WEDNESDAY, NOV. 26th, 1930 L THAT LITTLE CAME” Inter-nat’l Cartoon Co, N.Y.— BY B. Link GIMME THOSE DAD You (N ’ ha) TN Now Hous ON CARDS, ™ Your LIFE ALL GOT “THERE, Hold ON! C'MON ¢— DISCOVER A 9 You REAT. WAT A MINUTE -| THE WHISTLE'S PHONEY MITT GoIN' To Blow ~ C'MON= KIDDING THERE'S A DIAMOND IN TIM'S "HEART Fos", — HONEST. LET ME TARE ANOTHER LOOW AT THAT FLUSH AND “THAY STRAIGHT: NOUR THREE BWES ARENT ANN GoOD - 22) Birthlay Surprise A birthday surprise was given at READ THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN OUR MORTUARY (From page 1) were held Friday from the Brethren church. the adjoining at Chiques ment in cemetery. David Appley David Appley, fifty-three, of Mari- etta, died last Wednesday evening, of heart trouble. He was a member of the Red Men, Marietta. Besides his wife, Annie, he is sur- vived by three children: Raymond and Gertrude at home and Elizabeth, wife of Clyde Miller, Elizabethtown. Also one sister, Mrs. Annie Shellen- berger, Harrisburg, and these broth- Harry, Columbia; John, Phila- delphia; William, Marietta; Charles, Silver Springs, and Elmer, Marietta. ers. Roy H. Barnhart Roy H. Barnhart, eighteen 114 David street, died from heart trouble noon, 2 o'clock at the home with in- termeng in Mount Tunnel cemetery, Elizabethtown. Mrs, Sarah Henny Mrs. Sarah jurday evening at her home, at Man- heim after an illness of some time. | She was a daughter of the late Mary Hartley and | Eshleman and George Sup- i was a member of Trinity United Ev- Mus. [angelical church. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Martin TT FE ES, Te SEE hE gy i Metzler, on East Donegal St., on G0 00 0 0 0 0 6B 000 0 OOO SOS SS SS OP : oY i of Thair EXT IRI EXIT XY Monday evening in honor of their son, “Red” Metzler. An oyser | per was served to Mr. and age TR 3 J % on : is: no $ PLU MBING and HEATING $ Martin Metzler, Elizabeth and * Emmanuel Metzler, “Red” Metzler, 90 oe Henry Klugh, John Wealand, Paul | o Also All Kinds Repair Work 3 | schroll, Charles Schroll, Roy Ma-| $, PROMPT SERVICE PRICES REASONABLE 8 Lloyd Garber and George | Stumpf. sin et A ie LOR) aXe’ 9. ho? | Miss Leiberher 0f Elizabethtown, oe ¥ o¢ | Mr. Joseph Sayers, and oe JOSEPH 1. HEISEY & | Ruth Sipe, of York, spent Saturday | o Phone—179RS FLORIN, PENNA. { with Mr. and Mrs. Fred oe | + ®" | and family. > de 190-0%0-0% 6% 6% 000 0.0. 0. 0. 0 0 0.0 0 0.0.0 0 0 0.0 Advertise in The Bulletin. @ The Merchant who advertises in “The Bulletin” doesn’t complain about poor business. . . . he knows “IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE” Phone 41R2 Let us help you with your advertising problems @ e000 @ 8000000000 OOOO ©} | © {the Evangelical Two children survive: Albert and both at home; also a grand- daughter Eva Mae Bear. Funeral held at the home this afternoon at 2 o'clock with burial in Fairview cemetery Kate services were Mrs. Harvey Greiner Jarbara E. Greiner, fifty-one, died suddenly at St. Joseph's hospital following an op- eration after an illness of a few days. She fis survived by her husband, Mrs. Harvey Greiner, and two children, Charles at home, and Claude, Allen town. Also one brother, Samuel Ressler and one sister, Mrs. Harvey N. Nissley, both of Harrisburg. Services were held Monday after- noon, at her home with interment in Hoffer’'s cemetery, on the Elizabeth town-Hershey road. Mrs. Lucy Stohler Mrs. Lucy Stohler, sixty-three, widow of Thomas Stohler, died sud- denly on Monday - evening, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Frank Schroll, 29 Mount Joy street, of a heart attack. She was stricken sud- denly in Columbia but was able to return to her home in Mount Joy where she suffered a second attack and died almost immediately. Mrs. Stohler was a life long resi- dent of this place and a member of church. One son, Thomas, and two daughters, Frances, wife of Frank Schroll and Stella, wife of Martin B. Brown, all of this place, survive; also ten grand-chil- dren. She was the last of her fam- ily. Funeral services will be held at the home of the daughter, Mrs. Schroll, Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock with burial in the Henry Eberly cemetery. re re GENERAL NEWS FOR BUSY FOLKS INTERESTING HAPPENINGS FROM ALL OVER THE COUN: TRY FOR THE BENEFIT OF BUSY PEOPLE Mr. A. L. Nissley was appointed guardian of Paul R. Zerphey, of town. $600 worth of diamonds were stolen from a store window at Lititz, Mr. Enos Rohrer, the local Hudson Essex dealer is nursing a badly in fected foot The Wrightsville closed for an ite period. The Shoe Factory here suspended order to Foundry Co. at indefin- liverside operations this week in take inventory. John P. Hohn Jr., of was killed in a motorcycle accident near that city. Mr. .Carl Zeager family to the home vacated by Mr. Walter Greiner cn W. Donegal St. The pupils of the Mount Joy Pub- lic Schools will enjoy another tion over Thanksgiving and not re- porting in until Monday. Lancaster, moved his vaca A PICTURE FOR HIS ATTENDANCE (From Page One) inscription printed thereon. “This Ttstimony of Approba- tion is presented to Christian Reist for his correct deport- ment and punctual attend- ance in the First Presby terian Sabbath School, Mt. Joy. J. Stauffer, Teacher. On the bottom of the picture is written in a good hand: “Designed engraved and printed expressly by J. Stauffer. The picture is now in the possess- ion of Mr. Clayton L. Nissley, a for- mer Poor Director of Lancaster Co., who resides with his brother Abram Nissley, near the Cross Roads church. It may be seen in our window. @ ih RECORDINGS home of | his son-in-law, Mr. Sheaffer, and later | Inter- and complications. He had been an invalid for some time. His mother survives, Mrs. Annie Hocker, 114 David street, Mount Joy, and these brothers and sisters; Mer- vin Barnhart and Harry H. Barnhart, Mount Joy; Mrs. John Brandt, Man heim, and Alberta Barnhart, Mt. Joy. Services will be Thursday after- Henny, eighty-five, wid- ow of Augustus W. Henny, died Sat- THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO., PA. LOCAL DOINGS AROUND FLORIN | oi | ALL THE UP-TO-DATE HAPPEN INGS FROM THAT THRIVING AND BUSY VILLAGE | Mrs. Al Fike spent Tuesday at , Lancaster. i Mrs. David Wolgemuth {this writing. Mr. Vidior Brooks County on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Geyer are spending several days at Middle- town. Mr. and son, Vernon, lentown. Curtis Melhorn and family, visit- ed in the home of C, A. Melhorn on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Sunday at York horn’s brokher. Mrs. George Geyer spent Thurs- day at Elizabethtown visiting her daughter, Mrs¥ Leo Cobb. Miss Katie Winters has gone to is ill at was at Perry Mrs. C. V. Kinsey and spent Sunday at Al- Melhorn visiting Mr. spent Mel- Wilkensburg to her daughter, Mrs. Ed. Stoll to spend the winter. Mr. and Mrs. John Forry and daughter, Kathrine, of near Stras- burg, spent Sunday with their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Strickler, Mr. and Mrs. Paris Wolgemuth, visited in the home of John Deyer of Eli- zabethtown. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hostelter and Miss Elizabeth Landau, of Lancaster spent Sunday with Miss Miriam: Guhl. Messrs Wittle, Weidman, Ander- have gone to the mountains awaii'ng the opening of Doe season. Mr. and and Mrs. Samuel son and Vogle Mrs. J. A. Crawl and child- ren visited the Masonic Homes at Elizabethtown, on Sunday. Miss Maud Buller and Elverta Buller spent Sunday at their par- ents. They are nurses at the State Hospital for Crippled Children. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Brenneman entertained Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Perrett, of near Elizabethtown, ind Mr. and Mrs. Abram Eshleman, and ch.ldren, of Milton These guests visited of Mr. and Mrs. C. Mr, and Mrs. J. E, Eshleman and Jethe Harn, Martin Wolgemuth, Mr. and Mrs. C. Miller Wolgemuth, John Edward and Beulah, Mr. and Mrs. John Schoch, Robert Hinkle and Mr. and Mrs, Eli Musser and Esther Musser, 9 YOUNG FOLKS JOIN IN WEDLOCK NUMBER OF VERY WELL KNOWN YOUNG FOLKS ARE JOINED IN THE HOLY BONDS Grove. in the home A. Melhorn; OF MATRIMONY Brubaker—Bomberger Mr. and Mrs. Sem S. Brubaker, of Lancaster, announce the mar- riage of their daughter, Barbara E. to Mr. Walter L. Bomberger, Man- heim, on Thursday, November 13. Long—Enck The marriage of Laura Miller Long, daughter of the Rev. Dr. D. E. Long, of Harrisburg, and Dr. Paul S. Enck, son of the Rev. Dr. S. C. Encq, of Harrisburg, will take place Thursday, Nov. 27, 1930, at 6 o'clock In the 29th-St. U. B. church, Harrisburse. Mrs. Omar Hummel attend her sister as matron of honor. Dr. S. C. Enck, of Harrisburg, will take brother as best man. Janet Long, of Philadelphia, niece of the bride, will be flower girl and Master John New York City, will be will Long, of ring bearer. The ushers will be Mr. Omar Hummel, of Harrisburg, and Prof. S. B. Stayer, of Millers- ville. , The bride will be giben in mar- ‘iage by her brother, Prof. D. Ma- son Long f State College. Mr. Earl Miller, of Grantham, tenor, and Miss Margaret Schmidt, i ist, of Harrisbux assist Miss Cora Pisle, of in a recital to be given before the cere- mony. The ceremony 11 be performed by Dr. S. C. Enck, assisted by the Rev. D. E. Long. Following the ceremony there will be a reception at the Civic Club, 612 North Front St., Harris- burg. Laura Long is a graduate of Col- umbia High and Millersville State Teachers’ College. Dr. Paul Enck is a graduate of Philadelphia High School and the University of Pennsylvania Graduate Hospital. After a wedding trip the bride will reside in Harris- School and burg. groom A A ms THE ELM TREE BEE WAS A BIG SUCCESS The spelling bee at the Elm Tree School last week was well attended Prizes were won by the following: First Spelling Class taught by Miss Ella Hostetter: First Prize, Verna Mae Gruber; Second Prize, Edith Shelly; Third Prize, Anna Mae Risser. Open to All, Mrs. Daniel Heil- man, teacher; First Prize, Mr. Hambright; Second Prize, Marian Musser; Third, Mary Doutre. General Information Class by Mr Adam Steagle; First Prize, Marian Musser; Second Prize, Mildred Gib- ble; Third Prize, Mary Doutre. Mrs. Warren Heisey is the teach- er. Raffensperger- 10 THE LOVERS OF GRIDIRON SPORTS MOUNT JOY RAN WILD IN LAST HALF OF GAME WITH HIGH- SPIRE HERE LAST SUN- DAY Held to a one touchdown in the first half Mount Joy's A. A. team cut loose in the third and fourth periods to route the Highspire eleven, 33 to 0, in a game played here Sunday af- teronon. The local gridders got off to a good start, tallying one touchdown in the initial quarter. R. Halbleib scored the first marker for the home-team after a brilliant march down field. This touchdown appeared to inspire much better tering the opposing line to pieces to score another marker in the third and then wind-up with three more touch downs fin the fourth. Amos Herr, Neiss and Minnich ac counted for the last four touchdowns carrying the ball over the final chalk mark on two occasions. High- spire fought hard in the carly minutes of the game but once the home team hit its stride the invaders could not stop the offensive attack. Highspire A. A. (0) Mt. Joy (33) Saker ......... L. E. ...J. Schneider LL... LT, as G. Germer Sennit ........ L. G. .......Matteer Bishop .......... 0, Ls Sloat Toth .....».. Re Cramer Hoover. BR. To... Gutshall Hoffman ...... t. BE. ......J. Germer Swartley ...... QB Li Zink Pailey ....... L«. H. B ....... Herr Miller ...... BHEB ... Minnich | Schaffer ...... BB... Pennell | Score by periods: HIGHSPIRE A. A. ...0 0 0 0— 0 MOUNT JOY ........ 6 0 7 20—33 Substitutes: Mount Joy—Brondt for J. Schneider, H. Schneider for Mat- teer, R. Halbleib for Minnich, Neise for Pennel, Dommel for G. Germer, Kauffman for Dommel, Showalter for | Sloat, McCord for Cramer, H, Klugh | for Gutshall, Coble for Klugh, Sc hatz | for Herr and Neise for Pennel, High- spire A. A.—Chapman for Hoffman, | The Liederkranz team of Lancas- ter defeated Mount Joy's Soccerites Germer; Hendrix for Hauer; Smith the countians and when they came] back in the second half they played a | odd Fellows brand of football, bat-| Bayy 162 PAGE FIVE NEWS ABOUT THE PIN SPILLERS I. 0. O. F. vs Armstrong Our Odd Fellows won a very good game from the Armstrong bowlers, of Lancaster, on the local alleys Friday evening by a 96 pin (margin. “Chick Derr led in the | singles with 203 while Cunningham bowled 550 for high single, Score: Armstrong Ist 2nd 3rd Tig Cunnin’ham . 199 167 184 5bu Fisher ...... 176 161 .... 383% Nagle ....... 169 ... 158 327 Kamm: ..... woo 2164 142° SOG Souders .... 185 170 145 500 Bensing .... 189 171 155 B15 Totals 918 33 784 2535 1st 2nd "3rd Tig 177 166 505 (Bennett .... 192 147 186 525 | Nitrauer ... 181 191 S79 {Herr ....... 192 174 159 525 O'Neill. ..... 178 .. 178 ....... 165 203 158 526 { Totals .... 892 879 860 2631 { EE | Barbers vs Boosters | The Barbers anl the Boosters | had a battle on the Garden Spot Jowling Alleys here last lweek and the former won by 133 points. Scope led in the singles with 181 ana aso in triples with 478. Score: Boosters 1st 2sd 3rd Tis Germer ..... 114 131: 122 37% Smedley .... 114 121 125 360 Bishop ..... 154 114 140 408 Thomas .... 127 160 127 414 Bennett .... 141 162 164 46% Totals 650 688 678 2026 Barbers 1st 2nd 3rd Tis Scope, 13 166 181 478 Mateer ...... 128 142 167 . 435 Zook . i. 126 100 144 37H Brown ....: 129 167 144 439 Weaver ..... 154 145 170 469 Totals 668 725 806 2186 eee Cotton Mill vs Tidewater Last night on the local alleys the oe he Bea The Cotton Mill and Tidewater Guy for Schaffer. Oil Co. bowlers ran a dead heat Touchdowns: Mount Joy—R. Hal- : i bleib 1, Herr 1, Neice 2, Minnich 1. 13st Thursday evening when Referee, W. Ellis. Umpire L. Ellis, | eV Played a tie score 2129-2129. Head Linesman, F. Germer. Time, 12 Mateer’s 186 was high single and | M. Geod’s 496 was high triple. eee le | Score: LANCASTER HIGH EASILY DE. | Cotton Mill Ist 2nd 3rd Tis FEATED OUR HIGH SOCCER M. Good ..» 184 169 143 496 SOCCER TEAM—ALSO LOST |G. Schneider: .151 ... 140 291 TO LIEDERKRANZ G. Brown .. 144 144 131 419 Pennell ...., 151 146 .... 20% Last Wednesday the Lancaster| E- Schneider ... 152 143 29§ Hikh Soccer team defeated our lo. | Mateer were 136 143 156° 455 cal High school team 12 to 1—Bri- aa ae an an scored the only goal for Mount | j Lord daa 816 784 7.8 g129 Joy in the second period. Lineup: [ide Water 1st -2nd sed Tis ee Barney ..... 128... 185 263 Mt. Joy Position Lancaster | oe i > > Hoffman ...... Goal. ..... Bard |; BUS... 161 121 O82 Greiney ...... F.E Good | pra 148 143 141 43% C. Frank ..... Doran | Sheaffer 151 M5, 146 422 Schroll: ..... L.. H. Dommell Rensel rae a 148 | 153 298 Hostettor Cc. H Beadey Copeland ... 144 143 148 435 Young 71D Rod. SOT auc Darrenkamp 0. L Weitzel Total .... 712694 728 128 Qrove i... .5 LL ...... Haller R. Myers ..... C.F. ... Adams Florin vs Sico Gas Boon... IL. 1 Miller Monday evening the Florin bowl- J. Myers ..... O.R Flora | ers defeated our Sco Gas team Lancaster ...... 8 2 3 4-—12|here by a 2968-11870 score. The Mt. Joy ........ 0 1 0 0— 1]|2ame was played on the Garden Substitutes: Mt. Joy—Frank for [Spot alleys. Score: Schroll; Houer for Hostetter; Ger- | Sico Gas Ist 2nd 3rd Tis mer; Hendrix for J. Myers. Lancas- | Weldon +. 103 27 104 334 ter: Rhoad for Bard; Bell for Good; Ney ....... 121 152 118 390 Brubaker for Doran; Dorson for | Halbleib 112 126 11). 859 Dommell; Parks for Beasley; Snitz-| Herman .... 124 167 35 426 er for Young; Harnish for Weitzel; Barnhart ... 123 100 138 361 Eisenberger for Haller; Coulter for | Adams; Brian for Miller; Mumma | Totals ... 583 671 606 1870 for Flora. | Florin 1st 2nd 3r1 Tis Goals: Adams, Beasley, Dommel, |Rensel ..... 157 116 165 438 Haller, Flora, 2; Eisenberger, 4.|Mumper 148 149 158 455 Shar. [Vogal ...... 111 110 84 305 Referee, Witmer, F. & M. Time-!C. Herr 134 125 130 389 keeper, Beahm. Scorekeeper, C.| B. Herr 150 126 115 3ri1 Stauffer. Time of periods, 15 min. | eT ev. | Total 700 626 652 1968 Lost to Liederkranz { Tidewater—E’town { | by an 8 to 2 score on Saturday. At Elizabethtown bowlers defeated our the end of the second period the | Tidewater team 2325 to 2219. City team was leading in a close Score: contest 3 to 2. Four goals in the | Tide Water 1st 2nd 3rd Tis third period decided the contest. | Barny ...... «ie Ri TOO) Lineup: |Gillumg .... 165 120 129 414 Mt. Joy Position Liederkranz | Rensel ..... 173 188 145 506 Hoffman .... G .... Joe Richler| Kersey ..... 124 130 144 390 Frank. ...... L. F 122 128 388 Hauer ... 1. H. 214 162 521 Greiner ...... R. Fellenbaum ... C 774 2219 Hostetter ..... RB. 2nd Tls Darrenkan 0. ania ceini 113. Germer: .... 1. L. 157 1564 417 Myers ..... C. F 141 153 294 Brian ...... LR 288 151 348 J. Myers ..... 0. 141 202 498 Mt. Joy... 122 267 495 Lieder. .......... 3 0 4 1-8 - ree S— Substitutes: Mt. Joy—Frank for] Totals . 583 T49 827 2325 Ee ee for Germer. Bowling Dates Goals — Leiderkranz: Votteeler, Wednesday, November 26th, (to- 4; Mersky, 3; Atsinger, Liebschuts. | night) Grandview vs Mount Joy. Mt. Joy: Myers, Darrenkamp. | Friday, November 28, Common- Referee, Stauffer. Timekeeper, | wealth of Harrisburg vs Mount Joy Divet. Scorekeeper, Divet. Time of |I. O. O. F. periods, 15 minutes. hf ieee Soccer Games JUNIOR HIGH DE- December 5th Mount Joy at FEATS RESERVES | l.andisville, eee December 6th. Lancaster High On Monday afternoon the Mount | Schocl at Mount Joy. Game starts Joy Junior High played the Highs: 2. P. M. Reserves and won by a 1-0 score, | =——= - which is appended: Newcomer ... O. R. ... G. Brown Position Junior High [Reserves ........ 0 0 0 0—0 Derr ....... Goal .....:. Shenk {Junior H. .....a. 0.0 1 0—1 Yeib ...... L. PF... Snyder Substitutes: Schroll for Kretzing; W. Brown R.F Grove | Hetrick for Toppin; Weidman for Lindemuth ... L. H. Kretzing | Newcomer; Lindemuth for Leib; Baltozer .... C. H. T. Brown | Kreider for Brown; Bailey for Hei Toppin ...... RH ...... Buller | lig. Keener ..... 0. Lo... Martin Goals: Heilig, 1. Smith ...... I Le Mateer| Referee, Darrenkamp. Linesmen, Elis ....0... CF iva. Heilig |J. Myers, R. Myers. Scorekeeper, C. Backenstoe ... I. R. Dellinger Stauffer. Time of %eriods, ge i -