The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, May 29, 1929, Image 3

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WEDNESDAY, MAY 29th, 1929


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5 odge browmers motor vars :
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Wood, er to te deb oot
On Saturday, Buick will present the new hand of Fisher desig. In its balance and
Marquette—designed by Buick engineersand poise you will see experienced engineering.
built in Buick factories. Marketed asanaddi- And in performance —that final standard by
tional member of the Buick family, it willinno which all cars are judged you will find the
way affect Buick itself. Buick will continue to Marquette leadingits price clas by animpres-
express the policies that made it the leader sive margin. % Be on hand whenithis eventful
of the fine car field for the past quarter- new car is shown Saturday. e what a
century. % In the smart, comfortable bodies remarkable new automobile Buick has pro-
of the Marquette you will recognize the fine duced at a price within the reach of'millions.
Canadian Factories Division of General Motors Builders of
Mclaughlin-Buick, Oshawa, Ont. Corporation Buick and Marquette Motor Cars x
pendent on the use of good seed.
Some radieats ee pre- Reduce Herd Sive Costs New Dedicated
parations for eradicating weeds in _ Bull associations provide the ser- The new $45,000 Alumni Gymna-
walks and driveways. vice of a splendidly bred sire at a|sium Auditorium of Elizabethtown
cost below that of an individually | College, was officially dedicated Sat-
Good Seeds Pay owned sire. Ask your county agent|urday afternoon in the presence of
It pays to buy and plant the | about the plan. 200 members of the Alumna.
best, as good crops are largely de- | TT wy ea... —
Our classified ads bring results.


fied ads bring results.

(From page 1)
Grosh, A. E. Shetter, A. L. Butzer,
Marshall Shaffer, Harry Shuemaker
C. H. Swisher, C. M. Shaub, F. G.
Proves Solution of Rural
School Children’s Warm

Heistand, Henry S. Heistand, Benj.
Lunch Problem. b S. Ebersole, David Brandt, Chris-
= : i Ebersole, Seth E. Ebersole,
Getting a hot dish for the children’s iar Be as Waste back
lunch in rural school, is a problem foot gh M. H McGarvey David’ 8 Werte,
that has been worked on by parents, 4 _—— ER a aed ~ Fal
John L, Hess, Paul Bradley, Hiram
teachers and school boards alike, be- ——
H. Groff, Richard Brubaker, Abr.
Felker, Roy C. Schroll, Clayton H.
Herr, J. C. Reist, C. H. Staley, Dan
| Paine, C. H. Eby, P. Henry, Har-
vey S. Brubaker, Monroe Snavely,
Chester Ney, Jacob K. Ober, Harry
cause they all realize how much good
this can do the children, especially in L
severe weather. 3
Its simple solution is found when a BY
pressure cooker is added to the school 0. WwW. |
Zerphey, Joseph R. Good, Elmer B.
i a Si is ray 1
equipment, ‘because in this way the (On With Laughter)
J Newcomer, Irvin Gruber, Norman
food can be prepared quickly, inex-
pensively and without adding a lot of
extra work and responsibility to the | Here's a story they tell on a man (Gruber, C. G. Breneman, George I
teacher, at Florin. His wife went away Rice, Harry Kuhn, W. C. Doery,
Soup is one of the best hot dishes and upon her return the sen said: iL S. Ebersole, Enos Weidman, Ez-
to serve because it takes the place of |“Dag had a party while you were | T® Ney, Albert Miller, Flory New-
a beverage and at the same time af- gone, mother.” Somer, Roo oa, Apts Zwin,
Ti soto pote hol, omens | Mother seid: “Who was |Slule Raplo Tova err, Ame
supplemented by the child's own lunch The boy replied: “I don’t know Wickenheiso Ww. E Lutz, Abner
but 1 hood Dad calling up 307) A, 0. WHI, Joba Hiroe:
Johnny. Walker. {Dav. Shelly, Amos Strickler, Chris-
box from home, with its sandwich,
fruit and nuts. Bake beans are also
2% y .... [tian Shearer, Harvey Campbell,
Of course, we've had Prohibition | 3 Strickler, Landis L. Charles,
good cooked this way.
Before the close of school the teach- !
er will ask some three or four chil- $30 darn long that 1 believe the A. H. Musser, J. H. Warfel, Miles
dren to bring some one item each to above joke will fall flat. | Pefthy, Rohrer Getz, J. E. Witmer,
Se {Levi B. Snyder, J. Earl Brubaker,
An autoist from town saw an Clarence R. Nissley, Tom Winters,
cld lady standing by the roadside. | Harry W. Wagner, B. Roy Bender,
He stopped and she accepted an in- Edgar Petticoffer, W. M. Yearich,
vitation to ride along. After he Henry G. Sweitzer, M. J. Dabler, J.
had gone three miles he said: “Just E. Gingrich, Jno Garlin, Roy Sholts,
where shall I drop you off?” E. L. Rensel, LeRoy Kaylor, Arthur
She replied: “Anywhere at all J. Harner, Mrs. S. Frances Harner,

3 Days Free Trial
30 Days Guarantee
=. $350.00
1928 Hudson Sedan
1928 Essex Sedan
1928 Essex Coach
1927 Hud$on Sedan
1927 Hudson Coach
1926 Essex Coach
1926 Hudsofi Coach
1925 Chevrolet Touring
1925 Gray Touring ., vy
1924 Flint Touking
1924 Ford Coupe
1924 Hudson Special
Roadster i,
1922 Buick Touring
E. B. Rohrer
Open Nights




sir. I was going the other way but. Mrs. Frank Kidy, Mr. and Mrs. Levi
I didn’t like to hurt your feelings.” Newcomer, Mr. and Mus. Harvey
Newcomer, Mr. and Mrs.

A f&llow had with his Wickenheiser, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel !
Doc Stoner what he could give Mr. nd Mrs. John Kaybill, Mr, and
him for them. Doc said: “I don’t Mrs. A. G. Walters, Edgar Lehman
buy them, I remove them.” |and children, Mrs. Lineaus Lehman.
ERT 0.G. AND W. M. A.
{his wife what was wrong. She said |

some one sent him a half pint of |
liquor as a joke. I replied: “I see!
he can take a joke all right.”

contribute to the soup-pot—a soup
bone, a vegetable chopped up, some |
beans soaked overnight, or whatever
tomorrow's soup may call for. The
parents’ co-operation must first be
won before this program can be start-
ed, and then care must be taken to
see that the children are called on for
supplies in rotation. Staples such as
(From page 1)
A young lady on Mount Joy St. Heisey, accompanied by Miss
thinks her beau doesn’t like
any more because he has been leav- vocal solo, Fern Burrell, accompan-
ing of late before his intended ied by Mrs. Arthur Burrell; Four
father-in-law kicked him out. short talks were then given, the
| theme being, “Essentials of Build-
two ing a Home,” and were ably dis-
A conversation between

D. C. |B
tonsils so he went down and asked Kaylor, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Kaylor, 'g
her let Gerber; reading, Martha Engle; =

| OO
» =
Chick Starter

The Easiest Wak to have

10 OT

Bulletin you can get all the local lyou do?”
news for less than three cents a We've got a business man here

week He replied: “I would spend itn town who is quite a vegetarian.
SL WS traveling. He says: “Work is my meat.”
icle 0 ur : !
Turn useless articles about yo night that very |

home into cash. Advertise them in
our classified column.
The editor of the Bulletin thinks
the meanest cuss he knows is the
guy who refuses to die in time to
get his obituary in a weekly paper
the same week he dies. !
And the next [
{same fellow was hunting a new girl |
fat Manheim.

There is no better way to boost | > a 2
your business than by local news-| A young lady here is learning

: Manheim street gentlemen of color cussed as follows: “Beauty of the
salt and other seasoning can be kept Bp g 5 .
on hand 2 I One said: “What am de most Home is Order,” Miss Eunice Healthy Chicks
In the morning the ingredients are dispopular letter in de alphabet?” Herr; “Blessing of the Home is
placed immediately in the cooker and | The other replied: “X am.” Contentment,” Mrs. Clinton Eby,
thirty minutes before the soup is to ee Jr. ; “Glory of the Home is Hospi-
be served the pressure cooker is put A fellow from town who is at- taility,” Miss Ruth Derr; “Crown
on the fire—over the stove if there iS tending college was home recently. ©f Home is Godliness,” Mrs. H. S. . ru er
no other heat available. By using the His mother said to him: “What's Kiefer; prayer, Miss Edna Pennell;
pressure cooker soup which would {your roommate like?” | offering; hymn, 188; benediction. MT. JOY, PA.
otherwise require several hours sim- He said: “Darn near everything The business session of the Wom-
mering can be prepared in half an py, oo en’s Missionary Society convened
hour and all the mineral salts and for a short session. GET OUR PRICES =
Se be preserved instead of Roy Sheetz says that taking ol Following the adjournment of ho
oiled away. > o | Wife to Paris is about as bad as the meeting, the officers of the Ot- a -
The resourceful teacher will have hin bei BN > : = Il
no difficulty in getting the children in- | PYinging a bottle of beer to a terbein Guild and Women's Mis-
Se rr ee brewery. sionary Society and the members
terested in helping and will make this nd t % thes . ie
an opportunity to teach them lessons : a guests o ese societies S0-
in co-operation and personal respon- Charlie Roth said he attended a journed to-the banquet hall of the
sibility as well as the more concrete | dance recently and the floor was church, which was beautifully de-
lessons of simple cooking, the ele- |S0 crowded that he blew his hand- corated in purple and white crepe
ments of food chemistry and the [kerchief on somebody else’s nose. paper. The tables were beautified
necessity for right eating. The in- — | with baskets of flowers. During
creased alertness and attentiveness A little fellow on North Market the banquet, “Fellowship” was
of her well-nourished pupils will more | ¢tyeet ran into the house the other furthered by song. Song sheets,
than vepay the costs and effort in- | gay ang asked his father where ink Were distributed among the guests. |
volved. : comes from. The man replied: A quotation from James Whitcomb |
(©), National School of Pressure Cooking.) “From incubators. Now Yon on out Riley, “It’s the songs ye sing can’!
with the boys.” [the smiles ye wear, that’s makin’
NO ODOR TO FISH a ‘the sunshine everywhere,” was at Patente
COOKED WITH A Charlie Bennett thinks that in the top of each sheet. ” ?
ESSURE COOKER vaudeville shows, much depends on! Miss Ruth Brubaker acted as Toul eons 50S the around. give
PR the girl's clothes. Well, if that’s hostess to the occasion while Miss | ary steel nesta, We have) supplied a
D 3 $ so ; a «sg | mumber of poultrymen i is localit
sibl oives her fam- the case they have mighty little to Martha Engle livened up the folks with these famous ea Eo oy
The sensible woman g in depend upon. (with her enthusiastic cheer leading. | wish you could hear the nice things they
ily fish at least once a week, both in [Toasts were given to several guests | S47 As Shem how Hye solved
interests of variety and because TTT i : iy 3 ; problem—bow easy
the . and after songs and cheers, the| they are to keep clean—how their hens
it is rich in mineral salts, phosphorus Lester Roberts told me that once oF > p iva | Bhow their appreciation by laying more
: ; a: plete adv. aa :... guests departed to their respective eggs. Come in and let us show You this
d leium, which are builders of [upon a time a lady said to him: : v
prvi 4 th. From the house- |’Tis better to have loved a short homes, with the thought “to appre-| i Ts phe ig JL for
1. ro S V V 3 | poultrymen consistin A tere
So a view the chief objec- Hola and lost than never to have our mothers more.” ers, Etc. go a
or ee Vid or which lov » { Immediately after the banquet, | . ;
tion to cooking Bish is the odo loved & tall little Miss Vivian Kline, daughter | Elias Z. Musser |
she is accustomed to associating Of course, that was many years he |
with it ago. of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Kline, sang | R. F. D. 1, MT. JOY, PA,
These difficulties, according to the San an pleasing solo. | Phone 133RS
National School of Pressure Cooking, A folio in town wes. ask. About 75 guests were present, |
are overcome by cooking the fish in a ed to oe 2 lodge He said he and all reported a fine, get-togeth-! Fhe Place = To Buy
mm > | x € . :
pressure cooker. There will be no | oo rovided the: followin. was SF Meeting. |
odor, either escaping into the room or the aD ¢ folowing ¥ i — Eee KS ameswa
ti i ooker at th —— i’
affecting other food in the gooker at the Enter in and be at ease! Seek Better Pastures Poul try ¢ Equipment
same time. Furthermore, all the deli. > : Posture i via : : 3a
cate flavor Is retained as well as the | D0 just anything you please! | re ture improves nt is an im
life-giving mineral salts, and the flakes | Rob the attic, rob the cellars, [portant question with tany. Penne Look- ousek L k
will be solid yet tender. Much of this | We're not proud— |sylvania dairymen. Fifty-one Wy-| : gepers 00
is due to the brief space of time re- | We're all good fellars. omimg Co, attended 2 re x
quired for cooking under pressure, ‘ : jcent ‘meeting for the discussion of | —_
which also means a considerable fuel “That’s a new one on me,” said this important subject. These men| SN
economy. Again, many of the tiny |the monkey as he scratched his prefer to have blue grass instead We Clean DRAPERIES, CUR-
bones which are apt to make fish eat- | back. (of weeds in their pastures. TAINS, BLANKE I'S, COMFORTS,
ing a wary occupation are so gela- —_— CUSHIONS, and PILLOWS.
tinized by being cooked in this way I think it would be a mighty | Attend Farmers’ Day
that they can be safely eaten without |good idea if people who lived in | Take a day off to attend the
noticing them. glass houses had neighbors with | State College Farmers’ Field Day, Rugs Shampooed and Dry Dusted
Any fish which you could normal- | gags eyes. [June 21. The time taken from the
ly bake is better done in your aa le Sa —
pressure cooker. First see that it Se farm work will be profitably spent F a SB
§ horoughly clean. Then season Here’s a conversation I over-|is getting the latest information, urs of all descriptions Cleaned
ge in ‘strip of clean up at the postoffice the other from demonstrations and experi- before storing, prevents moth.
hhd wry lana ai s 4n. ynight: ments at State College. Bring the
cheesecloth and place in the in DT ; » | Sa |
set dish of the cooker. Peeled pota- ‘Was I stewed last night? whole family.
toes may be put in the same dish. Was you?—say, when I saw you EE { PLEATING and REPLEATING
Fill the cooker with warm water up |last night, you had just dropped a even start the car. I said: “Your |
> : o inset dishes |penny i ai ide » | chaffeur must be very stupid.” |
to the rack, put in the inset dishes |penny in a mail box outside the | ¢ ! : ver | .
and fasten the cover properly in po- | Woolworth Building and was look-| She replied: “No-o, very hand- Mt. Joy Cleaning {and
sition. For three pounds of tish cook [ing to see how much you weighed. some. i
12 to 15 minutes at 15-1bs. pressure, | Pressing Company
and your fish is perfectly done and But really I don’t think that a| “Fadder, you told me you would! You phone 119R2 and we'll eall
ready to serve. bird in the hand is worth as much give me a dollar every time I got] “ : ”
A complete and well-balanced meal | 5 two swallows in the bush. {an A in collitch. Fadder, I made Better Service For Less
of fish, potatoes, buttered beets and — [two last week. i
steame@ apple pudding can be pre- One of our young shieks told his| “Vell, here's two dollar. Now
pared in a pressure cooker at one time. | Colutithia girl he wished he had quit studying so much. It’s bad AUTOMOBILE
RT Ii -TEFTPP GOP . {ip :
| money enough to get married. {for vou.” INSURANCE
By subscribing for the Mount Joy | She said blushingly: “What would | nn?
Reliable Companies Only.
Elmer H. Young
Fill out Coupon for information
PLE EEE we Messrs rae
Name.......... 55 APR,
Address. > Re cn
Make Car. ........ 00; cone.
Phone ...... cio 5-1-tf

paper advertising. tf [to drive a car. She told me she had
Advertise in The Bulletin, f taken ten lessons already and can’t A WISE OWL,

