130 — 200: ! | i OO - m [ mw = r = I. l= 7, de- order o all JR, utors 20-6t festi- eB ev- etin. need, “ we The Mount Joy Bulleti CS RT ARTS VOL. XXX, No. 16 MOUNT Joy, PEN WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1930 $ 1.50 IN ADVANCE —— Second Memorial From the Shellers Drinking Fountain In Our Park Followed by Gift to Cemetery Former School Director, Physician and Histor- ian Kindly Remembers His Native Town— Both Gifts Are Greatly Appreciated by Citi- zens Here. A very appropriate the late Dr. Adam wife was just recently the Mount Joy cemetery. Some months ago the Mount Joy Cemetery Association received an Sheller and IN MEMORY DR. AD memorial to] erected in| YAM SHELL Mount Joy. The offer met with the [unanimous approval of the direc- tors. Mrs. Sweetland, a daughter of the Shellers, suggested the money be used for the purchase of a QF R& WIFE I ER i BY AN NIE DR. SHELLER MEMORIAL RECENTLY ‘ERECTED IN MILLER Be RINTON THE MOUNT JOY CEMETERY from Mrs. Myrtle «B. Sweetland, of Fargo, North Dakota, as to whether or not the association would accept a gift of $500 to be used as a memorial to Dr. and Mrs. Adam Sheller, former residents of inquiry | drinking fountain at the cemetery, or for the purchase of trees to be planted on the boundary lines. With the approval of Sweetland, the Association (Turn to Page 4) Mrs. purch- YOUNG FOLKS JOIN IN WEDLOCK : NUMBER OF VERY WELL KNOWN YOUNG FOLKS ARE JOINED IN THE HOLY BONDS OF MATRIMONY Fauby Markley: Miss Fanny Fauby and James Markley, of this place, were married on Saturday at Hagerstown, Mary- land. - Fisher—Ruhl George Wayne Fisher, of Cen- terville, and Dorothy Pauline Ruhl, of Elizabethtown, were married on Saturday evening at the Emmanuel Lutherah church by the pastor, Rev. P. George Sieger, D. D. They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Shirey and Mr. and Mrs. John) Stauffer, of Silver Spring. Ibach—Kulp Fred Ibach, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred ibach, Mount Joy R. D. 2 and Miss Esther G. Kulp, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey G. Kulp, Ephrata R. D. 4 were married by Rev. H. B. Yod- er at his residence, 518 East King street. They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Paul Graybill, Neffsville, brother-in-law and sister of the bride. After the ceremony they left by au- tomobile for Washington, D. C., and other points and on their return will reside in the home of the bride's parents. —_——————— Congratulations Richard Latchford celebrated his birthday the past week. Ernestine Gainer celebrated her 6th birthday on Saturday. Arthur Zerphey, Jr., celebrated his 6th birthday recently. Master Robert Leiberher celebra- ted his birthday the past week. Mr. Henry B. Klugh celebrated his birthday on Monday the 22nd. Mr. Sylvester “Curley” Hendrix on East Main street, will celebrate his 24th birthday tomorrow. rn GEA AT Coming Friday The White Rose bowling team, of York, will be here Friday even- ing to meet our local Odd Fellows team. The York team has several 600 bowlers. This should be a very interesting match. Game at 8 P. M. BAI re ~ aw ilths By vi pa, of RI Mr. and Yarrisb J CLAIMS HUSBAND WED WITHOUT A DIVORCE that a tweniy-one-year Lancaster county youth twice without concerning himself about first obtaining a di- vorce is made in an application for a decree of divorce filed at the Court House Friday by his first wife, The decree is being sought by Mrs. Grace Heisey, of Rapho township, a- The charge old former married gainst her husband, William P. Heis- ey, who lis now living in Baltimore, Md. According to Mrs. Heisey, her husband went to Maryland two years ago shortly after they weré married. She has since learned hat her hus- band has since married and is now living with the second Mrs, Heisey in Baltimore. Papers in the suit were filed at the Court House by A. H. Young, of Manheim, counsel for Mrs. Heisey No. 1. Al mre May Succeed Hoover John M. Haverstick, 328 New Hol- land avenue, Lancaster, A has been recommended by the Board of Game Commissioners in Harrisburg as the next game protector in Lancaster county to succeed Ray K. Hoover, of New Holland. A Large Bequest The Masonic Homes, at Eliza- bethtown, will receive $50,000 ac- cording to the will of Mrs. Mattie E. Clark, widow of Timothy E. Clark, late of Williamsport. The estate is estimated at $750,000. Sheriff Makes Arrest Charles Crockett, of this boro, was arrested Tuesday by Sheriff E. W. Stroup, of New Bloomfield, Perry Co., for non-support of his mother, Mrs. Mary Crockett, of Ickesburg. rr ee EI Qn New Barber Shop Mr. Earl Kaylor has opened a barber shop at his home, corner Lumber and David streets, where he is prepared to accommodate the public. He will be pleased to have a share of your patronage. — eee. Farm Women Met The regular meeting of the Society of Farm Women, No. 8 was held at the home of Mrs. Ruth C. Kraybill, at Elizabethtown, on Saturday, Dr. McFarland’s assistant, G. A. Stevens, spoke, — Marriage Licenses Charles B. Weidman and Anna A. Rettew, both of Manheim. George W. isher, of Silver Spring, a Do Shy of town. Chg Lob D. A. R. CHAPTERS MET AT DONEGAL 250 MEMBERS HEARD CONSTI- TUTION DAY TALK AT HIS- TORIC DONEGAL CHURCH ON WEDNESDAY “The Constitution” as related to the American people from Revolu- tionary times down to the present, was the theme of a talk by Maurice R. Metzger, esq., of Middletown, at historic Donegal church Wednesday afternoon. He addressed 250 mem- bers of six chapters of the Daugh- ters of the American Revolution who held a joint meeting there in celebration of Constitution Day. Mr. Metzger stressed loyalty to the Constitution and asserted that it is the duty of every citizen to obey the law. In relation to the prohibition problem, he again em- plasized law obedience, despite per- sonal disagreement and prejudice. Problems, said Mr. Metzger; have been a part of every period of growth in our country, edpecially during wartimes such as the Revo- lution, the War of 1812, the Civil and World Wars. His entire address concerned itself with the Constitu- tion, its development and relation to the American people. The entire program was appro- priate to “Constitution Day” and honored the document which for the past 141 years has been the legal foundation of the nation’s government. Members of the Don- egal, Witness Tree, Yorktowne, Lebanon, Swatara and Pine Ford chapters of the D. A. R. attended. The program was sponsored by the Donegal chapter and Mrs. Wal- ter N. Keylor, newly elected regent of - the chapter presided. Fifty members of the Donegal chapter attended the program which includ- ed vocal solos by Mrs. Carl Daum, Columbia, and piano selection by Mrs. Harry Miller, of the Lebanon chapter. Paul Yackly, bass soloist, sang several solos, accompanied by Miss Marie Gast. ’ A picnic supper was served in the grove adjoining the church fol- lowing the program which opened at 2:15 o'clock. A Keller & Bros. J. B. Keller & Bro. vate sale of a carload of Crawford County Fresh Cows and on Friday afternoon, Sept. Don’t miss it. LOCAL DOINGS AROUND FLORIN ALL THE UP-TO-DATE HAPPEN. INGS FROM THAT THRIVING Sale will hold pri- 26th. AND BUSY VILLAGE Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ebersole announce the birth of a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. John Williams an- nounce the birth of a son on Sun- day. Mrs. Rhoda Stamen and children spent Sunday in Perry County with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Buller spent._Sunday at Harrisburg with friends. Mas. Rhoda Stamen will spend some time in Lancaster in the home of Benjamin Keil. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Fike and daughter, Evelyn, autoed to Dover, York county on Sunday. Mr. Christ Malehorn was ably surprised when his family helped him celebrate his birthday on Monday evening, at his home. Mr. and Mrs. J. Y. Kline were pleasantly surprised on Saturday (Turn to page 5) ID Ir eres agree- OUR U. B. C. E. SOCIETY ELECTS ITS OFFICERS The Christian Endeavor Society of the United Brethren church held its election of officers on Sunday even- ing. The result of the election was as follows: President, Mr. Wilbur I. Beahm; 1st V. Pres., Curtis Reisch; 2nd V. Pres. Charles Wealand; Secy., Mrs. Maude Edwards; Corresponding Secy., Miss Edna Pennell; Treasur- er, Miss Eunice Herr; Pianist, Esth- er Baker; Choristers, Lloyd Kline and Warren Bentzel; Intermediate Superintendent, Mrs. Alvin Bigler; Junior Superintendent, Miss Lillian Felker. i eee Franks’ Next Sale C. S. Frank & Bro. will hold their next community sale at their place of business near town, Wed- nesday evening, Oct. 1, when they will sell cows, poultry, fruit, ete. RE, aa, Pollution Kills Fish Thousands of fish have been killed in the Conestoga creek, at Lancaster, by recent pollution. Cyanide of potash was dumped in- to the ' ream. . , Robbed of $21.00 er Albright, of was of his ken rse | WW b2 Messrs. Rufus and Charles Weid- man, who operate a miniature golf Springers | course on West Main street, plead guilty of violating the old Sunday Blue Law, went before Burgess Chandler and paid their fine. They operated their golf course on Sun- day. BO eS EE Settled Out of Court Tuesday morning, ed when The final mobile Poff, Landisville, started by Mrs. ow of the vietim, Martin, machine. Will Mr. Holtzhauer Tydol Oil Station, ( suit, in SUNDAYS Constable kept busy during fic violators, booze Constable Zerph fus B. Weidman golf course on We Sunday, violating laws. Chandler, plead charge and paid amounting to $ Zerphey has been course is open. Traffic Jacob O. Risse R. 3 and L. Robe Hill, Pa. of Lancaster, who (Turn to A Brutal Harry Dietrich, four children with hanged himself in Lowest in The price of w — — Er WENT BEFORE BURGESS AND PAID THEIR FINE In the last suit a settlement was accident in Edna F. of this bor EEE Move yard West of town, will move his family | here from Strasburg Oct 1. He will occupy the Scott property on West Donegal street. TWO TRAFFIC ARRI ARRESTS — ERATING GOLF COURSE ON IS A VIOLA- TION HERE—OTHER ARRESTS Elmer for called in Court trial was avert- affected. volving an auto- which William was killed, was Poff, wid- Andrew of the against o, driver Here man at fe) formerly Shenk’s) | Many Saw It A large number of people came to the Bulletin office last week to see the night blooming cerens exhibited here. On Thursday night the plant had six beautiful white blooms and two the | night previous. It was the property of Mr. I. K. Hinkle on East Main street. PICKED FROM THE CARD BASKET PERSONAL MENTION ABOUT THE MANY COMERS AND GOERS IN THIS LOCALITY ——— Mr. Kenneth Leiberher spent | Sunday at Columbia. | Mrs. Earl Lyons was a visitor to Saturday. [ Scott, of Harrisburg, | in town. Lancaster on Mrs. Howard spent yesterday CONSTABLE HAD VERY BUSY WEEK x OP- Zerphey the week, among was his victims being Blue law and traf- transporters, etc Paid His Fine arrested Ru- operating the st Main street on the Penna. ey Blue He appeared before Burgess guilty to the fine and costs 8.75. Constable instructed to re- peat the arrests each Sunday if the Arrests r, Elizabethtown rt Freed, Drexel Were Transporting Beer Earl Dunlap and Frank were arrested by Page 8) Grimm, et mn Murder aged 40, of near Spry, York Co., killed his wife and an ax and then his barn, wiping out the entire family, ll A Clee 4 Years 4 on the Chi- is the lowest it y-four years, Mr. and Mrs. John G. Eberle spent the week end at Erie, Pa. Mr. Arthur Moyer has returned to Lafayette College, Easton, Pa., this week. Miss Helen Snyder will return to Roberts-Beach School, Catons-' fle Md., for another year. Naomi Wolgemuth returned after nding the past week! Mifflin counties i Me Fred Leiberher and two | sons, Misses Hazel and Dolores Pennell spent Saturday at York. Mrs. ebecca Goslin returned home after spending several weeks here with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stark Miss Dorothy Henry, of Rheems, visited in the home of Mr. and (vurn to page 5) rr etl Men MR. AND MRS. FLETCHER ENTERTAIN MANY GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fletcher en- tertained a number of folks on Sat- urday evening. The folks who gath- ered at their home were: Mr. and Mrs. William Haines and children, Pauline, William, Margaret, Dorothy, John, Samuel and Charles of Man- heim, R. D. 2; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fletcher, Jr., and children, Frank, 3rd, Ruth and Robert of Mount Joy R. D. 2; Mrs. John Conner, Mrs. Su- san Derr, Mrs. Maude Edwards and children, Dorothy and Pauline of Mount Joy; Mr. and Mrs, Frank Houseal and children,. Helen, James and Richare®, of Maytown. A “doggie” roast and ow toast was the feature ening. AY “Ieee. BOOSTERS CHALLENGE ROTARIANS TO BOWL The Booster Club met Monday night at the Garden Spot Restaurant and at this meeting the club decided to rent a booth at the Community Exhibit to be held Oct. 23, 24, and 25. A bowling team was formed in the club and the first challenge will be extended to the brother Rotarians. B. R. ishop of the Boosters, was choser gptain. marshmall- of the ev- jwas due to | by Sheriff 'P. DP. | township the adjoining cemetery. | Thomas Mc Elligott Word was received here of the death of Thomas F. McElligott, Jr., 56, of Philadelphia, which oc- curred Saturday morning. Death acute dilation of the Mr. McElligott was in the (Turn to nage 5) ntl A Ress. heart, THE SIEGRIST ASSIGNEES SELL MORE REAL ESTATE On Saturday, Messrs. Jacob N. | Hershey, Roy B. Sheetz and Rohrer Stoner, assignees of I. S. Siegrist, offered additional real estate at public sale: The 97 acre tract known as the | Harvey Nolt farm along the Mar- | ietta and Lancaster pike, in West | Hempfield township, was purchased Dattisman for $10,510. The as the Zea-| farm located on the Big Chi-| creek in West Hempfield totaling about 67 withdrawn at premises known mer ques and acres of land was 1 $5,000. One-half interest in a 2% story brick warehouse situated in the| west ward of Mount Joy was pur- | chased by Clarence H. Siegrist for | $3,500. | Mr. C. S. Frank was the auec-| tioneer. | meee etl AA eee. ce LARGE TOBACCO SHED WAS RAISED ON FRIDAY | | | A large tobacco shed on the farm | of Clayton G. na, was raised on Swope, Rowen- Friday near morning. The following folks assisted: Jacob harles, Edward Charles, John Charles, Frank Amold, John Ar- nold, Ben Landis, Wilbur Landis, Marvin Landis, Daniel Sipling, Lester Dupes, Christ Alleman, All- en Alleman, Mike Grove, Dan Sip- tand, Irvin Engle, Aaron Halk, ling, Jr., Jacob Swope, Christ Hies- Clyde Lehman, Amos Grove, Arth- ur Miller. ter crew are building Harry Fink and carpen- the shed. The following assisted Mrs. Swope with the lunch: Mrs. B. L. Landis, Mrs. Jacob Charles, Mrs. Jacob Swope and Miss Rachel Lan- dis. The lunch was served on the lawn. etl eee Foot Ball Seasom Opens On Sunday, Sept. 28th, at 2:30 o'clock, the foot ball season will open for the local eleven on Brown’s Athletic field against the Lincoln A. C., of Lancaster rr el rn Violated Motor Code John Lehman, of Elizabethtown, was arrested for violating the mo- tor code. He was operating a truck for commercial purposes un- der dealer’s license tags. ee eet En Wiil Settle Estate Charles G. Hicks, Maytown, execu- tor of Bertha Schaub, late of East | portunities for | picture of OLD BRICK TAVERN WAS TWO ARE KILLED ARRESTED FOR DAMAGES RAIDED AGAIN SATURDAY [ i FOLLOWING AUTO CRASH PREPARATIONS Mrs. Jessie Gerlach, alleged pro- IN CYCLE CR ASH Lester Fry, twenty-two, of Lan- FOR OUR FXHIBIT prietress of the Old Brick® Tavern, - AL | caster, was arrested by Chief of 4 one mile east of Marietta, posted mn Police Elmer Zerphey, of this boro, $1,000 bail before Justice of the | MIDDLETOWN YOUTHS DIE IN |at the lancaster stock yards VARIOUS COMMITTEE CHAIR- Peace C. C. Hicks, of Maytown, for ACCIDENT 4 MILES WEST Thursday afternoon, on charges of | MEN ARE WORKING HARD— court trial following a raid Satur- OF ELIZABETHTOWN— assault and battery with an auto- HALF BOOTH SPACE AL- day night. INVESTIGATION IS mobile, preferred by Irvin Erhart, READY SOLD Betty Bryson, alleged inmate, LAUNCHED of Elizabethtown R. D., as the re- was committed to jail in default of sult of an accident in Center Chairmen of committees of the bail for a! hearing before Hicks. Two youths were instantly killed | Square, Elizabethtown, in August, (ninth annual Mount Joy Community The raid was staged by County De- [and three other persons were in- | Which resulted in the damage of |[Show met Friday night in borough tective Jadob Weller and Constable | jured Monday night in a head-on the Earhart car and slight person-|council Chamber, making further Maxwell Shrgent, six cases of beer [collision between a motoreycle and al damage to the prosecutor, : plans for the event to be held Oec- and a gollon of liquor being con-|an automobile on the Lancaster- During the same accident, Miss tober 22, 23 and 24. Ralph Eshle- fiscated. Harrisburg highway about four Beulah Bechtel, of Rheems, who |man. the treasurer, reported that the Several weeks ago Mrs. Gerlach | miles west of Elizabethtown. Inves- | 2° riding with Fry o the time of [rocks brought charges of larceny against [tigation was instituted rile crash, Yo Perry county Ys A = Chairman of five young men of Mount Joy, |by state and Dauphin county auth- Susie a laceration of the face. jis, renoried that Clarence Newcom- = : re a Fry was released under $300 bail er's garage will be used for the ex- whom she claimed stole six cases of orities. os for a hearing before Squire El. hibits of the 4H Corn club and 4-H beer from the tavern. Solomon J. Ettinger, twenty-one wood S. Grimm, Elizabethtown, Sample voting machine. The borough SNE 0 Wie esse and Paris Owen Hughes, nineteen, |. Thursday. sample voting machin. The borough S S CONVENTION both of Middletown, were : [will decide at the November election . hy 1 1 1 Their motorcycle crashed into a whether to adopt voting machines. auto riven by William Meyer, of OUR MORTUARY Demand for booths is greater than TO BE HELD HERE near Elizabethtown, as the latter | jever this year. Mr. Lenhard report- was in the act of passing another | led He announced that space on Re car driven by Elmer Kreiser, whose RECORDINGS i» street south of the Market October 22 and 23 the Dates for | home is near the scene of the acei- | [house and on New Haven street has the County Sunday Schools’ | dent. [heen reserved for automobile ex- Event, Pledge $500 to State Ettinger, who was driving the cy- | MANY WELL KNOWN PEOPLF hibits. , Work. cle, was hurled by the impact thru | HAVE PASSED TO THE The 4-H. Sewing club will be asked x the windshield of the automobile, GREAT BEYOND to, exhibit all of its products. Four Lancaster County’s annual Sun- his mangled body landing in the | 5 {new prizes will be offered for the day School convention will be rear seat. Hughes was thrown to | Emanuel Berkheiser, aged 65, 4H Corn club exhibits, and the boys held in the U. B. "Church here, the highway about 20 feet away, died at Columbia. |and girls- themselves will judge the Wednesday afternoon and evening [with a fractured skull and broken | | or and Thursday forenoon, afternoon neck. Mrs. Albert Weist Daniel- Brubaker reported that half and evening, Oct. 22 and 23. Meyer suffered severe lacerations | Mrs. Margaret Weist, wife of the space in the Market house has The program was announced at | of the face and head and. will, Albert Weist, Rowenna, died Mon- already been taken. Irwin H. Ginder the meeting of the executive com- forbes lose the sight of his wight | day morning of a complication of anzouliced that 200 rabbits and cav- mittee in Lancaster Tuesday even- Mire, Meyer and Her daugh. | after an illness , of one les will be exhibited. he next meet ing. ter, Elizabeth, sixteen, also sustain- | year. A son, Joseph William, Mid- ns bid held Friday evening, Sep- The keynote address at he | oq ire and. braises, ores, Also several 25 of § o'clock in the coun- Shonie hn R wil "i ad by | and all three were patients Monday ial dren. i= : he president, ev. Ce er, i hos rn St of rT In the evening night in the hos pial, Anthony Fauser | NO. 5 HELD Rev. E. H. Bonsall will speak on | Our Now Operates | Anthony Fauser, eighty-three, CONVENTION AT DONEGAL “Young People and the Church of | Miss NN Rie 3 idied Sunday at his home at Man- | To-day.” lof the Mount Joy High School | heim. He was a retired farmer and| District No. 5 of the Lancaster Rev. Felton, of Columbia, will clams 1s the now linotype ‘a member of the Mennonite church County Sabbath School association deliver the convention sermon operator at ? the Bulletin office. | He is survived by these ' children: held its convention on Sunday at Thursday morning, and Dr. | che is the daughter of Mr. and | Mrs. Amos Walter, East Petersburg Donegal Presbyterian church. The George Wellburn will give an ad- | Miz Harry Hinkle on West Main | MIs. ‘Emma Ritter, Litits; . Harry, district comprises schools in East dress. In the afternoon there will ? | Penn township, and Abraham and Donegal, Maytown and Marietta. be “Echoes from the Toronto Con- Miss Hinkle fills the vacancy |Amanda, at home. Topics discussed were: “The vention,” by Rev. Spotts, of Lan- caused by the resignation of Mrs. | The: funeral was held this after- Workers’ Prayer Life,” “The Vaca- caster, and Rev. Samuel, of Lititz, Charles Brooks, who wil go to noon with further services at Hern- tion hurch School,” “Standard E.,” and an address by Dr. Wellburn. | housekeeping. ley’s Mennonite church. Burial in A Survey of County Work,” ‘Lead: (Turn to page 5) LE EN SR ership Training School” and “Op- Young The evening address Dr. John B. Noss, of Marshall college People.” was given by Franklin and , on the subject “The Message of Christianity Compared with Other Religions.” Rev. Gaskell directed the singing and special mus- ic by the combined choirs of Maytown featured the evening session. INDIAN RELICS IN STATE MUSEUM NEARLY 100,000 PIECES ARE ON DISPLAY AT CAPITOL IN HARRISBURG — FINE CRAFTSMANSHIP Harrisburg, Pa.—Visitors to Har- risburg will find few means of spending a more absorbing few hours or half a day than in going through the State Museum. The beautiful stone building standing just south of the Capitol contains such an assortment of re- lics of life in Pennsylvania, from the days of the Red Men up until recent years that with a little use of the imagination the spectator can reconstruct for himself a vivid how life in the State that is now humming with industry and burdene th automobiles went | throug after stage of devel- opment centuries. The eg houses the State Library, containing a remark- able collection of documents con- nected with the State’s history and other writings on the Common- wealth, together with a large gen- eral collection of books. The mu- seum is the Pennsylvania articles. There is the Pennsylvania German (Turn to page 8) OUR BOROUGH COUNCIL MET MONDAY EVENING President Jno. L. Boro Council Murphy called special session Monday evening for the purpose of taking action on the report of the solicitor relative to placing the water bond issue before the voters at the November election, The resolution as prepared by solicitor Jno. A. Coyle was pre- sented, passed and appears in the advertising columns of the Bulle- tin, All members of Mr. Witmer were Burgess Chandler. rr AAP A into Council, except present, also Students’ Home Coming A Students’ Home Coming meet- ing will be held on Saturday all day at the Messiah Bible College, Grantham. A fine program will be given. 3 Held Baptizing Sunday The Mastersonvllle Brethren in Christ church held baptizing (servie- es in the Little Chicqyes go Sunday noon. Bishop gdh Gos Donegal township, ) officiged Lor 8 apy iy