The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, March 05, 1930, Image 3

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: ® & 2 BIG PUB SALE
i ~ a 3
: ee. OWL - LAFFS > The Dance of | Between Columbid and Mountville
BY DR. DAVID H. REFDER ) By LEETE STONE Mules, Horses, Cows, Bulls, Steers,
ern Shoats, Fagthing Implements
One of the least regarded and (Copyright) and Household Goods
vet the best of Biblical sayings is LICT JOCELYN left Highville for
the one I have so often quoted, “as A Broadway because Jim Riley was The undersifned will sell at pub-
a man thinketh in his heart, so is not a th er. Jim owned and |lic sale on the premises, the H. N.
he.” ran the gtore and he worked Kehler farm, along the Lincoln
You hk a all doy ki trousers and blue Highway an the Lancaster and
bout and think about your physical chambray shirt minus a necktie. Eve- ey i i x
sit sop in vour - heay a ii rs WR , (tw sg two places, only a
vel ii wih fo Jour ; heart mugs he tock: Allee to enjoy the | inte walk from Kehler's School
and keey well, ou cannot con- talkies. House, the following:

stantly think health, talk health
and believe in your heart that you
have health and keep sick.
At a meeting years ago of the
American Association of Pro-
gressive Medicine, J listened
Jim was far from dashing; he 11 Head #f Horses and Mules—One
was Just adoring, and very solid and pair of Miles 6 years old, well
substantial both physically and finan- | hpoke, one a single line leader; one
cially. All of which counted next to | pajr mules 5 years old, well broke;
nothing to Alice Jocelyn. She was ro- | one pair. of mules 8 and 9 years old,
mantic and she craved contact with | well broke; one a single line leader;


natiently to two long technical (On With Laughtey. | the glamor of Broadway and its glossy- | one odd mule, broke to all harness
papers, one of them by a young | Ge | my haired sheiks. Alice was a good girl; [and a very good mule for working
German scientist, telling all about | Now that the belly slapping match | a very pretty girl; but she knew too {11 tobacco; pair of heavy grey
the actions of certain very inter- |between the Sailor and the English-| little of life to speculate on the quali- | horses, weighing’ 3,030 lbs., one a
esting germs and what they do to |man is over, it won't be long before) ties that may lie beneath a gilded and single live eager; one grey horse
the poor little rabbits and guinea |it is forgotten. Of course, if Scott| a grubby exterior. years old, single line leader an

Ideal items for your
apes and pigs, and the other by a very prides his “tommy” as much as I do| So Alice became a figure In the hth b all Ae oad hose 9
ambitious American scientist, tell- mine, I'd let no one, much less Shar-| dance of life called Broadway. She : ? e
: ine of his interesting experiments |key. sock me in the belly for twice | left home with both a blessing and a
ur aims { with non-toxie virus vaccines. The | $20,000. Can you blame Scott for) bonus from solicitous parents, to say {5
{ sidi 3 not getting up? nothing of the inarticulate appeal in §/ Ligh
heartily Wi getung up TI's Cres 20 Head of Milk Cows — Fresh,
mendec 0 apers as he had a A ———— . Te ny od on
| perfect right to 2p for they were | That was a dirty dig that Magis Alice had decided to become a show | Springers and Fall Cows, a few
One Example of the Newest Battery Sets Which Offer Really Modern Radio Extra Good Butter Cows.
trate Black, of Wilmington, pulled on| girl in a musical hit; nothing less.















so : really wonderful and showed a :
living room are now to Unwired Homes. tremendous amount of hema; an Ardmore motorist who was ar-| She danced a number of tricky stéps Six Stock Bulls, One Fat Bull
: | ; : : li a Tres exceedi imit. | and danced them well. Her figure had Two Fat Steers
priced ‘way below nor- |}! “The real split between the require- | the usual tubes for the radiofrequen |zearch work done in ‘he interest rested Jor ae Cg Mit, all the lee ot beauty prize Ma- o5 Head of Very Nice Shoats
lL W rank t % ments of rural and city listener-in | cy end, and, when also used as the | of humanity and for which about He fined ihe Tan il ah I e Bb he | terial. And she possessed confidehce nol y
mal. € want to make | came with the introduction of the | detector, replacing the first audio tube | the only compensatic» the doctors fellow ny 108 ne The RN 3 and : Si Two heavy wor oaleis with bed
: ; | cer i g . 7" ceil. bz i SA. i ... | was willing to leave his wife there as ¢ vy. y avy Ss e 3
room for incoming |[]| loudspeaker in place of head-phones.” | a weil, battery current consumption | will receive will be to see their | © rir t tak While pounding Broadway pave- | 2-horse wagon with bed, 2 low down
! sav 2 licholas. Vice Pr oh road ice r . allay : os security and the squire wouldn't take 3 2 2 ed, 2
3 (§! says E. A. Nicholas, Vice-President | has been reduced to new low levels. |names referred to in other scien- ro ire ; ¢f | ments peddling her talent and naive | wagons, spring wagon, rubber tire
spring stocks; hence |} of the Radio-Victor Corporation of “These current economies, combined | tifie works. ker, . That's geting i So) lu charts to asin y ints of the the buggy, dump cart. 2 Emerson man
ori “Unti ritl ssibilities of er i ss . vhen a wife isn’ yor en dollars. a ‘asting onicials > Ys y «4 Lu S 3-
| the sharp price cutting America. Until then the usual bat- | with the possibilities of greater volume The presiding officer then said Ww he 2 Wis x t Wor gen TRIS ater, Alice met 1 [ove Fordson tractor, Oh
| ; tery radio set, especially when oper- | and better tone through refined loud [thot he wanted to introduce a COUTSE know: some taal: aren young man. His necktie and eyes {ver tractor plow, Oliver tractor dise
| A special trip here will ated with dry cells, could serve both | speaker design, have made possible a | physician who was his instructor | VO'th that many cents. seemed to meet all her visioned re-3harrow, good as new; John Deere
{ i rural and city family equally well. | battery-operated radio set about on | during his : en i at as .. Peor slanter. International h
| . sn r ) ) 3 i a | during his medical college days : oi ements o In r You a is feorn planter, nternationa ay
be well repaid HL you | With the loud-speaker there arose a | a par With the average | ocr tries Ch a, po, Have you heard the fellows singing! quirements of Fia Youth, and his and side deliverv rake o
: 7 ; b p | over thirty years ago and who ° approach was deft, disarming and a Ge y y
buy but a single artic- gemand for mare and betzer Tadio Set, plus the advanioge of 3 { was the author of several standard the naw Sona’ courteous. After shelving the weath- | 35 EW; Bemis tobacco planter, hay
| tone, with a decrease in operating | noiseless background for tuning dis | textbooks. A very vigorous “I OWE EVERYBODY, rn vias he tha tedder. 3 grass mowers. 2 Planet
i le. | cost, all of which led to socket-power. | tant stations Le 1 hit a Loli 1 OWE” er With & crisp Dorase he : oe Jr. "eultivators, tobacco hoers at-
| ane vhite-hairec rentlems: int to at : : :
| “Now radio engineers have turned “The combined engineering and re |, tres di arpa a 1 gen 2 eh { To ohn No ) in i Se J mn tached, Mountville land roller, har-
to the requirements of the unelectri- | search forces of the Radio Corpora |g. , cv @& DOMYSI min. 2 I am about convinced that a woman SC" (¢1¢ one ot Lie COVE row and roller combined, Missouri
i i {the doctors present by declaring est dancers that ever tapped an agile | disc ora fertilizer drill
fied home, eager to duplicate what has | tion of America have been at work |. es oe TS heeds a chaperon until she can call] ; HE © ldise grain and fertilizer drill as
| {that the oreat majority of all cases 1 | toe and heel to a talcumed stage, was | or 1 as swe 8 ft. MeCor bind
onn Mi. 00 been ac 2d for city and town. | on-this new conception of an efficient | | PP Renan Morty D0 Bh some chap her own. sini Be a] good as. Hew; 5 iL. McLormick Dinc-
| Starting with current conservatin as battery-operated radio receiver. After | x Foss And suftering Wat men Se { Bt berry. Slope ou oy Suggested ou tractos Minder Risch, Syracuse,
t ide: >: hav volve ia tnd Sto ~ . | ta d no cal. Tha > . | that they make the rounds together itver and < ulcan plows, 2 sprin
Dept. Store he ideal, they have evolved loud- | many months of intensive effort, such j! : ; ot . That he no Doc Snyder tells of a funny experi-| thi after > ; Alice 3 ratefully | harrows fo A a nnd ne
speakers supplying ample volume and | Radiolas have been developed. These | longer found it necessary to use| 5 0 0" Jane at the Country| afternoon. Alice gratefull | harrows. 32: sota 20-1 has fl er 3
ich tene from a mini inp new sets are not simply revamped | medicine or surgery in many cases | ., , By oe ep 1 agreed. 8, « sets Z0-it. hay ats,
Mount Joy eh i 3 ron gi ae th new Sah net my revamped Lond ma AOS when he did use | tub. He hit the pill and while he | This easu widened into | sets of 20-ft. tobacco ladders, 2
Fhe recent deve opment De f old storage battery or dry |! th iA he Foot, | ond Grant Gerberich were hunting | .. "c. ir funds dwin. | scorers and scrapers, weeder, 1- 3
ACTDBN. Pi ihe 5 r battery radi Ro Thev ar anti » either. it for the vsie e | arn riend 1 unds V : ’ 1
screen-grid tube, w ih an ampiiica battery radio sends I'hey are entirely ot, i or t e phy ie effect. it, an elderly lady sitting on a bench dled thelr Attachment horse reversible plow, potato plant-
tion factor several times that of the | new conceptions of battery-operated | There 10thing in this world near the eighteenth hole said: | 1 NG > 1 nt {ob |e? potato digger, 2-horse potato
| c andar sets. destene tablish rure io | more com i ‘ racti os 3 re] ropinquity did an excellent job. ’ 0 4 Dy
usual three-element or standard bat- sets, designed to establish rural radio | move ! than the practi- “pardon me gentlemen, but would it | Bo nad a or vowed that plow, 2 potato sprayers, one sorter
| tery tube, also has been a step in | more on a par with metropolitan [cal demonstration of one’s theory. |}. eating if I told you where it! Toth carne "land potato cutter, Minnich tobaec-
| the direction of the ideal batt { radio. In sensitivity, selectivity. sim- | Work of some kind for both body as > | hott could an engage co press; 2 New Holland chopping
{ Indeed, with a single screen-g | piicity, economy, tone and power, {and mind is a strong factor toward | ie Fag same cof nen ne ii mills, one with elevator; 3 gasoline
| nin SOAR ta nv hos ff {hava in little = sl 1? hts 1 rr Iv i Peete ‘e lean days together. The fac aL Arora 1g 214 vg Ra
| between two and three of ' there is little more to ask. atts o lone life arms a engines, 1% and 3% horse power
! TT 3 : ne : ne oe oi 5h 5 nH . The cheapest place go get married 3 sted this convinced Alice | 2 corn shellers, 3 ee
| | nt Gib os one % A a, |that I know of is in a laundry. There | that love at last had found its winged | hand clover seed sower, Gould force
| he ; sale! I Fig oy oe jie double wring ceremony is Inex-i way to he | pump and lot of % inch pipe, sing-
| ’n i Eh Arh Ls one | pensive. | Young girls have a way of weaving | le, double, triple and 4-horse trees;
i ony HLA . Bnmyersary —— U dreams from the casual words of care- | large lot of all kinds of harness, 4
bv eanng a half Shenon of a JUICY } A certain chap here says that when. less Itomeos. When experience has sets of tbreechband harness, 4 sets
! | cherry hie But yeaen you, read the po was horn and his dad first saw | turned them into women they link j of front rness, 6 sets of plow
| | ord 9 ve. any unt oi We rk he [him he said to the doctor, “How many | their filmy and starry stuff to surer narness ies, housings, collars,
[doe oe ily, does- Te t dig you more are there in the litter?” signs. 4 sets eh line = te um
| will quite with me that he | I +r all tl s winsome and de- [Set cary! good as new; a0-
| | : rr | Being an things winsome and de- |For “CU DIL SS OO 28 Mend
I £c | |could have eaten the whole pie] At Harrisburg recently I told a chap | sirable, but not a philosopher, Alice | =. nm Jraithent
Don tLet Dandruff | [ish i pay ill effect. that the new twenty story hotel build- | teok Gene's s and handkerchiefs Sot dine is a Tain
| Here is his daily program at|ijho was a skyscraper He said: | home to her lonely hall bedroom at |: oy SALE
MV H | | 104 yen: aoe: Four et ee Si ne or oie sh : nags, rol cow and
Ki 1 ur Hair | vears of age: Four a. m., gets soon will it start working? | night and washed out before | halter eh acks, ete.
XOUYr Iiair. up: 4:15; feed the horses; 4:25, | | r own. Gene accomplished |Iot Hous
ATHY LL 1 FE at { i start the milking; 5:30, breakfast;| joe Sheaffer came into the- office! his share » mutual retrenchments | leboare large sink
A N'T'think dandruffisharm- | Star res) Joe Sheaffer came ir h | hi | ar arge sink,
it chokes hair roots and | | 5:45, curry the horses; 6 o'clock, |in a hurry the other morning and | by borrow we and cake money | bedstedds, s. 2 ward-
ra Sih Nig hook upgfor the milk train plow | said he had changed his mind I| from his friends robes, 2 iron 1 les, 2 copper kett-
tually kills m. Specialists i yi] gaid he had changed his mind. ; :
A I Sem 91% of all |or take out a load of hay; 8.10.lasked him if it works any better. | At k It fell on |les, one good as new; 2 heaters with
We i digi | chores; 12 o'clock, knock off for ie a raw November morning when Alice |T Si and pipe, and many other
Rina . | dinner; 1 p. m, fix wagon and Several days ago a local lady who| and Gene, sped by a tip that was arse ey Tne 12 o’clock
cre a re 1 i enveadine 1 he Stree <li vl v ¢ 1 commence & p 2
Here in our sanitary Super | other odd jobs; 4 o’clock, take the |is employed at Lancster, told me she | spreading up the street, slipped by a Ma Rn A he Tons
sevice Basher shop, we have {cows to be milked; 5 o'clock, clean |was made the hoss’ private secretary | sullen doorman backstage and made known by
an extremely effective method 7 [the horses; 6 o’clock, supper; 6:30 |and inquired whether I thought she | their plea to George Ramsay, a musi- S. S. GREIDER
of getting rid of dandruff, It con- & | o'clock, loaf around; 9 o'clock, go |would get any further advances. | cal of note, ho, Was at that | o Frank, Auet.
sists of an 8-minute treatment © to bed. Knowing the chap as 1 do, I said; [| moment rehearsing the Chicago com-|j pf Zeller & Son, Clks.
with Fitch’s Dandruff Remover Jé Evidently he is not an I. W. W. |«“yes, lady, plenty of them. pany of a New York success. The as- No Public Dinner. No hucksters
Shampoo. This unusual discov- 4 for he has held his present job : Si piring pair impressed him favorably | allowed but there will be an abun-
ery actually dissolves dandruff and for 81 years, and what is still| (Caesar may have been ambitious oa wele engaged at once for the |dance of refreshments. :
removes it a surprising way. more to his credit, he says he but I'll be blamed if a lot of the young | ors Phil 1. Plath mar5-1t
s oie 10 12 ome seeme Le
Leaves the hair in marvelous con- < Rl has never tired of his job. Surely [fellows here in town are. 3 vin Stn wi pent oad vi wy PAI
ca on ESL mob io pe work ory thet — wll 81) gent shed fir dens NFUL CORNS
dition—lustrous and full of “life I 2 yr it is not work but worry that and Alice. Their favored topic of con-
... Why not try it today? Just : kills. I asked a city chap recently if he} Co. iin" chen alone concerned their L sen—LiTt 0
3c : Ty pe I presume most of you have [likes to go out with chorus girls and igi : oosen—Lift Out
ask for a Fitch Dandrujf Remover 4:5) j : > costumes for a call at the Little
Shampoo J % / MEDITERRANEAN SE Ry heard of Capt. Diamond, who |he replied: “Yes, indeed. The coars- the Cortier. Twa re rere
: died a dozen years ago in Cali- [er the better.” : A little known Japanese herb, the
: hearsal weeks had flown when the . i; ’
? = fornia at the age of 118 years. I : 5 discovery of an eminent German
Hershe S Barber Sho — Rt oS ng director called them both to his table fe :
Y > p remember telling you something I was in conversation recently| ,.. rived a Sieh instantly
Agent for Manhattan Laundry about him when he was 111 years |with a chap who just returned from “Are you two kids in love?” - is Fin re Sly
When telephone service was extended recently to Milan, Italy became the old, and we thought he was pretty Cuba. He told an amusing incident Alice remained silent and ~ nure;| can lift it right out. This new
x twenty-second country to be linked to the United States through trane- old then. that occurred while there. but Gene showed his perfect teeth in| diovery called “Corn Fly” excites
famous the world over Atlantic telephone channels. All cities and towns in the shaded countries oa Keep smiling, cheerful, iy He went to a restaurant to gol g a winning smile. the white blood corpuscles to action
the accompanying map can be reached by any Bell System subscriber or | worry, don't overeat. Keep clean, glass of milk. The waiter didn “And how!” was his answer. and granulates the corn at its root
y subscribers of Bell connecting companies. Trans-Atlantic service is, at this | keep faith in God and in yourself [speak English so he drew the picture “Well then, I'm sorry,” the director x at, it drops out and leaves no
o P ud S time, available only to the designated cities in the other countries, howevar, ard ‘vou will win health, happiness |of & cow end handed ft fo-nim. “TPE ‘eyed (hein, “Dut orc of you race scar oF soreness.
Ina as in the case of Milan, Genoa and Turin, in Italy, and Belfast and Dublin aug one Ro sonofagun went out and bought] win Nr to rit. th Sion rics ou will also find “Corn Fly Foot
in Ireland. Conversations from the United States traverse the Atlantic g . Tie hat] ght a hE ey ih > hd ‘Git ao Bath Powder” a hoon for sore, tired
to a point near London, from which city they are transmitted over submaring ang Goawin, Lhe producers, ( 1a-| or perspiring feet.
Sham poo cables and land wires to the various continental countries and cities. Milton and Music . = a0 vor love affairs in the chorus—makes ean wn for corns, 35¢, “Corn
. Tr Much depends upon when and where Pretty fay: Vas He wan ony rome (paste it pt between y ou and a Sup Domes and
you read a book. In the five or six {guy that drinks milk in Cuba ough et me know in the morning. neds s
: . Ars. : three—$1.10 value—for $l. I
Leaves your Bell Company as ’ ’ impatient minutes before the dinner is |be shot long before sunrise. Crestfallen and wordless Alice and | (10 Tu > ie 300s
. - ° i adv. w thie ale ne went to their respective rooms | __ bo
° quite ready, who would think of tak Gene wen guarantee by Hi-Gene Co., Newar
hair lustrous, 1 elephones in Us? tii Penna.; ing up the “Faerie Queene” for a stop | A young chap from town refuses to| and moped out the day. Alice ex-| NJ or local druggist. ?
° | gap, or a volume of Bishop Andrew's (be a surgeon because there is too| pected Gene to rush over and say,
healthy, and Gain of 80,966 During Year ::..: oe a ato
’ sermons? much inside work. p, girlie; !
not too dry! NA Milton almost requires a solemn er tha Matioal BI land Slobier jon Bat Gene did not S ti Roofi d
service of music to be played befor I understand that the National Bis-| come near her all afternoon or eve- pou ing 00 ing an
of Local || BELL TELEPHONES | service o ; J 2 0 ane tue ; >
Average Dally yolune ot 880: B T you enter upon him, But he brings |cuit Company will finance an African | ning. . .
Atyour favorite store—or send Calls Increases to 5, Oy ’ his music, to which who listens had [expedition just to get some new de- The chorus had commenced rehears- Tinning
i nt Investment Grows. need bring docile thoughts, and purged [signs for their animal crackers. ing next morning when Alice greeted
for free sample to Pinaud, Dept. Ar d : J H Ai H .
©. Now York ears.—Lamb, in “Detached Thoughts. teenie the doorman at the stage entrance. ot ir eating
M, 220 E. 21 8, New Yor The Bell Telephone Company of Charlie Wealand came to Brubak-| He knew the lovers now.
: i 2,0 ele- er's store Saturday with a string tied “Has Gene come in?” she asked.
Pennsylvania had 1,212, t ; 3 : She
phones in operation on January 1, Galileo’s Discovery around his finger and I asked him “He's in there rehearsin’,” was the ’
according to the annual report re- It is recorded that Galileo was one | what it meant. laconic response. BROWN S TIN SHOP
ently made public by Leonard H. evening in the cathedral of Pisa. The | He said his wife put it there so he . + . “So this Is love!” was the
000000000 000000000 | cently p ys 8 p Phone 109R2
Kinnard, president. This represents swinging of a high chandelier caught | wouldn't forget to mail a letter. way a lip reader would have trans one 109
Excursion an increase of 80,966 instruments his attention, and he watched it close- lated Alice's answer. The doorman, :
un : s x . : 4 . 33 West Main St., MT. JOY, PA.
over the number in service on Janu- ly as its distance of travel diminished. | | said: “Well, did you mail it” and | blind to the motion of lips, resumed
1.00 HARRISBURG ary 1, 1929. Suddenly he observed a significant fact |he replied: “No, Maggie forgot to| his morning paper. Alice went back |
These telephones were served by —no matter how wide the arc de- [give it to me.” to her room.
5,075,206 miles of wire throughout di scribed by the chandelier, the time All afternoon and half the night
AND RETURN f which 416.736 were| . The chart above clearly indicates : 1
the State, of Ww is oh | We the steady increase in the number of | consumed in one complete oscillation If a lot of these one armed drivers | she sat and pondered Broadway's an-
SUNDAY MARCH 9th. 1930 added last year. t the beginning pp) telephones in Pennsylvania since | was always the same. From this ob- |} = 3 oir stuff, they'd hire taxis and | SWer to her aircastle. On delicate
» of the Eres year, 97 er S32, of 1919, the total instruments in jurvise servation came the construction of a [ <7 to retrospective balances she weighed
v the loeal exchange wire an Per | having increased from approximately | . x the forerunner of the modern sleek hair and tousled; silk shirts and
Special Train : : c , > forer Ma sleek hair a sled ; silk shirts N
P cent. of the toll wire were in cables. | 00,000 to more than 1,200,000 |. qulum timepieces. Ts : chambray: eating and going without. || .
Mt. J 9.5( A. M 3 ’ i decad p Recently they hired a new steno \ ]
Leave Mt. Joy . M. During 1929, the company’s invest- during the decade. Be ono | Alice decided to have a different |y NA
ALL STEEL EQUIPMENT §| ment in telephone plant and equip- grapher at one of our industries and | Je INSURANCE = MOUNT JOY PA.
ment increased from $250,377,788 10 were a daily average of 279,987 toll, Alarming Moment she spelled ic io : AL 1:00 2. mm. she went to an all- | Gers Andel excest ie anyahere im
. QQ »
Pennsylvania Railroad $272,570,188. or out-of-town calls. A total of | pight.year-old Barbara had spent a | The boss called her to task about| (00 Cel ol ng sent
Land and buildings owned by thea 959114 long distance calls to points | , © 0" coo 00h on the shores of Lake |it and she said the “k” on the type- I
lued at $32,740,000 let! 1 handled PP) : AS Fork a message that read:
B0000000000000000000000000 | company are valued a med | the State also were Wawasee, gathering live mussels, hit. | Writer wasn’t working. «Jim Riley, Highville, Must. “Conte
' On January 1, the company owned| py the company. erto unknown to her. She took them and get me, Jim. I'll even sweep out
© 109 buildings, two were under con- iti 212,089 Bell i A lady here told her husband that
go 398 ted buildings In addition to the 1,212, ell'| up to her room, and evidently the | #4 y ae ibh at | the store for you. Alice,”
| struction, oy : Ten or in part | telephones in operation on last Janu- | nioht light that was left burning whep | their daughter won a blue ribbon a .
DR. SHOOP were occupied in whole or In Part) were 241,264 telephones | (he went to bed stimulated the cap- [the beauty show. ; ; :
for various purposes. nies of sepa- not > op The old gent said: “I'm mighty If a couple of men get along ADVERTISE
. Last total of $5 559.406 was operated by 240 compa P tives to action, for her mother heard g : ha be hoi 4 {
Dentist 8s ye 8 ditional central office | Tate ownership and management, | calling in great alarm: “0, moth- |glad of that. Now she'll have some- well it's a sure bet their wives | oy. 4fsh lays a million es
+ expended for additiona 0 hi ephones owned by a! Those. shells 1 | thing to wear.” will dislike each other on sight.
quipment. Ten complete central while 12,037 telep ted | oT come here! Those shells opened g re And the helpful hen lays one;
i Has Opened His Office at ve > 3 : mutual associations were opera their mouths at me !”"—Indianapoli —_— >
i j : 3 : : : : But the codfish doesn’
: 122 EAST MAIN STREET | Oe aditio place i 8 through the switchboards of the Bell News. When asked where he was working Turn useless articles about your | D To or . Ds
{ and large additions w Company. AS a young chap said at the A. & P. home into cash. Advertise them in! 4 She one;
i | units. te hi there \nothor chap replied: “Oh, you're {our classified column tf || And so we scorn the codfish coy,
- (The former Bender | The average daily volume of local| At the beginning gf this yoze ® | By subscribing for the Mount Joy | An! il C 1a el 3 r cla And the helpful hen We Prize
i Barber Shop) | telephone calls during 1929 was| were 3 ny Bulletin you can get all the loca |One of the chain gang. Eo oe Kost wav to make vour.|| Which indicates to you and me
i : a 3 in com S eter € quickes vay ( aK y -
4 Evening Hours Only After | 5,128,880, an increase of 364,640 over | vania hay g np news for less than three cents a Sale kod that Jord ae is ot | It pays to advertise.
6:30 | | the previous year. In addition, there Bell System service. week tt One of our preachers remarkec self really miserable is to start
: i 7 etl eee love makes the world go round when | wondering why you aren’t happier.
i am EE i : it should actually be asleep.
Subscribe tor The Bulletin. It s to : eT
Mar. To READ THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN Advertise in The Bulletin. A WISE OWL | Advertise in The Bulletin. Subscribe for The Bulletin.