The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, February 12, 1930, Image 4

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— d His rtunities---However, Something Happened! + BY HINT.
—— ~~
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| i
’ ee |
| WEEKLY LETTER WRITTEN Federal prohibition agents say 100 YEARS OLD | |
& 5 PRESSLY FOr THE BULLETIN the huge alcohol manufacturing on D R E S S M A T E R 1 A L S j
{ BY DR. DAVID H. REEDER plant seized in Bern Township — | |
5 ® | rains near Reading was the largest (From page 1) ih
= B| periodical FExaminations:- At [capture of an illegal distillery ever | fortably and as easily as women ||| |
= @ | least once every year all good made in Eastern Pennsylvania. 40 years their junior, and each | Silk Prints
® a | business men make an inventory The confiscated three | is able to see well without glasses. {|
a | of all of their merchandise and 75,000 gallon stills, eight 12,000 | The hearing of both women is im- »
£ other assets and thus they go |®allon vats filled with mash and | paired slightly, but otherwise one f| Percales dg Piques
= ® | carefully over their accounts, so thousands of dollars worth of would scarcely suspect that they §|
2 # ' they may know what part of their | and other manufacturing’ | had seen a century come and go. !}! This s >
® @ ‘business has been profitable and equipment. The seizure was made One has never married but . has! Chis sds of sills, perenies q
> a | had a healthy growth, and what |in 2 barn near Van Reed’s paper cared for the children of hundreds § and piques should interest the |
E ® {| part of it was weak, sickly and un- mill. of persons in school work that i
» & | profitable. Now you may say that The records taken in the raids, | covered more than a half century {| lady who makes her own frocks. 4
1 | J I ni : 1 . ip : 1
B® T T..3 3 # all busine men do not do this, | Prohibition officials said, revealed | of her life, while the other married 3 .
a he U n ion LX ationa = | but simply continue from year to 'the plant turned out 900 gallons [at the age of 16 in her native || Ail high grade materials; no !
: ear { think of an invent- ©f alcohol daily. Poland, gave birth to 12 children |} yd Th ATER avehi Ne |
3 ly Zim maintain that I am Approximately 2,000 gallons of | and reared 10 of them. | | soled orn |
® 1 fount oy Dany % 1t ¢ “all good business Pure grain alcohol was seized in | Saw Three Wars in Europe | in this sale offering i
= E » here are men that conduct 2n underground storehouse near | One heard the canonading at (|! 2
stores and are in other kinds of the barn. A skirmish with the | Antietam and Gettysburg, and | | :
MOU NT JOY. PA. g | business yut their methods and attendants took Place before the | lived f gh the stirring days of | ,
| ultimate failure proves that they raid during ‘which several shots | the Mexican and world wars, while | Rayon Piques, yard ....... Cea, %O¢
: ® are not good business men because Were fired but no one was wound- | the other saw. the cruelties of three |} 5 A
RnR B ihey do not observe the practical €d- { great wars that swept Poland be- |§| Printed Shantungs, yard ....... Sian
. 3 . a. i Se . . ! |
3% & of business and the result is | fore: she followed her sons to jj] J —
al Clean Seed on the Land | America in 1890. { Printed Rayon Crepes, yard ERR : 59¢ : 3
E wird 17131 1 Profits e502 000 00 The successful business Clean seed sown on clean land | Mrs. Wademan’s husband and |} 3
31 2 S rp us anc i roils, x JJ LL. UUU. UU | 11 $ CES! 1 INEeSs 3 : | J A 3 nu a { A
Cay tai, «o i ‘ Ben Know at the Close of eich day best way to control the |eldest son fought six y in. the Rayon Cellanese Voiles, yard ... il cli Ose
& 8; what their receipts and dis- tode disease of wheat and | Turkish war, and because of the {| v pr
= ha — & | bursements have been and a com- lean seed should be secured | suffering she knew they endured, | All Silk Pongee, yard .........0.......... 59¢
£ { : : n some farm hicl } oe
= m plete balance of their books is 1 some farm on which the |she helped her younger sons to : . po
= wy y | made daily, weekly or monthly disease does not occur. This disease {slip out of their country to stow ! New Assortment 36 in. Prints, yard ........ 25¢
Can Serve You as Executor, Administrator, Assignee, 2 | according to the nature of their May be recognized in threshed [ away for America, where no com- | §| Sli 1 pp
. ye . VE pe >
= go : . im : ® | business. A little trouble, it is true, ; 87am by the hard galls each of | pulsory military service was re-| 1p Cloth, vard to sive ols sears sone aes. dC
® Receiver, Guardian, Registrar of Stocks and @ some expense also, but always Which contains thousands of the | quired. | A
n Bonds, Trustee, ete. @ | Prepared for changing market These dark colored One of First Women Teachers |||
» conditions are such men, and they £2lls are often mistaken for weed Miss Harn has given much time | mer tees
a | at once can cast out or discontinue | Seeds or other impurities, says the | t5 fighting for public causes such [1]
W any item that shows a steady loss U. S. Department of Agriculture. as suffrage, prohibition and better |
® and they can - increase those de- | The chief way of spreading the educational advantages for women !}|
oa partments that show the greatest | disease is by the galls in seed | and children. (hl ®
C—O m—— | gain. grain. The salt brine method is not Neither has had any critical |}! | :
© Profits, gold, property; more |t0 be recommended except in | | 3
than enough are the incentives jeeriam cases. Neither is the hot Miss Harn was born in Barbara |}| - . ° J
| A amen” To CAT nn ment she” pri eet hos ois," | Quality Merchandise
late, to take risks, even of life it- | for the average farmer. The main | ericks county, Maryland, in a home !{| Y i
Salt ang nase he Body to a) pot i Lo = ens made poor by Tossa suffered in the ||| i
most unbelievable ardships and |° > and. -Sually cles war of 1812. She was educated in {| 4
! . : is . asilv s y : | |
yet in the ‘ultimate analysis of | seed is more easily secured by |a girly’ seminary at Mount Joy, | Phone 111 MOUNT JOY, PA.
4 | their efforts is the care of ‘heir | Purchase than by any method of | pa, and she taught there for two |
{body. Of this, however, they seem treating the infested seed. . Land | years before she was eranted the
i [to lose sight. The gold or property | that has produced a crop of infest- | privilege of teaching in the public :
| becomes the object sought and yet ed grain should be sown to erops|gschools, one of the first women i
{it is without value when the body | other than wheat, rye, emmer, OF | teachers in free schools in this §! a a org i
lis destroyed in attaining. The { spelt for at least a year, which | country 3
t . . . {is 1 ro oY starve 2 ‘Me ‘ — ON AA ATA TENSE EL EW hy
j power to enjoy wealth is lost with ile roar € nough to starve the nema- She was a member of the orig- AA A 2 A =
| the loss of health. The only object } boc es In the soil. Though the | jn teaching force in the public rs, ——————
|of wealth is to afford pleasure to | nematode disease has been report- | schools of Minneapolis when that - Ey 2
* its possessor, but so many people | ©d from only six _States—Mary- [town was four years old and had
destroy their capacity for pleasure { land, Virginia, West Virginia, | 5 population of less than four
lin their mad efforts to secure | North Carolina, South Carolina | thousand.
| wealth, while the sensible or real | 2nd is gradually in Si
: Senso BN Taine a Taught in Six States {
plan is to enjoy to the | reading and probenly She taught in six different states (IN ail J
baie tick AUG ullest possible extent «each passing | in the nied - states. |. Pennsvivanis Maryl:
First carload in Lancaster County just arrived at moment. Today, right now, is the | Every precaution should be taken Vireo Aa Wess {
3 y 18 y rginia, 0, nesota anc
ny iL oi ; only time that you have on earth | to prevent its spread, says the De- Nate Ss i i
Mount Joy, Pa. Demonstrations all this Ww sek at in this physical body, yesterday is |Partment of Agriculture. Nebraska dence 1 ois sale
i He, iin i; ’ Yo ay : = for a number of years in and near
5. See it on display in our show win- rever, y a rou wm ne the town of
our warerooms. See It pia) memory recall and again enjoy ts | Plow under The Bollworms Ellen Harn’s site still brisk
“pn : 8 iness i a op . Of the vari S 2ans ave EO or ® > Soh
dow. Come and get specifications and full partic- happiness, is troubles and suffer | the varjotis means that hove lng and her mind is se
2 i ings are forgotten by sensible | been tried in combating the cotton tive and alert. Her eves are bricht
ans "TOW. i . {bollworm, plowing i ate fa Ne Iyer are £
ulars. humans. Of tomorrow you know | ! meh late fall or |g they miss little that is going
nothing, it never comes. It is al- { Winter is the most important. The on abot her either. in theif i =
ways today and the sensible person | Worms overwinter as pupae from py so rm; !
i nsib son ; VO" : : . | mediate vicinity or in the world |
with wise business instincts will {4 to 6 inches below the surface of |
— a mets Py AT around. She can talk equally well {
take stock of his physical assets | the ground. It has been found that | 3 nk 1
Sebs J ed Spe on current subjects and on the A
today. breaking up th cells in which the |, . : 1
REN For manv OVE h insects are spending the winter hings that happened in her youth, f
d many years the Home | fen rw Me rv land it is ‘seldom that the most i
Health Club has advised its read- | Yesults in the destruction of practi- |, 10 detail varies in her stories |
ers to consult a reliable physician | ¢2lly every pupa. Aside from des- M dota Be re
) ) hysiejan | Saity © ! . Mrs. Wademan was born in
and have an analysis of their | troving the bollworm, fall and |g October 15, 1829 n
ine made rerv rae « | winter wing is a g pa 2: pno or
=. {urine made every three months. | nter plo ng 2 good cultural | children, She was married when
| The honest family physician has | Practice. The bollworm, which is 0. ag
$ {the same relative position to the | known by various names and | go WE 1a]! Invi ants
i Sh ; t ' Vith her hush: a or iy Vi accounts
2 MOUNT JOY, PA. | condition of your health that the Which attacks corn, tomatoes, |, an an od fom of cordial y In te the Lrjth
I racer has: £4 > . | tobacco, : OF 2 : waren, Mrs. Vadema v we 3 el
| expert hookkeeper has to the finan- | "© 200, nd oth ri verops as well oo. oo Americs {i 1200 and of institutions, churches, societies
{cial condition of the business man. |2S cotton, should not be con-| 14.4 ; y
on 0x be ies an. fuzal with the. pink. bollworm. of settled in Webster county about 4 . 1
; 'If the bookkeeper is not allowed to | fused wi e pink be oven niles Southwest of Blas Moll and other organizations as well as
een his accounts balanced up |Ccotton. More information on the | , they resided until Mr. 5
am m— oe : i hi a Ae SE lere 0a) eslaec ntil Mr. Ce i 3 ~ 3
|frequently, he will have a long |Pollworm as a cotton pest ean be | wo death in 1914. They | the patronage of business concerns
© hard job to complete his trial { found in Farmers’ Bulletin 1595-F. Kad Bech married. 60 v a
| balance at the end of the year, | The Bollworm or Corn Ear Worm ae So A Ron iy ang isi and individuals, pledging careful,
| then he may find the losses so | 25 @ Cotton Pest. This publication child is 20 ve = i Dest eine :
. S 3 i : ip + 2 Ss 82 years NOW, ( . : >
ANNOUNCEMENT {great that bankruptey is inevitable. | €an be obtained from the U. S. De- : { attentive, efficient service to all.
{The family physician who is not | partment of Agriculture, Wash- 5 To See First Movie
1 wish to inform the public that I am starting in lallowed to eramine his patients | ington, D. C. Wa the rast on ot Aes Ms. | ]
wn a ok wey i {tows hinv aw iL hy | sree tt A UR: Wademan 128 reside with her
PENTER AND CONTRACTING Business. {until they are sick may find a job | _ : dina ; Tar eit
the CARPE gat i t will take weeks or months of FARM CALENDAR on and his family, |
. | : three and a half niles csonthwes
No mathtér how large or small your job may be, | wd work on his part and much | Buy Seed Carefully yl hr if mil southwest . : /
yo v3 suffering and eoxpense for his| Owing to the good crop of red | 2 “fue ill :
an take care of it. iy 8 Rpenne oraz ; She will attend slg i i
I can take care § vation 0. vostore hin. to health | clover seed produced in the coun- She ill out 1d her first movie | Irs a ona an i
. . 4 | . | trv Q roar pa are top 1 er ay nex Tues 7
I also do All Kinds of Repair Work at home {and it may be too late. An analysis BY last year, prices are lower ON on Ayia) Xe LA 3
. : : of the urine quarterly or | than : armers are roe 1en.- the manager of a theatre in
as ro oF vthine made of Ww he rine or semi- | than usual. armers are urged, | Se Ma ; 3 A
Such as Furniture : age ood, annually may enable the doctor to | however, to buy from reliable Hine Hill will give a party in her rus ompany {
Window and Door Screens made to order. I will give vou timely warnine that mav | Seedsmen or to have a good-sized ROROT: W §
: . . a] . . . o 3 ss i Mrs. Tadeaman’s life has t. | a
be pleased for a share of your patronage. save you weeks of sickness, suffer- | Sample of the prospective purchase |. i 1a wight | i
ing and expense. { analyzed for impurities and tested | Ne stoicism and courage. Her | OF MOUNT JOY A
. . . C0) 1 . ih
og po sir. i TI recall the case of a retired for germination by the State De- | 1 oungest son, Louis, 586, | 2
| NORMAN 5. EBERSOLE Zl. oor ms oo in mimi by iets en as. ay 22)
i ; | His family doctor was quite old | buying. ; accident, © and ‘the (Jl - ian didi,
FLORIN, PA. $1and did not believe in: “these new- | f y ned from telling her
i jan8-tf fangled notions” and made no | Plan for Next State Show kor fon fe shock would be too er TT ;
- 3 | analysis of urine and as the | With the 1930 State Farm Pro- great for her years. J
a - - business man was a member of | ducts Show now passed into his- Takes News Without Tears S T A r I 0 E R Y
the Home Health Club and pro- | tory, many farm groups already Finally, when they did break Latest Styles with Fancy Tissue-Lined Envelopes a
acl 0 Bore ml ee a re Tan fr arias hte nev to hen teh she ned $1.00 Per B
9. wealth he had accumulated, he |the 1931 event which will be held | SPoken repeatedly of missing his . er 0x i
SATURDAY FEBRUARY 15 sent a sample of urine to me |in the new building now being lottery she sat in thought, her
i" y every three months with state- | erected by the State. Larger pre- | head bowed for a little while, nd i
ment. of his condition. He 2 { mium lists are under consideration | then as though she had Lahn DON W. GORRECHT—JEWELER :

- ines iar was
alright for a couple of years and |to fit the expected increased size | With the Great Comforter, said:
3 3 then I found sugar in th i of the show. “He is better off th re.” H
rin gar in the urine. ) an we. er
New Sp g Line of Of course I sent at once for an- eves remained dry. She had not
MOLLY PITCHER HOUSE DRESSES other sample as a single test| Five airplanes are operated by [Seen him for 14 years,
$1 95 d $2 95 proves nothing. Again I found !the Swedish Red Cross for trans- Mrs. Wademan has six of her THE OFFICES OF
. an sugar and then I sent post haste | porting physicians and medicines 12 children left—Mrs. Pauline
. ‘ for the man himself and after a [to remote points. Kirsch, 82, Blue Hill; David, 73, J Oo j=] N A. wy I P P LE /
. jong and seaveful ‘exawminsgion I} — — Blue Hill; William, 67, Luseland,
New Crepe de Chene Slips $2.95 found the cause and removed it. managing a home who would | Sask., Canada; Mrs. Minnie Co- Attorney-at-Law / oA
. Then I directed a careful course | “2V¢ $2 by doing a big family | montofski, 64, Long Branch, Cal; Formerly, 40 North Duke St. Lancaster, Pa. |
: of diet and he was soon in normal washing and then just as regular- | Ferdinand, 59, Blue Hill, and
e 9 * i condition. Had the sugar not been | 1¥ Pay the doctor $3 to help them | Fred, 50, Long Beach, Cal. Are Now Located at
Marie 5 ecialt S e found for another three months | over the effects. Wouldn't it Mrs. Comontifski and Fred are i
or six months it might be a differ- be better to pay the laundry man | with their mother to help heel ryan /
. . ent story. $2 or even $4 and keep well than | celebrate her anniversary. :
Phone 33 23 East Main St. MOUNT JOY, PA. I have found many a poor | 0 PAV the doctor to help you get In addition to the children, she | Telephone: Elizabethtown 66-R2 /
feb12-1t business woman, or rather women, well? 4 has 72 grandchildren and 41 great-
| trying to carry on the business of Let me help you to keep well, grandchildren. j