{ p— "WEDNESDAY, Jan. 8, 1930 Os o% o% 00, 0, 190 0% 0% 0% 0% o% oF, 0, 0. Lb 000 $0.00. 00.00.9004, 900.90. 00.9090.00.00,90,.00,00. 0000900, o oe? ¥% 00.00, 00.6% o% a0 0, 0. 0. 0. 0 J ) J 4.09, oe’ % 0? 0 0 0 00 00, S00 SSAA XARA EXE XXII ® ded X 2 ® X ® X X X X X X X % % 3 X 9 X > 9, eo? %* O30 0 a Oa) 0% 9 a (0) OS. 0. 0. 8 90° 4502, 0,92, > 9, 4 * 9 > 0 > >, 0S % bo. Py od $a 0 a’ $ a Vet 0 a) a0 a0 -() (0% Os 0 oF oS 06 6% 9. * ~ ». * », aXe’ THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO., PA. * DRESSES Greatly REDUCED 3 OWRD Xa Xd 30) a ca O_O) a Oa Ow 0% 9 0. (060004, LIOR RK) Ka Xa Xa X CORK J Ra Xa Xa) SN COW) +e 0 (0S 00 050 0,00, 9, 10 Om O 0 Sree 9. 9, J Ka aXe Xe) 0 9 % To - 0, 9. 0. 0 0 oP, 0 ho? 4? ® $20 a (OO -— MARIE'S SPECIALTY SHOPPE Phone 33 23 East Main Street, MOUNT JOY, PENNA. o $4, oO 0 RARER 00 o% 0% pr ede 7 * J + &. 6. 0 XA Xa XX 2 Do 09.0% 6% 6% 020. 6% 625.6% 06.6% 70. 0%6.0% 0%.6% 0%. 6% 6% 0% 0%. 2% 0 0. 0. 0. 0. 0 0 00 0 0 00.0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 000% % 0% GeO Up 04 GP OGY 0G OP 059 04S 00 09 GPS IVI SO 0G I 0 IP 00000000 CoP 0000000 OOO 0 O00 09 00049 049 05 049 069465 06995 Loo 50d J 0% 4 SRR RR RRB RRA R BERS CETERA RRR RAR OS rE TIS Christmas—Time to Save 2 ; ERIE 2 Percent. Interest Zl Interest Shopping. sms SLEEP IRR RI TT TT IL SEIT SRE Bnd re wh EEE New Christmas Savings Clubs are now starting at this Bank, and you are most cordially invited to join. A small amount deposited weekly will insure you a handsome sum for next year’s Christmas First National Bank & Trust Co. MOUNT JOY, PA. ESSA TT TT RS SE RE RRR SR | ley. FORDSON .. | . TRACTORS | Here at Last - Bigger & Better § First carload in Lancaster County just arrived at Harry Mount Joy, Pa. our warerooms. dow. ulars. HS. NEWCOMER MOUNT JOY, PA. Demonstrations all this week at See it on display in our show win- Come and get specifications and full partic- i | i %, 0! i | KD MARIETTA Mrs. Harry Zink, of town, underwent an operation for appen- dicitis at the Columbia hospital. The Woman’s Club of the Mari- etta Community House held its annual card party for the benefit of the Charity fund, Tuesday even- hark were mailed on Tuesday to the stockholders of the Ex- . change National Bank of Marietta, for a dividend which was declared at the last meeting of the Board of Directors. Miss Janet S. Spangler, Buck- nell, entertained the following Fo SSP on guests: ‘Nancy Sload, West Chest- er; Mildred Lyle, Penn State; Elizabeth ~~ Myers, Temple; Eva Peck, Lebanon Valley; Robert Bucher, Princeton; Irvin Zarfoss, West. .Chester; Zarfoss, Temple; Leo Martin, Franklin and Marshall and John Paules, Temple. Miss Ellen Schock, Goucher, en- tertained at bridge, in honor of Miss Dorothy Smith, Vassar, the following guests: Mary Louise Wilton, Linden Hall; Mary Flora of Wrightsville; Alice Longen- ecker, Mt. Helyhoke; Virginia New- comer, Hood; Josephine Schock, Skidmore; Janet Spangler, Buck- | McKain; treasurer, John C. Good- decl1-tf has been combined with the egg | Whites, and sugar, the mixture may be baked if desired. When baked in a dish surrounded by Prizes, Guest prize Dorothy |water in a very slow oven (225 to Smith, other prizes Alice Longen-|250 degrees F.) for about one ecker and Josephine Schock. The following officers of the Marietta Reformed church, Rev. James B. Musser, pastor, were in- stalled at the Sunday evening ser- vices: Elders, John C. Goodling, Charles McKain and Eli. Eisen- berger; deacons, Samuel E. Nay- lor, Clarence Collins, Harold Bartch, Joseph Carroll, Alvin Staley, Norman T. Pickel; record- ing secretary, Charles McKain; financial secretary, Mrs. Charles ling; organists, Norman T. Pickel, Mrs. Geogeianna Hoover; Womans Guild, president, Mrs. James B. Musser; vice president, Mrs. Ed- ward H. Kauffman; secretary, Mrs. Buchanan; treasurer, Mrs. Joseph Neale; Brotherhood, presi- | dent, Charles Meister; secretary, | Harold Bartch; treasurer, Alvin Staley. . eat In, SALE REGISTER vy | If you want a notice of your sale inserted in this register weekly from now until day of sale, ABSO- LUTELY FREE, send or phone us your sale date and when you are ready, let us print your bills. That’s the cheapest advertising you can get. Saturday, Feb. 1—At the Bulle- tin Office at 7:30 P. M., real es- tate on Marietta street, Mount Joy by Mr. George F. Neiss. Frank, auct. See advertisement. Saturday, .- March 15,—On. the premises, the C. N. Hershey farm, one mile west of Florin, entire lot of live stock and farm implements. Some house-hold goods by John Hivner. Frank, auct. Thursday, March, 13—In East Hempfield Township, one mile north of the village of Landisville, live stock, farming implements, and household and kitchen furniture by Joseph L. Greider. A etme. It is not especially important what breed of dairy cows you select—the important thing is to choose good indivduals of a breed. However, it is usually best to choose a breed that is common in the community. seen erm The coat doesn’t make the man— not even a coat of tar and nell; and Eva Peck, Lebanon Val- feathers. A FEW TIPS FOR (carved on platters large enough to | allow the play. Percent. 3 | foods which are likely to have their appearance spoiled in get in the way of the carver, | delivered, | plate in the refrigerator. A piece of parchment paper may be |the top of the meat but not wrap- {ped around it. of your sewing {to use them. adjusted to you are using. and the right size for and the material to be used. fruit pulp of pronounced flavor and color. Heat the fruit pulp to dissolve the added sugar, and com- b beaten egg whites the eggs partially and give to the mixture, After the fruit pulp hour, THE HOUSEWIFE INFORMATION IS SUPPLIED THE BULLETIN BY THE U. 8S. DEPARTMENT AT WASH- INGTON, D. C. Serve foods which have to be who carves free place around a roast one Never carving, or soon as it is on a clean part of the Unwrap meat as and place coldest loosely laid across Learn to know the attachments machine and how Keep your tensions the kind of material Use good needles your thread Fruit whips can be made of any ine while hot with the stiffly as to cook body 80 the whip should not fall, and may be served either hot or cold. Or, fruit whips may be served as soon as mixed without cooking. Whipped cream is a delicious add- ition to cold fruit whips. Prunes and apricots make especially good fruit whips. Leaflet 39, “Eggs at any Meal,” which may be had free from the TU. S. Department of Agriculture, tells how to make these desserts. WHAT MOUNT JOY NEEDS AT PRESENT (From Page One) the betterment of the community. There are some things that need seri- ous thought. Our water is not what it should be by any means. Let us do something and do it soon. Our light- ing system is inadequate. If you doubt the statement, visit some of our sister Boroughs and see what they are doing. Last but not the least by any means the moral of our Borough needs pro- tection from its invaders, the ones who put the gain of dollars and cents above morals and Christian living, who consider a soul of less value than 99¢, the soul that never dies. One of the causes of any community is boot- legging. A one hundred percent. Am- erican will not disregard the 18th Am- laws let them take its consequences. They have no one to blame but them- selves. The authorities at Washing- ton are going to make every effort to enforce the laws. It is up to every community to do their part. There are other matters for later consideration. No one individual can do the things that are needed. It re- quires the whole hearted co-operation of the Council and Burgess backed by our law abiding citizens. The only hope of preserving what is best lies in ,-ae practice of an immense charity, 'and a sincere respect for the opinions of others. DR. W. D. CHANDLER, Burgess. —_— Women are far more heroic than men—as any shoe dealer will tell you. RELIGIOUS NEWS | endment and those who disregard our. IN OUR CHURCHES VEWS PERTAINING TO ALL THE CHURCHES IN MOUNT JOY BORO AND THE ENTIRE SURROUNDING COM.- MUNITY Donegal Presbyterian Church Rev. C. B. Segelken, D. D., Pastor Church school at 9:30. D. C. Witmer, Superintendent. The First Presbyterian Church Rev. C. B. Segelken, D. D., Pastor Church school at 9.30. H. S. Newcomer, Superintendent. Morning worship and sermon at 10:30 A. M. Florin United Brethren In Christ Rev. J. C. Deitzler, M. A., Pastor Bible School at 9.30 A. M. Morning worship at 10.30 A. M. Junior at 5:15 P. M. Intermediate at 5:45 P, M. Christian Endeavor at 6:30 P. M. Evening worship at 7:15 P. M. Choir rehearsal Tuesday at 7:30 P. M. The regular evangelistic services will begin on January 1, 1930, to continue indefinitely, every evening at 7.30 P. M. You are cordially invited. St. Luke’s Episcopal Church Rev’d. William S. J. Dumvill, Rector Sunday School 9:15 A. M. Morning worship at 10:30. Even-song and address 7:30 P. M Trinity Lutheran Church Rev. Geo. A. Kercher, Pastor Bible School 9.30 A. M. Morning services 10:45 Catechetical class 2:30 Vespers 7 P. M. P.M. P.M. Church of God Rev. I. A. MacDannald, D. D. Minister S..S. 9.30 A. M. J. S. Hamaker, Supt. Sermon 10.30 A. M. C.E. 630P. M Leader, Evelyn Smeltzer. Communion service 7:30 P. M. All members urged to be present. Junior Choir Wednesday 4 P. M. Prayer service, Wednesday, 7.45 P.M. Men’s Chorus, 8.30 P. M., Wed- nesday. Choir rehearsal, P. M. You are cordially invited to wor- ship with us. Thursday, 7.30 bit AUTO MISHAPS OVER WEEK END (From Page One) | man and woman with much diffi- | culty, They were pinned in the wreckage, part of which had to be | lifted up to free them. In describ- ing the accident, Mr. Spencer said Hoffer pulled sharply to the left of the road to avoid hitting another car pulling out of a side road. The Hoffer machine leaned and struck the tree before the driver could bring it back on the pike. Mrs. Lee Rettew, of Maytown, driver of the other machine, suffer- ed from shock, and minor cuts and bruises. The injured were given first aid treatment by Dr. Cornell G. Gray, of Marietta. tree, A call was sent for the Columbia hospital ambulance, but in the meantime Mr. and Mrs. Hoffer were talen to the institution in an auto. Motorcyclist Hurt Paul Witmer, 18, Mt. Joy, R. D. 2, was admitted to the Columbia hospital shortly before noon Sun- day, suffering from a broken leg incurred in a collision between a mobile of Lloyd Stehman, florist. Mr. Stehman was returning from church, accompanied by his mother, and had just made the turn at Eighth and Blunston streets to go to his home when Greider’s motorcycle which was coming across Eighth behind him collided with the left side of the car. Both youths on the motoreycle were thrown to the ground. Wit- youths to the hospital where it was found that Witmer had suffered a fracture of the right leg. Greider was given dispensary treatment for minor lacerations on the right hand. OUR NEW COUNCIL MET MONDAY NITE (From page 1) per month for special officer Zerphey, all salaries were made same as last St. Mark’s Church of The United Brethren in Christ The Rev. C. E. Rettew, Minister 9:00 Bible School. 10:15 Morning worship. 6:30 P. M. Young People’s cieties. 7:30 Evening service. Nightly cottage prayer meetings this week; home visitation next week; public evangelistic services beginning Jan. 19. So- Methodist Episcopal Church Rev. Wm. H. Beyer, Pastor 9:30 A. M. Sunday Dr. E. W. Garber, Supt. 10:30 A. M. Sermon. 6.45 P. M. Epworth League. 7:30 P. M. Union Revival meet] ings: Wednesday, Jan. 8, Rev. Eli M Engle. Thursday, Jan. 9, Rev. Robt. H. Comly. Friday, Jan. 10, Rev. Harry A. Swartz. Sunday, Jan. 12, Rev. A. L. Barn- hart. Tuesday, Jan. 14, Rev. C. D. Hu- ber. Cordial welcome to all the churches and people of Mt. Joy and vicinity. LOCAL EXCHANGE INNEW QUARTERS (From Page One) hot water heat, which is supplied by an efficient oil burner. There is a large garage building in the rear of the main building which will be remodeled and used for stor- age of automobiles and trucks, as well as material . and supplies of the Co- lumbia Telephone Company. The Telephone Company installed a switchboard of larger capacity than the old switchboard and a protector and terminal frame of much larger ca- pacity than the one in its former Cen- tral office or exchange. There were four ducts of under- ground conduit from Apple Alley to the cellar of the main building, thru which all wires enter the building by two cables. The “cut over” from the old Ex- change fo the new Exchange was ‘made On the afternoon of December 31st and but a few of the telephone subscribers knew that the change was being made. In order to make the “cut over” to the new Exchange with the keast interference to the service, it required several weeks of prepara- tion and rearranging of cables, wires, ete. In addition to the Telephone Com- room as a Telephone Oentral Office or Exchange, Dr. Damon R. Smedley will occupy the first floor with his offices and the apartment on the second floor as his residence after February 1st. Mr. Alvin Showalter, cembination man for the Columbia Telephone Com- pany, occupies the other apartment as pany occupying the second floor front ! PAGE FIVE Classified Column FOR SALE—Haywood baby car- riage, in good condition. Apply 313 West Donegal St., Mt. Joy, Pa. janl-tf SEWING—I do sewing at my home at 120 Delta Street, Mt. Joy. Mrs. Jos. Habecker. janl-tf-pd RADIO SERVICE—Equipped to service all makes of Radios. Phone T. ¥. McElroy, 179R3, Mt. Joy, Pa. nov6-11wks-pd FOR RENT—6 or 7 rooms and bath, suitable for dwelling or dwell- ing and office. Heat furnished. All conveniences. Marietta and Delta streets (now occupied by Dr. Smed- ley.) Henry G. Carpenter. jan8-tf MISS MARGARETTA KENNEDY TEACHER OF VIOLINCELLO Both cars were headed toward Marietta, when one of them made Cali 56-R-2, Mt. Joy, Pa lt a left turn. The Hoffer car careen- ne ed into a yard at the home of Earl WANTED—Twenty (20) exper- Nye, Marietta, and crashed into a|ienced sewing = machine operators. Apply Le Blane Company, Mt. Joy, Pa. jan8-1t FOR RENT—301 West Main St., Mt. Joy. Apply M. W. Groff, Mount Joy, Pa. novl13-tf FOR SALE—Pure Bred Bull, 16 months old. Call C. A. Ricedorf, Elizabethtown R D 3, Phone Bell 173R11. jan8-1t-pd FOR SALE—A 1-4 horse power motorcycle, operated by Alvin | Motor in good condition. Apply Greider, Columbia R. D. 2, on|Clayton Breneman, Main St., Flor- which he was riding, and the auto-|™ Pa. jan 8-1t-pd WANTED — Washing at home. Mrs. Abram Welsh, 24 West Done- gal street, Mount Joy. jan8-2t FOR SALE—Othello Range with water back, good condition. Apply Hiram Nissly, N. Barbara St., Mt. Joy, Pa. jan8-1t-pd FOR RENT — Apartment, 13-15 West Main street, with all conven- iences, including heat. Apply Col- mer was unable to get to his feet|ympia Telephone Company, Colum- and Mr. Stehman, who stopped |bia, Pa. janl-2t his car immediately took both FINE HOME FOR SALE—If you lesire a fine home on W. Donegal St., Mt. Joy, in first-class condition, has all conveniences, possession any time, call or phone 41R2 Mount Joy for further particulars. decl4-tf FOR RENT—A 6-room house on West Donegal St., Mt. Joy. All conveniences. Apply after 6 P. M. to 34 West Donegal St. oct30-tf In order that a pubilc sale, festi- val, supper, musical or any like ew- ent be a success, it must be thoro- agbly advertised. Try the Bulletin HAULING—Don’t Forget The To- bacco season is coming. Who is go- year. The resignation of Dr. W. D. Chand- ler as a member of the Board of Health was received and accepted. This action was due to the fact that the office conflicted with that of Burgess. Secretary M. M. Leib, of the Board of Health, reported that the term of Dr. A. F. Snyder as a member of the Board, had expired Jan. 1. > Chairman Murphy stated that the appointments will be made later. The secretary of the Fire Company reported the floors in the engine room need attention. No action. Pumping Engineer Geo. W. Shatz reported having pumped 360,000 gal- lons of water in 12 hours by steam power and 4,240,000 gallons in 424 hours by water power during the month of December. Secretary Leib of the Board of Health, reported one case of whoop- ing cough in December and but four cases quarantined since July 1. Special Officer Zerphey presented the following report for the year: Traffic arrests 53,parking arrests 22, fraudulent converson 3, serious charge 4, larceny 9, passing fraudulent checks 7, nonsupport 7, false pretense 1, va- grants 1, peddling without a license 1, drunk and disorderly conduct 6, incor- rigible 1, assault and battery 2, violat- ing school law 1, receiving stolen goods 1, forgery 2, riding bicycle on the pavement 1, stolen car recovered 1, night lodgers 588. Mr. H. N. Nissley, treasurer, repert- ed balances as follows: Boro, $3,369. 26; Water, $751.04; Interest, $46.00. Upon motion $1,000.00 was transfer- red from the Boro account to the Sink- ing Fund. Bills to the amount of $45 were then paid and Council adjourned. ———— Eee. aluminum ware. Steel wool or fine scouring powder is the best to use ng to do your hauling? Don’t for- zet me. I L. Zink, 107 Manheim St., Mt. Joy, Pa. nov6-tf PUBLIC SALE—Saturday, January 11, at 332 West High St., Elizabeth- town, 4th annual public sale of home- made harness by H. M. Frantz. Ak dinger, auct. See advertisement. FOR SALE — Four Purebreil Berkshires, both sexes, five months old. Price reasonable. Also big Half Sugar Mangels, 100 lbs. for $1; fine for poultry. Phone 111R32 C. C. Keiser, Maytown. Pa. janl-4t ELECTION NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the annual election will be held at the First National Bank, Mount Joy, Pa. on Tuesday, January 14, 1930, between the hours of 9 A. M. and 6 P. M., for the election of thirteen directors. R. FELLENBAUM, Cash- ier. decl1-5t ELECTION NOTICE The annual meeting of the pol- icyholders of the Deposit Mutual Fire Insurance Company will be held at the office of the company, Marietta, Penna., on January 16th, at 7:30 P. M. J. N. BRANDT, Secy-Treas. dec26-3t ELECTION NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the annual election will be held at the Union National Bank, Mount Joy, Pa., on Tuesday, January 14th, 1930, between the hours of 10 A. M. and 2 P. M. for the election of thirteen directors. H. N. NISSLY, Cashier. decl1-5t ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the stock- holders of the First National Bani, of Landisville, Pa., for the purpose of nominating and electing diree- tors for the ensuing year and the transaction of other business, will be held at the banking house on Tuesday, January 14th, 1930, be- tween the hours of 9 A. M. and 12 M. J. N. SUMMY, Cashier. decl11-5¢ of good should have at school training. To such boys, offer general office view of them growing into BOYS—1€ yrs. or over, must be character, clean habits, least some high we work with a usefal men in our organization. This is a: real opportunity for ambitious boys. SCHOCK INDEPENDENT OIL CJ. Ask for Mr. Stauffer. sept25-tf on aluminum. — —— Flavor a few glasses of your his residence. t apple jelly with mint extract and |! DEPARTMENT STORE color with green vegetable color- | FLORIN. PA ing. The jelly will be enjoyed with | ? . lamb. ' Iu Ws Lr 4 i NEW HOUSE CHEAP—I have a 6-room House along the trolley at Florin that I want to sell before April 1st. Has all conveniences and ill sell for only $3,650 for a quick sale. This is No. 871 in my list Ino. E. Schroll, Realtor, Mt. Joy 3 Tin. and . enamelware cooking utensils which have food stuck to MOOSE SAYS them may be cleaned by boiling They Have Good them in a. weak solution of wash- TOBACCO TWINE | ing soda. Never use soda on ' at Only 16¢ Ib. D. ROY MOOSE