PAGE TWO THE MOUNT JOY sULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO., PA, 1 f 4 NOV. 26t WEDNESDAY, MT. JOY BULLETIN MOUNT J. E. SCHROLL, JOY, PA. Editor & Propr. Subscription Price $1.50 Per Year Six Months 5 Cente Three Months 40 Cents Single Copies 3 Cents Samnle Copies FREE Entered at the fice at Mount y ws Ssecoad-class ail tte The of the expirat Ir it script follows your name el ‘fe do uot sena rece pts ription money ieceived Whenever you remit, see that you. are given pro edt We eredit all subscriptions the first of each month. All| ndents must have their com municat ich this office not later than Monday lephor news of importance betwee at time and 12 o'clock noon Wednesday Changes for advertisements must sitively reach this office not later than night New advertisements inserted reaches us Tuesday night Advertising rates on application The subscription lists of = Landisville Vigil, tlie Florin News and > Joy Star and News, were merged w of the Mount »y Bulletin, which makes this on ahout double that ot the y weekly. paper reu paper's ordi © EDITOR BETTER USE dry law asks for $25,000,000 While the prohibition enforced, wouldn't it just at this time to amount or more to and destitute and do FOR IT The enforcement gang with. be to work law he should far better give the the a sdine unemployed real act? NOT PRESENT In times past, statisticians ted that the normal increase population would eventually bout starvation conditions, economist are figuring long it will take to eat up world sur- WORRY predic- world a- in bring and out now how plusses. It kind of looks as tho one shouldn’t worry too much about fig- ures and prophecies. If we must cry about business, Ie us all sit down on the curb and have a good cry together, and we will enough water to relieve t! dro THE LOVELIES WOMAN A great-grandmother of eight living in Minneapolis, has been awarded a $1,000 prize in a field of 20,000, as the “loveliest woman.’ T award was made by a board of experts, on photographs alone Her face as it appear in the public j s. is lovely and from it shines out a lovely soul. Many young women are pretty, but the truly lovely women are those who have passed the half century mark. older th xrow tl lovelier they become, 1 at love liest of all love, mother ve hances their loveliness. THE SILV LINING Nof that we care whether skirts go up or down—well, not much, any- way—but its interesting to learn that about 400,000 women, members of the New York State Federation of Womens Clubs, have been on strike against long skirts. The Garment Retailers of America heard this the other day from Mme. Helene Volka, who is official stylist for the women’s federation—and a great light broke over them. “We have refrained from buying new frocks,” said Mme. Vol- ka, “as a protest against having foist- upon us styles becoming only to the young and slender.” So it appears, women are now to make styles, in- stead of styles making women. If the styles “dictated by Paris” don’t suit, the girls will go on wearing their old a bit longer—and that's something a veteran husband frock-provider can cheer. dresses and A SUBSTITUTE FOR TREE-SITTING Governor O. Max Gardner North Carolina goes the the most, the only structive substitute for the tree sitting. He “I doubt if history records a strang- To of credit for and perhap con idiocy of says: er device for the entertainment and pleasure of those participating. I venture the belief that this startling new activity—or rather complete absence of activity—is symptomatic of nothing more serious than com- plete and spiritually devasting idle- ness and boredom. Now how much better it would be if, instead of be- coming ‘tree-sitters,” our boys and girls would become ‘tree s’, and thus rontribute something to the beauty, livablen and com of their homts.” Governor Gardner's unanimously it into effect is anot! such brainless wo r in the top of a inst their own hom name could tl g ception as beaut nothing of a comfor home? Our phenomenon right. The demonstration Our more more own greatest trees tree Wi sitting. DB WHERE HAS There isn’t Some local discovered that truth. all hot and bothered ‘years “the stockings fireside” have been fying regularity and liberality. Peo ple came in constantly and bought without argument. Everybody having a wonderful time. But something the bewildered other, “Where Well, where The plain truth that hasn't gone anywhere, It is right USINESS Sant GONE? Claus. any business have th men just And ey are For the about hung filled with by satis- was has happer are business And asking each gone?” gone? ones has bus has is business in town. Always’ has been. - Always will be. But business nowadays is operating on the “cafeteria” plan You've got to “help yourself.” The chap who sits around waiting for “table service” is doomed to dissa- pointment—and lots of it. As John Wanamaker used to say: “There is\ always someone, some- L| SALUNGA MAYTOWN | Dinner in Honor of Mr. and Fe Fred Ibach, Jr.— Union Thanks- The Union Thanksgiving services giving Service Here { will be held Thursday evening at 7: RR {o'clock in St. Johns Lutheran church. Mrs. John Aston now lives with | Rev. James B. Musser, pastor of Re he er Mrs. Ben Brosey famed church will deliver the ser- : roe mon, Mi Catherine Light of. Lititz | The Mite Society of the Church of spent the week end with Miss El- } God will hold o food sale Wednesday eanor Fackler, November 26 at the home of Mrs. Al | and Mrs. Israel Mumma ‘Risser, beginning at 9:00 a. m. Mince Sunday at the home of Mr. |and pumpkin pies, cakes, custards, d Mra Samuel Eby. | zinger bread, potato salad and beef Mr. and Mrs. Amos Longenecker | 10at will be on sale. Give your or- entertained on Sunday Rev. K.|ders early. . Boohir and Misy Gross. | A surprise birthday party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry The E. J. Myers family visited Thursday Fry gave a Fred married, of recently Mr. n honor other Christ and Irvin, Peifer and Eask Petersburg, Mr. and wife and Mrs. Daniel Christ Peo ifer and | Mr. and sons, Mrs, of A. 3 Mrs, Fred Ibach Sr., and Glen Mrs, and son, and Mr. children. Mrs. Albert Weaver at her home Kready circle on Saturday afternoon, those present were: Mrs. Dohner, Mrs. N. N. Baer, Mrs. A. S. Newcomer and Mrs. Miller Eshle- man and son, James, Mrs. J. Urban Baker and “Dickie,” Mrs. Paul Baker and daughter, Mary Elizabeth and Ruth, Wayne Aungst and John. The church of the their Fall Love Feast ch at Salunga o and Sunday. attended, at entertained her sewing son, James, son, son, Brethern had in their Saturday ev- It was very a number of Preach- spoke Among them were: Stauffer of York and Rev. Cassel of Hatfield Montgomery Co. n irch ening well ers Rev, It was an old time Love Feast, so many staying for its close and din- ner on Sunday. eet @ CPO e+ ee. H.C. S. CLUB MET AT MIDDLETOWN (From page 1) riage of one of their members, s Myrtle Heistand, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Heistand, of Salunga, to Mr, Henry Danner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Danner, of Manhe which will be solemniz- ianksgiving Day. oWY Danner, Manheim; | “Benny” Willman, Middletown; Miss Dorothy Peters, Middle town; Mr. Mark Kline, Elizabethtown; M Anna Winters anc 1 Miss iss Ruth Kaylor, of town, ——— eet Eee day afternoon ED Pee There is no better way to boost your business than by local news advertisin paper this “someone” no longer walks in the front door, it is plainly up to us AFTER him. Find Sell him! to go Tell out him! na platitudes and baseless bunk. Lets face the facts. Nobody is going to; hand us anything. The folks who go | after the business intelligently and earnestly will reap the rewards. The place who \ wants to buy—and CAN buy—what you want to sell” If wailers and waiters are on the way out. - This is the day of Doers. I 0 Sp we at the home C i The Union ng Services | be he'd this year in the Salun- | ra’ M. E. Chureh, Rev. A. C. Coo-| per of the Lutheran C h Land- ille to deliver the e: the | Ibach Jr. | of Mount Joy; | and cards were the astimes during ‘the ev- who attended the “two- 1b meet were: Misses Clara Hinkle, of Mount ss Myrtle Heistand, of Sal. Miss Dorot Overdeer, of town; Mr. Paul Erb, of] Harold Overdeer, Middle- Ladies Were at E’town Miss Edna Martin, accompanied | by a number of High School girls of town, namely Misses Evelyn Saker, Mildred Zink, Fannie and Helen Dillinger. visited the Eliza-| bethtown Tri High Y Club on Fri- him! | Haines and given by the members her | y an Mrs, SIs of the Maytown Reformed church Bors tied of Mount Joy on Satur- Mrs. Haines being director of day evening. choir. Games were played and a very The free coffee and cake demon- pleasant evening spent. Refresh- stration at the John Bender store, | ments were served. Those present on Saturday was enjoyed by his |were: Mr. and Mrs. George Waller, many customers, Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Risser, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Peifer an- | Herbert Smith, Mrs. Hiram Mayer, naunce the bith of a daughter, | Miss hots He Sells Sve, 3 illian Sload, Kathryn shleman, ales hou, ox Saturday: at the | Mrs. Grace Sload, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sr | L.. Haines, Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Young and | Mrs. Annie Mackley. hildren, enjoyed an auto trip bo] New York last week, having spent | everal days there. LOBATA Mr, and Mrs. John Cooper of | near Harrisburg spent Sunday with | Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Landis and son his mother at the home of Mr. and |Benny, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Landis Mrs. Water Peifer. at sons James and Junior visited The : Mennonite chimeh sewing | MT Jacob Landis and family near iy ‘ | Deodate Sunday evening. cirele of Chesnut Hill met at the | Mr. znd Mrs. Cyrus Koefer enter: home of its President Mpys. Abram | (45509 the of Ginger. on Greider on Tuesday. Sunday: Mrs. S. W. Watson and son The Monthly Meeting of the |Chester and Mrs. R. L. Wiles and Ladies Aid of the M. E. Church | Russel Brogunier all of Hagerstown, met at home of its President | Maryland. Mu Edith Peifer to %ransact bus-|{ The following were the guests of in m Monday evening. | Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Ebersole and Mr. and Mrs. Oram Bryson, en- | ly on Sunday; Mr, and Mrs. Na- | tor i over the week ond their Dupler and children; Law x de ce, Paul, Daniel, Dorothy and Dale rd, f and daughters, | "Jesse May, an rothy Ellen of | coat ele isin si 3 ; es Shel 3 | In order that a pubile sale, festi- | 2 fie Misses Brocht of York Hav. | al, supper, musica! or any like ev- en visited their sister Mrs. M.|,;, no's specess, it must b. thoro “yridav. Thev took | ce rent e¢ Mai Kauffman along | When it's job printing you need, anything from a card to a book, we are at your service tf ll Pe Subscribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletin | | , ville THE BEST TIME TO BUY ANYTHING TATE SITUATION TODAY. HERE IS A LIST OF SOME OF THE REALTY BARGAINS 1 AM OFFERING, MANY OF WHICH CAN BE BOUGHT AT YOUR OWN FIGURE. IRONVILLE “ANDY” MUMMA HAS VERY UN- USUAL EXPERIENCE WHILE GUNNING IN YORK COUNTY Ammon Campbell is seriously with a very severe cold. Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim G. were visiting at Harrishurg, Pa. Paul Metzgar was presented with a Bible by the Masonic Commandery Bard at Harrisburg, having received his 32 in the Masonic Order. Andrew and Guy Mummaw, Cleon Staley were gunning in York Co., and degree Andrew Mummaw killed two rabbits with one shot, he shot a rabbit and while doing this another jumped up and was frightened so badly that he ran into a wire fence and killed him- self. On Wednesday -evening a number of people from the Silver Spring cir- cuit will Visit the Otterbein United Brethren church at Harrisburg, where Charles Beittel, formerly Colum- bia, is the pastor. Rev. J. L. Smoker has closed a two weeks revival service at the Centre U. B. church, resulting in conversions. Mr. Smoker will spend several days at Bellaire in Hunting- don County visiting his sister, On Sunday evening at 7:30 Rev. D. Jatdorf, Bishop of the United of six G. 3rethren churches will preach in the] church. preach 10:30 Ironville United Brethren Rev. J. L. Smoker will Silver Spring on Sunday at m. Sunday School on Sunday at Iron- ville, Centreville and Silver Spring at 9:30 A. M. Jr. Christian at 6:00 P. M. deavor at 6:45. Stanley Arnold of Columbia, is di Ironville En- Endeavor at and Sr. Christian ) recting a choir in the Ironville, U. B. church and they will sing on Sunday evening during the church services, then Christmas time when they will ren at at he will also direct 1 a cantata. YG The man who rushes into tro-| uble usually hobbles out on ecrut- che rt Mere Turn useless articles about your home into cash. Advertise them in our classified column Mem ee eee Congistant Advarticine Pave Tos ill | at | IS WHEN THERE IS NO DEMAND. BUY NOW AND SAVE MONEY. HOME HEALTH (1 I'B [ chitis will not help a patient who i 4 40 has an irritated condition of the mm system of nerves, You are exceed- ingly disappointed when you see {the treatment: which readily bro- |ught relief in an inflammatory at- | te k give none for this coughing, Orc of the wos | Which is uzually severe at night.. must think more care- WEEKLY LETTER WRITTEN EX PRESSLY FOx THE BULLETIN BY DR. DAVID H. REEDFR | | Night Coughs: But you 1 . . . persistent and trying of all symp-|, y 3% . . i y as « “wr A - | | toms with which sufferers have to | oy of the F ase Jd oy 0 tng and is rea ature. will very | contend takes the form of cough- |... 1 b real hn! id h the eloth i, 0 : | likelv Je 0 y 3 ing instead of sleeping. When | e one mn whic p be applied to the back and to the front of the chest; It [may be 6ne in which a very simple remedy will relieve if not cure. Make a little “match paper” by dipping a piece of paper in a [srong solution of saltpeter and |dry it at the fire. When thorough- ly dry take about four inches square of it in a saucer. Set fire to the corner and let the patient sit where he can inhale the smoke, not so near as to cause incon- but venience in breathing. This, in every other sign of illness has been removed this coughing in the night will often remain and apparently baffle all remedy. There may be no difficulty in breathing, or much expectoration, or indeed, anything to account for the restless cough; vet there it is, and its effects are at least distressing, if not wasting to the patient. The first question chat should present itself to -one in such a case as this might be: What causes the trouble after other illness has been overcome? Probably it may be found in some very simple matter which happens not to be known. For instance, the idea may exist that all coughing is necessarily produced by something wrong with the lungs. Perhaps there is no knowledge of a ‘whole system of nerves, the state of which causes severe coughing | without expectoration or anything of a nature that can be thrown off in that way. Even though some- thing i= known regarding that sy- stem of nerves, there may be pro- found ignorance or forgetfulness of certain conditions sometimes ex- isting in the nerves of the stomach, which, by reflex action, makes their presence known by violent coughing, There may the bronchial pau¥ice it will only give relief for a time; but in all cases in which it relieves you may be pretty sure you have irritation of the sympathetic nerve to deal with and not bronchitis {anything of" an | nature. This will teach you how to treat ‘a night cough. When the patient is so very weak that it is impos- sible to utilize an outward applicat- ion it may be well to resort to the smoke of niter, as above described. I consider fthis subject of coughs importance at this time of the year that I will prepare another paper next week, giving more detail in- formation for the treatment of | various ‘conditions of that nature, (including whooping cough. All readers of this publication are at liberty at all times to write for information pertaining to the subject of health, Address Dr. David "H. Reeder, 3 B. 31st. St. Kansas City, Mo. with at least 6 cents be inflammation of tubes: a hot bran immediately applied to | the back, between the shoulders, and a cold cloth placed on the chest. The result is immediate re- lief. Jut there is no consideration of that state of the stomach and diaphram which causes whoop- when there is no inflam- 3 : | Turn useless icles ab mation anywhere. There is a state articles about your : . | home into cash. Advertise the sympathetic nerves which them in ur classified column to irritates, the nerves that supply the ress cell A Gini is taken postage. A A ine cough of breathing muscles, and causes se- vere coughing without any inflam-| When its job prating you need, I mation: | anything from a card to a book, we ' The treatment which suites bron-'are at your service of | some cases will cure: in other cases | INTERESTING LECTURE OM: | PALESTINE BY REV. KNIT} .E | | The lecture on “Palestine,” in | the Sunday School room of the Uni.ed Brethern church on Friday evening was given to. an appreciate ive audience. Rev. Knittle's slides were very interesting, instructive and some very amusing, He spent one week covering the town of Palestine by automobile, visiting very important | Biblical points, and very ably gave the lecture. The time of the year the tour was made was in the month of February, several years ago. Mem- bers of the touring party picked flowers, while Y¥his country, no doubt, was shoveling snow. portrayed the nat- ives there as still living in a back- ward country, although in some sect ons improved farm implements re being used. The pictures Woman, as has been the custom | for hundreds of years, is the slave, or | inflammatory | doing all the work in fields and at home, carrying water jugs, baskets, most everything on their heads. All these people walk very erectly, due to balancing their burdens on their heads from childhood. mountains, mentioned as im- of Christ were All the inns, tombs, roads, seas, ete., portant in the life shown, Many pictures of 'the blind were The narrow streets, no sidewalks, the filth and unsanitary cond¥ions, along with the lime- stone walls, roads, ete., which brilliant glare, when the is the cause of most Dark glasses were worn during the tour. The Psalm was beautifully llustrated by different highly col- ored slides, as were also the differ- shown, makes a sun shines, blindness. 23rd ent kinds of trees and their bloss- oms. The flowers of Palestine were also shown, The Rose of Sharon and the lily, which are mentioned in the Bible, were chown, the former resembling our narcissus. THAT'S THE REAL ES- DWELLING HOUSES ( No. 372—A newly built 6-room' nN, 411A fine stucco bun-| NO 300--18 acres of best lime- [business stand. Lot fronts 80 ft. viol : . stone lg i x OP No. 257—A large brick house in| brick house, brick garage, all mod- galow on Chocolate Ave. all Hoe aang ga Wad on Donegal St., Mt. Joy. negal, only 100 steps to COmveniences, possession anv , ,jorn conveniences, garage for] i. 3 : : No. 404--A very good brick build- East Donegal, only B time. Priced to sell. Residential ive | Shave, best small farm I offered in|. : trolley stop. Property in fairly | Lovin Nonamal Yeas two cars, A dandy place to live| TP on macadam high |g» one story about 50x100 in Mt. good shape for $3,500. [2 No. 376 ae fod doling and a good buy. . way. Price right. Joy. Corner property. _ No. 314—A very good brick dwell| ;, mast Main St., Mt. Joy, all con.! No. 413—A nice frame dwell No. 3529—-A 35-acre farm of]. NO- 406—Frame Office Building, mg oR New 8, Me 30, veniences. will sell with or without ing in Mount Joy, corner property land near Chickies church. Snow Room, Garage and a Dwelling. es ights, » etc, |a 20-car garage in rear. peng trolley. A very good cheap | shedding for 5 or 6 acres tobacco. ere is 2 Yoo! Dos ion No. 382—A 2-st £ ome. A good 1-m f h 3 cheap. he entire lot o ulldings No, 320A fne frame double) "or Florin fi roof, coment] No dt 28 fam Shear for only $6,000. | dwelling house in Florin, new Florin water ete. AYO ith ox i acre. years ago. Modern in every way| , °°’ 385 A : d ground with 6-room house with LARGE FARMS BUILDING LOTS | with garage, etc. Rents for $70 No. 3 o—A very modern corner lights and bath; also frame stable. land $25. Price is only $5,600. ‘Will property in Mt. Joy at trolley, has In Mt. Joy boro. Will sell right or No. 357—A farm of 112 acres ~ No. 8306—Fine building lot frome | one side for $3.000 or other | 2ll conveniences and in Al shape.| exchange for smaller house. of gravel soil, good house, barn [ing 45 ft. on the east side of Lum» sell side for $2,600. No. 337—A fine new house on] Vest Donegal St., Mt. Joy, all con- veniences and in best of condition No. 839—A good 2% story { frame house on Main street, Florin best of shape, 2-var garage. No. 341—A fine home along the trolley at Florin, all modern con- | veniences. Priced to sell. No. 349—An 80 ft. front on Donegal Springs Road, Mt. Joy |New 8 room brick house, all mod- Also garage. No. 386—A 2%-story frame: house adjoining No. 385. Prefer selling these two as a unit. No. 390—A dandy bungalow on West Main St, Mt. Joy, 6 rooms, all conveniences, lot 296 ft. deep possession any time. Must be seen to be appreciated. 3 car garage. No. 392—A large brick house, goed repair, large frame stable, acre of ground, on concrete high- way near Mt. Joy. Price very interesting. ern improvements. Included is an| No 397—One of the former Mt. acre tract in rear Joy Development Co. houses on W. No. 353—Lot 40x200 at Florin Donegal St. Mt. Joy. All conveni- | with new 5-room bungalow. Has | ences. Price very low. | light and heat. Dandy home for) No, 399--An suere of lind with | $2,000.00. : | brick house, frame stable No. 855—A lot 650x200 ft. just | 2-car garage, ete. Wonderful lo- outside Mt. Joy Boro, new 7-room | | house never occupied, garage, good | {well of water, ete. Half of money can remain. Possession at once. ; | Will sell more land with property if | | purchaser desires. Here’s a worth | | while proposition. | | No. 365-—Fine corner prope: and lot adjoining, at trolley Ii house has all conveniences, large | lawn, fine location. Want se. | | to settle estate. f No. 368—A T-room newly built and modern home on Marietta St. | Mt. Joy. Corner property, modern | in every way, 2-car garage, very | reasonable in order to sell. | No. 371—A to | | | { | | | | | newly built house | We have no patience with Pollyan- along trolley at Florin, all modern | house, all conveniences, conveniences and price only $3650. for a quick sale. | modern cation. An unobstructed the Susquehanna river and fronts on Susquehanna Trail. No. 400—A good frame dwelling on Marietta street. An excellent buy for any person living in rent. No. 405—A frame dwelling, cor- ner property and will sell for only $3,000. 0. 408—-Lot 40x200 on concrete highway, at Florin, frame house, all conveniences, hot heat, oil burner, 6-car garage. A very good property at a reasonable price. land No. 409—A dandy corner prop- erty along trolley, very modern sun porch garage, etc. Can be bought worth the money. J. E. SCHROLL, view of | water tobacco shed, silo, running water 5 acres woodland, Price reason able. No. 381—A 124-acre farm of best limestone soil, excellent build- No. 415—A lot on East Main St., Mt. Joy with two houses. Railroad siding in rear. A very good invest- ment and priced for a quick sale. ings, 22-acre meadow, water at TRUCK FARMS house and barn. Price $145 per No. 183—2 acres and, rather|acre and 8-4 of money can remain, hilly, large double house, fine for| Here's a dandy. poultry. $650. No. 384—A 106-acre farm of ~ No. 184—13 acres of sand and |gravel and limestona land in Mt. limestone in Rapho, frame house, | Joy township, stone house, big good bank barn, fruit, running wa- | bank barn, good water for only ter. Only $2,000. $120 per acre. Nicely located. No. 196-—A 2-acre tract in East No. 407—A very beautiful 50- Donegal near . Maytown, 8-room| acre farm along concrete highway house, stable, chicken house, pig sty, [east of Mt. Joy. Half the money house newly painted. No. 270—A fine truck farm eof a if desired. No. 412—A 100-acre farm along can remain few acres near Milton Grove, good ( Marietta and Lancaster pike, large house, barn, large shed, poultry | meadow and excellent pasture. A { houses, etc. for only $1,500. good farm. | No. 275—14 acres, 2 miles from | Mt. Joy, gravel soil, frame house, BUSINESS STANDS No. 334—A fine brick business stand and dwelling on East Main St., Mount Joy, No. 376—A 20-car garage cen trally located in Mount Joy, wil sell with or without a moder dwelling with all conveniences. No. 374—A 6-room house and store room, owner now doing a nice electrical business. Will sel property, business, stock, ete. Good |barn, ete. A dandy truck farm. Don’t miss this. | No. 352—A dandy truck, fruit and poultry farm of Jacob Stauffer. near Sunnyside School, in Rapho |township. Here’s a snap for some one, MEDIUM SIZED FARMS _ No. 210-—31 acre-farm near Mar- letta and Lancaster pike, good crop- per, lots of fruit, excellent tobacco and truck farm. Only $4,000. | large stable. Wonderful opportun lity for young man. No. 278—30 acres of sand land | near Green Tree church, good soil, No. 403—Frame Building 30x60, 3 stories with wing 28x30 and an- ber St., Mt. Joy. $500. No. 310—A 40-ft. lot on Walnu$ St. Mt. Joy. If you want a cheap lot get busy. No. 335—Lot 100 ft. front amd and 540 ft. deep on concrete high- way between Mt. Joy and Florin. No. 366—A choice building los, fronting 70 ft. on Marietta St. Mt, Joy and about 80 ft. deep. Cor ner lot. Cheap. No. 877—Four 50 ft. lots on the sagt side of North Barbara St., M$. oy. No. 401—Two lots of ground each fronting 45 ft. on Columbia Ave., Mt. Joy. Lots adjoin, are on corner and arc an excellent build- ing location. JUST LAND No. 387—A plot of about 2 1-8 acres of land along trolley at Floria, has a frontage of one block. Priee reasonable, No. 388—A plot of ground con taining about an acre at Florin. Priced to sell. I also have a number of proper ties that owners do not care to have advertised. If yoy don’t find what vou want in this list, call sand see me. I have it. Hunting Camps No. 262—A tract of 125 acres of farm and timber land, house, barn, etc. Half is farm land. Sev- eral bear pens on farm. Game suck as bear, deer, pheasants, grey and black squirrel, porcupines, ete. hank barn, 11 room house, fine wa- ter, fruit, ete. All farm land. other building 24x30. Wonderful Ideal hunting camp, Price $2,500.00. ‘MOUNT JOY