The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, August 20, 1930, Image 5

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WAT Now, -
‘i RAISE You


You'RE GoIN' To
\T'S Yours Now.
"Four ACES!
ITS ALL Yours,


IS THE LIMIT. } | gust eT || NOW SHow vs
i <o BE

(From Page One)
cold water on the grounds. The
grounds are lighted by electricity.
Tents will rent for six dollars
for the term. Persons, ordering
tents and failing to occupy them,
will be expected to pay the tent
rent. No cottages will be rented
this year.
Cots will be rented for the term
for 50 cents each. They must be
ordered when tents are ordered or
the management will not guarantee
to supply them.

Boarding for term, Adults, $8.00;
Children over 3 and under 12 years
$4.50; Single meals, 50c; By the
day $1.50; Lodging, per night, 25c.
Mail for Camp must be sent to
“Washingtonboro, Pa., or Mountville,
The automobile, under the man-
agement of Mr. Harvey Eshleman,
will be at Rees Hotel, Mountville,
to meet trolley passengers and at
the P. R. R. station. The automo-
bile will be at Mountville each day
at 8 A, M. to 8:30 A. M,, and at
5:30 P. M. to 6:30 P. M. At other
henys, telephone to Camp, and it
will he sent to Mountville for your
Saturday, August 23
7:30 P. M. Opening Exercises.
Sermon, Rev. Albert Hughes, A
B., “The World's Greatest Preach-
Sabbath, August 24
9:00 A. M Praise Service.
10:00 A. M. Sermon, Rev. F. H.|
Snavely, A. B.
1:30 P. M. Children’s Service.
(Main Auditorium) Miss Anna
Fortenbaugh in charge.
3:00 P. M
WwW. S.
Main « Auditorium,
lev. Hottel, “Earth’s Coming
Ning a Fire.”
3:00 P. M.
runner Tabernacle,
ev. “Soundly Saved.”
6:45 P. M. Young People’s Serv-
ice in charge of Rev. E. F. Berger.
7:30 P. M. lev. Hottel, “The
Three Crosses of Calvary.”
Monday, August 25
10:00 A. M. Quiet Hour, Brun-
mer Tabernacle, Rev. W. W. ugh,
“With Whom and Where We Have
2:30 P. M.,, Children’s Service,
Brunner Tabernacle.
2:30 P. M. Rev. Hottel, (Main
Auditorium) “Alone With God.”
6:45 P. M. Young People’s Serv-
{ 6:45 P. M. Young "People’s
| 1ce.
| 7:30 P. M. Rev. Hughes, “The
First Man to Win a Soul.”
| Thursday. August 28
| 9:00 A. M. Rev. Rugh, “Charac-|
{ter and Walk of Those Who Have
10:00 A. M. Rev. Hottel,
Present Tense Salvation.”
1:30 P. 'M. Children’s
(Main Auditorium.)
| 3:00 P. M. Missionary
‘addressed by Rev. and Mrs. Myers,
Returned Missionaries from India.
| (Offerings for Missions in Europe.)
i 6:45 P. M. Young People’s Serv-
© 7:30 P. M. Rev. Hughes, “The
Secret of Soul Winning.”
Friday, August 29
9:00 A. M. Rev. Rugh, “Spirit
and Passion of Those Who Have
10:00 A. M. Rev. Hottel, “The
Present Tense Salvation.”
2:30 P. M. Children’s Service.
2:30 P. M. Rev. Hughes, ‘Life
and Possessions.”
6:45 P. M. Young People’s Serv-
7:30 P. M. Rev. Hottel, “Eternal
Life Imperative.”
Saturday, August 30
9:00 A. M. Rev. Rugh, *‘“Assur-
ance and Privilege of Those Who
Have Fellowship.”
10:00 A. M. Rev. Hughes,
Much Owest Thou My Lord?”
1:30 P. M. Children’s Service.
2:30°P. M. Rev. Hottel, “The
Man Who One Day Was Missing.”

.| 6:45 P. M. Young People’s Serv-
| ice.
| 7:30 P. M. Rev. Hughes,
| ciple in the Depths.”
Sabbath, August 31
9:00 A. M. Praise Service.
10:00 A. M. Sermon, Rev. G. R.
Hcverter, Penbrook, Pa:
1:30 P. M. Children’s
| (Main Auditorium.)
“A Dis-
2:30 P. M. Main Auditorium, Rev |
Hughes, “A Disciple Delivered.”
| 2:30 P. M. Brunner Tabernacle,
Rev. Hottel, “The
of Our Lord.”
| 7:00 P. M. Young People’s
8:00 P. M. Rev.
| Around the Ground.
| Officers
President—A. F. Eshleman.
| Vice President—Jacob Mann.
Secretary—D. E. Bitner.
Fin. Secretary—Amos Yaley.
| Treasurer—H. M. Lehman.
Gen’l. Mgr. and Spiritual Direc-
| tor—Rev. I. A. MacDannald, D. D.
Imminent Return
Exercises and
Hughes, “A Dis-|
The Rev. J. C. Deitzler, formerly
of Fredericksburg, Pennsylvania,
and now successful minister of the
| Florin United Brethren Church in
| Christ, was honored last week from
the Central University, of Indiana,
(after the completion of a four
| years’ course of study in religion,
[with the degree of Doctor of
He received his A. B. degree
from the Lebanon Valley College,
of Annville; his M. A. degree from
the Potomac University, of Wash-
ington, D. C.; and now his Ph. D.
degree from the Central Uni-
During the prosecution of his
course of study, he also wrote the
following manuscripts:
“Expository Studies in the
Mountain Instruction,” 36,000
“Apples of Gold in
Silver,” 44,000 words.
Pictures of
“The Prince of Peace,” 12,000
“What makes success in Bible
School Teaching,” 11,000 words.
“Immortality as Taught in the
Old Testament, and fully revealed
by Jesus Christ,” 38,000 words.
The manuscript, “Apples of Gold
In Pictures of Silver,” he is con-
templating to publish in book form
in the very immediate future.
Ue mere.
A picnic will be held on the Silk
Mill grounds at Marietta, Septem-
ber 6, under the supervision of the
J. E. Baker company, Safety' Com-
mittee of Billmyer. The picnic will
be held to benefit families of the
company employes. Families from
Billmyer, Bambridge, Columbia,
Maytown, Elizabethtown, Falmouth
and Marietta will be present, and
number in the 500 or more persons
that will motor to the grounds.
The affair begins in the after-
noon and continues throughout the
evening, A real old fashioned piec-
nic planned and continuous enter-
tainment will be given by two “red
hot” entertainers from Billmyer,
Mr. John Diggs, jig dancer and Mr.
Daniel Winston, guitar player. The
music will be furnished throughout
the day by the Bainbridge Band,
and a two act comedy will be given
in the evening.
A great supper will be given
the grounds by the J. E. Baker
Company to its employees. Games
and sports in which everyone can
participate will take place through-
out the afternoon and evening.
The children will have the benefit
of the playground which is located
on the Silk Mill grounds.
rg es

The First Presbyterian Church
Rev. C. B. Segelken, D. D., Pastor
Church school 9:30 A. M,
H. S. Newcomer, Superintendent.
Donegal Presbyterian Church
Rev. C. B. Segelken, D. D., Pastor
Church school at 9.30.
D. C. Witmer, Superintendent.
Trinity Lutheran Church
Rev. Geo. A. Kercher, Pastor
There will be_ no services on
August 24, owing to the pastor's
vacation. Regular services August

Church of God
Rev. I. A. MacDannald, D. D.
Mid-Week service Wednesday at
7.45 P. M. r
Special missionary
are invited.
No services next Sabbath.
program. You
Methodist Episcopal Church
Rev. Wm. H. Beyer, Pastor
9:30 A. M., Aug. 24 and 31 Sun-
day School.
Dr. E. W. Garber, Supt.
Wednesday, Aug. 20, 7:30 P. M,,

A rock with the date, 1792, (While
George Washington was President of
these United States) chiseled on it,
at Vinegar Ferry, above Wild Cat,
has been brought to view by the
This bears out the contention of
old Susquehanna rivermen that the
river is lower now than at any time
within their memory The rock at
| Vinegar Ferry bears two dates. One
{is 1792, the other 1896
{ Other markings on the same rock
{seem to indicate the height of the |
water at various tages of a previous
drought. The shore lines of hoth |
| York and Lancaster counties are dot
ted wiith rocks bearing low water |
| marks, names and dates
| Rocks never seen by living persons
are now exposed, it is claimed
Strange birds have been making their
{appearance along the Susquehanna
{since the water became so low
i These are said to include gulls, egrets
"and herons.
tl 8 Meee
Excavation began Monday at Mt.
Gretna for the new three-story $20,-
| Trustees | 000 administration building at the
7:30 P. M. Rev. Hughes, “Back| A PF. Eshleman, H. M. Lekman, | Pennsylvania National Guard camp
to the Bible.” / [I. A. MacDannald. lon the reservation near the Rifle
Tuesday, August 26 | Board of Managers | range, it was announced yesterday
9:00 A. M. Rev. Rugh, “How Wei A. F. Eshleman, H. M. Lehman, | P¥ Bo, la BIS Toate
Have and Who Have Fellowship.” { Flva Mann, © Amos Yaley,» Jacob superinte 1 ent. tr ho dou
10:00 A. M. Rev. Hottel, “The IL. A MaDapnald OD. D.. D The building will be fire-proof and
. tin 3 a) ER Ao ol mr sly Tres thie first permanent structure of the
Problem of Human Sin and Sinful |g Bitner. A. N. Gingrich, C. The offices of the reservation
ness, or The Need of Solvation.” | Musser, George McEllhenney, Hen- | oi he net A there and files
2:30 P. M. Children’s Service. ry Mann, Fielder Gilbert, H. B.lwin be together under its
2:30 P. M. Rev. Hughes, “Back|wagner, H. S. MacDannald, Charles | oof
to Prayer.”
6:45 P. M. Young People’s Serv-
7:30 ‘P. M. Rev. Hottel, “A Life
Made Over.”
Wednesday, August 27
9:00 A. M. Rev. Rugh, “Family
Relationship and Who Do Not Have |
10:00 A. M. Rev. Hughes, “Back
to Soul Winning.”
2:30 P. M. Children’s Service.
2:30 P. M. Rev. Hottel, “The
Past Tense Salvation.”
| Wagner, Luther Samuel
| Chorister—D. E. Bitner.
Pianists—Mrs. D. E. Bitner, Miss
| Ethel Ortman.
In Charge of Children’s Meetings
—Miss Anna Fortenbaugh.
In Charge of Young People’s

| Mann, Harvey Lehman, George Mec-
| Ellhenney.
| Boarding House—I. A. MacDan-
'nald, A. F. Eshleman, Harvey Leh-
‘man, A. Yaley, A. N. Gingrich.
Worship—I. A. MacDannald, H.
E. Wagner, Harvey Lehman, A. F.
| Meetings—Rev. E. F. Berger. Eshleman, H. S. MacDannald, A.
| Bible Conference Speakers—Rev.: Yaley, D. E. Bitner.
(A. Hughes, A. B.,, Rev. W. w.! Ladies’ Committee — Mrs. H.
| Rugh, Rev. W. S. Hottel. Mann, Mrs. A. F. Eshleman, Miss
| Committees on Grounds—A. F.|Carrie Lehman, Mrs. James Cope-
Eshleman, Jacob Mann, Henry
land, Mrs. George McEllhenney.


Keep your wheat clean from
it with Copper-Carb.
will treat and oan your seed
farm: *


STINKING SMUTT by treating
Our outfit is now ready for service and
wheat in one operation, at your

; The exact formula
approved by many doctors

| |

Money |
| |Used sack]
| with 7 unless!
| |success ~ brings im- |
| joy count LE provement
less men and © by 6th plaas-
J women here ennonfut |

Prayer meeting led by the pastor. Miss Mary Diffenderfer, of the | Nissly, Marian R. Nissly, Mt. Joy,
Cordial welcome to all. Telephone Exchange, motored to|R. D.; Mr. and Mrs. Harry M.
ee Altoona, on Sunday, where she will | Weaver, Annie N. Weaver,
St. Mark’s Church of The United |spend her vacation with relatives. | Witmer.
Brethren in Christ Mr. and Mrs. Samuel. Hossler Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Grove,
The Rev. C. E. Rettew, Minister [and family of Coshocton, Ohio, re- | Marietta R. 1; Minnie Stoner, East
Bible School 9:00. turned home after spending two | Petersburg; Mr. and Mrs. Jacob
10:00 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. weeks vacation in this community. | Carper, Dorothy Carper, Eugene
Preaching services by the pastor. | Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Lichty and Carper,, J. Richard Carper, Mar-
Wednesday, 7:30 Mid-Week De- | daughter Iva, Mr. Jacob Rice all of guerite Carper, Manheim R. 6; Mr.
votional meeting. | Kitchener, Canada, spent the week and Mrs. Williah S. Reist, Martha
Visitors welcomed. lend here wth Mr. and Mrs. S. S.|Reist, Anna Reist, Lebanor R. 7;
| Kraybill and family. Levi Hostetter. Sarah Hostetter
| Florin United Brethren Church i ae and es Cine Taser 0, Bel Mar Reist Leb
Rov. J. Oo heise Ph. D. | meetings being conducted by E n- | Kraybill, Ada R,
Minister Solis Date J hy | A al Mh t.
| aq oy Yh oa ments: wvangelist Neighbour at La a obert EF 1d
I an Tuesiiny evening. ,.f Reist, Mit. Joy §
Morning Worship 10:30 A. M. | ig? M. son and dongs. % ar | I J] : ;
{ Junior Society 5:15 P. M. t na ol Altoona risuia 207 ! tit
| Intermediate Society 5:45 P. M. returned to their home after spend { Mo nd Mr Da H. Eb Rut}
Senior Society 6:30 P. M. ing the past two weeks with her Eby, M dred El R bert Ie} nan
Evening Worship 7:15 P. M. | aunt, Mrs. William Dffenderfer. | Mt. Joy R, 1; Mr. and My Jacob
Weekly announcements: { Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Ober, M |B Garber, Parke Garb Pear
Choir rehearsal Tuesday 7:30 P.|Ada Sprout and Mrs. John Roth and | M. Garber, Eliz ihethtown; R. D
M. 3 | children, John Jr Clarence | Mrs Abram W Mumr Kliza
Praver Service Thursday 7:30 spent Thursday evening at the home | bet R. Mumma ] R.D
P. M. : lof Frank Groff, near Mastersonville. | Mr ! Mrs. Harold
You are cordially invited to all' Mr. Walter Derr, of this place; R. 2 Mr. and I Kreider
the services of the church. { Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rodgers and Bir in-Hand DD ne Her
Evangelical Congregational Church | Mrs. J eph . haeffer, of Salanga, She a Krotden i nm
Rev. N. S. Hoffman, Pastor t Reading on. or i rae, Bo
Sunday School 9:30 A. M. | ps. are Derr returned home | Rom ond 3 ier ol ! er
Church 10:30 A. M. I Ein Mrs. H. G. Walters and | Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Rei
C. E. 6:45 P. M. hildren Harry and Barbara Anne, | toy
Church 7:30 P. M. | Wilbert Hoffman ind Mr Warren | M ind M A I I (
Sunday School and Church Were | attended the community pic- | Har K. Risser
well attended thruout the day, a to- | hic at El thvill Dauphin Co., | Will K. Risse
tal of 13 visitors being present at|,, Thurs | Bainbridge: Mr
Sunday School. The Ladies’ Bible | Mr. Beniamin Gebhart and | B. Rei Annia 1 il
class offering amounted to $2.05. | nephew, Mr. Charles Gebhart, of |R Mr md. M Wallac
Mrs. Reheard again had a 100 per| Renovo. visited here over the week | Greic Mar Carol G1
cent class. lend. Mr. Gel a and ar le; Mr. an A dvr
Prayer service tonight 7:30. children returned home af visi Brubaker, M Brubaker. Heler
Social’ Friday night on the church | ing at Renovo I TM 1: Mr. and Mr
lawn by the Ladies’ Bible class. | Mr and Mrs. James Gerber and | Amos H. Musse Mt. J R. 2; Mr
T= } sons Jay Calvin, James Jr. nd Jer-|and Mr Mon Metzler Man-
| win of Elizabethtown, Mr. and he Mr d Mr B. Reist,
OUR MORTUARY | Martin Gerber, Mr An I Ma 2 m; Lir R : er: R,
| were entertained to dinner a | 33 Re I I
RECORDINGS = Souders Monday M Wi D ) ‘old Spang-
Mr. and Mrs. Omer Kramer and igh yan Sikh L 2 Dorothy
ren son, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weidman ’ a ) he oy Ne Minnict
(From Page One) and family, Mr. Joseph Kramer, Mr. | R rs, ok a eT one h
by a brother, Solomon Gingrich, Mid-|and Mrs. Wlliam Kuhn of Landis Me Yo Mrs. El Dr tr sv =
dletown, und “a sister, Mrs. Simon | ville, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. | A 2nd 5 jo ik i: sent, Ira |
Myers, Elizabethtown. Lemon Young of Ironville i's ag Airis Hoh: yy Shanon
Funeral services were held Monday Mr. and Mrs. Martin Beamenderfer | Kraybil Hilda Kraybill, John
afternoon from the home of her{and children, Jeanne and Loi Mr | Rravhill Rheems: Ma nd Mrs
daughter, and later in St. Paul's Mrs. William Bednenderfer all | I ; B Bech hor 7 Hert rt
ited Brethren church, Elizabethtown, | of Selingsgrove, Mr. and Mrs. Will | Mt. ON R a: M 1
of i she was a member. Burial [jm Beamenderfer of Elizabethtown Na x is B: 2 oar
in Geyer's cemetery. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Har- dis Mare France: Viasidia Rathrvn
Sarmvel K. | Landis ry Beamenferier a family. . Sachi. Methoim: Ne ary
Samuel K. Landis, seventyseven,|™ > { John B. Hershey, Mildred R. Her-
died Thursday morning at the home Isaac H. Fellenbaum, | shey, Manheim; Mr Abram R
of Amos Garman, in Conoy township, Isaac Henderson Fellenbaum, al- | Mummau, Mt. Joy R. ; Mrs. Clay
of complications. He is survived by|most a lifelong resident of this | ton N Mrs. Alfred Mover. Jr.
eleven grandchildren, and twenty-six | boro, died at the United Zion Home | Lancaster: Ada 8. Royer, Ephrata
great grandchildren, besides three near Lititz, last night, aged 84 |R. 1; James R. Stoner, Lancaster |
brothers and a sister; Henry gand | years. | R. 8; Clayton Nissley, Mt Joy
John, of Manheim; Martin, ih " He is the father of Mr. Reuben {| Mr. 2nd Mrs, Henry F. Garber,
and Mrs. Katie Lehman, Elizabeth-| Fellenbaum, cashier of the First | Catherine N. Garber, Lois N. Gar
town. National Bank here. | ber, Robert H. Garber, Mt. Joy R
The funeral was held Sunday after- The funeral will be held from | Frances B. Nissley, Amanda N.
noon at Good's Mennonite church, of | the home of his son here Friday at Rutt, Florin; Samuel S. Shenk
which he was a member. Burial in|2:30 p. m. Interment will be in Annie B. Shenk, Katie R. Shenk
Lebanon R. 4; Mr. and Mrs. Krei

the adjoining cemetery,
(From page 1%
Bruce Pennel, Hazel
Sunday at Steelton,
Mrs, Wm. Crider and
West Donegal street,
are visiting at Camp Hill, Pa.
Raymond Harnish is spending the
week with his grandparents, Mr. and
family, Pen-
nell spent
Mr. and
children of
Mrs. D. L. Harnish at Lancaster.
Miss Pearl Schroll and Mr. Chas.
Roth spent from Sunday to today at
Perth Amboy, N. J, and New York
Mrs. James Shoop visited with
friends at Greencastle, Pa., over the
Mrs. Clinton Campbell spent the
past week at Wayne, Pa., and Ocean
City, :N. J.
Wilbert Hoffman of East Peters.
burg, spent several days in town with
Harry Walters, Jr.
Migs Matilda Myers spent several
days with friends in Philadelphia,
returning home Sunday.
H. G. Walters left Friday for the
Black Log Mountain in Potter coun-
ty where he will spend his vacation.
Miss Gloria Barnes of Lancaster,
is spending the week with her grand-
parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Shoop.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Basehore of
Elizabethtown, spent Tuesday even-
ing with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Heisey
Mr. and Mrs. John Heisey of Lan-
dastery spent Sunday evening with
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Heisey and fam-
Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Heisey and
daughter Florence, spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. John Heisey of Lan-
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Eberle, Mr.
James Glatfelter of town, are spend-
ing the week-end visiting in Port-
land, Maine.
Barbara Anne Walters returned
home Sunday after spending several
days with Mr. and Mrs. Miles at
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Royer and
children of Annville, are
a few days with his mother on
Donegal street.
Milton Thompson, Mr. Thomas
Miller and Miss Leora Reinhard, of
Altoona, spent Sunday with Mrs.
W. T. Diffenderfer.
Mrs. Tom Sangster, of
phia, and Mrs. Horace
Elizabethtown, visited Mr.
Amos Garber Thursday.
Mr. E. B. Rohrer and family have
returned home after spending ten
days in’ New York City as guests of
Dr. and Mrs. C. G, Rohrer.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Brandt, Eugene
Brandt, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Leo-
nard are spending the week at
Cleona Camp meeting.
Mrs. Edna Wimer and daughter
Louella, Mgs. Abner Hershey, Mrs.
Annie Barnhart are spending some
time at Wildwood, N. J.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Ober, Mr.
Frank Sprout and Miss Ada Sprout
spent Saturday at Maytown with Mr.
and Mrs. Truman Sprout.
Olweiler of
and Mrs.

When you're in a racket, it pays
to be careful—regardless.
Horace Brien, fifty-five, of
Middletown, learned that to his
sorrow one day last week, as did
Paul Nebinger, thirty, his compan-
Brien, with the aid of a broad-
rim hat, dark glasses and a cane,
blind man to collect
alms, while Nebinger, who led him
around, had a “hard luck story” to
tell all donors.
posed as a
Their racket worked successfully
in Marietta so they decided to
visit Maytown.
Pasg'ng Brien at the
House it Maytown, an
rushe up to greet him.
“H v have you been, Brien?
LooK..g as well as ever, but why
the glasses?” the friend asked.
old friend
“You're not looking bad your-
self,’ replied Brien, forpetting
himself for a moment. Recovering,
he whispered as he pointed to the
dark glasses—*“They’re cheaters,
I'm not blind.”
Constable Max Sargent,
lert, witnessed
ever a-
the proceedings and
placed both Brien and Nebinger
under arrest. They were arraigned
before Justice of the Peace C. C.
Hicks on charges of vagrancy and
committed to 30 days in the coun-
ty jail,

(From page 1)
thy Mase, Clarence Mase, May
Mase, Lebanon; Mrs. Annie G. Eby,
Rhoda R. Eby, Mt. Joy; Jacob H.
Reist, Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Lichty,
Iva Lichty, Kitchener R. No. 2,
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Mase, I.eb-
anon R. No. 7; Mr and Mrs. H. N.
Hostetter Ella R. Hostetter,
Katherine R. Hostetter, Mt. Joy
R. No. 1; John B. Reist Clara F.
Reist, Lititz R. No. 2 Mrs. John
Huber, Elizabethtown R. Ny. 2:
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin J. Reist, Donald
Reist, Henry Reist, Mt. Joy; Mr.
and Mrs. H. G. Nissley, Robert
Nissley, Jeanette Nissley, Alice G.
Nissley, Rhoda G. Nssley, Mt. Joy;
Mr. and Mrs. John K. Reist, Leb-
anon R. No. 7; Mr. and Mrs. John
R. Kraybill, Paul N. Kraybill, Lois
N. Kraybill, Daniel N. Kraybill,
Elizabethtown R. No. 3.
M. R. Royer, Eva R. Royer,
Clare R. Royer, Lancaster; Mr. and
Mrs. Daniel R. Stoner, Mary R.
Stoner, Daniel Stoner, Isaac
Stoner, Charles R. Stoner, Susie
Virginia Stoner, Lancaster R. 8;
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Reist Carper,
Clarence Carper, Edith Carper,
Wilbert Carper, Anna Carper,
Manheim R. 6; Mr. and Mrs.
Miles G. Reist, Arlene G. Reist,
West Lawn; Mr. and Mrs. C. L.
Nissly, Janet R. Nissly, Kathryn R.



the Mount Joy cemetery.

4 !


der Light, Sylvie Light, Ethel
Light, J. Mervin Light, Warren
Richard Light, Annville; Mr, and
Mrs. D. L. Hess, David L. Hess,
Robert B. Hess, Jean Reist Hess,
Rachel Ann Hess, Martha Jane
Hess, Joseph Dwight Hess, Mari-
etta, R. 1; Mr. and Mrs. Reuben
R, Carper, Ruth Carper, Hilda Care
per, Carper, Ellen R, Car-
per, Lizzie R. Carper, Lititz.
(From page 1)
The many friends of the family
of A. Peris, who resides at Pen
Yan, N. Y. will be pleased to
learn that they are returning to
Mr. Peris has leased his
summer home and cottages at that
place and will return, to occupy his
property here as soon as it is vacate
ed by Mr. Roth.

Mr. Calvin Herr had the misfor-
tune to be painfully but not ser-
iously injured when he was thrown
against the windshield of his auto-
mobile, when it struck a tree at the
corner of Angle and Main Streets,
here, Satur’ay evening, Mr. Herr's
was uninjured. It was
suggested that the tree be removed
or a red light or other suitable
warning signal be placed on same
to prevent future accidents at this
place. Damage to machine and tree
was very slight. After having his
injuries treated by a local physician
Mr. Herr was conveyed to his home
where he is rapidly recovering.
Mr. and Nrs. Elam Hostetter
gave a dinner in honor of their
daughter, Dr. and Mrs. Seiple: Mrs.
Louella Seiple and daughter, Rose,
of Philadelphia; Mr. Horace Ren-
dell, of Quarryville; Mr. and Mrs.
Jonas Hostetter, Harrisburg; Mrs.
Mary Habecker, Mt. Joy; Miss Le-
ah Snavely, Miss Mildred Creek,
Mr. Henry Myers, all of Lancaster;
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Stauffer and
children, Henry, Wayne, Mary; Mr,
and Mrs. Joe Habecker and children

Jane, Mary and Joe; Mr. and Mrs.
John Booth and son, John, Jr.; Mr.
and Mrs. Reuben Fellenbaum and
children, John, Harold, Sara, and
Barbara; Mr. and Mrs. William
Batzell, Mr. Charles Habecker, all
of Mt. Joy; Mrs. Katie Winters,
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Myers, Mr. and
Mrs. Clayton Lefever and daughter,
Elsie; Mrs. Paul Frank, Mr. and
Mrs. A. S. Hollinger, all of Florin;
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Herr and Mr.
John Herr, of Landisville; Mr. and

Mrs. Earl Grissinger, of Lancaster.
Mrs. Seiple received a large nums=
ber of useful gifts.
your hair
How long is it?
How many days
since it was cut?
10 IS RIGHT. Haircut

every 10 days.
Go Now, to
Hershey's Barber Shop
| Agent for Manhattan Laundry

For Dependable Used Cars
and Trucks See
Elmer G. Strickler
Maytown’s Chevrolet Home
Terms to Suit Buyer

Relief From Curse
of Constipation

A Ba Creek physician says,
: t is responsible for
more misery than any other cause.”
But immediate relief has been
found. A tablet called Rexall Order-
lies has been discovered. This tab-
let attracts water from the system
into the lazy, dry, evacuating bowel
called the colon. The water loosens
the dry food waste and causes a
entle, thorough, natural movement

ut forming a habit or ever in=-
sing the
Stop suffering from consitpation.
Rexall Orderlie at night.
Next day bright. Get 24 for 25c¢ to=-
the nearest Rexall Drug
Chew a

| day at
| Store.
E. W. GARBER, Mount Joy

placing your order
elsewhere, see us.
| Crushed Stone. Also manufac«
|turers of Concrete Blocks,
| Sills and Lintels.
J. N. Stauffer & Bro.

[ce Cream, Groceries and
Mount Joy Street

Mount Joy, Pa,