PAGE EIGHT THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO,, PA. QC OOOO WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27th, -Seasonable Merchandise-~ semen armenian Jk i DC GD SS) SO WN (SN (ER GREATLY REDUCED PRICES AT LASKEWITZ'S STORE $ Suits Work Pants Broadcloth Dress Shirts Work Shirts Union Suits Overalls Lot of Coveralls . Scout Shoes Socks, assorted colors FOR THE MEN Cotton Lumber Jackets Big Reduction in Men’s Dress Soe ann $10.95 95 89 FOR THE BOYS BOYS 4-PIECE SUITS Up-to-Date $4.95 $5.95 $6.95 59 98 95 DRESS SHOES and OXFORDS in Goodyear Welt $2.45 and $2.95 BOYS’ 1.95 1.79 07 98 Fancy and Plain SHpovers ...................... $1.95 Rayon Blouses... . "=> Knickers and Golf Pants Bow Ties ......... Wash Suits, sizes 3 to 8, new patterns .59 98 .69 FOR THE LADIES Rayon Boots Pumps, assorted styles Nurses’ Oxfords 1.95 One Lot Shoes 39 Lot of Spring Coats 6.95 or 1,48 9.95 Silk Crepe and Printed Crepe Dresses, the newest styles sid 5.95 ih 2.95 Printed House Dresses Spring Coats, §15 val. for spring $1.49 FOR THE CHILDREN Knit Baby Sacques ............ $.79 Wool Lumber Jackets ...... 1.95 Baby Creepers, $1.25 val. .. Three-Fourths Socks, pair Shirts and Drawers, all sizes Rain Coats with Hat to match... 2.45 Lot of Sample Sweaters ... 1.45 Spring Coats just arrived, sizes 3to 10 years... -. 5.95 Dresses, sizes 8 to. 14 Sov 1.25 Butterfly Skirts, siz. 8 to 14 98 12 new prints, a’ STORE OPEN EVENINGS ) (GO () ES) EE GE D 03% DO) (SGD (CWO CD Dd be Many Other Specials Too Numerous to Mention COME IN AND SEE! ) (OS) SEE) CE , ae 04) EE) CD(S (GD (SO STORE OPEN EVENINGS da pe ER a a a UY jo 5 a a w— * 69’ OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT HARRY F. BROOKS, Mount Joy, Pa? 192% LAAN OOO yy + Js 39 = Ee oor oper tron et Tee ats STATE NOW OWNS 131278 ACRES THE COST OF THIS LAND WAS land and often such purchases not | $500,000; HAS CONTRACTS FOR 56,130 MORE To date the Game Commission has taken title to a total of 131,278 acres of land, the cost of which, not including title examinations and sur- veys, is $441,943.53. The holdings constitute twenty-two blocks of land | each of which will be known as State game lands and given a serial number. These lands are located in twenty-one counties. Primary re- fuges are now established on twelve | of the twenty-two blocks. Ten of the blocks, at present, are in their entirety, open to The board; has made the creatipn of primary within #rese ten blocks. Lands conveved to the Common- wealth during 1928 include tracts jn Bradford, Tioga, Monroe, Venan- go, Carbon, Bedford, Westmore- land, Chester, Berks, Elk, and Jef- ferson counties, comprising a total of 38,638 acres, at a cost of $157,- 004.51, : A total of 56,130 acres, costing $236,969.40 are now under contract for purchase. These areas are le- cated in Venango, McKean, Elk, Susquehanna, Sullivan, Cameron, Fayette, Bedford, Bradford and Lancaster counties. Those situated in Venango, McKean and Elk coun- ties. will be conveyed to the Com- monwealth within a few weeks. no plans for refuges Near Cities During the past few years it has been the policy of the Game Com- mission to secure suitable lands as near to the “centers ‘of population as possible. In order to do this a higher average cost per acre must be paid, since such lands are natur- ally. more valuable than cut-over forest areas which can be purchased in remote sections of the Common- wealth, and are far more adaptable to certain kinds of game. The Game Commission is confin- ing its efforts not only to securing lands in a few particular sections of the Commonwealth, but near every center of dense population through- out the State, in an effort to bring the game to the people. Such senc- HE SEER ANSE { price is too high. public hunting. | turaries will continue to insure ade- | quate hunting in these heavily pop- ulated areas The Board also is interested in adding new areas of remote forest lands to tracts which they only add excellent game territory, but help in many ceses to straighten out heretofore very umeven bound- ary lines, Many Rejections In many cases lands offered must | be rejected either because the Com- | mission’s holdings in that territory | of the sufficient or the purchase Occasionally of- | fers are received for lands adjoin- | ing present State forest lands, and | such offers are turned over to the Department of Forests and Waters. In addition to the twelve primary refuges maintained on State game lands, there are twenty-three of | these refuges on . State forest and leased land. A refuge keeper is em- ployed on each of these thirty-five primary refuges. Headquarters must be maintained for the refuge keepers. During the past few years it has been the policy of the Board to make the homes at refuge keep- ers’ headquarters as comfortable as possible. Old houses are repaired where possible. New houses and necessary outbuildings are built at refuges where buildings are poor- est. The new houses are substan- tially constructed and equipped with bathroom and hot air heating system. A BARGAIN— Who wants a Tact of land fronting 100 feet on the highway n and 540 feet\deep? very reasonable i% sold soon. 3 Schroll, Mt. Joy. \ mar 2-tf FIRE INSURANCE gasses 0. K. SNYDER Phone 57R4 Mount Joy, Pa. ARPENTER MOUNT JOY FA. already | .|Co. to Christ Nissley at $1 for lot. . ling Co., BANK STOCKS G0 AT AUCTION | (From page 1) 378% shares were sold eam of nine cents. Account John Hertzler, trustee in bankruptcy of H. Roy Nissley: 150 shares Ray Hercules Cop. |Co. to Christ Nissley at $2 for lot. 200 shares Hudson Oil Company {stock to Christ Nissley at $2 for the lot. 5 shares Monarch Securities {to Fred E. Devlin at 10 cents {the lot. 5 shares Federal Oil Corp. Com- mon and 60 Federal Oil Company {Common, no par to Christ Nissley lat $1 for the lot. 50 shares American Writing Pa- per Co., to Christ Nissley at $1 for the lot. 376 shares El-Rees-So Cigar Co., to Fred T. Devlin, at 10 cents for ithe lot. 10 shares Nissly-Swiss Choco- late Co. to Fred E. Devlin, at five cents for the lot. Account John Hertzler, trustee in bankruptcy of Eli L. Nissley: 100 shares Unitel Drug Company preferred to Fred E. Devlin at one cent for the lot. 100 shares United Drug Com- pany, common, to Fred E. Devlin, at one: cent for the lot. 45 shares Poplar Ridge Coal Co. to Christ Nissly at $3 for the lot. 50 shares Ray Hercules Copper for the Co. for 2. shares Five Pointville to F. O. Sprecher for the lot. 8 shares Nissly Swiss Co., preferred, to Fred at one cent for the lot. 250 shares Nissly Swiss Choco- late Co., common, to Fred E. Dev- lin at one cent for the lot. Account John Hertzler. trustee in ‘bankruptcy for E. Jay Nissly. 5 shares Monarch Securities Co.. to Fred E. Devlin at one cent for the lot. 5 shares Exce'o Tire and Rub- [ iber Co., pfd., to Fred E. Devlin at | ne cent for the lot. { | 200 shares U. S. Reduckion and common to F gd E. Build- at $26 Chocolate E. Devlin | Refining Co,. {Devlin at one cent for the lot 138% shares Nissly Swiss |latet Co., common, to Wm. Wei | man at 5 cents for the lot, 30 shares Nissly Swiss Chocolate Co., pfd., to Fred E. Devlin at one cent for the lot. ——— eee Prepare Flower Supports "A number of perennials and oth- er plants require staking. Chief among these are dahlias, compan. ++ ES i and Implement Store At Salunga, Pa. Thursday, Friday and Saturday March 7, 8, and 9, SATURDAY--POWER FARMING SCHOOL A representative of the International Harvester Company will be present to demonstrate Power Farm Machinery Moving Pictures in the Evening Lunch Will be Served by the Salunga Fire Co. EVERYBODY WELCOME '29 Oye ulas, certain phloxes, asters, OOOO I Kendig Brothers announce the opening of their New Hardware