i wu & i is 15g WEDNESDAY. Y 28, ATL et TIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CG PAGE THREB OUR SERVICE y LADIES receive respectful at- tention and courteous service at our bank and their accounts are con- ducted with utmost care. The sin- cerity of our interest in their finan- cial welfare has made our bank particularly attractive to the fem- inine patrons. We are glad to open small as well as large accounts. — etl} § Poe — . FIRST NATIONAL BANK & TRUST GO. OF MOUNT JOY We Pay 4 Per Cent. on Savings & 9? Wanta Buy a Business? None that’s on the rocks either but a good, substan- tial honest-to-goodness proposition that is paying. If anything like that interests you, investigate this at once. I have a proposition here that won’t require a big sum of money'to handle. Business will include dwell- ing, auto truck, etc. Present owner will cheerfully help get you started. Now don’t sit and think, ACT. Come and see me or phone and I'll call. JNO. E. SCHROLL MOUNT JOY, PA. | | I Cm 7p In Jour DispLAY ADVERTISING Realizing the great Juba anse of of CUTY hike Newsbaber 1s fhe WNU. CUTZ COPY SERVICE In New Releases Fach Month ~ A Service FREE TO ALL ADVERTISE 1304304858043 430 43 430430430 0 rr 3043040 bea: 9. 0. 0. 0. 90 Xa Xa Kg Xa Xa Xa X COR WK) 9, dy 9, PLUMBING and HEATING PROMPT SERVICE Phone—179RS dodo dodo dade dedi dnd o, do eps * & Also All Kinds Repair Work PRICES REASONABLE JOSEPH L. HEISEY FLORIN, 9, XO 00 o dnd PENNA. 2 & lod ae SIMON P. oo 0 Funeral Director or 18 Poplar Street MOUNT JOY, PA. Bell Telephone 210 NISSLEY novl9-tf o (On With Launghte 3 See by the papers that the Govern- i ment has. contributed eleven’ million dollars to enforce the Prohibition | law. Gee whiz, if those bootleggers | would only behave for a while and | Uncle Sam could keep that money, they could knock that much off our | taxes. | If the Federal authotities decide to i run those 27.000 barrels of high pow- er beer they found at Rieker's Lan- ! easter Brewery, into the sewer, a lot | of our fellows.hope they'll wait till | Summer—then they will all go swim- min in that city's sewer outlets. In all his screen stuff Tom Mix, always gets the best of everything but when the owner of the 101 Ranch Show sued him for damages and a jury awarded the show man 90,000 smackers, it was just too bad. It will take a litlle actin, on Tom'’s part to make that up. Over at school in English class the eacher assigned a gomposition to be written and it had to obtain 250 words. The next morning one boy was asked to read his. This is what he had written: “My dad was driving his new car one day { and he had a puncture. The other | 236 words are not fit for publication.” { You will remember that last Fall . Ab Weaver, from Drytown, won an | Austin automobile and only had it a few days before he sold it. I never knew just why he got rid of it so ' quick but now I know. When he was bringing it home he got stuck on the! level concrete road below town and when he discovered the trouble, some one had thrown a wad of chewing gum away and the little car stuck to the highway. Ab says just before that happened it suddenly got so dark he thought he wa$ going thru a tunnel but when it got light again, discovered he had run under a Greyhound bus. Ore of my Gravel Hill friends was out for coons during the latter part of the season and he heard an old moth- er Raccoon say to her children: “Now, remember, dears, you must always watch your step, because you have the skin the college boys love to touch.” ’ cette Instead of Walking The other day a young lady walked into an accessory shop and asked if she could buy a parachute. The clerk asked her what she want- ed with a parachute, “l have a date with an aviator,” she replied. A woman from over near Lawn fasted for forty days. Afterwards she received offers of marriage from thirty Scotchmen. Over at Maytown a teacher asked a pupil the meaning of the word dimple. The girl said it was a lump inside out. Roy Sheetz tells me that some one from a nearby high school basket ball team called him by phone and asked if he would come ‘there and pick out the stiffs, then possibly they could win more games. After you're thru eating one of Ros- coe Hassinger's rabbits you don’t have to eat a dog just so you have a chaser. Two little boys were talking, said to the other: “Aren't ants funny little things? They work and work, and never play.” “Oh, I don't know about that,” plied the other. “Every time I go on a picnic they are there.” One re- they arrested a man at Lan- caster for robbery, the man whose house he had robbed went tothe Police Station and asked ta see the After thief. When brought face to face he said to the robber: “How the thun- der did you get into our house that my wife didn’t hear you?” “Rufus, did you go to your lodge | meeting last night” “Nah, suh. pone it.” “How is that?” “De Grand All-Powerful Most Supreme. Unconquerable Poten- tate dun got beat up by his wife.” Simple Subtraction Nine little hot dogs Sizzlin’ on a plate, In came the boarders And then they were ate. Met a certain lady at Lancaster Saturday night. I said: “What's the idea?” and she Teplied: I frankly admit I am looking for a husband.” I said: “‘I thought you had one.” She said: “I have and I spend most of my time looking for him.” A lady at Forin has a plump little son and I asked her if he is still so stout. She - said: “Heavens yes; He had the mumps three weeks before pap and I found it out.” “There was a blow. Somebody fell. We got up. Turning upon our antag- onist, we succeeded in winding his arms around our waist, and by a quick maneuver threw him on top of Invincible ( We dun have to pos’-| us, bringing our ‘back, at the same time, in contact with the solid bed of the printing press. Then, inserting our nose between his teeth and clev- erly entangling his hands in our hair, we had him!” Opportunity knocks at every door, but it usually ducks before most of us can open the door. THE DIFFERENCE She gave her heart to the handsome youth, The youth with a sweet mustache; She gave her heart—but her hand she saved For the gray-bearded man whose lip was shaved And whose pockets were lined with cash. A WISE OWL ee. ESSN, FORD : SMOOTHNESS i . Y aC pit aun 12 Hitt | i i \ A Pec OF A TIME N this era when it’s fashionable | many a mediocre law-student is a young things who used to think a grid- dle had something to do with the | concoct a perfectly excellent cup are seeking the |of coffee. are with in the Psychp-analysts in this male characteristic the result of desire harking back to the days when they were con- stantly being shooed out of the were little boys who wanted a finger in every to” be feminine, sweet grid-iron, and their seeking admittance them. Men love to kitchen, anyway. would probably varsity kitchen—- swains along get discover a repressed kitchen because they pie. Parties and Parents So away with repression. or from ended too the theater, drive that soon, mother’s son as well as ter. But speaking of mothers, bacon and amiability. Have a colored apron and a mission for each one in the crew —whether it’s chopping ham, beat- ing eggs, or introducing these two loves to a new mushroom com- bination and thus providing a You'll find that the more work you supply, the less you'll be distracted with And you may be ‘surprised to find that triangle in the skillet. ukeleles and things. Fling wide the portals of the pot-and- pannery and the very next time the gang follow you home from a’ moonlight lead them all into the kitchen—every daugh- if you want to continue in the good graces of your parents, the, morn- ing after the party, be foresighted and see that you have the neces- sary cans and loaves on the. shelf —and eggs, oh, by all means eggs and bacon, so that the morrow’s breakfast will not be sans eggs, Fo cook gone wrong, and that an only average dancer can often Scatter your forces if possible. Make space in the dining room for your chafing dish operations —a, lobster and shroom New- burg.is a job for at least three persons, and the electric toaster takes two to operate, one to watch the toast and the other to burn it. Then while everyone is as busy as” can be, slip into the breakfast nook, or some other informal], place and set the* table in its merriest mood. A colored peasant cloth, say, in blue and orange, orange candles to flicker their radiance into bright blue glass goblets, quaint, “inexpensive ash trays of foreign origin, and some of those delightful cats and dogs and owls and creatures whose caricature appearance belie their real salt and pepper purpose. mn Bring on the Eats The best part of this midnight- supper is that your duties as hostess cease the minute yeu en- ter the kitchen, and so do your responsibilities. It isn’t your fault if the coffee boils over or the rare- bit is a bit too rare. Anyway, they’ll ‘all bave a peach of a time —and so will you. But if you want to provide a perfect ending for your perfect party—here’s a tip. Prepare one dish in advance —one dessert you know is going to be simply gorgeous—say, a Sweet Peach Pie for your peach of a party. Here are other sug- gestions worthy of thought: * and sauté with of butter for five chafing spoons of flofr and smooth. of milk and stir until thick creamy. one-eighth teaspoon pepper add one 6-ounce can (1% cups) of lobstér meat which has been left mm slightly-heaten egg volks and two teaspoons lemon juice. enough to cook the egg slightly, but do not boil. triangles. Sweet Peach Pie: Sift together one one-third eighth teaspoon salt. in one-half cup shortening. one tablespoon of cold milk. egg is large and makes the mix- ture too soft, of the milk. Roll out like ordinary pie-crust and fill the pie tins. should make one generous-size pie shell! (500 degrees for 10 minutes). Fill, when ready to use, with well- 0 drained canned (from a No. Sprinkle grated nutmag over the top, and cover with one cup of, sweetened whipped heavy cream. This serves six persons.* | | Lobster | burg: Slice one can of mushrooms ! | | Sweet Peach Pie Cocon and Mushroom New four tablespoons in a four table stir until Add gradually two cups and Add one teaspoon salt, and Then minutes dish. Add few grains of nutmeg. large pieces: Last, add two Heat only Serve on toast of flour, and one- Rub or cut Add then one K the and one-half cups cup sugar egg, beaten, and omit some or all Chill the pastry. This amount Bake in a hot oven sliced peaches 2% size can). | Told of Lincoln’s Safety | The phrase, “plumes delivered, nuts | safely” was a secret code which was sent to Harish Pa., when Abra- | ham Lincoln h rrived in Washing- tor} Sout Arr hie tothe Pra | The new Ford hds more than idency. His original route of travel Ey One ve], | twenty ball and roller bearings hich had been ; through Baltimore, | ad to be abandoned because of the | bitter- feeling against the Union in | EVIDENCE of the high quality built into the new Ford ws Fy hy os In | we % Shi is the extensive use of ball and roller bearings. There arrishurg to ork secretly ang | 1 took a train from there to.) are more than twenty in all — an unusually large num Washington. Several books of Lin- | ber. Each bearing is adequate in size and carefully colniana state we © hs | . . 2 Shy 1 ie that the code had no selected for the work it has to do. specia significance other he . . : > those words had been a Bar At some points in the Ford chassis you will find ball Lincoln's safe arrival, bearings. At others, roller bearings are used regardless of their higher cost. The deciding factor is the per- Coureurs Dos: Bois formance of the car. The coureurs des bois, later called The extensive use of ball and roller bearings in the Ws esl, forest rov- new Ford insures smoother operation, saves gasoline, ers, uring the French regime im- . 3 Sv sek tok. mense forests covered Canada, which Increases speed and power, gives, quicker pick-up, de- teemed with fur-bearing animals, creases noise, and gives greater reliability and longer life an Bieter and the conse- to vital moving parts. quent fur trade wit h is - pealéd. to Same Ro Te md ap Other outstanding features that make the new Ford mdre than farming. and as a result, a value far above the price are the Triplex shatter-proof | leita Bune took to the former glass windshield, silent, fully enclosed four-wheel brakes, Emr nari] foe onisile Strate due sheen new ' : 1: Canada. They figure picturesquely in ers, aluminum pistons, chrome silicon alloy valves, early Canadian history and in subse- three-quarter floating rear axle, Rustless Steel, the ex- quent ficken, tensive use of fine steel forgings, and unusual accuracy in manufacturing, Lobster’s Speed One unacquainted with the lobster 3 would not give it credit for much Tue New Forp speed but it is a graceful swimmer TowN SEDAN and possesses the power of shooting with’ great rapidity through the wa- ter. That is accomplished by the broad plates at the end of its tail. These, put in motion by the powerful muscles connecting them with its “ody, strike the water with immense force, enabling the lobster to project | itself many feet. Observation has shown that one stroke is sufficient to | aropel it from eight to ten yards in a second—the speed of a fast sprinter. : L S No Standing Still OW PRICES OF FORD CARS To reach the port commonly known & $ s “Success” we must sometimes sail t Oo vith the wind, and sometimes we must wil against it. Conditions determine F. 0. B. Detroit, plus freight and delivery. Bumpers and spare tire extra his matter. But the outstanding thing at small cost. You can purchase a Ford on economical terms through s that we must sail, not drift nor lis the Authorized Ford Finance Plans of the Universal Credit Company. t anchor.—Grit. i i | | Containing Eight Rooms, All Modern Conveniences. | House has Slate Roof. aed POULTRY HOUSE 12x12 FT. h { | Corner property, along concrete highway in East Donegal Township, Florin. Here's a good substantial | . . . ! | home. Why build when you can buy a house like this for $5,500.00? | | |! { JNO. E. SCHROLL | - b | 2 Lobster and Mushroom Newburg i REALTOR MOUNT JOY Buttered Toast Triangles Stuffed Celery Stalks l§ Green Olives {2 e | COME and HEAR THE MUSICAL EVANGELISTS at TRINITY | EVANGELICAL CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH FEBRUARY 1-15 | Every Night at 7:30 o'clock Except Saturday jan28-2t = 5 8 a Ali a} i A! kk kkk kk Take Your Medicine With You Chocolate coated tablets. Just as effec- tive as the liquid. 98 out of 100 report benefit. Sold at drug stores Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound DIA EFRON MIDERE CO LYN WARS. oor oS oy 0.0 NG Strop sole oy dose C Avy