THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO., PA. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 13, 1929 BULLETIN [ERISMAN’S CHURCH | ! mg hs prope y § L 3 : + . ro . rev Whenever | you reat, see fp outa Dn anne C | tis very evident that there 1ssome pail, In other words, 99,021 owners |yet been legislated or taxed away. riven rope redit Vv 2 renase. rece ye 1 n eo mani foate iv 3 . . . 2¢ apo ati A ay pu hi ET eel ‘uence manifested in the [4f caps out of a total of 1,820,363 Double taxation and all forms of Bath | Gunners are busy pan ng 10 | of left-handedness as shown did not receive their applications | special taxation get farther and : Us av ir com |£a a pneasant and 1 s |g sp miheor. nf loft.han A arther aw Fe i in- this of oh err Tan or bX | by the lager number of left-ha: % A for nest tags, and have only yfarthe: Bway from thee basic prin ne 3 BLE eK, bovs i yi mulation t s als iY . ipl yf < axati Tel of importance ohn Ebv have re. |. Tn las Bd © themselves to blame for that fact, |¢iPle of equal taxation and tend to 1at 12 o'clock noon | - by have re- | apparently transmitted differently 4 How lected Stifvi » | undermine democracy and the con- for advertisements | ir weddir trip to | whore sto ae ul Sadan because they neglected notifying a a es r ad it 1 p | where the father is left-handed, as Fi 5 e.g. |stitutional rights of our citizens. ly reach this office not later | | note the small number of left-handed the authorities of a change of ad-|™ Most tax bills today ore fae sem 8 | oie Je sma umber 1 ee ! Most tax } < . ar. ram- A east ht | uilding a bay | girls in these families. There ean be dress. The United States Post office] & ort the theory of Pie list gn ILandisvill east wing of his | no doubt that the trait is inhe classifies fhe rosea mail ag |that is, from whom can the most at he Mount Joy re ? Hollow. ! Siemens presents 21 case “Individuals unknown to post offi- 1, taken in taxes with the least News “merg sith that of | ) a 1dine 3 a gt Bg 58 . roses iven bv Sta ALY 2 SU i News, were meried with that ot) The su are building a | parent identical twins w ges, 58,711; address given by POSE {likelihood of losing votes, and to ition abort ll Does ne | hard road or Colebrook road | was left-handed and the oth offices, but on account of applica- camouflage as far as possible the ; m D. Es Norman | handed, id eites thi tions going out third class, can not continual increase in per capita fF corn were human we would | bacon fat. Add one cup of canned TT {oy 3 nace 2A . > a} 7 ‘ers. that le i n be forwarded by post offices, 34,', = qo required to cover the cost | 4 call him a polygamist, for he | corn and brown again. Season well. EDI ORIAL Tu Penn | tary bh a- 702; moved out of state, 4938; de-| . 1d ‘progressive’ or ‘social- has a longing for the compan- | Break two eggs ato, the C the week end | tion r i So ceased, 573; out of business, 93; 1c legislation which is constant. ionship of many and varied asso- | and scramble Bi lid together — ee h he s, Mr. and Mrs. | often al twins, or It junked. 4.” 1 tor on the veopl : det ciates. Corn and beans make the | Serve with broiled acon. i n Sr. ana Mrs. | a junked, 4. ._.. |ly forced on the people. Economy ned sh. Canned Corn and Carrot Pudding: Mix AND BUNK H R | may tal position |= «1 gyogest to these 99,021 indi- with ‘other fellow’s » ON Te al of ight-ounce can 4 SND H ol : Wed an wt suggest | So. A with other money corn sautéed in bacon fat and mixed | the contents of an eig ORK Mi It is that Babe Ruth s. Elias 1 : W ; is vidual t if they w ish to drive | (¢] er) is something that with the chopped, fried bacon makes | of corn, an eight-ounce os diced ROE vy xT re » a lefts |p . : AT te te will ha J] . . ‘ne draws $25,000 a year from We yi jo tod i heir cars January 1, it will be well the a ator and law- a delectable dish. Canned corn with | carrots, two tablespoons o Shoppes p A\T+ « Mops ay d e,—~—dJourn: { {y . 3 on . , : : y. his nev er contracts calling for er an Ie Mr. and = Mrs, | one-—Journal 0 y for m to tell the Bureau of Mot- maker is of. It is pro- sautéed green peppers and onions is | green Bs Sr he a 1 } lv £ aap | - «1 iow . 3. 1 i fF yO €8¢gS, 1 daily comment on the great ¢ y, oil near | A Om or Vehicles where they are now get- mised before elec s but consum- another popular way to serve it. | sauce. Add two eggs, : ‘Bake i 1 ] : i i { : 3 h i d to th s in | a buttered casserole. ake in a Ne bright © an wn | tino their mail. The burean ¢ lovs HoT f the yromise is seld And there is no end to the soup Ero : while the bright reporter who | Sow! oF od Baked Ham Supper ting their m The bureau log of the promise is seldom which corn fgvres moderate oven, 350° F., until set or the “comment” gets $75.00 a bo Tor Ba a { The Fideles Class and Ladies of the no clairvoy , sald Comm ec N Soul-Mat a knife comes out clean. It will It is a form of camouflage ver am dp ve HOU” | Methodist Church, will hold a baked oner Benjamin G. Eynon to-day. TTT ERY ew oSoul-Mates take about forty-five miss: 3 na Sv SR ry Erb and ily ARQ Jee EE SS . isfi rith hi ent Baked potatoes may be cut in valent in this country. Henry I : A, : ok | vam in aR o r But not satisfied with his preses aked po re 5 2) i Mrs. A H Erb Elam | ham in the basement of the 3 i Cat Poor Trees First Corn has vetently added still | half aud the centers scooped out and enjoys ery ative gray | P s near Petersbure on Sun- | church on Friday evening, November | Study Courses At Home | In cutting the annual supply of others. Some ol fess combinations 1 mashed. Mix with holt as. much om several agazines for his - BR io. el 7.3 - avec ips ‘ . : from several magazines for out- | day. | 15th from five to nine o'clock P. M. | Using the long winter evenings firewood, the poor trees in the are! canned corn, season highly, and pile givirgs, which, it a Hated, ure ihe D. B. | Auspices for the debt of the church. to learn more about agriculture and | woodiot should be taken first, fores- Breakfast Corn: Chop two large | back in the porate shells Pit 2 48h I dicest 7 3 larly wri- | : : nt: re i ten and pend io 8 Sef yy on | 1 non Hertzler to - a homemaking is a profitable prac-|ters at State College recommend. cold boiled fine and Sat of buster oa the top and brow ter on Mr. ford’s Jeyto bo XH €] r County on Friday for wild | Feed Fewer Cows More tice. The Pennsylvania State Coll-| Thinning out the undesirable trees until brown in two tablespoo Ove world i om ay tor vy. The only thrill they exper- If feed is scarce, it is better to |ege has free correspondence cours-|will allow room for the good speci- Sms east CA Teputationaand prestige and appears | was seeing a large gobbler | cel] a few cows than to short-feed 'es on 41 different subjects. Write | mens to develop into more valuable to enjoy being “bunked.” : . = { : : 0 S 4 | soaring away from five turkey |the entire herd. More milk, and to the director of correspondence timber, e ° 66 . 99 fever hunters, not less, will result and the profits courses in agriculture and home ec-| WM eee Advertise in t 2 38 etin METEORS TO COME J Esther and Ruth Rohrer enter- | on the remaining cows will be in- onomics at State College for a freed Read the Bulletin. Dr. Oliver, of the University of | tained at dinner on Sunday: Mr. | creased. "catalog. Advertise in The Bulletin. Pennsylvania, says there will be and Mrs. John Rohrer, Paris Roh- frente gree —— TTT TTT TTT TTT TTT rT aerial fireworks from now to the |rer and Miss Martin, all from Lan- a = ” 9 ; close of the year, the meteor caster; Amos Mentzer and Irvin swarms which come every thirty-| Moore; New Holland and Ralph three years being now due. Fori Cassel, of Manheim. ® ® »>- % yr centuries they have furnished al The twenty Junior members of shower like rain. They kissed the |the Lancaster Co. corn growers our but astronomers be- association, of vicinity have is near enough to | their corn weighed and are now lodges of the swarm of shooting |making notes of the crop ready to stars to make them plainly visible | report to headquarters, The Lanc- this time. They also believe that we | aster Chamber of Commerce, who may witness some time during the | will entertain the members at a month of November a shower of |Panquet in the near future. earth in 1899, lieve the earth REAL ESTATE meteors that will almost turn night into day. BAIL JUMPERS Newton D. Baker, member of the president’s law enforcement commi- ssion and president of the Cleve- Jand Association for Criminal Jus- tice, suggested to the latter group the other day the wisdom of making bail bond jumping a felony. Forfeiting bail bond has come to be a favorite sport of many indivi- duals waiting trial. As in the case of perjury on thé witness stand, how- ever, nothing much seems to be done about it. Prosecutors and jud- ges seem to be helpless to remedy the situation. Court procedure would be greatly improved and justice more nearly attained if these two faults could be remedied. HE BET HIS LIFE He was old. They found him dead in New York City. The body was thin and wasted. There was no sign of disease. It looked more like starvation. Then these facts came out: He had $7000. It was deposited in sev- eral banks to make sure that all of it would not be lost in case of a bank failure. He held certificates of deposit on which he received 4 per cent interest. He had apparently tried to live on the interest. It was only $280 a year—$23.33 a month. Refusing to use any of his principal, he tried to do the impossible—and slowly star- ved to death. He was a poor money-mad soul. The old man did—and lost. GOODWILL We cannot have International good - will "until we have national good will. We ean not have national good will until we munity good will until pousiness good will. There is an item each transaction between and employee, between buyer of good will in and of illwill. Illwill is not and pays no dividends. does. How many of us, realizing the homeliness of this argument, strive in our every business transaction to put in our measure of good will? Now read the heading of this ed- itorial again and reason out with yourself what “Peace on Earth” would mean to us business men, in the light of this argument. Don’t abandon the thought as idealistic or impractical. Tt is logi- . gal and the heading is a divine axiom. IS IT RIGHT AND FAIR? The 1929 hunting season is on in earnest and the hunters have been fairly successful to date. Some We all get to thinking-money first, | the man after. We become idol- aters, with gold as our idol. We all forget that the biggest] thing on earth is a human being, | We bet our lives against money. have community | ® good will and we can not have com- | we have | employer | seller and between competitors wether we realize it or not. There! may be, by the same token, the item | constructive | co Good will | th: Rev. and Mrs. gave a dinner in honor of their granddaughter and her husband, !Mr. and Mrs. Bowman, on Sunday. { Those enjoying the repast were: {Mr. and Mrs. Amos Snvder and family, Mr. Christ Snyder and son; Mrs. Henry Snyder and Rev. and | Mrs. Martin Metzler and daughter, { Rachel. | Mr. and N D. R. Nissley en- | | tertained at dinner on Sunday: Mr. | Isaac Brubaker rs irs, iand Mrs. Martin Ebersole and | family, Mr. and Mrs. Phares Brandt and daughter, Verna: John Hounstern, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Rohrer and daughter, Catherine: Mr. and Mrs. David Nissley, Sr., and your scribe Mr. and Mrs. John Metzler and daughters, Helen and Ethel, ROWENNA Mrs. E. C. Hendrickson, of Row- enna, entertained at a Hallowe'en 500 party, High scores were held by Mrs, Jno. Parker, Mrs. Grace Kozer and Mrs. Jos. Young, of Harrisburg. Other guests were: Mrs. Lloyd E. Buley, teelton; Miss Marie Arnold, Hainlyn; Mrs. Lloyd Collier and Mrs. Walter Hershey, of Harrisburg. — Ieee Intelligent Locusts The locusts are the only living be- ings that “have made the world safe for democracy.” They are the only one who have actually learned the se- cret of co-operation. They have abso- lately no overhead charge They do not have to support a king, nor pay a a horde of professional pe ns and | government officials to manage them, | while they the Ives do work | By some ny J ret-to | gett t ent or- BARGAIN BULL Ne ee cus i OT —— Marietta street, Mount Joy. to a quick buyer. No. 314—A very good brick dwel! ing on New Haven St., Mt. Joy, | electric lights, bath, etc., corner property. | No. 320—A fine Cheap frame double | . : | without internal th: | | more any | men wear more | 1g women and when we 1e man in a bathing | suit we | it’s true. Te. In order that a pubilc sale, festi- | | val, supper, musical or any like ev- | {ent be a success, it must be thoro- | { ghly advertised. Try the Bulletin. | arlier for feed. e heard ning irregularities were quite parts un- more conce neerr Particu jt larly is this true | {of squirrel. At this season of the ! {vear, feed i ce and at many | Iplaces sq feed in farmer's corn fields, destroying a portion of the crop. Farmers, who visited, compalined Game Commission age incurred and in turn, gave these mission to shoot three squirrel a day. Early in October the farmers began shooting squirrel. The writer spoke to men who shot from forty to sixty to date. Now a man who owns land can shoot deer and squirrel out of sea- son without a hunting license but the fellow who pays for a hunting license and who is responsible for | fields have been to the State | about the dam- the commission | farmers per- se | 1 i game that earlier seemed plentiful, is reported scarce, while others is “as abundant as other years. that right and fair? the game we have at present, may only shoot this game during the open season, Again we ask the question: “Is | years ago. ! sell one side for conveniences. Possession in 30 days. | veniences. | with new b6-room bungalow. Has | light and heat. Dandy home for| $3,600.00. | house never occupied, garage, good dwelling house in Florin, Modern in every way etc. Rents for $20 Price is only $5,600. Will $3,000 or other new 3! with garage, and $25. side for $2,600. No. 322-—A beautiful brick mansion dwelling in very modern in every way. 11l-room | Florin, | All No. 337—A fine new house on West Donegal St., Mt. Joy, all con-| veniences and in best of condition No. 239—A good 2% story, frame house on Main street, Florin | best of shape, 2-car garage. Ng. 841—A fine home along the| trolley at Florin, all modern con- | Priced to sell. | No. 342—A fine dwelling on New| Haven street, Mt, Joy. Here is a| good home nicely located and cheap | shape, steam heat, light | ! , light, No. 349—An 80 ft. front on Donegal Springs Road, Mt. Joy. New 8 room brick house, all mod-| | ern improvements, Included is an| acre tract in rear No. 3863—Lot 40x200 at Florin No. 3556—A lot 50x200 ft. just outside Mt. Joy Boro, new 7-room well of water, ete. Half of money can remain. Possession at once. Will sell more land with property if purchaser desires. Here’s a worth while proposition. No. 365-—Fine corner propert and lot adjoining, at trolley lin house has all conveniences, large lawn, fine location. Want to sel: to settle estate. J. E. SCHROLL, | section—Donegal Snrings road. {all conveniences and in J | DWELLING HOUSES ( Ne. Sed 7-room (fy built No. 402—A fine corner prpeny : and modern home on arietta St. |on Marietta St., Mt. Joy, electric house on Mariette. Sr Me. op | Mt, JOY. Corner property, modern izhis, hot water heat, bath, gar corner property with ali conveni Ti ho ih dor Sra » Very age. Property in good shape. ences, fine garage and price right No. 3714 ' 3 No. 257—A large brick house in | trolley at erin, oat house TRUCK FARMS East Donegal, only 100 steps te | conveniences and price only $3650.| No. 183—2 acres and, rather trolley stop. Property in fairly for 4 quick sale. | hilly, large double house, fine for good shape for $3,500. | poultry. $650. No. 372—A newly built 6-room | No. 308—A frame ‘house on| brick house, brick garage, all mod-| No. 184—13 acres of sand and €ern possession any | limestone in Rapho, frame house, time. sell. Residential | 200d bank barn, fruit, running wa- | ter. Only $2,000. No. 376—A fine modern dwelling No. 196-—A 2-acre tract in East on East Main St., Mt. Joy, all con-| Donegal near Maytown, 8-room veniences, will sell with or without | house, stable, chicken house, pig sty, a 20-car garage in rear. house newly painted. No. 380—A 7-room brick No. 270—A fine truck farm of a on New Haven street. Good few acres near Milton Grove, good dition and priced to sell. house, barn, large shed. poultry houses, ete. for only $1,600. 3 | No. 275—14 acres, 2 miles from of, cement| ry Joy, gravel soil, frame house, A dandy truck farm. conveniences, Priced to i house | con- | No. 382—A 2-story frame corner| property at Florin, tin ro cellar, Florin wate . ’ er, ete | barn, ete. No. 385—A very modern corner Don’t miss this. Price $2,200.00. property in Mt. Joy at trolley, has| No. 338—A 2 1-2 acre truck Al shape.| farm near Hossler’s Church, brick “house, slate roof, good water, abun- frame dance of fruit. Cheap. Prefer No. 3562—A dandy truck, fruit and poultry farm of Jacob Stauffer, Also garage. No. 386-—A 2%-story house adjoining No. 385. selling these two as a unit. I 3 Sunnyside School, in Rapho No. 390—A dandy bungalow on Dear ’ West Main St, My. Joy, © rooms, Lo Here's a snap for some all conveniences, lot 296 ft. deep, | possession any time. Must be seen | to be appreciated. 8 car garage. | MEDIUM SIZED FARMS No. 210—31 acre-farmi near Mar-| No. 891—A very modern dwell-| ietta and Lancaster pike, good erop- ing along trolley at Salunga, bath, 3-!and truck farm. Only $4,000. way below re-| No 260—A 38-acre farm at| | railroad station 6 miles from York. | { 12 room brick house, bank barn, car garage, price placement figures. No. 892—A large brick house, i tobace lime kilnes, etc. | good repair, large frame stable | LOPacco shed, 2 is te. | acre of ground, on concrete high- a proposition. Price way near Mt. Joy. Price ve Raat) y interesting. y Ty No. 278—30 acres of sand land near Green Tree church, good soil, bank barn, 11 room house, fine wa- ter, fruit, ete. All farm land. Price $9,600.00. No. 300--18 acres of best lime- stone land in heart of East Done. zal, extra fine buildings in Al shape, best small farm I offered in vears., Located on macadam high- way. Price only $8,500.00. No. 851—A 60-acre farm along state highway east of Middletown, in Dauphin Co. Here's a very cheap farm for some one. Let me show vou this bargain, No. 397—One of the former Mt. Joy Development Co. houses on W. Donegal St. Mt. Joy. All conveni- ences. Price very low. No. 399—An acre of land with 9-room brick house, frame stable 2-car garage, etc. Wonderful lo- cation. An unobstructed view of the Susquehanna river and land fronts on Susquehanna Trail. No. 400—A good feame dwelling on Marietta street. An excellent buy for any person living in rent. BELOW YOU WILL FIND LISTED ANYTHING FROM A BUILDING LOT TO A $25,000 MANSION. EARM OR BUSINESS. IF YOU DON'T SEE LISTED JUST WHAT YOU WANT. CALL OR PHONE, AS I HAVE OTHERS. HERE ARE SOME OF THE BEST BARGAINS IN SMALL FARMS 1 F AVE EVER OFFERED. No. 320—A 35-acre farm of) BUILDING LOTS sand land near Chickies church,! Nos, 298-299—Two 50 ft. lots em shedding for 5 or 6 acres tobacco. South side of Columbia Avenue, A good 1-wan farm cheap. Mt. Joy. i . No. 306—Fine building lot froms- ing 45 ft. on the east side of Lume ber St., Mt. Joy. $500. No. 310—A 40-ft. lot on St. Mt. Joy. If you want a cheap lot get pusy. No. 335—Lot 100 ft. and 540 ft. deep .on concrete hi way between Mt. Joy and Slo igh. No. 366—A choice building los, fronting 70 ft. on Marietta St., Mt. Joy and about 80 ft. deep. Cor ner lot. Cheap. No. 377—Four 50 ft. lots on the Sask side of North Barbara St.,, Mg, Joy. LARGE FARMS 130 acre farm, 20 acres wood- land, good buildings, only 1% miles from Middletown, priced very low for a quick sale. : No. 138—An 8l-acre farm of all limestone soil, in East Donegal, 11- room stone house. barn, tobacco shed, 6 acres meadow, 3-4 of money can remain. No. 144—A 125 acre farm of best land in Lane. Co. All build: ings in Al shape, Located on state highway and near a town. Don’t need the money but owner does not want responsibility. front and No. 401—Twe lots or 1 No. 201—104 acres in the heart of 'h Nis 45 os Sound East Donegal tobacco district, fine| Aya. it. Y.ois adicin drs on buildings, shedding for 12 acres of | omer and are 2 Bild obaco. This is a real farm. ine location. © tm No. 357—A farm of 112 sere | of gravel soil, good house, barn JUST LAND No. 319—A plot of about an acre or more of ground in Mt. Joy. A rood investment for someone. No. 387—A plot of about 2 1-8 acres of land along trolley at Florin, tobaceo shed, silo, running water, 15 acres woodland, Price reason- able, No. 3881—A 124-acre farm of best limestone soil, excellent build- ings, 22-acre meadow, water at|has fronta f one b house and barn. Price $145 per reasonable, ge of one blosk.. ‘Pries Here’s a dandy. Al| per, lots of fruit, excellent tobacco Joy | -dwelling with all conveniences. acre and 3-4 of money can remain. No. 388—A plot NC of ground com taining about an acre at Florin, No. 384—A 106-acre farm of |Priced to sell. gravel and limestone land in Mt. township, stone house, big Factory Sites {bank barn, good water for only No. 10--A tract fronting 107 ft. $120 per acre. Nicely located. or the P. R. R. has many a located. town. No. 279—A large tract covering one entire block along Penna. R. R. siding in Mt. Joy. A wonderful location at a right price. I also have a number of proper- ties that owners do not care to have : siding in Mt. Joy dvantages and centrally BUSINESS STANDS One of the best in the No. 63—The entire concrete block manufacturing plant of J. Y. Kline at Florin, together with all stock, machinery, buildings, contracts, ete Price very low. No. 334—A fine brick business stand and dwelling on East Main St., Mount Joy. advertised. If yoy don’t find wha No. 376—A 20-car garage cen- [YOU Want in this list, call and see trally located in Mount Joy, wil!|me. I have it. sell with or without a moderr Hunting Camps No. 262—A tract of 125 acres No. 374—A 6-room house and of farm and timber land, house, store room, owner now doing a barn, ete. Half is farm land. eve nice electrical business. Will sell | eral bear pens on farm. a property, business, stock, etc. Good | such as bear, deer pheasants, grey large stable. Wonderful opportus and black squirrel, porcupines, ete. ity fer young man. Ideal hunting camp. Price $2,500.00. MOUNT JOY