The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, February 19, 1930, Image 5

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FEB. 19, 1930


Our Next Dollar Day will be
Saturday, Feb. 22
All watches left for repair on this
day will be repaired for

Warren H. Greenawalt
211 West Main Street



Gold Mark Hosiery
Children’s Silk Dhesses
$4.95 and $5.95

Grand View School, live stock and
implements by Graybill Wolgemuth.
F. B. Aldinger, auct.
Friday, Mar. 7, At the Bulletin
Office, Mt. Joy, at 7:30, real estate
by Wm. A. Dierolf, executor of
concrete highway, midway between
Florin and Rheems, live stock and
implements by C. N. Hershey. Frank
Monday, March 10—On the pre-
mises on the road leading from Mt.
{Joy to Newville on the Eli Engle
| farm, implements, live stock, 25
‘head of accredited cows by C. Mill-
er Wolgemuth. Frank, auct.
Monday, March 10—At the auc-
tion rooms of John H. Myers, 12 S.
Duke St., Lancaster, real estate by
Fred P. Deisley, administrator. Reb-
man, auct.
Tuesday, March 11—On the
Kehler farm at Locust Grove, live
stock and the entire lot of farm-
ing implements as well as some
household goods by Mr. S. S.
Wednesday, Mar. 12—On, the
4S. Carmany farm in East Done-
gal township, 2 miles west of
Mount Joy, entire lot of live
stock, complete line of first-class
implements and some household
premises one mile north of Sport-
Thursday, March,
Hempfield Township, one mile north
13—In East
farm, one mile north of Marietta,
live stock and implements by Mrs.
t'rances Schlegelmilch. rank,
Saturday, Mar. 22—Two miles
north of Mount Joy, on the former
Samuel Meckley farm, kve stock
and implements by C. S. Frank &
Friday, Apr. 18--At their place of
business near Mount Joy, big com-
munity sale by C. S. Frank & Bro.
lt rman


The Columbia Daily News gives
the following account of the two
games there Friday evening:
Columbia High cage teams won a
double victory over Mt. Joy High
school on the local floor, the boys
winning by the score of 32-25, and
the girls by the score of 25-20. Both
games were exceptionally hard
fought and kept the crowd, which
was easily the largest of the season,
cheering constantly for their favor-
ite team. Mt. Joy was represented
by a large delegation of rooters
who made plenty of noise. The
geme was crammed full of excite-
ment and had the fans on edge con-
tinually with one stellar play after
another holding the attention of the
The Anglemen opened up fast
and in the first six minutes of play
ran the score up to 7-2. Mt. Joy
called time out to get its bearings
and, led by Charles and Hostetter,
brought the score up to 9-8 at the
close of the first quarter with Col-
umbia High leading. Columbia
Coach Carryl Stauffer, of the
Mt. Joy cagers, shifted his team for
the start of the third quarter,
benching Sprecher, sending Hostet-
ter to center and inserting Divet at
forward. This revamped quintet
worked very well and staged a bril-
liant rally to bring the score up to
a tie at 17-17 when Captain Art
Raver called time out. The Crim-
son and Gold cagers came back
fichting and forged ahead to hold a
21-19 lead at the three-quarter
As the fourth period got under
way Mt. Joy led by Charles and
Hostetter, ran the score up to 23-21
then Raver again called time out
when “Abe” Schlotthauer fell heav-
ily to the floor and was badly shak-
en up. Schlotthauer gamely resum-
ed playing and then the Anglemen
staged their great rally that was
simply unstoppable and was the
vital drive that carried them thru
to victory. Bell slipped down the
floor unnoticed and tossed a left
and Shultz swung into action and
Columbia High ran the score up to
Coach Carryl Stauffer has a well
trained team and can feel proud of
of periods, 8 minutes.
Our Girls Lost
Coach Garver’s girls’ team ob-
tained ample revenge over the Mt.
Joy lassies for the 72-16 defeat
sustained earlier in the season at
Mt. Joy, when they scored a bril-
liant 25-20 victory. Misses Auxer,
Nolte and. Smoker did the scoring
for the Crimson and Gold lassies
with Moyer, Kraft and Lefever
keeping the attack of the Mt. Joy
girls well in check. The center com-

(From Page One)
baker, Myerstown.
Funeral services will be held at 1
afternoon at the
o'clock Thursday
Classified Column

of S. Market and Bonegal Sts, con-
taining 6 rooms, laundry, bath, etc.
Pleasant location. Apply Ada Shel-
ly, Phone 105RS5. feb19-tf

home, with further services at 1:30! service all makes of Radios. Phone
| o'clock at Hernleys [Mennonite
| church. Burial will be in the adjoin-
ing cemetery.

Two Cousins Die
Two infant cousins at . Elizabeth-
town died suddenly of different dis-
eases, after being ill only a short
time, and Deputy Coroner Frank S.
: Miller, undertaker in both incidents.
was obliged to delay the funeral one
,day for the last youth in order to
bury the first.
The cousins are the infant children
of two brothers Elmer and Norman
Shank of Elizabethtown. The first
of the cousins to die was Harold Le-
Roy Shank, one year old, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Elmer Shank of North Pop-
lar street, who died Sunday morning
at 4:30 o'clock of inflammations of
the stomach. Only his parents’ sur-
vive. Services will be held Tuesday
at 1:00 P. M. at his late home and
2:00 P. M. in Good's Church near
| here, with interment in the adjoining
| cemetery.
The other cousin is James Shank,
after a brief illness. Services will be
held one day later Wednesday after-
noon at 1 o'clock at his home, and
1:30 in the Florin United Brethren
church. He will likewise be buried
at Good’s cemetery near here. Both
infants took sick about the same
time, died only three hours apart,
and will be buried in the same ceme-
tery, with friends of each child at-
tending both ceremonies.
Alien ese
Business Instituivs Use the Plan
of Getting Pecple to Think
Rather Than Merely
to Learn.

There is one genoral principle at
‘ha basis of all good teaching and it
i3 that a person learns more readily
o:her way, says Harold Stonier, Na-
tional Educational Director of the

through which 35,600 bank men and
women are receiving scientific instruc-
stream of activities which will afford
the stimulating urge to mental growth.
is a process of experi:
encing, and the pregram of the insti-
tute is so arranged as to give the
greatest opportunity to gain by such
experience. Through this we develop
the art of thinking. Thinking has
been described as the ability to han-
dle experience and to bring it to bear
on a problem. Effective thinking
arises when we are presented with
the choice of conduct. Our previous
experiences become helpful as we
marshal them and bring them to bear
upon the matter of our choice.”

T. .E. McElroy, 179R3, Mt. Joy, Pa.
ke feb19-tf
FOR SALE in Landisville, a 2%
story Brick House. Vapor heat, cis-
tern, pressure system; bath, electric
lights; large barn, room for four
machines, and 200 chickens. Lot has
90-foot front on Harrisburg Pike.
E. L. KREIDER. feb19-2t-pd
those Mt. Joy Development Co.
built houses on West Donegal St.,
has 6 rooms, light, heat, and bath.
Priced to sell quick. Call or phone
Jno. E. Schroll, Mt. Joy. feb19-tf

FOR SALE—Two-colored Hey-
wood-Wakefield baby coach. Heavy
rubber tires. Thickly lined with
tan corduroy; windshield to match.
Excellent condition. 23 E. Main
Street, Mt. Joy. tf

FOR RENT—6 or 7 rooms and
bath, suitableg for dwelling or dwell-
ing and office. «Heat furnished. All
conveniences. Mawvietta and Delta
streets (now occupied by Dr. Smed-
ley.) Henry G. Carpenter: jag8-tf

7:30 A. M., Sunday, of on the road leading from Mt.
Joy to Union .Square, near the Back
Run school house, live stock and
farming implements by Johan B.

SEWING—I do sewing at my
home at 120 Delta Street, Mt. Joy.
Mrs. Jos. Habecker. janl-tf-pd
FOR RENT-—301 West Main St.,
Mt. Joy. Apply M. W. Groff, Mount
Joy, Pa. novl3-tf
The Mount Joy Building and
Loan Association invites you to join
them and become. independent. Own
your own home and plg. as rent.
Save the Building and Loan way,

HAULING—Don’t Forget The To-
bacco season is coming. Who is go-
ing to do your hauling? Don’t for-
get me. I. L. Zink, ¥07s Manheim
St., Mt. Joy, Pa.

a 6-room House along the trolley at
Florin that I want to sell before
Jno. E. Schroll, Realtor, Mt. Joy

Mt. Joy Boro, Deceased. :
Letters Testamentary on said es-

against gum infec-
tions, use Zonite,
the new powerful
antiseptic. Also
guards against
colds, coughs and
more serious dis-
eases of nose and

Consistent and NOT spasmodic
advertising always pays best. Each
FOR RENT-—Dwelling on corner
nové-tf| undersigned, all
time you stop advertising, the pub- |

In the Estate of Elizabeth Leve-
4 night, Deceased.
March Term 1929, No. 47.
Notice is hereby given that, om
February 17, 1930, John H. Leve~
night, Exegutor of the estate of
the above pamed Elizabeth = Leve-
night, dece , presented his peti=
tion to the Orphans’ Court of Lane
caster Coun praying for an Ore
der of Private Sale for the paymeng
of debts, directing him as Executor
of the estate of said decedent, te
sell and convey to W. A. Herr,
clear of all liens, for the price or
sum of Forty Do ($40.00) :
Mos THAD C AIN tract of
clearing land of about 25 acres,
situate in the of Conoy,
Lancaster County, Pa.
And that the Court, upon consid-
eration of said Petition has fixed
Thursday, March 27, 1 at 10 A.
M. for a hearing. A
Isaac R. Herr, Atty.
feb19-4t ‘Executor

Estate of Amelia T. Weidman,
| late of East Hempfield Township,
| deceased.
! Letters tegtamentary on said ese
tate having been granted to the un-
dersigned, all’ persons indebted
thereto are requested to make ime
mediate payment, and those having
claims or demands against the same
will present them without delay for
Mina Dierolf. Frank, auct. See ad- : : : ; . seven months old son of Mr. and settlement to the undersigned.
vertisement. Sig seni Hs rable ig in $e Mrs. Norman Shank, Mount Joy town- PUBLIC SALE HENRY H. KOSER, P
Saturday, March 8—Along the x ot on ey of a Yo 2 ship, who died three hours later at Saturday, March 8—In Rapho bs
ad ¢ ee ; ;
Willis G. Kendig, Atty.

Estate of Annie B. Klugh, late of
Mt. Joy, Pa., Deceased.
Letters Testamentary on said ese
tate having been granted to the un-
dersigned, all’ persons indebted
| thereto are requested to make ime
mediate payment, ‘@nd those having
claims or demand$ against the
same will present them “without de-
lay for settlement to the under-
signed, residing in Mt. Joy, Pa.,
F. Lyman Windolph, Atty. feb12-6&


Estate of Elias
late of East
Lettefs of administration on said
estate having been granted to the
persons indebted
thereto are to make im-
mediate payment, and those having
claims or demands against the
same, will present them without de-
T. Hornberger,
Hempfield Township,
Soa oy Harty 2. Brooks hand pass into the basket tieing the | yy assimilating the experiences which 3p = hay 2 ene oy x» Sen fe Le
’ . rer he hima i will sell for on . 0 ; in unga, Lancas-
Thursday, March 13—On the | 5X 50d then Raverphs himsel! sasoanien is oi sale. This is No. 371 in my list [ter County, Penna. 2
ing Hill, live stock, implements : oR Institute of Banking. This Administrator
and some furniture, by Cyrus H. oe ala Bog they maintam. institute is the educational section of EXECUTOR’S NOTICE Henry H. Koser, Notary Public
Good. ed wo to shy the American Bangers Association Estate of Fanny Shelly, late of jan24-6t-pd


of the village of Landisville, live [his cagers for they fought a bril-| jon in their chosen business. J2is having been granted 23 OWNERS
stock, farming implements, and |liant battle. Charles, Hostetter and “The most advanced people in i a ons make im
household and kitchen furniture by | Divet were the stars for the Stauf-| teaching today are _emphasizing the mediate payment, and those ‘having GOODYEAR TRUCK TYPE TIRES
Joseph L. Greider. fermen. importance of activiiy on the part of | jo. «or demands against the same 30x5 With Heavy Tube ....$23.00
Friday, March 14—On the prem- The scores: the student,” he says. “In the school- | qq present them without delay for|32x6 With Heavy Tube .... 37.50
: , ises in W township, | Mt. Joy H. S. G F Tls | room of former days we often heard |g to the undersigned, re-| Also 32x6 U. S. Royal ..... 14.00
rices re Ww jor in Wer! Charles, F 4 0 g | such phrases as, ‘Be still ‘Learn by |gjding in Mt. Joy Boro, Lancaster
i i pl nes ’ , si i . , em ;
Mirela : and d Sliver a F 2 1 5 | heart,” ‘Don’t do thai,’ ‘What does the | Co., Pa. P. FRANCK SCHOCK
Springs, Sn the arietta an Bas S h ? Cc Io 1 0 o | book say? The newer education AMOS N. SHELLY, ’ feb5-te
caster Pike, near the Brick Tavern, | Sprecher, C ........ 21 “What do you think?’ ‘What was ADA N. SHELLY,
live stock, farming implements and Ligat, 8 cee 2 : 4 your reaction to that experiment?’ Executrs PUBLIC SALE
: : ; household goods by Henry S. Rich, | & .......... ‘What did you discover? ‘What rea- | Henry H. Koser, Notary Public
In accord with the usual policy of this Frank, ager DIVO A 0 BR RY Tra feb19-6t-pd FRIDAY, MARCH 7, 1930
i Friday March 14—On the prem- |Fackler, F ......... 0 0 0 The New School Calls for Action = ; ;
store we are now offering an ample and ises, % mile north of Masterson- | Weaver, G ......... 0 0 0| “The ‘expressing’ school is taking | In order that a pubile slo, tosh AS Lo Senet B J, 5 te ofies
ville, implements and live stock by — — —|the place of the repressing and lis 2 Soppes, manent or ant 38 Joy Serre. y :
1 1 1 nus- Frank H. Groff, Snavely, auct. Totaly . 12 1 25] tening school. The classreom is be bby : 2 A TWO STORY FRAME
interesting display of new styles at unu Cy A td] | Cons 1.5. GB TRY coming an open forum, 2 studio of lt aghly advertised. Try the Bulletin ATWO STORY SRaus
1 Shelly farm near Chickies Church, in Ford, FF ........... 1 1 3 | expression, a place of mental growth. STORE, No. 39 East
ually low prices for pre season frocks. It Rapho township, mules and the en | Schlotthauer, Ei. 4 2 10 | The modern concepts ot tn Ahk Main St, Mt. Joy Boro,
. : : tire lot of farming implements by personal experimentation, Individua Penna. ;
will permit you to choose, before the John Fitzkee. Snavely, auct. Jen aa : 2 3 investigation, critical 93 { Lot of ground 20 feet in Troms on
. Saturday, March 15—On the ? raters erry creative self-expression. The pup! 0 Main street and in depth 180 eet.
season starts, a frock so new in style that pre EC Nn Hoses firm jl, 6 iii 83 1 7} ally learns only as he is able to a, Business Location
one mile west of Florin, entire lot tore yr Go 2 : assimilate the new meanings of facts Terns and tonditions wil, be
2 1 zerdeer, a inci iti i iou s e
it may be worn throughout the spring or ive Sock and farm implements. | RIE 3 Yin hes PRI ae Sa ve
Some house-hold goods by John Tah — | stitute the pivotal force around which For pyorrhea WILLIAM A. DIEROLF
season. Hivner. Frank, auct, Totals '..... 0h, 12 8 32) are grouped the new factors in educa Executor of Mina Dierolf
Tuesday, March 18—On the Referee, Graeff; Scorekeeper, | tion. The primary responsibility of : CS Frank, eh
ib of he Schleseinilek Snyder; Timekeeper, Shultz; Time | the teacher is to furnish a constant For prevention 11am 4, henm, y.

Florence Sprout
Beauty Shoppe
30 West Main Street,
| Mount Joy, Penn.

of wearing wigs on the bench.
ret Gree
of the IN
rr bination for Columbia, Paules and The students in tiie American Insti | jo thinks you quit business. tf
Sunday, February 16, was ob-| Peters, invariably got the tap-off} ;to of Banking by reason of the fact — : OE I
| served in St. Mark's United Breth- | Which was certainly a big help. that they continue tu go on about thel EE TE EEA
es 9 : { ren church, of this place, with bap- | Mt. Joy G F Tls | employment in banks while taking the Ie 2
arie S pecia y oppe ltism of adults and reception of | Hellig, F .......... 5 1 11 | banking association's study course: |g J
members. Twenty persons received | Derr, F ........... 0 0 0} have al th : Re logy 8 THE ST ATE THE! \'TRE
PHONE 33. the sacrament of Baptism at the Bishop, F .......... 3 0 ¢ | ing with practical thinking and action 8 £ x
| | 92 etl Eee
| morning service, and 35 were re- | Brandt, F .......... 1 1 ° : Ty TAT X
ceived into church membership. Hoffer; C ........... 0 0 0 The American Telephone and & ; COL U MBIA, PENN A. ot
| This was the culminating service of ' Barmhart, C ........ 0 0 0fTelegraph Company has about @ HF “SHOW PLACE OF LANCASTER COUNTY &
f the recent evangelistic campaign | Dillinger, G ........ 0 0 0 {450,000 stockholders, the largest . ‘ ‘ 3
| making a total of 38 conversions | Zink, Gn 0 0 0 list of any corporation in the Matinee Daily 1:30, Evening 6:45-9 4
since conference and 46 accessions | Ta world. i 18 Three Shows Saturday Evening, 6-7:45 and 9:30
ji ji ~_|to the church. | otals 9 «2 20 | 88
SALE REGISTER head horses and mules, 10 head | At the evening service, Rev. Ret- | Columbia G F Tis The Jorgest football srowd ii
nu cows, yay line of an Ins Hew preached on the fifth of the | Auxer, Foon 5 4 14 gate tog 1200 ts as & i
If you want a notice of your sale plement ne ng a oy me |special illuminated stained glass | Nolte, F ............ 2 2 6 Some eas I ike Thursday, Friday & Saturday, Feb. 20-21-22 &
jnserted in this register weekly | tractor by . yers, tran + | window series, using the window ! Smoker, F ......... 2 1 0 om ¥ 2 50 | “ 99 ¥
from now until day of sale, ABSO- tis Voreh A<On the: ‘prom | portraying Jesus and the Woman at Penles oe Svea ties 2 ’ ’ ego, an | THE MELODY MAN X
Y FREE, send or phone us ) fo "the Well of 'S to { Peters, 8-C ......... : 1&2 : ;
wiki] date and when you are|ises two miles east of Mount Joy | Ps Sorte an the sixth of | Lefever, G ......... 0 0 0 The trial of Henry Binns of 8 Will play upon the scale of your emotions. You will laugh and ¢
ready, let us print your bills. | and only a short distance south of | this special series wilt be given | Moyer, G 0 0 0 | Newark, N. J. had been in pro- i 4 cry with him in this soul-stirring Story of love and sacrifice.
That's the cheapest advertising you the concrete highway, in Raphe | portraying Jess sending forth the JKT G 0 0 0 | gress for Sy bouts 3 8 with 3
township, entire lot of household | ye : : | has ___| one notic a rer {
can get. ? : | twelve, with special music by the! 2 favors in the box |S 5 ae 3
Sutaniay, ¥en, AE goods and soms by Mrs: | young men’s quartetie, and special | Totals .........-. ANY AR Fi na TA 8 Alice Day—William Collier Jr. 3
i t roa eading . ’ . si i i { a |S
a, Et on the Hart Wednesday, March 5--0n the J | music by the combined Choi The By subscribing for the Mount Joy |& he i >
Ironville to ; LO | 5 Ny a 9 | subject will be Christ's Only Way. LOBATA nr et oil the leas and John St. Polis
man farm, known as He . Cameron Estate farm, at Done- A Bible Instruction class will be C3 Hoistand bash Brews for. Jot than thves ‘eons a. 3
Head, personal Drone 258 Soe gel Spe large lot of ve Stock | conducted for children each Wed- | ess in Lancaster on Friday. week. tf | $8 ; :
. hold goods by ner eisey. | including his entire registere erd, | nesday afternoon from 4 to 4:45! John H. Miller, celebrated his rn A A TT A v y 3
‘ Waser, auct. OL ih horses, mules, farm implements, etc. | 3nd each Wednesday night at 7:30 | eighth birthday, on Sunday. All Free State judges of Dublin '& MON DAY AND TUESDAY, FEB. 24 25
Saturday, March 1—On the prem-{by J. E. Williams. Aldinger, auct. special talks will be given for new | Sever: a $ i is {have adopted the British custom - . 3
A, y | special talks w e give Several tobacco crops in this I 8 MRS. JOHN GILBERT—(Ina Claire)
ises in the village of Chiques, in Thursday, Feb. 6—At Shank’s converts in connection with the reg-' community are reported sold.
Hempfield township, one mile | Hotel, Penryn, a very large lot of |ular mid-week services. A
number of pupils
f Salunga, real estate by H.lnew and used farm implements, | Evangelistic services will contin- | Wickersham School were on the The end of the road may be far
ser, Executor of last will and |by M. K. Hoke Estate. See adver- ye each Sunday night till Easter. |sick list last week. away but some day it wil 3 “THE AWFUL TRUTH” ; :
—— Eee %

testament of Amelia T. Weidman, | tisement. | Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Z. Miller ! hand.
Frank, auct. Thursday, March 6—On the premi- | Professional dancers of Paris | and family, called on Mr. and Mrs.
Monday, March 3, on the Ham-|ses two miles north of Mount Joy have formed a union to combat Reuben Miller, of near Bainbridge,
ilton farm east of Mount Joy, 22 |along the road from Rissers mill tothe encroachment of amateurs. on Friday evening.
me cet) en een
A great Broadway star in her greatest stage success.

Advertise in The Bulletin.
Consistent Advertising Pays.

Ao on ~ h ;