£5 We THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO, PA. PRODUCE & LIVE HEALTH TALK RELIGIOUS NEWS STOCK MARKET WRITTEN BY DR. THEODORE IN OUR CHURCHES APPEL, SECRETARY OF HEALTH NEWS PERTAINING TO ALL TH! CHURCHES IN MOUNT JOY | Ls pve Rr ASCO Meets Your Every Need! ASCO High Quality Foods, Meats and House- hold Needs, at consistent savings, can always be de- pended upon to meet the demands of the most par- ticular Homekeepers, proving that in the Stores Where Quality Counts Your Money Goes Furthest! BIG SALE CANNED PEAS! Asco Fancy Sweet Peas 3 cans 49¢ The Pick of the New Crop. 4 | CORRECT INFORMATION FUR. NISHED WEEKLY BY (HE PENNA. BUREAU OF MARKETS FOR THE BULLETIN “The term ‘high pressure’ is so commonly used these days that its real significance is ‘oft’ times preciated. One frequently hears of | the high pressure salesman, of high | | pressure business and of our high | Donegal Presbyterian Church local fruit and vegetable market | pressure civilization. And in nine | Rev. C. B. Segelken, D. D., Pastor today and most lines sold very cases out of ten, if a person gives| Church school at 9:30. i slowly. Potatoes were about steady the matter any thought at all, he! D. C. Witmer, Superintendent. | with a slow demand. Pennsylvania | is inclined to be excusably pride- r—— . | stock sold at $2.75 to $3.00 per 100 | ful of the magnificent results along | St. Luke's Episcopal Church | pound sack while Maine’s brought | many lines that have been more or Rev'd. William S. J. Dumvill, Rector $2.90 to $3.05, according to the | less due to this high pressure prin-| Sunday School 9:15 A. M. Pennsylvania and U. S. Market | ciple,” said Doctor Theodore B. | Morning worship at 10:30. New Service. Appel, Secretary of Health. Even-song and address 730 P.M Wired celery showed a weaker “And while there is no desire to | tendency and the best stock sold at | Minimize the value of highly con- | The First Presbyterian Church 12¢ to 15¢ per bunch with poorer BORO AND THE ENTIRE SURROUNDING COM. MUNITY The stormy weather affected the 1929 FORD TUDOR SEDAN 1500 Miles; Like New FORD SEDAN DEMONSTRATOR FORD ROADSTER With or Without Rumble Seat TUDOR FORD SEDAN FORD PHAETON TUDORS AND COUPES AND 1926 FORD ROADSTERS With or Without Slipon Bodies 1929 1929 idol F armdale Tender PEAS 2 cans 25¢ Buy by the dozen! ASCO Tiny June PEAS PEAS Family Size PEAS 3 No. 1 cans 25¢ Ideal for the small family. Reg. 14c ASCO Tiny June or Del Monte centrated and sustained effort and stock ranging from 6c to 10c. The the outstanding achievements that root crops Wore almost at a stand- have resulted therefrom, there is still. Beets brought 25¢ to 50c¢ per on the other hand such a thing as 5-8 basket, carrots 25c to 60c, Par- Yiding a good horse to death.” snips 25c¢ to 65¢ and white turnips |, ‘There may be some excuse, 2nd 15¢ to 400, in many instances a real necessity, Sweet potatoes met a very lim- to keep business in high gear by ited demand at unchanged prices. driving at top speed. But the point (Rev. C. B. Segelken, D. D., Pastor Church school at 9.30. H. S. Newcomer, Superintendent. Morning worship and sermon at | 10:30 A. M. | | { 1928 1928 1926 1927 Reformed Mennonite Church Rev. Christ S. Nolt, Pastor There will be services in the Re- | can 21¢ 2 No. 1 cans 25¢ Our New Low Prices offer you a splendid opportunity to save money on Your Coffee Bill. ASCO COFFEE 39¢c—29c 10c Saved! Victor Blend Coffee 1b 25¢ Choice of thousands. Acme Brand Coffee 1b tin 35¢ Yellow varieties sold at 75c¢ to $1, and reds at 85c to $1.10. Pennsyl- vania mushrooms were about steady and met moderate demand. Whites brought 90c to $1.00 per 3 pound basket with a few sales at $1.10. Buttons sold at 65¢ to 70c and the spots at 40c to 50c. The apple market was quiet with but few sales reported. Stayman brought $2.00 to $2.50 per bushel, Romes $1.50 to $2.25, Grim- es Golden $1.50 to $2.00 and Yorks Nearby | is that in this process machines rather than human flesh and blood are most likely to be called upon to bear the brunt of the strain. And if they crack, as all machines will, others can readily be substituted for them.” “Unfortunately, however, this high pressure idea has so gradually and fully invaded present-day life that many hundreds of thousands of Americans have developed a well de- fined and easily recognizable high pressure complex.” formed Mennonite church on West Main street next Sunday morning at ten o’clock. Trinity Lutheran Church Rev. Geo. A. Kercher, Pastor Bible School 9.30 A. M. Morning services 10:45 P. M. Catechetical class 2:30 P. M. Vespers 7 P. M. Evangelical Congregational Church Rev. A. Lee Barnhart, Pastor 1924 AND 1925 COUPES & TUDOR SEDANS 1926 STUDEBAKER SEDAN Good Condition BUICK TOURING GARDENER SEDAN, CHEVROLET COACH Very Good MAXWELL COACH, CHEAP OVERLAND TOURING, CHEAP FORD TOURINGS, ROADSTERS & COUPES 1924 1924 1927 CHEAP Adapted for percolator use. $1.25 to $1.75. Market: No trading due to heavy snowfall, receipts light thruout the week. Beef steers closing about | steady with Monday or 25¢ lower than week ago, none quotable above $12.25. Bulls, she stock and cut- ters unchanged. Stockers and feed- ers in negligible supply practically 1b 17¢c no country demand. Bulk beef steers $11.00-11.75, fat heifers $10.25-11.00, beef bulls $9.50-10.50 butcher cows $7.75-8.50, cutters $4.75-6, stockers and feeders $9.- 50-10.25. Calves steady, top veal- | ers $17.50. Some held higher. HOGS: Slow, steady at week’s 25¢ decline, top 160-200 pound weights $11.50. Recepts: For today’s market, cattle 3 cars, 2 Michigan; 1 Chicago containing 74 head, 185 trucked in, total cattle 259 head, 51 calves, 416 hogs, 163 sheep. Receipts for week ending Jan. 18, 1930, cattle 26 cars, 9 Va.; 6 Chicago; 3 Md.; 2 Mich.; 1 Omaha; 1 Penna.; 1 Buff- 1 Ind.; 1 Texas; 1 St. Paul; containing 621 head, 827 head trucked in, total cattle 1448 head, 493 calves, 2318 hogs, 366 sheep. Receipts for corresponding week last year, cattle 50 cars, 24 Va.; 15 Chicago; 5 Pa.; 2 N. C.; 1 St. Paul; 1 Ind.; 1 Ohio; containing 1200 head, 822 trucked in, total cattle 2022 head, 504 calves, 1610 hogs, 141 sheep. Range of Prices STEERS Sunday School, 9:30 A. M. Mr. 8S. F. Eshleman, Supt. Morning worship, 10:30 A. M. XK. LC. KE, 845 P. M. Evening worship 7:30 P. M. “Hence, we find the highways fill- ed with automobile drivers who sit tensely at the wheel, with the foot on the gas and with the indicators way past the reasonable driving limit. Follow, accidents and a pain- fully increasing automobile mortal- ity rate.” “Again, the art of eating has been reduced in countless instances to the unfortunate level of a quick luncheon or hurried meal to the end that valuable time may be saved (for an unascertained purpose) with consequent indigestion and kindred ailments.” “Also, many so styled recreations are so high pressured that loss of sleep and energy is an inevitable St result. Indeed, individual habits have been so keyed up that many people rely on coffee, and other mild stimulants to keep them up to scratch, thus throwing moderation completely to the winds.” “What such persons forget is that human bodies, in themselves ma- chines, have limits as well as have the mechanical types, but that un- like man-made ones, the replace- ment factor does not exist.” “It follows that the high pressure idea which causes the individual constantly to lose sleep, to keep his nerves forever on edge, to outrage his system with hurried meals and to use mild stimulants excessively is a most unwise, unhealthy and unsafe one.” “High pressure business if you will and must, but take the high pressure out of your living if happy, healthy and lengthy life is desired. Press down on high pressure by keeping it in its proper and logical place.” A Gr rrr AUTO CLUB TO SHOW “CROSSROAD PUZZLE” . 23c ASCO Finest Calif. Reg. 19c Finest Wet SHRIMP can 15¢ Fruit Delicious for Salads, Croquettes, Sand wiches, ete. Salad Special This Week Tall can 19¢ | Picnic Shoulders Clarence S. Newcomer Phone 200 MOUNT JOY, PA. jan15-tf Methodist Episcopal Church Rev. Wm. H. Beyer, Pastor 9:30 A. M. Sunday Scho-!, Dr. E. W. Garber, Supt. 10:30 A. M. Sermon. 6.45 P. M. Epworth League. 7:30 P. M. sermon. Vednesday after school, Junior league. Mrs. Diffenderfer, Supt. Wednesday, 7.30 P. M. Prayer meeting. Cordial welcome to all. I 7 7 TT 2 TE EE TE 7 TE TE TE TERE YOUNG'S TIRE SHOP MOUNT JOY, PENNA. Extraordinary Values! Gold Seal Family Flour ............ 5 1b bag 25c¢ ASCO Baking Powder .............. can 5¢, 10c ASCO Peanut Butter .......... tumbler 10¢, 17c Swansdown Cake Flour ............... pkg 33c Best Foods Relish Spread .............. jar 23¢ Jell-O (Assorted fruit flavors) ....... 2 pkgs 15¢ ASCO Gelatine Desserts ............ 3 pkgs 20c ET East Main Street . Mark’s Church of The United Brethren in Christ The Rev. C. E. Rettew, Minister 9:00 Bible School. 10:15 Morning worship. 6:30 P. M. Young People’s So- cieties, 7:30 Evangelistic services, trated with illuminated window. Large Young choir will supplement the church choir. The public is invited. REE TE TE TE TE TE TET TE ASCO Finest Tomatoes Big can 20c | CAKES PEARS 2 med. 33¢ Ib 27¢ |oig can 35¢ Rich, pure ingredients make it like home-made. Bread Supreme heer ia 5c | Raisin Loaf 10c Reg. 37¢ ASCO or Del Monte Calif. Fruit Salad Big can 33¢ bot 11c¢ ASCO SPARELIRG a LET EL GINGER ALE 3 25¢ *Plus bottle deposit. C. & C. IMPERIAL DRY GINGER ALE Finest Produce! Od Cabbage ........... |. i... 3 lbs 10c New Cabbage ...................... pound 8c bunch 8c head 10c N. B.C. Robena Top ASCO or Del Monte County Distributor for Dayton Tires Also Dealer In illus- church Peoples’ regular Large Wrapped Loaf Florin United Brethren In Christ Rev. J. C. Deitzler, M. A., Pastor Bible School at 9.30 A. M. Morning worship at 10.30 A. M. Junior at 5:15 P. M. Intermediate at 5:45 P. M. Christian Endeavor at 6:30 Evening worship at 7:15 P. Choir rehearsal Tuesday at P.M. Catechetical class Wednesday and Friday evenings at 7.30 P. M. Prayer service Thursday evening at 7.30 P. M. You are welcome, Good for Breakfast! Mother’s or Quaker Oats ..... pkg 9c Gold Seal Rolled Oats .... 3 pkgs 25c Asco Breakfast Farina ... 3 pkgs 25c Muffets pkg 12¢ Kelloga's Pep ,............ pkg 12¢ All Bran ......... pkg 12¢ Kellogg's Wheat Biscuit .... pkg 1lc Kellogg’s Rice Krispies ..... pkg 12¢ P. M. M. 7:30 Sparton, Zenith and Temple Radios 4 dec18-tf ! a Pi Ro PA PG To 3 5 NEFF RE RE FATE PE RE FE EY VEFETE W Good Good Good Medium Common A bt pt pd od 00 =~ IN IN ND STEERER CE CE ETE GEL TE CETTE HEIFERS Choice Good Medium Common Rob Roy Pale Dry GINGER ALE J Ut IO 1 GLO Ur at FILM a > - Church of God A. D. D. THE COUNTRY NEWSPAPER OF GREAT VALUE Taster ACCORDING TO STATEMENT OF NOTED EDITORIAL WRITER—PROVEN BY FACTS cows Borough officials, teachers, Rev. 1. ents and others in this section who Q are interested in highway safety ¥ are invited: to attend the meeting of the Lancaster Automobile Club to be held Friday evening, Jan- uary 24, in Odd Fellows Hall, West Chestnut street, between Water and Mulberry streets, Lan- caster, At this meeting there will be a special showing of the motion picture, “The Cross-Road Puzzle,” sponsored by the American Auto- mobile Association and the Nat- ional Automobile Chamber of Commerce in the interests of uni- form traffic regulations through- out the nation. The picture deals with the traffic nroblem in a graphic way and has all of the interest found in films better sort. Professional has been drawn on for and the faces of those in the leading roles will be familiar to most movie The picture was directed by e S. Sabbath afternoon, The story has to do with Dad 2 P. M. Mother Miller who, inspired You are cordially yv the departure of their daughter ship with ur. : on h i Sd ss seme ens ton 2, Dolled 076 of thelr INCREASE 42.00-43.00 ton v DESPITE SLAUGHTER 63.00-62.00 ton| rote hone fn Iowa Witk — 50.00-51.00 ton | Csi wg ; I tos s constant 49.00-50.00 ton younty bf fon Commission indicate 44.00-45.00 ton “hard-boiled” and Pr mn the Sumber 48.00-49.00 ton |, jid.mannered policemen, includ- A Wonse Js one of the few 51.00-52.00 ton fie a hometown. boy: lack of which has no natural 52.50-53.50 ton imiformity in regulations, and Horse Feed 859 47.00-48.00 ton | jons by the thousands form the Alfalfa (Regular) 42.00-43.00 ton | basis for the story. Alfalfa (Reground) 45.00-46.00 ton Realizing that it is a picture ent Ee vho par- oS Choice Good Common & medium Low cutter and cutter BULLS Good and choice (beef) 9.75-11.00 Cutter, com. & med 7.50-9.75 FEEDERS AND STOCKERS Good and choice 5 Common and medium we | Good and choice #8 | Common and medium VEALERS Good and choice Medium Cull and common HOGS =3 8.9.30 A. M. S. Hamaker, Supt. Sermon 10.30 A, M. “Christian Baptism.” C.E. 630 P. M. Leader, William Beamenderfer, Sermon, 7.30 P. M, A baptismal service the evening sermon. Junior Choir Wednesday 4 P. M. Prayer service, Wednesday, 7.45 P. M. Wednesday, Chorus, Thursday, 7.30 P. M., hearsal. Friday night, 7.30 P. M., the Bi- ble Study Class will meet at the home of Mr. A. B. Hoffer. Any one welcome. Rev. Bair, pastor of the Mayto Church of God, will baptismal service at the Church of God in this place on January 26th, public is invited. > Ju vr Ot bot 11c Qt Ur Ut [2] WG oo Arthur Brisbane, one of the best minds of the (ime, says: “H. Z. Mitchell’s’ ‘Sentinel’,” published at Bermidjii, Minn., wins the prize as best weekly in the National Editorial Contest. This is a good time to remind the public in general, and national advertisers in particular, that country weekly newspapers are the most important or- gans of public opinion and protectors of public welfare. “And, their advertising per mill line, is not excelled by any publication, of any kind. “The reader of a country weekly buys every- thing from shingles on the roof to cement in the cellar floor, and every advertiser has in him a possible customer.” will follow Real economy is enjoyed by trading in your nearest 8.30 P. M., Men's ASCO Store, Where Quality Counts and Your Money Goes Furthest. 15.00-17.50 12.50-15.00 8.00-12.50 Choir re- These Prices Effective in Our MOUNT JOY STORE $10.75-11.25 11.00-11.50 11.00-11.50 | of the experience he characters, Heavyweights Mediumweights Lightweights Se | Packing sows (rough and smooth) 8.00-10.75 Lancaster Grain and Feed Market Selling Price of Feeds $40.00-41.00 ton 40.00-41.00 ton 43.50-44.50 ton 45.00-46.00 ton 64.00-65.00 ton 110 ENO 1 11 TR 1 MOLASSES FEED MIXING hold a fans TS ARBRE A 48 TA Bran Shorts Hominy Middlings Linseed Gluten Ground Oats Soy Bean Meal Hog Meal Cottonseed 41% Dairy Feed 16% Dairy Feed 18% Dairy Feed 20% Dairy Feed 24% Dairy Feed 25% invited to wor- or honeymoon, decide have 1 on ) . CLARENCE SCHOCK WE HAVE RECENTLY INSTALLED A MIRACLE PROCESS MO- ve + . MOUNT JOY, PA, = LASSES MIXING MACHINE. NOW WE CAN MIX ANY FORMULA ; Plt YOU WANT AND ADD MOLASSES TO IT. GIVE US A TRIAL. EASELS warfare handled . spite n a high i WE AS K- Gn Salis daha. LUMBER -COAL weasels, claims the Game WE ARE ALSO IN A POSITION TO SELL MOLASSES IN ANY QUANTITY. tart but, the eternal tangle has 10t been reckoned with. Actual increase treffic snarls, nimals enemies, During the resent fiscal all claims for vd nat first half of the year 36,352 bounty weasels were received. exceeds the usual entire year prior to WOLGEMUTH BROS., FLORIN, PA. Phones: 151R4 and 57R6 Jly31-tt 1 number i TTT TTT TTT TT are interested in motoring should Edward Gable, nresident of the Auto Club, ar- ranged for a special showing in The spacious Odd Tellows Hall provides ample seat- accommodations and there is parking space in the vicinity of the building, which is ocated less than a block from the ost Office in Lancaster. The business meeting of the Club, which will precede the showing of the film, will start at lls the Britishers they shouldn’t 8 o'clock. The general public is]:ome over here with a superiority 3 ; > ‘nvited to nih ; complex. That’s probably true, but MIiLADY BEAUTY SHOPPE DO eee f they didn’t have it our interna- 70 E. MAIN ST. Dollar Day at Mount Joy, Fri-|tionalists would give them one be- |§ jan22-1t-pd day, Jan. 31. fore they had been here very long. RO 0 1 11 . otal for an sea, N. According to scientists, discover- ‘es in Egypt prove that the . flap- per’s rouge and lipstick are six thousand years old. But we still maintain that the rumble seat is a modern invention. ng - eel een Venty of 1926. Claims for foxes bout gray 7000 a year. Although 278 ‘ats were paid in car, officers believe they are slowly being exterminated, except in the most rugged sections of the ‘ommonwealth. average claims for wild the last fiscal SPECIAL PLUMBING and HEATING UNTIL FEB. 1ST Also All Kinds Repair Work PROMPT SERVICE PRICES REASONABLE JOSEPH L. HEISEY Phone—179R5 FLORIN, PENNA. The Illinois farmers are said to he equipping their scarecrows with radio loud speakers to frighten th: birds awayv-—which indicates that crows must have musical ears if not musical voices. ere Consistent and NOT spasmodic wdvertising pays best. Each ime vou stop advertising, the pub- lic thinks you quit business. tf Shampoo and Marcel or Finger-Wave $1 EXPERT HAIRCUTTER IN ATTENDANCE Miss MacDonald, returning home “A TRIAL WILL CONVINCE”