'WEDNESD Y, JANS 14th, 1931 rs Eg FEE Tea Week in ASCO Stores! The best way to prove the goodness of ASCO Teas, is to make the test. Try one of our brands, and you will agree that it pays to get The Most of the Best for the Least ASCO Black or Mixed TEA VY 1b. Pkg 10c:Y5 1b. Pkg. 19¢ Orange-Pekoe or India-Ceylon Vi 1b. 17¢ : 5 1b. pkg. 33¢ Pride of Killarney Tea 141b 19:1b tin 75¢ ASCO TUBERCULIN TESTED Evap. Milk 2 tall cans 15¢: dozen 90¢ Made from the Rich Milk of Tuberculin Tested Cows. 9¢ Gld Seal Finest Rolled Oats 2 pks. 15¢ Reg. 13¢ Fancy Lrg. PRUNES 2 1bs. 21c Reg. 13¢ Fancy Nor. Sardines ...... 2 cans 19¢ ~ Libby’s Cooked Corned Beef .......... can 23¢ ASCO Finest Orange Marmalade big jar 19¢ ASCO White Tuna Fish ........ 1-2 1b can 25¢ ASCO California Peaches ....... 2 big cans 35¢ 1—10c tumb. ASCO Peanut Butter ) 2 2 1 Ib. pkg Premium Soda Crackers ) 4 C Reg. 25¢ Asco Finest Bartlet Pears 2lc ; A... BIG CAN ar T . » Del Monte Pears, big can 25¢ : Quality Canned Foods Del Monte Fruit Salad ............ tall can 23¢ Delicious California Apricots ...... tall can 10¢ Smithfield’s Apple Sauce .......... 2 cans 23¢ Farmdale Tender Peas ............ 2 cans 25¢ ASCO Diced Carrots. ...... Lil 2 cans 19¢ ASCO Finest Tomatoes ........... med can 10¢ Made of the Finest Ingredients £ YY BREAD rae pup » nag 1 V7 ans | { ARES 1 fs -~ 1% al SR a BR 2 amie Victor Bread PisPan Je TRY A LOAF! a > Para Island Sliced PINEAP! Biz Can 95 isco Country 3 Corn 2 cans 29¢ Sunrise Tomat. KETCHUP, 3 bots 25¢ Asco Pure Strained HONEY jar 15¢ . 1B¢c Selox Speed Soap .. 2 big pkgs 25¢ Kirkman’s Cleanser ...|..... 2 cans 11¢ Naphtha Soap: ..... . 3. ... cakes 25 : Beans... . +... .%..... 2 lbs 25¢ mp Beans”... A... 2 lbs 15¢ Choice Rice ....... 3... 2 lbs 11¢ as 37c—27c 10c Saved! ASCO Coffee 1b 27¢ Victor Coffee Ib 23¢ of | Acme Coffee. 1b tin 33¢ Especilly adapted ta percolator use Finest Fresh Produce! Ovamges. .... 5. 0.0%. 17¢, 22¢, 30¢ «00 nL ee aL 3 pounds 10¢ Cabbage =. ..>. ., ... ..... 0... 00 pound 2¢ Thousands and thousands of Particular Homelkeep- ers depend on ASCO Service, for they appre- ciate Quality at a Saving. These Prices Effective in Our MOUNT JOY STORE THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO., PA. PRODUCE & LIVE STOCK MARKET CORRECT INFORMATION FUR. NISHED WEEKLY BY [iE | | PENNA. BUREAU OF | MARKETS FOR THE Y BULLETIN The local fruit and vegetable {market was quiet today and trading (was limited. Potato prices held (about steady with Maine Green bringing $1.90 to $2.10 | per 100 pound sack. Idaho Russets |sold at $2.25 to $2.35 per 100 1b. sack while truck receipts of Penn- sylvania ‘and U. S. Market News Service. | The sweet potato market was dull {and the demand was slow. The best yellow and red varieties sold at $1 to $1.15 per 5-8 basket with a very jfew lots as high as $1.25. Mush- rooms were weaker with liberal ‘supplies and Pennsylvania whites brought 60c to 75c¢ per 3 1b. basket, buttons 40c¢ to 50c and spots 25¢ to 40c. Pennsylvania hot house tomatoes were dull and brought 10¢ to. 15¢ per pound, while the Michigan hot house rhubarb brought 85¢ to $1.00 per 5 pound box. The celery mark- oh {et was dull but prices held steady. Pag | Pennsylvania wired bunches ranged from 5c to 18¢ per bunch with a “4 | few exceptionally fancy lots higher | Beets, carrots, parsnips and white turnips sold mostly at 25¢ to 50c wg per 5-8 basket. Rutabagas sold at $1 (to $1.25 per 100 pound sack. Leeks § | brought 2¢ to 3c per bunch. Apples L. were steady and sold at $1.00 to Market: E weak dull. Beef unevenly lower, upward showing to $9.00 | steers | kinds selling decline, compared with week cutters weak to unevenly lower, Bulls about steady; she stock and ago lower, some sales off more. bulk heifers $7.25-8.00; beef bull .50-6.25; butcher cows were 4. .00; cutters $2.25-3. Slow draggy market on stockers and eeders receipts light, bulk of sales 50-7.50. Calves about steady with w 's early 50c¢c decline, top 0. Ho eady, choice 180-230 1b. t 9.50-9.85, best locals At 9.2 > 1 For today’s market 3 i » 2 Chicago; 1'St. Paul; 1 Virginia; containhg 101 hea ked in, total cattle : head, calves, 758 hogs. Receipts ng Jan. 10, 1931, cat- kt] i 10 Chicago; 8 St. Louis; Bq 6 0 6 W. Virginia; 6 Pa.; ww 3 St. I 3 Tenn.; 2 Omaha; 2 3 Kentucky; 1 Ohio; containing 1198 Sng head, 1086 head trucked in, total ni cattle 2284 head, 988 calves, 3199 liad hogs, 399 sheep. Receipts for cor- | responding week last year, cattle 40 fag 10 Va.; 6 Chicago; 4 St. Paul; Penna.; 4 Maryland; 3 Canada; 2 PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH 'gor net wissa wos es ivver em fressa os om i fa. Lo ; 2 Buffalo; 2 Mich.; 1 Omaha 1 I New York; containine 973 (head, 911 head trucked in, tottal ’ % cattle 1884 head, 621 calves, 2325 do 12 sheep. Pad | - Range of Prices Ho. STEERS 5 Good $9.25-10.50 Med \ 8.00-9.25 Cor 6.00-8.00 ; HEIFERS § Choi 7.75-8.50 Good 7.00-7.75 Medit 6.00-7.00 Commoon 5.00-6.00 COWS 3 Choice 5.50-6.25 Good 1.75-5.50 {Common & Med. 3.50-4.75 | Low cutter & cutter 2.00-3.50 | BULLS | 6.50-8. 4.75-6. Good and choice Cutter common & med (yrlgs, excluded) | rR © Containing Eight Rooms, All Modern House has Slate Roof. POULTRY HOUSE property, FT. in Eas 12x12 highway substantia Corner along concrete Donegal Township, Florin. Here's a goed home. for $5,500.00? JNO. E. SCHROLL REALTOR [ood Brick House Conveniences. Why build when you can buy a house like this MOUNT JOY Dunnershdawg wore der dawg os der Governor fore-g'setzed hut far donk tsu gevva. Es hut feel leit os mained. Dale dawg far sich maina es ware en foll welsh-hinkle fressa un der- Der maucha so mensch g'- saw- Ich gleich selver om dish si woo en welshhowna farrissa wardt—net os ich welsh-hinkle gleich, awver es is olsfart bbes gootes mit farboona. Feel liet gaena tsu grosse expense far era essa uff greega-arbardich so familia os reich Derno donka se Gud os se so goot aw cooma mit longa ga-bader awver denka net draw os farleicht eram naixta nuch- ber si kinner hungersnote leita, Husht du in dime draw ga- denked os ma orma mensch mit helfa en feel graesere blesseer is 0s we en no gronk wara druff. con en sow fun sich sin. laeva grose middawg essa ous em wake shoffa? Es sin feel leit os ols-fart donk gevva wile sella ken geld kusht, un won net grishdadoom fry ware hy the fundamental rules of ! don daida se ken fib en a-bit ECVVA | health, thanks to counterfeit labels | srfore ‘ma leit it helfa mauch- i ad derfore. Orma leit mit helfa mauch [and counerfeit suatements, eas What Shwilkey Bumblesock Has To Say This Week HEALTH TALK VRITTEN .BY DR. THEODORE B. APPEL, SECRETARY OF HEALTH “The very general optomizm on the part of violators of the Eight. all other phases of life are inclined to be entirely credulous to the claims of purty and safety made by the illicit purveyors of alcoholic stimulants, | “Alt this season of the year, and particularly in connection with the celebration incident to the usher- ing in of the New Year, there will undoubtly be a large number of people whose child-like faith in boo legger’s statements will dir- ectly result in serious physical in- jury to themselves, Indeed, some will die. “It can saftely be stated that contraband of this sort,is practically in all eases harmful to health, and much of contains poisonous sub- stances that can permanently im- pair one’s well-beng if The utter therefore of using material of this type becomes at apparent, people who food h air in their sleep- i indulged in. once “However, numerous ins st safe on pure water, clean foe ing quariers, and in other ways are educated to milk the necess'ty of, abid- ed en long un harlich laeva. Der mon | woo nix gebt tsu nemond dare | flaesh g'shtola hut, un der Jeckey 00 | Hawnayarick is donkbar os si sch- 50 | ware tswa bletz ga-agened hut. De | Polly is donkbar os se nuch era Gott- is we | | | | | | | | VEALERS [lieb hut un ich bin donkbar os ich bois Sa : [nuch my leeve Polly hob. {Good and choice 12.00-13.50 | Medium 10.50-12 00 | Se sawga de weldt wardt besser, oy : oo el ich glawb net os donk gevva % Cull and common 7.00-10.50 | po helft on mer net ols ebmohls eb- FEEDERS AND STOCKERS bes noach sheebed. Won der oldt Good and choice 7.75-9.00 | Sammy Sendapetzer in de karrich Common & medium 5.50-7.75 | coomed un bade bis are u-mechtich | HOGS [ wardt don si net farshrucka. Usht| Lightweight $9.00-9.50 | haeb emes glingle-seckly unich de Mediumweight 9.25-9.75 | haws. Heavyweight 9.00-9.50 thy Ta | Packing sows 7.25-9.00 | 20,000 INDIAN RELICS | Lancaster Grain and Feed Market | ~~ ACQUIRED BY STATE Selling Price of Feeds | Bran $30.00-31.00 ton | More than 20.000 pieces of Indian Shorts 28.50-29.50 ton | relics, including thousands of arrow- , Hominy 37.00-38.00 ton | heads, the largest collection of Iri- | Middlings 34.00-35.00 ton | quois pottery known, beads and oth- t ( Linseed 45.00-46.00 ton jer examples of Indian workmanship, Gluten 40.00-41.00 ton | collected during the past eight years 1 Ground Oats 35.50 36.50 ton |by G. B. Fenstermacher, of Lancaster Soy Bean Meal 47.00-48.C0 tom | was taken over by the State Monday | Hog Meal 38.00-39.00 ton {according to an announcement by | Cottonseed 41% $39.00-40.00 ton | Dr. Frederick A. Godcharles, of the | Dairy Feed *16% 31.00-32.00 ton [State museum. Dairy Feed *18% 33.00-34.00 ton Mr. Fenstermacher, who collected Dairy Feed 20% 37.50-38.50 ton [Indian relics as a hobby came to the Dairy Feed 24% 41.50-42.50 ton | attention of Dr. Godcharles when the Dairy Feed 25% 43.00-44.00 ton |fame of his collection began to Horse Feed 85% 39.00-40.00 ton |SPread throughout the state. Dr. | Alfalfa (Regular) 39.00-40.00 ton Godcharles, after viewing the collec- i Alfalfa (Reground) 41.00-42.00 ton tion, decided that it was worthy of ee wider attention and made arrange- Trucks Move Produce ments with the Lancaster man to 9 PLUMBING and HEATING Also All Kinds Repair Work PROMPT SERVICE PRICES REASONABLE Phone—-178RS5 9, 94.6% 4% oo 5. 0030400050600 650-620 30 630-000 400] : # 0 0s 00 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00. CR 20 030430 050 G0 30 e300 G00 0 Jo Je ede edo ade ode Motor trucks are being used more and more to transport fruits and vegetables from the place of pro- | duction to market. Products have oe {been carr'ed 600 miles this way, & but, the average for long trips is 100 miles. etl es ss 9, Use Wired Perches oe Wire netting made of 16-gauge > wre and 1%-inch mesh has been >, found satisfactory for use between the chicken roosts and *he dropping boards. It keeps the chickens off the boards and caches any eggs laid by the birds on the perches. ee te 9. 0. Teele d $9, * CAR Consistent Advertising Pays. - have the state take over the display. Although Fenstermacher’s pottery cannot compare in quantity or qual- ity with the recent finds of Dr. D. A. Cadzow and his expedition at Safe Harbor and Washington the collection as a whole will a de- cided asset to the State Museum. where more space is being devoted each year to exhibits of Indian days. —— ee Plan Flower Gn-d. Preparations fo: e 3t fiower garden include e~ds and plants, obta ning fertilizers, buying or repairing garden tools and ac- cessovies, and geiting materials for fighting insects and diseases. / Boro be discretion t8 the winds and literally | drink poson, en wasser pond os net ous lawfed. | i : a | “To what length some persons Es wasser is gree un shlimich un| ity & RD Ra grudda un shlonga hucka uff der|W!l go is illustrated by the use of 3 To bank. By ena coomed olles ei un nix (wood alcohol, methanol and other gaid ous. Der mon woo olsfart gebt|anti-freeze mixtures as beverages. is we es barrick wasser. Es greeked|It seems inconceivable that pro- feel un bt olles 0s es g duets of this kind, even if not label- Woos oona lawfed sin de felde ,|ed poison, should be used ss a sub- de fegel singa uff da ban e|stitute for potable. liquor. Yet re- ferrella sheesa drin room we wed |ports are constantly noted in the derlaecha ] ¢ hd un|papers where wholesale deaths have donsed un iped Mier |heen directly traced to this cause: gleiched wi rd ner health or life are bo i con sich n tsu naixt h 1 D 10 won mer meed is. Es ich |, 1 of aleoholie ids contain- hemond naixt on 3 Wi ing poison consttuents. And ill- n far bl eer 1: S0 i . 1 : D nd far eh ¢ of a few days also too hich mit em geitziche mens Are - ; Yin : a i . tarif for the doubtful pleasmn nix un grotzed olles tsu sich we er “pe nnecoction 03x grebbs. Are schwetzed fun nix os? : o.her concoction geld, un lond, un welshkarn, un X £) hough they be pou : ; : lei . 1 1 3 un won du eme long g nunk t 10 t Lt 1 ly in riched gebt are der shiddla So [with a favorite foreign label doots gree, shI'mich wasser. Ich bin It thus appears that the slogan, én awrmer mon awver so farhoftich|‘Watch your step.’ could logically os ich’ dere’s sawg, won ich’ (be applied to would-be and adtual ov ry ory | . x: kent don ware my graeshte blesses I ol of the Eighteenth Amend. so awrmy dihenker mit helfa. ment. Remember, that poison by Awver si wee's will ich hob my th ou i Dolson just the othe name S POISOY ust ? g'soonheit, un ae jigger ous der y i : 3 ,.. | Same. schwartza buddle maucht mich ol so reich feela os der Jay Gould ols hut, wo g'sawt hut are daid ae mil-| Ides of the Lifeboot : : dea of th feboat lunt dawler gevva won are si niral-| A vs } i i : v edtard tn ey ge ligy cura kent. Es sin hoonert fun Credited te Inglichman oldte weipsleit doh om barrick os Ti first lifeboat to stationed maena se hetta ene cura kenna aw ( t in eM 1 is said to ver won are oll as ga-grider g-numma ve | 1 a coh! con 1 to the . . .y 1 1ny het os ich hob we ich der gickser IP I mn |i ( bul hot hob ware are dote gonga lon | nel 1 i e year be are is. Yaw, es hut yaders eh far] ‘ore he | t donkbawr si. Der porra Mohler is] "IIS op donkbar os are si loo greeked olla | yt w : 1.1 | ( a I fardle yohr, un de leit si donkb: 1 ; ! o 1 ( 0), se en porra hen os es effongaleum | : ! nerm ~10n of J ap recht ous laega con. + Der Hullerheck 3 : : ag { tion of the castle was set aside 0 is donkbar os are en gooter hondle nt fr i : J vatchtower, from ivver der baar ghot hut dorich es i could be signaled ( Vest letsht yohr. Der Mike Bixler is i in Rin See win Toki 3 was seen to be in distress. Lnukin's lonkbar os are net g ga is wars: 1 : : aonkbar os are net g'fonga is warra boat did good service and saved man: [we are em Sammy Seeshuls si sida { lives. After quarter of a Nouth Shields South Shields nrize for a Mr. Greathead lifeboat, naming it the “Original.” | When in 17% another ship was | wrecked in almost the same spot, the | Original brought whereas an appalling shipwreck a mile from the ¢ in 1789, inhabitants ast at a committee of offered a lifeboat, and built the first model actual | every one to safety in the shipwreck of 1729 all | had veen drowned in sight of helpless onlookers. Handball Irish Pastime Handball originated in Ireland | about 1,000 years ago, and is often | considered one of the national games | of that country. it iS now played by more men in America than anywhere else in the world. The first scientific handball player was really develnnad about 1820, when William Ba Tiperary originated new ways ting the ball in curves, low drives and screw tosses. The first international match ever played was the Lawlor Casey match, in 1377, with the prize of $1,600 for the best of 21 eames. 10 in Cork and 11 in the United States. Lawlor won 6 ganies to 4 in Cork, and Casey won T straight in New York. Casey retained his title against all comers until 1900, when he retired Since 1900 the game has developed in two separate games, a one-wall aime and a four-wall game, both of which are played by amateurs in sin gles and doubles. Royal Succession According to the practice now prev- alent in monarchies the wife of the reigning king does not succeed to the throne in case the later's death. The succession passes through either the male or female line, but does not pass from one to the other. Likewise if a reigning queen dies her husband does not succeed to the throne, For in- stance, if a queen of the Netheriands shou!d die her eldest child wouid be- come sovereign, not the queen’s hus- band. Catherine the Great «f Russia her husband Peter il, but was revolutionary.— of succeeded the proceeding Exchange. ee eenth Amendment regarding the quality of the goods surreptitously acquired, . and more or less publie- ly, is scarcely justified by the | faets,” said Doctor Theodore B. Appel, Secretary of Health, today. “It seems strange that many per- sons who demand actual proof in habitually | foolishness | Gi PAGE SEV I i » i . : x 00000 | w a a : The Union National ‘ Mount Joy Bank 3 s S 2 be MOUNT JOY, PA. % i : = a | = \ 3 = * " s Capital, Surplus and Profits, $502,000.00 8 = : : : Can Serve You as Executor, Administrator, Assignee, Ir Receiver, Guardian, Registrar of Stocks and a Bonds, Trustee, etc. : a " | |® juni2ts J | 0 TOOT 0 | SRSA SRS SE RE Ra a a . Specials on Sale N Us Specials on Sale Now | - i Q 5 pound Box BACON’S CREAMS, with Nut i 3 Tops on same. ...... Create i 31.00 3 A § A 5 pound Box BACON’S CREAMS, with i a Pineapple Slice ean. $1.25 In # 5 pound Box BACON'S MIXED CHOCO- i LATE with Dark Coating ............. $1.50 i # CHERRIES in Cream, 1 pound Box ....... # A Full Line of BACHMAN CHOCOLATE i fe Per Box, Plain or Almond Bar ............ $ .85 : wn § i Peanut Clusters, 5 pounds ............... $1.25 x Raisin Clusters, 5 pounds ................ $1.25 : 0 MELLINGER HOME MADE CANDY, in i less than 5-box lots, per pound .......... 50c Us § 0” Lots of Other Specials i 3 Come in and Look Them Over a 3 T 3 A H / 1 ) AIDEN IC A iP 3 JV A. DARRENKA] 9 RB. 3 Doors East of Post Office MOUNT JOY, PA. x ve i hd PS RE PE PS TE RE OS I TS TE TE 0 TE TS TE IE TR TE TE TE TET TIS BE TE TAI REET r em Subscribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletin Hear The New Atwaler-Ke Radio ===AT--- | | | | Rohrer's Gara Pa. Mount Joy, CLARENCE SCHOCK AE MOUNT JOY, PA. -. ~~ ASK GL a LUMBER -COA SE, Come in 4nd let us show you how easily we can assist you in preparing your copy for advertising and circular work. [f you can’t call at the office, ring 41R2 and see how quickly our advertising representative will be at your service. Don’t follow in the same old rut-—Pep up your advertising The BULLE MO DY a! .