By F. O. Alexander "FINNEY OF THE FORCE _ THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LAN CASTER CO, PA. Which Pleased Finney Immensely [ | en WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27th, 1929 THE OLDEST HAT STORE IN Ol DONT CARE enous vise a SAY 1 CANT PLAY TE PIANNER WHEN TVE PLAYED DAY IN = DAY QUT THESE ~ ud FOR EVER So MRS. SNOOP VEZ. was. Finney i SOMETIMES SOUR OL [ POLICE DORG OUT MERE \ MAKES vg SO DANG oIM AFRAID | Y- are cordially invited to attend our Spring Opening 1929 THIS WEEK We are ready with our Spring line of fine Dry Goods, Ho- siery. Underwear, Scarfs, Buckles. and Ready-to-Wear. Be- yond a doubt the line is the finest we ever displayed. A hearty welcome awaits you, and we will be happy to show you the new merchandise and help you choose. Come in today while assortments are complete, Booth's Quality Merchandise PTE 3-6-tf POOOOOOS | | | T MICHAELS ROIGHT, MRS. SNOOP -- Ne! AWAY TO-DAY AN' MOVED YER PIANNER \/ 7 NN mi 144 N. Queen Lancaster, Pa. a 1 || . Ne = i yi 2 7 = | t | LANCASTER |} Wingert & Haas } Hat Store Spring Hats dave Arrived in Various / Colors and Shapes PLAIN HATS A SPECIALTY 4 Lah a JNO. A. HAAS, Propr. é \ FIRST “CATERPILLAR” TENS DELIVERED IN TERRITORY 1929 WORK OF Mr. H. C. assinger and A. W. Hetrick, of savertown, and John mars H. Richter, of Perry County, have (From Page One) | received tthe first “Caterpillar” ing. This bill has been indefinitely | Tens to be delivered in this terri- i postponed by the House Commit-|tory according to W. F. Barnard, tee on Game. “Caterpillar’’ dealer in Harrisburg House Bill No. 237—Providing | Penna. ifor a Closed Season on Rauffed Farmers and Orchardmen will | Grouse for Three Years. This bill | watch the work of this small “Cat- has been indefinitely postponed by |erpillar” with interest. The spot- the House Committee on Game. [light of the tractor world is on House Bill No. 278—Increase of [these tractors and their owners. Non-Resident License Fee. This bill | These first Tens are making history { A PLOW--An Acre Every Hour With a “CATERPILLAR” tractor and do it for about one- half the cost of plowing with horses or for about one-third less than the cost of doing it with a wheel type tractor. A “CATERPILLAR” tractor does with power engine more than any other tractor can do with a twenty horse power engine. A fourteen horse power engine requires less fuel than a twenty. A “CATERPILLAR” tractor reduces slippage—when wheels slip fuel is burned uselessly; money and time are lost. A “CATERPILLAR” tractor does not pack the soil—packing soil reduces yields. A “CATERPILLAR” tractor will work any time, anywhere—in mud, dust or snow, up hill or down, over rocks or ditches, for twenty-four hours a day. A “CATERPILLAR” TRACTOR IS BETTER, QUICKER. - CHEAPER. Write for information and prices. Barnard Tractor & Equipment Company Inc. 15th & Mayflower Sts.,, HARRISBURG, PA. “CATERPILLAR” TRACTORS, RUSSELL ROAD MACHINES, AGRICULTURAL TOOLS, SNOW PLOWS, ETC. 1 a fourteen horse- Seed Potatoes To arrive—Michigan Certified Russets, Maine Certified Cobblers, Selected Early Surprise. Get our price before you buy. The Great Atlanlic and Pacific Tea Company 51 E. Main St. MOUNT JOY, PA. 11 LO iil m= We Not Only Correct Your Sight But we help you to get rid of that Nerve Strain which Defec- tive Vision causes. Don’t envy good sight—Have it! See our Optometrists and you will see better. APPEL & WEBER Optometrists and Opticians 40 N. Queen St., LANCASTER, PA. 3-27-tf ments by the House Committee on |itary Affairs. This bill provides a Game. | $10.00 penalty for the using of House Bill No. 1540—Amending | SPares in vermin ior fur Section 101 of Game Code. This bearing animals, am (bill provides that protection be | House i Ne. given to wood ducks, eider ducks | of protection from skunks. (Intro- | Powers of the has been placed on the postponed |in this territory. calendar by the House Committee| It will be recalled that Snyder | . . on Game. | County is a mountainous county House Bill No. 299—Alien Li-|and these “Caterpillar” Tens will cense, Courtesy License and Chang-|be called upon to do strenuous ing License Period. This bill has| work. This is characteristic of been reported out of Committee | ‘“Caterpillars’’—that whenever the with slight amendments and comes | work is hardest-—sometimes suppos- {up for the first reading Monday | edly impossible—there they will be night, March 25th. found. In the partly rolling or House /Bill No. 395—Increase in|more level farming sections of | Pennsylvania, the | made by the Caterpillar Tractor | Company of Peoria, Illinois, are al- | so being used. | Several other Fur Dealer’s License and Providing for License for Fur Farming. This bill has been reported out of Com- mittee and passed first reading in the House. of farmers this House Bill No. 441—Providing | territory have ordered “Caterpillar” for a License Button instead of a|Tens and Mr. Barnard expects a License Tag. This bill has been|deluge of orders when farmers and reported out of Committee and|others see for themselves what this passed first reading in the House. |latest “Caterpillar” can do. House Bill No. 520—Reducing | re the Bounty on Wildcats from $15 | Adopt Regular Practice Regularity in feeding dairy cat- 4 : tle is important. Cows are largely This bill has been amended by the | I 3 2 z oy re largely | creatures of habit, so time and or- House Committee on Game by re-| : : ) ler feed should: 1 moving the red fox from the °° of feeding should follow the daily. Make : : ._|same general routine ty list and has passed first reading |’, i ; changes gradually and see that ra- | tions are always as nearly balanced in the House. House Bill No. 521—Amending | : and Clarifying Section 725 of the | 28 possible. Tt pays. Game Code. This bill has been re- | Tt ported out of the House Committee | Inspect Quarries on Game and has passed first read-{ The Pennsylvania Department «of ing. | Highways is making an inspection House Bill No. 758—Provides | of all commercial quarries from that the Season for the Taking of | Which they obtain stone to check on Muskrats be from Dec. 1st to thelthe quality obtained and methods Last Day of February. This bill has|of production. ; > | | been reported out of the House | | . Committee on Game and has passed| Consistent and NOT spasmodic first reading. |advertising always pays best. Each House Bill No. 812—Giving the | time you stop advertising, the pub- to $10 and placing a bounty of $5 each for the Killing of Goshawks. Game Commission the Right to | lic thinks you quit business. tf Designate Certain Lands as Deer | 7 Lands. This bill has been indefin- | still in the hands of the Senate itely postponed by the House Com-|Committee of Game and Fish. mittee on Game. | Senate Bill No. 825—This bill House Bill No. 907—Permitting [would consolidate the Game, Fish the Sunday Training of Dogs. This!and Forestry Departments and pro- bill, as reported last week, has been |vides for a Conservation Commis- indefinitely postponed by the Com-|sion. This bill is still in the Com- mittee on Law and Order. | mittee of Judiciary General. House Bill No. 1174-—Amending| House Bill No. 915—Known as] Hunter's License Law. This bill | the Revenue Bill or Fiscal Code. provides that hunters’ licenses and|This bill has been reported from! tags shall be in the hands of the!Senate Committee on Finance with County Treasurers at least 30 days|amendments. House Bill No. 919. | prior to the expiration of the old is a companion bill to 915]! licenses. This bill has been report-|and provides for the Department! ed out by the Committee on Game |of Revenue to issue hunters’ licen-| and has passed second reading. ses, has been reported from the | House Bill No. 1371—Providing | Senate Finance Committee with | for the Taking of Male Wild Tur-| slight amendments. keys with Beards. This bill has | House Bill No. 1043—Providing | been indefinitely postponed by the methods of procedure for the’ House Committee on Game. {board to regulate and control sea- House Bill No. 1481—Providing | sons and bag limits under certain for a Change in the Season for’ restrictions. This bill will be up Taking Raccoons and also prohibit- [for final passage in the House on ing the Trapping of Raccoons un-|Monday night. der Penalty of $50.00. This bill] The following additional bills has been indefinitely postponed by have been introduced during the the House Committee on Game. | week: House Bill No. 1529—Methods | House Bil] No. 1766—Prohibit- and Open Season for the Taking of | Ing the use of snares. (Introduced Raccoons. This bill has been re- {DY Rep. Wheeler, Forest County.) ported out with several amend- | Referred to the Committee on Mil- This duced by Rep. Aston, Luzerne Co.) loons, grebes and reed birds. | Thi : bill has been referred to the Sub- | his bil has been referred fo; the | Committee on Agriculture. Committee of the House Committee | . So { House Bill No. 1786—Amending on Game, ia 4 Section 501 of the Game code. House Bill No. | (Introduced by Rep. Shelly, Adams 1660—Providing that Field Trials be ' Held During | ey Roforved C the Worth of Murch, This biil "or io Lommitiee “Caterpillar” | Eating The Motoring Public VALUABLE INFORMATION FOR | | MOTORISTS FURNISHED THE | BULLETIN BY LANCASTER AUTOMOBILE CLUB A plea to parents to keep their | | children from roller skating and bi- | cycle riding on the streets and the highways, is made in a statement | | . | Edward P. Curran, Safety Di- by actor of the Keystone Automobile | [Clb ; ! “Every spring,” said Mr. Curran, | “newspaper headlines tell the trag- lic story of death and injury to the | youthful cyclists and roller skaters. Already several deaths have been reported, and it requires no prophe- (tic vision to foretell other casual- |ties under the lax parental discip- line that seems to exist today. “Tt is difficult to believe that any man or woman who drives an auto- mobile, or rides in one, can have so (little appreciation of the dangers of the highways as to permit sons lor daughters to jeopardize their lives by dashing along the streets jon roller skates or weaving their way through traffic on bicycles. Yet the number of children appearing on skates and ‘bikes’ is increasing land the casualty list is steadily | mounting. “In. practically 100 per cent of accidents involving motorists and cyclists, the cycle rider is injured, often seriously, only too frequently, [fatally. The boy or girl on a bi- 'eyele who shoots noiselessly from a side street to a main artery has little chance to escape if an auto-, |mobile is within 50 feet of the in- | tersection, regardless of its speed. | The child who whizzes around a | corner on roller skates has just as| Jdittle chance to avoid injury or | death. accident on ne cannot bring back a pre- | cious life. It it is better by far to {curtail the pleasure of that ener- getic boy or girl than to spend the rest of one’s life in vain regrets.” I Qe LOCAL LO. O. F. TEAM TRIMMED YORK MALTAS “Blaming the {motorist Our local Odd Fellow bowling aggregation gave the Malta team, of York, a neat lacing by a margin of 113 points, Sol Barr and Leash were high triplets with 603 and 604 points respectively. Herr was high single with 236. The score: York Maltas 1st 2nd 3rd Tis. Leash ...... 232 172 200 604 Gross ...... 168 194 224 586 Grube ..:... ea 9371 350 Cooper ..... 174 ... 171 345 Amold ..... 131 206 149 436 E. McDowell. 194 189 383 Totals 899 940 915 2754 Mt. Joy 1. O. O. F. 1st 2nd 3rd TIs Barr 199 182 222 603 Bennett ..... 163 195 189 ' 547 Hershey 220: ... 180 400 Brown ...... Le, 199 172 8371 Herr 236 182: 158 576 Dorr ....... 167 203 370 Totals 985 961 921 2867 rr A A MO rs SALE REGISTER If you want a notice of your sale inserted in this register weekly from now until day of sale, ABSO- LUTELY FREE, send or phone us your sale date and when you are ready, let us print your bills. That’s the cheapest advertising you can get. Thursday, March 28—One west of Salunga, near Fry’s Mill, live stock and implements by Mr. John J. Hamilton. Frank auct. Friday, Mar. 29—On their prem- ises near the Boro limits, the annual mile that may to the may 1st to on Game. This bill provides has been referred to the Sub-Com-| ii provides ities | grey, black and fox squirrels be te k 4 4 i S p 2 ar b House Bill No. 1665—Providing | 30th Re from Ins for the Use of the Bow and Arrow {month of October and Sain. in Taking Game. This bill has been |pe taken from November reported out by the House Commit- | November 15th. 7 tee on Game and will be on the| House Bill No. calendar for Monday night, March | the se } 25th. 1787-—Changing | (Introduced by House Bill No. 1621—Providing | Luzerne County). This for an Open Season on Female | vides that dogs can Deer Every Leap Year. This bill|from September 15th to November has been indefinitely postponed by | 30th. Also provides for a closed the House Committee on Game. {training season from December 1st House Bill No. 151—Act to Reg-|to December 16th and then would ulate and Control the Use of Fire. | permit the training again from De- arms. This bill is now in second [cember 16th to March 15th. reading in the House. There is al- House Bill No. 1843—Providing so a companion bill in the Senate |for field trials by dogs on raccoons. which has been referred back to | (Introduced by Rep. Stevenson, of Committee for amendment. Mercer Co.) This bill provides for Senate Bill No. 47-—Removing [the holding of field trials upon led Board to Control |animals for coon dogs between and Regulate Seasons. This bill is|July 1st ond October 1st. Rep. Aston, bill pro- be trained 0 1 ason for the training of dogs.' community sale by C. S. Frank & Bro. Saturday, March 30—On the pre- mises, No. 235 North Barbara St., Mt. Joy, large lot of household goods by Henry Evans and Ray- (mond G. Eby. Mumma, auct. | Saturday, March 30—At the Baldy Department building, oppo- [site the Levy Warehouse, in Flor- HERE IS A NEW BREAD So deliciously different, when once you eat a slice, you'll want it in preference to any other kind— Always. A new method of baking brings out a hitherto un- known savory flavor. Big, Fine, Fluffy, Flavorful, Oven-Fresh Loaves— Wholesome and Nutritious. Potato Bread is pleasing everybody so Pas that we urge you to try it today for an appreciation of its unusual goodness. Baked Only by the Freymeyer Bakery Phone 141R2 Elizabethtown, Pa. mar20-4t lin, sale of shoats, poultry, furni- ture, fruit and potatoes Widman. Vogle, auct. { Friday, April 26—At the auction rooms of John H. Myers & Co., 12 { South Duke St., Lancaster, real es- tate by Daniel A. Marks, guardian of Marie A. E. Hohman. RA QR Broadcast Farm Talks Daily agricultural programs are broadcast by WPSC, the State Col- lege station, from Monday to Fri- day each week. They begin at 12.- 45 P. M. and are transmitted on a wave length of 243.8 meters or a frequency of 1230 kilocycles. The weather reports and talks on timely subjects are included. | Telephone 5R5 by Wm. | Four Momnihs From Now NV iiar chicks get in their feed will have a lot to do with keeping them alive and growing. More than 2,500 hatcheries say, “Feed Purina Chick Start- ena.” There's a reason. Every ingredient that goes into Startena is carefully chosen and tested. Startena is rich in life-giving and growth-producing vitamins, proteins and minerals. Every ingredient in Startena has its job to do. Every ingredient does its part in keeping chicks alive and growing. Start your chicks on Purina . . . keep them on’ll get more grown-up chicks and have more money left after all chick raising costs are paid. Tell us how many bags of Start- ena you need right now. Coal and Other Purina Feeds HARRY LEEDOM MOUNT JOY, PENNA, 1 (CHICK FEED) ] Lb M CHECKERBOARD it | BAGS PLUMBING and HEATING Also All Kinds Repair Work J PROMPT SERVICE PRICES REASONABLE / JOSEPH L. HEISEY Phone—179RS FLORIN, PENNA. a