heating system, PAGE EIGHT . Classified Column WANTED—Tenant man to work by day farming tobacco. Apply Christ M. Herr, R. 1, Mount Joy, Phone 44R21 Marietta. Sept. 18-2t-pd = FOR RENT—House 226 East Wain ‘St; Mount Joy, eight large rooms and bath, het and cold water, electric lights and gas, garage, close to three factories. Jacob Herman. Sept. 18-1t FOR SALE—Haywood Wakefield Baby Carriage in good condition. Also Baby Scales. Christ Weidman, E. Main St., Mt. Joy. sept 18-tf FOR SALE—A new Singer Sew- ing Machine and a Good Couch, Apply to "57 Donegal Springs St. sept18-2t TENANT FARMER WANTED For the Schlegelmilch farm, one mile outside of Marietta. Apply to Mrs. Frank Schlegelmilch, Phone 104, Marietta, Pa. sept19-3t-pd | WANTED—Plain Sewing. Also mending neatly done. 206 East Main St., Mt. Joy, Pa. sept18-1t-pd RADIO. SERVICE—Equipped to pervice all ‘makes of Radies, Phone TM. F. McElroy, 179R3, Mt. Joy, Pa. augl4-tf FOR SALE—Burroughs Adding Machine, Remington Cash Register, National Cash Register, Oliver Typewriter, a Safe, and a Check Writer. Apply to J. B. Hostetter & Son, Mt. Joy. sept11-2t NOTICE-—We make cider every Thursday at Fairview Orchards, Florin. Minimum charge for oper- ating press, $1.00. aug21-tf HOUSE FOR RENT—A 6-room house on East Main St., with elec- tric lights, gas, yard, garden and garage. Only $18.00 per month. Vacant now. Apply to J. E. Schroll, Mount Joy, Pa. sepll-tf WILL RENT, SELL OR TRADE ~—One of the Development Com- pany Houses on West Donegal St., Mt. Joy. In good shape, hardwood floors, window shades, etc. What have you? Will trade on town or country property. Jno. E. Schroll, Mt. Joy. aug7-tf NOTICE—Get the highest prices for your calves year around. Reist R. Mummau, Phone 111R16 E’town R. 3, Mt. Joy. july 17-tf LOT AND BUILDING FOR SALE—Lot about 18x40 with two- story Frame Building. Could easily be converted into a house. Will sell right. Jno. E. Schroll, Mount Joy, Pa. 2-13-tf A BARGAIN—Who wants a tract of land fronting 100 feet on the highway between here and Flor- in and 540 feet deep? The price is very reasonable if sold soon. J. E. Schroll, Mt. Joy. mar 2-tf FINE HOME FOR SALE—If you desire a fine home on W. Donegal St., Mt. Joy, in first-class condition, kas all conveniences, possession any time, call or phone 41R2 Mount Joy for further particulars. decl4-tf NEW HOUSE CHEAP—I have a 6-room House along the trolley at Florin that I want to sell before April 1st. Has all conveniences and will sell for only $3,650 for a quick sale. This is No. 371 in my list. Jno. E. Schroll, Realtor, Mt. Joy. FOR RENT—A 10-room brick house, hot water heat, electric light, bath, garage, poultry house, 2 gar- dens, cold cellar, laundry, front porch entire width of house, lawn, ete. Jno. E. Schroll, Realtor, Mount Joy. jan23-tf ADMINISTRATORS’ NOTICE Estate of John B. Hertzler, late ‘of East Hempfield township, dec’d. Letters of administration on said estate ‘having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested to make im- mediate payment, and those having elaims or demands against the same, will present them without delay for settlement to the undersigned, re giding in Salunga, Pa. CHARLOTTE E. HERTZLER W. G. Kendig, Attorney Administrator sept18-6t cta EXECUTORS’ SALE REAL ESTATE FRIDAY, SEPT. 27, 1929 The undersigned will sell at pub- lic sale at the Bulletin Office, East Main street, Mt. Joy, Pa, the fol- owing Real Estate: TWO LOTS GROUND Each fronting 25 feet on the South side of West Main Street in the Boro of Mount Joy and extend- jng in depth of that width 203 feet to Henry Street. The buildings thereon erected are as follows: On Lot No. 46 is Erected a FINE NEW 21; STORY : BRICK HOUSE, just com- pleted and never been oc- cupied. This house is very modern in every respect. It has electric fixtures; hot and cold water hardwood floors; tile bath window shades, niece front porch, cement cellar, ete. and must be seen to be appreciated ! This lot also has FRAME STABLE _ in the rear. On Lot No. 48 is a 215 Story FRAME STUCCO HOUSE ‘These properties are located in the business district of Mount Joy oro and will be sold. Any person wishing te view same please call on Mr. Groff. These will be offered separately as a whole and will be sold to est advantage of thofe inter- commence at 7.30: P. M.. will be made known by i 5 ay hs Hol ush, knowledge. room, , DISCHARGE OF LIEN NOTICE | PLEAS OF LANCASTER COUNTY, PENNA. In Re Satisfaction of Mortgage Court of Common Pleas of Lancas— ter County, Pennsylvania, to relieved and satisfied a mortgage given by David Brady tod Robert S. Reed in the sum of Sev-Y en Hundred ($700.00) Dollars, da ted February 9, 1863, and recorded in the Recorder’s Office in and Lancaster County in Book 13, Page 78, said mortgage covering, ~~ All That Lot or Tract of Land | Having a Double Two and One-Half Story FRAME] DWELLING HOUSE, Bake House; and other buildings erected numbered andy thereon known as 209 W. Main St., situated™] on the North side of W. Main St¥Y in the Boro of Mt. Joy, County of Lancaster, and State of Pennsyl* vania, and bounded and described> as follows, to wit: Bounded on the" North by a public alley; on thes East by property now or late of] Samuel Shaeffer; on the South by West Main Street and on the West by property now or late of Elmird Sherk. Fronting forty-seven (47) feet and six (6) inches on the North side of West Main Street and~ extending in depth Northwardly of that width to a public alley. . All parties interested in morteage are hereby notified to ap= pear in said Court on the 19th day of October, A. D. 1929, at 10:00 o'clock A. M., to answer said peti~ tion or show cause why said mort gage should not be released and satisfied, and the premises therein released and discharged from the" lien thereon. In defanlt of an ap= pearance, the mortgage will be sat= isfied by the Recorder of Deeds of Lancaster County. ~ P. P. DATTISMAN, Sheriff Paul A. Mueller, Attorney EXECUTCRS PUBLIC SALE Os REAL ESTATE Milton Grove, Mount Joy Townshir er's Church, the Executors will sell Sand and Iron-stone land; about 75 the remainder in pasture, with a Henry Greiner, Henry Forry, Sam- 21% STORY FRAME I x36 ft., 1l-story attach- Story Summer House with running 50x80 ft. with Tobacco Cellar and x40x12, with Wagon Shed attached, Houses 12x16, 12x14 and 12x16 Trees, Plumbs, Quinces, Grape Close to churches, schools, store water. This would make an ideal will be made known by and Gish, deceased. sept11-3t SATURDAY, OCT. 12, 1929 Stauffertown, along the Manheim described real estate: caster County, Penna., bounded on South by Stauffer Bros., on the erected consist of a Kitchens attached. The SATURDAY, SEPT. 28, 1929 On the premises, loeated near Lancaster County, Pa., on the road leading from Milton Grove to Riss- the following real estate: A FARM OF 100 ACRES acres farming land and some wood land, adjoining the farm land and stream of water flowing through. Adjoins land of James Berrier. uel Heisey, Jacob Hassler and Dav- id Heistand, thereon erected a DWELLING, 30x32 ft. 214 Story Attachment 30 ment 8x36 ft. Built to accommo- date two families if preferred. 1% water at the porch. LARGE BANK BARN Stripping Room Combined LARGE FRAME CORN BARN, 130 sheddinng . for 8 acres of Tobacco, Hog Sty 14x30 ft., Three Chicken ft. in size. Choice variety of Sweet Cherry Vines. Also an orchard of choice Apple Trees. and mill. Buildings are located in the center of the farm. All running poultry farm. Sale to commence at 2 o’elock P. M., when conditions LIZZIE G. GINDER, KATIE G. GINDER ABRAM G. GINDER, Executors of Est. of Fannie B. F. B. Aldinger, Auct. PUBLIC SALE REAL ESTATE The undersigned will offer at public sale, on the premises in road, about one-half mile north- east of Mount Joy, the following A LOT OF GROUND Situated in Rapho township, Lan- the north by a public road, on the East by Frank Walters, on the West by Jacob Breneman. The buildings thereon TWO AND ONE-HALF STORY DOUBLE FRAME HOUSE, With Summer slate roofs, electric furnace and tele- property has lights, pipeless phone. There is an abundance on the premises such as pears, grapes and cherries. GARAGE FOR TWO CARS CHICKEN HOUSE, HOG STY The buildings are all in good re- pair and is a very pleasant location ALSO LOT OF GROUND Fronting 26 feet on the Manheim road and extending in depth 196 feet, being 96 feet wide in the rear, on which is erected a chicken house 14x18. A fine lot of raspber- ries, plum trees, cherry trees. This lot would make a fine building site. Persons wishing to view same prior to day of sale, will please call on the undersigned. Sale at 2 o’- clock P. M. Terms and conditions will be made known by HARRY H. HILT C. 8S. Frank, Auct. Jac. Zeller, Clerk PUBLIC SALE Saturday, September Pleasantview, a most farm, éomsisting of 85 acres and 325 Perches, loeated on the road leading from Mount Joy te Man- heim, near Erisman’s. Chureh. Mon- roe H. Metzler. C. 8S. Frank, auect. aug28-5t of fruit apples, 28th, at up-to-date ™~ given by David Brady to Robert S.T* Reed. =~ Notice is hereby given that a+ petition has been presented to the have? certain Mortgage 4 THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO., PA. DISCHARGE OF LIEN NOTICE IN THE COURT OF COMMON Mo THE HEIRS OF JOSEPH MAS» TERSON, DECEASED, LATE. OF RAPHO TOWNSHIP LANCASTER CO., PA~ Take notice that on the 16th day of September, A. D. 1929, Abra M. Shelly, the owner 6f the herein: after described premises presented his petition to the Ofiphan’s Court of Lancaster Countyx Pa., for a rule to show cause why the charge of $8,000 valuation money, devised’ in the will of Joseph Masterson, de- ceased dated April 1, 1871, and re- corded in Will-Book A, volume 2; page 220, should nof be released and discharged as a lien against hie property, agreeable to the provis ions of section 27 (bd), Fiduciaries Act of 1927, P. L. 44%. 3 The Court having granted said rule, which is returnable November 18, 1929, when and Where all per- heard to show cause why said charge should not be forever re-3 leased and discharced as a lien a= the following described prem= ises. ~ All those two certain tracts of land, situate in Rapho Townwship Lancaster County, Pa., bounded snd described as follows: = BEGINNING at a stone at or near the middle of a public road leading from Mastersonville to Colebrook, thence by land of Rapho Township School property and Hir- am S. Hollinger, North twenty-nine and three-fourths dégrees East, fif- ty-two and three-tenths perches to a stone, thence by land of Emanuel G. Greiner five courses and distan- ces as follows: Sotith degrees East Sixty-three and eigh tenths perches to #& Lime Stone in the public road leading from Mas” tersonville to Lebanon, thence a lone said road North seventy-nin€ and one-fourth degrees East et teen and three tenths perches to a stone near the East side of said road, thence North thirty-eight one fourth degrees Bast twenty-two” sons in interest may @ppear and i Emanuel G. Greiner. ty-two and one fourth degrees Eas three and one tenths perches to a and onc half degrees East fifty-five perches to a Lime Stone slightly t Ginder South fifty-one and one fourths degrees Bast thirty-five per-’] ches to a Lime Stone on the west sid of said Ginder’s land, thence South thirty-six degrees West nin teen and two tenths perches to an’ Iron Stone, thence South thirty one and three-fourths degrees east forty] two and two tenths perches to a Lime Stone, thence by land of Hen= ry Brandt, South forty-six and one fourths degrees West twenty seven perches to a Sand Stone, South thirty two degrees East twenty- 4 four and seven tenths perches to point at or near the middle of a~ public road leading from Bec’er’s Blacksmith Shop to Mastersonville;- Mr Lehman and Brethren-in-Christ’] Church property South seventy" three degrees West and six tenths perches to a small stcne near the north side of sad grees West five and three tenths North side of said road, thence by] lands of Amos Garman and Edward Shonk North thirty six and one half] degrees West twenty seven and tw tenths perches to a Sand Stone thence by land of S. S. Gibble” North thirty-one and one fourths degrees East ten and seven tenths’ perchs to a stone, thence by land o S. S. Gibble and A. W. Shelly res- pectively North fifty-eight and oné’ half degrees West nineteen and two tenths perches to a Post, thence by” land of A. W. Shelly South twenty«{ seven degrees West eighteen perch— es to a point ©pposite the store” slightly to the north of the middle of said first above mentioned public” road, thence along said road North fifty-five and one half degrees West’ twenty-two and three tenths perch- es to a point near the middle of” said road and North forty-two and/ one fourths degrees West eighteen’! and six tenths perches to a Limé Stone near the North side of said, road, thence by land of Elmer Wit- mer North forty-one degrees West four perches te a point on the ex- treme north side of said roada thence North = sixty-seven degrees, West nineteen perches to the placa of beginning . CONTAINING eighty Acres and. fifty-seven and five tenths perches (80 Acres and 57.5 Perches). » BEGINNING at a stone at ay public road leading from the Cole~ brook road to Elstonville sixty-eight degrees East thirty-two and six tenths perches to a stone- in said road, thence by land of Em= anuel Greiner South twenty-one de> grees West forty-five and perches to a stone and North sevs enty degrees West twenty and six tenth perches to a stump, thence hy~ land of Hiram Hollinger North thir> teen and one-half degrees East twenty-three and one-tenth perches to the place of beginning. ~ CONTAINING four acres and one hundred and forty-five perches. (4 Acres and 145 Perches.) tig P. P. DATTISMAN, Sheriff Jacques H. Geisenberger_ Attorney for Petitioner sept. 18-4t WHO WANTS ONE OF THOSE WELL BUILT MOUNT JOY DE- VELOPMENT COMPANY HOUS- ES FOR $3,600? If interested see me at once. Can give possession any time. This is certainly a good buy. See Jno. E. Schroll, Mount Joy. july 31-tf 5 VISIT Our Modern Fountain on SATURDAY Central Cut Rate Store 45 E. Main St. By subscribing for the Mount Joy Bulletin you can get all the local news for less than three cents a week. wf seme Esra There is no better way to boost your business than by local news- perches to a Lime Stone at Lane of South Seven Hickory Tree on the East side “TPICKED FROM said road, thence North thirty-six} the west side of the middle of said? road, thence by land of Henry PA PERSONAL MENTION ABOUT thence along said road by land off road and thence South fifty-one det L perches to a Lime Stone near the ter, sang 00 a0 0% 00 0. 0. 0 0 00 00 00 09 0% 6% 6% 6% 6% 6% 0% 0% 0 0% 0 0 dodo very One Is Going To Our < 9, > o ho? ed KOR) $00, Ca aXe? id 9, ho? % * * 9, ® 9. 9, 0? %%% $e sleds 9. 0 0 0 0 0 To? Sa Uo? 0b 44 + CR) $050 06 Thursday, i WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 18, 1929 0 0, 0s 80 Oa Oe oOo 00.0400 00% 50 oF, Sood ode ede dale ifo odo fafa dreds rats UII III III ed 2S 9, 0. 0 COW) ho? 0% 06% 00% 09 06% 4%, 9, ho * 0 > OO, 8 0, 0, 0 0 od Oot 058 048 049 059 96%, sled] 0, (00% 9, * >, riday and Saturday Ob 0 0, 0 $0 058 059-04 9, & ® & + <0 ® @ @ oe F ; 5 : B H 3 3 PS BS oo & 5 4 T EX 006%-6%-6%0 6% 6% 6% 4% 620-62 62-620 6% 62-66-62 6% 6% ¢% 6% 6% 0%. 0% 6% 2.6% 626.6% 20.6% 6% 6% 620-65 42 6% 4% 62-62% 6% 62 620-620 6% 4%0-6% 6% 6% 0% 6% 4% 4% GG CCI CITI CCIE ICID GSI 65005050 050020630050 000 0 E0000 00 00 SOI 0 IOI OIE EI SHOP 0500500 *e > THE CARD BASKET THE MANY COMERS AND GOERS IN THIS LOCALITY Dr. 0. G. Longenecker motored to Mercersburg yesterday. Miss Martha Moyer will return this week to Beaver College at Jen- kinstown, Pa. I Mr. Oliver Longenecker has gone to Mercersburg, where he has en- rolled as a student. ar Mr. Frank Tyndall, clerk at Gar- ber’s Drug Store, is enjoying his bsummer’s vacation. Brosey, near Strickler’s Church. Mr. and Mrs. Dommel, of Lancas- two selections at the Church of God Sabbath evening. Messrs. Herbert and Frank Tyn- dall left Friday for Niagara Falls and points of interest thruout Can- ada. Mrs. J. B. Keller and son, Robert, enjoyed a vacation at Atlantic City last week, being guests at Chalfonte Haddon Hall. By a card from Mr. Geo. Alt- house, he arrived at Albuquerque, New Mexico, and will leave there for Los Angeles, Cal. Isaac R. Herr wife and daughter of Lancaster, and Walter Herr of Elizabethtown called on Mr. John Wilson on Saturday. Mr. Chas. Bentzel and wife, and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Ruth of York, visited with Mr. John Wilson on Sunday. Mrs. Ruth is a Charter member of the Heidelburg Church and is the oldest living She is a sister of Mr. Wilson. or etl QI eer ENTERTAINERS AND THE GUESTS VISITORS WHO CALLED ON THEIR FRIENDS IN THIS LOCALITY AND WERE PLEASANTLY EN- TERTAINED With Harry Nissly’s Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Nissly enter- tained the following persons last Tuesday: Mr. and Mrs. P. N. Hersh- ey, children Gladys, Eleanor, Har- old of Lebanon; Mr. Thomas T. Ca- bresa and two sons, Thomas and Erne, who will attend college in U. S; Mr. Cabrera is asst. to general manager of the Hershey Corpora- tion, Hershey Cuban railway Co., Havana, Cuba; Prof. Mrs. S. B. Stayer, Millersville; Miss Julia James, Buffalo, N Y; Mr. Raymond Nissly, Lancaster; . Ms. Fannie Runk, Mr. B. L. Garber of Mount Joy. With Harry Wagner's Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wagner en- tertained the following guests Sun- day: Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Wolfgang of Pleasant Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Will- iam Zortman of Sinsheim, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Wildasin and daughter Geraldine and sons Arthur and Earl Michael and John Wildasin all of Hanover; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wagner and sons, Park and Nevin of Glenville Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Rohrbaugh and daughter Frances, and son Glenn of Jefferson; Mr. and Mrs. Perry Bates and daughters, Helen and Beatrice, and son Alfred, Paul Wagner and son’s Harry and Paul, Jr, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Schatz and daughter Dorothy and sons Robert and Harold jr., Bea- trice, Clair, Eugene, Harold and Carl Wagner all of Mount Joy. mrt Gp Gn paper advertising, tf Subseribe for The Bulletin. ey member. | Announcing | Delicious— Ice Cream Sodas A Mr. and Mrs. Martin Sumpman, Sundaes of Lamar, spent Tuesday with Mrs. Elmira Diffenderfer. Frappes © Mr. Fred Lieberher, Sr. spent Parfaits Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank CENTRAL CUT-RATE STORE SODA GRILL SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21st LOW CUT PRICES ON the Opening of the SERVING Wonderful— Fresh Fruit Drinks Freezes Phosphates Milk Shakes ete BRIS (ee We have installed an electrically iced modern Soda Fountain and have more than doubled the size of our store. Watch for Circular Announcement on Friday. MEDICINES AS USUAL CENTRAL CUT-RATE STORE TWO STORES—TWO UP-TO-DATE SODA GRILLS 45 EAST MAIN STREET YOUNG FOLKS JOIN IN WEDLOCK NUMBER OF VERY WELL KNOWN YOUNG FOLKS ARE JOINED IN THE HOLY BONDS OF MATRIMONY Peifer—Groff The wedding of Fannie E. Groff, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Amos K. Groff, and Christian S. Peifer, “son of Mr. and Mrs. Christian K. Peifer of East Petersburg, took place at {the home of the bride’s parents.” Bradley—Zink Mr. Earl J. Bradley of Florin, and Miss Carrie B. Zink of Man- heim Route 3, were married Tues- day evening, September 10 at the residence of Rev. John D. Bruba- ner, Florin, Pa. They were attend- ed by Henry H. Waltz and wife a sister of the bride. We wish them many happy days. Shatto—Myers The marriage of Miss Clara E. Shatto, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shatto, to Mr. J. Guy Myers, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elam Myers, both of this place, was solemnized at the home of the bride’s parents, on Saturday, with the Rev. Wayne B. Channel, pastor of the Haws Ave. Methodist Episcopal Church, of Norristown, officiating. The couple was attended by Miss {Hannah Shatto and Mr. George | Shatto, sister and brother of the | bride. Musser—Herr Miss Florence M. Herr, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Landis B. Herr, of School Lane Hills, and Mr. Martin S. Musser, son of Mr. and Mrs. B. O. Musser, west of town, were married Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the home of the bride's parents. The ceremony was per- formed by Bishop John H. Mose- man. Mrs. Elvin G. Herr, sister of the bride, was matron of honor, and Mr. Henry Musser, brother of the bridegroom, acted as best man. Miss Miriam Herr sang “O Perfect | ’ Love” and “My Happy Day.” Mr. ‘Man Can ¢ Sleep, Landis B. Herr, Jr, and Mr. Elvin | Gels Nervous, Hates People G. Herr were ushers. Following the | ceremony a dinner was served to] more than one hundred guests. The | couple left for a wedding trip to) 1 cong rob Jeep and got so Canada and the Great Lakes. | taking Vind 0 Since They will reside in Fiorin in thel ond oar ll ofp 10 hours he : ind feel full of pep all day.”—Ju- Spring, the groom having recently |lius Bender. purchased the beautiful brick pro-| For 30 years doctors have pre- perty of Mr. Walter Light. | scribed Vinol because it contains rare MO ere | important mineral elements of iron, calcium and cod liver peptone. | “Doc” CHANDLER {very FIRST bottle brings amy 1 | sleep and a BIG appetite. Nervous, | Worn out people are surprised how Ww AS NOMIN ATED | QUICK Vinol gives new life and | Tastes delicious, Dr. B. W. | v { Garber, Druggist. 1 (From page 1) number of the minor offices. | Following is the vote polled here | yesterday: Mrs. Albert Zug Mrs. Edna Zug, twenty-two years: | old, wife of Albert Zug, of Eliza- | bethtown, died Monday night at St. EW ww | Joseph’s hospital. She is survived W. D. Chandler ........ 31 59 |PY her mother, Mrs. Katie Ginder BB. Toppltt oso va 33 35 | Elizabethtown; her husband, and Council |two. sons, Wilbur and J. Hubert. Jno. L. Murphy ......:.. 50 | Her brothers and sisters who sur- Geo. 9 | vive are: John Ginder, Manheim; Jos. Witmer © 0. | Naomi, Orpha, Nathan and Ruth H. F. Hawthorne ......... 51 | Ginder, Elizabethtown. School Director Services Thursday at 1:30 in the Clyde E. Gerberich ..... 54 1 (home and at 2 o'clock in Chiques” Tax Colloctor | church, near Elizabethtown. Inter- James H. Metzler ....... 59 gg ment in the cemetery adjoining, Boro Auditor Tew FP. E. Hershey .........: 2 Wheat MARKETS James Glatfelter ........ 15| A tren. ed $1.25 Justice of the Peace a ttt nye eal, $1.15 J. GC Keener... vi 60 8¢ Cage Ueber vis re nls yi 36¢-38¢ Joc. BH. Zeller v0... 86. 3 THE ar ro ovo 400 Judeg of Elections BO eran a, 15¢ L..G. Dillinger ...;....: : Frank B, i 38 86 Consistent and NOT : Inspector a advertising always pays be gi So time you sto isi Jno. 'W. Hendrix, R ..... 10 lic thinks veins be pub- John Rahm, Sr., D ...... 7 usin tf Bo. B...... . Se Exasperated German farmer: “I L. Myers, I ........ a Lk se vats der madder mit my inder, i When it's job printing you need, It ties open bundles anything from a card to a book, we A co : ontempora T are at your service. +f the flapper TT 2 a Jat about 65 mi 8 The average man is a good nurse 1.33 Wiles an hour: when it comes to coddling]! The worst > imaginary wrongs. have is a fool ey a man ean