The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, December 03, 1930, Image 2

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Editor & Propr.
————— een


because i: will provide much-need-
ed employment for men out of
A western firm “if we
could collect the accounts owing,
we could continue.” That little
word “if” tells the whole story,
and tells the story of many a local

business man who is in difficulties.
The Bulletin is bitterly opposed
to the practice of certar 5
in commercial employ
uniforms virtually the
those of state and city
Clothing which is indistinguish-
able from uniforms worn by police
officers has no place as the garb of
men not engaged in police ser
filling station attendan
wear uniforms closely resembli
those worn by police officers.
These commercial dr'vers and fill-

ing station attendants perform a
useful fune ion and as.a v le
‘they are doubtless. an estimable
class of men. Put bus drivers and
filling stat'on at‘endants in an off
ice’s uniform have -no place in
our business life.

Not (he Dog in the Fight
Its the Fight in the Dog
America has been gong thru a
battle of depression. The fight
isn’t over, but America can now
begin to see victory ahead. At
last the American people are be-
ginning to realize that their own
mental attitude is ‘the enemy. Now
they know what to fight. Now they
know how to win that fight.
They know they have permitted
themselves to talk gloom and to
think gloom. They realize they
have listened to bad business talk
and helped fo spread such talk.
They have allowed themselves to
be affected by all this talk and,
fearing worse conditions, have
tightened up and taken their mon-
ey out of circulation. They have
felt poor whether they were or
not, developed an over-cautious-
ness, grown susp cious. Backbones
have become wishbones and clear
vision has been befogged.
The American people are begin-
ning to realize that, regardless of
whali started present business con-
ditions, they themselves have been
respons ble for helping put them
where they are today.
But, confidence is returning be-
cause the people are awakening to
their own folly. Courage is return-
ing because they know the country
is fundamentally and economically
sound. Faith is returning because
the size of the ficht in America is
too big ‘to admit defeat.
It is now proposed that we give
business a push in ‘the RIGHT dir-
ection, and it behooves every per-
son, regardle of “his stat'on in
life, to make some extra effort to
readjust the wheels of C
No man is too poor to keep a

stiff upper lip and f he has
any fight ‘in h'm a: : d if the
men and vomen who can buy
needed commodities, will throw
fear overboard and buy, those who
have nothing but a s will soon
be join ng the spender 5

Confidence begets confidence.
The margin between rocd fimes
and bad times is the extra expend-
iture of less than 15 cents per day
per pevscn in the United States.
If you are willing to admit that
you are tired of present condit-
ions, if you are willing to admit
that you are ready for prosperity,
stop looking at the world thru
smoked glasses. Stop being af-
raid. Get into the fight and get
a little more fight into you.
Present conditions will change
and prosperity will be yours only
when you decide to change these
cond tions. And each individual
working together, with a purpose,
can do it.
eet A


{ The term “forage painting” used in
Mrs. Frank Minnich is spending Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Brandt third Mrs. Clara Behney of Westville, is| Mr. A. H. Hoffman spent Thanks- | prok Bo cortaption of the | [RC
fthe week with her husband in New trick operators of Rheems {tower visiting Mrs. Katie Sload. giving day with his daughter Mrs. words “fore edge,” usec ¢

: oh {
> i i i aug ac ‘harles ! the delicate painting or decoration ap-
Subs. Price $1 50 Fer Year . York three days visting their dau- Mrs. James F. Johnstin and daugh- Cranes, an I 1 io Sens or 4 pane |
EC ' spe Saturday ¢ an-| Miss Rachel Landis was the gues 3
Six Months .... 75 Cente iss ‘Sadie: Haves spe reek | ghter, ter Viola, spent Saturday at Lan 39 aC ; Whe . was los
IN of ovals AE Miss Sadie Hayes spent the week a ’ sacl. cugiar of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Libhart at book. When the book was closed, only | + ANKSGIVING DAY GAME FOR.
Thre Months ...40 Cents with Mrs. Joseph Greid t Man-| Amos Gish, the West Donegal caster. Non, . fies or masses of colors showed, |
\ vith Mrs. Josep a an- | al, ina ainbridge on Saturday | blotches or masses of colors she |
a ' 3 ‘Cents . | agsessor. -ansacted I busi Rev. and Mrs. Broske and children, Bainbridge ay. i { FEITED TO GREENWOOD
Single Copies 3 Cents heim ; assessor, transacted township usi- i Ean with} Mis BL Landis ond Mee. C3 but when the leaves of the hook were |
\ THER ay s : ag & ems & ricinity st spent several days at Enbhaut, mrs, B. L. La 8 TS. Ad, : a
sil dia ae I eR A Naima spending A Rheem and Vieni i tri Dy pre re | Hiestand attended the sewing circle partially spread delicate tracery, artis | pg
= ox = | dio i vg 5. Monday nes, 3 tor ic designs and sometimes elaborate Thanksgiving morni the |
NRE {a few days with her aunt, Mrs. ay. icc ia a several days'at Simon Garbers on Tuesday after-| tic designs : § On Thanksgiving ning e lo
tered at the post office at Mount Joy J | Sur ke ard fr Miss Lois Beck spent several days'at ) Cb ie 4 ; a a
Mai — ass moa! matter ~ { Haldeman, near Back Run. i Rus: K. Bard fom Dew: hens at Blaine, with her parents, Rev. and |noon. pictures were Tevenlen, Samng) > Arne; cal gridsters play ed the Greenwood
The date of the £xpiration f your Sub, { Mrs. Clara Nolt and son, Vinaent spent the wee or a ne De Mrs. Bock Miss Helen Landis and Miss Dor- | hook hinder jo in uation i oF | A. C. on the North End Field, at Lan-
ption follows your name on the lahe . 1s arents pil Mrs, i > Jind: r ov £ is credite J ging S 3 GE
eo Em hearin of Lancaster, spent Sunday after 5 aren r. an vrs. A, Earl Devine of West Chester, spent, othy Sipling attended the play given land, oe od Wh originating caster. The game came to an abrupt
money. received. Whenever you remit, We | noon with Mrs. N. N. Baer. fa a Sems, the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Rich-|by Bainbridge High School on Tues-| form of decoration | closing on account of a penalty in
that you ate given proper sreds We Mr. Brandt Nissly is gunning for Church of the Brethren held the rd Arr day evening jus last quarter, the score being 7-6.
eredit all subscriptions at e nhrst i ‘ A . & IN1SSI) § J . 8 2 Mig A 3 .
i : . ~ regular evening services at their nl : 3 is, Sar i >» two teams layed on even
month a jents must have their com. | deer from Garden Spot Camp, at TeSular en g Q a ith Miss Grace Albright of Lancaster, Missy Sarah Landis spent Thanks Protect Legend The t in Haye }
lI must h 5% oe 3. y > |Rheems church last Sunday with _ A /ith Mr. and Mrs, | giving Day as the guest of Mr. and | terms in the first pe nd a series
munications reach this office not later than | Pine Grove, Cumberland County. th I: attend spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, : Pretzels, according to the accepted of aerial plays developed into a
Be = Time and 17 o'clock oan Mrs. Prank Huumer, of Lanes Clai Nei ign blind musician Joseph: Henderson. Mr Youd Shenk of ‘Rlizabetiiown, legend, originated in the monasteries for the Greenwoods in the
etwee tha tim an ay air 3 3 1 1C¢ » . a ate . Vata ee :
Wednesday. Changes for advertisements | ter, spent Monday with her parents) aly eiman, e pnd nb ish Miss Anna Culp of Lancaster, Mrs. C. J. Hiestand, : Mrs. B. L. | of the Middle Ages. It was the cus- cond riod. Muehleisen made the
wust positively reach this office not later Mr. and Mrs. P. Dallas Weadman, of Rheems, is booked to furnis spent Thanksgiving Day with her| Landis, Mrs. J. S. Goudie and Miss | tom of the priests to give a small | 5800 pe it lace ol
F taan Mo» day : New Se at. Chines | music on the air at Harrisburg, on mother, Mrs. I. W. Carpenter. Rachel Landis visited Mrs. Raymond cake to: children wile. learned. thei | extra point Ww a | .
rted if cop rea s sday Ign at S. . : > . . a ir . 3 v
Br ng rates on application ] Rev. K. Booher, Miss Groves, and Saturday evening, Nov. 29. | George Straley of West Chester, | Leiby at Rheems on Tuesday evening. prayers. The cake was called pre- | Mount Joy Sms may 2 the fs
he subscription lists ie Landisville ye SD vit ar ag re S = Se ris] is parents et Berea ies 138 seriod and Neiss plunge ree yards
vigh 5 s the Mount Joy | brother and friend, of Philadelphia, | Board of Health Teports's mu Normal School visited $ 3 parents, j tiola, meaning “little reward, Bey ss the al line for the visitors
Star and ged with that Of Were entertained at he Fackler Per of whooping cough cases among Mr. and Mrs. Charles Straley. “ i : | One day an ingenious priest thought | across the gos
the M a Fakes, is h " I Sunday oe | the small children in the vicinity Mrs. Josephine Ulrich and children Father” of Lawn Tennis to make the pretiola symholical, so | touchdown. An Wismpied line
y <Q 1 doubl t ( 3 ( IN ay. . - mm > ou dor . riv . . | 3 3 pi
Jur ah ore id ) Ath Mr and. Mrs | of Rheems, not effecting the atten- of Elizabethtown, spent Thanksgiv- To Major Wingfield oust he given | po folned the strip of dough to repre- | plunge for the extra point failed.
ry SH JIS WIN NT ands OH nce school. ling Day with Mr. and Mrs. Cleve] the credit for first realizing that lawn sent the folded arms of children in | a, 1 Mt. Joy" (0
Walter Peifer enjoyed Thanksgiv- |da ce at scho g ? 1d: be utilized to the od | Gr eenwood A. C. (1) y
EDITORIAL be 2 th the for nor’ d a oh | C. E. Banich from Columbia, re- 'Sload. tennis cou 4 ii uti jag 8 iy nes 2 the attitude of prayer. | Wagner ........ L. E. ..J. Schneider
ing dinner wi » former's dz ol 1a, 1 at hi
jing dinner. wi mers g |lief operator of the P. R. R. is fill. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Smith and of society. If he was not the inven or | : I. T. ....Goutschall
st ois ter, Lillie, at Lancaster. {ing the vacancy at ‘the Rheems children, Ray and Calvin spent sev-| of the game he did, however, deposit a I Stamert LG Kramer
Now that Thanksgiving is over The home formerly known as Tower during the illness of E. S. ‘eral days at the deer camp in Perry specifications in 1874 to obtain a pat- Many and Varied R. Staffieri ...... Matteer
and you've all had plenty of turk- |the A. M. Garber home, offered at | Booth fish Tock ovorator Contite. ent for “a new and approved portable | A youngster was starting to school RC . .H Schueider
ey, let's settle down to real busin- | public sale on Saturday. for want Th : or » has. dropped on coal ofl Miss Mary Stralev a student of] court for playing the ancient game of | and learning to spell. TP RT iC Klugh
5 i t things in ready pil rs Wi t sold S;price nas Ded ON 0B OY Nes : "INQ a | tennis.” The first balls used were “What does A B C spell?” he asked or TE xX
oss agein and get things In ready |of bidders was noi sold. bread and milk in this vicinity with Millersville S. N. S., spent severa i bbe word | i | Gilbert ........ RE ...... Germer
for Christmas, Messrs. Paul and Lloyd Ibach,|. leafs £ 5 bio redaction in days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.| india rubber anc € ) - | of his mother. : Donal. QB i. Zink
''B cs s _ | Indications of a big reduc J ree The rackets were wooden frames and “Nothing,” she replied.
Herr and Ralph Binkley, with a turkey price which will be appre- Charles Straley. r shaped. The oval-shaped racket “Well, does X Y Z spell anything?” | Groff ........ LEE an Pennell
. 1 i TF Th pd . im ar shaped, al-shape ACK oll, does 2 spell any ey + .
This is a good time to build or | number of others are hunting for ciated during the holiday feasting. | Mr. ond Mrs. Christ Hogletter and not pet until 1880 he aCe Fate) ki iin the an. | Elder ...... RHB ...... Minnich
IS 1s 9 f Si : 5 g a) asuving. : : y § . ge Sxed. 4 4 . : 3 :
make improvements, perhaps plan- [deer at Trout Run, Lycoming Co. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith, daughter Janet Louise, spent the SWer win “nothing.” jG. Muehleisen -.....FF B ....... Neiss
P Dr Bods OT vile . ‘lav AY: \ skys > . . ' | week © ri > latters arents, nr as : =. ;
ned for spring, because the cost Mr. and Mrs. C layton Spahr gave | vy and Mrs, Stanley Staley and week end wip the ih I A small girl who had stood by, lis- Score by periods:
will be considerably lower and also [their usual 1 hanksgiving dinner to daughters, Dorothy and Mary from (Dr. and Mrs. G. A. Harter. Test for Hearing

| ening | intently. remarked dryly. |... 4 ~
their sons, Roy, Clayton, Jr. Russ- york were Sunday guests at the] Mr. and Mrs. George Waller of The usual test for determining the sna, like there's a lot of ways to i i Ly, 2 oy
ell, and their wives, and Mr. and poms of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Le- |Maytown are receiving congratula- question of how well a person can hear | spell nothing.” 4 gun vos : A eye Dicks ¢
Mrs. John Kitner and son, James. high at Rheems. {tions on the birth of a daughter, on | jo phe ordinary speaking voice test, giv- Substityies= ir y for
Mr. Norman Nissley was fortun-! farmers, who have their | November 27 at St. Joseph's Hospital en at a distance of 20 feet; and the Mie Bee orn Tr il Gros
ate in gunning thus far this season | ga) work completed, owing to the|Mrs. Waller will be remembered as whispering voice test given at a dis- Unusual Malady Shoemaker for Gilbert; O
i i i 'ta B f May "hes its are giv anice’ rh soll @ for Hagan; Vitale for Rice; Gilbert
having shot a fine doe. which continuous clear weather, have {Alerts Boll of Maytown. tance of 10 feet. These tests are giv- Janice’s mothe r had be n cleaning for Sh Rider for Vitale: Ha-
dressed 100 lbs., and before that started to strip tobacco, finding it Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Mayer and| ep so that the examiner can determine | rugs with ammonia. That afternoon ay. 10 G of Ri for Eld :
S., & ) x ste str 0, £ . si J a @ : ss : . for, Groff: ice for Elder.
when turkeys were in season a il be good quality. Short size in | son Vernon, spent Thursday at Lan-| the ability of the person to repeat | Janice went next door and the neigh- gan for, Groff ti
ye De ’ 0. he. ality. size -

fine turkey : : toy h caster with Mr. and Mrs. John Maye r. | words which he has given at 20 feet | bor asked why her eyes were so red. Touchdowns ,— Greenwood: Dom-
M A Steht and Mi dicating 8 Yield of about ten hop Richard Albright a student at West | and whispered at 10 feet I'he tests “Oh, mother's been cleaning rugs.” mel, Mt. Joy, Neiss.
Mrs. Harry Stehman anc Miss | ira TACT. BO average. 4 | ira Ate i et >
Elizabeth Hacl 3 h [dred per acre a good average Chester Normal, spent the Thanks-| mentioned are merely average tests | Janice replied, “and I've got pneu Points after touchdowns: G. Muehl-
Hacker are enjoying the : 2 = . : ta} er
32800 ; : Son ie | The Asia quartette singers, mem- giving holidays with his parents, Mr.| and ear specialists employ more ac- | monia in my eves. eisen (kick at goal).
mountain breezes, king for the re a { i :
: 4 : bers of the Rheems Church of the | i Niro Richard Albright. | curate methods. Referee, Shipley, F. & M. Umpire.
Messsrs. Harry St an, J. Melvin | | Brethren Sunday Schoel, sang in | a i - ———— Keep It Numb I > Joh F. & M ; He, 1 Li
I . oy Joo | : ; Joug Johnson, F. & M. ead Lines-
Newcomer and thers on a deer, Mi Ini | i O evening at the dinner table B
= 3 : | the Fishburn United | i Await Treatment hee Bon age ¢ Shaub, L. H. S. Time of peri-
| hunt in Perry county. [Church last Sunday evening, where | St. Joseph Here Friday Se Jerry's father was discussing business iil 3 a oy th iver il 2 be eb
5 ae u 3] wd rit no in ats : ee a ‘ 8, < 11nutes. Sceorekeeper, 20.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Dissinger, | Evangelist Jordon is conducting a| The St. Joseph bowling team The wimg list for he State | with Jerry's mother. Sud. a Fli 4 hoa !
of Salunga, to a goose | | well attended series of evening [will bowl our local Odd Fellows on Hospital for Crippled Children at | denly he turned to Jerry, “What we've J. IliCK.
dinner on Thar ving Day: Mr. | meetings. the Garden Spot alleys at 8 P. M.' E l'zabethtown already has reached | just been talking about is a secret,” he ————— —
i rs. E 2 or : oe a a . ' 56. “oe eep a secret, Jerry"
ind Mrs, E, : lex a sel Af The visiting team is composed of . | sald Can you I ep 1 oe 43 ory? Turn useless articles about your
er, Susan f Landisville; r. anc Airs ‘ho ‘sverace - | Sure,” erry. 3
: : | all A League bowlers, who average od ; :
Mrs. Jerome Dissinger, of Quarry- If you can get amusement out of all A : This o | Subscribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletin | told mother about you breaking her home into cash. Advertise them in
. nger, of uarry- | i b ble | 170 to 185 per season. This game | ibscribe for the y i i
ville. {your own follies you should be able [17 Petascale Consistent Advertising Pays i vase last week, did I?” our + classified column. tf
M iM Am |to work up a smile almost any time. will be on Friday even'ng. onsiste . = oy Haag
Mr, and NMrs 4 0S JongeneckKer
: : |
{and children, Anna Ruth and Bob-
¢ Mrs A


. | bie; Mrs. A. S Newcomer and son, |
| James; Mr. and Mrs. John Peifer
visited Mrs. E. | {endig and fam-
yv in their apart nt in Highland
Park, on Friday.
| Mrs. John Herr, Sr.. with the
‘est of the Herr families and the R.
D. Raffensperger family attended
her brother, Abram Balmer’s funer-
al, on Sunday afternoon, from his
home at Elm ty Midle Creek,
where further services i »
services and inter-
ment was made.
Elizabethtown, who was badly hurt
in shredding fodder alone last week TATE SITUATION TODAY. BUY NOW AND SAVE MONEY.
is somewhat improved at the hbos-
he was not found until 4 o'clock,
which shows he must have suffered BE BOUGHT AT YOUR OWN FIGURE
helplessly all that time.
Mrs. Harry Dyer, whose death
took place at the Lancaster Gener-
al Hospital, will be buried on
Thursday morning in the Landis-
ville cemetery. Services will be
held in the Mennonite church. Be-
sides her husband, she leaves nine
children, the youngest 3, and the
oldest 13 years of age.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ibach enter-
tained at a Thanksgiving dinner:
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Heisey. of
Milton Grove; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Hostetter, of Florin; Mr. and Mrs.
Jacob Garman, Elizabethtown: Mr.
and Mrs. Benjamin Zug, of Man-
heim; Mr. and Mis. Raymond Hos- 3 3
For a Ne Feud fri ant] DWELLING HOUSES (No. 073A newly bull Soom’ No fine succo bum] NO 800-118 meres of bow lime: [business sand. Lot fronts 80. th
Joy; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ibach, Sr., No. 257—A large brick house in| brick house, brick garage, all mod- galow on Chocolate Ave., all
: gal, extra fine buildings in Al
and children, Lloyd, Wayne | ern conveniences, possession any reniences, garage ’ : No. 404--A very good brick build-
a ot : Wayne and Dag Donegat, Wy Ry | time. Priced to sell. Residential Modern convenien Fare. shape, best small farm I offered in INE One Stary ORION in TE
2H rolley stop.
E two cars. A dandy place to live| on macadam high
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Nissley | good shape for $3,500. rare) Soin A ob and a good buy. way. Price right. Joy Corner property.
gave a venison dinner on Saturday No. 314—A very good brick dwel}| ° East Main St., Mt. Joy, all con. | No. 413—A nice frame dwell No. 329—A 35-acre farm ot! NO 406—Frame Office Juldue,
evening at their home. Those pre- |ing on New Haven St, Mt. Joy. veniences. will sell with or without | ing in Mount Joy, corner property sand land near Chickies church, Show Room, Sages and a Dwelling.
sent to enjoy the feast were: Mr. |electric lights, bath, etc., corner |, 5 car garage in rear. | along trolley. A very good cheap |shedding for 5 or 6 acres tobacco. | Here is a rea usiness proposition



and Mrs, of Florin; | Property. No. 882—A 2-story frame corner | home. A good 1-ran farm cheap. Tas Sire lot of buildings
Mr. Scho Mr and No 330A fine _Sogbis property at Florin, tin roof, cement No. 414—About an dcre of
. J wz velling orn, : lar, Florin water, ete. i h ith
Mrs. Joseph Gish and son, Marlin, | je house in cellar, ground with house wi LARGE FARMS
and daughter, Miss 1 of Mount a Modern ll oy No. 385-—A very modern corner|lights and bath; also frame stable. BUILDING LOTS
leasa sic their daughter Price is only $5,600. Will | Property in Mt. Joy at trolley, has| In Mt. Joy boro. Will sell right or| No. 357—A farm of 112 acre:| No. 306—Fine building lot froms-
thei daughter, | and $25. hig 1s rp "other | 211 conveniences and in Al shape. exchange for smaller house. of gravel soil, good house, barn. |ing 45 ft. on the east side of Lum~
Miss / » Man a student’ at | sol} ole Hor ; or othe Also garage; No Tite to Fast Main tobaceo shed, silo, running water | ber St., Mt. Joy. $500.
illersville Jollee \ ne § r $2, . He al .
Millersville College, who : spent) side fo No. 386—A 2%-story framel yj 10-0 lob on Fast Main St.) 15 acres woodland, Price reason | no 310.4 40.5 lot on Walnut
from Wednesday to Sunday ith No. 337—A fine new house on Kiri Mt. Joy with two houses. Railroad] gple
fro Vednesday to Sunday wit West Donegal St., Mt. Joy, all con- house adjoining No. 385. Prefer siding in rear. A very good invest- St. Mt. Joy. If you want a chesp
iL 1 veniences and in best of condition selling these two as a unit. ment and priced for a quick sale. No. 381—A farm of | lot get busy.
ko ee] No. 399A good 2% tory) No dogs bungalow on es, "Tire Saigon ir ae an A350 100 fe front ama
by fo 1 Vs « Reading, NO, +o SOV 3 $a ‘est Main oy, rooms » er 8% and 540 ft. deep on concrete
Mrs. Marth: ilton; Mrs. [frame house on Main sireet, Florin | jf My lot 296 ft. deep TRUCK FARMS house and barn. Price $145 per) way between Mt. Joy and Be
“romm, of len, 1 her a: ack | best of shape, 2-car garage. possession any time. Must be seen No. 183—2 acres and, rather|acre and 8-4 of money can remain. No. 366
Ae er daugh | No. fine home along the to be appreciated. 8 car garage. hilly, large double house, fine for|Here’s a dandy. 0. 366—A choice building los,
ter, Mrs. Owen and [¢ lev at Florin, all modern con- N 392A 1 brick house poultry $650 : fronting 70 ft. on Marietta St.
Mrs. I. N. Mun Joy; | wrod, Y re Pond tc. sell NO, large brie a : : No. 384—A 106-acre farm of|Mt. Joy and about 80 ft. deep. Cor-
Mr. and Mrs My { veniences, good repair, large frame stable, No. 184-—13 acres of sand and | gravel and limestones land in Mt. | ner lot. Cheap.
Mr. and Mrs. ne Mr. | No. 349—An 80 ft. front on acre of ground, on concrete high- | limestone in Rapho, frame house Joy township, stone house, big No. 877—F 50 ft. 1 the
and Mrs. Norman B: and | Donegal Springs Road, Mt. Joy. | way near Mt. Joy. Price Very | good bank barn, fruit, running wa |bank barn, good water for only : gi t. 10ts on
Mrs. Levi Peifer an laughter, | New 8 room brick house, all mod- | interesting. ter. Only $2,000 $120 per acre. Nicely located. : on side of North Barbara St., Ms.
Nancy, Mr. and Mrs. S. New- | ern improvements, Included is an No. 397—One of the former Mt. lo a y . i .
comer and son, James, Mr. and |acre tract in rear Joy Development Co. houses on W. Dea Be eee in a Hn ey 50. Noy fo) Two dots of, ground
Mrs. Amos Longeneck and n,| No. 353—Lot 40x200 at Florin Donegal St. Mt. Joy. All conveni- | house, stable, chicken house, pig sty, [east of Mt. Joy. Half the money on on re Ta on n, om is
Bobbie and Anna Ruth, and Myr. | with new b-room bungalow. Has ences. Price very low. house newly painted. can remain if desired. corner and arc on join, ail.
ahd = loan Poe: with Mr. and Jpn Sad heat. Dandy home bi No. 399—An acre of land with No. 270—A fine truck farm ef a No. 412—A 100-acre farm along| ing location.
Mrs. J. Howard Peifer. {#9 Ty i
: { 9-room brick house, frame stable | few acres near Milton Grove, good
The funeral of Rev. L. A. Dyer,| No. 855—A lot 50x200 ft. just!2-car garage, etc. Wonderful lo-| house, barn, large shed, poultry
in the Church. of God Landisville, {outside Mt. Joy Boro, new 7-room | cation. An unobstructed view of | houses, etc. for only $1,500.
Marietta and Lancaster pike, large
meadow and excellent pasture. A JUST LAND
good farm.
i , good | the S h i and land A No. 387—A plot of about 2 1-8
was very well attended. Methodist well ‘of water, ste, Halt of money | fronts on Trail. BAS No. 275—14 acres, 2 miles from acres of land along trolley at Florin
preachers served as. pall bearers;lcan remain Possession at once N A oli Mt. Joy, gravel soil, frame house. BUSINESS STANDS has a frontage of one block. Price
Rev. H. Hershey read the first | Will sell more land with property if | NO: 400—A good frame dwellinz|barn, ete. A dandy truek farm. reasonable.
on Marietta street. An excellent |Don’t miss this
Scripture lesson : ay, Swarts , | purchaser desires. Here's a worth . No. 334—A fine brick business| No. 388—A plot of ground con-
Solon, Jos? BL Rov : Swartz, the | pe) Pei buy for any person living in rent. No. 352—A dandy truck, fruit|stand and dwelling on East Main | taining about an acre at Florin.
second; Dr. ., Watchorn, the new | No. 405—A frame dwelling, cor-|anqg poultry farm of Jacob Stauffer | St. Mount Joy. Priced to sell.
District Superintendent, gave a; No. 365-—Fine corner prope: er and will sell for only|near Sunnyside School, in“ Rapho| No. 376—A 20-car garage cen. I also have a number of proper
! |
2} Hn
sketch of his ministry: Dr. | and lot adjoining, at trolley | 3.000
Bre uct ria on rs LE house has all conveniences, lar [#20 : township. Here's a snap for some rally located in Mount Joy, wil | ties that owners do not care to have
£g > 8 Ve tll zr alk auc or 1S
’ 5 la 1

Build Houses for Plants
Sash greenhouses are becoming
more popular in Pennsylvania for
starting seeds and small plants. A
homemade house, 10 by 18 feet in
size, can be built for about $100.
Hardy Alfalfa Yields More
Hardy strains of alfalfa have av-

| lawn, fine location. Want to s No. 408~-Lot 40x200 on concrete sell with or without a moder Sdveriised wi Sony on what
goodness, but not any too fae; | o Settle estate, highway, at Flor'n, frame house, all dwelling with all conveniences. oe 1 Re 1 ig lis and see
in only brother and wife, of near) No. 368—A T7-room newly built Jen FE hot. yaa MEDIUM SIZED FARMS No. 374—A 6-room house and
ittsburgh, were here and her two and modern home on: Marietta St. heat, oil burner, 6-car garage. ! No. 210-—31 acre-farm near Mar- store room, owner now doing a Huating C
brothers, of Michigan, were here Mt. Joy. Corner property Na oe very good property at a reasonable atta and Lancaster nike, good crop-| nice electrical business. Will sel unting Camps
1iS0 to pay ther last respects and |in every way, 2-car garage, very | Price. per, lots of fruit, excellent tobacco property, business, stock, etc. Good 20a face 2 128 iy
sympathy for widow, three sons | reasonable in order to sell. | No. 409—A dandy corner prop and truck farm. Only’ $4.000. jase pane, Wonderful barn, ete. Half is roll as. oe
nd one daughter. No. 371—A newly built house [erty trolley, very modern] No 278-30 acres of sand land ] eral bear pens on farm. Game
——————— along trolley at Florin, all modern | house, all conveniences, sun porch | near Green Tree church, good soil, No. 403—Frame Building 30x60, sucli as bear, deer, pheasants, grey
Consistent and NOT spasmodic | "OnVeniences and price only $3650. zarage. ete. Can be bought worth a am Hn Poems hoyse, ig wa- |! Soe Tn WoL end an gna lack, squirrel, ey Wy
, er, fruit, ete arm lan | othe ( eal hunting cam
davertising always pays best. Bact | or a quick sale. the money. 2 D. ce $
eraged from 474 to 651 pounds mere | Me YOU stop advertising, the poe)
hay per acre each year than common

arieties in experiments at the Penn-
vania State College.