WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1931 THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO., PA. EE SY ale Bills PRINTED At The ; a ct Ce A 3 CORR : Personal Property Sales A We Will Do Your Work Proniptly Sy , and Attractively | The Time Is Soon Here To 1 ay ADVERTISE YOUR = = 2 or SY = Farm Stock 2 all ..AND... £2 ’ = 2 = When we print your Sale Bils, we publish the Sale in the “Bulletin” Sale Register, each week until the Sale, Free of Charge. If we are to print your Bills, bring or send in your date, so that we may give you the advantage of our Free Sale Register service, which will prevent another sale in your locality on the same day. £= A ah ~ } Donegal Presbyterian Church Rev. C. B. Segelken, D. D., Pastor Church school at 9.30. D. C. Witmer, Superintendent. Evening worship and sermon :30 o'clock. : at Methodist Episcopal Church Rev. Wm. H. Beyer, Pastor 9:30 A. M. Sunday School. Dr. E. W. Garber, Supt. 10:30 A. M. Sermon by pastor. 7:30 P. M. sermon. Wed. afternoon, Junior League. Wed. 7:30 P. M. Prayer meeting. The First Presbyterian Church Rev. C. B. Segelken, D. D., Pastor Church school 9:30 A. M. H. S. Newcomer, Superintendent. Morning worship and sermon at 10:30 o'clock. Joint meeting of the Elders and Trustees on Wednesday evening, Feb. 18th, at 7:30 at the manse. Mark’s Church of The United St. Brethren in Christ The Rev. C. E. Rettew, Minister 9:00 Bible School. 10:15 Morning Worship. 6:30 C. E. Societies. 7:30 Evangelistic Service. Prayer meeting Wednesday eve. S. after Prayer meeting. Thursday evening Meet at church S. Board League Frank Musser’s. Ushers’ at at 7:16, St. Luke’s Episcopal Church Rev’d. William S. J. Dumvill, Rector Holy Communion and sermon the first Sunday of each month at 10:30. Sunday Schoel 9:15. Morning prayer and sermon at 10:30. Evening prayer and address 7. Choir rehearsal Wednesday even- ing 6:30. All who have no church home are invited to come and worship with us. Church of God Rev. I. A. MacDannald, D. D. Minister S. S.9:30A. M. J. S. Hamaker, Supt. Sermon 10:30 A. M. C. BE. 6:30 P. M Elmer Bailey, leader. Sermon 7:30 P. M. Junior choir Wednesday 4 P. M. Mid-week service Wednesday at 7:45 P. M, Men’s Chorus 8:30 P. M. Wed- nesday. Choir rehearsal Thursday 7:30 P. M. You are cordially invited to wor- ship with us. Florin United Brethren Church office building ‘herg field caught on fire but %jth the In Shalt help of the Banbridge Fire \Co Rev. J. C. Deitz er, Ph. D. was soon exuinguished. y Minister red neato Sunday announcements: ay G Christmas Trees ible School at 9:30 A. M. Some mt ri Re ’ ch re) . ” nO 3 syivanl¢ farmers. who worship at 10:30 A. M. |, = rat y have planted Christmas trees have Junior Society 5:15 P. M. found that they could. start has . . d > 0 a start nar Intermediate Society 5:45 P. M. vesting’ in 6. or. 7. years,’ One farm Senior Society 6:30 P. M. SN fh. JSD id E ' hi 7:15 P. M er in Northampion county grew ren’ rs : 310% . : y Vong on Ap; {+x $1250 worth of trees in six year (Evangelistic service.) on’ onc-daarter secre. whieh had Theme: The Revival at Samaria. t A . een a garden. Weekly Announcements: nisl) ir ir rehearsal ig Choir rehearsal Tuesday at 7:30. Sclect Garden Site Prayer service Thursday at 7:30. Locate the garden where it will Catechetical Instructions Friday |p conven'ent. Make large en- at 7:15 P. M. vu ough for a 12 nth supply of a Text books used: “The Christian lates. assortment of vegetables If Catechism,” Dr. Schoff. “Rightly Di}. warden js 100 feos long muck viding the Word,” Dr. Schofield. labor can be saved by plowing with You are cordially invited|to allla team and planting in long rows services of the church. for horse o~ wheél-hoe eultivation. een met =. emer Qu ‘e Departmfent to Improve Dairy Herd ( th © to house §equip- | Remove ser m the ment, {generation tile by Coatesville—Sites and plaks be- only good ing considered and discuss for (say Statg specialist construction of new Federal post | Buy b Tuesday, March 10—On the pie- mises near the borough of Mount- ville, in West Hempfield Township, live stock and farming implements by Ada Mae Smith. Wasser, auct. Tuesday, March 10—On the road leading from Silver Springs to Salunga, about one-half mile from Former and 2% miles from Sal- unga, live stock, implements and household goods by Frank S. Nolt. Frank, Auct. Wednesday, March 11—On the premises in Rapho township, 2% miles southeast of Mount Joy, on the road leading from Mount Joy to Newtown, live stock and farm, implements by C. L. Nissly. Frank, auctioneer. Thursday, March 12—On the prem- ises, the Getz farm along the Harris- burg concrete highway 3 miles west of Lancaster, live stock and farm implements by Martin XE. Greider. Frank, auct. : Saturday, March 14—On the premises on Cooper Avenue, Lan- digville, large lot of household goods by Edith Heiserman and Annie Frey. Wasser, auct, Monday, March 16—On the premis- the former Nissly farm, midway between Florin and Rheems, 20 hors- es, es, 4 mules, 10 stock bulls and 75 shoats by Irvin H. Kaylor. Monday, March 16—On the C. Spangler Estate farm, one mile north of Maytown, three mules and a large lot of farm implements by H. N. Risser. Frank, Auct. Monday, March 16—On the premi- ses on the C. Spangler Estate Farm, one mile north of Maytown, on the road leading from Donegal to May- town, 3 head of horses and imple- ments by Derwin Shumaker, Frank, auct. Tuesday, Mar. 17—0On the premises along the Lancaster and Marietta pike, midway between Marietta and Silver Spring, large lot of live stock, the entire lot of farm implements by Wm. Eshleman. Frank, auct. Thursday, March—19—On the premises, 132 miles north of Mt. leading: to Milton live stock Joy on the road Grove, farm implements, and some household goods by H. W. Gutshall, Frank, auct. \, i Freeman McCurdy is still confined to his bed. Mr. ahd Mrs. Aubrey Goudie of Lebanon Vigited Mr. and Mus, J. S. Goudie on Mrs. C. J. Meistand, Mrs. Benja- min Miller and Irs. Benjamin Lan- dis spent Saturdgy afternoon at the Mission SewinghSchool at Mari- etita, \ Our village had quifig scare on Friday noon while some%refuse pa per was being burned “he grass a PAGE FIVE of Ee 4 RELIGIOUS NEWS | c= WEGCAL DOINGS ~ If you want a notice of your sale IN OUR CHURCHES in sia ‘regime weetv AROUND FLORIN from now until day of sale, ABSO- LUTELY FREE, send or phone us NEWS PERTAINING TO ALL THE your sale date and when you are (From page 1) CHURCHES IN MOUNT JOY |ready, let us print_your bills continue until Baster. BORO AND Tk ENTIRE Thav's the cheapest advertising you| wy and Mrs. Harvey Shank and MUNITY | Saturday, Feb. 14—At their place of gushes of Plizahethiont, Were le | business near Mt, Joy, shoats, apples, Bue =r : Me Mrs. Filmer Schle. sap ; cabbage, poultry, merchandise, etc, ICH, On Sunday. Kraylill's Mewnonite. Clutreh hy O S Frank Bro. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ebersole 10.00 ao ho ns Thursday, Feb. 19—On the premis- and children spent Sunday with her . reh 1 es, the farm of the Thomasville Store ye ad on Henry Miller, Co., along the Lincoln Highway at [Rar bosslers church. M t ’ ay SOS ang DOE Sa CR A Thomasville, large lot of farming im- Mr. Dawes, manager of the Florin E P 2 plements by Levi L. Heisey and J. L. Milk Station, has returned home . E. Lutz, Minister from the John Hopkins Hospital 8:30 A. M. Sunday School i De 5 - M. Sunday School. Saturday, Feb. 21st—On the premi- | Where he was a patient for a few 7:00 P. M. Preaching. ses in the village of Salunga, W.|days. Hempfield Twp, real estate and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Greenawalt en- Maytown Reformed personal property by Albert Brosey |tertained the following guests at Rev. James B. Musser, Pastor and David Malehorn, Executors of the |dinner on Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. I. School 9:30 A. M. last Will and Testament of Benj. |Foreman and family; Mr. and Mrs. Morning service and sermon at Brosey, Deceased. Henry Brandt and daughters, of 0:30 A. M. Pn Beh 7 On the , premises, | Elizabethtown; Mr. and Mrs. Henry pr—————— on the road leading from Manheim to |}, Breneman and Mr. and Mrs. Clay- Reformed Mennonite Church Colebrook, near Old Line, over 100|ton Breneman. y Tr EE To fe ot pars Tete Mo Cweme S (Nisley oes re > services e = prements, etc. by Allen 11. Hoffer. merchan sustained minor bruises formed Me ite church in Landis-| Tuesday. March 3 an we $e hes Sone) Sox ia : Tuesday, March 3-——On the prem- when his car was siruck by another ¢ xt ay evening at (100. ligeg near Hossler’s church, in Rapho |: to on the Harrisburg pike, at mm ers townsh’p, live stock, implements | Rheer at 9:30 o'clock Saturday Trinity Lutheran Church and household goods by Harvey G. |night. Nissley said the driver of the Rev. Geo, A. Kercher. Pastor | Becker. Frank, auct. mysteriously disappeared ible School 9.30 A. M. | Tues | af crash. The auto which Morning worship 10:45 P. M. [ipises 1 \ [struck the ley car, according to Gatechetical Class 2 P. M. {in West 1 mpfi I live | Chie f Police Blaine Stephens, of i Vespers 7 P. M. tock, farmin nd | ElizabetH ow wned by John | sar {Some household v Johr WV [ Me kley Elizabethtown, who al- Church of God W auct. 1 i t len from a parking’ Rev. Broske, Pastor Wednes ay, Man On the pre { place Mr, Nissley was accompan- Sunday School 9:30 A. M. | ses 2% miles southeast of Mount | ed by Mr. Harold Buller and Moraine Service znd. serraon \Joy, implements, stock and house | daughters, Alverta and Maude. 10:30 A. M hold goods by C. N. Greider. Frank, | -~ . Evening service 7:00 o'clock. suck, a suf MARKETS I'hursday, Mar, 5—On the premis Ss St. John’s Lutheran of De farm, ip Fast it. per bushel 75¢ egal, about one mile west of Donegal | (‘ory yer bushel 85¢ Maytown Springs and two miles no th of May Egan Dey Yonen. Like a 3 Rev, Kirby Yingst, Pastor town, 14 head horses and mules 16 rae De Sm la : Sundey School 950 A. M. fows, 4 hora 3 o en Butter, per pound ......... és 32¢c service and we, $y , shoats, 1 Lard, per pound ....... llc 10:50 A. M plements and household goods, by : + Me Paul R. Ibach. Frank, auct. Children Almost Hate Cress, Nervous Mother “My ®hildren almost hated me, I was so crags. Thanks to Vinol, my all gone and we are happy again.” “Mrs. T. Johnstone. For 30 years “doctors have pre seribed Vinol becaWge it contains im- portant mineral of iron, calcium and cod The very FIRST bottle ings sound sleep and a BIG appetite, Nervous, worn-out people are surprised how QUICK Vinol gives new life a pep! Tastes delicious. E. W. GAR R, HARE SPANISH N\ ne onion sliced, one chili pepper, iy or four medium tomatoes. Put theseipto a stew pan with a small amount Qf water and let come to the boil. After cutting the rabbit in pieces, put Snto this as soon as it comes to a bdil. Then add about a teaspoonful of and just enough hot water to coves, Just before it is done, thicken with “our and butter. DRESSED. RABBITS Sold by ROSCOE HASSIN DRUGGIST, Mount Joy, Pa. 204 Mount Joy St., MT. JOY, PA. dec10-3mo. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Estate of Elva E. Leiby, late of West Donegal Township, deceased. mediate payment, and those having or demands against the same, will present them without de- ay for settlement to the under- signed. JACOB S. SNYDER, Mount Joy, Pa. jan7-6t Administrator EXECUTORS’ NOTICE Estate of Catharine C. Shenk, late of East Hempfield Township, Deceased. Letters Testamentary on said es- tate having been granted to the un- dersigned, all persons indebted thereto are reauested to make im- mediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same will present them without delay for febll-1v PRIVATE REDUCTION SALE commencing MONDAY, FEB. 16th, 1931 One Mile, South of Rheems, Pa. In order f% reduce my herd, I am offering at the above date 17 head of Holsteins, y Nine Milk Cows, 5 CANE \ Heifers, and 2 Bulls, \Six of which are pure bred. My herd is fully aec- redited. These animals can go di- rectly into any herd. unddr state su- pervision All cows test- ing association records. ese mals are part of the ‘her w produced an average of 11,800 of milk and 357 lbs. of fat. nimal offered has ghos cofit in the last young 4 only, Letters testamentary on said es- tate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested to make im- settlement to the undersigned, re- siding in Landisville, Pa. TITUS H. BRUBAKER. SR. A. K. SHENK Executors Willis G. Kendig. Atty. feb4-6t VALENTINE SPECIALS of CUT FLOWERS 1 doz. ........ 60¢c ~~ 1 doz. ..........+ «a» 60c— 2 doz. Sweet Peds ones oie SD 1 doz. Calendulas Btw ies 35 Also Blooming Potted at cut prices Phone S81R3, RUHL, The Floris