The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, July 23, 1930, Image 5

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000 00S 0 Ee 088008 3030 538 Se
Paul Peters fractured his right arm Mr. and Mrs. William Hoffman 5 1
i RD : : re we cue ial Eighty per cent. of the country’s |
while cranking a Ford automobile. have returned from several days . J
oil refiners were united in a new |
Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. at Ocean City, N. J.

company formed by Standard Oil |


Ironville, Newtown, Centreville and| Rev. and Mrs, H S. Hershey left|™ Tm A
Silver Spring. Monday to spend several days at of New Jersey for the use of a | (From Page One) NEWS PERTAINING TO ALL THE | PERSONAL MENTION ABOUT
P. P. Dattisman is attending a con- | Watkins Glen, N. Y. new process expected to produce la Frank, Jacob S. Weidman and] CHURCHES IN MOUNT JOY THE MANY COMERS AND
vention of the sheriffs of the State| ‘Rev. and Mrs. A. E. Cooper left two gallons of gasoline for every | Mrs. Isaac Douple, all of Manheim, | BORO AND THE ENTIRE GOERS IN THIS LOCALITY
of Penna. at Easton. Monday to spend several weeks Row fron the same a- Services Sunday afternoon. SURROUNDING COM- a
On Sunday evening at 7 P. M., Miss | ing, at Watkins Glen, Niagara Falls Mount ot cruce ol. = — MUNITY Sasi tan Be
Erma Duffy of Lancaster will address |and Canada. New Jersey Standard officials E. C. Chandler harmon nn ih, of ast i Garr = Carrying
the Junior and Senior Christian En-| Miss Ruth Weidle and Rose Eliza- said it was hoped to secure, under E. C. Chandler died at his home Donegal Presbyterian Church ershurg, is spending several. wee
deavor of the Ironville United Breth-|beth Nissley returned Saturday after Proper operaive Sondiion, twice in Chestnut Level from neuralgia. | Rev. C. B. Segelken, D. D., Pastor hye. and Mrs. Jacob Stauffe f
ren church. Mrs. Taylor Weaver will | motoring to New York City and At-|3S much gasoline as is 0 tained at He is survived by one son, John Church school at 9.30. 47: Ang Ars, 0
be the leader. lantic City where they spent the past |Present through the use of the new Chandler, Lancaster; one daughter, D. C. Witmer, Superintendent. Christiana, were recent visitors i You can exterminate every

On Saturday, August 2nd the Luth- | week. Da knows as ge Mrs. George Weaver, West Orange. — hee. Alphens Nornhold and. Mis fly in the house instantly
eran Sunday School, will hold their Mr. and Mrs. Luke Wrigley, of H hon Dey Hamel 2! Also three brothers, Dr. William Trinity Lutheran Church Myrtl og tS Rae i and cleanly with Elkay’s ([]
picnic at the Sylvan Retreat school, |Albion, Ind, and Mrs. William Me- To ed Re nam too ind Chandler, Mount Poy; John Chand- Rev. Geo. A. Kercher, Pastor Ye 0 SPen a; Fly-Kil. You may be sure
dinner and supper will be served, and | vaugh of Mishawaka, Ind., spent sev- nited States rights to the process elr. California: and Charles Chand-| Bible School 9.30 A. M. Joa : that this powerful insecti~
Goi : ? 4 4 : Ir and Mrs. P. H.| developed by Standard Oil research y 8 a; ; : : Mr. Benjamin E. Brubaker is cide will do its work be-!
music by a brass band, a committee [eral days with Mr. and Mrs. P. H. : : ; ler, Philadelphia; one sister, Mrs Morning service 10:45 A. M Whi 3 : : h
18 BIER 8 AIT It Eres engineers in collaboration with the 4 , a) ope y ES es a . M. visiting friends in Ohio and cause every batch is labo-
§ A . : tte 1 arry Cooper, California. | 4 / . M. {ane ratory 3, illing
Rev. J. L. Smoker pastor of the Sil- Sunday evening, Rev. and Mrs. Roy [oan G. A In y OP or — Indian 43 Peif t rin ai i Sor King
ver Spring United Brethren church |Shriner, of Philadelphia attended the |Teturn ior a Xou anc runmng John. P. Swelaart The Fi . ~harles an une eifer .spen do :
will preach at Mount Joy on Sunday, |services of the Church of God. Rev. royalty. Shares in the Hydro nN gar g Fitas Prashyterian Cured several days at Lancaster this week Tap of i


the John P. Sweigart, sixty-five, of Rev. C. B. Segelken, D. D., Pastor
during his absence the pulpit at Iron- | Shriner, who is pastor of the Church | Patents Company are held by with relatives.





Elizabethtown, died Monday evening Chure 9.8 : vapor van-
ville will be filled by Rev. C. S, Mill- [of God at Philadelphia, gave a short | users of the process in proportion | a asl ch school 9:30 A. M. Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. in
: to their crude oil running of a complication of diseases. H. S. Newcomer, Superintendent. | Sauders 8 £ a
er, field secretary of the Quincy Or-|talk and sang a vocal solo. ling capac- 2 Member of : 2 - | Sauders of town left on Saturday few min-
J ) ities He was a member of the I. O. O. F. Morning worship and sermon at wd Wildwood
phanage. 0 Mr . No. 128. of Elizal ; 0 : on a trip to Wildwood. utes.
4 : ere lib No. 128, of Elizabethtown. These | 10:30. Miss Tace Shoecmake Eph
Edna Hershey of Mountville, Laura | gjj jy MYER GROUP HOLDS children survive: Elizabeth V.. Emma © DES, Woy Of Dh
McCune, Elizabeth Fornoff and Ruth FARMERS TOLD JAP Mae, : m; Mrs rata spent a day with Mr. and Mrs.
THEATRE PARTY AT ALTO L., A. Mae, all of Elizabethtown; Mrs. Methodist: Es 1 Ch I 7 Qi : re
W. Kauffman, are representing the BEETLE HERE TO STAY |1cvi Peiffer, Salunga and Mrs. Paul Re ak urch . W. Smith and family.
Young People of District No. 3 at the| nine members of the Safe- TET _ | Johnson, Carlisle. Also one brother, Dis A a Beyer, Pastor : Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Gutshall and Pint
Penna. State Sunday School associa- |i First Club of the J. E. Baker Dr. D. T. Reis, Pennsylvania |jacob, Elizabethtown and one grand- axe M Sunday School. daughter, Ethel, of W. Donegal,
tion for two weeks at Spruce Creek, | Quarry Company, Billmyer, held State College entomologist, speak-|child. Dr. E. W. Garber, Supt. visited here Monday evening. Sold onl
Huntingdon county. shalr oy outing Se the form of a ing on insect control at a meeting Services will be Thursday after- 10:30 A. M. Sermon. Miss Thelma Weaver of Middle- = Rex y
The Ironville United Brethren Sun-|ipaatre party at the Alto theatre, on the Landis Balmer farm, near |noon, 2 o'clock, from the home, with (30 P. M. Sermon. town spent the week end here with as vexall
day ‘School, held their picnic at | Columbia. They came to Columbia Clay, told his audience of county |interment in Mount Tunnel cemetery, Wednesday, 7.30 P, M. Prayer Mr. and Mrs. Harry Walters and Stores.
Hershey on Saturday. Over two hun- yo out, farmers that scientists have given | Elizabethtown. meeting. family. {
dred attended, a game of baseball Was | “qpe club was organized some |UP hope of exterminating the Jap- Sr Cordial welcome to all. oe dunn Weller of Super E Ww GARBER
played between the married men and |; 0 ago for the purpose of pro- |anese beetle and that they may ex- John G. Dietz is is here on a two weeks visit to her . . 4
«he single men, the single men winn- |p otine safety measures through- Lect annual increases in the beetle| John G. Dietz, sixty-one years old, Church of God Tsien Mrs. Kate Schroll, on Mount MOUNT JOY
ing by a score of 8 to 2. Jute Harry | i the quarry operations and population in the county. who cesides on the Ironville pile, Rev. I. A. MacDannald, D. D. *% street.
pitched for the Single men and Cleon monthly outings are social fea- |, His audience found some solace [died in the Lancaster General hospit- Minister Mr. and Mrs. Lester Rentzel and Ey So
Staley for the Married men. The |; oc in the fact that thus far cities are |al. He recently underwent an opera-| S. S. 9:30 A. M. children of York, spent W ednesday INDIVIDUALLY OWNED DRUG STORES
program was in charge of Luther ee — a iri the most heavily infested places, tion. He is survived by his wife; J. S. Hamaker, Supt. with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lieberher
Ulrich, Paul Metzgar and Roy Forn- 3 the beetles showing a preference [these sons and daughters, Harry, Sermons at 10:30 A. M. and 7:45 and family. :
off, the trucks of Clarence Crouse Congratulations . |for shade trees, shrubbery, lawns Mrs, Frank Weitzel and Winston, |P. M. Mrs. Wm. Way, Mrs. Hornafius,
and George Fornoff and a number of Robert Bentzel celebrated his fond flowers. Columbia; Clinton, at home; Vera, 700 P.M. C. E and Frank Rahm visited Mrs. Mar- {ll oul | 4
private cars, conveyed the people to seventh birthday the past week. { Spraying, he said was, fairly |General Hospital nurse; Yomia, Hom-| Leader, Wm. Beamenderfer gie Rahm at the Lancaster General
and from the park. Michael Lyons. son of Mr. and effective in checking their in-|er and Lorraine, at home; his moth-| Junior choir Wednesday, 6:45. hospital Monday. . There are three trying periods in a
Te li Mrs. Earl Lyons, on North Barbara roads on vegetation but he ad-|er, Mrs. Elizabeth Dietz, Ironville,| Mid-Week service Wednesday at Mr. and Mrs. Sharpe Huston woman’s life: when the girl matures
Way Below Cost St., was one year old on Friday. | voe: ated the treating of lawns with |and these brothers and sisters, Henry 745 P. M ile, and children William and Isabelle to womanhood, when a woman
‘The Department at Washington, | yr [a poison preparation as the most |K. and Daniel D. Dietz, Colt bia; The Choir and Men’s Chorus will Shent the week end here with Mr. | gives birth to her first child, when a
after a careful survey, finds that it| Paul C. Mann, 33, of Washing-/|effective. This method, he pointed | William K. Dietz, Lancaster; ( -chearse on Wednesday night of. 2nd Mrs. Joseph Charles. | | woman reaches middle age. At
costs a farmer $1.24 per bushel to [tonboro, had to pay $10 fine and out, destroyes the larvae which is |Dietz, Shamokin; Mrs. Harry Kraft oS in 1 4 B Mrs, Clarence Swisher ang tam: these times Lydia E. Pinkham’s
J ' 3 | lowing prayer service. . . . :
grow wheat. Today it is selling at |costs for beating a horse. |the most destructive stage of the | Trenton, N. J., and Mrs. John Myers, | v £ ] ye yr volta ily of Lewistown are spending | | Vegetable Compound helps to re-
27 cents, er Wei | insect Kinderhook. Xi oH ox cordially invited to WOr- | ome’ time here with Mr. and Ms. | store normal health and vigor.
i ant 14 TT afi. SI ith us. Rramey lv
——-———— Filta lcs ; ag a Services will be held Thursday aft W 3 Alex Kramer and family.
With H. N. Nissly’s ra Na a Mr. and Mrs. Al Cummens, | érnoon at 1:30 o'clock in the h me | : Mrs. Amos Garber LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S
rg ios naa 1 en he ian lof Manheim. visitsd fricnds here oujantd at 2 o'clock in St. John's Luth-| Florin United Brethren In Christ Tuesday after visiting at Up- | VEGETABLE COMPOUND
Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Nissly enter- |drowned in the Susquehanna river.|0of Manheim, visited friends here on : = 1B J. C. Deitsl M. A. Past Prin Sy P= LYDIA E. PINKHAM MED. CO. LYNN, MASS
tained Mrs. Lizzie Nissly, Mr. and SW Sunday evening. hig SH og i Jao "An i By Pps baths, Philadelshis, and As |
> ea = _ will be in Silver Springs cemet day Announcements: burv Pork foy scvercl davs “If you will fll in th and mail to the Lydia
Mrs. Jacob E. Brubaker and son,| Advertise in The Bulletin. ! I Bile Schpol ot 0:20 A.M ury Park for several days. A pale Company. ty wilt oe slot © Sond
Parl, on Sunday. Consistent Advertising Pays. ) Subscribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletip : i nh A Mr. and Mrs. Harry Messer and | You & copy of Lydia Piekba's Private Tezt Book,
Mrs. Harriet A, Stark | Yom worship at Ds M. | daughters, Beverly and June, of] rec of charge.
Mrs. Harriet A Stark, seventy-| unior Society at 5:15 P. M. Lancaster, were recent guests of |
f Fast Petershure die | termediate Society AB 3 a FE NAMIC, ae eae MRE
2200000090000. ight, of Fast Petersburg. di Intermediate Society 5:45 P. M. |My. and Mis. E. A. Meyre. Name
® | day afternoon at the residence : Senior Society at 6:30 P. M. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Gingrich and| Street.
© neu wed an fines of nine Nie ¥ Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Meyre visited |
joath ented oN a ame Announcements: | the former's sister, Mrs. Annie
2 a comblicaton of diseases. rehearsal Tuesday at 7:30 | Spavely, at Lititz Saturday. |
She was born August b, 1301 and
Mr. and Mrs. Russel Bishop and

. - .
3 : : 1
was a member of the nite Thursday at 7:3 os : a :
' X te service Thursday at 7:30. | {wo children, Russel and Dorothy, Beef Prices Sliced Again
urch $ Vi he oy onan Y =, J
l1ate and 1 % Announcements: of I bethtown, visited Mr. and
2 Jc alll Chel, | . . ‘ te apne
a Holy Communion service Sunday | Myps. Foster Conner and family.
She is survived


: July ¢
| Elias Stark, East Petershurg I
38 10330, 4, Mr. and Mis. Truman Sprout HAMBURGER 5c Cheaper
You are cor invited, and daughter Dorothy, Mr.

sist Mrs. Sarah Koser and .
} hor ; i e—————— Mrs. Samuel Ober and Miss Ada ALL CUTS 2¢ Cheaper
other St. Mark's Church of The United |S Saturd Harri
ce y \ i . ark's Lhurch o e Unite Sprout, spent daturday at arris- 138, NI
ey I Brethren in Christ burg Quality Not Reduced
obsequits 3 73 The Rev. C. E. Rettew, Minister Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin F. Ger
etershurg Mennonite rch Burial 9:00 Bible School. viece, Louella Witmer, 1
the ¢ = yining cemetery { Morning worship 10:00. Sermon or Wild Wood, New K I's 1 k
Bo : | by the Rev. John Smoker. they will spend some ral S Meat ar et

West Main St., MOUNT JOY
| or Sein
Simon Zeager { 7:30 Vesper service in charge of ;
| Simon Zeager. North Barbara street the pastor Mrs. Ernest Cobaugh of
abeth 1itown spent several d


| died early Sunday morning Wednesday, 7:30 Mid-Week De- | El
| cations. He w: votional meeting. f the past week at the home of
| He was a member of the Rev. C. E. Rettew, pastor of the Mr. and Mrs. Martin Gerber and |
ren church at Chi
beth Barnhart,
son and two d:

United Brethren church | family.
Messr 1k, Fred, and Earl|
beth Weaver all of
spent Saturday with |
Mrs. Harry Walters
is wid ppointed to preach
Meunt Gretna, on
ning July 24.
erstown and :
Mount Joy
| brother Fre
sister, Mrs.
| Mount Joy.
funeral rvices were held this

The Merchant

who advertises in HE

76th year
ber of the United Bret
| Mount Joy f
| The survivors

Evangelical Congregational Church Mr.
Rev. N. S. Hoffman, Pastor Crow
Sunday School 9:30 A. M. Crow
ne past thirty
Dependable Used Cars

“The Bulletin”


Natiser, of Mr. S. F. Eshleman, Supt. with and Trucks See
ta two_dausliers, Viola, wile of oping worship 10:30 A M. | A. Derr and fs
arry Williams, Mount Joy, and Mary ID a in a
phe Jou: Awe C. E. 6:45 P. M. x Mr. an Mrs. Bentzel and | .
Children. aud these Lrothors and sic Church service, 7: 0 P. M. hildren Th omas and pro, hard; Elmer G. Strickler
ye I Fac TM Rev. H r J. ydt will Kilpatrick all of Hampton, Vi
ters, Mrs. Elizabeth Mateer. Mrs. Ella EE ta. noo. Shending. somes e Fore
F ine and Mrs es rs, of ol fr TE li AY Hy on
doesn’t complain about poor conan Dern. ening, | School with 111. Miss | with Me. and Mrs. Eli Benizel. | Maytown's Chevrolet Home
p P "Private funeral services were : ‘Reh ard and the 1 Mrs. Man E. Ww estenberger,
Tuesday afternoon. Interment 1 had 100 7% classes. Hoddonfiele, N. J. os here an 1
Mount Joy cemete i Hazel Kay! or | visit to friends week. Mrs. | 1

ol Westenberg ger i 1
(From page 1)
Martha Newcomer, Salunga; I
Anna Good and Miss Nora Good, Primary 10, Men’s Bible class 16,
business. . . . he knows

Sherwood Ging-
B. Kilpatrick. of
and Frank T. Har-
7, Mr. 1
arks to the Men's class.

rpel gave a
Attendance by classes as follows:

ff Mr
and Miss
of Mastersonville; | i :
N 3 | The tormida
nan Sprout anda | i

East Petersburg: Miss Anna Mary | Mrs. Way 4, Mrs. Reheard 7. La- Salk
Brubaker, Lancaster; Misses Kath- dies’ Bible Class 16, Rose Buds of Mr and Mes.
ryn and Dorothy Kreider, East |Promise 7, Busy Workers 6, Mr. | i. ohter Dorothy of Maytown, |
{a ope A oidmar Hap Mic shi radle 2 Hd
25 27 | Patera : Miss ore Weldman, Pe ffer 4, Miss Bdienran 3 Cradle spent Sunday at the home of Frank | 5 §
SE&EEE t. Joy; Miss Rachel Snavely, |Roli 10, Beginners 9, Visitors 4, Sprout.

Manheim; Misses Altamae, Verna, Home Department 10. The Men's Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wolgemuth |
Anna Mary, Kathryn Newcomer, Bible class with $1.55 had the|,f Elizabethtown, Mrs. John G.
Elizabethtown; Mary K. Newcom- largest offering. The Rose Buds| Eberle of town motored to Dan-

Used ac]
: : 4 | : v with Bt J unless
er, Catherine Risser, Mabel Heisey, of Promise again had the largest | bury, Conn., to visit the latter's |

i spiandid bi Fraxoly |
Phone 41R2 Messrs. Jacob Kreider, Mark New- | average offering with 15¢ per | son, Mr. Witmer Eberle who is on odd REE brings ine
i Mt, Joy: Jol ond © gi | scholar. the editorial staff of the Danbury | i
eidman, Raymond Risser, 1Z- | Sunday evening. Rev. Henry J. | Times. women her: ait |
abethtown; sEnos Good, Fast | Heydt, of the Moravian church, Mr. E. H. Bentzel, wife and two MERA =
Petersburg, Raymond Snavely, | Lancaster, will preach. Rev. Heydt | sons. Richard and Thomas and Mrs. ”
Manheim; Elvin Landis, Oregon; io, mate of the pastor. Bentzel's mother, Mrs. Anna Kil- [ce Cream, Groceries and
Botte Then, By Eimer ey Prayer meeting to-night 7.30. patric from Ha ton, Va., were Confections
e us e p you W1 your et ery Yere ayia . Ory { Picnic is tomorrow at Rocky | Visiting Mr. Bentzel’s parents, Mr.
Newcomer of Mount Joy; gift re-|g,. "land Mrs. E. W. Bentzel. They left
Ans Hesiod of Lovie t er — today for Niagara Falls and later BRANDT BROS.
ville and Cathryn Lindemuth o a , eo ha Bethlehem, Pa.
- Mourit. Joy The Marietta Women's clab held 8 e So ny i 5 we [Mount Joy Street Mount Joy, Pas
a ver 1S1n pro ems 1. picnic on the lawn of the Commun- Mr. Garri Arntz, Mr. and Mrs.
The table waiters were Missies | 3 o
House, Tuesday evening, Games James Coyle and son, Jimmie, of HOW ARE YOUR SHOES?
{were enjoyed, after the supper. The | Lebanon; Mrs. James Atticks and
committee in charge was Mrs. W. M. | Barbara Anne Keener, of Paxtang;
Rhoda Garber, Martha and Barbara |
Longenecker and FEthel Newcomer, DON'T WAIT TOO LONG

er site |Sultzbach, Mrs. R. Taggart, Mrs. B.| Mrs. Elizabeth Sears, Mr. and Mrs. BRING THEM IN
B Siegel, Miss Miriam Decker and | Henry Fox, of Harrisburg, were the
OI" “III Ty i Tow Tow of we dul | SHOE
¥ : G. Walters and Mr. and Mrs. H. B. 4 2 .
QC ROCOREO® he Linesia ral hospital Toll BL ni Joy Bulletin Arntz. 0
bh) A
p \