‘The Mount Joy Bulletin VOL. XXX, No. 39 MOUNT JOY, PENNA, WEDNESDAY, 4, 1931 $1.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE Most Folks Shop Where They Are Invited---An Advertisement | in These Columns Is An Invitation SCHOOL BOARD MET ON MONDAY DECIDED TO IMPROVE THE SOC- CER FIELD AND ADD TENNIS COURTS — HIGH ENTERS UR- SINUS INTER COLLEGIATE DE- BATING LEAGUE The regular March meeting of the local School Board was held Monday | evening. The board appropriated $10 to pay the entrance fee for the Mount Joy High school to enter the Ursinus In- ter-Collegiate Debating League with Lititz, Manheim and Columbia. The first debate will be held Tuesday, March 10. The recommendation that the school playgrounds be improved and that tennis courts be added this spring was made in a report sub- mitted by the Supervising Principal Nitrauer. It was decided field in such shape that it will covered by sod in the Fall grounds surrounding the school will also be improved. The report from the Department Harrisburg relative to the State Retirement fund as at the State Teachers’ Williamsport last Fall, to put the soceer The grade at Teachers’ nrought out convention at was received. The Board then paid bills for the month amounting to $254.88 after which it went into executive session, excluding Lancaster repre- sentative, At this time the the teaching corps school term. Card Party Monday A-card party will be held in the American Legion Home under. aus- pices Post No. 185, Monday even- ing March 9th at 8:35. Come and play your favorite card game and w.n one the many beautiful prizes. Refreshments served hy the Ladies’ Auxiliary. Admission fifty cents, a press discussed coming Board for the wi en eee lle A Starling Shoot Sunday, March 8, a starling shoot will be held at the White Oak Hotel. The birds will cost ten cents each and all events and purses will be made to suit the shooters. These matches should prove real interest- ing. me od Letters Granted Amos R. Herr, Mt. Joy administrator of Oscar G. Herr, Mount Joy township. COUNCIL MET ON MONDAY NIGHT PASSED A RESOLUTION AUTH- ORIZING FRIENDSHIP FIRE CO. township, of TO MAINTAIN A BENEFICIAL | ASSOCIATION FOR FIREMEN’S BENEFIT The regular March meeting of Boro Council was held Monday evening with all Councilmen and the Burgess present. Burgess ceipts from license amount of $21.50 for Mr. Miller reported and streets cleaned. Mr. Hawthorne reported ceipt of a tank of chlorine need a_car of coal at the works. The committee ted to get ‘bids. Mr. Althcuse reported al of all the bills. Mr. Arntz reported cle received and in service. Smeltzer stated number of men are applying for work and if the weather (Turn to Page 4) rr ii A ier LOCAL BOARD OF HEALTH ORGANIZED LAST NIGHT Chandler reported re- money to February. ashes hauled the and the water instruc- of was thes approv- new motorcy- that to him is fav- d Supervisor A meeting of Mount Joy Borough Board of Health was held last night and the following organization effec- ted for 1931. President, Harry G. Brown; Vice President, Roy B. Sheetz; Health Physician, Dr. A. F. Snyder; Secretary, M. M. Leib. F. E. Hershey was elected Health Officer. Salaries of secretary and health officer were made same as last year. On account of the measles epidemic now prevail- ing, on motion the following instruc- tions weresmade to our Health Offi- cer: That he makes inquiry from Principal Brandt of the grade schools as to the number of pupils absent for three days on account of sickness, their names and addresses. He is to visit the homes of the pupils and in- quire into the nature of the illness and report same to the Board of Health. It seems that some they have measles do not employ a physician and therefore “the Board of Health does not get a report of the case and no quarantine is posted. The Board desires the case or cases to be reported to the Health Officer even if a physician is not employed. eal families when Harold Wagner the past week. was T years old be | the | re- | ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT OF COLEBROOK TEACHER Rev. and Mrs. Aaron S. Heisey, of near Cornwall, on Sunday announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Helen Li. Heisey, to Earl W.! Longenecker, of Mount Joy. Thirty guests attended a held in the Heisey home, at the announcement was made. Miss Heisey is a graduate of Leba- non High school, class of ’27 and al- so attended Elizabethtown She is at present teaching at Cole-| brook. FARM WOMEN NO. MET AT FALMOUT THE PROGRAM INCLUDED PIC. TURES OF THE PASSION PLAY AND A TALK ON A ‘TRIP TO EUROPE—REFRESH- MENTS SERVED TO A VERY GOOD ATTENDANCE Laura Keller and Miss An- Keller entertained the So- of Farm Women, No. 5 their country home southeast of here on Saturday afternoon. The following program was given: Opening tong, “The Star Spangled Banner;” a copy of the year book was pre.ented in response to the roli call; viclin sole, Mary Eliza- beth Nissley, Mrs. Norman Garber gave a report of the Harrisburg ccnvention; piano solo, Elsie Hoft- er; vocal solo, Prof. G. Meyer, accompanist, Mrs. E. G. head of the music department of Elizabeth college; viol'n solo, Mary Elizabeth Nissley; Miss Mary S.rickler showed pictures of the Passion Play and gave a talk on her trip to Europe; piano# solo, Elsie Hoffer; closing song, ca.” Refreshments were served to following: Mrs. Wayne Aungst, | Mrs. Albert S. Ebe sole, Mrs. { George Enslow, Mrs. Robert For- ney, Mrs Norman Garber, Miss Pauline Garber, Mrs, Harry Gish, Mrs. Clarence Greider, Misses Ma- bel and Fanny Heisey, Mrs. B. F. Hoffman, Miss Ada Kraybill, Mrs. Ruth Kraybill, Mrs. John Mumma, Mrs. Harry Miller, Miss Musser, Miss Mary Strickler, Ruth Eby, Mrs. Clarence Mrs. Abner Risser, Mrs. mer, Mrs. Jacob Heisey, thur Sechrist, Mrs. ers, Prof. and Mrs, { Mrs. Ray Withers, { Strickler, Mrs. Walter Carrie Garber, Mary Nissley, fisther Lindemuth, Hoffer, Mildred Eby and Mrs. | Lindemuth. party which Mrs, na L. ciety | | E. the Miss Reist, Mrs. Ar- Samuel With- E. G. Meyer, Mrs. Elmer Engle, Mrs. Elsie Had His Auto Stolen Allen C. Bates, of S. Barbara ing license No. 8803-Y, stolen a parking space near Queen and Walnut streets, Lancaster, last Wed- nesday. rr Printing the Book tract for printing the year the Lancaster County Firemen's ! sociation and we are now busy on it. This is the second successive year this work was done in Mount Joy, aa... book of Removed to Hospital George Cator, colored, was moved to the General Hospital at i Lancaster on Monday treat- , ment, for — eet BD GR Banking Head Resigns Peter G. Cameron, State Secretary Banking, has resigned. RURAL DWELLING of EXPLOSION OF AN OIL LAMP GIVEN AS THE CAUSE OF .THE BLAZE FIRE COMPANY PRE- VENTS DESTRUCTION OF THE PROPERTY A lamp explosion in thought $2 Frank while the f Lancaster by firemen to ,300 damage when Fletcher, Jr., was shopping have caused the home of | West Hempfield ! fire, Saturday evening. A passerby saw the flames in the lower part of the house shortly after 9:30 o'clock and notified Walter Newcomer, a neighbor, who called Friendship Fire company, of this boro. Soon afterward the Fletchers returned and rushed to the saving ithe personal property otherwise would have burned. Arrival of the fire company and the efforts of the family and neigh- bors succeeded in restricting blaze to one wing of the two one-half story dwelling. The proper- ty, which is owned by David Hos- tetter, suffered about $1,500 damage and the contents ruined are valued at $800. There was no insurance. The farm is located about miles south of Mount Joy, old Moore's Mill property. which college, | at Donegal Springs. | “Ame-i- of the state government. | | | Frances ship, (iron D. C. Wit- Columbia into the river. | birds, Elizabeth beetles. | “NEW DEER TEST street, reported his automobile, bear- | EE from STATE GAME COMMISSION The Bulletin was awarded the con-' 1 S10Nn | the | deer. | re- | , buck | opens. | DAMAGED BY FIRE ,. line amily | | dred Geistweit of Rheems, announce is : | township, was partially destroyed by | Sunday. house, | ployment to 250 men and women. the from the Columbia bridge and toss- and {ed into the river, three crop thruout the county near the | purchased at prices ranging from 10 MAY ESTABLISH FISH HATCHERY FEDERAL FISH H COMMISSION 1s CONSIDERING DONEGAL SPRINGS AS A PROBABLE LOCATION. Many, many years ago there was cne of the biggest trout hatcheries It was owned by the Camerons and was in |charge of Mr. Nathan R. Buller, who later headed the State Fish Commiss’on for many years, until Gifford Pincho: became Governor a second time. Representatives of the bureau of fisheries of the Department of Commerce were here Saturday ! morning to inspect sites for the establishment of a federal hatchery at D. ‘Mellinger; president of the Lan- caster Coun y F.sh and Game Pro- tective assoc'ation, announced Fri- day evening. At the same time, a federal hatchery lished in Lancaster prospects that | may be estab- County in the at near future were strengthened in a communication = received (Turn to Page 4.) re ell by Be | Gave Bail Friday Constable Zerphey Eli on a warrant from the office of Squire Miller, at Marietta, charged by his wife, Car- rie, with desertion and non-support. He furnished $300.00 bail for his ap- pearance at court. a Schools to Get $64,966 Second and third class schools of Lancacter county will receive $64, 966, according to payments approved by the auditor general’s department for Court Cn rested ar- | | | | | Randler —— Er Both Were Reappointed The nominations of John H. Miller postmaster at Marietta and Chas. Taylor at Columbia were confirm- by the Senate in executive ses- sion. as E. ed rr ree WP em me Admit Their Guilt Three boys from Hellam town- who claimed they were drink- admitted having thrown 39 grates off the new bridge at ing, Eee The Ground Hog Lied least that’ss the belief of since the arrival of blue wasps, caterpillars and At many WILL GET FACTS BE- GINS EXPERIMENT TO SETTLE LONG DEBATED QUESTION |. E. THE PROPER RATIO OF SEXES Determined to learn the facts about what has been debated question the Game inaugurated a experiment to sex ratio for exact a much Commis- large scale determine whitetailed has breeding proper In a ten acre enclosure near Pine Grove Furnace, formerly known as the “deer traps,” seven doe fawns, three yearling doe and one yearling now confined. About five acres of adjoining woodland, thick | with young sprouts of aspen, will be "added after spring are to the enclosure Additional individual deer will be (Turn to page seven.) rt Bridge occa ion on the town, will be a few days of the bridge detour should eflcoring the who have covered bridge bia rcad south of convenienced for cause the floor relaid. The a short time, rr eres ee et QQ eee ee BIRTHS and Mrs. Paul Myers nee Mil- to use Colum- in- be- be- only People is last Mr. the birth of a daughter on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Nolt, of Mount {Joy R. D. 2, announce the birth of a (daughter at the General hospital on Ea dc That's Good News At Marietta the Duplan Silk cor- poration, Hazleton, second largest manufacturer of silk in the United States, hopes to open its new plant within eight weeks and give em- AE Stole Iron Plates Thirty-seven iron plates jing 100 lbs. apiece, were weigh- stolen Police working on the case. UD rn Have Entered the Field At last the big buyers have enter- ed the buying field and the tobacco is now being are now | a) | TILLMAN SMITH, E'TOWN, \ CHARGED WITH FORGERY HERE \ Saturday might Constable arrested Tillman S. Smith, of Illiza- bethtown, on a warrant from the of- fice of Squire Grimm, Elizabethtown, charged with forgery. He forged the name of John Zerphey, of this place to a check which he cashed at Kray- bill's store at Rheems. In default of $1,000.00 bail, he was committed to the Oounty jail for a hearing Tuesday afternoon at 1.30. He was only recently released from the Lebanon county jail where |he served a sentence for forgery. | At the hearing yesterday the eyi- dence showed that he forged thtee checks. fish | Dcnegal Springs, Ira | { change in town | fine town and one Brubaker’s store here. Jno. Zerphey's name on all of them. It 1s possible that there may be oth- | ers. In default of $3,000 bail, $1,000 on each charge, he was taken to jail | to await a trial at Court in April. — MR. S. H. MILLER IS DIST. MANAGER WAS PLACED IN ( IN CHARGE OF’ THE PENNSYLVANIA LIGHT | AND POWER COMPANY’S AF- FAIRS IN THIS END OF THE COUNTY MONDAY important business Monday when Mr. Miller d.scontinued his and modern electr.cal store on West Main street, having leased it .o the Pennsylvania Light and Power Company. At the same time Mr. premoted to District Manager for this company of all its electric and gas affars in this territory which was enlarged considerably. The lessors of Mr. Miller's store building will make that their dis- tr.c. offices and sales room for the sale of all kinds of electrical ap- pliances, bulbs, lamps, stoves, etc. The interior will be remodeled so as to conform with the above. The Penna. . Light and Power Company recently purchased an eight acre tract of land from Mr. Hostetter along the Marietta pike at the Union school house. A heavy transmission line will be extended There was an Somuel H. Miller was substation will be erected which the substation on Barbara street, in this boro, discontinued, Mr. Miller will. discontinue the sale of anything carried by the lessors of his huilding. He has al- ready .begun the work of erecting an addition in the rear of his pres- ent store building where Mrs. Mil- ler and his son John Miller will continue amateur photographic work and electrical contracting. They will carry a stock of electri- cal supplies used in wiring, ete. The Bulletin congra ulates Mr. S. H. Miller on his promotion which carries with it a handsome salary, and wishes him unlimited success in his new position. HAS NEWSPAPER OVER 100 YRS. OLD MISS MARIE GANTZ, OF TOWN, HAS A COPY OF THE SATUR- DAY EVENING POST PRINTED DEC. 24, 1825—REPOSED IN A BELFRY HERE FOR MANY YEARS after South will be Miss Marie the owner The Saturday Philadelphia, This posed Gantz, of this of an old Evening December newspaper for many in the belfry of school building of Mount” Joy Boro, which stood opposite Dr. Chandler's garages. When this building to be used for a school, about 1 it was sold and remodeled. fry taken down. Mr. Brunner, now dead, obtained paper at that time and obtained it from her Mr. Brunner's wife. . The Saturday Evening Post at that time was a four-page 6-column sheet. Its subscription price was $2 (Turn to Page 3) —— Meets Tonight The regular monthly meeting of the directors of the Mt. Joy Building & Loan Association will be held at the First National Bank and Trust Company this evening. —— place, is Post, dated 24, 1825. years re- the high 873, Jacob this Miss Gantz aunt, who was was Rapidly Being Paid To March 1 the tolls collected on the new river bridge at Columbia amounted to $110,850. Oe. Bought a Chevy Mr. Harold Krall, of town, pur- chased a 1931 Chevrolet roadster from Mr. E. B. Rohrer, of town. — Friday, March —At the Community Sale, Florin, Pa., o'clock, real estate by Thomas ward Stoppard. ‘Vogle, auct. 27 Florin at 8 Ed- I” 13 cents. newspaper, | ceased | The bel- | One for $12.75 at Kraybill’s places for holding store, Rheems; one for $12.75 at A.!R. tions in said School District for Kettering’s butcher shop at Elizabeth- | purpose of obtaining the for $12.60 at Daniel | |the qualified electors of He forgdd 'District to increase the bonded to this point where a large outdoor : | WANT MONEY FOR SCHOOL AFFAIRS {A SPECIAL ELECTION IN EAST DONEGAL APRIL 14 FOR THE PURPOSE OF SANCTIONING A $60,000 LOAN FOR BUILDING PURPOSES At a meeting of the School Board of East Donegal Township Nov. 28, 11930, that hody passed a resolution “that a public election be held on the fourteenth day of April, 1931, be- tween the hours of seven a. m, and seven p. m. at the usual voting municipal elec- the assent of ‘said School in- debtedness of said school district.” The amount of the last assessed valuation of taxable property in said School District is $2,934,434.00. The amount of the existing debt said School District is $75,000.00. The gross amount of the proposed of bonded indebtedness is | of | | {increase | | $60,000.00. The percentage of the {gross bonded indebtedness School District (computed [last assessed valuation) is The proposed increase of bonded indebtedness of said School District is for the following purposes: "To purchase or to acquire land in or near the village of Florin, Donegal Township, Lancaster Penna., and to erect, equip or nish a school building thereon. To make necessary repairs or re- construct the cold elementary school buildings located at Lincoln, Mt. Pleasant, Union and Maytown in said East Donegal Township. Afiter very careful consideration, the Board decided that the above mave was the best way toward relief andl the matter will now be left en- tirkly to the voters of this school district. proposed of said upon the 0204. Jast Co., fur- rr A A Estates Adjudicated These amounts remain for dis- tributfon among the heirs in the following estates of local interest: Sallie E. Hershey, Mt. Joy, $927.35. Jacob PF. $69.23. Hershey, Mt. Joy, Rh a Injured Her Knee Miss Etta Mae Geib, of near Sunny- side, while going for the mail, fell and badly injured her knee. Dr. A. F. Snyder is attending her. ED Oe re GENERAL NEWS FOR BUSY FOLKS HAPPENINGS FROM ALL OVER THE COUNTRY FOR THE BENEFIT OF THOSE WHO HAVE LITTLE TIME TO READ. INTERESTING The {Fire Company at Millersville will build a new hall. Mrs. | Martin Gereber the sick list the past week. Three county lost their Mhss Rose ietta, fell Major will has been on Lancaster drivers licenses last week. M. Hegner, 54. fractured her Smedley Lancaster of Mar- hip. D. and But- March ral al Gene ler speak 25. Geo. engineer 10: re- horo asked Danner, has been Rn. C. of Manheim, sigm. Twenty on Monday cards. John Hinkle, start a dairy cents a quart. A man was Phila. terday while delivering 300 gallons of whiskey in a hearse. A $225,000 apartment house will be built on the McGram sjte at Lancaster this year. One of the movie houses at Col- umbia, has reduced its evening pric- es for aduits to 25 cents. Mildred Harry and Florence Gib son, two junaway girls of Columbia, were arrested at Philadelphia. Residents of Kreadyville have filed butcher's smoke a nuisance. arrested 1931 drivers were their auto for not having will 11 Marietta, milk at and sell at arrested at yes- protests against a house, claiming it is Miss Anna Hinkle, one of our lin- otype operators who was seriously ill, we are pleased to say fis recover- ing. ‘ The molders at the Grey Iron, who were working three days a week lately, were given one day this week. Dan Kremer birthday on Feb. Monroe, celebrated day the same day. Mr, Charles Roth sporting a new 1931 Ford coach which he pur- chased from Mr. Clarence New- comer, the local dealer. en celebrated his 69th 28th. His brother, his 74th. birth- is Bee at Sunnyside A spelling bee will be held at Sunny- side School, Mr. A. M. Martin, teach- er, next Wednesday evening, March 11. There will be two spelling and a with music, dialogues, recitations, etc. Admission will be charged. general information class interspersed | Was sentenced to MR. RAYMOND KAYLOR HAS MANY KIND NEIGHBORS Raymond Kaylor, most four hospital, who spent al- months in the St. Joseph's Lancaster, following an ac- cident while grinding corn at his home, was agreeably surprised on Wednesday morning, when a group of friends assisted him in his spring plowing. The following persons participated John Shenk, Jonas Whisler, John Ginder, Albert Gingrich, Harry and Roy Kaylor. They were all served a sumptuous dinner by Mrs. Kaylor, assisted by her mother. Mr. Kaylor wishes to extend thanks for the kind assist ance, rs ee Gere we OUR MORTUARY RECORDINGS MANY OF OUR BEST KNOWN PEOPLE HAVE PASSED TO THAT GREAT BEYOND WITHIN THE PAST WEEK. John Smith, aged 93, of Colum- bia, d'ed on Friday. Mrs, Hettie Neidigh, 86, widow of John M. Neidigh, died at the Menno- nite Home, Oreville. Bishop James Garland, 65, head of the Protestant Episcopal diocese of Penna, died at Phila. from pneumonia. Claude L. Buller Word has been received death of Claude L. Buller, of Maytown and Donegal which occured Thursday af.ernoon at his home, New Haven, Conn. H. E. 14 South West End avenue, Lancaster, a broth- er. Services and interment will be in New Haven of the former- iy is Abraham B. Espenshade Abraham B. Espenshade, sixty- formerly of Elizabethtown, R. died Wednesday afternoon at Dauphin comunty hospital, Pax- compl cations. Nephews the only survivors. held Saturday morn- ing at Geyer’s shurch, near Mid- dletown, with interment in the ad- joining cemetery. WoO, D. the tang, and nieces are Services were 9 9, of Abraham R. Myers Abraham R. Myers, sixty-eight, died at his home, 512 S. Market street, Elizabethtown, Wednesday afternoon, He is survived by his wife, Ida R. Myers and two chil- dren, Irene, wife of Roy Holten, Linsay, Ontario and Ruth, wife of W. O. Black, Elizabethtown; also three grandchildren. Services were held at the Friday afternoon with burial Tunnel cemetery. home in Mt. Elder John Herr John Herr, eighty-three, home at Elizabethtown, morning of complications. These children survive: Henry, of Myerstown; Lizzie, of Elizabethtown (Turn to page 5) —— Elder died at his Sunday Birthday Surprise A very pleasant birthday surprise was given on Saturday for Mrs. Paul Risser of Route 3, Manheim in honor of her thirty-fifth birthday. Refresh- ments were served to the following: Mr. and Mrs. David Shonk, Mrs. Eph- raim Eshelman, Mrs. Elizabeth Hoff- er, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Greiner, Mrs. Arthur Braun Ernest Lairie, Loucille Anna Risser, Mildred Ruth Edith June Risser, Martha Geib, Dorothy Brandt, Merl Hoffer, Donald Lutz. Music Miss Verna Brandt. received many and and sons, Brown, Risser, Mae Risser, Verna Cloy Hoffer, was furnished Mrs. and by beautiful wishes to thank kindly remembered if gifts who so her. a DOGS GUARD A SUICIDE'S BODY * NORMAN RISSER, F FEARING RE- MOVAL TO THE HOSPITAL, DROWNED HIMSELF LAST FRIDAY, WAS LATER FOUND BY A NEIGHBOR Two mongrel dogs which he be- friended the death watch for an Elizabethtown man who com- mitted suicide shortly after noon Friday by drowning in less than foot of water in a small stream near his home, The man who took his life was Norman Risser, fifty-seven, of East High street, Elizabethtown, who had become despondent over the fact that he was to have been re- moved to the county hospital Fri- day afternoon because of dis- ordered mental condition. Standing guard at the edge of the small creek a few feet from the partly submerged body, the two dogs for a time prevented Henry (Turn to Page 4) A Mn Only Gets Three Years Harry D. Malschnee, cashier of the Akron National to 6 a shortage stood a a former bank, in ar a0, 9 5 for years jail and $500 fine $33,000.00. and | riding Leib, | Elwood Hocker, | Risser | useful | everyone | of ALLOTMENTS FOR NEW BUILDINGS AMONG THEM WAS WAS $80, 000 FOR A NEW AND MUCH NEEDED POST OFFICE BUILDING IN MOUNT JOY—OTHER TOWNS GET AL- LOTMENTS. About the best news handed out from Washington, D. C., in "many years, was made public here Saturday when dispatches from Washington Friday night revealed that Lancaster county’s allotment of the $504,000,000 public buildings fund totaled $555,000. Included in this allotment is an ap- propriation of $80,000 for a new post- office building in Mount Joy. According to the report sent to Congress by Secretary of the Treas- ury Mellon and Post Master General Brown the funds will be used for the erection of new alterations old Federal Buildings. Columbia led the list of individual allotments in Lancaster county wth a total of $105,000. Other allotments were as follows: Manheim, $100,000; Elizabethtown, $90,000; Ephrata, $90,~ 000; Lititz, $90,000; and Mount Joy, $80,000. Allotments to cities adjacent to Lancaster Reading, $850,000: 000; West Chester, %80,000; Boyertown, ton, Md., $75,000. It will be remembered that about a year ago the department advertised for bids for a new postoffice building here but as there were no applicants, we presume the Department consider- ed this the next best move—erecting its own building. —— A AN ILLUSTRATED TALK ON REARING CHICKS to and boroughs County include Harrisburg, $750,- $80,000; Red Lion, $80,000, and Elk- “Your profit or loss in poultry for the coming year depends largely on starting good chicks right. Growing strong, healthy pullets.” C. O. Dossin, Poultry Extension Specialist from State College, will give an illustrated talk on starting and rearing chicks in the Grade School Building, here Wednesday ev- ning, March 11 at 7:30. Everybody interested in poultry is invited to take part in the meeting.” A Ue. eee Broke 'Em All Amer Kreider, of Florin, gave the boys at the P. R. R. club at Lan- caster, a shooting lesson Saturday when he broke 50 straight. Two oth- ers tied for second with 46 each. AUTO MISHAPS OVER WEEK END MISS ESTHER NYE, OF MARIET TA, BADLY INJURED IN ACCI- DENT WEST OF TOWN SATUR- DAY NIGHT — IRVIN ENGLE'S CAR UPSET There were two auto accidents figured over one young the 1 the lady other fortunate. which local folks In the injured end. badly occupants week a was the but in were more Esther Nye Hurt Esther Nye, fifteen, in the Lancaster Miss etta, hospital Mari- General of is suffering injuries sustained when a machine in which she demolished was was after side swiping another machine and crash- the nd cut ing into a tree on Harrisburg | , between here a Florin, Satur day night. She was on the mose and forehead. of the the A. Shirk of | George Elizabethtown 9 R | slightly driy cl ‘2 and D er machine, was cut about was | &1V |e en first ian, of town According to Px A. Pa towards | Highway | St own, when mach of opposite sideswipeed a e | vi anhe | tre driven Lein Alleman, going in the then crashed into a Car Turned Over while Irvin Engle, town, and accom- Neiss. also of town, the Marietta and the Chevrolet sedan heyond his control, off the and The occupants were not injured but fhe car was damaged et A Child Health Clinic The reemlar Health Clinic American 45 Sunday son of J. panied Avery Engle, of by Park were driving on Lancaster pike, got ran road upset. child the There meeting of the held Home. Mothers. Workman and Dr. nrofess’ anal Miss Ethel was in Legion Babies, Will’am were were 35 Dr. Snyder charge Kersey The Garber Mrs. O. The held from assisted by R. N. hostesses Mrs G Child the 17th 2 to 4. ee et This Is Penna. Day Governor Gifford Pinchot ignated today, March 4 nia Day. Ww. and were Mrs. E George Kercher Longenecker Health Clinic of March, will be hours: and has as Pennsylva- des-