HE EEE en & THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO., PA. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 16th, 1929 == ANNOUNCING THE Opening of Our New Store West Main Street, Mount Joy, Pa. (FORMERLY BROWN BROS.) With a complete Stock from two Hardware Stores, together with an added line of the best the market affords. Having ample floor space, we have a wonderful display of useful every day articles and most cordially invite you to inspect our stock. We really have more stock than we care to carry and have therefore reduced prices from 10 to 25 percent. in order to move it quickly. When We will have a Paint Demonstration at our store Saturday, October 19. We are making a Special Display of McCor- mick-Deering Farm Machinery at the Market House building during the Exhibit. On Friday evening we will show Moving Pictures of interest to farmers. you come to the Community Fair this week don’t fail to visit this store. J. B. HOSTETTER & SON West Main Street MOUNT JOY, PENNA. assified Column ly every attic e's “junk’’ that could be sold; wners would advertise, “junk” would turn to gold. “FOR house with conveniences. Apply L. Pewey Hei: fig, 841 W. Donegal St., Mt. Joy. oct2-ti FOR SALE—-Ivory colored bassi- nette in use a short time. Mattress included. Sold reasonable, call at 23 East Main street. oct9-tf SALE—Two Tobacco Strip- ping Room Stowes, .one.good as new. 1. C. Swarr, 7 W. Main St. octd-2t | STOVE FOR SALE—A Grey Enameled Keeley Range in Al shape. Cost $125 and will sell for $45. A. W. Showalter, West Main St., Mount Joy. oct9-2t-pd & : FOR SALE—A Player Piano with # “380° Rells, Cabinet, Two. Scarfs. Etc. Will sell cheap. Call on Harry Ressler, Florin, Pa. oct16-4t — FOR SALE—A 6-Tube Freed- hE CT n Radio Set including = Lt Electric and Premier Loud Speaker, Balkite Charger and Storage Battery. Can “be bought, cheap. H. A. OBERDORF, Colum: bia, Pa. oct16-2t FOR SALE—A ten-piece Ameri- ean Walnut Dining Room Suite—- Queen Anne style, like new. Also Reed Go-cart. Inquire at 325 West Donegal St., Mt. Joy, Pa. oct16-1t-pd FOR SALE-—Yellow Sweet Pota- {toes at $1, $1.50, and $2 per bushel Witmer Eshleman, R3, Mount Joy. Phone 132R15. oct16-2t-pd FOR Work Pants and Strickler’s Store, Mt. Joy. oct16-1t-pd Shirts. Hich-grade Groceries and Strickler’s Store, Mount oct16-1t-pd For Candies. Joy. 5. WANTED — Middle-aged wom- an, for general housework. Steady employment. Apply Mrs. E. L. Nissly, Florin, Pa. oct16-3t SALE—Othello Range cook ‘¢heap, «Call phone 147- oct16-2t NOTICE—I will again trade of bonnet and] during the winter] me of Mr. Amo¢] Florin, ber. 1, first served. oct16-5f I have at Vu. Estate of Susan Williams, late of I. L. Zink, 107 Manheim get me. oct9-4t-pd i St., Mt. Joy, Pa. NOTICE—Cider made daily up to Saturday ‘hoon at ‘‘Eairview Orch- ards,” Florin, Pa., Hours 6 A. M. to 5PM. FOR SALE —Danish Ball head Cabbage, hard heads for sauer kraut or storage. Phone 181R4. Henry F. Garber, R3, Mt. Joy, Pa. oct9-2t-pd _ ‘RADIO .SERVICE—Equipped to service ‘all mikes. of Radios. Phone T. F. McElroy, 179R3, Mt. Joy, Pa augld-tf BOYS—1€ yrs. or over, must be 0% good character, clean habits, should have at least some high school training. To such boys, we offer general cffice work with a view of them growing into useful men in our organization. This is a real opportunity for ambitious boys. SCHOCK INDEPENDENT OIL CJ. Ask for Mr. Stauffer. FINE HOME FOR SALE—If you desire a fine home on W. Donegal St., Mt. Joy, in first-class condition, has all conveniences, possession any time, call or phone 41R2 Mount Joy for further particulars. decl4-ti LOT AND BUILDING FOR SALE—Lot about 18x40 with two- HAULING—Christmas and To-{RESOLUTIONS FOR REV. H. § bacco season is coming. Who is go- KIEFER AND WIFE ~~ ing to do your hauling? Don’t for- Mt. Joy, Pa., Oet. 11, 192 formerly the pastor of Bh a! in Rapho township, along + the road leading from Mount Joy to Joy Ministerial Association Whereas, the Rev. H. S. Kiefer; Mark’s Church of the Christ, is about to remove to a new] field of labor. Be it resolved ~— Mount! express that the its heart-felt regret at the parting-{ Be it further resolved that we re cord our appreciation of his Chris tian friendship annd our admiration of his eight year pastorate, result ing in the erection of an auditorium. which made the chureh the cathed-r ral of our town. The the monument of living, loving hearts that beat in hagmony with his. - Be it further resolved that we rec cord our regard for his wife and cao: worker, Mrs. Kiefer. : ~ We wish them God speed andy pray that they may be increasingly] successful until we meet face te] face with the great Shepherd andy Bishop of our souls. Be it further resolved that = copy of these resolutions be given Bro. Kiefer, and that they be spread upon our minutes, and publishéd_in the Mount Joy Bulletin. C. B. SEGELKEN GEO. A. KERCHER A. LEE BARNHART WM. H. BEYER... octl6-1t PUBLIC SALE —of— i VALUABLE REAL ESTATE THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1929] A%.2:00 o’clock P. M., on the] story Frame Building. Could easily be converted into a house. Will] sell right. Jno. E. Schroll, Mount Toy, Pa. 2-13-tf | | WHO WANTS ONE OF THOSE | WELL BUILT MOUNT JOY DE-| VELOPMENT COMPANY HOUS- ES FOR $3,600? If interested see me at once. Can give possession any time. This is certainly a good buy. See Jno. E. Schroll, Mount Joy. july 31-tf 0. K. FISH SHOPPE FANCY FISH SEE THE MAMMOTH GOLD FISH AT THE COMMUNEEY EXHIBIT 0. K. SNYDER MT. JOY, PA. octl6-1t EXECUTOR’S NOTICE the, Borough of Mount Joy, dec’d. testamentary on said es- tate haying been granted to the undersi , all persons indebted pi arevrequested to make im- mediate payment, and those having claims or demarids against the same will present them "without delay for settlement to the re- siding in Mount Joy, Pal. THE FIRST National aN & TRUST CO. OF MOUNT y Executor |of Peté® Koser, deceased, premiges, the undersigned, pursuant to dirgetions contained in the will Wi tnd THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24th, 1929 More or less, situated as above auditorinmt is his monument: but better still isl PUBLIC SALE Will be sold at public sale on the Newtown, about two and one-half miles south of the former and close to the latter, four and one-half miles north of Columbia, the fol- lowing described real estate: Traet Limestone Land Containing 110 Acres de- scribed and adjoining lands of Phares Nissley, John Hertzler, Niss- ley Greeder, Samuel Shenk, Lewis Resh and Henty Mellinger. The im- provements thereon erected ave a TWO AND ONE-HALF STORY BRICK HOUSE With a 2-story Brick Summer House attached, All under Slate Roof. Frame BANK BARN, Wagon and Straw Sheds attached; Silo 12x30 ft.; 2 Tobacco Sheds 36x60 and 28x30 ft., being] ample shedding for 8 acres; Corn Barn, with 2 Implement Sheds at-| tached; Pig Sty, Dairy House, Pumv| House, and all negessary outbuild- ings. The house and barn are wired for electric light. There is a well of never-failing water close to the house. Also a good cistern. Water pumping ig done by motor at present. There is a lot of choice fruit such as ap- ples, pears and peaches. The buildings are céntrally Io- cated and nearly all under slate roofs. Farm is indivded into six convenient fields and is in’ a high state of cultivation. This farm is very conveniently located: and is close to markets and mechanies of all kinds. Persons wishing to view same pri- will ex- pose to Spublic sale all that certain | tract of land situated in Mount Joy | Township, Lancaster County, Penn-| sylvania, op the public rcad leading | from Breneman’s School House to Rheems, CONTAINING 15 ACRES and 39 3-4 P®tches, more or less, adjoining property of Daniel War-| or to day of sale will please call on the premises or on the undersigned residing at Mt. Joy. Sale to com- mence at 2 P. M., when terms will be made known by ELI M. ENGLE C. 8S. Frank, Auct. J. H. Zeller & Son, Clks. oct2-4t ELECTRIC LIGHT SALE PUBLIC SALE ner, Paul Earhart and John Gantz. The improvemgnts thereon consist of a TWO ND ONE-HALF STORY FRAME DWELL- | ING HOUSE, FRAME | SE BARN, with electric lights. | water | | i Also a never-failing well of and a variety of Fruit trees. : At the same time there will be] sold by the undersignell, a lot of | household goods, consisting of Fur-| niture, Dishes, Carpets, Rugs, Etc. | Sale to commence at 2 ¢'clock P.| M., when terms and conditions will | be made known by *% HARRY H. FOSER Executor of the will of Peter; ser, deceased. frank Aldinger, Auct. M. E. Musser, Atty. oct16-2t “GREEN FROGS”??? What are they? N Why are they? You want one!! CENTRAL CUT-RATE “STORE 45 E. Main St. immerman, Myers & Kready, Atty oct16-6t i) fee 20 HEAD CHOICE COWS —and— LOT OF CHOICE SHOATS Friday Evening, Oct. 18, 1929 The undersigned will sell at pub lic sale at their place of business, at Rheems, Pay the following live stock: 20 HEAD OF CHOICE LANCASTER, DAUPHIN AND PERRY COUNTY CO Consisting of Fresh, ®pringers and some Backward Cows, Also a few February Cows. Amd these are some extra heavy Holstein Cows— the real kind for milk. ° 6 SHEEP, as good as they grow Sale to commence at 7 P. M., when conditions will be made known by oct16-1t MUMMAU BROS. FOR RENT-—S8ix Room Dwelling Heat All Conveniences. ED Sanitation and Equipment épproved by the Pennsylvania Department of Health Sundaes, Sodas, Milk Shakes, Fruit:Drinks, and “Breyer’s” Ice Cream by all indica- tions have met with Your approval A ANITATION Sr MOUNT JOY’S MODERN ATTRACTIVE GRILL CENTRAL CUT-RATE STORE SODA GRILL The Only Place in Mount Joy Serving Breyer’s Ice Cream 45 EAST MAIN STREET ERVICE ATISFACTION | MOUNT JOY, PA. EV TT rR Re, CUT-PRICE ORIGINATORS 45 E. Main PUBLIC sale a STORY FRAME Market Street, Mt. formerly known as Shop. IL.ot contains feet. Sale to be held the Mt. NOVEMBER 8TH, o'clock P. M. ELIZABETH S Executrix of the B. Groff. Wm, C. Rehm, Atty Pursuant order of the undersigned will sell at TWO AND ONE-HALF DWELLING HOUSE at the Joy Bulletin, WHEN YOU NEED— St. SALE public AND North Joy Borough, Groff’s Saddlery 18 feet by 69 STORE on office of FRIDAY, 1929, at 7:30 HAEFFER Estate of Frank oct16-4t BRANDT Mount Joy Street Famous Chincotague Salt Oysters Ice Cream, Groceries and Confections 1 BROS. Mount Joy, Pa. FOR RENT—A dens, cold cellar, porch entire width HENRY G. CARPENTER Sept. 25-tf a Joy. ete. Jno. IE. Schroll, : 10-room brick house, hot water heat, electric light, bath, garage, poultry house, 2 gar- laundry, front of house, lawn, Realtor, Mount jan23-tf the Orel phans Court of Lancaster County, MEDICINES TOILET ARTICLES COSMETICS BABY SUPPLIES FIRST AID NEEDS / Think of— N CENTRAL CUT-RATE STORE MOUNT JOY, PA. “In Business For Your Health” 9 We, the undersigned, will start to peddle Apples and other Fruit in Mt. Joy on Fri- day, Oet. 18th, and Friday thereafte¥. Watch for our truck. Price® Low. C. S, FRANK & BRO, Also will have Choice: Apples: at private sale at our resi- dence on Fairview stréet at] \ all times. oct16-1t FOR SAIE— 100 Acre Farm in West Hempfield Township, Lan- caster County tobacco farm,along Lancaster and Marietta oil bound road. It is a desirable, fertile: £arm| and can be purchased on easy terms Apply Lizzie R. Nissly, Flori,Pa. oct16-8% every | PUBLIC SALE THURSDAY, OCT. 17, 1929 The undersigned will sell at pub- fic sale on the premises, along the road leading from Mount Joy to Newtown, about two miles south of the former and one mile north of the latter, in Rapho Township, the following described real estate: TRACT LIMESTONE LAND Containing 120 Acres More of less, situated as above de- scribed, adjoining lands of Eli Reist Christian L. Nissley, Nissley Greio- er, Phares Nissley and the Little Chickies Creek. The improvements thereon erected are a TWO AND ONE-HALF £5 STORY FRAME, BRICK seed AND STONE DOUBLE HOUSE, each side has heat, light, bath, etc. A BANK BARN 56x110 FT. That was only built four years ago. Shedding for 15 acres of tobacco. 4-Car Garage. og Sty, Chicken House and all négessary outbuild- ings. All these Buildings are in first-class repair. The land is in a high state of cultivation and the farm is a most exeellent cropper. This farm is very pleasantly lo- tated, in a good neighborhood and is convenient to markets as well as mechanics of all kinds. Any person wishing to view the same prier to day of sale will please call on the undersigned re- siding thereon. Sale to commence at 1:30 P. M., on . Thursday, Oct. 17, 1929, when terms will be made known by ; WM. H. STRICKLER C. S. Frank, Auct. J. H, Zeller & Son, Clks. % APPLES, APPLES—Now is the buy Apples for wintgy. If you want.quality fruits, we Wve it. Grimes Golden, Stay- man Winesap,, Rome Beauty and York Imperial. “Get first-class ap- ples at wholesale priges. Also Ci- der Apples. MELHORN'S: FRUIT AND POULTRY FARM, B al tines Street, Mt. Joy, Pa. Phone ov NOTICE—Get the highest prices fervour calves year around. Reist R. Mummadu, Phone 111R16 E'town 3, Mt. Wy. oe TR oct2-tf duly 17-2 TT SRR a or