130 v on inter vard ared “It that <9 st ib ANys-, dv A MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO., PA. fa si ’ Mail Early! Buy Your Bread Where Quality Counts! There is a difference in the Quality of Bread. Particular Homekeepers who have taken the trouble to make compar- isons, know the truth of our statement that— Quality Counts! Bread Supreme = 7c Victor Bread big pan loaf 5¢ EXTRA SPECIAL! BLUE ROSE b 5¢ CHOICE RICE Coffee Week in Our Stores! Try a pound today. ASCO COFFEE 1b 27¢ 37c-27¢=10c Saved! Victor Blend Coffee . 1b 23¢ The Choice of Thousands. Acne Brand Coffee Ib tin 33¢c Especially adapted to Percolator use. Tw og 8 220000. Large Wrapped Loaf PEP] ! Reg. 1 tall Pet, Carnation or] tall Tuberculin Tested Jo, he Borden’s cans ( EVAP. Milk EVAP. Milk ASCO Bantam Golden Corn 2 cans 25¢ can 10c¢ Choice Yellow Bantam Corn Good for Breakfast! Fat White Norway ‘Mackerel ........ 2 for 13¢ ASCO Buckwheat 3 pkgs 256 ASCO Pancgke Flour ASCO T@i@aid Corn Flakes ......... 3 pkgs 20¢ Ralston’s V at Cereal. pkg 24¢ Aunt Jemima’s Pancake Flour ..... 2 pkgs 25¢ 5 Aunt Jemima’s Buckwheat ........... pkg 15¢ CALIFORNIA Peaches, Bartlett Pears, 3 buffet cans 25¢ Apricots, Cherries, Figs pkg 33¢ Ib 25¢ Swansdown Cake Flour N. B. C. Chocolate Susans GOLD SEAL MACARONI OR SPAGHETTI ; ome-style Noodles ............ pkg 5¢ Noodles ..... 3 big pkgs 25¢ ato Puree 3 cans 20¢ pkg 5¢ Lea & Perrin’s Sauce ................ bot ASCO Prepared Mustard ............. jar 10¢ French’s Mustard": i... ............. jar 14¢ Best Small Pea Beans 3 Ibs 25¢ Calif. Dried Lima Beans Ib 15¢ Fancy Large Santa Clara Prunes ..... 2 lbs 25¢ California Evaporated Feaches ......... Ib 15¢ Calilfornia Evaporated Apricots ........ 1b ‘21 ¢ ASCO Beans with Perk ............ 3 cans 20r Farmdale Tender Peas ............ 2 cans 25¢ ASCO Fancy Sweet Peas ............. can 15¢ ASCO Finest Tomatoes .......... med can 10¢ ASCO California Bartlett Pears .. big can on your ASCO purchases brings savings. #7" Everybody enjoys Good Quality, and doubly so, These Prices Effective in Our MOUNT JOY STORE | cattle 7 cars, 3 Virginia. 2 PRODUCE & LIVE + CORRECT INFORMATION FUR i NISHED WEEKLY 8Y niE PENNA. BUREAU OF | MARKETS FOR THE BULLETIN Market: Active, beef steers and { yearlings 25¢ to 50¢ higher than last week’s closing prices, $10.50 | paid for 100 head, 1150 pound wts. [ top heavies $9.75, bulk of sales $8- 8.75. Bulls and heifers sharing ad- | vance; cows and cutters steady; the bulk fat heifers $7.00-7.75. Beef bulls $6.00-6.75; butcher cows $5- 5.75; cutters $2.75-3.50. Stockers enly higher, bulk $7-$8, one load outstanding Angus calves $11.25. Calves 25¢ to 50c¢ higher, top veal- ers $13.00. HOGS: Strong to unevenly high- er, top 180-250 pound weights $10, some held higher. RECEIPTS: For today’s market, Tenn. 1 Ind.; 1 St. Paul; containing 181 head, 135 head trucked in, the total cattle 316 head, 52 calves, 6 sheep. Receipts for week ending Nov. 29, 1930, cattle 68 cars, 19 Va.; 14 St. Paul; 8 Chicago; 8 Tenn.; 6 St. Louis; 4 Michigan; 3 Maryland; 2 Kentucky; 2 Indiana; 1 Kansas City; 1 Ohio; containing 1866 head 477 head trucked in, total cattle 2343 head, 602 calves, 1557 hogs, 157 sheep. Receipts for correspond- ing week last year, cattle 111 cars, 31 Chicago; 19 Virginia; 18 St. Paul; 12 Canada; 6 Penna.; 5 Md.; 4 Saint Louis; 3 New York; 3 Pitts- 2 | burgh; 3 Michigan; 2 West Virgin- ia; 2 Tennessee; 1 Kentucky; 1 In- diana; 1 New Jersey; containing 2987 head, 250 head trucked in, to- ¥ tal cattle 3237 head, 501 calves, 2379 hogs, 410 sheep. Range of Prices STEERS Good $9.25-10.25 Medium 8.25-9.25 Common 5.50-8.25 HEIFERS Cho ce 7.25-8.00 Good 6.50-7.25 Medium 5.75-6.50 Common 4.75-5.75 COWS Choice 5.75-6.50 Good 1.75-5.75 Common & medium 3.50-4.75 Low cutter & cutter 2.00-3.50 BULLS Geod and choice (beef) 6.75-7.75 Cutter, common & med. 5.00-6.75 (yrlgs, excluded) VEALERS Good and choice 11.25-12.50 Medium 9.75-11.25 Cull and common 7.00-9.75 FEEDERS AND STOCKERS Gnod and choice 7.00-8.50 Common & medium 5.00-7.00 Good and choice 2 5 Common & medium 5. 5 © DISPLAY f Realizing the great Importance of CUTY this Newspaper 1s furnishing dhe WNL. CUT § COPY SERVICE In New Releases Each Month ~A Service FREE TO ALL ADVERTISERS our advertising representative will be at your service. at our expense. MOUNT JOY, PA. Come in and let us show you how easily we can assist you | ' in preparing your copy for advertising and circular work. If you can’t call at the office, ring 41R2 and see how quickly | Don’t follow in the same old rut—Pep up your advertisifig The BULLETIN HOGS I won’t buy a stick of candy. I buy no newspapers nowadays. I can’t even go to Sunday-school alone. I can think of more things I used to do that I am no longer allowed to do than any husband in the world. Eleven months of the year I am good for nothing. Fut in December—oh, boy! ‘hen I come into my own. buy the most beautiful decoration for a Christmas gift package. I buy hope for the sick. I buy health for a child. I buy a CHRISTMAS SEAL. | STOCK MARKET and feeders scarce, strong to unev- | | l& = fully fighting against tuberculosis Pictecr the children Get your shure of Christmas Seals today MERRY CHRISTMAS NY SUN Lh y) JHEALYIH TO ALL ¢ Medical Man Named i LLL LT 1 APPEL 40-42 N. Queen St. and WEBER I Z LANCASTER, PA. : PROTECTION : vor vour COMMUNITY 4 Th . . + The Union National a Tuberculosis is the enemy of all. a M t J B k enemy oun Oy ban Your safety from it lies in the a a health of everyone else. Educa- . MOUNT JOY, PA. “ - - - - un a tion, nursing service, medical . advice and children’s fresh-air 3 = camps are provided by the funds « Capital, Surplus and Profits, $502,000.00 The National, from the sale of Christmas Seals a State . . @ —the little seal of good-will to . and Local # . Tuberculosis men. E i a ar : a e very dollar You invest 2 Can Serve You as Executor, Administrator, Assignes, 8 of the in Christmas Seals is devoted to u Receiver, Guardian, Registrar of Stocks and United States effective health protection. . Bonds, Trustee, etc. a 2 . HGHT TUBERCULOSIS junize 3 10 SL) O00) 0 R101 rt nA N WITH CH RISIMAS STALLS mn ——— a. an —————— CC ————, ~~ AD om LS LL Sig AN 2 NT a die Gd © #8 TUE Lions we The ZA | Yr q 55 WE IONS Yo HE uy \ jez me — | > 0ST LI oF IT 13 i 3 i pi AN wh 1 | > d o) -_e “Watch the Light,” | Chserve Tuberculosis A RB Says Santa Claus Days Urges Governor The observance of November 30 as Among the thousands of children | Tupercul Sunday and Deceniber hurrying daily to school or play,’ 19 4 Day in the schools many need to heed the signal of Santa | 5 by Governor Fisher, in Claus, who directs the Christmas| announcing his acceptance of the Seal traffic. | honor: chairmanship of the 1930 “Watch for the Chri 5 Seal in Pennsylvania. { ID ave red light,” says I Governor isl referred to health J Santa. “When MERRY CHRISTMAS as one of the greatest gifts that can you see it, stop. be provided for Pennsylvanians, say- ATTE 4 The red light : ; Ed means danger to 1€ Pen yards ST . health; it means » and its 100 affiiiated organi- too much strain: ators throughout the State are en- oi Q may Use short hours of wed in a year round tuberculosis \ x all sleep, ill-chosen prevention and health promotion A Ce nts a food; neglected | effort. This work is made po sible + WNU teeth «nd tonsils; by the annual sale of Christmas Seals ou I ™ too little sunshine. : and Health Bonds. - Pub stall. bert : “The 24th annual Christmas Seal Imes NO EX A dn a Y IR! sale will begin Friday, November 28. COST childhood, and may De In connection with this campaign Di) health long before any symptoms af { Tuberculosis Pav iz } hure or 3 : uberculosis Pay in the churches pear. Fully half the cases of adf Bf Sl be shiarved on Moco re tuberculosis. in. later 'vears shaw. 78 v0 OH hi 3 : | ber 30, and Tuberculosis Day in the X-Ray signs of having had this ef Wv charles ar Reta wan 10 ot schools on Friday, December 12. It — condition called childhood tuber eis (“eis that thie should bo done iT ET EE I at an S28 Inder 33 Sun % xen | Tuberculosis daily wrecks homes—a | fp N\ = aka y by il Spec t y di condition in which our churches and Sg he ereulln tost-an schools are vitally interested. Infor- Parente shogtl sop thet childecs Le on hon aio disenss THE COUNTRY NEWSPAPER OF GREAT VALUE ie Soe weld Sli in| Coins Bo tis ou ge ACCORDING TO STATEMENT OF NOTED a S g ures 8 0oVig ante aus, Wit a] rds es EDITORIAL WRITER—PROVEN BY FACTS when sc 2 18 S nse anc rings "HEAL ALL. rleal the temptation to excess is greatest.! is one of the greatest and most last- “On the road to health, keep your| 12 gilts. This is the only Seal de- i brakes in good condition, stop at the yo So health work, titi lit 9 ichts . sed ti sl ‘Distu )E( economic con 1T10nsS, l11ke Hen . rd lights and DE ous V1 the present, help to break down re- Arthur Brisbane, one of the best minds of the when you see the blinker of over- I strain? sistance to tuberculosis. The use of : Gis these bright stickers on all letters lime, says: and packages will aid this life saving ey eee , work. It is a task that calls for the “H. Z. Mitchell's Sentinel’,” published at help of everybody.” Bermidjii, Minn., wins the prize as best weekly Rue in the National Editorial Contest. This is a Ze ~ od ti mi ic i 1 Sats Conterente go d time to rem nd the public in general, and py national advertisers in particular, that country Phe Pennsylvania Tuberculosis So- weekly newspapers are the most important or- Ma CHRISTMAS ciety will hold its 39th pay i gans of public opinion and protectors of public #580 in Be ehem on uesday anc 5 January 20 and 21 next. welfare. NAB TA speaxers will include prominent |! . i's . . . FA Le) medical men of Pennsylvania and | And, their advertising per mill line, is not CRO excelled by any publication, of any kind. XO Rus th thi State y with nis SLE 3 1 “Santa, did you put Christmas nference the B iid m | “The reader of a country weekly buys every- lth Society will | s y : : Seals on every gift? We did!” 1st iversary of its | thing from shingles on the roof to cement in the undin cellar floor, and every advertiser has in him a r " i | nd . ” BUY CHRISTMAS possible customer. SEALS Fee of Youth J - IQ ) Get plenty of them. Their cost is I d a mo | trifling. Their good far-feaching. Fail on the %d; The fund from the sale of Christ- 1 until t | Py ——_—-— a. eS CMU) mas Seals will help to fight tuber- Y ( or ( ved and | ¥ P : ! H lid 0 fi l S ® culosis all year round in every state and local: tuberculosis | ! romp 0 I ay p iCa ervice community fos wil Pai) ate in rir t+ your jovous Christmas il, 1931, in a fourth nation-wide | ¥ Let yous Se a 2 n to find cases early. The || Christmas trade in our Diamond, Watch, Jewelry and Sil- Spiny reach out to help the thou- o will | “Tuberculosis, the | | verware Departments will not interfere with our Optical sends who are bravely and hope- Foe of Youth.” i Department. | ! | ! THE NATIONAL STATE AND LOCAL TUBERCULOSIS ASSOCIATIONS CF THE UNITED STATES FIGHT TUBERCULOSIS OW Underground Church The picturesque crowd, the variety of costumes and the scene in the open market place at Serajevo on market day baffles description. One of the quaintest in all Jugoslavia {is the tittle Servian church in Serajevo built in the Sixteenth century after the Turks had overrun the country. It was sunk below the level of the street so its roof would not be visible from without and hidden behind a high wall to avoid suppression by the Mo- hammedans. Dr. Samuel O. Pruitt has been named medical secretary of the Pennsylvania Tuberculosis Society. He is a graduate of the Univer of Maryland in medicine, served a a modical officer with the U. S. Army in France and has been connecte Difference Sunny, driving through the coun- tryside with his grandmother, ob- served some pigs eating greedily in a field of clover, and inquired what they were doing. “They are eating clover,” his grandmother, informed the little fellow. “They like it just like you like spinach.” Sunny was instant in his disclaimer: “But I don’t like spinach said he. at all,” oe A () (-D-() () D- a0 a OPN eR Id Zoo. + ‘MOUNT JOY, ——