SHB Be Classified Column | In nearly every attic There's “junk” that could be sold; If the owners would advertise, This “junk” would turn to gold. FOR RENT—120 acre farm, on| the Bainbridge road, one mile west of Maytown, opposite Reich's Church. Apply E. L. Maytown, Pa. NO TRESPASSING — Noti hereby given that hunting or passing on the Keiser farm, of Mt. Joy, is strictly REUBEN S. Fi OR RY. FOR RENT West Donegal “St. conveniences. to 34 West Donegal forbidden. oct: 30- 4t-pd | A 6-room house Mt. Joy. on | All| St. oct30-tf in A. & P. Store} Bar-| or and 214 N. bara St. TFinder please return to Clinton S. Longenecker, 214. N. Barbara St., Mt. Joy, Pa. oct30-1t TRESPASS NOTICE—Notice hereby given that trespassing farm is positively forbidden. ry Wagner, Mt. Joy. is oct30-2t-pd | time to buy Apples for FOR SALE—Two Apply C. A. Sheaffer, Town. FOR SALE—A Dining Reom Suite, black hogs. Marietta St., oct30-1t-pd Good 10-Piece at a tetter & Son Hardware Store, West Main Street, Mount Joy. oct23-2t FOR SALE—A FRAME HOUSE, bungalow style, along the Donegal Road, near Mt. Joy. All conven- iences. Apply to Seth Sentz, Mi. Joy. oct3-2t-pd FOR RENT—The Bucher proper- ty on Marietta street, on Dec. 1 or before if desired. Apply to Dr. A F. Snyder, Mount Joy. oct30-tf FOR RENT—301 West Main St., Mt. Joy. Apply M. W. Groff, Mount Joy, Pa. oct30-1t ROOMERS WANTED — Light housekeeping allowed. Apply M. N. Brubaker, East Main St., “Mount Joy, Pa. oct30-tf NO SUNNING — Hunters are warned to trespass on my land Ho Benker farm) for the pur- pose of hunting! “Neeman Stauffer, Mt. Joy, Pa. oct30-tf FOR SALE—Pure Bred Chester IW Boa, will. weigh about 225 pounds. Apply to Jomas B. Bruba- ker, Route 2, Mt. Joy, along Man- heim road. oct30-2t FOR SALE — Round extension table with pads. Good as new. Ap- ply P. 0. Box 121, Florin, Pa. oct30-1t-ped i + 2 WANTED—We are now hiring “men for- new milk plant. See Mr. it. Sternberger’s Res- Jasrant any evening between 6 and - M. Buhrmaster & Cooley, Inc. oct30-uf WANTED—Female Cashier. Ap- ply between 5 and 6 P. M. Union Meat Store, 47 East Main St., Mt. , Joy, Pa. oct30-tf FOR SALE—- Bricker Bread Route Apply O. J. Kling, Florin,"%Pa., Phone 172R3. oct23-2¢ NOTICE—The insurance in the Donegal and Conoy Fire Insurance Companys. gow due and payable to the local agent Ms. J. Harry Miller, East Donegal St., If unpaid Nov. 15 your policy is suspended. oct23-tf NO GUNNING — Hunters warned not to trespass on my for the purpose of hunting. Hoffines, R1, Mt. Joy. are land Jacob oct23-2t-pd PANEL BODY TRUCK FOR SALE CHEAP. Apply to D. Roy Moose, Florin, Pa. oct23-2t FOR RENT--Two 6-room hous- es, with bath. One with hot water heat. Apply Miller" Mt. Joy. oct30-tf FOR SALE—-Ivory colored bassi- nette in use a short time. Mattress included. Sold reasonable, call at 23 East Main street. tf FOR SAL E—A Player Piano with 100 Rolls, Cabinet, Two Scarfs, Etc. Will. sell cheap: Gall” on" Harry Florin, Pa. oct16-4t WANTED — Middle-aged wom- an, general housework. Steady Mpply Mrs. E. L. Nissly, Florin, Pa. “ HAULING-—Christmas bacco season is coming. ing to do your hauling? get me. I. L. Zink, 107 St., Mt. Joy, Pa. NOTICE—Cider made dally up to ‘noon wats * Fairview - Or ch a zn Pa., Hours'6 X. M. t “ip P.M and Teo Who is go- Don’t for- Manheim oct9-4t-pd BOYS—1€ yrs. or over, must be of good character, clean habits, “should have at least some high school training. To such boys, we offer general office work with a wiew of them growing into useful men in our organization. This is a real opportunity for ambitious boys. INDEPENDENT OIL CJ Ask for Mr, Stauffer. sept25-tf | - RENT—Six Room Dwelling fished. All hy 30 room brick laundry, front of house, ¢, JEWELER Hoffman, | oct30-4t-pd | ce is tres- | south | Apply after 6. P, M.| on my |st Har- | sacrifice | before Nov, 1. J. B. Hos-| Greatest Thing In Life What is it? To stick around? To be useful? To do one’s duty? Yes, first and foremost to those who are dependent on you—your im- i mediate family. It is not their fault that you are related to them. { duty to them performed, you may develop yourself as an individual, | Your personality, your | are next in importance. Is it not in a national sense high- ant that we formulate a founded on the service for ly import: | national philosophy efficient ividual and the ma Americans by the a nation of mere one. 3: Th mcept of t we are | Euro who | men and women are mistaken most dollars wealth a not putting is have amassed the because have by product of principle, ollar-worship first, | We we made rvice, better has life The principle of be- with service, t thing in ial leaders. who have made plain and common | service, mote | come the great: | American indus ET | Men ! { generally 10'e8. APPLES, APPLES—Now is the winter. If we have it Stay- and | ap-| you want quality fruits, Smokehouse, Grimes Golden, man Winesap, Rome Beauty York Imperial. Get first-class ples at wholesale ‘prices. Also Ci- der Apples. MELHORN’S FRUIT | AND POULTRY | Springs Street, Mt. Joy, 63R3. Pa. “Phone oc SPECIAL NOTICE—I will again take up the trade of bonnet and] cap making, during the winter months, at the home of Mr. Amos Horst on East Main Street, Florin, Pa. Opening day on November 1, 1929. I will have: all kinds of bon- net and cap material on hand. First come, first served. Shenk. oetl16-3t WHO WANTS ONE OF THOSE WELL BUILT MOUNT JOY DE- VELOPMENT COMPANY HOUS- ES FOR $3,600? If interested see me at once. Can give possession any time. This is certainly a good buy. See Jno. E. Schroll, Mount Joy. july 31-tf RADIQ SERVICE—Equipped to service all makes of Radios. Phone T. F. McElroy, 179R3, Mt. Joy, Pa. augl4-tf LOT AND BUILDING FOR SALE—Lot about 18x40 with two- story Frame Building. Could easily be converted into a house. Will sell right. Jno. E. Schroll, Mount Joy, Pa. 2-13-tf FOR SAIE— 100 Acre Farm in West Hempfield Township, Lan- caster County tobacco farm,along dmosasber and Marietta oil bound road. Tt 98 a fertile farm and can be purchased on easy terms Apply Lizzie R. Nissly, Florin,Pa. NOTICE—Get the highest prices for your calves year around. Reist R. Mummau, Phone 111R16 E’town R. 3, Mt. Joy. july 17-tf NEW HOUSE CHEAP—I have a 6-room House along the trolley at Florin that I want to sell before April 1st. Has all conveniences and will sell for only $38,650 for a quick sale. This is No. 371 in my list. ino. E. Schroll, Realtor, Mt. Joy FINE HOME FOR SALE—If you jesire a fine home on W. Donegal 3t., Mt. Joy, in first-class condition, nas all conveniences, possession any time, call or phone 41R2 Mount Joy for further particulars. decl4-tf EXECUTRIX’S NOTICE Estate of Jane Brown, late Mt. Joy Borough, Pa., deceased. Letters testamentary on said es- ‘tate having been granted to the un- dersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested to make im- mediate and those having claims or demands against the same will present themuayithout delay for settlement to He siding at Mt. Joy, Pa. LILL TAN B. MILLER, executrix oc t30- 61 of re- John B. Graybill, Atty. EXECUTOR’S NOTICE Estate of Susan Williams, late of the Borough of Mount Joy, dec’d. Letters testamentary on said es- tate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested to make im- mediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same will present them without delay for settlement to the undersigned, re- siding in Mount Joy, Pa. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK & TRUST CO. OF MOUNT JOY Executor Zimmerman, Myers & Kready, Atty oct16-6¢ PUBLIC SALE Pursuant to an order of the Or- ohans Court of Lancaster County, the undersigned will scll at public sale a TWO AND ONE-HALF STORY FRAME STORE AND DWELLING HOUSE on North Market Street, Mt. Joy Borough formerly known @s Groff’s Saddlery Shop. Lot contains 18 feet by 69 feet. Sale to be held at the the Mt. Joy Bulletin, NOVEMBER 8TH, o'clock P. M. ELIZABETH SHAEFFER Executrix of the Estate of Frank B. Groff. Wm. C. Rehm, Atty. office of FRIDAY, 1929, at 7:30 octl6-4t “GREEN FROGS” £1 What are they? \/ Why are they? You want onel! CENTRAL CUT-RATE STORE 45 E. Main St. “ SETH THOMAS CLOCKS Don. W. Gorrecht Mt. Joy, Pa. individuality | millions are | as old | FARM, Donegal | Mrs. ‘Mabel W. | THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO., PA. YOUNG FOLKS JOIN IN WEDLOCK YOUNG IN FOLKS ARE JOINED THE HOLY BONDS OF MATRIMONY Gibble — Stauffer John 8. Gibble, son of Harrison | | S. Gibble, Manheim Route 6, and | Miss Ella Stauffer, ram Y, Stauffer, | Were married Thursday evening 00 o'clock by Elder A. S. ts at his residence RTA They were unattended. Mr. and Mrs. Gibble left for a short visit to Washington, D. C. Here ~ Eby Mis Mary E. Mr. and Mt. Joy, son of at tein Mrs, ( layton H. R. 2 and Mr. and Mrs. of Manheim, R. 3, Wednesday by Rev. {| home, Herr, Levi F. Eby, were married on at 8 o'clock Metzler, Erisman’s church. were attended by Clarence Nissley and Miss Martha Longenecker. | After the ceremony the couple left on a wedding trip to Niagara | Falls and Canada. a ENTERTAINS CLASS TO HAIIOWE’EN PARTY ea Mrs. H. G. Walters entertained { the Ladies’ Bible Class of the Evan- | gelical Congregational church at a | Hallowe’en party at her home | Thursday evening. A number of the | guests came in masquerade cos- tume. Prizes were won by Mrs. Rice, most comical costume; Mat- ilda Myers and [Robert Arntz, best appearing costume and Harry Wal- ters, Jr., hardest to guess. In the donkey contest Harry Walters, Jr., won the prize. The house was de- corated in keeping with the Hal- lowe’en season and refreshments were served by the hostess. The following were present: Mrs. George Heiserman, Mrs. John Way, Mrs. Charles Morton, Mrs. Boyd Bishop, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kay- lor, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Shoe- maker, B. F. Peffer, Mrs. Irwin Smith, Mrs. Darvin Pennell, Mrs. Rice, Mrs. Ella Herr, Mrs. Fred Leiberher, Kenneth and Bobby Leiberher, Mrs. Howard Bergman and son Bobby, Dorothy Kaylor, Matilda Myers, Bernice Geistweit, Beulah Smith, Beryl Amanda Herr, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Arntz, Gerald and Robert Arntz, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Walters, Barbara, Anne and Harry Walters, Jr. morn Martin G. near ng SALE REGISTER If you want a notice of your sale inserted in this register weekly from now until day of sale, ABSO- LUTELY FREE, send or phone us your sale date and when you are ready, let us print your bills. That’s the cheapest advertising you can get. Thursday, Oct. 31—On the prem- ises along the public road leading from Breneman’s School House to Rheems, in Mt. Joy Township, real estate and personal property by Harry H. Koser, executor of Peter Koser, deceased. Aldinger, auct. See advertisement. Saturday, Nov. 2 — At 125 Donegal street, Mount Joy, a lot of household goods by S. F. Eshleman, Katie Eshleman and Ella Eshleman. Frank, auct. Friday, Nov. 8—At the Bulletin Office, Mount Joy, Pa. at lot of ground with a frame building in Mount Joy by Elizabeth Shaeffer, executrix of Frank B. Groff deceased. Frank, auct. See adver- tisement. West 9—At Mount quinees Saturday Afternoon, Nov. their place of business near Joy, cows, poultry, apples, all kinds merchandise Frank & Bro. Private Sale Commencing Tuesday, Nov. 5, J. B. Keller & Bro. will sell a carload of Crawford Co. fresh cows and springers, stock cattle and cattle for beeves at private sale their yards here. “CONSERVE THE WINTER EV- According to Dr, Dowell irier, of College, Chairman County of the vaton Society lowing materials are wreath construction holiday season, viz., Aucuba, vitae, box, honeysuckle, ivy, winkle, privet, red cedar, pine, pine cones. On the other hand the American holly, laurel, Christmas fern, club mosses or ground pines, partridge berry and winter berry should be protected. It is not generally known that the recent trespass law of Pennsyl- vania provides severe penalties for those who wilfully and unlawfully remove the wild plant life from the land of another. “God has adorned the world with priceless beauty for the preserva- tion of which every soul of us is responsible according to our ability to guard it.” George Klingle i... rnbBo”i for Wild Flower of America, Preser- the fol- suggested for during the peri- white Prepare For Spring Lambs shelled corn to ‘each ewe daily will insure good breeding con- ditions and a better and more uni- be fed in equal proportions. EE aS enything from a ecard to a book, we are at your service. by C. 2 from | Your | | VUMBER OF VERY WELL KNOWN | daughter of Ab- | Manheim Route 4, | Hotten- | in Fast Pet- err, daughter of of | John 8. Eby, | . i at his j They | large | 7:30 P.M. aj store | | | ERGREENS,” SAYS DR. GRIER | Norman Mac- Elizabethtown | Lancaster | arbor- | WEDNESDAY, OCT. 30th, 1929- | ATER) Ley SEE 35- SAL The Most Outstanding New Development in Upholstering Methods in Years. Would you buy an automobile without a self starter? A Living Room Suite equipped with the “Crown Sagless Web Seat” is just as absolete. Ask us to show you this wonderful construction that is guar- anteed for the life of the suite. SHEARER’S FURNITURE STORE 37 South Market St., DEMONSTRATION OF THE CROWN SAGLESS WEBB BOTT! THIS DISPLAY IN OUR WINDOW OMS E OF LIVING ROOM SUITES Hl 1 ha fl od i i uid | A Non Sagging Re-Silent Noiseless Flexible Indestructible | Phone 12-R-5 Elizabethtown, Pa. Super Excellent Hosiery We use the words, super excellent, with assur- ance, since we feel cer+ tain that judgment of the quality of these hose will fully warrant our every claim. Plan to buy for the future as well as the present when you make your selections. The values. offered sug- gestions, The values offered suggest it as a practical economy. DRESSES Month-end Specials 20 Percent. Off GOLD MARK HOSIERY Regulay and out-size in medium dnd heavy ser- | vice weight. Also Chif- | fon. Kotex 39% Brassieres MARIE’ SPECIALTY SHOPPE 23 East Main St. Phone 33 0. K’S FISH SHOPPE Ornamental Fish Aquariums, Plants, Snails, Etc Feeding one-half pound of whole ! =} oats and form lamb crop. The grains should | When it’s job printing you need, |! State the amount you wish to pay for a complete ‘Aquarium and let us do the rest. You Will Be Pledised Mrs. O. K. Snyder Phone 57R4 MT. JOY, PA. £ oct30-3mos. | {i Are You Paying High Prices for Meat? Don’t Throw Your Money Away YOU CAN BUY THE BEST QUALITY HOME-DRESSED BEEF, VEAL, PORK AND COUNTRY-CURED SMOKED MEATS AT THIS FINE SANITARY MEAT MARKET AND SAVE FROM 5 TO 15c ON EVERY POUND OF MEAT. WE BUY OUR CATTLE IN LARGE QUANTITIES THAT IS THE REASON WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY. IF YOU HAVE NOT VISITED OUR STORE, DO SO TODAY. WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY. UNION MEAT STORES EAST MAIN STREET, MOUNT JOY, PA. Stores in Lancaster and Cclumbia Special Prices for Thursday, Friday and Saturday LEAN BOILING BEEF 20c ib CUT FROM YOUNG STEERS CHOICE Roasts 230 Ib Very Tender BEEF LAY FORE 280 b| PORK ROASTS 23¢c Ib 25¢ i Sugar Cured Smoked Hams 22¢ Ib CHOPS Get Delicious Country PUDDING your 49c Ih 2ic 1b These hams are smoked with hickory wood and will keep all winter. Delicious Creaiti« supply at this low price. d Fresh Choppe 2 5 e Ih Hoots Sui 250 Ib 2¢ Ib ah Sad Fresh Cooked TRIPE DELICIOUS FRANKFURTERS ALL NEXT WEEK Display and Demonstration of the GREAT MAJESTIC RANGE “THE RANGE WITH A REPUTATION” 4-Piece Copper Set Free With Each Range Ordered SPRECHER & GANSS, Inc. 31 South Queen Street LANCASTER, PENNA.