"WEDNESDAY, JULY 9, 1930 Tea Week in Our Stores! Our Teas are imported from the Finest Tea Gar- dens of the Orient. They are carefully selec- ted and blended, packed in sanitary car- tons—and come to you with that “freshly-picked” flavor. It Pays to Trade Where Quality Counts! ASCO TEAS 1b pkg, 15¢ | 44" xe. 100 h60c | Ib 38c PLAIN BLACK INDIA CEYLON OR OLD COUNTRY STYLE MIXED California Bartlett PEARS big can 25¢ ? Franco - American Cooked Spaghetti 2 cans 17¢ CHIPSO big pkg 19¢ Granules or Flakes. ASCO or RITTER BEANS WITH PORK 3 cans 20¢ Ready to Serve. Reg. 25¢ ASCO PEANUT BUTTER Largest tum. 19¢ A Mazola pt. can 25¢ Cooking Oil Tasty Sandwich Fillers! delicious sandwich filler Diplomat Boned Chicken can 49 Libby’s Cooked Corned Beef ................... can 25c¢ Best Pink Salmon &. . 0... 0... can 17c Fancy Red Salmbn. ..... .........0%. can 29c Smoked Kippered Snacks .........0........ 3 cans 20c Nerse Boy Norwegian Sardines .............. 2 cans 25¢ Monte Cristo Sardines . =~. .... ... &........ 2 cans 25¢ i Reg. 9c Lord Baltimore Sparkling BEVERAGES (plus dep.) Seasonable Needs! 3 bots 20¢c N..B. C. Lorna Doone Cakes 1b 25¢ Farmdale Tender Poas .......... ... 5... os can 14c ASCO Fancy Sweet Peas ............ % cs can 17¢ Del Monte Sugar Peas’ 5. 0.0. can 17¢ ASCO Finest June Peas .............. 5... .+« Can 23c Rosedale Corned Beef Hash can 23c Choice Domestic Sardines ........... viele Bay ve be can 5c Black Flag Liquid INSECT KILLER ASCO COFFEE 39¢—29¢=10c¢ Saved 1-2 pt. can 23¢c Ib 29¢ Victor Blend Acme Brand 1b tin 1b . COFFEE 29¢ | COFFEE 39¢ Preferred by thousands Adapted to percolator use. ASCO Finest Grape Juice pt bot 17¢ Welch’s Grape Juice pt bot 29¢ California Apricots ............. ..... 5. tall can 12%c California Ripe Olives civ ini viii can 23c Walbeck’s Stuffed Cucumber Rings .............. jar 19c ASCO Creamy Mints... i. viii 1-2 1b 10c Large Wrapped Loaf Bread Supreme Sc Victor Bread, Big Pan Loaf . Bg When you consider the fair prices at which you secure High- est Quality Foods—you realize that your neighborhood Asco Store saves you money and is a veritable asset to your com- These Prices Effective in Our MOUNT JOY STORE APIA, Hd 4 Im! this MNewsbaber is furnishing he WNU. CUTS COPY SERVICE In New Releases Each Month ~A Service FREE TO ALL ADVERTISE Come in and let us show you how easily we can assist you preparing your copy for advertising and circular work. vou can’t call at the office, ring 41R2 and see how quickly advertising representative will be at your service. on’t follow in the same old rut—Pep up your advertising ur expense. he BULLETIN MOUNT JOY, PA. THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO., PA. | OWL-LAFFS 0. W. L eo (On With Leughte'y - Now that those Hunter boys made a new long distance flying record, it's about time some one swims across the Atlantic. I really can’t understand why so many people take up that marathon stuff, keep doing the very same thing over and over again for hours and we have some folks here in town who won’t even start any- thing. I heard a fan ask a boy what steam was and the little fellow re- plied that it was water crazy with the heat. One of our Manheim street col- ored fellows says he’s had good luck ever since he carries a rab- bit’s foot in his pocket. The first night he put it there his wife was going thru his pockets and came mighty near being scared to death. She thought it was a mouse. Met a“chap from Rheems and I in- quired: “How is it I never you with that girl any more?” He said: “I've married her.” see While one of our young belles was strutting down Main street Saturday night, I heard a fellow say: “That girl sure shows distinction in her clothes.” After I sized her up I figured he should have said, distinctly. Two kids on West Donegal street. One said: “Let's play house.” “All right,” said the other, be the door and I'll slam you.” “You A girl from the city is here on a visit and of all the dumb doras, she gets the prize. She actually thinks that a baby coach is a man who teaches children to do things. I heard a fellow ask Frank Young down at the filling station if he ever hunted bear and Frank said: “No, whenever I go hunting [ always wear something.” ® But I know the time when he came almost hunting bear—it was the time he was leadin that hound around on those Potter county hills. That sooner sure did take him thru the brush. He lies the hero of swimming fame, He dove, in his sleep, thru the win- dow frame. Yesterday Edgar Hagenberger told me that he changed his mind so I asked him if it works any better. Some young chap was down at Happy Darrenkamp’s and Bill said he will sell him a picture he had there for $10. The fellow said: “I won’t give you that much for the picture but I'll give you five dollars for the address of the model. A woman on Marietta street sat all over her daughter because she caught her sitting on her beau's lap. The girl said it was her mother’s own fault and that she was only fol- lowing her instructions. Her mother had told her that in case her boy friend gets fresh she should sit on him. The fellows told Joe Detwiler, the barber, that they know a man who runs a school for stammerers. Joe said: “But who the wants to learn stammerin.” deuce Some fellow asked Lee Ellis if he thought Carnera will be the world's champ. Lee said: “Who's got a better right?” At one of our local restaurants a fellow said. ‘Waiter, never mind my order now. I can’t eat where there's a smell of paint.” The waiter said: “Just wait a min- ute please and those two young la- dies will be going.” only an she knew Just the same she was undertaker’s daughter but her buries. While enroute to Lancaster on the train the other day the conductor asked a lady how old her son was and she said: “Four.” Then he asked the boy and he said “Four.” Then the conductor replied: “Well, I'll let him ride this time but when he grows up he'll either be a giant ora liar.” Just saw a big blunder in a county paper last week. Agcertain couple got married and in giving the groom's occupation it stated that he was a collector of antiques. She didn’t like that a darn bit but what could she do? The local young couple that were toking a ride in a 1918 Ford, know PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH What Shwilkey Bumblesock Has To Say This Week ERA > Mere hen aw amohl en celebra- tion om Hawsa Barrick g’hot uff der Fiert, un ich con dere sawga won der George Washington by uns g’west ware don het are sich farwoonered we feel leit os in dem lond sin woo are un der Grishtuffel Columbus g’funna hen. Ich wore ga-billed for en speech maucha, un ich hob tzwae kollenner dorrich ga- laesa biss ich tsu shtuf greeked hob far my address. Ich hob der Billy Bixler ga-dinked g’hot far es cheera uff-shtarta won ols my fooder oll is warra in der speech. Der Johnny Lawbuck hut mich uff der shtand ga-nufma un mich introduced ols der grose Washington orator. Der shtand wore about sex foos in der hae un uff shtelsa g’shtonna. Ich hob g’frogt far en glass wosser. Ich hobs navich my shtitza hoot uff der shtand g’shteit. Olla mohl os ich en drink g’numma hob hut der Billy awfonga sulla blctcha so ich mae fooder somla con. naixt os ich mich arinnnera wore des my speech: “Grosse, oll-feende, un gagen- wardiche untzoocht! Ere sint heit zomma cooma far mich hara wetza. Ere kent gawiss fro si os dere so en grosser mon ga-dinked het far eich tsu armawna. Der Washington un der Ghrishtuffel Columbus sin dote un farfowled, awver era grosse dawda doona eena nuch long noach laeva. We der Washingdon der glae karsna bawm um g’hocked hut mit sime glaena hatchet, un si dawdy ut ene g’- frogt ware des ga-doo het, don is der George grawd uff g'shtepped un hut g’sawt, “Dawdy ich con net dos So con sch- leega. Es wore mich mit mime ner boo ore hov ich fun selera sh- glaena hatchet.” We ich en glae- tory g’hart un ich bin draw far my woreheit broofa un hob meim daw- dy en shaener yunger beera bawm ob g’saked. We are hame cooma is un mich g'frogt, ‘my liever glae- ner Gottlieb, ware hut des widder PRODUCE & LIVE STOCK MARKET | correct INFORMATION FUR NISHED WEEKLY B8Y TUE PENNA. BUREAU OF MARKETS FOR THE BULLETIN Receipts of nearby tomatoes in- creased sharply today and it was estimated that around 1,754 bas- kets arrived by motor truck. The quality was very irregular as the high prices have brought consider- able immature and poor stock on the market. This had a depressing effect on the market, although the best stock sold fairly well. Most sales of good stock ranged from $3 to $3.25 per 5-8 basket, with poor- er stock as low as $1.00, according to the Penna. and U. S. Market News Service. The best string beans were somewhat stronger but poor stock continued dull. Wax varieties sold at 40c to 50c per 5-8 basket with a few fancy lots bringing 60c¢ to 65c. Green Varieties brought 30c to 40c¢ with fancy lots as high as T5c. Beets sold at 1c to 2¢ per bunch, carrots 2%c to 3c and rhubarb lec to 2e¢. Cabbage was dull and most stock sold around 25c¢ a 5-8 basket while nearby cucumbers sold at $1.25 to $1.40. New Jersey celery hearts sold at 5¢ to 8c per bunch. Lettuce was about steady with Romaine bringing 40c¢ to 50c per crate and Big Boston 30c¢ to $1.00. Nearby bunches radishes were 30c to turnips 25¢ to firm at bushel. Rutabagas brought 40c¢ per 5-8 basket, white 35¢ to 40c and whte squash 50c. Nearby potatoes held with the best Cobblers selling 75¢ to 85c¢ per 5-8 basket. The apple market was quiet and the best stock of various early var- ieties brought $1.50 to $2.00 with poor stock selling as low as 2bc. Many apples offered were very small and should have been left on the farm. Blackberries brought $3.50 to $4.50 per 32 quart crate and huckleberries $6.00 to $8.00. Raspberries sold at 8c to 12¢ per pint and sour cherries at Te per pound. Market: Slow, better grades beef steers steady to strong. some sales 25¢ higher, common and medium grades barely steady with the week’s 25¢ to 50c decline, ium weights $10.50, sales light and medium weights $9.75-10.00, bulk $8.50-9.50. Bulls, she stock and cutters about steady with recent decline, bulk fat heifers $7.50-8.50, beef bulls $7.50-8.25 butcher cows $6.25-7.00, cutter firm and brought 75c¢ to $1.00 per |: E | EL Ll A PAGE SEVEN 11 Free Parking} | While Shopping in Lancaster Simply drive your car to the Manhattén Hotel Garage at 51 W. King St. or to the Hudson & Essex Garage (formerly the Eastern Market House) at E. King and Shippen Sts. and after you are through shopping hand them a Sales Check of a purchase made at the Garvin Store that day and that’s all that’s to it. Just a straight forward business pro- position or as many call it “A Special Accom- modation” that we have arranged with the two garages mentioned above to park your automobile free of charge on any shopping day from 8:00 A. M.to6:00P. M. Furthermore—remember that Garvin's buy and sell for Cash only and thereby you save by shopping here. of flected in the lower prices The downward trend the market is daily re- offered at the Garvin Store. M. T. Garvin & Co. Next Door to LANCASTER, the Court House PA. OT iL i 1 0 0 1 We are here to give advice as well as to handle funds. 6. Obligation The Union National LT P10 1) D001 U0 ga-doo?’ don hov ic g’sawt, ‘Dawdy | $3 50-4.25. Stockers and feeders ich con net leega, es wore mich min gow. steady to weak, bulk $6.75- M t J B 3 , Stead} sD PDs minera glaena sake.’ Wos hut my|g 00. Calves strong, 25¢ to 50c|m oun oy an dawdy ga-doo? Are hut mich shae higher, top vealers $12.50, few se- a om awrem ga-numma un mich in de |jects held higher. = huls shade g'feered. Dart hut are| Hogs: 25¢ to 50c higher, top MOUNT JOY, PA. {mich g’hocked mit der fawr gashel|yesterns $11.00, bulk local feds|® bis ich rhona uff em bartzel g’hot|g10.00-10.25. a re cold sver-warsht. Sell: hob we colda lever warsht Sella Range of Prices a mohls hov ich my mind uff ga- : a mauched in meim laeva nimmy de STEERS C . 5 woreheit sawga, -un es is anes fun Good Cu obi E apital, Surplus and Profits, $502,000.00 a da feela goota resolutions os ich in|Medium 33002 a 5 mime laeva net farbrucha hob.” Common Hos: oe & a Der Billy Bixler hut awfonga in Good OT oe 50 x de hend blotcha un sell hut de on- Me ham ee on » x era uff g’shtart, un era yocht hut |&G00C FDU dv 2 Can Serve You as Executor. Admini ; g > nistrato em oldta Sammy Sendapetzer si BEIFERS ’ tor, Assignee, a oldte lose farshrecked woo Om Choice 2,25-9.00 8 Receiver, Guardian, Registrar of Stocks and = lemonade tzoover wore unich em| Good 7.50-8.25 | g x shtand un se is wedder anes fun da | Medium 6.75-7.50 Bonds, Trustee, etc. % shtelsa k’shproonga un der shtand|common 6.00-6.75 | = : is tzomma g'folla. Ich bin grawd COWS a ‘ dorich nunner oona g’shtupped, un Cholce ys a : i : junl2tf 3 de Bets Biffelmoyer, woo finf foos oe TTT il (it Gl TO 1 TT 3 p ivver gor Shon ON ou Comer. & medium EE mich g’folla. Now ich Low cutter and cwtier sshtowder mon, des consht du saena BULLS — on mime picter, awver won ich net : ha ; 60 so din ware don het se mich by Good and choice (beef) 8.00-9.0( g hia IF SY GDN He 5.00-8.0( ginerosity in der mind ob Cutter, common & med 6.008001} THE COUNTRY NEWSPAPER OF GREAT VALUE | de SE rigs, excluded) ed. Se hut sich net wae gadoo,| (yrie usht wennich g’shtouched if rick. VEALERS ACCORDING TO STATEMENT OF NOTED agoked w arforrene | Good an ic .00-12.50 Ip oh ve on fetes ont sien 1003800 watrER—PROVEN BY grut un ho § Medium J.00-11. we any wile ich net gons dote wore cyl and common 7.50-9.50 Se hen mich uff ga-picked un mich FEEDERS AND STOCKERS ons Hullerhecka ni woo der Good and choice 8.00-10.00 widder de shticker hi : 5.50-8.00 Ha ga-bunna hut mit ma Conon 2 edu 8270.25 Arthur Brisbane, one of the best minds of the rood ai ic 25-10.25 shtrick un mich i pan ag Common & medium 5.75-8.25 (ime, says: ma shoop-karrich. Ich bin widde : : : so os ich awennich essa un drinka HOGS “H. Z. Mitchell’s’ ‘Sentinel’,” published at i 3 i 5 00 p got, i 20% net nunner ons Slob Bermidjii, Minn., wins the prize as best weekly ‘hecka ightweights 00-11. : Tots : . 4] a Hollen oe ung’fare feelsht far eb- ht 10.50-11.00 in- the National Editorial Contest. This is a . far di lond don shick mere | pModiumweizht 10.25-11.00 good time to remind the public in general, and bes do J rts Me g g ’ vawr golla keffer-bree a 100% 10.50 national advertisers in particular, that country ar my mawga viddae Avy reight - Db L ; as Ris valk Fost Marrs weekly newspapers are the most important or- awennic i ancaster Grain an : = Selling Price of Feeds gans of public opinion and protectors of public Pittsburgh and Lake Erie rail- Bran $32.00-33.00 ton welfare. road asked Interstate =~. 32.50-33.50 ton Commission for authority to fons Hominy 38.00-39.00 ton “And, their advertising per mill line, is not struc roe © mile line i Aire . struct three and one-half iia Middlings 40.00-41.00 ton excelled by any publication, of any kind. between Monaca and Bellowsvillk | Linseed 53.00-54.00 ton Cos — | Gluten 42.50-43.50 ton “The reader of a country weekly buys every- I that their love certainly | Ground Oats 37.50-38.50 ton . J v ry V now, a ae ec Lladlllil Fro ( als . =00.¢ . - . doesn’t run smooth, Soy Bean Meal 47.00-48.00 ton thing from shingles on the roof to cement in the Hog Meal 44.00-45.00 ton cellar floor, and every advertiser has in him a There was a time when hs Cottonseed 41% §49:00:50.80 ton possible customer.” wouldn't have any time for a LelloW | Feed *16% 35.00-36.00 ton who had green in his eyes. Dairy Feed *18% 37.50-38.50 ton Now they haven't any time tor Dairy Feed *20% 42.00-43.00 ton x him unless he has lots of green in his | piu peed 24% 46.00-47.00 ton pockets. Dairy Feed 25 %% 47.50-48.50 ton EE EE ._ | Horse Feed 85% 42.00-43.00 TON | oO 400480 ade 50000050050 000050 050000000000 620 020-0204%0-0%0-6% 6% 6% 4% «0 <0 8. U heard a fellow say that he In| ye 1p, (Regular) 37.50-38.50 ton Ag a TTY Yo TOY tat tv vented a mee ik Alfalfa (Reground) 40.50-41.50 ton oe Sec ig askec 11m The Second ns Re *Dairy feeds containing smaller * PLUMBING and HE ATING & worked and he said: Absolutely. CORA . ots? | Se - No fuelin.’ ” percentage of Mill by-Products 3 : ; considerably higher. oe . : Just the same brassieres have & Also All Kinds Repair Work 2 their off days too. Control Cabbage Worm o PROMPT SERVICE PRICES REASONABLE * —— One pound of lead ot Solem & a We have a chap here in town who | arsenate and nine pounds o y 3 loafs around the post office a great, drated lime make a good ast. Sor oe JOSEPH iL. HEISEY deal, If you gave him a penny for his | controlling cabbage worms. al o% Ph 179R thoughts he'd still owe you some |spray is desired use three table- oo Ong 5 FLORIN, PENN change. spoonsful each of lead arsenate Sib ib A WISE OWL | 5114 flour in a gallon of water. CoP Oat 0S 000 POPES