PAGE FIGHT ms ~~ THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO., PA. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 7th, 192% | _ Classified Column | | I take this way of thanking my | friends for the ‘many beautiful flowers and cards of cheer sent me | during my illness at the Lancaster | General Hospital. H. H. ENGLE, aug7-1t WANTED—500 White Leghorn | Pullets. Age and price. A. J. Ke- gel, Malvern, Pa., R. 2. aug7-2t-pd WANTED — Housekeeper, by a young widower, near Mt. Joy. Ap- ply A. L. W., Mt. Joy, Pa. augT-1t-pd WANTED—Two or three fur- «imished xooms- for. ..light housekeep- ing. Write R. P. M., c-0 "Bulletin. aug7-tf I do all kinds of Hauling at a wreasenable price. Drop me a card or call at my"wesidence. Irwin L. Zink, 107 Manheim streets Mt. Joy. augd-4t FOR SALE—Barred Rock Pullets 12 to 16 weeks old. $1.00 each per hundred. A. J. Kegel, Mal- wern, Pa, R. D. 2. augT-1t-pd FOR RENT. BY SEPT. 1—Four room house, bath and lights. Also two garages. Apply 105 W. Main St. aug7-1t-pd WILL RENT, SELL OR TRADE —-One of the Development Com- pany Houses on West Donegal St., Mt. Joy. In good shape, hardwood floors, window shades, ete. What have you? Will trade on town or country property. Jno. E. Schroll, augT-tf Mt. Joy. FOR RENT—$9.00 a month. 5- room House, centrally located. Elec- tricity—inside toilet and water. No children, phone 54R2 Mt. Joy. july 8-tf WHO WANTS ONE OF THOSE WELL BUILT MOUNT JOY DE- VELOPMENT COMPANY HOUS- ES FOR $3,600? If interested see me at once. Can give possession any time. This is certainly a good buy. See Jno. E. Schroll, Mount Joy. july 31-tf “FOR "RENT--A Country Home at Milton Grove. "Apply to R. D. Parsons, Palmyra, RI. aprl0-tf NOTICE—Get the highest prices for your. calves year around. Reut RR. Mummau, Phone 111R16 E’town R. 3, Mt. Joy. july 17-tf FOR RENT—S8 room house bath electric lights, gas, close to three factories. Jacob Herman, 226 E. Main Street, Mt. Joy, Pa. augT7-1t-pd FOR RENT-—House on South ‘Barbara Street, 6 rooms and bath, “heat and eleetric light. Apply to H. E. Miller, 313 East Main Street. Pa july 17-tf FOR RENT—A small store room 12x16, central location, entire front glass, new and modern show win- dow, vacant now. Rent low. Call on Jno. E. Schroll, Phone 41R2, Mount Joy. july 24-tf LOT AND BUILDING FOR SALE—Lot about 18x40 with two- story Frame Building. Could easily be converted into a house. Will sell right. Jno. E. Schroll. Mount Joy, Pa. 2-13-tf A BARGAIN— Who wants a tract of land fronting 100 feet on the highway between here and Flor fn and 540 feet deep? ‘The price is weny reasonable if sold soon. J. E. Schroll, Mt. Joy. mar 2- FINE HOME FOR SALE—If you desire a fine home on West Donegal 8t., Mt. Joy., in first-class condition, fas all conveniences, possession any call or phone 41R2 Mount Joy for further particulars. dec14-tf FOR SALE—A 2% Story Frame House, containing five rooms, at Milton Grove, with electric lights. Would consider a trade on a cot- tage at Mt. Gretna. Apply to R. D. Parsons, Palmyra, R1. aprl0-tf NEW HOUSE CHEAP—T have # 6-room House along the trolley at Florin that I want to sell before {April 1st. Has all conveniences and will sell for only $3,650 for a quick sale. This is No. 871 in my list Jno. E. Schroll, Realtor, Mt. Joy. FOR RENT—A 10-room brick house, hot water heat, electric light, bath, garage, poultry house, 2 gar- dens, cold cellar, laundry, front porch entire width of house, lawn, etc. Jno. E. Schroll, Realtor, Mount Joy. jan23-tf .STORE ROOM FOR RENT—A store room 12x50 ft., modern front and show window. Ome of the best locations in town and rent is very reasonable. Ready for occupancy. See Jno. E. Schroll, Phone 41R2, Mount Joy. july 24-tf lr ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Estate of Mary H. Engle late of Mount Joy Boro, deceased. | Letters of administration on said | estate having been granted to the | undersigned, all persons indebted | thereto are requested to make im-! mediate payment, and those having | claims or demands against the same, | will present them without delay for | settlement to the undersigned, resid i” at Mount Joy, Pa., H. CLINTON ENGLE J. RAY ENGLE MIRIAM M. ENGLE Administrators H. Frank Eshleman, Atty. Lo july 3-6t ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Estate of Milton N. Miller, late of Mount Joy Borough, Pa., dec’d. Letters of administration on sais estate ing been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are to make im- _ mediate payment, and those having or de ds against the will present them without de- iy for settlement to the under- residing at Mou Jov. Pa. NOR F. RUHL, Apply to Ray Keller, Mount with all conveniences, at $30.00 per dministrators, J A RECEIVERS’ SALE By virtue of an order of Court of Common Pleas of Lancas-| ter County, Pa., ‘the undersigned | Receivers will exp@se at public sale] all the real and personal property of George H. Brown and Milroy H. Brown, co-partners trading as Brown Bros. on SATURDAY, AUGUST 24, 1929, at two o'clock P. M., at 37 West Main Street, Mt. Joy, Pa. The real estate to be sold con- sists of the following: 1. All that certain 2 STORY BRICK STORE BUILDING No. 37 West Main Street, Mt. Joy Boro, Pa., containing in front on West Main Street 40 feet and extending in depth 185 feet to a public alley. 2. A lot of land situate in the rear of premises No. 1, containing in front on the North side of North or Elbow Alley 38 feet and ex- tending in depth mnerthwardly 77 feet. 3. All that certain Lot of Ground with a 21% STORY FRAME sesty DWELLING HOUSE and HH a other buildings thereon erected known as No. 33 West Main Street, Mt. Joy Boro, Pa., adjoining premises No. 1. Con- taining in front on West Main St., 50 feet and extending in depth Westwardly 180 feet to a public al- ley. The house contains modern conveniences including hot water heating system. 4. All that lot of ground in Mt. Joy Boro, aforesaid situate at the intersection of Bank Street and El- i bow Alley, extending #&long Bank | Street 200 feet to land of Pennsyl- | Railroad Company; thence along the same 288 feet; thence in a Southerly direction 200 feet to the North side of Elbow Alley; thence along the North side of El- bow Alley 282 feet to the place of beginning. Containing 1 Acre and 43.8 Perches. The above real estate is located in the central business section of Mt. Joy, Pa. At the same timg and place will | be sold also by the undersigned all | that certain Hardware, Tinning and Plumbing business of said Brown heretofore conducted at West Main Street, Mt. Joy, Pa. { merchandise consists of hardware and incidentals usually found in a Iroc 3ros., large and up to date hardware store. Included in the sale are Pipes, Fittings, Spouting, Plumbing Goods and Fixtures. ASHER F. SNYDER, AMOS MUSSER, Receivers of George H. Brown and Milroy H. Brown, Co-partners trading as Brown Bros. Oliver S. Schaeffer, B. J. Myers, Attorneys for Receivers aug7-3t BANKRUPT SALE Of VALUABLE REAL ESTATE On Thursday. August 29, 1929, at 7:00 o'clock P. M. at the Office of the Mount Joy Bulletin, Mount Joy, Pa., the undersigned Harry N. Nissly, Trustee of the Bankrupt Estate of Harry Laskewitz, in pur- suance to an order of the Referee in Bankribtey, will sell at public sale the following described real estate: ALL, THAT CERTAIN TWO STORY FRAME STORE AND DWELLING situated on the North side of East Main Street in Mount Joy‘ Borough, Lancaster County, Pa., Contgining in front on the North side of East Main Street. twenty-five feet, and extending in depth Northwardlyw one hundred eighty feet to North :Alley. Bound- ed on the North by North Alley; on the East by property of Jacob H. Zeller; on the South by East Main Street, and on the West by property of the Richland Club. This property, centrally located, offers an opportunity to a valuable property for any kind of mercantile business. ¥ Sale to commence at 7.00 o'clock P. M., when terms and conditions will be made known by HARRY N. NISSLY, Trustee in Bankruptcy of Harry Laskewitz. John A. Coyle, Steps & Geisenberger, Attys Chas. S. Frank, Auct. aug7-3t "OR SALE--A VALUABLE 88. ACRE FARM situated along the road leading from Newtown ta Marieta, one mile west of News town and two miles east of Mari etta, southern end of Raphc township. The farm contains four large fields of farming land and two small fields of pasture land along the creek. Buildings were all recently paifited. A large bars with plenty of ‘shedding to hang 12 acres of tobacco, A garage, chick en house and conerete hog pen, all of good size. A hice brick house with summer house and frame house attached, equipfied with elee- tric lights. There is plénty of goed drinking water on place. Thrae- fourths of money can ¥émain Jin the place on first mortgage. Pxice $142.00 an acre. Apply to Henry S. Musser, Route 2, Mt. Pa., ! near Chestnut Hill Church. | 3-6-tf | EXECUTORS’ NOTICE Estate of Jaeob W. Kreider late of East Hempfield Township, dec’d. Letters testamentary on said esa tate having been granted to the un- ersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested to make im- mediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same will present them without delay for settlement to the undersigned, re- siding in Landisville, Pa. MARY H. KREIDER ELIAS L. KREIDER Executors. Henry H. Koser, Notary Public jan. 26-6t FOR RENT—Seven room house all conveniences and garage. Ap- ply 202 Mt. Joy Street. july-17-tf For Rent A SIX ROOM HOUSE the | Marietta held its union picnic i today. $85,449 for gas tax was coMec- ted in Lancaster county the past three months. There is no better way to boost your business than by local news- paper advertising, A man at Springfield, Ill.,, has a White Leghorn hen that laid an egg daily for 150 consecutive days. USED CARS CHEAP 1928 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1928 CHEVROLET COACH 1928 CHEVROLET CABRIOLET 1924 CHEVROLET COUPE STUDEBAK. LIGHT SIX TOURING OVERLAND SEDANETTE FORD TON TRUCK—Express Body With Cattle Rack FORD TOURING Elmer G. Strickler | MAYTOWN, PENNA. Jun19-tf x3 2 “THE FINEST CREAM IN THE WORLD” Made As You Like It Without Fillers or Ar- LOCAL DOINGS AROUND FLORIN (From Page One) N. Gingrich and family Mr. and Mrs. , Daniel M. Wolge- muth, of town, spent the week- end at the seashore. Mr. and Mrs. A. Peri¢ summering at Pen Yan, spent a few days here calling friends and neighbors. Mr. S. who are N. %, on’ Mr. and Mrs. Henry Miller, of Good’s meeting house, spent Sun- day here with their daughter, Mn. and Mrs. Norman Ebersole. Mrs. John Wachsetter and Miss Stella Wachstetter spent last Thursday at Hershey Park where they visited Myrl Smith’s and C. A. Wiley’s. Miss Dorothy Musselman, a mem- ber of the office force of the Peris Mfg. Co., is enjoying a vacation this week. She is attending a | house party at Gretna. | Mr. and Mrs. Howard Sprout | and four children of Lancaster | called on C. S. Wachstetter’s Sun- day, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Young and daughter also called there. Mr. Irvin B. Kraybill will sue- ceed Jacob Olweiler as manager of the Florin base ball team. Irvin is an old ball player, knows the game thoroughly and we know the team will go strong under his management. Mr. and Mrs. George Mumper of town, and Mr. and Mrs. James Ber- rier, of Milton Grove attended the tificial Flavorings Made in‘ Philadelphia | since 1866. “IT’S PRAISES WERE |{ | SUNG WHEN GRAND- MA WAS YOUNG.” 7H Ba ; ICE CREAM 30c pt. S585c¢ qt. Central Gut-Rate Store 45 E. MAIN ST. % BIG FIGURES In 1927 the aggregate resources of building & loan associations in Pennsylvania were $1,245,987,953.74 In Lancaster County Alone $5,836,653.57 Originally Building & Loan Asso- ciations werd simply partnerships composed of individuals. In 1850 a law was passed empowering them to assume corporate title. The growth to the present proportions show the real value of Building & Loan to the country. Save the Building & Loan Way $5 a Month Means $1,000.00 Saved When the Series Expires. The Mount Joy Building and Loan Association H. H. Engle, Pres. Jno. E. Schroll, V. Pres. E. M. Bomberger, Secy. R. Fellenbaum, Treas. FEEL your hair How long is it? How many days since it was cut? 10 IS RIGHT. Haircut every 10 days. Go Now, to Hershey's Barber Shop Agent for Manhattan Laundry ~~ 2 for 85c. Crushed Sweet. Corn... 2 cans 25¢ %°* > Boys’ or Girls’ Suits—Knit or Nainsook. Cream Corn Starch ...........: 3 pkgs 25c > 5 Clearance of Curtains ..........%.. .. 98¢ Page Bvaporated Milk ................ 10c & oP Formerly $1.29 to $1.59. White and Ecru. Quart Jar Olives ..................... 45¢c ode 7 * Children’s Play Suits ..... ..... % 49c 5 lan ea pack 15c 2 0 @ 3 Formerly $1.00. Cliquot Club Ginger Ale ......... 2 for 29c T os #0 Crib Blankets .........,... 0... . 5B 39¢c Camay Toilet Soap .............. . 3 for 20c S$ 9, Xa? ® @ 9 * ENTERTAINERS AND THE GUESTS! VISITORS WHO CALLED ON THEIR FRIENDS IN THIS LOCALITY AND WERE PLEASANTLY EN. . Trust TERTAINED. With Wm. B. Snavely’s Mr. and Mrs. Wm. B. Snavely, of near Elizabethtown, entertained quite a few folks on Sunday, in- cluding: Mr. and Mrs. Olivar A. Kepler, of Renova; Mr. B. B. Geb- hart, of Renova; Mr. and Mrs. Ur- iah Epler, of Harrisburg; Mr. and TH CAM Mrs. Harry Fasnacht, of Union Deposit; Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Shreiner, of Lancaster; Mr. and Mrs. Countryman, of near Bellaire Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lehn, of Eliza- bethtown; Mr. Geo. Hilt, of near Elizabethtown; Mr. Ream, of Eliza- bethtewn; Mrs. Susan Derr, Mrs. Maude Edwards and children, Dor- othy and Pauline, of Mt. Joy. a erent ffir Unquenchable optimism seems to be one of God’s gifts to fools. JNO. R. FLEET PAINTER and DECORATOR PAPERING and RUBBER TILING Phone 89 107 Poplar St., MT. JOY aug7-3mos There Will Be It is INTEREST WwW Private Sale AT OUR STOCK YARDS MOUNT JOY, PA. MONDAY, AUG. 12, °29 hy A CARLOAD OF CRAWFORD COUNTY » = MOLASSES OF MOUNT JOY Is Conducting a You and Tell You About It THOMAS J. R. FELLENBAUM, Cashier Read the “Bulletin” Company RIFT PAIGN a Gentleman to See ING and orth Your Consideration BROWN, President EL 0 Q & Q Q Q Q 2 Beef Cows at all times. » u 0 = = a | ° * = Phones: 151R4 and 57R6 = Come in the evening if you can-|= Sa not come in the day time. UE LO 3 PREY a — ESR ETE &