Way to Make Friends. General Tires May Be Purchased According to the Famous G. T. A. C. Plan Which Provides for Small Weekly Payments. This Firm Makes an Al- lowance on Your Old Tires Which Frequently Makes the Down Payment on Safe New Generals. They Also Do Tire Vulcanizing and Repairing on All Makes and Sizes of Tires. Complete Filling Station Service Dispensing the Best in Petroleum Products. They Render a The Officers and Directors of the General Tire, Inc., Want You to Have the Facts Regarding the Skid-Safe Gen- erals Now. If You Are Thinking of Buying One Tire or An Entire Set of Tires—Drive Down to Their Station and Have Them Appraise Your Old Tires nad Quote You on New Generals. Each day we read in the papers of -manufacturers of automobile tires purchasing vast plantations in far nit lands for the cultivation of rub- ber. Little do we realize the vast amount of rubber required to sup- ply the demands of tire manufactur- ers. Little do we realize the vast importance of this industry to the progress and prosperity of our na- tion Little do we appreciate the knowledge required to supply this demand in a way that will be satis- factory to the consuming public. The General Tire, Inc., is headed by men that know rubber and rubber tires from the ground up. Many years ago when they first opened the doors of their establishment to the motoring public of this community this firm felt that in order to make a success of their business they would have to supply better tires and know more about tire construction than other firms and individuals engaged in a similar business. Being salesmen and autoists "they knew that an intensive knowledge of the product being sold is absolutely necessary to explain its i to people whom they hoped to sell. Today we have the result. The General Tire, Inc., are tire special- ists. They specialize in General Tires, the tire that has proved itself the best in the long run. The new or untried. The General was built | —tested—rebuilt—improved and per- fected. After very severe and exten- tive tests the General outwore and outlasted all other standard tires. That’s why every General that leaves torists in this community. tronize this establishment for here they are best with courteous ands and thousands of care-free eco- nomical miles to you. If you are thinking of purchas- ing new tires it will be to your ad- vantage to visit the headquarters of this firm where you will find an un- usually large assortment of the very size and type your ear requires at prices that afford a genuine saving. That the General Tire, Ine. is rapidly gaining popularity with our motorists is easy to understand. In the first place they handle a quality tire that is backed with a real guar- antee by the firm that manufactures them. This within itself is a double protection to every buyer. He knows that if anything should go wrong— his dealer will readily make a good ad- justment because the dealer in turn will likewise be given consideration by his manufacturer. The second contri- buting factor to their popularity is their service. Devoting as they do, all of their time, all of their efforts and energy to tires, they naturally are geared for service of the quickest, most courteous and most efficient type. Thirdly: a large patronage, which gives them a quick turnover, a low overhead which assures every pat- ron of rock bottom prices. These are the things the $hrewd motorist looks for when purchasing rubber for his car—these are the things which are General is not | making this firm the success they are. This company is held in high regard and esteem by the mo- ‘i pa- sure of getting wunly the and efficient the shop of these dealers is covered service at low prices. with a guarantee that insures thous-' The owners s_and managers of this firm are men of high standing both in business and social circles. They never miss a single opportunity to serve the people in the community be- cause in doing so they are rendering the community a worth-while service. 136 It is common to esteem most what is unknown.—Tactieus. Seven Ages “Perambulator, velocipede, bicycle, flivver, a real car, airplane, hearse.” Scholastic Affection Teacher: “Johnny, I'm only punish- ing you because I love you.” Johnny: “I wish I was big enough to return your love.” Born Too Soon It is always hard to go beyond your public. If they are satisfied with cheap performance, you will not eas- ily arrive at better. If they know what is good, and require it, you will aspire and burn until you achieve it. But from time to time, in history, men are born a whole age too soon. —Emmerson. Motor Freig ht Express Daily Commercial Ci Service Lancaster's Leading Commercial Truckers, With Terminal Office in Lancaster, Located at the Corner of Ruby and Prangley Avenue. This Firm Renders Commercial and Industrial Firms a Daily Ser- vice Between Lancaster, Harrisburg, Hanover, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, New York City, N. Y., Baltimore, Md., Richmond, Va., and Washington, D. C. Their Equipment Is Modern and Their Organization Is Composed of Reliable and Trustworthy Men.. They Enjoy a Very High Reputation for Promptness in Answering All Calls. Their Rates Are Reasonable and The Owners and Managers of This Firm Are Men Who Strive to Make “Motor Freight Express” Service Prompt, Efficient and Trustworthy. They Welcome service Calls from Merchants and Industrial Firms in This Section. What service to the success of a business. This comparison may appear a bit far fetched but if we stop for only a Ritwe Paint & Wall Paper Co. Paint Dealers in Lancaster, With Retail Store “Store and Headquarters Located at 125 North Queen St. They Carry Large and Complete Stocks of Paints and Varnishes on Hand Always Paper and Painters’ and Manufacturers’ Supplies. When You Get to Buying Your Paint This Spring—Remember Ritwe’s tail Basis. the Owner and Manager of This Firm, Enjoys the Confidence of His Trade. as Well as Wall He Supplies Them With Paints, Wall Paper and Other Supplies of the Highest Possible Quality at Prices That Are Always Fair and Reasonable. From an archtitectural standpoint a home may be ever so beautiful, but if the paint is worn, or is dirty, the house loses two-thirds of its appear- ance. The surroundings may be ever so beautiful, if the paint isn’t fresh and clean, the home is unattractive. To supply the needs of the people in this section along the lines of paints and varnishes is the mission of this firm of paint dealers. To make the homes of our community more beau- tiful, more pleasant, more cheerful, is their aim. They are dealers that sup- ply a demand in a prompt and effici- ent manner with a service that has won for them the confidence of the people not alone in our community, F reymeyer’s Eagle Bakeries ELIZABETHTOWN LANCASTER 322 West King Street — Phone 2165 33 Park Street — Phone 141-R-2 Tune in on WCOD Every Monday Night at 9:15 and WKIJC every Friday Night from 7:30 to 7:45 o'clock and hear Freyemeyer’s Jolly Baker Boys. This Firm Supplies Housewives in Our Community Buns and Other Good Things Baked Right. Freymeyer’s Feature a Delivery With “HOME LEADER” Bread, Hot Cross Service to the Home—or, From Oven to You, That Is in Popular Demand With Housewives in Our Community. Freymeyer’s Eagle Bakeries Are Modernly Equipped and Are Models in Sanitation. Home Lead- er Bread Is Made Rich With Pure, Sweet Cream—and thé Other Ingredients Used in Its Mak- ing Are the Very Best Obtainable. Is Well Known to Everyone in Our Community. Than a Quarter of a Century. Housewives in Our Community. Getting Home Leader Bread When Freymeyer’s mend This Firm to Our Readers. A great chef when asked to what he attributed the success of his meals, once said: “to the fact that I use liberal quantities of fresh milk and good butter in the cooking and that I am most particular that the “read I serve be possessed of that rich, ereamy home-made taste.” This is but a repetition of what ev- ery modern housewife knows—and but a repetition of what the men be- hind this enterprising firm know. That is why they have adopted your methods—home-made methods —in their bakery. This is why they use the same fine ingredients that you yourself would choose. Take for example the milk the; use in making their bread. Milk may be pure milk—yet not make good bread. The bakers of “Home Leader” bread first test the milk that goes into their bread so thoroughly it would surprise the most careful house- wife. For this milk must be more than pure. It must have exactly the right amount of fatty ingredients— just the proper “sugar content” to make the delicious loaf that is being served today on the finest ‘ables in this community. Not simply “fine ingredients” but ingredients selected with exacting care—that is what gives “Home Leader” bread the finished loaf cleanliness, texture, wholesomeness and home-made flavor. In addition to this—“Home Leader” bread is made even still richer by the use of pure, sweet cream. Each day when the loaves are taken from the oven an expert baker scores a loaf to make certain it has the proper weight, proper fluffiness, proper size and crust—that it has been baked sufficiently to make taste just right. This scoring method is used only in the best and most met- ropolitan bakeries in the country to- day. It is but one of the details Mr. John Freymeyer, the General Manager of These Bakeries He Has Been Serving Our People for More Both He and the Lancaster Plant Manager, Mr. H. Welcomes the Opportunity of Serving You Along With the Hundreds of Other Telephone Either of the Plants Above and Form the Habit of s Representative Passes Your Door. M. Nissley, Enthusiastic We Recom- this up and going firm use to insure complete bread satisfaction for the people of this community. The editors of this paper suggest that you get a loaf of this bread tomorrow and put it to every known test. Smell it. Feel it. Slice it. Toast it. Serve it unannounced if guests are present and you'll exper- ience for the first time the happi- ness, health and pleasure to be had from eating “Home Leader” bread. The owners and managers of this baking firm are men with many years experience in this business to their credit. They have let no store unturned to make their product the best that skilled bakers and a mod- ernly equipped plant could produce. They are honest and sincere in their desire to serve the people of our com- munity with a strictly quality pro- duct at a fair and reasonable price. 19 WHAT IS BUSINESS? All business runs to service. Cloth- ing keeps us warm or cool according to season. Food satisfies our hunger. An automobile meets our desire for pleasure. The ability of manufacturer or mer- chant to serve us determines the pro- fit we, the Great Public, are willing for that manufacturer or merchant to earn. Make no mistake about that point —in the final analysis your ability io serve determines your profits. The service your business renders is its excuse for being, however much you may think that the profit you earn is your excuse for operating a given business. The Public is not concerned with your desire to make money—it is con- cerned only with its many desires to profit, to be pleased, to be warmed, to be fed, to make money itself. This is Economic Law. It behooves, in this day of razor- edge competition, every business man to find out now just what service he renders the public—and then improve that service. Just what service, for example, does a banker provide? To the man who wants to borrow money, he (the banker) offers a ser- vice of supply. The banker goes into the highways and byways, among all classes of people, and secures funds— nickels, dimes, dollars and hundreds of dollars. Imagine, if you can, what a task you, as a borrower of money would have, did you attempt to get money you need by borrowing from a dozen, a score, or a hundred individu- als—a hundred dollars here, twenty there, fifty yonder, and so on. Realize now that the banker is rendering you a service—and that this service en- titles him to a profit. On the other hand, the banker ren- ders the depositor a service. Imagine if you can, the average man seeking to sell the use of ten dollars, or fifty dollars—imagine the labor of finding a buyer for his money, the detail of security and repayment. The banker renders a service to the individual by buying the use of his maney. If the business man of today would prosper, let him determine WHY peo- ple buy his merchandise—let him com- prehend, understand and realize viv- idly the service he renders. It means much to his profit, for, a realization of this service seems to almost auto- matically make a man want to better it. When he betters his service he in- creases his profits. That’s Economic Law, as well as religion, and the Golden Rule works as unerringly and as surely as the Law of Gravity. Just be certain that it is working for you—not against you. —XKing's Courier. Everybody Worked But Willie Teacher. “Willie, did your father write this essay?” “No, ma’am. He started it, but mother had to do it all over again.” Jinx—That girl is a mathematical impossibility. Blinks—Howzat ? Jinx—She’s half Spanish, French and half crazy. half HEALTH SLACKERS By Herman N. Bundesen, M. D. Commissioner A slacker is a fellow that will not go along when there is a great duty to perform. In peace there is also war going on, the war against sickness and pre- ventable deaths. There is a fight for health and long life. Fortunately, the average citizen is becoming wiser and sees the advan- tages of being his brother's keeper in matters of health. There is the health slacker whe tries to defy the laws of quarantine; he is a menace to his community. There is the health slacker who lets his chimneys belch smoke, dark- ening the skies, shutting out the pre- cious sunlight and blackening the clothes and temper of his neighbors. There is the health slacker who spits on the sidewalks, coughs in the faces of others and sneezes so that his spray contaminates all around him. And so on. As bad as all these health slack- ers are, the worst one is the parent who neglects the physical condition of his child. In the face of expert advice, he neglects to correct diseas- ed tonsils, defective teeth and ade- noids, poor vision and hearing, which are important causes of the under- nourished condition of his child. We owe to it ourselves and to the future generations to give every boy and girl an opportunity to reach the best physical and mental development of which they, as individuals, are capable. Truly, the noblest motive of a citi- We Recommend Mr. but for miles around. The paints handled by this firm rep- resent the best in qualities on the market for the prices asked. There is a vast difference in paints. Some are made to sell at a cheap price. Invar- iably the use of this class of mer- chandise proves costly economy, be- cause with very little wear it peels or chips, eracks and fades. On the other hand paints that sell at a fair price containing ingredients of known qual- ity continue to give years of satis- factory carefree service. The Ritwe Paint & Wall Paper Co. handles paints in the latter class. The men behind this firm know paints —know the ingredients used in their making and work on the theory that every home owner and property own- er is interested more in service than in saving a few cents on a gallon. Farmers and city people alike who anticipate the purchase of paints this season will find that they have used good judgment in patronizing a firm of known character and reputation, Ritwe and His Store to Our Readers. such as this, rather than to take the word of some unknown manufacturer in some distant city who camouflages service behind price. Painting contractors serving their trade will also secure best results by purchasing their requirements of this firm. They do both a wholesale and retail business and carry large stocks on hand to meet the needs of their patrons. Wall paper, painters and manufac- turers supplies are also carried in stock by this firm. In these items just as in the paint department quality always is of primary importance with reasonable prices always in effect. Mr. J. Ritwe, the owner and man- ager of this firm, strives in every way to serve his patrons in a cour- teous and efficient manner. We rec- ommend him and his store to our readers because here we know they will get the proper kind of treatment and the best kind of merchandise at prices that are always reasonable. 446 John A. Kegel—Live Poultry A Firm in Lancaster, With Offices and Warehouse Located at 454 Beaver, That Is in Popular Favor With the Farmers and the Rural Merchants of Our Community. to Pay the Highest Cash Market Prices for Choice Poultry. They Are Always Known The the physician is to the health of the family, so is a trucking | Telephone Lancaster 3151 for Rates and Particulars. minute to analyze the importance of a trucking service to the smooth operation of any business we can appreciate how vitally essential this service is. In the first place every merchant buys at least 90% of his merchan- dise from out of town manufactur- ers. These manufacturers see that the goods are packed securely and placed in the hands of the carriers— and there, their responsibility ceases. Any delay in transit is beyond their They Operate on Both a Wholesale and a control and costly waits at the ether s. Mr. J. Ritwe,' end of the line mean nothing to them. The same thing holds true with manufacturers. The raw materials used in the manufacture of their products are most generally shipped from distant points and must like- wise be delivered from the depot to the plant. In recent years commereial trucking has come into popular favor with merchants and manufacturers be- cause eommercial trucking usually provides a straight through service without the usual delays incident to transferring from one car to another and from one company’s line to anoth- er. Too, commercial trucking pro- We Recommend Them. vides a delivery service right to your door thereby eliminating the extra cost of having a trucker call at the depot and deliver your goods to your place of business. The Motor Freight Express renders just such a service. They maintain a daily -schedule between all points list- ed above and are in a position to handle shipments, both small and large, for the firms in our community every working day in the week. All shipments are insured while it which protects you against any loss. Serviee is the mainstay of this bus- iness. Every man employed is exper- ienced and thoreughly reliable. Their equipment is modern and weather- proof thus providing protection te your merchandise during inclement weather. They enjoy a large volume of business which enables them to render real service at moderate rates. in trans- The owners and managers strive in every way to make their service ef- ficient service. If you want to get shipments through quick, try their service. Telephone Lancaster 3151 for advice, rates and particulars on your needs. 162 Lancaster Manufacturing Co. A Firm in Lancaster, Avenue at Janet, Activities of This Section. of Incubators, Brooders and Poultry Supplies. Not Confined to Lancaster County The Owners and Managers of This Firm Are National Business. With Plant and Office Located on Marshall That Fills a Genuine Need in the Agricultural They Specialize in the Manufacture Their Activities Alone—They Enjoy a Are Men Who Believe That in Poultry Raising American Agri- culture Will Affect Form of Work. a Quicker Visit Their Plant for New, Come-back Than in Any Other Modern Equipment That Will Enable You to Realize a Substantial Profit from Your Poultry. In years gone by Poultry was con- sidered by the average farmer as merely a sideline issue. Something We Recommend Them to Our Readers sale of Incubators, Brooders and a full and complete line of Poultry sup- plies. Buyers of This Firm Never Take Undue Advantage of Anyone if They Know the Markets or Not. Phone Them at Lancaster 1876 for Quotations and Particulars. They Will Have a Representative to Call. Mr. John A. Kegel, the General Man- ager of ‘This Company, Enjoys the Confidence of His Custom- ers. He Is a Business Man of High Reputation Whom We Take Real Pleasure in Recommending. : The products made by this firm are easy to raise that afforded him athe result of extensive experimenting commodity for personal use without to perfect their products and to make much investment or trouble. | them in a way that they will work When the bottom fell out of grain | satisfactorily under any and all con- farming, when repeated tobacco crops! ditions. failed to bring reasonably good prices There's a distinct advantage in pur- the average farmer was brought face | chasing your Poultry equipment of to face with the necessity of changing | these manufacturers. Being a home over to more diversified lines or get-|owned and home operated firm—they ting in a bad way. It was then that | are right here at our very door to see _ poultry really came Here is a concern that well merits the wholehearted support and the co- operation of the farmers of our com- munity and the country merchant. They serve as a market for the poul- try and eggs and are always known to pay the highest cash market prices for the purchases. The farm- ers and rural merchants might well consider themselves fortunate in hav- ing a firm in their midst enjoying such a high reputation for their hon- esty and integrity. By doing busi- ness with them, the farmers’ market is established, thus eliminat- ing the necessity of shipping to dis- tant points in quest of a market for their produce. Doing business on such an exten- sive scale as they do, their reputa- tion is a broad one and their activi- ties of tremendous proportions. Daily shipments are received from the farmers and rural merchants and the produce consigned to the ware- house of this local firm where it is graded by experienced men and ship- ped in carload lots to distant mer- chants. These firms with which Mr. John A. Kegel does business have long since come to look upon them as their most logical source of supply, because they are assured of getting the choicest of poultry and the fresh- est of eggs and cream. The outstanding feature of the suc- cess of Mr. John A. Kegel can be summed up in a few words. The firms with which they do business de- ! mand quality in their poultry, cream and eggs more than anything else. This enables them to pay the farmers and rural merchants the highest cash prices at all times. On the other hand the tremendous large volume of busi- ness they do enables them to sell at close margins of profit. To conduct a business of this sort demands two things. Keen business foresight and good business judgment. The fact that they rank with the largest firms in our community is eloquent evidence that they knew their business thoroughly and use keen business foresight in their daily activitiez. Their organization is com- posed of men who have made a life- tiie study of supplying these all im- portant needs to our everyday lives. With quality always paramount they ser about in a creditable manner to