- 5 TTY Ts ‘WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27th, 1929 THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO., PA. PAGE SEVEN In the Nearest ASCO Store You find Tasty Suggestions for your requirements at all Seasons of the year. Particularly at the present time when items applicable to Lent are recommended for your atten- ASCO or DEL MONTE CALIF. tion. tall can APRICOTS 15¢ Just as delicious as day they were picked. Gold Seal SPAGHETTI ASCO Elbow MACARONI 3 racxases 17 C SEASONABLE REMINDERS ASCO Fruit Salad cesses. tall can 20¢ California Evap. Apricots .............. 1b 29¢ Hom-de-Lite Mayonnaise ............. jar 20¢ Gorton’s Fresh Mackerel ... can 23¢ Fancy Norway Mackerel ........ ea. 10¢, 15¢ Small Imported Sardines ............. can 15¢ Deep Sea Crabmeat «vases en CON BBE ASCO Meatless Sandwich Spread ...... jar 20¢ Broad or Narrow Noodles ......... big pkg 9¢ ASCO Buckwheat ................ 3 pkgs 25¢ ASCO Pancake Flour ............. 3 pkgs 25¢ ASCO Golden Syrup ......... «ev can. 10¢ HAWAIIAN SLICED tall can PINEAPPLE 15¢ Makes excellent salad. LIBBY’S ROSE-DALE big cans PEACHES 3 50c Lange golden halves. eo ress The presence of our special representatives at the Louella Creameries and other constant supervision has resulted ir. this Butter being in such tremendous demand : —It’s regularly excellent, ‘Louella Butter The Finest Butter in America The flavor that delights Quality and economy are Multitudes of particular surely combined in this Coffee tastes. generous loaf ASCO Bread Big Coffee Ib 39¢c Surpreme "ied 8c Victor Bread ................ ok Pan Loaf §¢ Prunes 2 = 25¢ Large Big Boy Reg 29¢ Red Wheat nq p PITTED can Cereal Cherries for making delicious Cherry A delicious winter break- fast food. : Pie. Swift’s Quick Naptha Soap Chips ..... pkg 21¢ Chipso ...... large pkg 21¢; 3 small pkgs 25¢ Lifebuoy Health Soap ............ 3 cakes 23¢ These Prices Effective in Our MOUNT JOY STORE Tp x i i > Ai A Chinese SUT used to be that only dwellers in cities with a Chinese popu- lation could enjoy Chinese food. But today anyone can ex- plore the strangely delicious food which the Chinese have perfected during their thousands of years of civilization. Bamboo shoots, water chestnuts,