The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, June 12, 1929, Image 1

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‘The Mount Joy Bulletin

po Te

E 12, 192


4 S. Cen
| nap sorry Tie | HELD A p ARTY OUR
2 Mr. and Mrs. Ed. R T MAN ER
8 Mrs. Ed. Ream, of town
Milten Grove; Postn DIES AT H
raster 3 | :
hrs pr rm; Posin or and di = AR 5 b AL Several of our local residents AR
ORDER TO FINISH ret Thur lorin, spent from| OF JUNIOR ENDEAV With this i Mr. and Mi. Bi
BUSINESS ory tn Sunday at Camp CIETY ENTERTAINS | SO- is issue the Bul- [SUCCUMBED TO INJURIES SUS.| Mr. and n ® Bi Hosteti
Ream, Perry Co. The men s ’ AT . : TAINED : i et ee
spent HER etin ent . IN A FALL MONDAY. | brated their i WM THAT THEE
some of the time tr on HOME HERE €rs upon its AT : MB i Be Na
2 ; > ir i HOM A BARN RAISING versarv at Nn M THAT THRIVING
. Joy Borough School While there they ki / ’ sey DT um
Baad met on Monday evening in |30d 0-2 laige ue Mie va delightful party was given on thirtieth year. Nuf sed Jacoh We K ed a family dinner at Shy VILLAGE
. : 1 = © . 4 P'S. . uy o ae : rei i i ¢ : pr
tho Marietta School bullding: with Geo. Mu-iper killed one of the rat- at the home of tired farmer igen ig re- 08 Now Barbara Street.
The Hoey present. tle snakes near the house. It had |of th pa Felker, Superintendent MISS BETTY DERR GIVEN yesterday mornin jello: Jed i and We AR a, en NY Mr. Joe ‘Roth is spending a week
reasuter reported 35.000 on el it rattles, ie ne Christian Endeavor A BIRTHDAY SURPRISE | St. Joseph's at i o’clock in oaths, Sree ely celebrated Bs home in Illinois. .
. hile at camp the p 0 e United Brethre luc > of injuries re- oI ox wedding anniversary r. Guishall, !
1 Percentage of attendance for the | additional aE SH Th for the members of rr A birthday party was held for Pa 8 0 ont he oir rar “Stee "Albers 7 ab be
oy mori, 53 Out of an atten- | Was the architect and contractor. iy gvening was the last meet- Betty i daughter of Mr. and onion 2 J TODS hear 4 i ee yy in er raat
This oF 560, 98 failed to pass. oD or the summer, re-opening in ert arl Derr, on West Donegal |tured skull and onday. A All other members of the |RSS trip to Lancaster yesterday.
is was really doing the parents September. reet. It was Betty’ s Sth birthday | caused hi nd numerous injuries | Wedding party ave still living. Misses Jane Zeller” and Tel
a favor by not promoting the child URED IN The kiddies gathered at Miss anniversary on June 8. A number pe oi ah rain :
i ay Ok 5 oil Felker’s home, on North Barbara of her friends shared the nin Scott Nissley, Landisville, was Mrs. Lehman Kraybill aris Ure.
ing mark. s street, at 6 o’clock in the ote bara | with her. Games and prizes we also injured in the accident, which TUARY ne, Tit tienes Vir
Lockers hae Pictures wor ening. won. She receiv Zs ere | occurred on the far i : i er
Boag Pictures were taken of the group | Refresh e Socom many presents. | Kauffma 3 arm of B. Baker M
| res ors o : id ed . a an, Nissle 3 Su avers Mr. 3 ra
fhe ie in the Marietta Street hii a teacher. The two pupils a. 3 Ne Served, fractured ribs Insley saord sevens) RECORDINGS x Sun a AT
5 Tinie Vaden Sel, FOLKS HAD) 4 > didn’t miss a Sunday the en- zz Member M [tien | Sunday at Lisbon calling on
h a Hd} 2 3 e OVO. : To
ere recommended to be placed in A MISHAP ON MARIETTA Ire year were also taken, namely He w: : eT | —_——a——————
each room. PIKE, SOUTH OF TOWN Helen Bates and Jean Derr 1 it eas a member of the Menno-| MANY WELL KNOWN PEOPL (Taras Page f) ¢
Is ore : ’ ’ nn . i . ite chuve ; 2 isvi
a Se Legion Auxiliary SATURDAY Te ii da hia H ed as ny Lape Me a ae :
ske or e use . ter ; ’ 11, .ondon Bridge . ELD Es ary and treasurer of 2
School auditorium on a oe ian Four young people fr wh Handkerchief, ae: avg the 1 J Landisville Cemetery es oe GRPaT i bi Mar dio
16th of October. The Boor : and bethtown i] rn lon. Knocks, Bob and Bellic oo a Bh a rT 0 ? lg
unable to grant same as th 4 ea tomobile in which th 0 Whe au- | played. Were aon MRS RUSSE In addition to his widow, he is |umbia. ; tev Cok | A number of : |
conflicted : Janse e dates they were riding : L SUMPMAN, OF |survived by one d: oy : | the nm bret. of th
sonic ih Jame as the dates | upset on the road between Mariet. (Turn to Page 4) TOWN, SANG A SOLO—-WILL | Wife of John G Anna, fs - . [the Alumni banquet of the Ma
or that date. : ta and Mt. Jc i a a ME oe John G. Landis- John T. Steiner di jrow j Scho wy
: . Mt. Joy Saturday. y ET AT LITITZ fille, r, Landis- | Steiner died at Wash-|t°Wn High School
Tha resienation of Miss Hender-. Three of the occupants were tak HELD BIRTHDAY PARTY NEXT YEAR AGAIN iii a J. Ho of Philadel- | Ingtonboro, aged 87 years. | evening, which was Hort in Tage x
. \ son, teacher of . tak- a, and six grandchildre To [High din z Mr.
yn, hex = he grade, was on lo ae Lancaser General hospit- FOR MISS RUTH DERR| The funeral will Hien a — [Hien school building, including Mr
of 05, nde, von] 28 Jo fhe | Several hundred members of Lp e held private- Josiah W. Weaver, aged 84. died '3™ Mrs. Reuben Felle
team in her own town, Maytown they treated for seve re On Saturday a birthday party Stauffer clan men Le Bi ne home at 1:30 o'clock | the Oreville Mennonite oa Ted Maris Gainor, Mr ols A
is coming term ’ | erations and bruises a held tor Mis £1 RELY | annual reunion i lhe Buh ay afternoon with public serv- — "| Nissly ; Ir. ymo Viss-
: . : ang ises. Their con-| r Miss Ruth Derr 1al reunion in the itz Springs | Ices ¢ Al i 4 Ch is, of Frostproof, Flas
Len SRY ir con daughter of Wr. ll De i Park on Saturday be lo Porn os ot ig Church of Mary, widow of Christian Buch |ly, of Nis
was paid. Those in th : err on West Mai vs, =." | historiz ay. 1g to the | Landisville at two o'clock. Inter- | €% died at C i d | Mrs. § % Millers-
: A § e hospital are: iz West Main street. This | the first Stauffer, John > k. Inter- at Columbia aged 76 years |and Mrs. 8. B. Stayer, of i
os Ethel Newcomer was oleci-| Abram: Chapman, twenty-one, of ee Sus first birthday party, at from aad _— wml ees Ct En a Mh. BLN, Ni > po
pO Bel PA Thea 3 , of [which she celebrated he sr 2 in PHI : Gaal a andec tery. tharles Leonard. ae : | .
. : , Route 1, laceration} @ ated her 11th year. |! iiladelphia in 1 settli aa aged 13, well| Mr H. N. Nissly, cashier
pone Board purchased school sup- above right eye and Wo 3 over were played and prizes | B€3r Valley Forge LID ine known as a Boy Scout Toi Wi | Union National 4 ig ” the
; oe ; 76s : 3 > fn 7 s a lake ¢ ! a
Da from L.. B. Herr & Son, Lan- (Turn to Page 4) a 3 beautiful cake was ow found in every state in the iy LOCAL HARDWARE FIRM hat ke School Se he To Cote
garter, and Roberts and Meck, of AR | Sih gt candles. jon, IN HANDS OF RECEIVER D — (High School Senior Class of ya
ri ore Text books also were | MISS MARY RUTH MARTIN {1s hos ay much surprised The following officers were elect - An of Infant (town High School. He was pret
ay, y Elin : ny Po guests, w rave ap > ted: Presi : : as 3 : : : Wi [ : :
> 2: Pu) VERE reels, nane: WINS SCHOLARSHIP PRIZE beautiful ills o gave her many President, E. J. Hartman, Pom- | ¢ Last the Court of |son of Mr. an le leven months, an a fine silver loving cup
rer. 0 vacan “rom : beaut gifts, Stoy: vith GSI ay ommon eas of Lancaster c i TL DIN 8 d Mrs. illiam Eddy, A splendid prog eke v
th The board adjourned to meet at Mary Ruth Martin, daughter o! : ft dig h Sore present: | Stauffer, Gap; John N. zn 3 appointed Mr. Amos N = ier nt nie) on Tues. | ed 74 followed by an bor.
the call of the vreside ar : Martin, aughter of ‘ane nnell, Rut 2 o. Jose itz i Be ary receiver of Geo Short Times Teor To ow
call of the president. Mr. and Mrs. Abram H. Martin, of | Witmer, Elmer il Jopenh oa R. D. 1; A. H. Gerberich, Jr, receiver of George H. | lowing a short ne. a 5s joie a A Mineman:
A FORM os Donegal township, won the Rehrer, Jack, Martha : an Shei Se secretary, A. H S‘auf- dr, and Milroy HL. Brown (Turn to Pag fe :
= i. TS oy Thien, I a 22 5 liriam | fer, Atglen; treasurer, A. N. Wolf i and trading as Brow 1 far ope 4) | THOROBRED CATTLE SOLD
RESENTED WITH AUTO a commencement exercises of the and Jean Derr Marian on I ps on Ae 8 enh Main’ SE jos MOTORCYCLE a ees
ee Maytown High school, when : 1. | Helen Isenber 1 ariar orkman, | fer, Lancaster; executive commi PAD |
A few davs aco a lar The school, when a class i Isenberger, Bett Je 2 Ra ia | Yo
A fev days no a Yard bomgust of cighteen was eraduzted Thurs. | 229 Mrs. Daniel id Dos Eo tee, , E. J. Hartman, Pomerov: H.l 4 A bill in equity was filed Thurs- | RCYCLE ACCIDENT | High prices prevailed Th
St. P in the parish house of the | day. The prize is awarded annually | Chas, Derr an Is | Reet Landis, Lititz; Mus. i N day against the firm by the First | Claiming that ent Jat the firs day of “th on :
St. Paul's Episcopal church, at | the ‘member of the Senior cid Dainty luncheon ws Wolf, Akron; D. S. Stauffer. Lan. National Bank and Trost Company Los which. hat he suffered injur- | Brentwood wholesale —
~ Philipsburg, for the , oy : who bv r Seniox ks | v_Tunchec n was served. Yaoi 2, =. St ey, this plae t npany | ‘es which may prove verman- | held 0 esale cattle sale
| i : ay | | caster; Amos K. Stauffer, Lancas- | 1is place. ent. when his ] Bh erman- | held in connection with the a 1
A shor program followed conelud.. | general deportment merits tho hon- | THREE SLIGHTLY HUR | ter; A. H. Stauffer, Atelen. 1cas- | A hearing will be held at the | into a ditch rey crashed | convention of th Holton Fina :
ing with 2 speech from Attorney G: 10% and is offered by four bre thers) IN AUTO URY The following was the program ? ur House in Court Room No. 1, | aoe mn the center of | Association of America. sian
WS : fo i ye A A a jor Taba Al IDENTS rende red: Devotions, Rev. Benjam m he City of Lancaster, on Safur- | % Seventy-two head brought a to
sof the parish since the advert] 1. 8 Thre lin G. Stauffer, Manhei day, June 15, 1929, at 10:0 | tw ve . ey, | 258.060. an av >
p of "oe Xp ~ A € t nons, Sin 5, ree persons rere «lio > i utte Manheim; addres Wf ’ =J, a 0:00 A. M,, |W 01 oli ethtow 5 HO, BYsrate of}
work of th parish since the advent Senn Sn A, nons | g Tice, pos 2 : were slio htly hurt | welcome, President E. J is os Ol ton the applicat for the apnoint- | S2 eh Elizabe th Wn, on | each. Thirteen head about
: or Rev : ) : 3 i hooey Tatas x | : ov, J. Hartman: | wan . appoint- | V nstitute a suit t sad 11 a7 I ead averag-
5) itvi id that the results were | MONS. | When a car in whict J mph | duet, Jeanne Biandt and Madal jens Of 4 pan ne Ee io} 1c. he top price of.
) a he ves | a eh ig uel ron : dt and Madalyn rove fr . : V€ 0 € ¢ . The t yf Ys
cia I jh 1 largest Cons a - 2 | occu ant collided with — | : hpman; busin meeting; vocal F PB hry as ; iby Wink th Farms
gre; ai ns na creased He THE S. 5. ASSOCIATION dine on the Horridore Bi i | soley Stauffer recitation, Papers in iW s paid by Winterthur Farms,
; for ihe lust 3 i ; = tht ho wish. HELD FINAL MEETING | Mt. Joy, Miss Alice Delanty, oc 211 ia oO 1 Yer; address, Rev. | MRS. JOHN H. HERR, SR i he Court Ho ¢l., tor a young Hol- :
the flourishing w J ppreciation for roy ~~ Front street, Harrisburg > ap Ate r. Abner Stauffer Dechant; nei CELEBRATES 80T " BIR ee ih | urchacer Tor 36300. |
th f urs ne work in potenti The Elizabethtown Distriet No | contusions of the nc a by the Erb twins, Lititz; 2 ! S 80TH BIRPHDAY | A to the same purchaser for $6.300 I
» Rector Mr. Knickle wi iw Tr Bin No. | 7 e nose and cheek. | ) Pr TIAL Room on |
’S latest model Con tickle hi Be a oi igi Lancaster County Sunday | he was treated at St. Joseph Se ilo, Mrs. Russer”Sumpman, Mt s. Herr, S 1 ;
ol il Be Bi A : AY | pital, 4 sepl S5= | address, Joh 1 pman, Mf. Jerr, Sr., o lut Nn A TOC
Sedan, color : m, met ay , John R. Bartruf ¢ 80th | [2 vas 2
11 tim 7h Sol in blue. At the same |Dight, in a special olden: Sone | Two young men ridin 5 ell; oe Ls , June Lt oe
e Mr colar agave I : Ls eting } 12 men riding ¢ otor- | ny ; i Teaain M %
lcenss, Zicgle © cave the deed and |2t Keener’s Park. This was the | cycle which collided vit ji i St ri! ; rt he rn fs
= Mr. Knickle touched by |final meeting befor ns was ne . Hded with a large ly, 'p a fn ci
al the kindness and generosity 2 i Tr vefore discontinuing | ring car on the Lincoln High- y Russel Sumy : a : : num sions |
the kindnes, generosity replied | the sessions Jul | YOY, east of Lanenster n High- | wy Baker: hist rnoon : gie, fifty-eight, of nea
wi he Fortes | fl, g daly i 2 a T, Tues: aker; historiar repor rie and la- — n, sust rious head and .
as really given r Sa eno1l \ ie os | is
Ziegler to Se ‘by Mr. and Mus. Reports of the State Convention | Yo the road but escaped with e. | ¥ | re
Ziegler : and Mrs. lat Altoona, and Hic Lancaster injuries. I 1th i : [us { 1 Harris-| MODERATY( n hi Monday after-
: is aid wi a 10 3 + 7 1 ig ) 4 ; | | i”
Thy oa vl Ti dn uch in the work | county convention at Lancaster, in Eugene Swarr, of Landisville, |! | Ein 1 Kulp + Tih
of th 1 IE [May were heirs s ovoid 71 Landisville, Y | V ni Elm, Li I He Kulp O} Lancaster
oe ings meri wn well ay of Ton d : ore urns and Galen 1 me t Li { ing, ( E y Lincoln I i = Jb stor of t
Knickle fro : Mrs. | 0. 7 includes, Eliza- |] mn, of 25 te A hem | 2 | 1 the | rest and
' nickle from time to time. The bethtow : ) Lo 1 ote f 250 Reser- ain next year on the second Sat-| Mrs. Herr tl fund
froma” tiny > te. t Wn, Ealnbridoe, Newville | olr street, a lacerated knee jurday in Ju id» | r] ed the Collet i the wagon
a 1] sona one , | Ane . 3 > | — rat KY . juraa n ne n 1 I | | :
5 two donors. e from the Be Rheems, Florin and Milton : > I er. re s n 3% =
> i ma : She op 3 ; : causing him to
tanita A Ai The Mi > ! 4 T I d lati er: h n round.
Crna =r = | The Mite Society of the Metho- GENE RAL NI WS a h a teleg oe Br : 1a] ( v0 hund Ee who
WILL BE LICENSED JAN 3 GRADUATES WERE dist church will hold a Lawn Fete | ay EB. Hor | a
i“ NESE | or the Clb wanda QV | n : : Joy som, © I M h | Ww 3 face on the
The State Department f Publi ——— Beginning at five o'clock, + h OR U IY FOI KS — i Hag Po nd
Instruction faced w 0 . Rie The graduating class of C« _| soup, sandwiches potat J en 5 pr! HE 3
. uD oh with the tre- | vownship High hot et ice cream, cake Sut off. Q Ss rr — A DOUBLE HOU D col od ator fer pital ambulance.
a emu, sensing between | took a trip to oy Ia Bis Te iad pots, INTERESTING HAPPENINGS | A LOT SC RECENTLY ) Dr. Ober) — a
> ers and salesmen rio te : ir deal- | ang Annapolis Moroland. The Li i er, same will be ¢ od 0 2 E OY a Lh 7 i so = ee hie
ers and > | ie 8 ale or | any Selon! room l in R or Bus) THE BENEFIT Realte Tv I ‘h A HOT : hat n. n the i : A ening while George
Under a law passed by the 1929 jo Miss Verna Peck ands ig —— F BUSY PEOPLE e ] 3 ansactions Y I al Breth- | fs gas at New-
egislature the licensin J2J | Naomi Demmy acted a : a Birt! T b Rai fo Sia rE
: sine HE Im, acted as chaperones Irs The 1 pan) ol : oor n | i
estate brok ers was added to the de- | The party included: Elizabeth Ger- J and Mrs. Wilson Gottschall hos pure the Grom nd Bu |e : nd bi =
partment’s administration dutie | ber, Vera Stokes, Jennie Stump { of West Donegal, announce ihe line ry READY Tor 00 J» a
IE a mu 1 ® I Moreare Tot nit Dump, hiv ea al, ann 1 oe l1n€. \ READY 0 CCU \ car on fire. Ti
I ER $60,000 for the Mgrs Fullerton, Mae Bly, 11-1 virth of a son, | An adding maching stolen from [Don oe : wed, The 'o rons] os :
ADOT | biennium was added to its | 20 Jamison, Harrison Gingrich, Mr. and Mrs. Foster Conner Neffsville school, jfas found at — re = i —
hE ed William dean, Bohn’ Rule wt) nounce the birth of twin daugh. | hiladelphia, yg br ine 1 od. ccupants escaped
Edgar W Ss Karl Kaylor. te il Thursday. A heavy truck loaded with cattle Tw W : i
Ay as Surprised eet Arr Mr. and Mrs. Russel Herr, of was crowded off the road and ups ; | :
: 3 birthday surprise party was LOCAL FOLKS INJURED Florin, announce the Birt. 2 ww Mountville. na upse Str A ' be ro ogy ora Safe 5
eld near x a 0 as 34 daughter, S phil rth of ¢ m ee ws the
home he Bac a at. the > IN AN AUTO MISHAP | ney at the Lancaster A man from Hutmnelstown ld ie) | of the Pu an eg =
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Brene- —— eneral hospital, {caught a 55-lb. channel bass at | al a ts wi :
d a. . 3 . ~ mm . ro rr ent | > . > ne Dc oS al 9 ¢ ’ « :
nan, on Friday evening, in honor Mrs. Ed. Toppin, son Jack, id Ps ns i
of their s 5 Mrs. Frank Bri ! ack, and | Now iy and an ent morning, cracked
0 zon, Edgar, whe recently |. rs. Frank Brian and son William : Congratulations I A 6-year-ol child is seriously ill Ww} let 1n athe nd Sea
returned from the West, and who all of West Donegal street, while i Miss Ethel S. Smith had a biptn a York Hospital, having been - Ww c 3 oe os elt
will some ihe. hore. About motoring yesterday afternoon, tried | day the past week. = | bitten by a rat. Had a Stroke 1 . me of the ; scaped without
guests were present, who us another car on a hill fede Mr. Frank Brosey, Sr.. celebrat Because he sold liquor to pupils Mrs. Charles Secve: > uffered 2 Co | Fen in
'd Tdoaw aile oe . od his hi 3 = x ~1at school, Eli icl : or hi : oe
wished may” more bird ed 0 get around jt. The car ed his birthday last week. chool, Eli Jurich, of Lebanon | stroke while at Wiln yn De Festival at Florin
days. ¢ ich Mrs. Toppin was driving |. Miss Louise Rhoads is celebrat | was sent to jail for four months. |Ware, last week. Mrs. Secvears h: Attended Conference The Men's Class of the U
. oy : . : at- n | ‘arev 1 : J Se n wi a
Bred over twice, injuring the ying her birthday today. i Carey, aged 23, colored, taken her two erandehitiron or Mrs. Amos Wolgemuth, church at Florin, will hold a f >
Mr Mr, Searle Spoke apart Mrs. Toppin was Ruth Derr, daughter of Mr. ani » : lumbia, is in the hospital hay- | ma and Arminta Billings, to the iy Esther 20d Noon of [901 Ip She rion Tait s : ay.
of rin a B Searle, secretary head raion was cut about the [Mn Chas. Derr, celebrated her tire yeen stabbed in the back three | parents, at Wilmington, for the Mrs. Avie Helse, 22 Ney fod Suns xr
win B Searle, secrtar red Tow 308 was 1%) is nh summer vacati *1 the Kans Mr. and J twill 1 served. as ez
; i ser Sh es. ¢ acation. Mr. Secvears | Gravhil i I an Mys. |W e served, A g
dressed the Rotary Club here Your the neck, and William Brian had | ar. Rev. H. E. Samuels, pastor of the | was immediat a S Graybill Wolgemuth, of near 1 in | furnish the ; si A ed ea f
terday. He spoke of th € ¥es- (his eye cut. The lati iF Kinderhook W. E. C hurct oR . mmediately sent for, and |are among those : a hore, He TS: — i J
b i e outing to | {ak latter will be Home From Hospital tend . C. church, was brought her home OT studing He cone or ;
: Sh Fives ae “Y” boys at. Camp aken to the hospital today. Miss Anna Hinkle, daughter of ior? Thaw 1 Ton Sa ate. ant a vam ;
= tl WE ) hy Mr. and Mrs I ea 2 + of | evening. They will alse i a °K. | fap] © riage Licenses i
meant to any boy to spend Jan COMBINED SUNDAY ed hors Ms Ha Vine, return- William Shuff, aged 30, of Bill- or Met With Mrs. Hendrix | Samuel Lady, the I ter a i hier | F Bi Kine, M; a. Is
meant to any boy bh SUNDAY rene Shae don ancaster General myer, was hurt when he was The Sisterhood class ‘of the Unit- | of Mr. and Mrs. rn el 2 danghtey | jo Marietta.
Homie tier ing a surgical Pb [thrown off his at Be ed Brethren church held a monthly | aah Volge muth. | arry J. East Peters-
; . / i some time. She is bridge ) at _bain- | meeting iE ns ny | tee urg, and Jessie H
Pi pes Alum} Elects V Wii Mt, Joy churches will able to be about on a sw hi Business ani. cial eetings wer | ris. stom 6 r= ep
-five members of t ww 2 in nine Sunday evening — ta air.| Mistaking his son for a muskrat ee oy social meetings were | Yesterday after TE
ques School Alumni ane on vices this summer. The Ps rae Festi : the father shot the boy who fell 25 enjoyed by about twenty-two folks. [Zornes He
annual reunion held at the sch 2 will be held: July 7, in th Bee The N estival in Park feet into a quarry at Lebanon and Delicious réfreshments were served |Jr., of Flori Oe an wollen phn |
building, Rapho townshi 00% | gelical Congregational h fio, I e Needle Guild of the Trinity |was killed. to the guests. fray th rin, on a warrant issued At the commencement exercises
day afternoon The a 14, in the MM oh) July Liens church will hold a straw- Mr. Benj. Horst moved his fa - Marietta, a Serio Shar te, Troy, N.Y. the degree o
of- s ise errv festival i : J. st 3 s fam- : Marietta, on a serious chare itute roy, N. Y .
ficers were elected: Rufus K. Eby church, and July 21, in op i ostival in the Park on Sat-|ily and household effects from the Light Brigade. Plone is held under $300 a x Fleer 2 i» x as contered
fears were elected: Rufur “my, Tay 94 Fy at, Gr We cs 3 evening, June 22nd. Heisey property on Mt. Tou St te The Light Brigade of Trinity Lu- | hearing at a late: 0 pe bail for a Engineer was conferred
tary and Jerome Sowers, treasurer. Christ. A cordial invitation is ex- Hall the Klugh property on East Main thetan Church will hold a picnic at — David Street ria to
tended to all. Next Su am vs. Mount Joy street. Keener’s Park, near Elizabethtown will B eI - a.
pe. — 4 X 1 8d A : h :
| SL dex Suni atiernoon Y ais Ann Walters” of Stepff. June 13. The children The st ind
> Cg local nine will go to May- Was Re-elected Hallam 5 play the strong | ertown, also a member of the class Ni ee 1) he Spel ob dp ne Polen wil ! onic ev = Reunion wi
tw on Saturday and oppose th At the thirty-ninth annual con- | field. Th on Brown's Athletic [of 1929, Mt. Joy High School ass and each child is requested to bring | program of s: cred a ia bs hud
aha lhe ve Sm con re iors es (fore. ) YI Bid oo 3 its lunch. ton. WH Ere music from sta- {July 18th in Hoffer’s Park, at Mid
, § r qu : : nn ; 2s : ited
On Monday there will b Sportsmen’s Association, held at e York league. an illness from diphtheri quite o'clock Sunday ishing, 20 AI Gevess ste
$wiligh e a good | Conneaut Lak a —_——— ria. Their A 1 Pica Sunday Siemon, June 16. and it matt no
Cr Jol game on the Recreation|Jno. E. Schr Tr Fo last week, Auxiliary Will Meet J The Heisey properties, on Mt The Dorers Societ Plome Fou yy
wight game on the Res A of to rs i | e oy street, have b Ye > s Society of the Unit- es name,
en the | re-el place, was he Hospital Auxili + : e been undergoing |ed Was Divine
Old Timers and th e-clected secretary f uxiliary will meet | extensive i gled Brethren church held thei Eo ators |
e Regulars will}c : ry for the fifth {on Thursday aft proven fs Bors dub ion] ernoon Freedman, of :
cross hats. onsecutive term. Next year’s tou ) aay ernoon at three {the past f Ing nual picnic on Thursday afte i wien Moved 1
1 . | o'clock at th : p ew weeks. A heatin ; 3 rnoon | tin Freedman, o 5 i Hummelstows
nament will be held at Harrisburg. | Newpher. e home of Mrs. Ella|plant has been installed, WEEN 2 De lace) Sirhan Boh 3 jas, Phiadeishi, tor ri a a vores Garage, Forts, moved hi
DA a as S . Twenty folks were present, | reckless iving’ at a |Tryon’s Garage, Flori r i
= tio Bon ual » qr ess rate of speed thru town |familv orin, moved his
3 3 Sunday afternoon. H hy ay household effects be
ummelstown on Monda
