The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, February 04, 1931, Image 5

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ARY 4, ’'3t


Sale Bills #
We Will Do Your Work Promptly
and Attractively

The Time Is Soon Hete To

Farm Stock
Personal Property Sales

When we print your Sale Bills, we publish
the Sale in the “Bulletin” Sale Register, each
week until the Sale, Free of Charge.
If we are to print your Bills, bring or send
in your date, so that we may give you the
advantage of our Free Sale Register service, |
which will prevent another sale in your
locality on the same day.

Donegal Presbyterian Church
Rev. C. B. Segelken, D. D., Pastor
Church school at 9.30.
D. C. Witmer, Superintendent.
"S————— *
Maytown Reformed
Rev. James B. Musser, Pastor
Sunday School 9:30 A. M.
Morning service and sermon at
10:30 A. M.
Trinity Lutheran Church
Rev. Geo. A. Kercher. Pastor
Bible School 9.30 A. M.
Morning worship 10:45 P. M.
Catechetical Class 2 P. M.
Vespers 7 P. M.
Church of God
Rev. Broske, Pastor
Sunday School 9:30 A. M. |
Morning service and sermon at |
10:30 A. M.
Evening service 7:00 o'clock.
St. John’s Lutheran
Rev, Kirby Yingst, Pastor
Sunday School 9:30 A. M.
Morning service and sermon
10:30 A. M.
The First Presbyterian Church
Rev. C. B. Segelken, D. D., Pastor
Church school 9:30 A. M.
H. S. Newcomer, Superintendent.
| (From page 1)
{ Mr, and Mrs. George Geyer vis
{ited with Mr, and
at Elizabethtown on Sunday.
days with her brother,
very ill.
On Friday, February 13th,
Florin Community
hold another
Florin Hall.
til a later date.
Mr. and Mrs, George
family, of Lancaster, were guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. D. Easton.
Mr. Heisten Terry moved into
thie Easton property vacai:d by A.
Mrs. Katie Winters, who is visit-
ing her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ed.
Stoll, at Wilkinsburg, celebrated
and wishes to
friends who
thank her many
remembered her. She
| received fifty-three cards and many
letters and gifts.
A Spelling Bee will be held at
the Florin Hall by the Florin Gram-
mar School Saturday evening, Feb
ruary 7, 191 at 7:30. There wil
be two Spelling Classes and ome
Informatr 'n Class. Nine py es will
te giver. Admission 25¢ The pro-
ar. School; Sth
Grade: 1-1 Spelling Claz3, 12 yrs.
1st Spelling Class, 12 yrs. and un-

Morning worship and sermon at
10:30 o'clock.
Evening worship and sermon at
7:30 o'clock.

Methodist Episcopal Church
Rev. Wm. H. Beyer, Pastor
9:30 A. M. Sunday School.
Decision Ray:
Dr. E. W. Garber, Supt.
10:30 A. M. Sermon by pastor.
7:30 P. M. sermon.
Wed. afternoon, Junior League.
Wed. 7:30 P. M. Prayer meeting.

Reich’s Evangelical Congregational
Herbert E. Palm, Minister.
Sunday School at 9.30 A. M.
Elmer Roland, Supt.
Evening worship at 7:30 P. M.
Sermon Subject, “A Long Dis-
tance Call.”
Prayer Meeting 7:30 Wednesday |

St. Luke’s Episcopal Church
Rev’d. William S. J. Dumvill, Rector
Holy Communion and sermon the
first Sunday of each month at
Sunday Schoel 9:15.
Morning prayer and sermon at
10:30. i
Evening prayer and address 7.
Choir rehearsal Wednesday even-
ing 6:30.
All who have no church home are
invited to come and worship with
Church of God
Rev. I. A. MacDannald, D. D.
S. S. 9:30 A. M.
J. S. Hamaker, Supt.
Sermon 10:30 A. M.
C. E. 6:30 P. M. Leader, Mrs.
Sermon 7:30 P. M.
Junior choir Wednesday 4 P. M.
Mid-week service Wednesday at
7:45 P. M.
Men's Chorus 8:30 P. M. Wed-
Choir rehearsal Thursday 7:30 P.
You are cordially invited to wor-
ship with us.

Florin United Brethren Church
In Christ
Rev. J. C. Deitzler, Ph. D.
Sunday announcements:
Bible School at 9:30 A. M.
Morning worship at 10:30 A. M.
Junior Society 5:15 P. M.
Intermediate Society 5:45 P. M.
Senior Society 6:30 P. M.
Evening worship 7:15 P. M.
(Evangelistic service.)
Weekly Announcements:
Choir rehearsal Tuesday at 7:30.
Prayer service Thursday at 7:30.
Catechetical Instructions Friday
at 7:30. 0. M.
Books used: ‘Christian Cate-
chism,” Dr. Schoff; “Rightly Decid-
ing the Word of Truth” Dr. Sco-
You are cordially invited to all
services of the church.

St. Mark’s Church of The United
Brethren in Christ
The Rev. C. E. Rettew, Minister
9:00 Bible School—Special selec-
tion by Rev. Turkington.
10:15 Morning Worship.
7:30 Evangelistic Service. Rew.
Turkington will lead the music at
the Morning Worship and at the
service at 7:30.
There will be no C. E. meeting.
Visitors are welcomed.
Evangelistic Services are being
continued in the United Brethren
Church every night this week at
7.30. This is ‘the third week of
the special meetings, which will
continue Sunday February 9.
The Rev. W. D. Turkington, Singer
and Evangel = hn nscisted in the
der; Dialogue, “Bobtown School;”
Recitation, “Where’s My Hat?” Na-
omi Brown; Dialogue, “Lunette
Wakes Up;” Drill, Tin Pan Parade,
Boys; 2nd Spelling Class, Open to
all; Selection, Rhythm Orchestra;
Dialogue, “Doctor Cure All;” Song,
School; Dialogue, “Pantaloon Fight”
Drill, “Shoemaker’s Song,” Girls;
General Information Class, Open to
All; Dialogue, “School Master
Abroad;” Drill, “Flag Drill,” Girls;
Song, “Musical Combat,’ School.
Early Morning Fire
At 1:50 lad: Thursday morning
fire was discovered at the home of
Charles Barrick, on West Main
street. Fortunately the flames were
extiinguished before much damage
was done. Heat from the kitchen
stove evidently set fire to the doors
which enclose a fire place. A call
was sent in for Friendship Fire
Co. at Mount Joy. They responded
promptly but the fire was ex-
tinguished before they arrived.
(From page 1)
Their confession states Rhey slip-
ped out of church to rob the homes
of worshippers, but while robbing
the Thome residence, they were
frightened off. In fleeing from the

scene they ‘tossed the jewelry
along the trolley racks a short
didtance from the Thome home,
where it was found by Clair Lefev-
er, trolley motorman, and returned
to the owner,
Charges of felonious entry and
larceny weve lodged against the
brothers before Justice Grimm, of
Elizabethtown and in default of
bail they were commited to jail to
await a hearing Tuesday night.
At the hearing before Squire
Grimm, af Elizabethtown last night
the Commonwealth called a number
of witnesses. Also the defense,
who were represented by Miss
Edna Hearst, of Lancaster, and
who called at least a dozen mem-
bers of the U. B. Church of Florin,
who told of seeing one or the other
of the boys at church on the night
of the robberies. The last one
called was Dale Dolby who stated
that he had made a confession of
the robberies to Constable Zerphey
and County Detective Weller and
implicated his brother James. They
were released under $1,500.00
on the three charges of $500.00
each. The bail was furnished by
six members of the church.

He Was Right, But Wrong
A prominent Episcopalian tells this
one: “Little James had only been

coming to Sunday school a few
months and heard the teacher ask
many times, ‘What Sunday is this?
(The first Sunday in Lent: the fist
Sunday after Epiphany. ete.) Finaiiy
he was absent for few weeks, and
on his return the teacher asked as us
ual, “What Sunday is this?
“He replied before anyone else, “Ti
first Sunday afier - the Fourta oi
z arly: DE Bah
Woods, near Carlisle, who has been | 2early 25,000 miles in
community sale at
The meeting of the Men's Bible
class of the U. B. church scheduled
for tonight has been postponed un-
{ Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Zimmerman,
Mr. and Mrs. ‘Elma
Bowers and | reported having
her eightieth birthday very quietly |
(From page 4)
- | repairing officer Zerphey's motorcycle
Mrs. Leo Cobb, |Or purchase a new one, recommended
the latter. It would cost about $60
Mrs. A. D. Garber spent a few |l0 repair the present machine and
Claude for this machine which has traveled
three years,
and $215 in cash, a new Harley can
the be purchased. The cost would be
Sales Co... wAl $380, deducting an allowance of $165
Council ordered the purchase of the
new machine.
Mr. Arntz reported the remodeling
of the Council Chamber completed.
Supervisor Henry Smeltzer report-
ed rubbish hauled, a few old trees
removed and some stone placed on
Sherbahn. | several alleys,
Pumping Engineer Geo. W. Shatz
pumped a total of
4,770,000 gallons of water for the
month of January,
Board of Health
Secretary Leib of the Board of
Health made the following report:
During January one case scarlet
fever, one of whooping cough, one
{of measles and two of chicken pox
were quarantined in Mount Joy
Fifty-eight places in town were
quurantined during 1930. Measles
36; chicken pox 9; whooping cough
8; mumps 2; typhoid fever 1; scar-
let fever 1; erysipelas 1. One case
of pneumonia and one of tubercu-
losis were reported.
During 1930 there were 39 births
and 30 deaths in the Borough. The
oldest woman to die in the town
| during the year was aged 88. There
was one aged 85, one 82 and one 80
The oldest man was aged 77, one
74 and one 71. One woman was

aged 79, one 78, one 76, two 175,
one 74, one 71 and one 70. One
man was aged 68, one 67, one 66,
one 63, one 61 and one 60, One
woman was aged 66 and one 63.
This record of births and deaths
does not include those persons
who were born or died in hospitals
out of town.
Fifty-two regular reports were
made to Lancaster during the year
and 60 to Harrisburg. Seven nui-
sances were reported. The restaur-
{ant survey was satisfactory. The
Chiquesalunga creek was patrolled
by the Health Officer.
There is a balance in the bank to
the credit of the Secretary of
Treas! Report
Mr. H. N. Nissley, of the Union
National Bank, reported balances in
the three accounts as follows: Boro,
$2574.07; Water, $2.766.38; Interest
Mr. James Metzler, tax collector,
reported the balances outstanding on
the duplicates of 1929-30 which show=-
ed that nearly all taxes are collected.
Upon motion $1,000 was transferred
from the Water to the Interest ac-
Zerphey's Report
Officer Elmer Zerphey made the
following report:
Arrests: traffic 2, false pretense 2,
bad checks 2, larceny 2. He traveled
350 miles during January and had
136 guests at Hotel de Lockup last
These bills were then paid: Boro
account, $566.79; Water $89.65;
Strickler Coal Fund, $12.75; total
The auditors’ reports of the Boro,
Water and Sinking Fund for 1930
were then read, accepted and ordered
advertised in the usual manner after
which council adjourned.
et @ ee
(From page 1)
man's office last Thursday evening.
Constable Weller stated he made the
arrest on “information furnished” but
refused to say by whom.
Mr. Fred Schneider, Jr. of town,
admitted having ridden in a car on
numerous occasions with several oth-
er young men, that the car stopped
at Mr. Rahn’s place of business but
that he never saw anything out of
order and that Mr. Rahn’s reputation
for honesty was very good.
Mrs. Jos. Funbar, of near town,
who was seen going to Mr. Rahn's
store with several pieces of jewelry,
testified that she tried to sell them
to Mr. Rahn and couldn’t, so she took
them home again and still has them
on the attic. ¥
At this juncture Alderman Burk-
hart dismissed the case.
We publish the above facts because
there were so many rumors afloat
concerning this case.
We want to state that this man
whose honesty was questioned, is one
of our hest, fairest, and most upright

was not large enough to
Sunday School room.
be observed as Children’s night
Night when
hear Rev. Turkington speak anc
sing. The services on Sunday wil
be as follows:
B'ble School 9:00 with specia
musie by Rev. Turkington.
Morning Worship 10:15.
Evangelistic Service 7:30.
The music will be in charge o

meeting k end, will
again h : hese services
Saturday night c¢bruary 8, and all
day Sunday February 9.
ingtcn, leads the music with

trumpet and s'ngs the old songs of |of the
Mr. Turk-
| Rev. Turkington at the
{Worship and at the Evening Ser
| vice.
his |eavor Society meeting, on accoun:
Evangelistic Ser-|and Viola H. Schwanger, Elizabeth
the gospel accompanied by his OWN | vices, at 7:40.
Tonight will be
night and Thursday, will be Men
and Boy's night and Friday will
Saturday Niga will be Community
he public is invited to j ter:
citizens. He is conducting a legiti-
The Church auditorium | mate business and is enjoying pros-
accommo- | perity ever since he became a resi-
date the great crowds who came to | dent of Mount Joy and we welcome
hear him last Sunday night, and it | more like him.
was necessary to use the adjoining
Sunday School N\ LOBATA

Miss Landis received one
of the largest credit cheks from the
J. H. Troup House at Lancas-
for solving ‘We “21 puzzle.
1 Miss Rachel Lamijs returned to her
1 | home after spen ingha few days as
the guest of Mrs. Edwand Murphey at
1 | Elizabethtown. “
Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Lan enter-
tained Rev. D. E. Brenneman York,
ind Mrs. W. W. Libhart of BainbNdge
fat dinner on Sunday.


Earl R, Metzler, Rapho township,
There 7ill be no Christian End- | and Susan M. Evans, Elizabethtown.
Anthony B. Schoetter, Philadelphia,
