T'he Mount Joy Bulletin VOL. XXX, No. 43 MOUNT JOY, PENNA. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1, 1931 5 50 5 YEAR IN ADVANCE BOOST MT. JOY BY BUYING FROM MERCHANTS WHO HELP DEVELOP OUR T OWN THESE BOYS GET THEIR SENTENCE JUDGE ATLEE SAYS THEY MUST REMAIN AROUND HOME PARENTS ARE TO PICK THEIR FRIENDS Judge Benjamin C. Atlee Saturday , gentenced two Elizabethtown who admitted looting a slot machine in the Elizabethtown comfort station to indefinite terms at hard work but not in the penitentiary. Calling the parents of the youthful defendants, Judge Atlee rected that they keep their sons oc- cupied with plenty of work around their homes as long as they were unable to find jobs. Too Much trouble these boys have had too to run around town.” Judge (Turn to page 5) —— boys Idle Time here that much time “The whole is Trying to Curb Practice Acting on numerous from motorists that windshield ers on their cars have been damaged by the stuffing=of handbills or other advertising material under the blade when the machines were parked at Lancaster, ‘the Lancaster Automobile Club is taking steps to curb this practice, Gl mrss wip- | Property Withdrawn On Friday evening, at the Bulletin office Roy Hoffman and C. Eugene Long, executors, offered the brick dwelling of the late Clayton Hoffman on East Main street, at public sale. It was withdrawn at $5,600.00 and will now be sold private. AND = two | di- | EIGHT MILLIONS Atlee in- | complaints ! | | preme | You Tie TRI-HI Y CLUB HELD INTERESTING MEETING AN The votions The business Tri Hi-Y met on Monday. De- were lead by Elsie Hoffer. followed in order after which the following program was “How ( We Share Our With Someone Who Does Not Them?’ Esther Barnhart; Do You Think Is the Respon- gibility of Strong High School Girls Toward Weak Ones? Catherine Gar- ber: “Is Swearing Due to Thought- Does It Show What a Is? Geta Dietz; “Why Do Girl With Self-Con- Heilig. iven: an Ideals Have “What lessness or Girl Really Admire a trol?” Elizabeth HINGE ON RULE UPREME COURT IS IS ASKED TO DEFINE “CHOCOLATE;” A NUMRER OF PENNA. FIRMS ARE AFFECTED. Eight million dollars in excis e taxes drawn from vania hinges on definition word “chocolate.” If chocola.e is candy, the ernment keeps eight millions. chocolate is merely chocolate, a product separate from candy, the government loses tha: much money. To end the question, the Su- Court, the highest tr'bunal in the land, has been asked to de- (Turn to page 8) AE S Federal Pennsyl- of the gov- If A Nice Gift St. Joseph's Hospital, at Lancaster will receive $66,154.31 from the es- tate of the late Frank B. McClain, of Lancaster, THE BULLETIN HAS INSTALLED A LUDLOW CASTING MACHINE with its policy of modern printing office with modern equipment, the Bulletin has just completed the installation of another type making machine. For a number of years this office has had type setting machines—Ilino- types. These machines set the or- dinary reading matter with a limited amount of display. The new machine Ludlow type casting machine. In keeping installed is a This a] machine's purpose is casting large or | display type. In this manner type used in printing practically all the | produced by | daily newspaper offices. the Bulletin will he made new for each job and after the completion of the work. the distribution is elimina- ted, as all type is remelted. With new machine we have added eighty of the most modern type fac- es available, and we- are just anxious to show you what we produce with type as were younger folks in showing .their Easter “togs” on Palm Sunday. The Bulletin is the only country newspaper office in Lancaster ccun- ty that can boast of a Ludlow, as these machines are more common in as can the new NAME COMMITTEE 10 RUN TROLLEYS FIVE MEN WILL SHOULDER RE- SPONSIBILITY OF SUCCESSFUL- LY OPERATING ALL THE TROL- LEY LINES IN COUNTY. The Stockholders’ Protective com- mittee of the eleven county trolley lines leased by the Conestoga Trac- tion company, which will have com- plete jurisdiction over the .affairs of the leased lines for the next five years, was named at a meeting of the committee of eleven Thursday after- noon. The five who will shoulder the re- | sponsibility of reorganizing the physi- cal and financial organizations of the county traction units are Samuel R. Slaymaker, Colonel John Wicker- sham, Ira H. Bare, Fred L. Homsher and John K. Herr. The appointment of the five men | constitutes the second step of the] tentative plan approved by the boards | of directors of the county trolley lines’ at a meeting held in the Griest build- ing one week ago. These men will now operate all the trolley lines in the county, making an! | Beach School, id AN EASTER PARTY AT ‘THE BABY CLINIC This week there were about forty children enjoyed an Easter party at the Baby Clinic. Each child was giv- en an Easter gift. There were 34 mothers and one visitor present. Miss Esther Kersey R. N. was in charge, assisted by the hostesses Mrs. Oliver G. Longenecker, Mrs. E. W. Garber and Esther Henry Secretary. The clinic will be open next week, Tuesday, April 7 from 2 to 4. Se tl 0) Gee. Are Home For Easter Miss Anna Mumma a senior at Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y., is spending her Easter vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Israel Mumma. Miss Alice Longenecker, a junior at Mt. Holyoke College is home: She spent the week-end at Binghamton, N. Y. with friends. Miss Helen Snyder, of Roberts- Catonsville, Md., is | here for Easter with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. A. F. Snyder. er Ware mre For the Heirs These amounts in the following es- tates will be distributed among the heirs: Madeline Voigt Cassel, Marietta, effort to put them on a paying basis | $632.01. so as to compete with busses, rail- roads, etc. —— Eee Got His Commission The Commission of John B. Henry Elizabeth S. Risser, ynship, $1,404.08. BE East Donegal to Removed to the Hospital Mrs. John Wharvell, of this place, as a notary public of West Donegal who has been sufiering from a brok- township, was Pinchot and received House. at the The Advertone S. O. S. Musical Coach is coming to Mount Joy Mon- day, April 6, under the auspices of the Mt. Joy Boosters club. During the week the coach will visit Rheems Florin, Milton Grove, Landisville, Salunga, and Maytown between the hours of 2 and 5 P. M. At night the coach will be located at some select- ed location between the hours of 7 and 9 at which time radio programs will be picked up and sent out over the amplifying system. Through the medium of the elec- trical transcription equipment car- rig an the coach, select record se- If \will be amplified nightly. signed by Governor en hip for the last three months, was Court taken to a Lancaster hospital on I Tu asday morning. NEXT WEEK IS BOOSTER WEEK IN MOUNT JOY These musical presentations will be interspersed by a series of interest- ing short talks giving facts and truths why the people of Mt. Joy should patronize Home Town merch- ants, thereby keeping their money circulating at home instead of send- ing it out of town. In giving these talks the anfiounc- er does not give his individual thots on the important subject, but, he quotes United States Senators, Con- gressmen, attorney Generals, Gover- nors, Educators, Ministers, Labor Leaders, Merchants and other prom- inent men who have made a study of (Turn to page 6) a The system administration rural road bill, introduced in the House Monday night, was reported for passage yeserday by the Com- mittee on Highways. Chairman Blidelspacher, ing, said the bill remained and was expected to pass House without amendment. If the bill passes ‘‘as miles of roads in Lancaster will taken over by . the August 15. he following included: Route point in Lycom- intact the is’: 651 coun.y be state in this section 36043. Rapho - at intersect- Beginning Tewnship are | | by way of Newtown a [the southern | Joy Borough, miles thence two | | through | | about Borough, ing Route 36067 north of Mt. Joy northerly and easterly Rapho township to a Route 36066 at Fairview House in Lancaster county {tance of about 3.80 miles. Route 36067. Beginning at a point in West Hempfield Township intersecting Route 36003 about one {mile east of the West Hempfield i East Donegal Township Line, thence northerly through West Hempfield and Rapho Townsh ps point on of Mt. point point on Meeting | a dis- | to a line from boundary thence a 651 Miles Co. Roads Included In Bill Now Before Legislature IF BILL PASSES, ROADS TAKEN OVER AUG. 15 intersecting one in Rapho Township Route 36002 about mile north of Mt. Joy northerly hrough Rapho Joy Townships to a point ng Route 36066 ‘thence from quarter Borough and Mt. intersect- at Mascersonville, a point intersecting Route 36006 about. one mile north- west of Mastersonville northeaster- ly through Rapho Township to a pein: intersecting Route 138 about one half mile west, the Rapho Penn Township Line distance of about 14.82 miles. Route 36068. Beginning point in Eas: Donegal (Turn to page 8) of a at a Township FASTER CANTATA INU. B. CHURCH “IMMORTALITY,” BY R. M. STULTS, WILL BE RENDERED BY THE CHOIR ON SUNDAY EVENING AT 7:30 at Mt. Bible o'clock Special services will be held the United Brethren Church of Joy on Easter Sunday. The School will convene at 9:00 in charge of Mr. Harry N. Nissly, superintendent, with appropriate ex- At 10:15 Holy Communion will be administered by the pastor, the Rev. C. E. Rettew, at which ser- vice there will be baptism and re- ception of members. The Young People’s Societies will convene 6:30 and the choir will render Easter Cantata at 7:30. The Cantata, “Immortality,” by R. (Turn to Page 4) ercisc S. an Here on Saturday The 1. O. O. F. league bowling team of Lancaster will bowl the Garden Spot team here on Saturday night at 8 o'clock. etl © ER Entertained Farmers The Lions Club, at Manheim, at its last meeting, entertained a number of farmers when they heard a talk 1 “A Square Deal for the Farmers.” ASKS SPORTSMEN TO DEFEAT BILL NUMEROUS OTHER GAME BILLS PENDING SHOULD BE KILLED TO KEEP HUNTING INTACT After a cently made Harrisburg, four weeks survey re- in Washington and on hunting and fishing bills in congress, by Ira E. Mellin- ger, president of the Lancaster County Fish and Game Protective Association, who asks all sportsmen te at once cooperate by letter or petition with their respective Legis- lators onythe following bills and reasons to vote No, either in Com- mittee or on the floor at Harris- burg. The Norton Senate would if enacted spread the ious and hideous protection (Turn to page two) —— ee Now a Member of A. C. S. Mr. Robert H. Brubaker, Baltimore, Md., brother of Elizabeth and Gori- rude Brubaker of 26 West Donegal Street, was elected a member of the American Chemical Society. He is al- so a member of the Honorary Chemi- cal Fraternity which is achieved through good scholastic ability. Eee. Injured When Truck Upset i Messrs. Fred H. Baker and Peter Risser went to Pottsville mines for coal yesterday and while driving home near Pine Grove, a tire on the Reo Speedwagon blew out and the truck upset. Both men were slight- ly injured, rr A leis 532, nox- of Bill No. Big Sale Friday Don’t forget the big sale of (. S. Frank & Bro. at their place of busi- ness near town on Friday, Apr. 3. They will*gell cows, bulls, heifers, shoats, poultry, chicks, etc., etc. Sale afternoon and evening. rt mee Qe mens An Interesting Program A program of recitations, a talk and vocal selections will be present- ed by the young people of the Chig- ues, Church of the Brethren on Sun- day, April 5th, at 7:30 P. M. rt OA ’ Kefaloniaus—Hawthorne Mr. Stevonius Kefaloniaus, 41, Mt, Joy, and Miss Ruth Hawthorne, 20, of this boro, were married Sun- day by the Greek priest of Lancas- ter. at | den plot this season, keeping an ac- | | stove pipe on 4 H GARDEN CLUB WAS ORGANIZED HERE SATURDAY Sixteen boys and girls of the com- munity, ranging in age from 10 to 18 years comprise the Mount Joy 4 H Garden club which was organized on Saturday morning at a meeting held in the Union National Bank, President of the new group is Martha Jane Reist. Other officers elected were: Vice president, Wayne Stauffer; secretary, Mildred Eby; treasurer, Robert Garber; cheer and song leader, Vivian Eby, and report- er, Ellen Garber. Norman E. Garber Mount Joy, farmer, is local leader. Speakers at the meeting Prof. J. M. Huffington. State College extension specialist, and Assistant County Aegnt H. S. Sloat. Each club member will undertake to plant, cul- | tivate and harvest a vegetable gar- were count of all activities. The club will hold a meeting evening . of April 10 in this ¥ plac e. EASTER INT. E. LUTHRN CHURCH SPECIALLY PREPARED PRO- GRAMS WILL BE RENDERED BY PRIMARY DEPT. AND MAIN SUNDAY SCHOOL the Easter day will be a busy one at Trinity Lutheran church, beginning with the session of the Bible School at 9:30 A. M. The main service will be held at 10:30 A. M. at which the Holy Communion will be administer- ed. This will be preceded by a short Confessional service for those who could not be present at the Good Fri- day service. At the morning service the Choir will sing the following se- lections, “They Have Taken Away My Lord,” by Stainer, and “Jesus Christ Is Risen,” by Neidlinger. At three o'clock, the Primary School will hold its own festival at | (Turn to page 5) GENERAL NEWS ~ : FOR BUSY FOLKS INTERESTING . HAPPENINGS FROM ALL OVER THE COUNTRY FOR | THE BENEFIT OF THOSE WHO | © HAVE LITTLE TIME TO READ. Mr. is sick with | grippe. Mrs. Ruth D. W, K ramer Mclaughlin was ill with grippe last week. | Sheaffer's restaurant at Manheim was sold to Clair Edmonds. A spelling bee; will be held in the Mastersonville school this evening. J. Norman Weaver is now .assist- nt cashier of the Manheim National bank The Susquehanna river at bia is higher now than it has since 1928. At a public sale at York last week a Chippendale grandfather's clock was sold for $1,750. 5211 .families at Lancaster supplied with coal from the coal fund during March. The perfonal property sale of the (Turn to page 8) Colum- been were city Passed Bad Check Thursday afternoon Constable E. Zerphey arrested H. R. Fellenbaum, of Refton, on a warrant from Squire Zeller's office charged by John B. Tryon with passing a worthless check. He furnished $300.00 bail for a hearing at a later date. Remember the Date Reserve June 11 for a trip to State College, Farmers’ Field Day will be held then. 7 ! nely, | Smith | Marks Had Many Guests Monday night Constable had 14 lodgers in the Boro 1 EIGHT FLEE AS HOUSE BURNS FIRE FROM AN OVERHEATED STOVE .PIPE DESTROYS JAMES R. HOSTETTER'S DWELLING ON R. 2, ELIZABETHTOWN. Eight members of a family were forced to flee from their home when it was destroyed by fire early Thurs- day evening. The home burned was that of James R. Hostetter, Elizabeth- town R. D. 2, about six miles from Elizabethtown. Loss was estimated at $5,000, partly covered by insurance. Edgar Eugene, twelve year old son of Mr. Hostetter, discovered the fire from outside the house when he noticed the light from the flames shining through an attic window. The fire was found raging around the the second floor, and (Turn to page 5) CQ Qe Births A son was born to Samuel Hosler, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Dourte, Rapho township, announce birth of a son, on Tuesday. eG rere Banks Closed Good Friday being a holiday, both Banks here will be closed. LOCAL DOINGS AROUND FLORIN MR. JOHN D. EASTON GIVEN A BIRTHDAY SURPRISE MONDAY EVENING—MANY FLITTINGS IN TOWN. Mr. and Mrs. Rapho township, on of the A birthday surpise party waS held in honor of Mr. Jno. D. Easton, at his home on Monday evening, who cele- brated - his sixtieth anniversary. The party was unique inasmuch as it was the first one of its kind held in the family in thirty-five years. The ev- ening was greatly enjoyed hy the many guests as well as Mr. Easton. were served after which ames were played. The guests were Ir. Robert Fox, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hoffmar,, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Tros- | tie and son, Mr. Jacob Baker, of | Maytown; Mr. and Mrs. Elam Bow- ers and children, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Sherbahn and children, Mr. and Mrs. | Lloyd Zimmerman, Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert Humpreville, Mrs. Martha Con- Miss Ida Easton, Mr. William Planthelt, Mr. and Mrs. Victor E. and children, Mr. Edward all of Lancaster; Mr. David Laskewitz, of Mount Joy; Mr. and Mrs. Daniel D. Stark and son, Mrs. Earl Myers, Mrs. Helen Scott, of Har- (Turn to page 5) Slid Into Ditch, Upset During the storm on Saturday ev- ening, an automobile upset near Bossler’s church, East Donegal town- ship, by sliding into a ditch. No one was hurt, and the car was only slight- ly damaged. There were three oc- cupants in the car who escaped in- jury. Cattle at Private Sale Commencing Thursday, April J: B. Keller & Bro. will sell a carload of Union County fresh cows and springers at private sale at their yards here. Deeds to be Recorded Engle to Michael Hostetter, East Donegal township, (Deed dated March 29, 2 Jacob tract in $1,023.75. 1833.) p ree / Injured Her Arm Mrs. Samuel Collins, on New Hav- en street, fell and sprained a liga- ment in her arm. Aa RAR Marriage Licenses Elam E. Snavely, Mount Joy R. D. East Pet- and Alice Mae Walter, ure. BONDS MAY BE REDEEMED 18 YEARS AHEAD OF TIME a Ts | | county | cost of fi- | bridge may 1942, it. was numerous | information | floated Lancaster to defray its share of the ing the inter-county totally stated Bonds by nanc by with for he redeemed in connection requests received bout the In county's financial status. | the final series of | to $550,000 of the $1.400,000, may | years ahead designated group of on February 1, commissioners have numerical or- out- other words, bonds, amounting total of deemed eighteen date originally county. The last scheduled to mature 1960, but the county of Lancaster county the right to redeem in der, any all of the bonds standing after February 1, 1942. OUR MORTUARY RECORDINGS MANY OF OUR BEST KNOWN PEOPLE HAVE PASSED TO THAT GREAT BEYOND WITHIN THE PAST WEEK. be re- the the bonds are issue of by reserved or Mrs. Cyrus Silknitter umbia aged 70 years. died at Col- Fred F. Baker Fred F. Baker, eighty-nine, died on Thursday morning at his home in Rapho township, north of Manheim, of complications after a Jingering ill- ness of more than a year. Mr. Bak- er was a retired farmer and a son of the late Fred and Elizabeth Fartig Baker. He was a member of the (Turn to Page 8.) INJUNCTION HALTS OF of property Erection on the which complain day, was injunction a garage or of involved garages a local resident. was in a bill of i | filed at Lancaster halted by a preliminary granted by John M. | Groff in which the defendant was restrained from proceeding with! the consiruction work. The injunction Calvin R. Kramer, 120 Lumber St., | who claimed that his neighbor, David Shonk, was about to erect a garage or garages on the pro- | pe'ty line between the two parties. | The proposed buildings were to be | was asked by SEVERAL GARAGES Mon- | h | garages, fire hazard | obta'ning garages STOCKS & BONDS AT PUBLIC SALE SECURITIES SOLD WELL RY G. CARPENTER’S SALE HERE LAST TERNOON. AT HEN- ANNUAL FRIDAY AF- The annual stock and bonds Henry G. Carpenter was held here Friday afternoon. The following were sold. 10 shares First National Bank & Trust Co. Elizabethtown at $250 to Elmer W. Strickler. 12 same withdrawn. 10 shares Florin Foundry Co. withdrawn at $6.50. 3 shares Kreider Shoe Co. ferred withdrawn. 12 shares Gerberich-Payne Shoe Co. at $100 to A. J. Gerwin. 10 shares Bachman Choc. 2nd Preferred 8% at Dellinger. 5 shares Bachman Choc. Mfg. Co. Common at $26.00 to J. A. Bachman. 40 shares Marietta Gravity Water Co. at $23.00 to H. S. Rich. 10 shares Mount Joy Farmers’ Co. withdrawn at $30.00. (Turn to page 5) ———- sixteenth sale of & Mfg. 5% Pre- Co. H. Mfg. $98.50 to Dairy Open for Business Mr. Bob Torchin, tailor, of Eliza- bethtown. has leased the J. E. 7 4 Schroll store room eon East Main oy and today opened for He does dry cleaning, dyeing, etc. The place is in charge of Walter Snyder, who will also do shoe shin- ing, dyeing, etc. They will guarantee all their work and solicit a share of your patronage ERECTION business. HERE of be frame construction and would only three feet from the Kram- res’dence, the plaintiff asserted. In his complaint, filed attorney, Harold G. Ripple, Lancaster, Kramer stated that the if erected, would create a and prevent him from insurance on his proper- also claimed, that the would depreciate the value and other properties in the er ty. He of his (neighborhood which is strictly resi- dential. The operation of the gar- ages, he added, would constitute nuisance and would affect him the enjoyment of his property. a in TRIPLE BIRTHDAY DINNER GIIVEN HERE ON SUNDAY A triple birthday dinner, was giv- en at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel B. Stark, on West Donegal street, on Sunday, in honor of Mrs. Daniel Stark, Mrs. Walter Hoffman, of Maytown and Mr. John D. Easton. These guests were present: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Keener and children, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hoffman, of May- town; Mr. and Mrs. Herman Brinser, Mr. and Mrs. John D. Easton, all of Florin; Mr. Daniel Garman, of Eliza- bethtown; Mr. Pat Shonk, of Rheems. Er a Threatened to Shoot Them Charged with threatening to shoot two Middletown women in a dispute at the home of one of them Satur- day night, Horace Means, 21, of Eliz- abethtown R. D. No. 1, is sought by police warrants charging carry- ing concealed deadly and disorderly conduct, etl Ain't That Sumpin’? man his wife from arrested at Columbia without all the When started on weapons | A were Florida for driv- He florida was taken | hitch-hike back | and said a license. from ing he drove that they Liome. a car way the way. car to rival Gilmer : It Was Their Birthday Messrs. and Clayton their birthdays, entertained to a chicken dinner on Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Derr Charles Derr Drace, in honor of were waffle home of and th Manheim is opposing ing time this year. daylight sav- | will { fyers for | Groff, i Program; | | | Tu PREPARING FOR MEMORIAL DAY VARIOUS COMMITTEES NAMED— | THE CRACK LANCASTER DRUM CORPS WILL LEAD BIG PAR- ADE HERE THAT DAY The General Committee for Decor- ation Day, 1931, held a meeting and the following committee chairmen appointed their committees and are getting everything in shape for one of the biggest days we have ever had here. The Committee the crack Lancaster Drum lead the parade As in the past invitations have different Posts Ete. Advertone here Music has hired Corps to hundred to the Drum over one mailed Jands heen and Corps, The he Coach ampli- Amplifying will the exercises. and install The committees General fellow: Benjamin F. F. Eshleman H. O. O'Neil, Parade; PF. (Turn to page 5) —— etl i eee named Committee Chairman; Clyde A New Garage Cover has garage, the Keystone, Albert Strickler's prepared work Mr. C. opened a Mew in the rear of Store, where he is to do all kinds repair Read his ad in another column — eee of Discontinued Fruit Store The Martin Fruit Store, on Main street, was discontinued terday. East yes- HISTORIC INFORMATION ABOUT 6. REPRINTED FROM A NEWSPAPER CONTAINING GEORGE WASH- INGTON’'S DEATH AND FUNERAL 132 YEARS AGO. { Last week the Bulletin contained a | small article about the president of | Jonesboro Baptist College having in his possession a newspaper containing | an account of the death of George | Washington. Saturday, and much to the writer's | surprise, he was handed a copy of this same paper, The Ulster County Gazette, printed in Kingston, N. Y., Saturday, January 4, 1800. The |pa- | WASHINGTON per is the property of a resident of | East Donegal township. It is in an excellent state of preservation and much of its contents are so interest- ing that we reproduce it. The entire first page of the paper is | devoted to President John Adams message to Congress and the Se information from London under | of Oct. 18, 1799, etc. There are also a number of tisements, some of which | printed. The column rules on th and third pages are up printing very black, Washington’s death. | (Turn to pa