PAGE TWO THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO., PA. WEDNESDAY, MAR. 12, 1930 MT. JOY BULLETIN MOUNT JOY, PA. J. s E. SCHROLL, abscription Price Editor & Propr. $1.50 Por Year Six Months .75 Cente Three Months .40 Cents Single Copies 3 Cents Sample Copies ..... FREE M j 1 Ler Al] corres; munications 0 rea nts must this office not later than have their com n Monday Teley news of importance between that and 1? o'clock noon Wednesday C ges for advertisements must positively reach this ft not later than Monday night New vertisements inserted copy reaches us Tuesday night Advertising rates on applicat The subs 1 lists of the Landis Vigil, the F News and the Mount Joy Star News, were mers with that ot the M Joy Bulletin, w makes th T + Vig N M abot 1t double that of the EDITORIAI vent this practic by motorists rol duce by half the c¢ And wouldn't that while? The tallest monument on the highest hill, with lights flooding it at night and the grass kept green around it all the year round, should be erected to the man who ELIZABETHTOWN | Welfare Drive Here Nets Collections | Amounting to $2,000.00 | 1arl D. Spotts, of Lancas- ssed the Sunday School Elizabethtown Christ ed church on Thursday even- | £.S.S the Eliz- Lhe v was taken to | the {0s} Lancaster Saturday, suf ng ood soning, the | esult of an injury to ind. A new class candidates will be fo itted into the Eliabethtown Lodge | No. 128, of ti In nt Order of Odd Fellows, Thu when | the initiatory degree will conferred | the degree team. | Rufus Hollinger son of Mr. and Mrs. | 1 r place, | was aw 1 or the best o1 1 W I Saw and it Har )Y eacher I VI [I the \ 1 t 1 e ¢ v0 active A the local Welfare | finds a way to prevent or to quick- ly cure what we know as the common cold. He will be one of humanit; rreatest benefactors. OUR CONSTABLE We feel free in S ng that Mount Joy's officer f the law ise one of the best to be fo any- where n State. Many m women) { | f Be | | | | { | and in ever) nstance the suffer There are numerous ar and around town wee carel houoht autoi the stead violators fur ninet e per cent. of the cases. We voicing the sentiment of the majority of our citizens when | we say that the money spent for Officer Elmer Zerphey’s salary is money well spent. WEAR AND TEAR People who own a dwelling | should make up their minds that that a house needs constant tinker- itig to keep it in order. Something is always wearing out. The care of a home is much clothing, and the maxim that a stit like the care of old saves 3 prudent ch in time nine applies very well to it. You let paint it ne and permanent done. The shortened, a house eds life or else for damage of go without the several years, has been the house is it will take so much more paint and labor to get it in shape, that you saved nothing by the neglect of those years. cheapest way to paired is to care for the little fects when they The keep a house re- de- appear, and be- fore they grow into big ones. METER THE INDUSTRIES By the reports from month to month, any person who can read figures will readily see that our water consumption is gradually in- creasing. The question has been asked, why? There has been s small increase in population the consnmutio the industrial con a preventative we would recomme the industries. ld } errors. poor busi pumping water, w BEe. Ant ther colores away unused. Tha what close inves veal in Mount Jov. Then agai it way to sell water, thing of the past. At a recent c¢ ing this verv thing by one of our ) action wa I a financial this were done. » elvy be noticeable. increase is UNEMPLOYE When ness + D WOMEN a man w » fan to support, is out of w and after diligent effort d anvthine to do, something eems Wrone. Everything possible should be done to find employment for : uch Also the cases of emploved women are often very pathetic. Many widows and deserted wives with one or more children to care for, have a most difficult pro} to solve. Still, without a job is not q a the average w off as the unemnloved nN does not in the majority of case have a family to support. Many women ho ean’t find work factori d office could support themselves by doing house work, asst that th vere willine to ns to fit themselves sks. Th thus a ich the un- employed 1 Inck although women snd oirls who have fitted themselves for office wor feel it a great hardship and per- haps below their dignity to per- form domestic tasks. Domestic unpopular, service because is more or less it is claimed price they can afford to pay. in the collection several , according to These funds ocal relief and i will with be a per ts forwarded to the Lancaster City hos- pitals and other institutions when all the funds are returned to the treas urer. | MARIETTA | World Day of Prayer Was Observed Here Friday Evening Mrs. William fter Ww i news] in ! Miss Haas, d: er Al { drew Haas, will be reta 1 The new owners tried several news- at M 11 month ville without success. made an ef- » they fort to start a r at Lancaster and failed. We wi them unbounded success in this venture. The World Day of prayer was ob- served last evening with services held in the Presbyterian Chapel- Jrandt was the leader Samuel Gaskell, Mrs. James Musser and Mrs. John E. Den. linger. The program used was one written by a young Christian woman of Korea. Prayers were made by a! number of those present. Mrs. Fred Fowler gave a talk on “The World| Day of Prayer in 1929.” Rev. Charles | F. Holland also spoke. { IRONVILLE Mrs. Joseph L. assisted by Mrs. Mrs. Philip. Dattisman, of Lan- | disville, was the guest of her son | Philip. Henry Rettew and Marshall Al- | bright are confined to their | beds because of illness. | Ammon Campbell has accepted a position at the Hamilton Watch | Co., Lancaster. { Sunday school at 9:30 on Sun- day at Ironville, Newtown, Center- | ville and Silver Spring, JR-CE at! Ironville at 1:30 P. M. SR-CE at Ironvil 1 Silver Spring at 7 P. | M Rev. J. L. Smoker S ¢ p AE A.M, at P.M. r nt cer in teachers present: Cora Vv Staley, Elva Lizzie Fox, Laura Linnie Berntheizel, | Annie Habecker, “dna Forrey, Edith Melli Kathry: Albright, nnie Fornoff Eva 6S Weller, Ethel Gar- | Or hundred steel houses are to | d by the town of Derby, | d leased at low rents, ee etl Ae | | vanced are at your service. RHEEMS Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Williams Jr. will flit from the Cameron farm into the new J. A. Hipple double house, at this place, April 1st. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Kraybill and spent last Sunday as the of their daughter Jean, at West Chester teacher’s college. lartin C« has mechanics put- new asbestos roof on his Rheems Sweet Corn factory, at this place, taking the place of the late roof put on in 1915. Howard Landis distributed for the Landis Stone Meal Co. truck load of chicken grit and mineral food for cattle in the vicinity of Williamsport one day last week. Edward Keene, P. R. R. Agent, of this place, attended the P. R. R. A supper Wednesday eve in the ning home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Hershey, Donegal. People of this neighborhood been attending revival ser- ices quite regularly at Mount Joy | Mennonite Church and also the | Zion Childrens held at Reich's church near here. Mr. and Mrs. Christian J. Hiestand entertained to dinner on Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Mar- tin and sons, Mr. and Mrs. John Shank. Monday being Mr. Shank’s 79th birthd Mr. and Mrs. Shank both being remarkable old people getting around so well at their ad- age. ee ett Aree een. Starts Plants Early Plants of certain vegetable crops : ., | may be started in late winter or )f course every man woul ce | : : y Of course ever i! 1 wi uld ine {early spring in sunny windows, own boss but ) all c 2 2 1 rae wn 9 i then all o | hotbed, or a coldframe. This prac- remain acneiors, bas + hikes achex Sl |tice enables the gardner to have : {plants well advanced when the at i does not have a good | : : 3 r Ww 3 L : | weather permits planting in the social standing. Yet it is precisely | in Good i 1 1 .. ope rround. 00¢( ants als ‘e- rable to cook and clean in | 1 hi . Dean! 2 2 s it is to work in a fac. Sult in earlier maturity and larger {yields of most crops. . Tl age domestic > 1 i 1 want of © probabl earns highe: LY } food and n ste i + Ww until 1 1 Y .Y FRE d or phone 1 I esti vice ale date and h vou 1 part, ¢ us print VOur 1 t helne i the ct est advertising yu 1 i tne t ( et intel oni vor] thav i ——— GR be 10re gel Sin thi By subscribing tor tne Mount Joy t But the [ 1 great | Bulletin you can get all the loeal any familie tod where the [news for less than three cents s women who are doing their own veek. tf ROR fe par } cet Ae mn housework, would hire helpers and vive them comfortable homes, if | When it's Job printing you need they could find such workers at a anything from a card to a book, we tf a INDUSTRIAL NOTES building. | mercial flying service, Bradford —Emery Coffee House | Hughesville—Plans moved to larger quarters. [ered for purchase Bradford — Fred D. Ross erect- Montgomery in preparing your copy for advertising and circular If you can’t call at the office, ring 41R2 our advertising representative will be at your service. at our expense. he BULLETI MOUNT JOY. PA. Come in and let us show you how easily we can assist you work. and see how quickly Don’t follow in the same old rut—Pep up your advertising THE COUNTRY NEWSPAPER OF GREAT VALUE ACCORDING TO STATEMENT OF NOTED EDITORIAL WRITER—PROVEN BY FACTS Arthur Brisbane, one of the best minds of the time, says: “H. Z. Mitchell’s’ ‘Sentinel’,” published at Bermidjii, Minn., wins the prize as best weekly in the National Editorial Contest. This is a good time to remind the public in general, and g national advertisers in particular, that country weekly newspapers are the most important or- gans of public cpinion and protectors of public welfare “And, their advertising per mill lina, is not excelled by any publication, of “The reader of a country every- thing from shingles on the roof to cement in the cellar floor, and every advertiser has in him a possible customer.” ) for erection of white way lighting ! system. Millersburg — A New heating Interstate Commerce’ Commis. [plant has been installed in the sion granted Pittsburgh & West | Methodist Episcopal Church build- ys . 4 Ling Virginia Railway Company permit | 1N& ; . to build six-mile branch tapping | . MeRees Rocks — Pressed steel steel districts around Honessen | Car Company plant received order and Donora. | for erection of 150 railroad cars A One-lb. Jar of Norristown—Ground broken for |t0 cost $2,000,000 for Louisville two-story addition to iverview | and Nashville railroad. Hospital on Sandy Hill. Muncy — Negotiations under- Newville — Improvements being | Way for location of shirt factory, made to municipal building. [eve Se ; Dubois — Maple Avenue Hos- | Williamsp rt ™ Wolfe Flying pital installed ice plant. | Service, Inc, applied for charter Oil City -- Now heating plants | of Incorporation, for purpose of | will be installed in local school | maintaining and operating com- being consid- of new equip- [ment for local fire department. WALTER HESS’ 0 10 TR FOR THIS WEEK PRINCE ALBERT SMOKING TOBACCO This Week $1.00, Fresh Stock 2 Lbs. Best Grade BIRD EGGS 25¢ BITTER SWEETS, 20¢ per Pound PENNY AND 5c 1 11 A = 2 a 5 FRESH PEANUT AND RAISIN CLUSTERS 29¢ per Pound EGGS Your Heels! Sparkle in * Your Eyes! — TE $1.00 Pint Size That’s how you feel after taking Peptona for a while, There’s no tonic quite like { “i Peptona. It enriches the | A blood, tones nerves and, y muscles, aids appetite and digestion, and builds gen- eral strength. We guaran- ll tee Peptona to help you. Sold only at Rexall Stores. # SE. W. GARBER MOUNT JOY f a er er om THE WORLDS LA \ INDIVIDUALL WNED DRL = ea a HOW ARE YOUR SHOES? DONE, WAIT TOO LONG BRING THEM IN CITY SHOE REPAIRING CO. The Bulletin is always prompt in the delivery of ail printing. nor nls ob star i — Additional fire'm iu gents Meeting and Banquet, held | ing plant at south end of Rochester | 2 £ ! y me E £ , . : Aching equine aC = er Box : tf Lancaster last Saturday. Wm. | Street for manufacture of ready | fighting equipment may be SPECIAL, p {OC " Chapman from FE’town filled the | mixed concrete, . | chased for use in vicinity Bread | 4 ! i . i nao . ney. Construction work completed on | Street, : = TOM THUMB MIXTURE, Special at 20¢ Pound a 1 Ay concrete bridge spanning Mingo Ww eatherly — Steps taken for =| Creek at Star Mine on Monon- | Paving and widening Fourth street. |m : gahela-Finleyville: Road. | Glenside — $50,000 post office | Many Other Candies Reduced to make room for a P South Brownsville — $15,000 | buil ill be erected here. (= Easter Goods : ond isstie. will. be vated tnon to 0 rvvi —~ The Quarryville 8 = nlace [ provide funds for construction of | nal Bank building opened to W 2 lace. y abl 1 a Church of the Brethren will hold | new sewers ns : y | a ¥ A WN) = i regular mid week Prayer | Lansdowne — Ney home of Dill iy = L, ¢ . Eonguin Con. H A 1); \ RR I iN IK 3 mp 5 eeting Wednesday evening at the | Philadelphia Electric Company at ny building addition to filter i'm . 4 Ae Ye 4a 4 8 . 5 . Pali: ro Dike and Liochland A. { house here. : home of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Baltimore I ike and Highland A- | Beallsville I 3 Doors East of Post Office MOUNT JOY, PA “hearer, near Rheems. The follow- | Venue, formally opened. — uxXlensive [improve #l ine. Wednesda if : Lewistown — St. John’s Luther- [ments planned for old National |» a A aa a TAA mT ing Wednesday it will be held at Ny oe . > { Hotel building pO the home of John B. Brubaker. an Church plan erection of new | H hehe. Soy David K.. Espenshade, of this | Sunday School building. Ouarryville — The Construction | place, entertained the following Royalton — School Board ac- | Work has been completed on St. 1 § . Danl’s Re i ope cuests at his home: Mr. and Mrs. | cepted plans for new school build- | Paul's Reformed Church and Sun- Richard Myers and two children, | ine. fa Sencal bollding, : Mr. and Mrs. Phares Heisey and Monessen — Order’ of Eagles Oil Citv — Expenditures of ol : a: of hata a“ , invters bout $170,000 by Bell and Pet- daughter Doris, of Elizabethtown; | Purchased new lodge quarters at : Miss Nora Espenshade and friend | 157 Schoonmaker Avenue. Folens: Companies lor Sanson DR. R. DAMON SMEDLEY | from Philadelphia Highspire — Metzler Oil Com- [in their toll lines in this section, | oe . . Ps nneco - - rs p > Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lehigh | Pany opened up-to-date gasoline [announced by managers of two Osteopathic Physician “4 1 4 g ‘ x + anies entertained at their Rheems resi- | Station along State Highway on | companies, . x lac Av Scottdale — Construction of dence: Miss Mary Kob, Lucy Fry, | Second Avenue, : ; | 15 W. Main S Mar; ,» Lucy v, e ; ak TR rT - . ain St. Mrs. Sarah Lehigh, Mr. and Mrs Brownsville — Loan bank stretch of Pittsburgh and | Phone 85 15 oa le HE STH: a Hot ilding. | West Virginia railroad will start | Lehigh, of Dover; Mrs. Monongahela Hotel building. !} rem Stars | Hum, Miss Dora Miller. City — McClintock & Mar- soon. MOUNT JOY, PENNA. and Mrs. Lehigh and Company rece contract : F reedom — Improvement of | Betty Jane izabeth- teel construecti on mew "hird Avenue n be foh3-3 being erecte by the this year, [63 03 ; 3 oo; vs reo OCOOOO000 Mrs. D. M. Weaver | Pennsylvania railroad. State Highway Department will | 00 OO ars, UL. M. Weaver, | GE oe Tee Ppa co cx — Weaver Mr. and Mrs. | Yor} — Lotu rden, Chinesze- prover ad from | a: Ea ifs re Veaver and phildren Xe. . American Rest: a tt Maryland Ste > Weaver nd childrer N nd | American FT t ® to Maryland State Ine » J a av a 11idren, | and | a : i throtel ound Te | 4 #4 Lloyd Weaver and children, | 22 South Ge through Round wm. | 3 4 / a |] 3 el an ren, i pL Sime Mo ongahela — The AA Sh - Li © nd Mrs. David Mosemar 0 Ci ruction work Monongahela € recently | Lanecast were | started on new pla for Oj City burned incinerati nlant located pa : —== hae WS Moen Brittle Coors wt Pigoon Cre heine repaired : ly the home of Mr. | Glass Bottle Company. : Deng pi L WwW 3 > ‘ Mrs Ww Weaver on | Clearfield — Auto Show was + Norristown $1.250.000 court- EDNESDAY N MAR. 19, 1930 i held at Exposition hall March 6-8. | 1 2s a ex d : Will be sold at public sale on the premises, the Rheems Fire Company respond- | idelphia — New Jefferson hilin=bure ! nerations start- B. O. Musser farm, 2% miles southwest of Mount ton oa] ‘vom. the Banka 1. | Medical College building at Tenth °d at plant of Bell Manufacturing Joy, near Kraybill’'s Meeting House, in East Don- to a call from the Reuben G. | ‘ a Ts 2 : enheisér home this place, | and Walnut streets, dedicated. Company, Ine. egal Township, the following: hy hE 3 arvs OE c Grading on Freildoun to Coch- where thev found the stove pipe | St. Marys — Local plant of ‘adg I ¥reld t TI d the interior of chimney 4 i Pennsylvania Fireproofing Com- ranville road will he completed FIV E HEAD OF HORSES fire. Prompt action of the Fire | "any being extensively improved Soon. No. 1, A Dapple Grey Horse, good leader, any | Chief resulted in the control of | 8f cost of $150,000. - child can drive him. No. 2, Sorrel Horse, works the fire without having caused Lewistown — Anders & Com- Cheer un. The robins are sing- wherever hitched. No. 3, Black Pacer, works U é g aus : v 1 : 3 INS = 9 i much damage. pany plan large expansion ng in the Adirondacks and this single and double, good driver with a 3-minute Jacob Williams a prominent | gram at store building. is said to presage an early spring. Neon; No: i Diack Horse, 5 yoy old, oper 5 ams, rom pa oo : vw No. 5, Sorre orse, 5 yrs. old, good offside East Donegal farmer held a record Work will start soon on new worker. : = breaking stock sale last week on |Stetch of State Highway connect- Those Model T Fords seem to be the Donegal Springs farm. 1200 |ing Philipsburg and Sandy Ridge, [as slow in dying out as a rich TWO GOOD ODD MULES farmers attended. Ayreshire cows | PY way of old Tyrone pike. uncle. One a single line leader, and the other a good . = . Wie y — , etl ee en . sold for $255, gray horses weigh- Lewistown Automobile Show offside worker. : : : sing held here Subsert i ing two thousand pounds sold for | being hel Subscribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletin r DN M WwW $250 a pair. Aldinger, from Eliz- Souderton — Plans discussed | Advertise in The Bulletin. TEN HEAD OF ILCH CO S abethtown was auctioneer. lhl OL i ————————.. EE St AA Fresh and Close Springers. LOBATA One Stock Bull A Few Shoats IMPLEMENTS This fine spring weather gets Columbia 2-horse wagon with bed, 4-horse wagon farmers started with the spring | with 18-ft. flats, set 16-ft. hay flats, 2 sets 20-ft. work quite rapidly tobacco ladders, McCormick binder 8-ft. cut, Quite a bit of changing around Decring mower, 2 McCormick-Deering cultivators, and moving will be done in our McCormick-Deering plow, John Deere hay loader a J 1 1 1 1 1 hay 1 oe cae with side delivery rake, walking cultivator. All op yorhooc this spring. these implements are good as new. Star double Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Ebersole row corn planter, sulky plow only used one seas- spent Sunday with the latter's on, Case tobacco planter, corn sheller, 24-disc¢ 4- father in Columbia, Mr. Daniel horse harrow, roller harrow, 4-horse 25-tooth Dupler. spring harrow, 4-horse evener, land roller. hay | The Mennonites held services at rake, 7 sets front gears, set buggy harness, 7 ! Billmyer quarries on Sunday with bridles halters, collars, log, cow, and halter Samuel Frey and Abner Martin | chains; single, double and triple trees: Fairbanks ofcintinia J ! platform scales 1,000 lbs. capacity; hay hook, > Be p. . v i rope and pulleys, and many other articles ( Mrs apd li . {th rope 3 3 articles not ] Zeigler Parte taken sea izing t e Oreai mentioned. to the St. Joseph spital, Lancas- ! on Satu ', where she is re- im lance of CUTY | Sale to commence at 12 o'clock when terms ment thi Newspaber is will be made known by atment, ~ ge Bp Ha. Ars Primary. Grade of our Turnishing 2 WHA Charles Frank, auct. Ira K S . Nn ) 3 "yr Cr 3 MTka missed a day last week UT & CO PY | Zeller & Son, Clks. 9 » dummy ng to the illness of their a > : ol ? ge mae re { teacher, Miss Dorothy Smith. $B RVIC = | Mrs. David Young and two sons | In New Releases Each, Galen and Paul and Mrs Annie M. | | He spent Thursday evening in | | he home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben- in Z. Miller. | | “Baan . : | | Mr and Mrs. Benjamin Miller 3 3 een-a-mint . and L S. > Jamin iiley | and family were entertained to ; Spring In You Chew Like Gum No Taste But the Ming Ht Druggists—1g¢, 25¢ STONE Betore placing your order elsewhere, see us. Crushed: "Stone. Also manufac= turers of “Concrete Blocks, Sills and Lintels, J. N. Stauffer & Bro. MQUNT JOY, PA. EE Bladder Irritation If functional* Bladder listurbs your sleep. ing or Itching Leg Pains, or you 1 Irritation or causes Burn- Sensation, Backache, muscular aches, mak- tired, depressed, apd d, why not try the Fest? Don't give up. Get todav. Put tito the test. See for yourself how quickly it works and what it does. Money back if it doesn’t bring quie improve- ment, and satisfy you complete'y. Try Cystex today. Only 60c. Ww feel 18 Hour Auster D. Chandler, W. Main St, Mt. Joy. A 4