FIGHT gh Sd THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO., PA. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 23rd, 1929 lassified Column | Ty every attic “junk” that could be sold; Heri would advertise, “junk” would turn to gold. SALE—Bricker Bread Route | 0. J. Kling, in, 172R3. \ FOR SALE—A Good ping Room Suite, at ‘a e Nov. 1. Apply to 34 Done- Mount Joy. oct23-2¢ 10-Piece GUNNING — Hunters are bd not to trespass on my land he purpose of hunting. Jacob mes, R1, Mt. Joy. oct23- 2t-pd 0 ST — White-Gold Waltham | Watch with initials R. R. M., bwhere in town on Saturday. Ruth Miller, E’town, Phone R11. oct23-1t-pd DR RENT — Twe . furnished | Apply 220 East Main St. Joy, Pa. oct23-tf ANEL BODY TRUCK FOR! E CHEAP. Apply to D. Roy] se, Florin, Pa. oct23-2t 1 OR SALE-—Sweet Potatoes at 0 per bushel and ower. Wm. Longenecker, phone 142R3; Mt. 2. Pa. STOVE FOR SALE—A Grey led: Keeley Range in Al ne. Cost $125 and will sell for 5, A. W. Showalter, West Main | , Mount Joy. oct23-1t FOR RENT 6-Room House, Bath, Hot Water bat. Apply Miller Bros., Mt. Joy, oct23-tf 3 FOR SALE—Ivory colored bassi- btte in use a short time. | cluded. Sold reasonable, call East Main street. oct9- hy: FOR SALE—A Player Piano with! ("Rolls Cabinet, Two Scarfs, Ete. ill sell cheap.” Call ‘on Harry pssler, Florin, Pa. — OR SALE—A 6-Tube Freed- isemann Radio Set including Electric and Premier maker, Balkite Charger and Bi orage Battery. ‘ bought, heap. H. A. OBERDORF, Colum- bia, Pa. oct16-2t FOR SALE—Yellow Sweet Pota- oes at $1, $1.50, and $2 per bushel. Witmer Eshleman, R3, Mount Joy, Phone 132R15. oct16-2t-pd WANTED — Middle-aged wom- an, for general housework. Steady - employment. Apply Mrs. E. L. _Nissly, Florin, Pa. oct16-3t : FOR SALE—Othello Range cook stove.» Sell cheap. Call phone 147- 83, Mt. Joy, Pa. oct16-2t SPECIAL NOTICE—I will again take up the trade of bonnet and aking, during the winter t the home of Mr. Amos on Street, Florin, Opening da% on November 1, I will have of bon- Wet and cap material on hand. First ome, first served. Mrs. Mabel W. Shenk. oct16-3t HAULING—Christmas and To- acco season is coming. Who is go- ng to do your hauling? Don’t for- et me. I. L. Zink, 107 Manheim , Mt. Joy, Pa. oct9-4t-pd MNOTICE——Cider made daily up to turday noon at “Fairview . Orch- is,” Florin, Pa., Hours 6 A. M. to P. M. RADIO SERVICE—Equipped to ice “all makes of Radios..Rhone . McElroy, 179R3, Mt. Joy, Pa augl4-tf YS—1€ yrs. or over, must be ood character, clean habits, have at least some high training. To such boys, we beneral “office. work with a f them growing into useful our organization. This is a portunity for ambitious boys. K INDEPENDENT OIL CJ. Mr. Stauffer. sept25-tf OME FOR SALE—If you ne home on ‘W. Donegal boy, in first-class condition, nveniences, possession any or phone 41R2 Mount Joy r particulars. decl4-ti oct23-2¢ | lowing | More or less, situated as above oct23- it PUBLIC SALE ) ne | THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24th, 1929 { Will be sold a¥ public sale on the | premises, in township, along ithe road leadi from Mount Joy to Newtown, about two and one-halt | miles south of the former and close to the latter, four and one-half { miles north of + Columbia, the fol- described real estate: Tract Limestone Land Contaifing 110 Acres de- scribed and adjoining lands of | Phares Nissley,: John Hertzler, Niss- ley Greeder, S@muel Shenk, Lewis Resh and Henry Mellinger. The im- brovements théreon erected are a TW AND ONE-HALF HH STORY BRICK HOUSE gf With a 2-story Brick Summer House attached, All under Slaté Roof..Frame BANK BARN, Wagon and Straw Sheds attached; Silo 12x30 ft.; 2 Tobacco Sheds 36x60 and 28x30 ft., being jample shedding for 8 acres; Corn { Barn, with 2 Implement Sheds at- tached; Pig Sty, Dairy House, Pumn House, and all necessary outbuild- ings. The house and barn are wired for electric light. There is a well of never-failing , water close to the house. Also a good cistern. Water pumping is done by motor at present. There lis & lot of choice fruit such as ap- ples, pears and peaches. The buildings dre centrally cated and nearly all under slate roofs. Farm is imidivded into six convenient fields and is in a high state of cultivation. This farm is very conveniently located and is lclose to markets and mechanics of all kinds. Persons wishing to view same pri- or to day of sale will please call on the premises or on the undersigned residing at Mt. Joy. Sale to com- i mence at 2 P. M., when terms will ‘be made known by lo- ELI M. ENGLE C. S. Frank, Auct. J. H. Zeller & Son, Clks. oct2-4t PUBLIC SALE Jy —of— VALUAB REAL ESTATE THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1929 At 2:00 o’tlock P. M.,, on the premises, the’ undersigned, pursuant to directions ¢ontained in the will !of Peter Koser, deceased, will ex- | pose to public &ale all that certain {tract of land situated in Mount Joy £ | Township, Lancaster County, Penn- {sylvania, on the ‘public rcad leading from Breneman’s School House to Rheems, CONTAINING 15 ACRES and 39 3-4 Perches, more or les ss, adjoining property:of Daniel War- ner, Paul Earhart and John Ganta. The improvements thereon consist of a 1 ING HOUSE, FRAME BARN, with electric lights. Also a never-failing well of water and a variety of Fruit frees. At the same time there will be sold by the undersigned, a lot of household goods, consisting of Fur- niture, Dishes, Carpets, Rugs, Etec. Sale to commence at 2 o’clock P. M., when terms and conditions will be made known by HARRY H. KOSER Executor of the will of Peter Ko- ser, deceased. Frank Aldinger, Auct. M. E. Musser, Atty. TWO AND ONE-HALF STORY FRAME DWELL- oct16-2t PUBLIC SALE Pursuant to an order of the Or- phans Court of Lancaster County, the undersigned will sell at public sale a TWO AND ONE-HALF STORY FRAME STORE AND DWELLING HOUSE on North Market Street, Mt. Joy Borough. formerly known ag Groff’s Saddlery Shop. Lot contains 18 feet by 69 feet. Sale to be held at the office of the Mt. Joy Bulletin, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8TH, 1929, at 7:30 o'clock P. M. ELIZABETH SHAEFFER Executrix of the Estate of Frank B. Groff. Wm. C. Rehm, Atty. EXECUTOR’S NOTICE Estate of Susan Williams, late of the Borough of Mount Joy, dec’d. Letters testamentary on said es- tate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested to make im- mediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same will present them without delay for settlement to the undersigned, re- siding in Mount Joy, Pa. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK & TRUST CO. OF MOUNT JOY Executor Zimmerman, Myers & Kready, Atty oct16-6% oct16-4t APPLES, APPLES—Now is the time to buy Apples for winter. If you want quality fruits, we have it Smokehouse, Grimes Golden, Stay- man Winesap, Rome Beauty and York Imperial. Get first-class ap- ples at wholesale prices. Also Ci- der Apples. MELHORN’S FRUIT AND POULTRY FARM, Donegal | Springs Street, Mt. Joy, Pa. Phone ‘ oct2-tf ND BUILDING FOR about 18x40 with two- e Building. Could easily d into a house. Will Jno. E. Schroll, Mount 2-13-tf T—Six Room Dwelling ed. All Conveniences. INRY 'G. CARPENTER T-—A 10-room brick ter heat, electric light, poultry house, ,2 gar- llar, laundry, front idth of house, lawn, roll, Realtor, Mount jan23-tf 100 Acre Farm in ‘lownship, Lan- to o farm,along Marietis oil bound fertile farm FLORIN COMMUNITY SALE! FRIDAY EVENING, OCT. 25, 1929 An Extra Fine Lot of And Other Fruit POULTRY & OTHER LIVE STOCK ALSO FURNITURE And a thousand and “one other ticles such as Hardware, Dress Goods, Stoves, ete. Don’t fail to come. along anything you care to dispose of. By Florin Coramunity Sales Co. ar- Novelties, Consistent and NOT spasmodic advertising alwags pays best. Each time you stop advertising, the pub- lic thinks you quit business. tf rset Cnet Subscribe for The Bulletin. PROF. L. C. BARNET TO OFFER|S Pianoforte and Organ to students|g from the beginner's grade to theif more advanced in Mt. Joy. —' Prof. Barnet’s early musical +8 APPLES, POTATOES, BANANAS % Also bring. COURSES IN PIANOFORTE __ AND ORGAN Prof. Barnet will offer courses in] training was received at Harrisburg Conservatory, later graduating fron Lebanon Valley Conservatory. Hef! then studied a few years at Peabody Institute of MuSie, later doing ad<] vanced work under private instruc tors in New York. ~ Prof. Barnet has had thirteen years of teaching experience. He is a pupil of the noted English] ok >) 0 0 x 0 These Low Prices For THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND Were You In The Crowd? We want to thank the hundreds of people who visited our New Store, Friday and Sat- urday of last week. We never expected such a large turn-out. We want to apologize for any inconvenience you may have had in waiting for your turn, but we promise you better service and still lower prices for our fine grade of Home-Dressed Beef, Pork, Veal and Country Cured Smoked Meats. SATURDAY organist, Carl Phillips. x x & RS Oo x CO x 0 * For terms, address Middletown Pa., or call Bell phone Steeltomy 113W. oct23-1% HOW 1 STOPPED SAMPLES OF OUR LOW PRICES TENDER BOILING BEEF 18c 1b. TENDER BEEF Chuck Roasts 23c¢ Ib. GETTING UP AT NIGHT MR. McCLOSKEY'’S KIDNEYS" FEEL FINE SINCE TAKING Tender Beef Steaks Fresh 39¢ 1b. | Ground Beef %c Ib. | , Fresh eef Liver 20c¢ 1b. MATAMEL, CONTAINING SAP OF MEXICAN MA: GUEY PLANT. NOT A DRUG RUMP ROASTS 28c 1b. SHOULDER ROASTS OF BEEF 28c 1b. Looking hale and healthy once more, Mr. W. Gi McCloskey, popu- lar salesman, made a statement here’ today which should be read by ev-] ALL OUR BEEF is cut from home-dressed Young Beef-Government Inspected = ery one of our readers troubled with certain forms of kidney bladder disorder. J “Until I discovered Matamel, I was forced to get up four and five times a night due to faulty kidneyy SMALL LEAN PORK CHOPS 28c 1b. SMALL LEAN FRESH HAMS 23c lb. action. My limbs ached miserably and I just felt like 80 years old. IJ was always tired, had no appetit and suffered with indigestion. My] back pained me something terrible.” | “] tried medicine after medicine; Fresh Country Sausage Pure Por | Home-Made ountry PUDDING 25: | COUNTRY scraveLs 19€ Ib. but nothing gave me the results KH wanted. Then I read about —how it is a compound of the fresh- Small Smoked Picnic HAMS, 1b 17¢ Sugar Cured Smoked BACON, Ib 23c sap of the Mexican Maguey Plant— how it has helped people I myselfy know. I am truly amazed at the fine results secured in my own cases I feel as though a load has been lif- ted off my shoulders—I sleep al night—wake up feeling strong and] SMOKED HAM BUTTS, 1b... ALL OUR SMOKED MEATS ARE HICKORY SMOKED | 27¢ LARGE SMOKED HAMS, 1b ready for a good day’s work. I dod not tire as easily as I did previously My appetite is fine—bowels work regularly. I am glad to lend my Pure Country LARD, lb 12¢ t CREAMERY BUTTER, 1b name to such a remarkable health- product as Matamel.” - If your sleep is interrupted, if you have awful back, arms’ or legs, swellings, headaches, dizzy] spells, and rheumatic pains due to faulty kidney elimination why not give Matamel a trial? For the benefit of local men and women so troubled Matamel is sold, here by: W. D. Chandler & Co,|2 RS * & x x +x A RJ a * J + * J AJ * A J * AJ A A * x A HC * +x J & x x Rd RJ +* LS & x + x £0 + x J O &) oN x J OH & x J x I x & & & & & J I x JS J & J eS x & x + &J x x x + eS &3 UNION MEAT STORES 47 EAST MAIN STREET, MOUNT JOY, PA. Stores in Lancaster and Columbia OUR STORE OPEN EVERY DAY FROM 7 A. M. TO 6 P. M. SATURDAY UNTIL 10 P. M. MOUNT JOY, PA. Lumber Lumber Beginning about Nov. 15. 1 start making all kinds of Building} JACOB G. BAKER- Phone 1R2 Manheim RD MANHETM oct23-tf | week. WHO WANTS ONE OF THOSE| WELL BUILT MOUNT JOY DE- 8, Letters of administration on said Snyder. which was town, mad Sunday Excursion $1.00 HARRISBURG THE STATE CAPITAL AND RETURN ..SUNDAYS NOVEMBER 3, DECEMBER 1 Special Train H. E. taken over M. Middletown 7.27: P. M., Elizabethtown 7.40 P. ‘M. and Lancaster 8.05 P. ALL STEEL EQUIPMENT Pennsylvania Railroad many new The Advertise in The Bulletin. Consistent Advertising Pays. Hauer, company of the pioneer electrical store of Lan- THEY WERE LUCKY DURING OUR FAIR (From page 1) returned, two cans Sauer Kraut and Cooker; second, No. 2272 Set; Material, Bridge and Barn Lumber, Clear Oak for mill Work, ete. in|¢an Apple Butter. John Earhart’s woods near Hossler’s Wiig First, No. Church. Also Cord and Slab Woods iy ‘Billow, Towel = No. 2216, Mr. Nolt, of Fruit. All lucky numbers not are good until Saturday H. S. Newcomer's Newcomer’s won e the corated cake to the lucky Mrs. Young, of town, ticket No. 117. J. K. Freymyer, cake and gave it to the association free. em sent einai Qe MR. H. E. HAUER BUYS AN V ELECTRICAL STORE AT LANC. by of the Lv. Mt. Joy .%... 9.50 A. M. RETURNING caster. Leave Harrisburg. 7.15 P. The new store lines. Bulletin friends here in wishing Mr. Haber unlimited success. \ formerly rietor of a general store Evans will be Hauer’s Electrical Shop, carry the same lines as carried hy the Evans Company joins 2082 not third, Landisville, returned of this | | | Hardware | VELOPMENT COMPANY HOUS- Store awarded 2 Majestic Radio | ES FOR $3,600? If interested see to the holder of ticket No. 1238.] me at once. Can give possession Elmer E. Brown was the lucky] any time. This is certainly a good | person. ' buy. See Jno. E. Schroll, Mount There were also three $25 credits Joy. july 31-tf|oiven to these ticket holders. Mrs. Herman Brinser, Donald Peifer, NEW HOUSE CHEAP—I have|,nq Earl Grissinger. a 6-room House along the trolley at Brevenian 2 Son Florin that I want to sell before Gao Brenan is toaal April 1st. Has all conveniences and| X¢0- breneman ange Son, oon will sell for only $3,650 for a quick furniture dealers, gave a beautiful sale. This is No. 371 in my list. [prize each night to the lucky Jno. E. Schroll, Realtor, Mt. Joy {ticket holders. Thursday evening, a beautiful Bridge Lamp, ticket No. ADMINISTRATCRS’ NOTICE 72, Daniel Erb; Friday evening, a Floor Lamp, ticket, No. 266, Lizzie Estate of John B. Hertzler, late| Witmer; Saturday evening, Beaded of East Hempfield township, dec’d. | ploor Lamp, ticket No. 437, Naomi estate having been granted to the W G Iv undersigned, all persons indebted arren thereto are requested to make im-! At the Warren Greenawalt store mediate payment, and those having | on West Main street, a seven-tube | claims or demands against the same, Bremer-Tully Radio to the holder will present them without delay for|of a ticket No. 278. H. A. Daxgen- | the re |kamp was the winner. siding in Salunga, Pa. ® CHARLOTTE E. HERTZLER +d. BR, Fryveyers W. G. Kendig, Attorney J. K. Freymeyer, baker of Eliza- ‘Administrator | bethtown, gave three pri izes to ae sept18-6t cta | persons guessing the number - orains in a bottle. First, te i = Clyde Eshleman, $5.00, RL baking “GREEN FROGS”??? | products; second, Mrs. C. Kin- | What ave they? f sey, Florin; $3.00 in bs hy pro- Why are they? "Nj duets, and third, a tie, Marvin Zh You want one!! and Roy Garber, both $2.00 CENTRAL CUT-RATE STORE ||baking products. | 45 E. Main St. The Mt. Joy Community Exhibit Association gave a mammoth de- number Mabel Elizabeth- the pro- here, has Electrical 149 East King street, known as anc will together , with his ol ny Subscribe for The Bulletin. 1 —and Mnmow ait your Lp-to- date Soda Grill I OASTEID SANDWICHES TRY THEM WITH A CUP OF OUR HOT CHOCOLATE DELICIOUS SUNDAES CREAMY MILK SHAKES WONDERFUL CHOCOLATE SNAPPY SODAS $1.00 25¢ $1.00 60c LISTERINE FEENAMINTS MILES NERVINE | Cocucop oug edicine 69¢ 17¢ 59¢ Pro $1.20 785c 50c COURTESY + SCOTT'S GILLETTE QUALITY + EMULSION |VICK’S VAPORUB BLADES SERVICE IS 85¢ 49¢ 37¢ FREE!! - TR WE GUARANTEE YOU THE LOWEST PRICES IN TOWN!! CENTRAL. CUT-RATE STOR “SERVICE WITH A SAVING” 45 E. MAIN ST. MT. JQY, PENNA. ES | | | | Marie’s Specially Shoppe 23 EAST MAIN STREET GOLD MARK HOSIE RY : Will Wear Well Semi-service “Weight, Heavy Service andl ¥ on All fullfashioned in beautiful Fall shaded. Prices $1, $1.50, $1.7 Phone 33 OES BOS AAT , $1.85, $1.95 Closed Monday a SALE REGISTER | If you want a notice of your sale | inserted in this register weekly from now until day of sale, ABSO- LUTELY FREE, send or phone us Foon sale date and when you are {zeadv, let us print your bills. That's the cheapest advertising you can get. eh Thursday, Oct. 24—On the prem- ises along the youd leading from Mount Joy to Newtown, 2%. miles south of the former, in Rapho township, a farm of 110 acres by Eli M. Engle. Frank, auct. See ad- vertisememt Friday, st her late resi- dence on Joy, Pa., West Donegal St., Mount entire lot of household goods by First National Bank and Trust Co, of Mount jams. large lot Nathan Zink. Joy, executor of Susan Will- Frank, auct. Saturday, ses, 127 Mount Joy St., October 26—On the premi- Mount Joy, a of household goods by Mrs. Frank, auct. Thursday, Oct. 31—On the prem- ises along the public from B Rheems, estate and personal Harry H. Koser, road leading reneman’s School House to in Mt. Joy Township, real property by Koser, executor of Peter deceased. Aldinger, auct. See advertisement. Friday, Nov. 8—At the Bulletin Office, Mount Joy, Pa. at 7: 30 P.M, a lot of ground with a frame store building in Mount Joy by Elizabeth Shaeffer, executrix of Frank B. Groff, deceased, Frank, auct. See adver- tisement. Sauer Kraut Supper The Women’s Auxiliary of the &t. Luke’s Episcopal Church will hold a Sauer Kraut Supper in the basement of the church on Saturday, Nov. 2nd, from five to eight P. M. TE 9 nr There is no better way to beost your business than by local news- paper advertising,