WEDNESDAY, FEB, 20th, 1929 t % i § Week! No matter how closel Chevrolet of Chevrolet wheel and drive. So thi National Demonstration National Demonstration Drive the\Chevrolet Six you inspect The Outstanding istory—you will never appreci- ate what a wonderful achievement it is until you sitat the week has been set aside as Veek, and you are cordially invited to come in and drive this sensational automobile. Not only is the new six-cylinder valve-in-head motor 32% 4 ” more powerful, with correspondingly higher speed and = faster acceleration . . . not only does it provide a fuel- = economy of better than twenty, miles to the gallon— but = it operates with such marvelous six-cylinder smoothness Pn that you almost forget there is a ‘motor under the hood! 2 Regardless of the car you may néw be driving—come drive this new Chevrolet Six. Comte in today! =F -aSixin thepricerangeof the four! The, $ 5 5 COACH 0 EE tur... 525 ier 8725 Phaeton $525 Delivery. 2595 Corps senses $ 595 4 ery Ci a 400 Sedan ...... *675 Np Ton" 3545 “ain Can. 650 All o. b. factory, Flint, Mich. > : = Reinoehl Chevrolet Co. = SR 233 South Market Street ELIZABETHTOWN, PA. a= rr Maytown Mt. Joy Marietta 2 — = ELMER STRICKLER P. FRANCK SCHOCK JOHN LIBHART 3 = 5 ne I GT = RUBIN & RUBIN ONE DAY ONLY 5 Wed. March 6th 9AMTOSP M Chandler's Drug Store Mount Joy Penna. You only have ome pair of eyes—take care of them and they will take care of you. If you need Glasses, come to this reliable firm where, satisfactory service is guaranteed. Thousands of pleased cubtomers recommend RUBIN & BIN for Glasses Special This ‘Visit Only? White Gold- Invisib White Gold Filled Frames Bifocals Frames strong and com- With high bridge, complete with deep $7. 65 fortable; guaran- All ground in one “eed quality. hollow ground 3.45 lenses far or near All Modern» Equipment—No Drops Used Dr. Irvin B. Rubin, Opt. in Personal chy $6.85 RUBIN & RUBIN. Regular bridge, piece. CHANDLER'S DRUG STORE Est. x 25 id Mt Joy, Pa., Wed, March 6,9 to 5 25 Yrs. J OO 8 rrenkimp’s Weekly Bulletin > ys 4 ~ in T / 0 / 0 8 5 0 0 5 0 8 1 TOBACCO IN ANY 1 Almost Any F Prince Albert, Velvet, In 1-1b. Jars . A. DARREN East of Post fics, IIHT, TI OC tii hb ii 5 FY Ridin 0 — Diamonds —Silverware Natches Aocks Optical Pept.— The c@mbined optical departmignts of both the Appel and Weber stores make 1t the most complete § optical Ade- partment iin the city, and is un§er the per- sonal supervision of Mr. W. WwW. ppel. APPEL WEBER Forty North Queeh Street LANCASTER, PA. Saturday Eve'g, Lv. Lancaster .. Lv. Mt. Joy .... Lv. Elizabethtown Returning, als SETH THOMAS ~~ OWL-LAFFS a Lt en] onl = EN (On With Laughter) THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO., PA. Educating The Motoring Public | VALUABLE INFORMATION FOR MOTORISTS FURNISHED THE BULLETIN BY LANCASTER AUTOMOBILE CLUB Warning to motorists to look to their headlights is sounded by S. Ed- | ward Gable, president of the Lancas- ter Automobile Club. “It is import- |ant that headlights be focused pro- | perly and that drivers carry extra { bulbs in the car,” Mr. Gable said. | “State motor patrol officers are en- forcing this regulation, a number of | . . | arrests having been made in Lancas- | | ter county recently, and the auto- a A young couple here had A few days later he “Let’s kiss and make up.” plied, “If you'll need to.” could get a couple of Free Masons. shore, for fear of getting lost. afraid the bathing get him, admired. the dashed wall paper in room. The lady said her husband eats his grape fruit. artistically sively garbed and he “Deed she was, sah. pensive garbage when I sees it.” George Mumper tells farmer in his section man to give the tow the most milk, all the would take. pump full of chop. chop The codfish lays a million eggs And the helpful hen lays one; But the codfish doesn’t cackle To tell us what she’s done; And so we scorn the codfish coy, And the helpful hen we prize, Which indicates to you and me It pays to advertise. A man here called up a bird store at Lancaster the other day said, to send up to me at once.” want with 30,000 cockroaches?” them.” Of all things Clyde Gerberich would like to know, “Does an incu- bator chicken love its mother?” Out autoing Sunday a Florin wo- man said, “I think we have a cylin- der missing.” He said, “I'll bet those mean kids next door took it.” Paint helps the looks of any old house but it has the opposite effect on an old face. shot for alcoholic man The patriotic man gets his country and the gets shot for himself, A man at Salunga came to Daniel Brubaker’s shoe store here and ask- ed what was good for his wife’s fall- en arches. The clerk said, “Rubber heels.” The customer said, them with?” “What’ll I rub There are a lot of old world things in this of ours that don’t seem quite right. Some professional men have a lot more privileges than others. The doctor, for instance, can call on another man’s wife, charge for a visit and get away with it. If the editor tried anything like that he’d get a load of buckshot. nett his coat was ripped. He said, { “Nope, just seams ripped. | A fellow here who owns a 1916 rfellow is not the kind of a fellow Ford says it has so darn much play and does so many motions that he named it Charleston. A customer at Cap Williams’ bar- ber shop was asked if he wanted his hair cut any particular way and he said, “Yeah, off.” A lady on Marietta street told me she hadn't any sympathy for a man who drinks. I told her I hadn’t either. Only envy. There’s a chap in town who sleeps in a bed 8 feet wide and 12 feet long. Tl tell this cruel world that’s a lot of bunk. Henry Garber says he knows how many itches there are in a mosquito but he hasn't figured out yet just how many peeps ‘there are in a key- hole. They tell me Scotch athletes are so blamed tight they even hate to loosen up their muscles, Two girls at the Shoe Factory had this conversation. One said her new who goes around cyaing legs.” CLOCK girl, “Gog B13 D gavens, I nev- with a a scrap. called to see her and there she was, all dolled up | with lips as red as cherries. He said, She re- | with State be careful I won’t A man right here in town contem- plates building a brick house this They tell me Carl Engle won't go in bathing when he goes to the sea- He's beauties might I was in a certain home here and splatter- the breakfast that’s where At court last week a colored man was asked if the woman was expen- replied, AR knows ex- me that a told the hired that produces she Next day he found his and “Have you 30,000 cockroaches “What in heaven’s name do you “Well,” replied the fellow, “I am | School age. moving today and my lease says I “1 don’t think 1 shall ever go to must leave the premises in exactly | School,” she volunteered one day. the same condition in which I found | ‘Daddy knows everything, so I think This morning I told Charlie Ben- | { mobile owner whose headlights are {not properly focused and the one { who fails to carry extra bulbs are | liable to arrest and fine.” “If cars are equipped with legal- type lights, focused in compliance regulations, the beams { will light the road ahead for a suffi- cient distance, yet will not blind the driver of the oncoming vehicle,” the Auto Club head continued. “Car owners realize this yet again and a- coming Spring. Monday he tele-|gain we hear complaints about glar- phoned to the Masonic Homes at |ing headlights from motorists who Elizabethtown and inquired if he |are frank to admit that the light on | their own cars likely would not pass inspection. They protest loudly a- gainst the other fellow’s shortcom- ings, yet fail to look to their own.” Mr. Gable pointed out that the motor code provisions regarding headlights are firm, yet do not work hardship on the car owner. The law provides that the motorist with headlights that do not comply with the law be directed to an official ad- justing station and given 48 hours to have the lamps put in proper con- dition. If a checkup made at the end of 48 hours reveals that the headlights are not adjusted as or- dered the owner is summoned to court. Drivers who fail to carry extra bulbs, however, can be fined without giving notice. “In view of the fact that the State law requires that headlights be adjusted properly, and because night driving is safer and more com- fortable for all concerned if lights are all focused properly. I urge every car owner to see to it that his headlights are adjusted in com- pliance with the law,” Mr. Gable said. ES A Private Tutor Helen was tive years old and was not old enough to go to school. was somewhat envious of several neighbor children who started to school this year. After school in the evenings and on Saturdays Helen had listened to the wonderful accounts of her sophisti cated little friends until she felt that she must defend her unlightened pre- She that I'll just stay at home and let him teach me.” A Cloud for a Lining It was their Hrst quarrel, and it lasted longer than post-honeymoon squabbles generally do. But finally it was over, and the wife was confiding to a friend. “My dear, it was really terrible while it lasted,” she said. “But I'm glad in a sense. See what a splendid present Percy gave me after- ward.” Her friend plcked up the magnifi- cent evening wrap. “Oh, how gor- geous to have a husband like that!” she cried. ‘“That’s a cloud with a sllver-fox lining.”—Yorkshire Post, Colonial Bedsteads The turn-up bedstead was popular in New England. “This,” writes Alice Morse Earle, “was a strong frame Aled with a network of rope, which as fastened at the bed head by oe res to the wall 3y night the foot of the bed rested on two heavy legs. By day the frame, with its bed fur nishings, was hooked up to the wall and covered ‘with homespun curtains and doors.” These beds were in the kitchen. the place chosen hecause the room was the warmest in the house, African Tribal Language One of the greatest ditliculties ot ! missionaries in the Sudan lies in the perfect babel of languages existing | among its many tribes. a great chal- tenge to the ambitious linguist, as there are no books of any kind among them. and no teachers. Added diffi culties are the various intonations ot each word. a wrong tone heing used iften completely changing the meaning of the word Recently it has been discovered that in one tribe seven different tones are nsed Br. Read the Bulletin. Our classified ads bring results. a while the hostess yelled, ‘“Every- one chews his partner.” Grant Gerberich declares that old man Noah took two of each kind of animal into the ark because he didn’t believe that stork story. Jake Baker, the contractor out near Hossler's church, claims it’s cheaper to build apartment houses during leap year as you can leave all the fire escapes off. I think it’s mighty funny that we hear so much about the girl who walked home and never a word a- bout the one who rode home, Roy Sheetz says the only differ- ence between the planet Mars and his dog Bill, is that he knows his dog is inhabited. Open Evenings. LL Pending e of thes se wa- ack so many G llon Heated "Wa Come in and >. Made of e our fi ne of Ja way Profit Maker fe or P ulgrymen includ ing Waterers, I'ceacrs, Ne Etc. Ehas Z. M i R. F. D. 1, MT. JO Phone 133R5 ser » PA. cheaply you can travely Greyhound. Frequent schedules and jicomtortable DAGMAR Phone 9077 \ “Kerlin-Quality” S. C. White Leghorns rom Pennsylva ry The Worl oa csah ¥ Kerlin -Quality” gs B | £ Their cost is low. he ql ae Sack, Mountain brad. White Seady. Healthy. Big beau! in winter—whea Fl customers raise 98 % report pullets laying 60% at 6 flock averages of over 200 eggs We have su Big Fr ee th Hikes? Gud i or29y Catalog you. Chicks nah orless. 100% live delivery guaranteed. chick order. Send for big free caf a i day. Visitors always welcome. a Free. Strong, | birds. Biggest € are near Box 225 Na Centre Hall, Pennsylvania Y NOT START THE NEW YEAR WITH A GOOD USED CARS 1927 Rodge DeLux Sedan 1926 ouring 1923 Ford CanWpy 1925 Chevrolet ach MOUNT JOY, PA. DDLERING \ continuing the Harness the late F. B. Groff ith Market street, Mr. I am business stand, on N Joy. BARBER SHOP HOW ARE YOUR SHOES? REPAIRING All Day Sat A customer Elv at the Ang OU if so old soon. Mt. Joy. PAGE THREE i SATIS" This new 7-71 Receiver hap set an entirely new stand- ard in design. It’s so far beyogd what you will firfd in or- dinary rad# furni- ture thege’s no compariso But, best of all, it includes set bac includgs the only new development of the > year. Comgi in and seeit. RICHARD ZOOK Donegal Springs Road Mt. Joy, Pa. i git iondl hotell § er fellow’s place ing him is to be fai He otherwise canfiot be sym- pathetically appraised. Practical sympfithy is need- ed upon the occdsion, and the facilities that mf@ike possible a means of service ‘‘within fhe all.” ; BECK nos. FUNERAL DIRECTORS MANHEIM! & LITITZ PHONE MANHEIM S52 RZ PHONE LITITZ 3/7 How Many Homes ye You Paid For hs Rent? or Joy Ryser & Loan Asso- ciation? and your home will soon ba paid.{ Rate of [Interest 6% For the purpose of Savings and Investing Money Secure- ly and Peofitably For the! Purpose of Build- ing or Bu Homes or Bor- rowing for @ny purpose what- ever on or Improved real estate I Over 600 Shares Sold im 1st and 24d Series Mount Joy and }, Loan Adsok ENGLE, SERS