The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, May 28, 1930, Image 4

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The Saint Mark’s United Breth-
ren Sunday School of Mt. Joy will
render their Children’s Day program
next Sunday evening, June 1, begin-
ning at 7 o'clock. The program is
Prelude by Orchestra at 7 P. M.
Song by School.
Responsive Reading.
Prayer by Pastor,
Song by School.
Recitation—Mary Miller.
Recitation—Nelson Alexander.
Recitation—Emma Reigel.
Exercise — Vera Eby, Dorothy
Schatz, Beatrice Bates, Pauline Ed-
Recitation—Karl Schneider.
Exercise — Dorothy Brubaker,
Betty Brubaker, Evelyn Kline, Vivi-
an Kline, Donald Kramer, Robert
Gerber, Asher Schroll, Harold
Schatz, Karl Stark, Harold Stark,
Marion Neiss.
Solo—Merle Detra.
Recitation—Viola Way.
Recitation—John Booth, Jr.
Recitation—Betty Cover.
Recitation—Robert Germer.
Recitation—Charles Hendrix.
Recitation—Naomi Oberholtzer.
Recitation—Merle Detra.
Exercise—Marion Neiss, Mary
Newcomer, Dorothy Stauffer, Evelyn
Kuhn, Mary Miller, Jean Derr, Bet-
ty Gerber, Harold Zimmerman,
Emanuel Metzler, Robert Fry, Clyde
Zink, Robert Zink, Harold Wagner,
Junior Musser, Vincent Engle, Rob-
ert Newcomer, Chas. Latchford,
Bernard Grissinger, and Richard
Song by School.
Exercise—Character Building.
Exercise—Children’s Praises.
Song by Primary.
Recitation—Irene Summy.
Exercise—The Golden Chain—
Mrs. Clinton Eby’s Class.
Song—*“Learning of the Lilies.”
Dialogue—Miss Ruth Brubaker’s
Exercise — The
Mrs. J. C. Witmer.
Exercise—The Flowers, Mrs. But-
zer’s class.
Sunday School Quartet—Lloyd
Kline, Elwood Garber, Lloyd Myers,
Warren Bentzel.
Recitation—Miss Martha Engle.
Song by School.
Remarks by pastor, Rev. Rettew.
Song by School.
Benediction by Pastor.
Lord’s Garden,

(From page 1)
Elizabethtown schools, the old
German type glistens with details
of early Lancaster county, its
and tribulations, its poli-
tics and business. According to
their translation the paper was
printed or “Ga Druked” by John
Baer, exactly opposite John
Michael’s hotel which according to
other information in the paper was
then located near the Lancaster
court house (in the square).
The price of the publication was

31.00 per year, paid in advance, or
25¢ per copy. The publication was
issued quarterly, according to
information in the copy. It:
specifically states that no can
lift his name from the subscription
list, unless his subscription is paid
in full. According to information
in this copy, this paper was Issue
No. 44 and published in the twenty
fifth the publishing busi-
year of


ness at Lancaster.
Considerable space is to a
large variety of naws of ti day,
! ] both ioc3! and foreign
tems h special attenticn
i ‘nmental affairs, politi-
cal matters and foreign news in
Europe and especially Germany.
Caterpillerd Threaten Crops
According to a news item in
this publication, a grave pestilence
in the form of caterpillers, were
threatening the fruit crops of Lan-
caster and Lebanon counties at
that time. Whole groves of fruit
trees were covered with the pest it
announced, and their white webs
literally covering the fruit trees,
made them take on the appearance
of “Christmas Day’’ when the trees
are covered with snow. Other plac-
es where the pests had destroyed
the leaves, the trees again resem-
bled Christmas, as they were left
barren and naked. One farmer re-
ported $1,000.00 worth of damage
in his grove alone, which was con-
sidered a great loss in these early
Rheems was Plantation
The notice of a sale of the plan-
tation on which the village of
Rheems, along the Lancaster and
Harrisburg pike, just outside of
Elizabethtown, is now located, was
published at that time. This planta-
tion according to the notice was
situated about halfway between
Mt. Joy and Elizabethtown, along
the Lancaster and Harrisburg pike,
and near from Colebrook


to Baltimore. It contained 154
acres of tilled land, 40 acres of
woodland, and a small meadow,
and was once the property of
Martin Kapp, and later that of
Samuel eim. Mr. Reim decided
to sell the property, because the

family wanted to
notice stated.
“Go West,”


(From page 1)
dress,;-.Earl R. Eshleman
the graduating class;
el Muehling; one
Fl wer
Eby; on
Shop;” cla

Minuet;”’ presentation, by
Lan and Benjamin Long;


comme I
lows: Processi I I
S. Hershey; scho ‘horus; tion
“Seeing t Ke Y S Wal-
ter Lanc ioli Bow-
e is
ing o
enecker; vocal
oration, “To |
Make One,” |
tion o .
presiden f
chorus; commencement
Dr. Tanger; bened

The Graduates
The following received diplomas: |
John S. Bowers,
baker, Anna Mae

rVyn Earl R.

vin Eshleman, D. Heisey, |
Virgie Hottenstein, Benjamin H. |, Rosa Longenecker Anna |

Landis, Myrtle Landis, Walter |

F.andis, I 1 Mose Hazel
Muehling, Bertha Mum Esth
S. Musser, John H.

Starr and Mildred Starr..

The class motto a
Way or to Make I
colors are green The
carnation is the
The high sch ul 1
sists of John K. Trayer, 1;
Wallace B. Greider, Y 1;
Martha A. Hartman, social studies:

visor. |
A een:
Fire of undetermined origin Sat-
urday morning wiped out a land-
mark of early rafting days along
the Susquehanna river when the
old Anchor Tavern, South of
Washington Borough, * used as a
tobacco shed, was burned to the
Once the popular over-night
stopping place of river raftsmen,
this 200-year-old log-built struc-
ture, 24x96, was a mass of charred
embers when the fire was discover-
ed about 4 a. m.
—— I
There is no better way to boost
your business than by local news
paper advertising. tf
reel Cees.
All roads lead to Mount Joy on


May L. Frantz, language Kath-
arine Rindlaub, English; Gwy
Welch, science and mathematics:
Florence P. Swarr, music super- |
Postmen Returned Lost Articles
A lost and foun
10tice reveals

silver watch,
er and



Wherever you
happen to be

RR <
More than eleven thoue
sand Atlantic pumps and
Service Stations In Penne
sylvanla and Delaware.

ah “ bin
IW IV In cmon sng WEDNESDAY,’ “MAY ' 28, “1930
Ae ea
is always near at han

No MATTER how excellent a motor fuel may be, it
is of little use to you unless you can obtain it
wherever you happen to be when the need
arises. When you use Atlantic Gasoline you not
only give yourself the benefit of a motor fuel
that leads in quality —but also of the most thor-
oughly complete SERVICE ever offered to the
motorists of Pennsylvania.
- 1


length, the frame of what
was one of the tallest of the
was uncovered in full form.
Near it were pots of beads, kettles,
parts of rifles, a small container | at
with caps used in the old musket | &
type guns, a sword and lead bul-

load of Union Co. fresh cows
(From Page One)

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Baker.
eet Cee
Private Sale Of Cows
Commencing Thursday, May 29
four o’clock Messrs. J. B. Keller
Bro. of this boro will sell a car-

lets. An Indian pipe, measuring | SPringers at private sale at their
more than 2 feet in length, was re- vards here.
garded as one of the best finds in A
years, MARKETS
The digging is under way on Wheat, per bushel ......... $1.05
Elizabeth cf» t mn the borough Corn, per bushel .......... /. .98¢
and in » their most recent Butter, per pound .... A ify 35¢
finds the « went down less Eggs, per dozen ........\ /20c-Z2ic
than three feet. Before the relics Lard, per pound ........\..12%e¢
are removed from the ground
photos are taken of their
appearance. J
Memorial Day. -
i 5 4
Consistent Advertising Pays.
Subscribe for the Mt. Joy Rulletin

IT Sait

r we kly
YW til ale, ABSO
UTELY FREE, send or phone us
sale date and when you are
let us print your bills.
the cheapest adver

sing you

¢ 28—Electric light
vad leading to the Mt.
the end of the boro
bulls, shoats, chicks.
31—On the premi
rtheast of Mount Joy,

hard wood lumber of
3 ription by J. BE. Baker.
ee adv it.
Wed June 4—Electric light
ale, on road leading to the Mt. J y
at the end of th
7:00 P. M.
Wednesday, June 11— Electric light
sale, on road leading to the Mt. Joy

» boro limits,
chicks. Sale at

of cows Ss, shoats

| cemetery at the end of the boro limits,
of cows, bulls,
7:00 P. ML.
Wednesday, June 18—Electric light
sale, on road leading to the Mt. Joy
shoats, chicks. Sale at
{cemetery at the end of the boro limits,
of cows, bulls, shoats, chicks. Sale at
{7:00 P. M.
: M Ma and Mr
N nd-
{ S. J Mechanic
Navy es, $3,850 1 re we i
ent Indian Land M: Jar Hockenberry Jr.,
a Hor $2 9206.- | I te aft spending a
696.7 Impron t 3 S S with his grand-
| river nd 51.089.9¢ r'¢ Mr and Mrs. Joseph
| In nts to White House | Weber, in M tJ
( huil or $89 879 00 M Y b Gu c
v 279 220 00 ese n Sunda
\ Ww ir- | My d Mp B Brown
2 th cond session of Mr r Fr
: 1 12hte ] .an-
Grain Prices Similar To Those ster
Of Today Mrs. R Raker, held a
g from the pri arty at their home on
fe g evening in honor of
tle i ghter, Helen, who cele-
3, y lifference in t birthday. Many
xmers in Lancaster interesting mes were played
r the same product. vith the winners as follows:
T rices paid Lar Jeat Jacob Stehman, |
ty farmers i Merle Buller and Pauline Wiser,
Gar Refreshments were served to the
r guests as follows: Velma
71 Vey Mary Dorcas Eshleman,
mp Helen Irene Rice, Pauline Wiser.
er tt
John Wiser, Maurice Crowl, Ernest |
Jacob |her 3rd birthday.
hile flour Braun, Larry Braun, Mary Wittle,
barrel, pr: Virgie Flowers, Doris Zitzer, Jack |
ame ice as today. | Germer, Gladys Farmer, Kathryn
—_———— Farmer, Arlene Hilt, Rachael
UNEARTH SKELETON { Keener, George Keener,
OF HUGE INDIAN | Stehman, Warren Stehman, Bea-
| trice Wibley, Barbara Landvator,
Included in the finds made by | Helen Eichler, Merle Buller, Eve-
State research experts, working | Yn Fike, Julia Brooks, Junior For-
under Dr. Cadzow, in excavations | W00d, Helen Baker, Joyce Elaine
|at Washington Borough, was the | Baker, Ruth Baker, Dorothy Baker,
skeleton of an immense Indizn, Mr. and Mrs. John Wittle, Mrs.
Measuring more than six feet in | Henry Wittle, Clara Wittle and

—— Es.
Robert Peiffer celebrated his Sth
Mrs. Arthur Myers also
ed her birthday.
Pearl Shick!

recently celebrated
Miss Mary Newcomer
celebrated her 6th birthday.
Arlene Milligan celebrated
9th birthday the past week.
Master Harry Walters will cele-
brate his birthday Memorial Day.
Mrs. Harry Smith, Jr.,, celebrated
her birthday anniversary on Friday.
Mrs. Winfield Espenshade cele-
brated her 58th birthday last Mon-
Vivian Kline had her 5th birthday
Mary Miller celebrated her 6th
Mr. Geo. Shickley observed his
birthday on his daughter, Pearls,
Mrs. Harry Doutrich, of Rapho,
will celebrate her 70th birthday on
‘Thursday, May 29th.
ll Annee
Game Here Saturday
The Uptown Baseball team will
play Bruce Greiner's base ball team
on Saturday at one o'clock P. M., on | day.
the Recreation Grounds.
| phia, is visiting at the home of her

PICKED FROM Doro of vill 1 Michi visiting Mrs.
4B 13 Sunday w in D. H. Lady ar \ Amos
Derr Volge
IE CARD BASKET vs eon non ml
hn Conner and Mr. and the lat-
Conner visited at Lancaster on Sat- ter’s mother, : | of Palmyra, spent

phia, visited at
I children,
Mrs. Amos Wolgemuth
“lsie Frysinger,





Mr visited in | evening. : Lewis Frysinger, and Eli Frysinger,
York Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Cobay 01 of Bainbridge, visited Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. visited | Elizabethtown. spent Wednes at John on Monday evening.
at Sh the home of Mr. and Mrs. n i Bar Jay Barn-
Mr. family | Gerber. hart, t Barn t Mus. Harry
isite Sunday. | Louisa of 1 Smith, Mrs. Ben rk, Helen Wag-
M: the w th Mr. and ner, Mrs. Howard Stark attended
burg {| Mrs. Fred Hahn, Jr.,, of Lancaster the Mooseheart Legion at Elizabeth-
Ma | Junction. town on Tuesday.
iness trip Virs. Noah Harmon is spending Mr Wilbur Beahm, Miss Esther
day. | severa? days with Mr. and Mrs. Har-! Baker and Mrs. Elvin Baker spent’
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Snyder, of El-| old Harmon and family, at Atlantic the week end in Camden and Col-
stonville, visited friends here oni City, N. J. lingswood, N. J, and Philadelphia.
Saturday. | Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith, Mr. Miss Esther Baker will spend some
Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Peiff ind { and Mrs. W. H. Rentzel, of York, time at Collingswood.
son, Robert, visited at nt Sunday in town with friends Mr. and Mrs. Amos Wolgemuth,
yn Sunday. and relatives. Miss Naomi Wolgemuth, of town;
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Marshall Mrs. Caroline Bachman of New Rev. and Mrs. Samuel Lady and
spent the past week at Reading and | York and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bur- datdghter, of Michigan, visited at
Philadelphia. {ton of York were guests of M. M. |{.ncaster on Sunday with Mr. and
mma Pieffer, of Florin, |Leib on Sunday. Mrs. Emanuel Haas and family.
spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs.| Miss Hilda Kraybill, of Rheems,| Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sehroll and
Christ Gillums. spent a few days of the past week children, of near Rohrerstown: Mr.
Messrs. Elmer
Richard Myers
with Mr. and Mrs. S. S.
bill and family.
and here Kray-
abeth- |
es and Mrs. John Gaul, and Mrs. Edna
visited in El
Witmer and daughter, Louella, spent

town on Monday. Mrs. Henry Amand and children, | gunday with Mr. and Mrs. Michael
Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam Way and!Henry, Frank, and Claire, of Sal- Souder.
family spent Sunday with the Baum | unga, visited the former's parents Mr. Wm. Hildebrand of Butler,
family, near Lititz. here on Sunday. | Pa, an old Mount Joy boy, was
Mr. and Mrs. Hany Charles and Mrs. Sylvester Hendrix and | visiting friends and relatives in
family and Miss Annie Rohrer spent | daughter and Miss Margaret | this vicinity last week. Mr. Hilde-
Sunday at Lancaster. Schroll spent the week end at prand is a cousin of Mr. John
Harrisburg with the former's sis-
ter, Mrs. R. R. Lauer.
Mr. and Mrs. Cover and daughter,
of Elizabethtown, visited at the lat-
| Booth of this place and a nephew
of the late Martin Hildebrand.
ter’s home on Sunday. Mr. H. N. Nissly, cashier of the| Mrs. C. E. Rettew, Mrs. B. F.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lieberher and | Union National Mt. Joy Bank, at- Greenawalt, Mrs. Daisy Mowrer,
family and Miss Hazel Pennell spent | tended the Bankers’ convention at|Miss Ruth Brubaker, and Mrs. H.
Sunday at Duncannon, Atlantic City, last week. (N. Nissly attended the woman’s
Mr. Nelson Newcomer, of Leba- Mrs. William Shickley and son, Missionary convention, which was
non Vallege College, visited his par-| Winfield, of Marietta; Mr. and Mrs. held at the Sixth St. United
Dock, of Lancaster, visited relatives
ents over the week end. Brethren church at Harrisburg the
Mr. Darvin Pennell spent Friday [and friends here on Sunday. | past week.
in Lancaster with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Winfield Espenshade |
Alvin Pennell and family. and Mr. and Mrs. Claude Espen- | The Feast of Roses
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schroll and |shade and daughter, Claudia, motor- | The annual observance of the
Robert, Helen and Joseph Schroll,|[ed to Safe Harbor on Sunday. {widely known service, the “Feast
spent Sunday at Columbia. Prof. and Mrs. S. B. Stayer, of |cf Roses” will take place at Man-
Naomi Snyder, Charles Peiffer| Millersville and Mrs. Roy Black of | heim this year on Sunday, June
8, with services in
afternoon and evening.
Pa., visited Mr. and
Nissly and family on
Mrs. H. N.
Rev. and Mrs. C. E. Rettew at- By subse
tended a sacred concert at Leacock | Bulletir
and June Peiffer visited relatives at the morning,
Lancaster over the week end.
Miss Mabel Detwiler, of Philadel-

¢ for the Mount Joy
zet all the local
grandmother, Mrs. Emma Detwiler.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Shickley| which was held in the Leacock High | news i. three cents a
and family, of Glenolden, visited |School Auditorium on Saturday | week. «f
| Mr. and Mrs. Amos Shickley on Sun-| evening. TTT Yn.
Rev. and Mrs. Samuel Lady and All roads lead to Mount Joy on

Mr. and Mrs. William Derr, Miss|daughter. Mildred Lucille, of San- | Memorial Day. wii ull
3 {
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