The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, April 16, 1930, Image 1

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The Mount Joy Bulletin

A Wanamaker’s Store Head Says: Business and Advertising Must Carry On Without Curtailment If the United States Is to Keep Its Prosperity
MUCH TOBACCO [<a SR "3 sues CONSTABLE HAD |" vanws | THE PEESBYTERY [553% 8s. w. axe | PICKED FROM
Shires at their home in the apart- HERMAN S. HOSSLER PASSED A the big one that got away. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ake and

23,000,000 POUNDS STILL HELD ment above the _P. R. R. depot. BAD CHECK—JOHN TROUT- Reynols, an angler, of CONVENE IN PRESBYTERI.| daughter Grace of North Sixth | PERSONAL MENTION ABOUT
BY FARMERS, THE SURVEY Those who participated were as | WINE, OF FLORIN TOOK de, Texas, has perfected a patented AN CHURCH HERE NEXT Street, Harrisburg, on Saturday THE MANY COMERS AND
SHOWS follows: Rev. and Mrs. I. A. Mac- A BICYCLE deviced attached to a shing rod, MONDAY AND TUESDAY, evening: Rev. and Mrs. I. A. Mac- GOERS IN THIS LOCALITY
Dannald, Mr. and Mrs. Hamaker, which indicates at a glance the APRIL 21 AND 22. Dannald, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert —
Approximately 23,000,000 pounds of Mr. and Mrs. Eli Smeltzer and ' Thursday afternoon Constable Welgn fue ash, dts dito ti i MacDannald and daughters Doro-| Mr. and Mrs. Harry Williams
tobacco harvested in 1929 remains [daughter Evelyn; Mr. and Mrs. 'Zeyphey arrested Lloyd Gainer, of Holes pr Hh ane ng thy and Berneda, Mr. and Mrs. Roy [spent Sunday at Hershey.
Hoffman and daughter Hazel, sons Mrs. Amy Peoples spent the week-
on the farms of Lancaster County, George Althouse, Mr. and Mrs. Stackstown, on a warrant from the 3 :
Richard, Clayton and Robert; Mr. with relations at Lebanon.
t iis 4 a Westminster Presbytery, which
Ea Br Howard Dillman, Mr. and Mrs, taching the fish to a pivotal hook its ? y
i i res
office of Squire Grimm, E’town, | weight can be seen through a trans. [includes the Presbyterian churches
Meads Tobacco Company, Red Lion,| Walter Werner, Misses Anna and charged by Tra Newcomer sin iu the hand of Lancaster, York. Christiana, | and Mrs. A. Hoffer and daughters] Mr. and Mrs. Amos Wolgemuth
who have made a careful survey of | Rachael Hoffer, Blanche Bailey, | passing a fraudulent check. He was De on 3¢ al a {Columbia and Quarryville will Rachael and Anna; Misses Ethel | spent last Sunday at Barrville.
conditions in this section. Most of [Mae Hawthorne, Maude Kipple, 'held under $300.00 bail for a hear- |, i : or on Js Drove meet at the First Presbyterian Moore and Mae Hawthorne, Mr. Miss Maggie Haines visited at
the tobacco, representatives of the |Master James Kipple, Mrs. Hoffer, at later date 8 a id ans op a Fates hare Chueh, Mi. Jov. April 21 & 22. It {and Mrs. Shires, Maude Kipple, | Wilmington, Delaware last week.
company say, is not fit for use as|Mrs. Mary MacDannald, Mrs. : on d¢ size of Ash will give special attention to a re Mr. and Mrs. Walter Werner, Mrs. Mr, and Mrs. D. F. Gable were
leaf in the manufacture of cigars. Spicklers, Mrs. Lizzie Horstick, | Seriously Charged taken from the water. a view of the natice wide activities | J- Barnhart and daughter Esther, | Wednesday visitors to Lancaster.

At the same time the company an-!Mrs. Frank Hershey, Mrs. Dora Paul R. Carpenter of Lancaster, Mrs. L. S. Wintermyer, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs Enoch Derr of New-
an . Ios y Constable: Ze Es of the Presbyterian Board of Nat-
nounced that it has purchased from |Geib, Mrs. Lizzie Wintermyer, Was arrested by Constable Zerphey EASTER SERVICES ional Missions presented by Dr Mrs, Smeltzer and daughter | ville, spent Sunday with Mrs. Ellen
Lancaster county farmers 1,487,623 | Mrs. Harry T.eib, Mrs. A. Shires, °0 & warrant from the office of ie OS oe a Fir Evdlyn, Mr. and Mrs. ‘Hamaker, (Derr.

pounds of 1929 tobacco at prices Roy Hoffman and Mrs. Lizzie ign Ried at Maviews, ail TY | This Board operates 7,277 insti. | MES Spickler, Mr. and Mrs. Kreid- Mrs. Harry Walters and daughter
anging f y a half cents|Charles. / ad snjoyable PY Pau agner, of this place BY I jl 2 : aman lor 30 1% rs. Se Geibe | Barbar: spent Saturday in Lana
ranging from two and a holt gents Charles, 2 had am yan Th a rie hares. In detent i Al | tutions, manned by 3,768 workers Me, oR Me Samuel Geibe Bsa Ann, spent Saturday in Lan
to fifteen cents per pound. Y evening. Mr. agd Mrs. Shires re- | using 61 languages in their daily and erbert Rice. 9 caster,

pound will be subjected to a special ceived many useful presents. of bail he was committed to the Mrs. Emma Pieffer of Florin
treatment and exported to foreign county jail. He was given a hearing | BIBLE SCHOOL WILL HOLD ITS | efforts to heal, educate and evan-
aly veo hl . 3 ! spent Saturday with Mrs. Fred
i : ! ids HT Es AR Ga He . gelize the polyglot yopulation f i ! ( ee J
is Co LOC: \L, DOINGS I ve aon of ea : AL EATER a | the United te "The oars 0 R MOR
Uh { i {

and blended with tobacco from other paid the costs of prosecution and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lyons attend-
. 3 yz Yo TP
satisfied Mr. Wagner by paying a em | northernmost station is at Barrow, T Qed 4 Barty Tora:
5 ~ ack: Vir #9 4 valle \ a party at Readinz on Tuesda
Charles F. Hess, of New Prove ARO! ND FLORIN certain amount agreed to by both par- Easter has always been a great | Alaska, and includes the hospital | BR IY | evening : Sosy
ties after which the charges were | Festival Day in the Lutheran the North Pole, and its

dence, a veteran tobacco man, has { schools Veit | Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Geistweit mo-
oh ; : acco in dropped. hurches. In Trinity ran | ospitals, schools and missions HE :
been buying most of the tobacco i we ¢ ches ; ra ty I utheran [range across the United States to | MANY WELL KNOWN PEOPLF fore to Mt. Gretna and Hershey
Lancaster county and the company|,;; THE UP TO.DATE HAPPEN | Stole a Bicycle church, the Bible School will hold a | tropical Port Ric The Board HAVE PASSED TO THE |on Sunday
aR : ars for ¢ TODS . = . vy y Zeer sy arreste < “+ <ESS] . 9:3 A o orto VCO. arc Be 1 + oy
Is sdf} in Jus Moshe for all NGS FROM THAT THRIVING | T ! 2 pry ew 9 Join Jae gh a of i 3 {spends each year more than $4,- GREAT BEYOND | June Peifer and Naomi Snyder
that are yet for sale AND BUSY VILLAGE routwine, of orin for L 1€ to be followed by a Confessional | 000,000 in its benevolences - | spent the week end with relatives
“The tobacco outlook has not been of a bicycle at ‘the Union School| Service for those who found it im-| : = Henry Schlotthauer died z ‘ol at Lancaster
3 peful fr he farmer's stand- 4 ST house belonging to a son of Levi sil Te : vi The Presbytery will convene on Jstenry (ied ap Colum- Lat
ot gy ig i = it is right Mr, doin Griffin spent Saturday K : wn. In default of $300 possible attend that service you. aftdmoon ot 2:30 opening | Pia yesterday aged 73 years. | Miss Naomi Wolgemuth spent the
¢ years as § tat oh Simtel ar tow defa $3 rood Fridav evenine. The ai 4 iad Miz: if 5 . : ~ ~
point or 2 RY Jeu 5 Soins at Harrisburg. fom I i Jn ae i 2 Bi Good k riday evening, The main Ser-{ vp 5 sermon by the reliving Elizabeth, wife of the late Lewis | week end with Miss Edna Schock, at
& y "ese a 3 > Meads 3 ~ he as Co 3 3 C 7. vee uv 201 « = T » | id >]: . i at i ‘ Ar r .
now,” a rept of : Mr. Paul Shetter spent Satur- D2il he was comm : ty) vice will hein at 10:30 A. They, qorator Rev. Dr. W. H. Hemp- Bolander, died at Columbia, aged 67 | Washingtonboro.
company said today. “If Lancaster ... .: Harrisbure jail. He was given a hearing before | Easter Anthems at this ser- |: 1 1 . years [Mm ) :
farmers car produce 2 200d crop ofl lay a arris urg. A [ection Dlcaded | = Se rn ye hill of the Leacock Presbyterian ogee op : { Mrs. Paul Myers and children
{ Mrs. Albert Haines had a fall and * ay vice will be “As It Began to Dawn” | chyyeh, A popular meeting will be | HOwell Michael, manager of the Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
tobacco next year ‘they will receive | ,
{fractured her leg.
2 sy guilty and paid the bicycle and costs |},y Vincent and “The Angels’ Song held
ood Manufacturers mus oo % =
8 I | Mr. Thomas McElroy, spent the
of prosecution and was released of
. ~ { Bachenheimer hine of 1 7 ia :
on Monday evening at 7:45 | Bachenheimer clothing store at Col- Geistweit.
Pa +3 a Thea . his io No ‘ Te . .
by Morrison. The | when the Rev. Dr. S. R. Barr will | died Monday | Miss Dorothy Garber of Middle-

keep two to three years ahead of} when the charges were dropped. Yor ra : 3 IY | | .
oe needs and much of the tobac- week end at Philadelphia. $ drop] Holy Communion will follow the in the interest of national | _—,, town is pending some time in
. : fs via ia si. =| Mr. Ben Beach of Lebanon Passed Bad Check main service. missions. | Jacqueline Longenecker | town with friends.
co produced this year is not fit for i i | : {
leaf because of : cold, dry weath- | Spent the week end in town. Monday afternoon constable Zerph- | In the evening at 7 o’clock, the The Rev. W. H. Davies of the Jacqueline Longenecker. 1S-month- Miss Loverna Garber spent the
oT tien during the growing Mr. and Mrs. Harry Reheard ey arrested Herman S. Hossler, Man- | Bible School will have its annual | Little Britain Presbyterian church | 01d daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank week-end with Mr. and Mrs. John
in Dew: 2 | spent Friday in Lancaster. heim, R. D., on a warrant from the | llaster Festival when the following | will be the moderator of this meet- | South Main street, Manheim, | Koons, of Harrisburg.
“We. feel that the best possible | Mrs. Keener and son, James, ©ffice of Squire Keener, charged by | program will be rendered. Mr. Dav-|ine. The Rev. Frederick Fowler of swallowed several poison tablets and | Miss Esther Baker visited A. P.
thing is to get rid of the unfit to- Spent Saturday at Lancaster. Jenj. Groff, of town, with passing a (id E. Lutz, the superintendent of Marietta will lead the devotional ¢ied While being conveyed to the Mylin, county superintendent of
haceo and get it out of the couatry Messrs. Jac. Snyder and Jacob Pad check. He was released upon school, will have charge. service on Tuesday morning at ; [-2ncaster General Hospital. schools on Saturday.
as fast as possible. The plan will Hershey went fishing yesterday. payment of costs and amount of Anthem—Why Seek Ye the Liv-|9 o'clock. The Rev. Dr. R. S. Clark | Mrs. M. J. Bieber, of Philadelphia,
clear the market and leave the way | Mr. John Eshleman received a Check. ing Among Dead, Greene, Choir; of New Park is the stated clerk. ol Robert Arndt, Ar. spent several days here with her sis-
AE Arn : : : < ara services Ay ap ee ir aye
— open for good tobacco if it can be! few carloads of feed last week. Responsive Reading and Prayer; Yur ; Funeral services for Robert ter, Mrs Joseph Charles.
= roduced in the approaching growing, Mrs. John Guhl returned home FAIL TO FIND STONER Opening Chorus, Victory Voices, by [RAILROAD TO CHICKIES [anne Je, Your old son of Mr. Mr and Mrs John Wise of Mid
ocks. season.” from the Lancaster General hospital BODY AFTER FIVE DAYS (Turn to Page 4) WILL BE ABANDONED BRC 1 2 IS Arndt, of Eliz- dletown, were week-end guests of
s at Some of the tobacco purchased by, Messrs. Calvin Herr and Howard - yyy Bel ig Whe ied Friday night | Mr. and Mrs Paul Hipple.
1t the York county concern was deliv-|Smith spent Monday at Lancaster. Officials of the Wiley-Maxon |THE I. C. E. SOCIETY The Interstate Commerce Com a, Jers baa BL Mr, end Mys, Emanuel Haas and
- ered to its warehouse on Harrisburg| Mr. and Mrs. John Cosgrove company, builders of the new MET WEDNESDAY NIGHT [mission authorized the Reading, | oe OMe wp 8 ternoon : family, of near Bird-in-Hand, spent
Sa “ny avenue while approximately three | were visitors to Lancaster on Mon- | inter-county bridge between Col- a Marietta and Hanover Railroad to | = Slack with burial In Mt Sunday with relatives here.
)@) quarters of a million pounds were day. . iumbia and Wrightsville, announced An executive meeting of the In-|abandon its line between Chickies unne rometery, Besides the Miss Louisa K. Rhoads of town,
delivered to the Red Lion ware-| Mr. Schule is having his house that they have offered a reward of |teymediate Christian Endeavor So-|and Marietta Junction, Lancaster one sister, Jean Mildred spent Sunday with her aunt, Mrs. Liz-
houses. painted by Contractor Buller and $50 for the recovery of the body ciety was held last Wednesday County, Pa, a distance of six |<] t, at home, survives. zie Campbell, of Lancaster.
rere A Aree force. of David Stoner, carpenter, who evening. miles. Me Aranda AF . Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Witman and
BUSINESS MEETING OF i Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Kinsey spent | fell from atop the bridge on the The iminutes were read by the The granting of the plea to Amanda Armstrong family spent Sunday aftefnoon
Sand H ¥ es e nutes y aban He Readi tts Mrs. Amanda Armstrong, widow of | with Mrs. L. S. Wintermver
FARM WOMEN NO. 4 Sunday in arrisburg with | Wrightsville side into the Susque- : : abandon the eading, Marietta : : yer.
i Z secretary after which new business : Hugh Armstrong, died Wednesday| Ms. FEI ;
friends. hanna river. was discussed A publicity agent and Hanover Railroad between morning at the home of her son in Mrs. Dimer Barnes and children
© + A committee of Farm Women| Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ebersole| All efforts to locate the body so : Chickies and Marietta Junction ; 3 of Lancaster, spent Wednesday
was nominated, being Lester Mum- law Walter H. Barr, Mountville Inn, | with Mr. and Mrs. James Shoop
, |
follows a formal protest lodged Mountville, after an illness of sever- Mr. Louis Krall of East Berlin
No. 4, of Lancaster Co. met at the {and two children visited at Lancas- far have been of no avail, and

home of Mrs. Clara Nolt at Lan-|ter on Friday. Saturday afternoon several charg- ha. . . |by I. S. Siegrist, of Mount Joy, R. | ; . y
caster, to formulate plans for the Misses Elizabeth Brubaker and 'es of dynamite were discharged in 3 Joy pan of Gis D. No. 4, who operates a flour i ooh survived by ‘the following Ohio. spent the week-end at the home
printing of a cook book of all Stella Wachstetter spent a few the stream at various parts in an | to be discussed Was IACI on the line and who used the! oo Warry and Carrie, of Lan of his aunt here Mrs. Harry Derr.
phases of cooking. Those who at- |days at Hershey. effort to bring the body to the Sunrise program to be given Online to ship flour and to receive erste: CF cto our oy in Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Miller, of
‘tended were: Mrs. Mary Reist,| Mr. Frank Weidman of Wil- surface. Easter Sunday morning at 6:30 by |coal and other goods. Elmer S. | Myrtle. wife of Walter Base Onc Salunga, spent Saturday evening
Mrs. Edna B. Swarr, of near Mt. |mington, Del., spent the week end ——— Eee ee the Intermediate C. E. society. Sentz, who also operates a flour Mrs, Catherine Byane oF Cali. with Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Geistweit.
Joy; Mrs. Jane Nolt, Minerva Nolt, | with his mother. . | THIEVES RANSACK : mill on the line said today he fornia, also Survive. ? Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lyons attend- .
Mrs. Christ Musser, Miss Irene Mrs. E. L. McConnel, of Glenol- SALUNGA HOME GENERAL NEWS would not be seriously affected by | Funeral services were held Satur- {turn to page 5) 4
Musser, Mrs. Eva Swords, Mrs. den, is visiting her mother, Mrs. err the loss of the line. day afternoon. We
Lloyd Nolt, of Silver Spring; Mrs. | Clare Menaugh Stoll. | While members of the family At the office of B. F. Hiestand a KITCHEN SHOWER FOR
Nolt, Mrs. Lois Will, Landisville; Mr. John Wittel purchased a were attending church Sunday FOR BUSY FOLKS and Sons, planing mill, at Mari- Mrs. John Baustic MR. AND MRS. E. MARTIN
Miss Carrie Lehman, Mrs. Andy |New Ford Roadster from Hoffman evening, thieves entered the home etta, it was said that the loss of | Mrs. Nora Baustic, sixty-two, wife :
Brooks, Mrs. Ben Forrey, Mrs. |Garber 4t Elizabethtown. [of Elias Honberger, and stole $6 the road would cause them no of John Baustic, of South Grant street A very pretty kitchen shower
Ira Frantz, Mrs. Jacob Shellenber-! Mr. A. D. Garber purchased the in cash and a number of old coins, | INTERESTING HAPPENINGS hardship, as they no longer used it Manhem, died in the County hospit- | Was held at the home of Mr. and
ger, Mountville; Mrs. Pearl Steh-|Annie M. Danner property at public according to Constable Steiger- FROM ALL OVER THE on : for shipping. lal, Friday, after a lingering illness, Mrs. Elwood Martin on Lumber
man, Columbia; Mrs. Ella Weaver [sale on Saturday for $2,100. | wait, who is investigating. TRY FOR THE BEN 0 Wee She was a member of St. Paul's Re- street, Saturday evening. Very de-
of E. Lampeter. A dainty luncheon Mr. Victor Brooks accepted a | Entrance was gained by the use OF BUSY PEOPL BIRTHDAY PARTY FOR ' formed church, Manheim. licious refreshments were served.
was served. position with the Peris Manufactur- of a skeleton key. The entire teers BEG ast Wedteh MISS MIRIAM HEISEY | Besides her husband these broth- The ume Was furnished by the
Ee ing Co., going on duty this week. |house was ransacked by the thief, d Bm ve A pl > } eters ers and sisters survive: John Zellers, a Orchestra of Lan-
TWO HYMN BOARDS Rev. Funk, a former U. B. pastor Who overlooked several diamonds, go. fhe 2 of Terre Hill is 28 A birthday surprise party was Reading; William. Lititz; - Annie, ih % ol owing were partici-
PRESENTED TO CHURCH here, now residing in Elizabethville, | Watches and other jewelry. TIL Sr Was ton. vents Ao held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Monroe, Clara and Mrs. Clarence Pas » => SO ey Rice,
RL, |spent a few days in town with | The intruder apparently was “That hots (7) vackt of 7. Mov. Samuel S. Heisey, several miles Kutz, all of Reading. fa R in Ww kh ; “i Mil-
Two beautiful solid oak hymn friends. | searching only for money, taking I 2.500.000 was chris. | South of Mt. Joy, in honor of their ! Funeral services were held Mon- ir Nk: per Ra Betty
boards were presented to the Unit- Mr. and Mrs. Howard and Miss SiX silver dollars and some old food WIL a art of 1915 cham. | deughter Miss Miriam Heisey. She day afternoon from the home with ra 2 i 2 h oh ists Rey
ed Brethren church last Sunday Smith autoed to Perry Co. on C¢0iNS. received many beautiful gifts. Re- burial in the Fairview cemetery. = ter, on, A me liers
morning by the Loyal Sons’ Bible | Sunday and visited Miss Smith’s YY ——— Mrs. O. K. Greenawalt on freshments were served to the a 1 Mes Me ums, Te
i ! BE ; eo . | following guests: Rhoda Hostetter Mrs. Alonza Filby and Mrs. Mahlon Foreman, Mrs.
class. These boards were designed | parents. Charges Dropped Marietta street is quite ill at this eg 2 ) Miss NEA oy Elwood Gerber and Bet
by Mr. John Greiner, a member of (Turn to Page 4) | Agreeing to pay damages in- itn George McEllheny, Anna Kauff- Mrs, Laure May Filby, fifty seven os oer aS ane + es
the class, and were unveiled by A —........ j curred by another car in a collision | "gauss Bros, extensive clothiers at | Mam Join Willer, years A Slay of Mrs. Harry Kuhn Mr. hi Mr
members of the class, at which time BOYS AND GIRLS CORN {with his: own last Febery 13, {wiadietown and Millersburg, J. Hew, Mary Puy, John |Marietis, Ziel Monday evening of al, 5 ‘ator, Moo Fa Bb 5
Mr. Eli Bentzel, President of the | CLUB TO BE ORGANIZED John Getz, of Philadelphia, was Siegrist, Dorothy Siegrist, Harry | complication of Jaughter Tl Asean SIrqan
: 2 : 2 Siegrist, Catherine Spitler, Emma | Her husband survives and one son, | daughter Beryl Amanda, Mr. and
Board of Church Trustees, accepted tenis {freed at a hearing Saturday before | gaturday Judge Charles I. Landis a Ah ve Ne antl ons Irvin Moria, MF
the boards for the church The A Lancaster County Boys and Justice of the Peace Elwood S. | observed his 31st year as Common |Peifer, Esther Greider, Ellen For- | Earl. Also seven grandchildren and Coit Yn arin, Ir. and Mrs.
: y Daniel Forrey, Roy Shearer, |the following brothers and sisters: | Calvin Kramer and daughter Mar-
: . : : 8 ri . 3 . 3 rev,
resident of this class is Mr. Alvin | Girls Corn Club will again he or- Grimm. Charges of reckless driv-| pleas Judge in Lancaster County. se Eh mE ¥ : Fire ol | garet, all of town: Miss AR i
B. Bigler, and the teacher is Mr. {ganized and conducted the Lan. |ing had been preferred by Alvin| ‘Can J. Prescott and Ruth Edna) Christian Shearer, Musser Heisey, oy Tr a ae A of mb Tg Pe
John M. Booth. Until recently Mr. | caster County Agricultural Exten- Martin, of Penbrook. The cars of | ycNelly, both of Bainbridge, were | Charles ie i Wilscn oan toy of Florin; Miss Dorothy Conrad
Maris Gainor had been the teach-|sion Service and sponsored by the Poth were damaged in the accident |granted a marriag license yesterday. Shafer, lrene Musser, Elizabeth | Wi 8 or We EN re. A


: tse HAW |ward H. Kauffman, Marietta; Joseph |of Manheim; Mr. and Mrs. Alb
er, but resigned because of moving | Lancaster Chamber of Commerce. which i I Chailes 0, Brandy, wes ions fees Sr So SS rat New York City; Por Rogers of Salunga; Mr. and il
t of the communit This latter body again voted to Purg pike at the Conewago Inn | ferred from the American Stores Heisey, Lloyd Siegrist, owar Ronee Kinderhook: Mrs. Mary | Robert Brandt of Elizabetht i
out o y. bi > ow railroad crossing above Elizabeth- | Middletown to Mt. Joy as sec- Musser, Miriam Heisey, Abram | Kaufman, inderhook; Mrs. Mary on anc uliza e own;
give $250 for prizes and the Lan Sh at Middletowr y Shaffner.. Mr. and Mrs Howz:d (Turn to Page 4) Mrs. Easton, Mrs. A. F. Wertman,
LOCAL CAR WAS DAMAGED caster County Farm Bureau has | town. ond man. Helsov. Mis “Elizabeth Thos. ——a— Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Buckwalter of
WHILE FOLLOWING THIEF |offered to supply the seed free. : Mr. and Mis. Joby Howell, . for tetter and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel About The Sick Lancaster; Mr. and Mrs. Sailor,
Last year there were 138 farm Had Part in Cantata merly of Palmyra, are occupying 5 pi Si Mrs. Ellen Derr is on the sick list. { Martha E. Yunginger, Mrs. Ella
While Pete Weller of Ironville,| boys and girls who completed the | Misses Dorothy and Evelyn Bak- the Shelly property, corner of S.|Heisey. era ee He fam se Yunginger, Mr. and Mrs 8 H
was visiting here Sunday, his car|work and attended the Roundup |r, Ruth Bishop and Fanny Dilling- | Market and West Donegal streets. . Mr, larry Thomas is on the sick Yunginger. Wr ing Mrs H
was stolen and he borrowed Mr. M.|at the Hotel Brunswick Dinner |er took part in the Cantata, ‘The ts MARY LOUISE LONGENECKER list: 5. Bussel Rie wr he | Rote 6d amity Mr And “Vrs P.
Klessinger’s car to follow the thief.|given by the Chamber of Com- |Story of Calvary,” at the Evan- Light Brigade Met ENTERTAINS FRIENDS ui uote] Kramer is. on-the M. Yunginger all of Vat oastors
At a point®near Maytown, a blow-out | merce. In addition to the prize |gelical Lutheran church at Lan- The Light Brigade at the Luth- er Ist, Rovers thas: recoverad ond Mrs, F M Yungin or oe
in one of the tires caused the tar to|and dinner appeal, the young club |caster on Palm Sunday evening. evan church met on Monday. after. Mr. and Mrs. John Longenecker | essie Rogers has Nites ] a mg a
upset and go thru a fence, badly | members received some very val- |The choir director is Mr. Harold toon. nfter which the tenchers |" N. Barbara St., entertained a | from Quite = 0 Fron HLS Martin rc hy Herrich :
damaging it. The machine was|uable training in the growing of |W. Shaar, supervisor of music in eae the children a pleasant sur- number of kiddies at their home | Robert Nissly is on the sick list. nt a re EE or Mar LL
brought to Rohrer's garage here for |bumper corn crops. This club | the local public schools. pride W ible. beantitnlly Nooo on Saturday in honor of their | Jeannette Potter is recovering |" : A 5 2 ac Ms n. My,
i ship wi i —————a——— TIS Th Bh = laughter, Mary Louise's ninth | from a recent illness. and ers, Martin received nearly
repairs. membership will again be extend- ated, suitable to the Easter season, {S248 ? cit ; | Gerald: Hostetter. So f Mr. |a hundred beautiful and useful
——— ed to any farm boy or girl in the Otterbein Guild Met hed a large hasket in the center, |pirthday annivemary, which oc- “4 Ne H os ory oo i od its. >
FOUR YOUTHS ARRESTED county between the ages of 10 The Otterbein Guild met on Mon- | gjeq with rabbits, eggs, ete. curred on the following day. The | ane ho I. al Is conned wo
AFTER JOY-RIDING |and 18 years who has the facilities | day night after the church services These gifts were distributed to | <iddies had a very enjoyable after- | Bo oR Ten: Mr and Met With Mrs. M
mb to grow at least one-half acre of |at the U. B. church. the thirty-six children present. BOON, after which delightful re Mrs ol Say wh Son Q The D = Soci re yors
Four youths, riding in an open car,|corn. Any applicant wishing to The W. M. A. met in special —————————— freshments were _ served. Mary | Jers. 2 2% en ti Siauiter: Yaw pa met on Thurs-
who created a disturbance on the| join should send his or her name |gession after the services on Tues- Good Frid Soret Louise received quite a number of Sows, 0 8 € Se ist. dre t with Mrs. Albert Myers.
Harrisburg pike, just west of Lancas-|and correct address to F. S.|day night. At 12 on Fiday Dervice _ beautiful gifts. Pr. Wiliam slaon,: Who New Haven street. An interest-
ter, were arrested by State Highway | Bucher, County Agent, 642 Wool- 4 2 o’clock noon, there will be I been quite ill the past few weeks |ing feature of the evening was a
Patrolmen late Friday afternoon. worth Building, Lancaster, Pa. Evidently Not Busy 2 Good oy Mig for She Births 8 le to be on N package social, to which each one
Lloyd Hamilton, sixteen, Salunga, The contracting business is evi-] 32% 1B ¥ e Mt. Joy M. E. AUTOR, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Myers an- ernerd Grissinger, son of Mr. present brought an article, not over
driver of the car, pleaded guilty to “The Charm School” dently not very snappy at present. Members of other churches are | nounce the birth of a daughter on and Mrs. Clarence Grissinger, was |a certain set value. A fine attend-
ck _jxes of reckless driving and paid Is the play to be presented by | Yesterday bids were received from cordially invited to Worship , with Friday. to his home the past]ance gathered and to whom the
ag. and costs before Alderman Junior Class of M. J. H. S. in | seventeen contractors for building |" Mr. and Mrs. Frantz, of Lan-|WeeX. hostess served delicious refreshments
Burkhart. The other three young |the High School Auditorium on [the Memorial Hospital at Elizabeth- caster, (nee Miss Ruth Engle), an- Tote:
men were from Lancaster. Thursday and Friday evenings, | town. Pinchot Will Speak Here nounce the birth of a son, last Prayer Meetings i Congratulations
= 8: — April 24th and 25th. Help the bs Pinchot will Shes week. A Sayings prayer will Be : Miss Jenene celebrated
Caught the Limit class along and bu our ticket r rug Store on Saturday NBA chin aA eld this evening at the ome of |her tenth birthday the past week.
Messrs. John Rollman and Harry| now: before it is yo late. The Jolt Plog ed Millarq | from 4:00 to 4:15 P. M. Will Discontinue Grocery Mr. Amos Wolgemuth on North Bern and Jean, twin children of
Walters were fishing at Dublin Gap|chart opens Monday at Garber’s | Haines, property in Conoy township NS Geo. R. Breneman & Son, Inc. |Barbara St. Mr . and Mrs. Miller, (nee Grace
4 yesterday and each caught his limit| Drug Store at 12 o’clock noon. Get |for $11,000.00. Letters Granted will discontinue the grocery store’| On Thursday evening, the same |Dietz), of Orange, N. J., celebrat-
of trout, twenty-five. vour ticket early, secure a good | Amos C. Friday to Irvin N. Friday,| Abram B. Bradley, Rapho town- |on East Main street in order to |church, Brethren in Christ, will hold ed their second birthday recently.
i _ Mr. A. D. Garber of Florin, fishing|seat and you will enjoy “The [tract of land in West Donegal town-|ship, administrator of Lizzie §S.|make room for a larger furniture |prayer meeting with John Grosh, on They are visiting their grand-
in Perry Co., also caught his limit. | Charm School.” ship, for $14,025.00. Bradley, late of Rapho township. department. Marietta St. mother, Mrs. Eli Ebersole.


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