- WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11, 1930 THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO., PA. Prove Yourself! Shop regularly at your nearest ASCO Store—and keep account of your’ Savings! You will be well able to make use of what you Save! It pays to trade where you get The Most of the Best for the Least! SPECIAL 5-1b bag Gold Seal Reg. 23c ASCO Strawberry, Peach, Raspberry and jar 19¢ FLOUR Pineapple and a 5¢ can ASCO PRESERVES Baking Powder ASCO 1b 20¢ Oleomargarine ,2, 39¢ Libby’s Cooked Corned Beef 2¢ens43c Tomato Sauce Dressed Sardines 2 big ens 19¢ EXTRA LARGE FANCY CALIF. 1b PRUNES 27 25¢ 8c Crisp Brown-Crusted Loaves! 10c both for 25¢ Triangle or Rock Crystal SALT 3 pkes 10¢ Very Choice California Apricots big can 19¢ Large Wrapped Loaf Bread Supreme Victor Pan Loaf Weekly Specials! Natl. BE. Co. Robena Pin Wheels ......... Ib 25¢ Octagon Toilet Soap... ....... | .. 3 cakes 20¢ Medium Ivory Soap... .......... .. 3 cakes 22¢ Kirkman’s Borax Soap ................ cake G¢ Post Toasties ....-.... ... . ... .. 3 pkgs 25¢ Quaker Puffed Wheat ............... pkg 12¢ ASCO CORN FLAKES Kellogg's Rice Krispies 3 pkgs 20¢ rkg 10c The Flavor and Price Both Satisfy ASCO COFFEE .... Ib 29¢ 39¢—29c 10c saved! Victor Blend Coffee Acme Brand Coffee Boscul Coffee ROB ROY pts GINGER ALE 37 25¢ Plus deposit. ASCO Golden Bantam CORN D cans 95c Campbell’s Assorted SOUPS ASCO TEAS ORANGE PEKOE OLD COUNTRY STYLE INDIA CEYLON 1-4 1b pk 17c: 1-2 1b pk 33c ASCO Plain Black or Mixed 1-4 1b pk 10c: 1-2 1b pk 19¢ Pride of Ib tin 75¢ KILLARNEY TEA ASCO tumb 10¢ cans Peanut Butter — 6 95¢ ASCO 3 pkgs 20¢ Campbell’s TOMATO SOUP 3 cans 25¢ Hom-de-Lite Mayonnaise jar 19¢ ASCO FINEST SHRIMP can 19¢ The wise Homekeeper is well versed in where to purchase the Highest Quality Foods and Table Needs at money-saving prices, hence hundreds of thousands of satisfied ASCO customers shop the ASCO way daily Gelatine Desserts Ice Cream Salt bg 15¢ These Prices Effective in Our MOUNT JOY STORE THE COUNTRY NEWSPAPER OF GREAT VALUE ACCORDING TO STATEMENT OF NOTED EDITORIAL WRITER—PROVEN BY FACTS Arthur Brisbane, one of the best minds of the time, says: “H. Z. Mitchell’s’ ‘Sentinel’,”” published at Bermidjii, Minn., wins the prize as best weekly in the National Editorial Contest. This is a good time to remind the public in general, and national advertisers in particular, that country weekly newspapers are the most important or- gans of public opinion and protectors of public welfare. “And, their advertising per mill line, is not excelled by any publication, of any kind. “The reader of a country weekly buys every- thing from shingles on the roof to cement in the cellar floor, and every advertiser has in him a possible customer.” | ON YOUR VACATION Don’t risk discomfort and inconvenience That ill result if you lose or break your glasses Take An Extra Pair With You You will also find satisfaction in having two styles of frames, for different occasions. Our Optical Service is Accurate APPEL and WEBER OPTOMETRISTS and OPTICIANS 40-42 North Queen Street LANCASTER, PA. PRODUCE & LIVE STOCK MARKET i CORRECT INFORMATION FUR | NISHED WEEKLY BY TE PENNA. BUREAU OF MARKETS FOR THE BULLETIN Market: Beef steers and yearlings weak to unevenly lower, better grades all weights showing most de- cline, compared with week ago 25c to 50c lower, top $11.80, average weight 1422 pounds, several sales medium weights $11.50-11.75, bulk of sales $10.00-10.75. Bulls about steady; she stock and cutters steady to strong, bulk fat heifers $9.25-10, beef bulls $8.50-9.25, butcher cows $7.50-8.25, cutters $4-5.25. Stock- ers and feeders nominal. Calves steady, top vealers $13.00. Hogs: Nominally steady. Receipts: For today’s market, cat- tle 3 cars, 2 St. Paul; 1 Chicago; containing 97 head, 656 head truck- ed in from nearby, total cattle 753 head, 34 calves, 145 hogs, 81 sheep Receipts for week ending June 7, 1930, cattle 16 cars, 8 St. Paul; 2 Chicago; 1°'W, Va.; 1 St. Louis. 1 Tenn.; 1 Penna.; 1 Kentucky; 1 Texas; containing 478 head, 2510 head trucked in from local feed lots, total cattle 2988 head, 1032 calves, 909 hogs, 1080 sheep. Re- ceipts for corresponding week last year, cattle 26 cars, 7 St. Paul; 3 Chicago; 2 Kentucky; 1 Virginia; 1 W. Va.; 1 Ohio; 1 Wis.; containing 494 head, 2016 head trucked in from nearby, total cattle 2510 head 551 calves, 1232 hogs, 1825 sheep. Range of Prices STEERS Good $10.50-12.25 Good $10.50-12.25 Good $10.50-12.25 Medium 9.25-10.50 Common 8.00-9.25 HEIFERS Choice 9.50-10.50 Good 8.50-9.50 Medium 7.75-8.50 Common 7.00-7.75 COWS Choice 7.25-8.50 Good 6.25-7.25 Common & medium 5.25-6.25 Low cutter & cutter 4.00-5.25 BULLS Good and choice (beef) 9.00-10.25 Cutter, com. & med. 7.25-9.00 FEEDERS AND STOCKERS Good and choice 9.50-11.50 Common & medium 7.25-9.50 Good and choice 9.25-11.25 Common and medium 7.00-9.25 VEALERS Good and choice 11.25-13.00 Medium 9.50-11.25 Cull and common 7.50-9.50 HOGS Heavyweights $11.00-11.50 Mediumweights 11.25-11.75 Lightweights 11.25-11.75 Packing sows (rough and smooth) 8.00-11.00 Lancaster Grain and Feed Market Selling Price of Feeds Bran $37.00-38.00 ton Shorts 37.00-38.00 ton Hominy 39.00-40.00 ton Middlings 41.00-42.00 ton Linseed 54.50-55.50 ton Gluten 42.50-43.50 ton Ground Oats 41.00-42.00 ton Soy Bean Meal 47.00-48.00 ton Hog Meal 46.50-47.50 ton Cottonseed 41% $51.00-52.00 ton Dairy Feed *16% 38.00-39.00 ton Dairy Feed *18% 40.50-41.50 ton Dairy Feed *20% 44.50-45.50 ton Dairy Feed 24% 48.50-49.50 ton Dairy Feed 25% 50.00-51.00 ton Horse Feed 85% 44.50-45.50 ton Alfalfa (Regular) 38.50-39.50 ton Alfalfa (Reground) 41.50-42.50 ton *Dairy feeds containing smaller percentage of ‘Mill by-Products” considerably higher. Ruins of Clonmacnoise Venerated by Irishmen Clonmacnoise occupies a delightful spot on a series of small eminences upc n the banks of the River Shannon. Only a small part of the great abbey building is still traceable, but there are numerous ruins of churches and other structures once connected with it, some of them far off in the sur rounding valleys. The principal ruin is that of the great abbey church and cathedral, built in 909 by Abbot Colman Conaill- ech, with the assistance of King Flann Sinna, son of Malachy I, in whose honor the abbot erected before the entrance a great stone cross with Irish inscriptions and sculptures rep- resenting Biblical scenes, which have given it its name of Crosna-Scraptra, “Cross of the Scriptures.” Near it are two round towers which answered the combined purpose of bel- fries in time of peace and places of refuge and defense when danger threatened. In the Thirteenth and Fourteenth centuries this church was rebuilt by Tomultech MacDermott, and is now known as the Teampul MacDermott. The last of the Irish kings, Roderick O'Connor, lies near its altar with his father Turlough. Clonmacnoise is still the favorite burial place of Ireland, and many hun- dreds of faithful are laid to rest every vear in the sacred dust upon which St. Kiernan trod, and after him so many generations of the great and holy men and women of Erin.—Washington Star, RR Water Sweet Peas One of the secrets of growing sweet peas is to give them plenty of water at all times. A mulch of grass ed os we tswa wol-shtraimicha | kawder, bis endlich hut der Sam | “ganunk” ga-grisha un mer hen se ous-annonmer. Sell hut de experience meeting uff ga-brucha im rodda-nesht for seller dawg, un mer hen ous ga- maucht os yader ebber hut arawet ron sich selver tsu wesha won are si agener karraber sowver holdta will. Moral: Won olla mensch si PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH What Shwilkey Bumblesock Has To Say This Week | os rodda g'hard gebt, un ich hob shunt uft gadenked Ich hob shunt os sell ‘der foll is mit menscha. Doh ons Hullerhecka warthouse is so an rodda-nesht. En gonser winder hucka se hinnich em uffa un schwetza waega olles os awgaid. Ken ‘Weipgfmensh is sowver os de shtrose lawfed, un won se shtuppa set un anes fun da rodda friendlich bawilcooma don sin gli en holb dut- zent uff era g'shporr Won en monskarl nett tsu da rodda kared awver gaid sinera bisniss noach, bat- zawled si agener tox un shoolda un enared si familia, don tzeega se en ob about olla onera dawg. Won ols es free-yohr coomed don gaena de rodda ousanonner. Yader ebber is froh won ols der soomer coomed 80 os de rodda nows shpringa kenna in de felder un awenich waetza somla far era familia. Won se shoffa don schwetza se net so feel un de hesser gloss fun leit hen rue. Ich wore der onner dawg om rodda nesht ins Hullerhecka bar- shttoop. Dartt wore der Mike Blotner der Bench Hess, der Jeck Hawna- yarick, der Bill Michelroyer un der Sam Seeshuls. Se hen ivver yader ebber nows 'gmauched os der wake cooma is, Es wore ken goot ward g'sawd far ken mensch—nemond hut nix rechtes gadoo g’hot un yader ebber wore en keyune, en schpitz-boo, en loomp un en raskel Endlich hut der Mike Blotner g'™- sawd: “Ich wooner wos de leit waega uns sawga won mere net derby sin?” “Es woonered mch aw,” hut der Bill Michelroyer g'sawd. “Supposin’ mere daida amohl unser agny opin- ons expressa waega anonner; grawd de pinklich woreheit sawga waega | nonner os we mer daida won mere | net doh warra.” HOME HEALTH CLUB WEEKLY LETTER WRITTEN EX. | BY DR. DAVID H. REEDER WHAT TO DO: Yes, and how to do it. I presume many of you will want to swat me for discussing a- gain the same old subject of the fly, the typhoid fly, but I would have a big job if in turn I were to swat every one of you that has read and approved of what I have told you about the fly and has done absolutely nothing to prevent its breeding. | Now, it is a fact which you can- not reasonably dispute that if your horses and cows were free from the cruel bother of flies during the entire summer, they would be able | to render you greater service be in better condition in the fall. | Isn't that so? Putting it on a pure- ly cash basis, regardless of the health or lives of your family, it would pay you and all of your neighbors to prevent the fly from breeding. But if you have only one case of typhoid fever in your family in five years it would pay to elimin- ate the flies from your premises. Impossible? Not a bit of it. vou have lots of stock around your barn, then you must have lots of land, and should have a manure spreader. There is always some field or pasture where it can be spread at any time, and the land is better and the value of the manure is greater if spread while fresh. Just a bit of time every morning and you have a job finished that must be done at some season and why not now? Keep the barns clean and the manure scattered out on the fields where it does good instead of harm, and the flies canno: find a breeding place around a filthy back door, the slop barrrels, garbage can, or the hog pen. If the flies swarm around your back door and breed in the dirty mess where kitchen slops are thrown then I must say that neither you nor your housekeeper are clean. Yes, I know I am far enough away to be safe, but after you get your place into a sanitary condition, just come over and take breakfast with me on the back porch. If you have only one cow or even three and a couple of horses, then build a pit or tight box as a recepta- cle for the manure and other waste or garbage that to ba carted off. Put screens over a portion if you want the air to get in, but fix it so the flies cannot get in there to If is “Well,” hut der Sam Seeshols g'- sawd, “Ich ware drin derfore won nemond base daid warra.” “Never mind,” hut der Bill elroyer g'sawd, “mere fixa sell. Der | arsht os base wart muss es uff setza fars house, un mer maucha der Gottlieb Boonasteil doh der judge. Mer wissa oll unser schwach- heita, un es daid uns goot cooma ols ebmohl unser failer hara. Ich geb nix droom un gae es arsht uff der shtand un denno will ich hovva 0s | der grawd rouse schwetzed. Hold nix tzurick. Ich hob nix tsu far- shteckla un ware ga-wiss net base.” “All right,” hut der Bench Hess g'sawd, “shtell .dich dart ins eck un horrich.” er Bill is ins eck g'shtetpped. “Kensht u der Bill Mickelroy- er?’ hut de Bench g’frogt. “Yaw,” sawgt der Mike Blotner, “se hase ene ols ebmols der Bulla- | oyer, wile are amohl e nbull g'shtola | Mich- hut un ene gamesht un farkawfed | far si agener!” “Sell is on——Ileek!” hut der Bill ous em eck ga-grisha. | “Toot, toot, Bill,” hov ich g'sawd, | “du farleersht de drinks.” { “p—de drinks!” Sell shtand ict — nett” | “Se sin usht in g'schposs.” | “In g'schposs? Hoons boona! Se sawga in g'schposs was se in arnsht mana. Selly bulla shtory war far-| gessa un se bricha now so older | dreck net widder uff shttarra.” { Ich hob ene endlich gadishttered | greeked un der Jeck Hawnayarick | hut widder aw-g’fonga: | “Ks wase nemond we er Bill si| geld g'mauched hut.” “Ich wase we are en hoonert un tswonsich dawler g'mauched hut,” | sawked der Sam Sheeshuls. “We?” “Are hut's ga-collect far de kar- rich uff-fixa we are forshtaer wore un hut’s si laiva net ivver ga-draid.” Der Bill is on der wondt in de hae g’'shprunga os we en maltee Kkotz won se de gichtera hut, un mit ame joomp are mere ivver de oxel nows un de naixt minnutt hut are Der Sam on hols g’hot. Se sin ivver dish, un stee lun benk nows garull- is gonser lavens-lawf uff de shtarn ga- dooked het don daida fiel leit era heet net ob in de karrich. eet A eee. Thin Some Apples Fruit thinning is more profitable on trees carrying an excessively heavy crop than on those where the set is slightly more than what is wanted. The return is likely to be greater on fancy varieties like Jonathan and McIntosh than ‘on Ben Davis and Baldwin, ———— —— Get Latest Information Farmers’ Week and Dairy Ex- position at State College, June 17 to 19, will present a complete pro- gram of farm and home infor- mation. Entertainment will be clippings will help to conserve the moisture. provided in addition to the edu- cational features. in it. That makes an ideal breeding | place for mosquitoes. One more | thing, if you must sprinkle your lawn, do it in the morning, never at | night. The eggs and larva of the | mosquitoes are in the water with | which you sprinkle and during a | warm summer night they hatch or | ito swat the fly. deposit their eggs and you simply prevent the breeding upon your place of countless millions of the dirty pests. Then make it a rule to kill every fly you can. Trap them with screen traps, fly poison, sticky fly paper and any other device PRESSLY FOK THE BULLETIN |m and |= 0 RO mii - all Il Our Bulletin All Leading 5-Cent Cigars remain § for 25¢ or $2.00 for 50. Off Brands as low as 90¢ box of 50. All 15 Cent Cigarettes 2 pks 25¢. All 15¢ Chewing or Smoking Tobacco 2 pks 25¢ All 10 Cent Size 3 pks 25¢ We have a nice line of weight goods in Candy at reduced prices. : 1 Lb. Box ANGELUS MARSHMALLOWS 25¢ Just Received a Fresh Line of Schrafft’s Candies Soft Drinks and Fresh Roasted Peanuts H. A. DARRENKAMP 3 Doors East of Post Office MOUNT JOY, PA. JPOP . O60 OO YOUNG'S TIRE SHOP East Main Street MOUNT JOY, PENNA. County Distributor for Dayton Tires Also Dealer In Sparton, Zenith and Temple Radios decl8-tf 1011 EO OO 0 0 known to be effective with them but kill them in some way. Also kill the rats, they carry di- sease, kill chickens and destroy the food. Five cents worth of plaster of paris mixed with sugar and plac- ed around their runaways in pans will destroy hundreds of them. Mix about one tablespoonful with two tablespoonsful of the sugar and set a small dish of water near by. Mr. Rat will want water after he has eaten a few mouthsful and the trick is done. He will bury himself | in the deepest rathole and there | will be no odor. Don’t leave an uncovered rain barrel half filled or with any water develop into mosquitoes ready for business, but if the sprinkling is done in the early morning the sun kills the eggs and larva and the lawn does not produce a big crop of the pests to annoy you. If there is a pond near by or a marshy place where the mosquitoes breed, pour a | little kerosene in it after every hard rain. If it is to be had the crude petroleum is just as good. Don’t plant ferns around your USED CARS ROHRER’S WEEKLY SPECIAL 58 CHRYSLER TOURING $125.00 1928 ESSEX COACH 1928 CHRYSLER COUPE 1927 ESSEX COACH 1927 HUDSON SEDAN 1927 HUDSON COACH 1926 ESSEX COACH 1926 ESSEX LIGHT DELIVERY 1924 HUDSON SPECIAL ROADSTER Does your motor heat? We guarantee to clean clogged radiators. E. B. ROHRER MOUNT JOY, PA. porches, mosquitoes love them and breed under the leaves and grow to a great size in a single season. Try planting castor beans and note the effect on the mosquitoes. They dis- like them very much. Don’t forget tt QU nn Confine Young Chicks If clean ground is not available for raising young chicks they can be grown in complete confinement. In such cases, platforms in front of the brooder houses give the chicks more room and allow them more | direct sunlight. met sess: | Control Sheep Pests Dipping the sheep flock after | shearing will save feed later be- | cause the operation will kill lice | and ticks which annoy the lambs and keep them from making proper gains. Any good coal tar prepar- ation or stock dip can be used. AA AI Keep Turkeys From Pests Artificial brooding of turkeys is a means of avoiding worms, lice, mites, and possibly blackhead, if the poults are kept away from in- fected areas. a A Gree Provide for Safety The so-called gentle bulls often prove, dangerous. For nrotection, the safety bull pen ca» t+ It provides shelter, 2 1 for ain and silage feeding, a breed ng stall, and an exercise yard. When it’s job printing you need, anything from a card to a book, we are at your service. Relief From Curse "MY SALE WAS A | of Constipation EAL KNOCKOUT “ | | Yo [ A Battle Creek physician says, AY 7.3 | “Constipation is responsible for Zhe | more misery than any other cause.” WS i 1 i i iof 3 | But immediate relief has been \ J { found. A tablet called Rexall Order- py |lies has been discovered. This: tab- ~ let attrac vater from the system \ {into the I evacuating bowel 1. The water loosens waste and causes a | gentle, thorough, natural movement | without forming a habit or ever in- | creasing the dose. Stop suffering from consitpation. Chew a Rexall Orderlie at night. rr Next day bright. Get 24 for 25¢ to- {day at the nearest Rexall Drug | Store. E. W. GARBER, Mount Joy dry, | called the c the dry food LIE USED OUR WNU Cit IN HIS ADS Furnished by THIS NEWSPAPER NO EXCUSE FOR A “SPLITTING HEAD” There's no need for an aching head to spoil your day. At the first warning throb take Dil lard’s Aspergu Chew it a few minutes. Almost before you realize it. you have chewed the pain away. It's as simple as that—no trouble, and harmless—for Dillard's Aspergum is the new and easier way to take aspirin. Dillard's Aspergum is the finest aspirin ia delicious chewing gum form. You can take it any time—any place. You need no water to gulp it down. There is no unpleasant taste— no choking. Because you chew Dillard's Aspergum the aspirin mixes thoroughly with the saliva so that all its soothing qualities are effective quickly, continuously, Keep a package of Aspergum on hand for quick, harmless relief from the pain of head. aches, neuralgia, meuritis, etc. It helps break up a cold, and soothes irritated throats, even such severe cases as follow tonsil operations. If yous HOW ARE YOUR SHOES? DON'T WAIT TOO LONG BRING THEM IN CITY SHOE REPAIRING CO. druggist does not have Dillard's Aspergum, send for free sample to Health Products Corporation, Dept. A, 113 North 13th Street, Newark, N. J, Subscribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletin